"Eye To Eye" Affect Work Engagement and Ocb (A Role Theory Perspective On LMX Agreement)

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r Academy of Management Journal

2015, Vol. 58, No. 6, 1686–1708.



Michigan State University

University of Cincinnati

Michigan State University

Despite meta-analytic evidence demonstrating that leader–member exchange (LMX)

agreement (consensus between leader and subordinate perceptions) is only moderate at
best, research on LMX typically examines this relationship from only one perspective:
either the leader’s or the subordinate’s. We return to the roots of LMX and utilize role
theory to argue that agreement between leader and subordinate perceptions of LMX
quality has meaningful effects on employee motivation and behavior. In a polynomial
regression analysis of 280 leader–subordinate dyads, employee work engagement—and
subsequent organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)—was maximized (at each level of
LMX quality) when leaders and subordinates were in agreement about the quality of their
LMX relationship, but suffered when they did not see “eye to eye.” Indeed, situations in
which both leaders and subordinates evaluated their relationship as low quality were
associated with higher work engagement (and subsequent OCB) than were situations of
disagreement in which a single member evaluated the relationship as high quality. Fur-
ther, this effect was consistent regardless of whether the leader or the subordinate eval-
uated the relationship highly. We conclude that, to fully understand the implications of
our only dyadic leadership theory, we must consider the perspectives of both members of
the LMX dyad simultaneously.

Leader–member exchange (LMX) theory posits of LMX, demonstrating that the quality of these dyadic
that leaders develop differentiated relationships with relationships is associated with critical outcomes
their subordinates that range from high-quality socio- including work attitudes, job performance, and
emotional relationships with some subordinates to low- retention (Dulebohn, Bommer, Liden, Brouer, &
quality transactional relationships with others (Liden, Ferris, 2012; Gerstner & Day, 1997; Ilies, Nahrgang,
Sparrowe, & Wayne, 1997). Derived from role theory & Morgeson, 2007).
(Kahn, Wolfe, Quinn, Snoek, & Rosenthal, 1964), which Ironically, although the concept of the dyad lies at
suggests that role-making processes result in differenti- the heart of LMX theory, true consideration of the
ated role definitions and thus differentiated LMX re- dyad has largely been absent from research examin-
lationships within work groups (Graen, 1976), LMX ing LMX. This is because the vast majority of studies
theory’s core contribution was its explicit emphasis examining the antecedents and consequences
on the unique dyadic relationships that develop be- of LMX (approximately 90% of the LMX studies
tween leaders and each of their subordinates rather than identified in the meta-analysis conducted by Sin,
on the general effects of leader traits and behav- Nahrgang, & Morgeson, 2009) have captured evalu-
iors. Meta-analyses have confirmed the importance ations of the relationship from only one side of the
dyad (that of either the leader or the subordinate).
The authors would like to thank Editor Gerard George Although this approach has led to many key insights
and three anonymous reviewers for their valuable com- into the nature of leader–follower relationships, we
ments and suggestions. contend that not considering both sides of the dyad
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2015 Matta, Scott, Koopman, and Conlon 1687

simultaneously represents an important theoreti- LMX agreement (e.g., Jackson & Johnson, 2012;
cal and empirical oversight. Indeed, meta-analyses Schriesheim, Wu, & Cooper, 2011; Sin et al., 2009),
have revealed that a mere 8–13% of the variance in the few studies that have investigated outcomes of
LMX perceptions is shared between leaders and LMX agreement have either artificially dichotomized
subordinates (Gerstner & Day, 1997; Sin et al., 2009). the sample (e.g., Cogliser, Schriesheim, Scandura, &
By focusing on only one perspective, research to date Gardner, 2009; Markham, Yammarino, Murry, &
has implicitly assumed that LMX quality assessed Palanski, 2010; Paglis & Green, 2002) or used differ-
from the perspective of one member of the dyad is ence scores to test for agreement effects (e.g., Abu Bakar
sufficient to describe the nature of that relationship, & Sheer, 2013; Sherman, Kennedy, Woodard, &
generally ignoring whether (and why) disagreement McComb, 2012). Unfortunately, both of these ap-
may theoretically and empirically impact important proaches have been criticized in the literature for their
work outcomes. On this point, Krasikova and limitations, including low reliability, discarded in-
LeBreton (2012: 741) recently suggested that study- formation, ambiguous interpretation, confounded re-
ing dyadic phenomena (such as LMX) from the per- sults, and unrealistically restrictive and often untested
spective of one dyad member is “theoretically constraints (e.g., Edwards, 1994, 2001; MacCallum,
deficient.” Zhang, Preacher, & Rucker, 2002). Importantly, poly-
Thus, in response to recent calls to investigate nomial regression not only overcomes these empirical
LMX agreement as a substantive variable (e.g., limitations, but it also does not restrict an inherently
Dulebohn et al., 2012; Erdogan & Bauer, 2014; three-dimensional relationship (that is, leader ratings,
Matta & Van Dyne, 2015), we target an important subordinate ratings, and workplace outcomes) to two
question that has yet to be adequately addressed: To dimensions. This facilitates our ability to draw more
what extent does agreement (vs. disagreement) in definitive conclusions about theoretically relevant
perceptions of LMX quality (at various levels) affect contrasts (that is, agreement vs. disagreement at dif-
important organizational outcomes? To address this ferent levels of LMX quality, agreement at high levels of
question, we return to LMX’s theoretical roots (that LMX quality vs. agreement at low levels of LMX
is, role theory), and derive distinct hypotheses re- quality, and disagreement when leader ratings are
garding the outcomes of the interplay between LMX higher than subordinate ratings vs. disagreement
agreement and LMX quality. As a proximal moti- when subordinate ratings are higher than leader
vational outcome, we focus on work engagement ratings: Lambert, Edwards, & Cable, 2003).1
(Christian, Garza, & Slaughter, 2011), defined as “a Overall, examining the extent of agreement in
multidimensional motivational concept reflecting LMX quality is of both theoretical and practical im-
the simultaneous investment of an individual’s portance. From a theoretical standpoint, the simul-
physical, cognitive, and emotional energy in active, taneous interplay of LMX agreement and LMX
full work performance” (Rich, Lepine, & Crawford, quality has the potential to challenge and extend
2010: 619). As a more distal behavioral outcome, we current thinking about the dynamics of leader–
focus on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), subordinate relationships. For example, the current
defined as “individual behavior that is discretionary, consensus is that the perspective of one member of
not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal the dyad is sufficient to understand the conse-
reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes quences of LMX quality. However, if agreement be-
the effective functioning of the organization” (Organ, tween supervisors and subordinates is just as (or
1988: 4). We concentrate on these outcomes not only more) important than quality, then this could result
because of their importance to organizations, but in a situation in which the consequences for a given
also because role theory, in addition to being a useful evaluation of LMX quality by one member of the
lens through which to view the LMX literature, has dyad vary wildly based on the evaluation of the other
been a useful framework for advancing our un- member. At the extreme, it could be that the best
derstanding of both work engagement (e.g., Kahn, possible outcomes for an employee perceiving his or
1990, 1992) and OCB (e.g., Morrison, 1994). her relationship as low quality occur when his or her
We test our hypotheses using polynomial regres-
sion and response surface methodology (Edwards, 1
Despite using the terms “LMX agreement” and “LMX
2002; Edwards & Parry, 1993), which allows us to disagreement” in our 232 matrix to contrast the critical
examine both LMX quality and LMX agreement si- portions of a complex surface plot, we view (and treat
multaneously. This is important, because although empirically) the degree of LMX agreement as a continuous
researchers have begun to identify antecedents of variable.
1688 Academy of Management Journal December

supervisor also views their relationship in the same, have differing role identities, and thus differing role
low-quality terms. Similarly, high-quality LMX re- needs, desires, and goals (Farmer & Aguinis, 2005),
lationships may be most beneficial when both sides of which may or may not be fulfilled by the resources
the dyad perceive the relationship similarly, whereas that the leader provides. Further, disagreement may
any disagreement may eliminate the benefits of LMX persist (even as social interactions become more
quality. From a practical standpoint, showing that frequent) because misalignment in roles is often ig-
agreement in LMX is just as (or more) important than nored after the initial role-making process is complete
quality would suggest that interventions targeted to- (Schaubroeck, Ganster, Sime, & Ditman, 1993).
ward ensuring that both sides of the dyad view the Thus, disagreement in perceptions of LMX quality
relationship similarly would be worthwhile, espe- not only appears to be common (see Sin et al., 2009),
cially since it is not feasible to expect that supervisors but also it may, based on this discussion, be system-
will develop high-quality LMX relationships with atic and meaningful as opposed to random “noise.”
every subordinate. Overall, the consideration of In spite of this, we have an extremely limited un-
agreement in LMX perceptions, in conjunction with derstanding of whether (and why) the interplay of
LMX quality, has the potential to advance theory, re- LMX agreement and LMX quality influences impor-
search, and practice on supervisor–subordinate re- tant organizational outcomes. To address this impor-
lationships in the workplace. tant theoretical question, we propose a two-by-two
matrix (see Figure 1) that juxtaposes the quality
of LMX ratings—high (socio-emotional) vs. low
(transactional)—with the source of those ratings—
Since its introduction, role theory has frequently leader vs. subordinate. Within this matrix, quadrant 1
been used to further our understanding of a variety represents LMX agreement at high levels of LMX
of workplace phenomena—including supervisor– quality, quadrant 2 represents LMX agreement at low
subordinate relationships. Using role theory as a levels of LMX quality, quadrant 3 represents LMX
conceptual foundation, Graen (1976; see also Graen disagreement where leader ratings of LMX quality are
& Scandura, 1987) described the development of low and subordinate ratings are high, and quadrant 4
LMX relationships as a role-making process. That represents LMX disagreement where leader ratings of
process unfolds across a series of role episodes LMX quality are high and subordinate ratings are low.
within a given dyad, whereby the leader communi- Based on that matrix, we return to the origin of
cates expectations to a given follower and, based on LMX (role theory) to provide conceptual guidance on
the follower’s responses, their relationship the potential consequences of agreement and dis-
evolves either into a higher-quality socio-emotional agreement. Specifically, we map role theory’s no-
relationship characterized by mutual trust, respect, tions of role consensus, defined as “[t]he degree to
and obligation, or a lower-quality transactional re- which the person’s expectations or perceptions of
lationship in which those feelings are not present the role (received role) match the expectations of the
(Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995). Following the develop- role senders” (Latack, 1981: 91), and expectation
ment of the relationship, roles become relatively rou- discrepancies, defined as differences “between the
tinized and stable (Graen & Scandura, 1987). role expectation held by the leader and that received
Although this description implies that the role- by the member” (Graen, 1976: 1207), onto the con-
making process unfolds smoothly and culminates in cepts of LMX agreement and disagreement, respec-
shared perceptions of the quality of the supervisor– tively. In the following sections, we make specific
subordinate relationship, several stumbling blocks contrasts between the quadrants shown in Figure 1,
can create disagreement in those perceptions. For drawing on role theory to describe the theoretical
example, disagreement can occur because “roles are implications of those contrasts for employee work
ambiguously and incompletely specified” (Dienesch engagement and subsequent OCB.
& Liden, 1986: 621) and must therefore be defined by
members of the dyad themselves. Disagreement can
Role Theory, LMX Agreement, LMX Disagreement,
occur because role theory differentiates between sent
and Work Engagement
and received (that is, interpreted) role expectations
(Katz & Kahn, 1978), and thus the two might become Applying the tenets of role theory to differenti-
“misaligned due to the idiosyncrasies of interper- ate LMX agreement (that is, high–high LMX ratings
sonal communication” (Zohar & Polachek, 2014: and low–low LMX ratings: quadrants 1 and 2 of
114). Disagreement can occur because subordinates Figure 1) from LMX disagreement (that is, low–high
2015 Matta, Scott, Koopman, and Conlon 1689

Two-by-Two Matrix Juxtaposing Ratings of LMX Quality with Rating Source

Leader LMX rating

High LMX
Leader views relationship as
Leader views relationship as
primarily socio-emotional and going
primarily transactional
beyond transactions

Transactional / Socio-emotional Socio-emotional

expectation discrepancy role agreement
High LMX
Leader and subordinate experience Leader and subordinate experience
Subordinate views relationship as
discrepancies in consensus in socio-emotional
Subordinate LMX rating

primarily socio-emotional and going

roles, expectations, behaviors, roles, expectations, behaviors,
beyond transactions
and resource exchanges and resource exchanges
(Quadrant 3) (Quadrant 1)

Transactional Socio-emotional / transactional

role agreement expectation discrepancy
Low LMX Leader and subordinate experience Leader and subordinate experience
Subordinate views relationship as consensus in transactional discrepancies in
primarily transactional roles, expectations, behaviors, roles, expectations, behaviors,
and resource exchanges and resource exchanges
(Quadrant 2) (Quadrant 4)

LMX ratings and high–low LMX ratings: quadrants 3 work. Specifically, he posited that engagement is the
and 4 of Figure 1), role consensus increases as leader harnessing of one’s self into the work role—physically,
and subordinate perceptions of LMX quality become cognitively, and emotionally (Kahn, 1990)—which
increasingly similar (either high quality for both is achieved when employees “feel and are attentive,
parties or low quality for both parties), and expec- connected, integrated, and focused in their role
tation discrepancies increase as leader and sub- performances” (Kahn, 1992: 322). Role theory sug-
ordinate perceptions of LMX quality diverge. When gests that, for an interacting set of incumbents, “[t]he
a leader and subordinate both perceive LMX to be more consensus they have on the expectations for
high quality, consensus and mutual understanding their own and the others’ positions, the more grati-
exists between leaders and subordinates surround- fication members of a group will derive from the
ing socio-emotional roles, expectations, behaviors, occupancy of their positions” (Gross, Mason, &
and resource exchanges. Similarly, when a leader McEachern, 1958: 213). Role theory also suggests
and subordinate both perceive LMX to be low qual- that discrepancies in expectations produce tension,
ity, consensus and mutual understanding exists as well as diminished self-perceptions of compe-
between leaders and subordinates surrounding tence and effectiveness (Kahn et al., 1964).
transactional roles, expectations, behaviors, and re- Drawing upon these arguments, employees are
source exchanges. Conversely, as disagreement in- more likely to be engaged in their work as LMX
creases between leader and subordinate perceptions agreement increases. As consensus increases between
of LMX quality, expectation discrepancies accumu- leaders and subordinates surrounding the nature of
late for leaders and subordinates in terms of their their relationship (regardless of whether that con-
perceived socio-emotional and transactional roles, sensus centers on a high-quality LMX relationship or
expectations, behaviors, and resource exchanges. a low-quality LMX relationship), synergies and dy-
Role consensus and expectation discrepancies adic understandings emerge that allow employees to
have important consequences for employee work feel and become attentive, connected, integrated, and
engagement, because roles are a key component of focused on their role. For example, when both a leader
the work engagement concept. Indeed, Kahn (1990, and a subordinate see their LMX relationship as socio-
1992) drew on role theory to elucidate the “self- emotional (that is, of high LMX quality: quadrant 1), the
in-role” process necessary to achieve engagement at resources that the leader provides to the subordinate
1690 Academy of Management Journal December

are consistent with the resources that the subor- Hypothesis 1. The more agreement (that is, the
dinate expects to receive from the leader, and higher the congruence) between a leader’s and
research suggests that individuals engage in roles subordinate’s perceptions of LMX quality, the
and situations that are consistent with their own higher the subordinate’s work engagement.
cognitions (e.g., Korman, 1970). Similarly, when both
a leader and a subordinate see their LMX relationship
Role Theory and Differentiating the Two Scenarios
as transactional (that is, of low LMX quality: quadrant
of LMX Agreement
2), the leader and the subordinate achieve consistency,
consensus, and mutual understanding surrounding Having considered the effects of agreement vs.
the “exchange of material necessary for basic comple- disagreement, we now turn our attention to exam-
tion of work” (Liden, Wayne, & Sparrowe, 2000: 409), ining the differences between the quadrants com-
and the leader therefore meets the subordinate’s prising each diagonal. First, we focus on the two
transactionally based needs (Cogliser et al., 2009), quadrants within the agreement diagonal (that is,
while otherwise staying out of his or her way. Both of high–high LMX ratings vs. low–low LMX ratings:
these situations allow the employee to more fully de- quadrant 1 vs. quadrant 2 of Figure 1), because agree-
vote his or her physical, cognitive, and emotional re- ment between leaders and subordinates can exist at
sources to the work role, as opposed to devoting those high or low levels of LMX quality.
resources to dealing with inconsistencies that manifest Although agreement is generally preferred to
themselves in the relationship. disagreement, role theory also suggests that, within sit-
Role theory also suggests that work engagement uations of LMX agreement, LMX quality should be
will decrease as perceptions of LMX quality diverge. positively associated with work engagement. This is
When one member of the dyad views the relation- because dyads who agree at higher levels of LMX quality
ship as socio-emotional (that is, of high LMX quality) not only have the benefits of LMX agreement (that is,
while the other party views the relationship as role consensus; see Gross et al., 1958), but they also have
transactional (that is, of low LMX quality), expecta- the benefits of LMX quality (Graen & Scandura, 1987).
tion discrepancies exist that divert attention, create For example, when both parties in the dyad see their
uncertainty, and consume resources, prohibiting relationship as including socio-emotional characteris-
employees from feeling and becoming connected, tics, synergies and supportive mutual understandings
integrated, and focused on their role. For example, are created between subordinates, who see themselves
consider a situation in which an employee views his as “trusted assistants” (as opposed to “hired hands”:
or her relationship with his or her supervisor as in- Dansereau, Graen, & Haga, 1975), and leaders, who re-
corporating socio-emotional elements, while the ward their perceived “trusted assistants” with beneficial
supervisor views that relationship as purely trans- work resources (Graen & Scandura, 1987).
actional (quadrant 3). Regardless of whether the Indeed, research demonstrates that employee per-
overall relationship discrepancy is directly per- ceptions of LMX quality are associated with employees
ceived by both parties, which Graen (1976) sug- feeling positive emotions and attitudes toward their jobs
gests may or may not occur, misunderstandings (Dulebohn et al., 2012; Gerstner & Day, 1997). Addi-
will manifest in the course of repeated interactions tionally, research demonstrates that high-quality LMX
that will distance an employee from his or her work subordinates (in comparison to low-quality LMX sub-
role because expectations regarding roles, behaviors, ordinates) receive more work-related benefits from
and resource exchanges will not be fulfilled. Indeed, leaders, such as negotiating latitude (Graen & Scandura,
role theory suggests that discrepancies in expectations 1987), desired resources (Wilson, Sin, & Conlon, 2010),
produce tension, dissatisfaction, anxiety, confusion, and better work characteristics (Basu & Green, 1997), all
and indecision (Kahn et al., 1964), which reduce of which should increase work engagement.
engagement (Bakker & Leiter, 2010). In sum, these In combination, the balanced dyadic exchange
theoretical arguments lead us to predict that work of benefits under conditions of high LMX agree-
engagement will increase as perceptions of LMX ment and high LMX quality (that is, enhanced sub-
quality become aligned (that is, high LMX agree- ordinate attitudes and behaviors in conjunction with
ment, or high–high LMX ratings and low–low enhanced leader delegation of resources) should lead
LMX ratings: quadrants 1 and 2) and will decrease employees to fully harness their selves—physically,
when they become misaligned in either direction cognitively, and emotionally—into their work roles.
(that is, low LMX agreement, or low–high LMX rat- On this point, meta-analytic data has established
ings and high–low LMX ratings: quadrants 3 and 4): a positive relationship between LMX quality and
2015 Matta, Scott, Koopman, and Conlon 1691

work engagement (e.g., Christian et al., 2011). We hand”). Alternatively, in situations in which a leader
build on these findings by also taking into account the perceives low-quality LMX and a subordinate per-
level of LMX agreement between supervisors and ceives high-quality LMX, the leader will provide the
subordinates, and proposing that, when contrasting subordinate with only the basic resources necessary to
the agreement dyads (that is, high–high LMX ratings complete core tasks, but the subordinate’s experience
vs. low–low LMX ratings: quadrant 1 vs. quadrant 2), of, and response to, this sent role will again be filtered
work engagement will be at its optimal level when through his or her own perceptions and cognitions.
both the leader and subordinate perceive the LMX Thus, the role sent by leaders should be more distal
relationship to be of high quality: to the more proximal perceptive and cognitive filters
that ultimately influence the experience and behav-
Hypothesis 2. Subordinate work engagement is
ioral response of the employee. Regarding work en-
higher when a subordinate is in agreement
gagement specifically, Kahn’s (1990) seminal work
with a leader at a high level of LMX than it is
on the construct also placed a heavy emphasis on the
when a subordinate is in agreement with a leader
importance of self-perception, again suggesting that
at a low level of LMX.
an employee’s perceptions of LMX quality are more
important than the supervisor’s. Thus, high-quality
Role Theory and Differentiating the Two Scenarios
LMX resources sent from the leader are likely to do
of LMX Disagreement
little to mitigate the detrimental effects of expecta-
Having considered the effects of agreement vs. tion discrepancies on work engagement if the em-
disagreement, and having contrasted the two quad- ployee’s belief and expression of the self is that of
rants within the agreement diagonal (that is, high– a “hired hand.” Alternatively, the lack of resources
high LMX ratings vs. low–low LMX ratings: quadrant associated with a low-quality LMX relationship is
1 vs. quadrant 2 of Figure 1), we now consider the two likely to be less detrimental to work engagement if
quadrants within the disagreement diagonal (that is, the employee’s belief and expression of the self is
low–high LMX ratings vs. high–low LMX ratings: that of a “trusted assistant.”
quadrant 3 vs. quadrant 4 of Figure 1). There is some indirect evidence to support these
When considering this contrast at first glance, two contentions. For example, research has shown that
outcomes seem plausible. First, because subordinates subordinate ratings of LMX quality are more strongly
are generally dependent on the leader (Emerson, 1962), related to subordinate attitudes than leader ratings of
with leaders controlling a variety of resources impor- LMX quality (Schyns & Wolfram, 2008). In addition,
tant to the subordinate (Wilson et al., 2010), leader Liden, Erdogan, Wayne, and Sparrowe (2006) found
perceptions of LMX quality may dominate and render suggestive evidence that one’s own LMX serves as
the subordinate’s perspective irrelevant (that is, quad- a filter through which group-level LMX differentia-
rant 4 disagreement is less detrimental than quadrant 3 tion is interpreted. Thus, based on the above theory
disagreement). Alternatively, given that employee at- and research, we posit that disagreement (that is,
titudes and behaviors are largely driven by their own incongruence) is less detrimental to work engage-
perceptions (Lewin, 1936), the subordinate’s percep- ment when the subordinate perceives a higher level
tions of LMX quality may be the stronger driver of en- of LMX quality than the leader than it is when the
gagement and subsequent OCB (that is, quadrant 3 leader perceives a higher level of LMX quality than
disagreement is less detrimental than quadrant 4 dis- the subordinate (that is, quadrant 3 disagreement is
agreement). We again return to role theory to determine less detrimental than quadrant 4 disagreement):
which of these outcomes is the most plausible.
Hypothesis 3. Subordinate work engagement is
In discussing role episodes, Kahn and colleagues
lower when a leader’s perception of LMX quality
(1964) argued that role recipient experiences and
is higher than a subordinate’s than it is when
subsequent responses (to received roles) are shaped
a subordinate’s perception of LMX quality is
by the recipients’ own perceptual and cognitive
higher than a leader’s.
processes. In situations in which a leader perceives
high-quality LMX and a subordinate perceives low-
LMX Agreement, LMX Disagreement, Work
quality LMX, the leader will provide resources to the
Engagement, and OCB
employee consistent with the role of a “trusted as-
sistant,” but the subordinate’s experience of, and Having described how the interplay of LMX agree-
response to, this sent role will be filtered through his ment and LMX quality influences a proximal moti-
or her own perceptions and cognitions (as a “hired vational factor—that is, work engagement (Christian
1692 Academy of Management Journal December

et al., 2011)—we now consider a more downstream, OCBOs). Although OCBOs are typically perceived
behavioral consequence of that interplay. As noted at as “extra-role behaviors,” employees may come to
the outset, we focus on OCB, not only because of its define their roles more broadly, thereby incorporating
importance to the workplace, but also because, like OCBOs into their repertoire of “in-role behaviors”
work engagement, it can be explained through the lens (Morrison, 1994).
of role theory, thereby resulting in a cohesive and If roles can be broadened to include OCBOs, then
parsimonious framework for understanding the com- a natural question that follows is: Why or when will
bined consequences of LMX agreement and LMX this broadening of roles occur? Returning to our
quality. above arguments on work engagement, we suggest
Specifically, we focus our theorizing on organiza- that it is through the positive effects of work en-
tional citizenship behaviors that benefit the organiza- gagement that the interplay of LMX agreement and
tion in general (OCBO) as opposed to organizational LMX quality will foster OCBOs. As employees im-
citizenship behaviors that benefit specific individuals merse themselves more fully into their work roles
in the organization (OCBI) for several reasons. First, and become more connected to them, they not only
OCBO is driven more by cognition, while OCBI is should be more motivated to “step outside the
driven more by affect (Lee & Allen, 2002). This has bounds of their formally defined jobs and engage in
important consequences for the study of OCB through acts that constitute OCB” (Rich et al., 2010: 620), but
the lens of LMX, because: (a) OCBI is more likely to be they also will be more likely to view such acts as
an “expression of employees’ affect at work,” and is a natural part of their role. On this point, meta-analytic
less likely to reflect an employee’s deliberate attempt to data has indicated that work engagement is positively
restore balance in social exchange (Lee & Allen, 2002: associated with OCB (Christian et al., 2011).
133); and (b) OCBI is more likely to be confounded with In sum, given that we have hypothesized effects for
other affective predictors of LMX, such as liking of the LMX agreement and quality with work engagement
supervisor.2 Second, Lee and Allen (2002) suggested (Hypotheses 1–3) and work engagement is a proxi-
that OCBO (as opposed to OCBI) is more likely to mal antecedent of OCB (Christian et al., 2011), we
be influenced by the characteristics of one’s job expect that work engagement will transmit these
situation—including leader role sending behavior. Fi- LMX effects to subordinate OCBO. Indeed, role the-
nally, OCBO is more directly beneficial to the leader ory posits that every role episode includes both an
compared to OCBI (Williams & Anderson, 1991), and experience and a response, and that “the behavior of
thus OCBO is more theoretically relevant to our focus any organizational performer is the product of mo-
on the supervisor–subordinate dyad. For these rea- tivational forces that derive in large part from the
sons, we focus our arguments on OCBO.3 behavior of members of his role set” (Kahn et al.,
Role theory suggests that employees behave in 1964: 35). We thus hypothesize a mediating role for
ways that are consistent with how their roles evolve work engagement in the relationship between the
and are defined. Roles may either contract or expand, effects of LMX agreement and quality on OCBO:
with employees applying personal resources to meet
Hypothesis 4. Subordinate work engagement
what they perceive as the task and social demands of
mediates the relationship between the interplay
their roles (Kahn et al., 1964; Katz & Kahn, 1978). One
of LMX agreement and LMX quality and OCBO.
key way in which roles may evolve and expand is
through the inclusion of discretionary behaviors that
benefit the organization, but which are not explicitly METHODS
recognized by the formal reward system (that is,
Sample and Procedure
Students in a junior-level management course at
This is one potential reason for the larger meta-analytic a large Midwestern university, as one option for extra
association between LMX and OCBI (r 5 .38) in com- credit, recruited an adult (for example a friend,
parison to OCBO (r 5 .31). However, despite the larger
family member, or colleague) working at least 20
magnitude of the correlation reported in Ilies and
hours per week to serve as the focal employee in our
colleagues’ (2007) meta-analysis, the 90% confidence
intervals reported (and thus the 95% confidence intervals) study. Focal employees then recruited their imme-
did overlap. diate supervisor to serve as an additional data source.
Although we have these theoretical reasons to focus on Data were collected from both focal employees and
OCBO, we present results for OCBI in the supplemental their supervisors using online surveys as part of
analysis. a larger study. All participants in the study were
2015 Matta, Scott, Koopman, and Conlon 1693

compensated with a small honorarium (US$10) in employee and/or supervisor IP addresses were from
exchange for their participation. This method of us- an on-campus location when they should not have
ing student contacts to obtain access to employee been, etc.). In addition to these data quality checks,
samples has been used successfully in several we also randomly selected 30 supervisors and en-
previous studies (e.g., Grant & Mayer, 2009; Groth, tered their names into a Google search to confirm that
Hennig-Thurau, & Walsh, 2009; Mayer, Aquino, they worked for the company indicated. This spot
Greenbaum, & Kuenzi, 2012; Takeuchi, Yun, & check resulted in no additional data quality con-
Wong, 2011). Data were collected over three sepa- cerns. The final matched sample of employee and
rate time periods, and the recruitment method supervisor responses after eliminating nonmatching
varied slightly across collections. To increase the data was 280.
diversity of jobs included in our sample, the first
and third data collections targeted jobs among
working adults, and the second targeted jobs among
working students (working at least 20 hours per week). Employee and supervisor responses were all
Similarly to other studies using polynomial regression measured using a five-point Likert scale (1 5 strongly
and response surface methodology (e.g., Cole, Carter, disagree; 5 5 strongly agree).
& Zhang, 2013), we combined the data from the three LMX. As noted by Graen (1976: 1207), discrep-
samples into one in order to increase power (Edwards, ancies in expectations regarding the LMX relation-
2001). Dummy control variables were added to the ship are typically unknown to one or both members of
analyses to partition any effects resulting from differ- the dyad, and “only an outside observer with access to
ences across the three data collections. both sources of information would be in a position to
For the first data collection (29.3% of our sample), assess this factor.” Therefore, to assess LMX, super-
the average age of our focal employees was 34 and visors and employees provided their own perceptions
55% were female. The average age of their supervisors of LMX quality using the seven-item LMX-7 scale
was 39 and 54% were female. For the second data (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995). An example item from this
collection (19.3% of our sample), the average age of scale is “I would characterize my working relation-
our focal employees was 22 and 41% were female. ship with this employee as extremely effective”
The average age of their supervisors was 33 and 50% (supervisor-rated), or “I would characterize my working
were female. For the third data collection (51.4% of relationship with my supervisor as extremely effec-
our sample), the average age of our focal employees tive” (employee-rated). Coefficient a for the supervi-
was 41 and 60% were female. The average age of their sor rating was .83. Coefficient a for the employee
supervisors was 44 and 44% were female. rating was .89.
To ensure the validity and legitimacy of the col- Work engagement. Focal employees rated their
lected data, we conducted a variety of quality checks. work engagement using the nine-item scale de-
First, when the extra credit research opportunity was veloped by Schaufeli, Bakker, and Salanova (2006).
introduced, students were informed that the re- An example item from this scale is “When I get up in
search team would carefully monitor the data col- the morning, I feel like going to work.” Coefficient a
lection and that students would not be eligible to was .90.
receive extra credit if there were any indication that OCBO. To assess employee OCBO, supervisors
they had completed the surveys themselves. Second, rated the focal employee using the eight-item scale
a member of the research team contacted each re- developed by Lee and Allen (2002). In addition to the
search participant to verify their addresses to remit benefits of focusing on OCBO discussed previously,
payment. Third, we conducted a comprehensive LePine, Erez, and Johnson (2002) suggested that
comparison of survey completion time and Internet supervisors are best suited to capture OCBO as op-
Protocol (IP) addresses of every supervisor and em- posed to OCBI. An example item from this scale is
ployee observation to identify potentially question- “This employee offers ideas to improve the func-
able responses (for a similar procedure, see Zapata, tioning of the organization.” Coefficient a was .89.
Olsen, & Martins, 2013). On the basis of these checks, Control variables. To control for plausible alter-
15 responses were eliminated prior to analyses ow- native explanations, we controlled for several vari-
ing to concerns about the integrity of the data (for ables that are theoretically linked to the relationships
example, employee and supervisor surveys had been of interest (Carlson & Wu, 2012; Spector & Brannick,
completed rapidly over a short period of time, em- 2011). In addition to controlling for the slight dif-
ployee and supervisor IP addresses were identical, ferences in the data collection methods noted above,
1694 Academy of Management Journal December

we controlled for demographic similarity (that is, where M represents the mediator (that is, work en-
gender similarity, age similarity, and ethnic simi- gagement), and S and E are supervisor-rated and
larity), because similarity is a key determinant in the employee-rated LMX quality, respectively.
development of LMX relationships (Bauer & Green, To eliminate nonessential multicollinearity and
1996; Liden, Wayne, & Stilwell, 1993). Gender sim- facilitate the interpretation of results, we mean-
ilarity and ethnicity similarity were operationalized centered supervisor-rated (S) and employee-rated (E)
using a dummy variable, with similar coded as “1” LMX quality before calculating the three second-
and dissimilar coded as “0”. Age similarity was oper- order polynomial terms (Aiken & West, 1991). Fol-
ationalized as the absolute difference between the lowing recommendations of Edwards and Parry
supervisor’s and subordinate’s ages.4 Additionally, (1993), we then used the regression coefficients to
consistent with Chen, Lam, and Zhong (2007), we plot the three-dimensional response surface in
controlled for dyadic tenure (in years), which was re- which supervisor-rated (S) and employee-rated (E)
ported by the supervisor. We also controlled for LMX quality were plotted on the perpendicular
supervisor-rated liking using the four-item measure horizontal axes, and employee work engagement (M)
developed by Wayne and Ferris (1990), because liking was plotted on the vertical axis (for recent examples,
is a key determinant in the development of LMX re- see also Cole et al., 2013; Edwards & Cable, 2009;
lationships (Liden et al., 1993; Wayne, Shore, & Liden, Lambert, Tepper, Carr, Holt, & Barelka, 2012; Zhang,
1997). Finally, we controlled for the focal employee’s Wang, & Shi, 2012).
conscientiousness using the instrument developed As Edwards and Cable (2009) describe, there are
by Saucier (1994), because meta-analytic evidence three key features of the response surface that pro-
demonstrates that conscientiousness is positively as- vide evidence for a congruence effect, and we use
sociated with LMX (Dulebohn et al., 2012), work en- these features to test Hypotheses 1 and 2. The first
gagement (Christian et al., 2011), and OCB (Hoffman, feature involves the curvature of the incongruence
Blair, Meriac, & Woehr, 2007; LePine et al., 2002; Organ line, and this feature is necessary to support a con-
& Ryan, 1995), and thus is a potential confound.5 gruence effect (Cole et al., 2013; Edwards & Cable,
2009). Specifically, in order to support a congruence
Analysis effect (that is, Hypothesis 1), the curvature along the
incongruence line must be negative (that is, an
In order to test Hypotheses 1–3, we used poly- inverted U-shape), such that the dependent variable
nomial regression and response surface method- (work engagement) decreases when supervisor-rated
ology (Edwards, 2002; Edwards & Parry, 1993). (S) and employee-rated (E) LMX quality differ from
Specifically, the mediator variable (work engage- each other in either direction. To test this feature,
ment) was regressed on the control variables, we examined whether the curvature along the in-
as well as the five polynomial terms—b1 LMX congruence line (the line where S 5 –E, calculated
(supervisor-rated), b 2 LMX (employee-rated), b 3 as b3 – b4 1 b5) was negative and significant using
LMX 2 (supervisor-rated), b 4 LMX (supervisor- procedures for testing linear combinations of regres-
rated) 3 LMX (employee-rated), b5 LMX2 (em- sion coefficients (Cohen & Cohen, 1983; Edwards &
ployee-rated)—or, in other words, we estimated the Parry, 1993).
following equation (to simplify, we omitted all con- The second feature is the ridge representing the
trol variables): peak of the response surface, and this feature can
M 5 b0 1 b1 S 1 b2 E 1 b3 S2 1 b4 ðSEÞ 1 b5 E 2 1 e provide additional support for a congruence effect
(that is, Hypothesis 1: Cole et al., 2013; Edwards &
Cable, 2009). Specifically, the ridge describing the
We assessed age similarity as an absolute difference peak of the response surface should run along the
score to save degrees of freedom and because age similarity congruence line (S 5 E) such that the dependent
was not a substantive variable in our analysis. However, we variable (work engagement) is maximized at the
also tested the model controlling for age similarity using
point of congruence at each and every level of
the interaction term approach (e.g., Riordan & Shore,
supervisor-rated (S) and employee-rated (E) LMX
1997). The results of all hypothesis tests using the in-
teraction term approach for age similarity were identical to quality (Edwards & Cable, 2009). This condition is
the results reported. achieved when the ridge of the response surface (that
We also reran our analyses without control variables is, the first principal axis) is located along the con-
and the results of the hypotheses tests were identical to the gruence line, and thus has a slope (p11) of 1 and
results reported with control variables. an intercept (p10) of 0 (Edwards, 2002; Edwards &
2015 Matta, Scott, Koopman, and Conlon 1695

Parry, 1993). Testing this feature involves a non- colleagues (2012), we calculated the lateral shift
linear combination of regression coefficients from quantity ([b 2 – b1] 4 [2 3 (b3 – b4 1 b5)]). The lateral
our polynomial regression. Following recent empir- shift quantity indicates the magnitude and direction
ical work (e.g., Cole et al., 2013; Edwards & Cable, of a lateral shift of the response surface along the
2009), we used 10,000 bootstrapped samples to incongruence line (Atwater, Ostroff, Yammarino, &
construct 95% bias-corrected confidence intervals Fleenor, 1998; Cole et al., 2013). A negative lateral
(CIs) for p11 and p10 (see also Edwards, 2002; shift quantity would provide evidence supporting
Edwards & Parry, 1993). This condition provides Hypothesis 3. We used 10,000 bootstrapped samples
a means of strengthening the evidence for the hy- to construct 95% bias-corrected CIs to test whether the
pothesized congruence effect (that is, Hypothesis lateral shift quantity was statistically significantly dif-
1), because it “ensures that the dependent variable ferent from 0 (Cole et al., 2013). As suggested by an
is maximized when . . . values are congruent” anonymous reviewer, Hypothesis 3 can also be tested
(Edwards & Cable, 2009: 660). In sum, support for with the slope of the incongruence line. Specifically, in
Hypothesis 1 hinges on these first two features of the order to support Hypothesis 3, the slope of the in-
response surface. congruence line must be negative, such that the de-
The third and final feature is the slope of the con- pendent variable (that is, work engagement) decreases
gruence line, and this feature determines whether as one moves along the incongruence line from low
the surface along the congruence line (S 5 E) is flat or supervisor-rated (S) and high employee-rated (E) LMX
varies. Specifically, to show that the dependent vari- quality to high supervisor-rated (S) and low employee-
able (that is, work engagement) is higher for congru- rated (E) LMX quality. To test the slope of the in-
ence (that is, agreement) at high levels of LMX quality congruence line, we examined whether the slope along
than it is for congruence (that is, agreement) at low the incongruence line (the line where S 5 –E, calcu-
levels of LMX quality (that is, Hypothesis 2), the slope lated as b1 – b2) was negative and significant using
of the congruence line (S 5 E) must be positive.6 To procedures for testing linear combinations of re-
test this feature, we examined whether the slope along gression coefficients (Cohen & Cohen, 1983; Edwards
the congruence line (the line where S 5 E, calculated & Parry, 1993).
as b1 1 b2) was positive and significant using pro- Finally, in order to test the indirect effect of LMX
cedures for testing linear combinations of regression agreement (disagreement) with OCBO via work en-
coefficients (Cohen & Cohen, 1983; Edwards & Parry, gagement (Hypothesis 4), we used the block variable
1993). Hypothesis 2 hinges on this third feature of the approach recommended by Edwards and Cable
response surface. (2009). Specifically, to estimate the path from the
In addition to the three key features of the response LMX polynomial terms to work engagement (that is,
surface for testing congruence effects, an additional the “a” path in a mediation model), we created
test can be conducted to test the asymmetrical in- a block variable by multiplying the estimated poly-
congruence effect posited in Hypothesis 3. Specifi- nomial regression coefficients (from the work en-
cally, to show that the dependent variable (that is, gagement regression described above) with the raw
work engagement) is higher when employee-rated data in order to obtain a weighted linear composite
LMX quality is higher than supervisor-rated LMX (see also Cole et al., 2013; Lambert et al., 2012; Zhang
quality than it is when supervisor-rated LMX quality et al., 2012). We then regressed work engagement on
is higher than employee-rated LMX quality (that the block variable along with the same control vari-
is, Hypothesis 3), following the approaches used ables from the original model. The regression co-
by Cole and colleagues (2013) and Zhang and efficient associated with the block variable represents
the path estimate of the relationship between the LMX
polynomial terms and work engagement. Because
Typically, to establish a congruence effect, this slope the block variable is computed from the coefficient
should not be significant; however, this is not a re- estimates for the polynomial terms, the variance
quirement (Cole et al., 2013; Edwards & Cable, 2009). As
explained by the equation using the block variable is
described by Edwards and Cable (2009: 661), “if the third
identical to the variance explained by the equation
condition is rejected, meaning the height of the surface
varies along the congruence line, but the first two condi- using the original polynomial terms (Edwards &
tions are met, then support can be inferred for a value Cable, 2009; Lambert et al., 2012; Zhang et al.,
congruence effect with the caveat that the maximum value 2012). After calculating the path between the LMX
of the outcome depends on whether . . . values are low or polynomial terms and work engagement (that is, the
high.” “a” path in a mediation model), we then calculated
1696 Academy of Management Journal December

the path from work engagement to OCBO after con-


Note: n 5 280 (for all variables except OCBI); reliability coefficients are reported along the diagonal; OCBI is included in a supplemental analysis (n 5 139) and was rated by the
trolling for the effects of the five polynomial terms
and control variables on OCBO (that is, the “b” path

in a mediation model). Mediation was tested by

bootstrapping the indirect effect using maximum
likelihood (ML) estimation in MPlus 6.12 (Muthén &

Muthén, 2010).



Means, standard deviations, and correlations are

presented in Table 1. Coefficient alphas for each scale
are provided on the diagonal. One item of note from

the Table 1 is that the correlation between supervisor-

rated (S) and employee-rated (E) LMX quality was .25
(p , .01), which is comparable to previous meta-analytic

estimates (Gerstner & Day, 1997; Sin et al., 2009).


The polynomial regression analysis results are re-
ported in Table 2, and the corresponding surface plot

Means, Standard Deviations, and Correlations

is shown in Figure 2. Hypothesis 1 predicted a con-




gruence effect, such that the greater the agreement
between leader and subordinate perceptions of LMX
quality, the higher an employee’s work engagement.



As it pertains to the first feature of the response sur-

face described previously, this reflects a significant

negative curvature for the incongruence line


(S 5 –E). As shown in Model 2 of Table 2, the three




second-order polynomial terms—that is, b3 LMX2

(supervisor-rated), b4 LMX (supervisor-rated) 3 LMX
(employee-rated), b5 LMX2 (employee-rated), or S2,


SE, E2, respectively—were jointly significant in pre-

dicting work engagement (F 5 3.23, p , .05), and

the surface along the incongruence line curved


downward (curvature [b3 – b4 1b5] 5 2.56, p , .05).

Figure 2 depicts the response surface plot for this poly-

nomial regression where the congruence line (S 5 E)


corresponds to the line on the floor of the graph that

begins at the near left corner and proceeds to the far





right corner, and the incongruence line (S 5 –E) cor-

responds to the line on the floor of the graph that begins
Conscientiousness (employee-rated)

at the far left corner and proceeds to the near right

Work engagement (employee-rated)

corner. The surface in Figure 2 indicates an inverted

Dyadic tenure (supervisor-rated)

U-shaped curve along the incongruence line (S 5 –E),

demonstrating that work engagement is higher when
Liking (supervisor-rated)

OCBO (supervisor-rated)
LMX (supervisor-rated)

supervisors and employees are aligned in their per-

OCBI (coworker-rated)
LMX (employee-rated)

focal employee’s coworkers.

Ethnicity similarity

ceptions of LMX quality, while any deviations from the

Gender similarity

congruence line (S 5 E) are associated with lower work

Age similarity

engagement. In sum, these results suggest initial sup-

port for Hypothesis 1 by satisfying the first condition
* p , .05
** p , .01

for establishing a congruence effect.

To provide further support for our hypothesized
congruence effect (Hypothesis 1), we examined the

slope and intercept of the response surface ridge

2015 Matta, Scott, Koopman, and Conlon 1697

Polynomial Regression of Work Engagement on LMX Agreement and Regression of OCBO on Work Engagement
Engagement OCBO

Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

Constant 3.51** (0.04) 3.50** (0.05) 3.98** (0.03) 3.98** (0.05) 3.98** (0.05)
Second data collection control –0.16 (0.12) –0.13 (0.11) 0.00 (0.10) 0.06 (0.10) 0.07 (0.10)
Third data collection control 0.31** (0.09) 0.17† (0.10) 0.41** (0.08) 0.23** (0.09) 0.21* (0.08)
Gender similarity –0.09 (0.08) –0.05 (0.08) –0.08 (0.07) –0.03 (0.07) –0.02 (0.07)
Age similarity 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) –0.01* (0.00) 0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00)
Ethnicity similarity 0.15 (0.10) 0.12 (0.09) –0.08 (0.09) –0.12 (0.08) –0.14† (0.08)
Dyadic tenure 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 (0.01) 0.01 (0.01) 0.01† (0.01) 0.01† (0.01)
Liking 0.15* (0.07) –0.02 (0.09) 0.49** (0.06) 0.21** (0.08) 0.22** (0.07)
Conscientiousness 0.33** (0.07) 0.27** (0.07) 0.19** (0.06) 0.16** (0.06) 0.13* (0.06)
Polynomial terms
b1 Supervisor-rated LMX quality (S) 0.17 (0.12) 0.57** (0.10) 0.55** (0.10)
b2 Employee-rated LMX quality (E) 0.34** (0.07) 0.05 (0.06) 0.01 (0.07)
b 3 S2 –0.30† (0.16) –0.07 (0.14) –0.03 (0.14)
b4 S 3 E 0.32* (0.14) –0.13 (0.12) –0.17 (0.12)
b 5 E2 0.07 (0.06) 0.04 (0.05) 0.03 (0.05)
Work engagement 0.13* (0.05)
R2 0.15 0.25 0.29 0.37 0.39
DR2 0.09** 0.08** 0.01*
Congruence line (S 5 E)
Slope (b1 1 b2) 0.51** (0.13) 0.62** (0.11)
Curvature (b3 1 b4 1b5) 0.09 (0.17) –0.16 (0.15)
Incongruence line (S 5 –E)
Slope (b1 – b2) –0.17 (0.14) 0.52** (0.13)
Curvature (b3 – b4 1b5) –0.56* (0.26) 0.10 (0.21)
F for the three quadratic terms 30.23* 0.59
DR2 for the three quadratic terms 0.03* 0.00

Note: n 5 280; unstandardized regression coefficients reported (standard errors in parentheses).

p , .10
* p , .05
** p , .01

(that is, the first principal axis). As it pertains to the Hypothesis 2 predicted that work engagement is
second feature of the response surface described higher when a subordinate is in agreement with
previously, this reflects a principal axis slope (p11) 5 a leader at a high level of LMX quality than it is when
1.0 and a principal axis intercept (p10) 5 0. Our tests a subordinate is in agreement with a leader at a low
revealed that the first principal axis had a slope (p11) level of LMX quality. As it pertains to the third feature
that was not significantly different from 1.0, as the of the response surface described previously, this re-
95% bias-corrected bootstrap CI included 1.0 (.962, flects a significant positive slope for the congruence
8.275), and an intercept (p10) that was not signifi- line (S 5 E). As shown in Model 2 of Table 2, the slope
cantly different from 0, as the 95% bias-corrected along the congruence line (S 5 E) was significant
bootstrap CI included 0 (–3.217, 1.026). These results and positive (slope [b1 1 b2] 5 .51, p , .01), indicating
provide further support for Hypothesis 1 by satisfy- that the high–high congruence condition was asso-
ing the second condition for establishing a congru- ciated with higher work engagement than was the
ence effect. In other words, at each and every level of low–low congruence condition. The response surface
supervisor-rated (S) and employee-rated (E) LMX in Figure 2 also confirms that work engagement was
quality, work engagement was maximized when higher in the high–high congruence condition (far
supervisor-rated (S) and employee-rated (E) LMX right corner of the surface plot) in comparison to the
quality were congruent. Overall, our results provide low–low congruence condition (near left corner of the
support for Hypothesis 1. surface plot). Thus, the results support Hypothesis 2.
1698 Academy of Management Journal December

FIGURE 2 polynomial regression coefficients with the raw

Congruence and Incongruence Effects of data to obtain a weighted linear composite to esti-
Leader–Member Exchange with Work Engagement mate the path from the LMX polynomial terms to
work engagement (Cole et al., 2013; Edwards & Cable,
2009; Lambert et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2012). The
unstandardized and standardized regression coeffi-
cients between the LMX polynomial block variable
and work engagement are presented in Table 3. In
Model 5 of Table 2, we used work engagement to
predict OCBO after controlling for the five polynomial
terms and control variables. The unstandardized
and standardized regression coefficients between
work engagement and OCBO are also presented in
Table 3. As shown in Table 3, results of the boot-
strapping analysis support Hypothesis 4, as the in-
direct effect of LMX agreement (disagreement)
with OCBO through work engagement was .13, and
the 95% bias-corrected bootstrap CI excluded
0 (.022, .248).
To shed further light on the mediating role of
work engagement, we calculated the indirect effect at
conditional values of supervisor-rated (S) and
Note: X-axis is supervisor-rated (S) LMX quality; Y-axis is employee-rated (E) LMX quality by examining the
employee-rated (E) LMX quality; Z-axis is employee-rated work bias-corrected 95% CI for the indirect effect using
engagement. 1,000 bootstrap samples at conditional values (that
is, high values 5 5; low values 5 1) of supervisor-
Hypothesis 3 predicted an asymmetrical incongru- rated (S) and employee-rated (E) LMX quality. The
ence effect such that work engagement will be lower results of these analyses are presented in Table 4. As
when a leader’s perception of LMX quality is higher shown in Table 4, the results testing the indirect ef-
than a subordinate’s than it is when a subordinate’s fect of LMX agreement and LMX quality on OCBO
perception of LMX quality is higher than a leader’s. (via work engagement) at conditional values showed
Support for this hypothesis requires that the lateral that: (a) the indirect effect for agreement at high LMX
shift quantity be negative. As predicted, the lateral shift quality (that is, quadrant 1) was .176 (CI: .030, .337);
quantity was indeed negative (–.15); however, the 95% (b) the indirect effect for agreement at low LMX
bias-corrected bootstrap CI included 0 (–.850, .133), in- quality (that is, quadrant 2) was 2.088 (CI: 2.169,
dicating that the lateral shift quantity was not statisti- 2.015); (c) the indirect effect for low supervisor-
cally significantly different from 0. As suggested by an rated (S) and high employee-rated (E) LMX quality
anonymous reviewer, we also examined the slope of the (that is, quadrant 3) was 2.244 (CI: 2.468, 2.041);
incongruence line, because a negative slope would in- and (d) the indirect effect for high supervisor-rated
dicate results consistent with Hypothesis 3. As shown in (S) and low employee-rated (E) LMX quality (that is,
Model 2 of Table 2, the slope along the congruence line quadrant 4) was 2.330 (CI: 2.633, 2.056). In addi-
(S 5 –E) was negative, but not statistically significant tion, Table 4 shows that these conditional indirect
(slope [b1 – b2] 5 2.17, n.s.). We therefore failed to find effects were significantly different from each other.
support for Hypothesis 3.
To test the mediating effect of work engagement
Supplemental Analysis
on the relationship between LMX agreement (dis-
agreement) and OCBO (Hypothesis 4), we calculated As discussed above, although we had several the-
the “a”and “b” paths for a mediation model (see oretical reasons to focus our analyses on OCBO,
Table 3). In Model 2 of Table 2, we used the five the strong meta-analytic relationship between LMX
polynomial terms to predict work engagement (after and OCBI (Ilies et al., 2007) raises the question of
accounting for the control variables). As described whether LMX agreement influences OCBI via work
under “Analysis,” we created an LMX polyno- engagement. Although OCBO is likely to benefit the
mial block variable by multiplying the estimated leader more directly than OCBI, if work engagement
2015 Matta, Scott, Koopman, and Conlon 1699

Results from Tests of Indirect Effect of LMX Agreement (Disagreement) on OCBO
LMX agreement (block variable) Indirect effect of
to work engagement Work engagement to OCBO LMX agreement to OCBO

Variable “a” path “b” path “ab”

Unstandardized results 1.00** 0.13* 0.13*

95% bias-corrected bootstrapped (0.022, 0.248)
CI for indirect effect
Standardized results 0.35** 0.13* 0.05*

Note: Significance of bootstrapped indirect effect was determined by examining the bias-corrected 95% CI for the indirect effect using 1,000
bootstrap samples.
* p , .05
** p , .01

(elicited by LMX agreement and LMX quality) leads (Enders & Bandalos, 2001; Peugh & Enders, 2004).
to a broadening of work roles in general, it could be Full information maximum likelihood estimation
that employees do not make such fine-grained dis- uses all available data to model parameter esti-
tinctions between the targets of their discretionary mates (that is, all available cases for the “a” path and
actions and therefore that LMX agreement also all available cases for the “b” path) and is recom-
influences discretionary behaviors targeted at in- mended over listwise deletion with large amounts of
dividuals within organizations (that is, OCBI) via its missing data (Kam, Morin, Meyer, & Topolnytsky,
effects on work engagement. Thus, in the final and 2013; see also Boehm, Kunze, & Bruch, 2013; Lanaj,
largest of our three samples, we collected ratings of Hollenbeck, Ilgen, Barnes, & Harmon, 2013; Meier &
focal employee OCBI from their coworkers, because Spector, 2013; Shipp, Edwards, & Lambert, 2009),
LePine and colleagues (2002) suggested that co- which is the case here given that OCBI was assessed
workers are best suited to capture work behaviors in the third sample only.
that are categorized as OCBI (whereas supervisors In the final sample, focal employee OCBI was rated
are best suited to capture work behaviors that are by an average of 2.46 coworkers (SD 5 .72) using the
categorized as OCBO). eight-item scale developed by Lee and Allen (2002).
Accordingly, we estimated the “b” path for the An example item from this scale is “This employee
OCBI mediation model using an identical analysis to gives up time to help others who have work or non-
that described previously for OCBO. Furthermore, work problems.” To assess the interrater agreement
we examined the bias-corrected 95% CI for the in- among coworker ratings of OCBI, we computed rwg(j)
direct effect of LMX agreement on OCBI via work (James, Demaree, & Wolf, 1993) and the intraclass
engagement using 1,000 bootstrap samples and full correlation ICC(1) (James, 1982). The mean rwg(j) for
information maximum likelihood (FIML) estimation OCBI ratings was .94 (median rwg(j) 5 .97), and the

Conditional Indirect Effects of LMX Quadrants on OCBO
Conditional indirect Difference of conditional indirect effect
effect (95%
bootstrapped CI) Quadrant 1 vs. Quadrant 2 vs. Quadrant 3 vs. Quadrant 4 vs.

Quadrant 1 High S & 0.176 (0.030, 0.337) —

high E
Quadrant 2 Low S & –0.088 (–0.169, 20.015) 0.264 (0.045, 0.506) —
low E
Quadrant 3 Low S & –0.244 (–0.468, 20.041) 0.420 (0.071, 0.805) 0.156 (0.026, 0.298) —
high E
Quadrant 4 High S & –0.330 (–0.633, 20.056) 0.506 (0.086, 0.970) 0.242 (0.041, 0.464) 0.086 (0.015, 0.166) —
low E

Note: S 5 supervisor-rated LMX quality; E 5 employee-rated LMX quality; conditional indirect effect determined by examining the bias-corrected
95% CI for the indirect effect using 1,000 bootstrap samples at conditional values (i.e., high values 5 5 and low values 5 1) for S and E.
1700 Academy of Management Journal December

ICC(1) for OCBI ratings was .27 (F 5 1.89, p , .01). 2009), that leaders and followers often do not see “eye
These results provided support for aggregation (for to eye” in terms of their LMX quality, and thus studies
recommended cutoffs, see LeBreton & Senter, 2008). investigating the perceptions of only one member of
Coefficient a for the aggregated OCBI scale was .91. the dyad may be omitting an important part of the
The results of the supplemental analysis are re- overall LMX story.
ported in Tables 5–7. In Model 3 of Table 5, we used In response to calls to treat LMX agreement as
work engagement to predict OCBI after controlling a substantive variable (e.g., Dulebohn et al., 2012;
for the five polynomial terms and control variables. Erdogan & Bauer, 2014; Matta & Van Dyne, 2015;
As shown in Model 3 of Table 5, work engagement Scandura, 1999) and to examine its outcomes (Sin
was positively associated with OCBI (B 5 .23, p , .01). et al., 2009), we drew from role theory and utilized
The unstandardized and standardized regression co- polynomial regression and response surface method-
efficient between work engagement and OCBI are also ology (Edwards, 2002; Edwards & Parry, 1993) to take
presented in Table 6. As shown in Table 6, results of the a more comprehensive look at the various conditions
bootstrapping analysis provided support for media- that arise when leaders and followers agree or disagree
tion, as the indirect effect of LMX agreement (dis- regarding the quality of their LMX relationships. In
agreement) with OCBI through work engagement was general, this comprehensive look supported our con-
.23 and the 95% bias-corrected bootstrap CI excluded tention that LMX agreement is an important construct
0 (.066, .452). in and of itself, explaining additional variance in em-
Again, we calculated the indirect effect at condi- ployee engagement and, consequently, OCBO (as well
tional values (that is, high values 5 5; low values 5 1) as OCBI) over and above the effects of LMX quality.
of supervisor-rated (S) and employee-rated (E) LMX Specifically, the results of our study showed that
quality. The results of these analyses are presented in employees were more likely to be engaged with their
Table 7. As shown in Table 7, consistent with our work, and subsequently to engage in higher levels of
results for OCBO, the results testing the indirect ef- OCBO (and OCBI), when they and their respective
fect of LMX agreement and LMX quality on OCBI leader agreed on the quality of their LMX relation-
(via work engagement) at conditional values showed ship, and that those outcomes suffered as their
that: (a) the indirect effect for agreement at high perceptions diverged. Importantly, this agreement in-
LMX quality (that is, quadrant 1) was .319 (CI: .090, cluded situations in which perceived LMX quality
.616); (b) the indirect effect for agreement at low LMX was low. Thus, it appears that agreement surrounding
quality (that is, quadrant 2) was 2.160 (CI: 2.309, a lower-quality LMX relationship that is based more on
2.045); (c) the indirect effect for low supervisor- a quid pro quo, economic transaction is indeed asso-
rated (S) and high employee-rated (E) LMX quality ciated with higher levels of employee engagement than
(that is, quadrant 3) was 2.442 (CI: 2.855, 2.124); are situations in which only one party views the re-
and (d) the indirect effect for high supervisor-rated lationship as high quality. Viewed through the per-
(S) and low employee-rated (E) LMX quality (that is, spective of role theory (e.g., Kahn et al., 1964), this
quadrant 4) was 2.599 (CI: 21.158, 2.168). In addi- finding provides plausible evidence that the absence of
tion, Table 7 shows that these conditional indirect discrepancies in role expectations and the presence of
effects were significantly different from each other. consensus can not only buffer the detrimental effects
of a low-quality LMX relationship, but also actually
trump situations in which a high-quality relationship
is perceived by only one member of the dyad.
For decades, LMX theory has been an influential For example, our results demonstrate that when
framework for understanding leadership and its ef- one party rates LMX quality poorly (rating it “1” on
fects on followers. Although numerous theories on a five-point scale), the best possible outcomes, in
leadership have been proposed and subjected to terms of employee work engagement and OCB, are
empirical scrutiny over the years, LMX theory is produced when the other party also rates LMX quality
distinct, with its core tenet that leaders develop dif- as a “1.” This important insight is not only counter-
ferential relationships with their followers and that intuitive, but it also has been overlooked to date
the differences in the quality of those relationships because past approaches to LMX agreement have
have important consequences for follower outcomes, failed to consider the interplay of LMX agreement
such as attitudes and behaviors (e.g., Dulebohn et al., and LMX quality simultaneously. Indeed, consider
2012). However, theory suggests (e.g., Graen, 1976), a study that observes a subordinate rating her LMX
and research has consistently shown (e.g., Sin et al., relationship very highly (at “5” on a five-point scale).
2015 Matta, Scott, Koopman, and Conlon 1701

Supplemental Polynomial Regression of OCBI on LMX Agreement and Work Engagement

Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Constant 4.13** (0.04) 4.09** (0.06) 4.09** (0.06)

Gender similarity 0.16† (0.08) 0.17* (0.08) 0.17* (0.08)
Age similarity 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 (0.01)
Ethnicity similarity –0.08 (0.12) –0.08 (0.12) –0.08 (0.12)
Dyadic tenure 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 (0.01) 0.00 (0.01)
Liking 0.12† (0.07) 0.09 (0.09) 0.09 (0.09)
Conscientiousness 0.05 (0.08) 0.03 (0.08) –0.02 (0.08)
Polynomial terms
b1 Supervisor-rated LMX quality (S) 0.04 (0.14) 0.04 (0.14)
b2 Employee-rated LMX quality (E) 0.04 (0.08) –0.04 (0.08)
b 3 S2 0.11 (0.24) 0.19 (0.24)
b4 S 3 E 0.03 (0.17) –0.04 (0.16)
b 5 E2 0.03 (0.07) 0.01 (0.07)
Work engagement 0.23** (0.07)
R2 0.06 0.07 0.14
DR2 0.01 0.07**
Congruence line (S 5 E)
Slope (b1 1 b2) 0.08 (0.14)
Curvature (b3 1 b4 1b5) 0.17 (0.19)
Incongruence line (S 5 –E)
Slope (b1 – b2) 0.01 (0.18)
Curvature (b3 – b4 1b5) 0.11 (0.36)
F for the three quadratic terms 0.31
DR2 for the three quadratic terms 0.01

Note: n 5 139; unstandardized regression coefficients reported (standard errors in parentheses).

p , .10
* p , .05
** p , .01

At one extreme, her supervisor could also rate the LMX relationships to a host of employee outcomes
relationship as a “5,” in which case work engagement (e.g., Dulebohn et al., 2012; Gerstner & Day, 1997;
would be optimized. At the other extreme, her su- Ilies et al., 2007), they add an important caveat.
pervisor could rate the relationship as a “1,” in which Specifically, high-quality LMX relationships are most
case not only would work engagement suffer, but also beneficial when both sides of the dyad perceive their
the situation would be worse than that in which both roles and their relationship similarly. If disagreement
the subordinate and supervisor rate their relationship exists, then a high-quality LMX relationship—from
poorly (both as “1”). Accordingly, our results extend either party’s perspective—does little to boost em-
theory by suggesting that LMX agreement is just as, if ployee work engagement and subsequent OCB.
not more, important for employee motivation and Finally, our response surface analysis allowed
behavior than LMX quality. us to examine differences in situations in which
That being said, our findings do not deny the leaders and subordinates disagree on the quality of
importance of LMX quality. Within situations of their LMX relationship. Given role theory’s empha-
agreement, we found that a high-quality LMX re- sis on one’s own role perceptions (Kahn et al., 1964),
lationship is preferable to a low-quality LMX re- as well as the emphasis of the self in the concept
lationship, at least in terms of being associated of work engagement (Kahn, 1992), we had reasoned
directly with employee engagement and indirectly that subordinate perceptions of LMX quality would
with OCB. Although these findings are in line with be more important than leader perceptions of LMX
much of the existing research to date on LMX, quality in predicting work engagement and sub-
which has demonstrated the benefits of high-quality sequent OCBO. Our results for work engagement,
1702 Academy of Management Journal December

Supplemental Analysis Results from Tests of Indirect Effect of LMX Agreement (Disagreement) on OCBI
LMX agreement (block variable) Indirect effect of LMX
to work engagement Work engagement to OCBI agreement to OCBI

Variable “a” path “b” path “ab”

Unstandardized results 1.00** 0.23** 0.23*

95% bias-corrected bootstrapped (0.066, 0.452)
CI for indirect effect
Standardized results 0.35** 0.29** 0.10*

Note: Significance of bootstrapped indirect effect was determined by examining the bias-corrected 95% CI for the indirect effect using 1,000
bootstrap samples and full information maximum likelihood estimation.
* p , .05
** p , .01

however, did not support this view. Although we can the subsequent tension arising from that awareness
only speculate on why LMX disagreement was as- impacts employee motivation and behavior more
sociated with lower work engagement regardless of than LMX quality, then this would challenge not only
which member of the dyad perceived the relation- Graen’s (1976) assertion that parties are unaware of
ship in high-quality terms, this finding suggests an discrepancies in expectations regarding the LMX re-
interesting inference. Specifically, it suggests that lationship, but also LMX theory’s predominant focus
expectation discrepancies are always detrimental to on quality (as opposed to agreement).
work engagement. Put simply, it makes no difference Alternatively, if parties are indeed unaware of their
who perceives the relationship in high-quality terms. LMX disagreement, it may be that the currency ex-
One potential reason for this effect may be that changed in the LMX relationship determines which
members of leader–subordinate dyads are, in fact, perspective weakens these detrimental effects. For ex-
aware that they do not see “eye to eye” (e.g., Sin et al., ample, Dienesch and Liden (1986) and Liden and
2009), and that this perceived asymmetry in evalu- Maslyn (1998) drew on role theory and social exchange
ations of the relationship creates tension, un- theory to explain various “currencies of exchange” that
certainty, and discomfort. Indeed, the notion that individuals bring to LMX relationships, such as contri-
people prefer relational symmetry is a core tenet of bution, professional respect, loyalty, and affect. It may
balance theory (Heider, 1958), and the importance of be that more work-related currencies—such as contri-
agreement vs. disagreement in nonwork dyadic re- bution (Maslyn & Uhl-Bien, 2001)—cause the leader
lationships (such as in marriages or friendships; see perspective to become more important, because the
Hill & Palmquist, 1978; White & Hatcher, 1984) has leader’s managerial position provides greater work-
already been established. If such an awareness of related resources than that of the subordinate
LMX disagreement tends to be present in dyads, and (Graen & Scandura, 1987), whereas more social

Supplemental Analysis Results of Conditional Indirect Effects of LMX Quadrants on OCBI
Conditional indirect Difference of conditional indirect effect
effect (95%
bootstrapped CI) Quadrant 1 vs. Quadrant 2 vs. Quadrant 3 vs. Quadrant 4 vs.

Quadrant 1 High S & 0.319 (0.090, 0.616) —

high E
Quadrant 2 Low S & –0.160 (–0.309, 20.045) 0.479 (0.135, 0.924) —
low E
Quadrant 3 Low S & –0.442 (–0.855, 20.124) 0.761 (0.214, 10.469) 0.282 (0.079, 0.544) —
high E
Quadrant 4 High S & –0.599 (–10.158, 20.168) 0.918 (0.258, 10.771) 0.439 (0.123, 0.847) 0.157 (0.044, 0.302) —
low E

Note: S 5 supervisor-rated LMX quality; E 5 employee-rated LMX quality; conditional indirect effect determined by examining the bias-corrected
95% CI for the indirect effect using 1,000 bootstrap samples at conditional values (i.e., high values 5 5 and low values 5 1) for S and E.
2015 Matta, Scott, Koopman, and Conlon 1703

currencies—such as affect (Maslyn & Uhl-Bien, 2001)— also plausible. For example, LMX has been associated
cause the employee perspective to become more im- with a variety of other outcomes, including job satis-
portant, because these currencies are less tangible and faction, organizational commitment, perceptions of
more subjective, making them more likely to be filtered fairness, and task performance (e.g., Dulebohn et al.,
through the employee’s own perceptive and cognitive 2012; Gerstner & Day, 1997), and work engagement
filters. In sum, when considering the aggregate of has also been tied to similar outcomes, such as task
LMX currencies, these effects would be neutralized, performance (Christian et al., 2011). Thus, our juxta-
resulting in no differences across situations in which position of LMX agreement and LMX quality may also
leaders and subordinates disagree on LMX quality. have relevance to outcomes such as these, and future
Overall, our findings suggest that the “dyad” in research could address this possibility. Additionally,
“vertical dyad linkage”—that is, LMX (Dansereau we focused our study on employee outcomes of LMX
et al., 1975)—needs to be revived. Leader–member agreement and LMX quality to extend the literature on
exchange quality is undoubtedly important, but the LMX, which has primarily focused on the employee
full story of LMX cannot be told without also including side (Liden et al., 1997; Wilson et al., 2010). However,
the concept of agreement. Although the case in which the simultaneous consideration of LMX agreement and
leaders and subordinates agree that their relationship LMX quality also holds promise for predicting LMX-
is of high quality greatly simplifies the story (that is, related supervisor outcomes, such as leader perfor-
“high-quality LMX is good”), cases in which at least mance (e.g., Deluga, 1998) and career advancement
one member of the dyad perceives the relationship to (e.g., Wakabayashi, Graen, Graen, & Graen, 1988).
be of low quality quickly complicate that story (that is, Finally, in accordance with Graen (1976), our oper-
“low-quality LMX is not so bad if both parties are in ationalization of LMX agreement was more objective
agreement; high-quality LMX is not so good if both (that is, from the perspective of an outside observer).
parties are in disagreement”). Studies that assess only However, as we noted above, the degree of subjective
one person’s perspective fail to capture this possibility. agreement in LMX quality, as perceived by each
Thus, we believe that knowledge of how LMX rela- member of the dyad, could also be relevant. Although
tionships affect organizational behavior could be ad- our results supported our primary assertion that LMX
vanced if scholars were to pay equal attention to both agreement is beneficial for engagement and sub-
quality and agreement, which can be accomplished sequent OCB, research able also to assess agreement
only by looking at both parties simultaneously. more subjectively (such as by asking each member
whether the relationship is viewed similarly) could
extend our findings in several ways. For example, re-
Strengths and Limitations
search could examine whether subjective perceptions
Although our research design had several strengths, of agreement are responsible for our finding that work
including the use of supervisor and subordinate re- engagement was lower in situations of incongruence,
ports to alleviate concerns over common method regardless of who perceived LMX to be of high quality.
variance, as well as the use of a diverse sample of Research could also examine why and when subjective
participants from a variety of jobs and organizations, and objective operationalizations of agreement align. It
there are some limitations that should be noted. First, may be that alignment is more likely as dyads interact
although positioning work engagement and OCB with greater frequency (see Sin et al., 2009), because
(both OCBO and OCBI) as outcomes of LMX is gen- individuals are motivated to reduce tensions arising
erally consistent with theory and previous research from perceived imbalances in the relationship (Heider,
(e.g., Christian et al., 2011; Dulebohn et al., 2012), our 1958). It may also be that LMX perceptions are more
design could not establish causality, and we likely to be subjectively shared when individuals are
acknowledge that alternative causal orderings are similar to each other in terms of their personality,
plausible (for example, OCB and work engagement values, and general work habits.
could lead to higher-quality LMX relationships).
Moreover, although we were able to examine the
Practical Implications and Suggestions for Future
effects of LMX agreement and quality on OCBI, we
could do so only in one of the three samples.
A second limitation concerns the scope of our In addition to the implications for theory dis-
model. Although we focused on work engagement cussed earlier, our results also have implications for
and OCB because of their ties to role theory (e.g., practice and future research. In terms of practice,
Kahn, 1992; Morrison, 1994), other outcomes are recommendations stemming from research on LMX
1704 Academy of Management Journal December

tend to stress the importance of developing, to the LMX agreement and work outcomes. One such
extent possible, high-quality relationships with mul- boundary condition may be interaction intensity.
tiple subordinates. Our findings certainly continue to Although LMX agreement is likely to be higher when
support those recommendations; however, we would leaders and subordinates interact intensely (Sin
add that helping leaders and subordinates to see “eye et al., 2009), it may be that LMX disagreement is es-
to eye” in their LMX relationship is also likely to have pecially damaging to employees in this situation
benefits—that is, beyond developing high-quality re- because expectations in roles, behaviors, and re-
lationships, leaders should also strive to communicate source exchanges are more frequently unfulfilled.
their view of the relationship with a given subordinate. Another potential boundary condition could be the
Leaders, who are in positions of power relative to dyadic performance of leaders and subordinates. In
subordinates, may have an easier time changing the addition to the critical role that performance plays
perception of a subordinate from low LMX quality to in LMX development (Nahrgang, Morgeson, & Ilies,
high LMX quality, thereby realizing the benefits as- 2009), congruence in performance between leaders
sociated with high LMX quality and congruence. and subordinates may buffer the harmful effects of
Of course, it is unreasonable to expect leaders to LMX disagreement, because differences in expecta-
develop high-quality LMX relationships with every tions may matter less when both members of the dyad
subordinate whom they oversee. In these cases, it may perform well. Finally, LMX differentiation, which
be especially critical for leaders and subordinates to represents variability in LMX quality within work
view the relationship in similar terms. For example, groups (Henderson, Liden, Glibkowski, & Chaudhry,
leaders who recognize that they have an enduring, 2009), may influence the effects of LMX agreement at
lower-quality relationship with a given subordinate the dyadic level. For example, it may be that when
could increase the likelihood that the subordinate LMX relationships are highly differentiated, LMX
shares the same view by clarifying roles and expec- agreement becomes especially critical to employees,
tations for behavior, changing the relationship from by giving them a sense of standing within the group.
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Williams, L. J., & Anderson, S. E. 1991. Job satisfaction State University. He received his BBA from Loyola
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Wilson, K. S., Sin, H. P., & Conlon, D. E. 2010. What about workplace.
the leader in leader–member exchange? The impact of Brent A. Scott (scott@broad.msu.edu) is an associate pro-
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Academy of Management Review, 35: 358–372. Michigan State University. He received his PhD from the
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Zohar, D., & Polachek, T. 2014. Discourse-based inter- Donald E. Conlon (conlon@msu.edu) is the Eli Broad
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Applied Psychology, 99: 113–124. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research interests
include organizational justice and managerial decision

Fadel K. Matta (matta@broad.msu.edu) is a PhD candi-

date at the Eli Broad College of Business, Michigan
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