To Bahasa Inggris Ta.23-24

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Alamat : Jalan Damar I No. 1 Perum. Pekayon Jaya
Kel. Pekayon Jaya Kec. Bekasi Selatan



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VI / II
Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 7 Maret 2024
Kurikulum : 2013
Waktu : 90 Menit
Nama Peserta : .......................... No. Peserta : ....................
Petunjuk :
1. Tulislah nomor dan namamu pada sudut kanan atas!
2. Bacalah dengan teliti seluruh soal-soal sebelum kamu memberikan jawaban,
3. Kerjakan soal yang kamu anggap mudah terlebih dahulu!
4. Periksa kembali hasil pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada guru pengawasmu!


1. Look at the picture!

There are six … in the picture.
A. eraser
B. ruler
C. pen
D. pencil

2. Complete the dialogue into a good order!

Ahmad : “…, can you turn on the fan?”
Attala :” Of course.”
A. please me C. excuse me
B. thank you D. don’t worry

3. Islah : “Ica, where are you going?”

Ica : “I want to go to the market.”
Islah : “What do you want to buy?”
Ica : “I want to buy ….”
The correct word to complete the conversation above is . . . .
A. newspaper C. medicine
B. computer D. fruits
4. Look at the picture below!
The correct expression according to the
picture is . . . .
A. congratulation on your twelfth birthday
B. congratulation on your good grade
C. congratulation on winning the competition
D. congratulation on holiday

5. Pipit : “Can you put the broom behind the door?”

Aulia :“…”
A. yes, i may C. yes, you may
B. yes, i can D. yes, you can

6. Look at the traffic sign!

Hadi : “Do you see the sign?”
Raden : “Yes, I do.”
Hadi : “What does it mean?”
Raden : “It means…”
A. don’t park
B. don’t stop
C. don’t turn left
D. don’t turn right

7. Look at the invitation card below!

Birthday Invitation Card

Name : Muhammad Gilang

Date of Birthday : . . .
Occation : Birthday Party
Address : Jl. Melati No.10

The correct words to fill in the blanks are . . . .

A. jatiasih C. 17th april 2020
B. kinds of present D. in the restaurant

8. Look at the picture below!

What usually we do in the library?
A. study the lessons
B. doing sport
C. cleaning the class
D. reading books

9. Look at the picture below!
What are these people doing?
A. playing football
B. talking to others
C. wash the clothes
D. clean the classroom

10. Tio : “I don’t know the location of the Bank. Can you … me the location?”
Muti : “Sure”
Tio : “Thank you. You are very kind.”
Muti : “You’re welcome.”
The correct word to complete the sentence is ….
A. show C. tell
B. showed D. take

11. Resha : “Congratulations to my friend for getting a good grade in this semester. And you got a
best regard from Ruslan too.”
Teguh : “Thank you very much. You’re so kind Resha and
say thanks to Ruslan”
Faza : “I hope all the success for you and all of us”
From the dialogue above, who had a good grade?
A. resha C. faza
B. teguh D. ruslan

12. Look at the sketch below!

Ubay : “I want to see Ms.Laras our english
teacher. Can you show me where the
teacher’s room is?”
Satya : “Yes, of course. It is ….”
A. next to the library
B. between class 1st and 3rd
C. beside class 6th
D. in front of the canteen

13. Teacher : “Risqi, would you like to erase the blackboard,

Risqi : “..., sir “
A. thank you C. nevermind
B. you’re welcome D. my pleasure

14. Agus : “Do you know the story of Sangkuriang?”

Karyati : “Yes, of course. Why do you ask that?”
Agus : “Sangkuriang wanted to marry his mother. That is the story.”
Karyati : “Yes, do you know the title of the story?”
Agus : “It is the story of ….”
A. banyuwangi C. roro jonggrang
B. tangkuban perahu D. danau toba

15. Look at the sketch below!

Tini : “Andi, do you know the location of the school?”

Andi : ‘’Yes, I do. It is in Jalan . . . .”
A. merpati C. near the bank
B. jendral sudirman D. near the police station

16. Look at the picture below!

The students are … the environment.
A. reading
B. running
C. cleaning
D. drawing

17. Aditya : “May I borrow your dictionary?”

Fahri :“…“
The correct sentences to fill in the blanks are . . . .
A. yes, you may C. yes, you would
B. yes, you can D. yes, you could

18. Can I … this water? I am very thirsty.

A. eat C. buy
B. drink D. bring

19. Janah : “Do you mind if i use your pencil?”

Indy :“....“
The correct sentences to fill in the blanks are . . . .
A. yes, he minds C. no, i don’t mind
B. yes, you mind D. no, you don’t mind

20. Announcement

To all six-grade student, our school are going to have farewell celebration

Date : Monday, 20th April 2020

Place : SD Nusantara
Theme : Six Grade Farewell celebration

Please be there on time and make sure all the students wearing the uniform.
Thank you for the attention.
From the announcement above, what is the theme of the announcement?
A. monday C. sd nusantara
B. 20th april 2020 D. farewell celebration

21. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!

1. He lives in a small village as a farmer.
2. This is because I like to see farmers working in the rice fields.
3. I have an uncle, Mr. Suryadin
4. Next week, I want to go there.
The good arrangement for the sentences above is ….
A. 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 C. 1 – 2 - 3 – 4
B. 4 – 3 – 1 – 2 D. 3 – 4 – 1 – 2

22. Look at the picture below!

What is the occupation if we work in that place?
A. doctor
B. teacher
C. policeman
D. postman

23. See the picture below!

What is the title from the animal story above?
A. garlic and onion
B. golden cucumber
C. lake toba
D. mouse deer and crocodile

24. My name is Bimantara. I want to tell a story about my brother Dafan. Dafan is the
youngest in our family. He is eleven years old. He has short hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile.
Sometimes he is rather naughty at home, but he usually does what he is asked to do.
Dafan is interested in sports very much, and at school, he plays football. He is the best
football player in his class. My parent is very proud of Dafan.
From the text above, who is the main character of the story?
A. bimantara
B. dafan
C. mother
D. father
25. Look at the sketch
According to picture above, the location of Police Station
is … Bank and Store.
A. in front of
B. behind
C. between
D. across

26. Read the dialogue below!

Dian : ”Hi, Dina. ... you help me to bring this book to

the library?”
Dina : ”Of course. I can help you.”

From the conversation above, the correct word to fill the blank is ...
A. will C. could
B. can D. may

27. Robby : ”Dino, do you know how to turn on the fan?”

Dino : ”Of course, i know. First of all, you should plugs
the cable in to the mains. After that, press the on/off
switch to start the fan.”
Robi : ”Oh, I see. After that. ... should i do
Dino : ”The next step is use the airflow control to adjust
the speed of the airflow. Press the oscillation button
to start and stop the fan turning. And enjoy your fan.”
Robby : ”Thank you Dino.”
Dino : ”Your welcome.”

The suitable word to fill the blank space is ...

A. when C. what
B. who D. where


Dea : “Hi Rio, i want to go to library? Can you help me to show the way to the library? (Dea is in
the bus station).”
Rio : “You can follow the third avenue, and than ..... to Maple Street, the library is beside the ....”

The correct answer is ...

A. turn right, cafe C. turn right, cinema
B. turn left, cinema D. turn left, cafe

29. Based on the story of “Sangkuriang”. What does the Sangkuriang do when Dayang Sumbi
refused him?
A. he kicks the the boat C. he cleans the boat
B. he throws the boat D. he makes a boat

30. Mia : Jane, what does the sign mean?

Jane : ....
A. turn right here
B. u-turn
C. turn right
D. don’t u-turn

31. Rama : Hi Arjuna, what is your hobby?
Arjuna : My hobby is ...
A. running
B. cycling
C. reading
D. riding

32. Rexy : What time is it, Juna?

Juna : It is ...
A. a quarter past ten
B. a quarter past nine
C. half past nine
D. half past ten

33. The legend of Malin Kundang emerged from …

A. jakarta C. sumatra
B. west java D. kalimantan

34. I am an animal. I have a long trunk and a long tail. Who i am?
A. lion
B. elephant
C. tiger
D. cow

Rena : Dea, next week i will go to Mecca with my
family. I’m so exited and i can’t wait to be
Dea : Wow, ....

A. i’m sad to hear that.

B. nevermind

C. i’m so glad to hear that.

D. i’m so sorry.

II. Tentukan apakah pernyataan di bawah ini benar (True) atau salah (False) berdasarkan teks My Last
Summer Holiday !

My Last Summer Holiday

Hi my name is Alice. I and my family went to Turkey last summer. We went there by car. We
stayed in a hotel in Turkey. It was nice and comfortable.
During the holiday, we enjoyed a lot. I and my little sister, Jenny, usually got up early and had
a big breakfast. After breakfast, we swam in the sea and made sand castles on the beach. We ate a
lot of ice-cream. My father had rest and relaxes. My mother bought nice presents for her friends.
We visited a lot of historical places and we ate a lot of Turkish food. They were delicious and
I made lots of friends there. There were very friendly. I and my family had a lot of fun there.
Source :

36. Alice went to Turkey last summer.

37. Alice went to Turkey by bus.

38. Alice stayed at her friend’s home.

39. Alice visited a lot of historical places.

40. Alice’s father bought nice presents.

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