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Quantun MEmeory

The SPH Nithyananda Paramshivam

The SPH Nithyananda

Published by KAILASA’s Nithyananda Hindu University । Copyright © 2021

First Edition: 2021

Nithyananda Hindu University

9720 Central Avenue, Montclair, CA 91763 USA

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in
any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical
methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Nothing written, explained, shared or promoted in this publication should be considered or

construed as medical advice or a substitute for medical care. Any instructions, teachings and
suggestions contained in this publication are purely in a spiritual capacity and not intended to be
any sort of guarantee or definitive statement about one's health or one's past, present, or future.

This book is not a platform, guide or instruction for learning or practicing any meditation, siddhi,
process, āsana, kriya, diet, or other technique that is described or pictured in this book. Any such
technique included in this book is for illustrative and informative purposes only and should be
practiced only under the guidance of a trained teacher Acharya, ordained by The SPH Nithyananda

Copyright © 2021 Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam. All Rights Reserved.

Quantum memory program is for your whole life, not just studies at school. In school
they will tell you how much to study, what to study and how long to study, but here we
will not insist on these kind of rules. That’s why it is not related just to school studies. In
school they don’t tell you how to study. It is like a teacher giving you a motorcycle
without any instructions about how to operate it. By nature some people know how to
study, those people get good marks. Quantum Memory Program is going to teach you
how to study. This program was designed by The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam . In
this program we are going to learn about IQ - Intelligence Quotient, EQ - Emotional
Quotient and SQ - Spiritual Quotient.

Small Story
One evening a father is dying his white hair black. His son is asks “Why do you have
so much white hair?” The father explains that every time his son tells a lie he grows
one white hair. The son starts laughing uncontrollably. The father can’t understand
why his son is laughing, finally he asks “What is so funny?” His son replies “You
have only some white hair. Your father is completely white, who is telling more lies?”

By nature students are very bright. By nature grownups aren’t so bright. Grown ups are
just children in older bodies. Grownups are just people who forgot how to be children.
Schools only give importance to intelligence, IQ. This intelligence quotient reflects your
ability to study and recall facts. Beyond IQ is EQ and then SQ. One third of our life is
spent in school. We are not learning the whole time we are in school.

The students who naturally know how to study excel. Half of the remaining students are
not studying properly. The remaining students study in vain. We are going to examine
what life is like for naturally gifted studiers. The results of one study show the highest
achievers have the least life satisfaction. The most challenged students have the most
interesting lives, for example, Bill Gates, discontinued his studies and achieved Microsoft
Corporation. In that study high achievers' personal lives were not satisfactory, why? To
have a great life you have to do poorly at school, why? The study asked many questions,
but all the questions can be synthesized into high IQ = low life satisfaction and low IQ =
high life satisfaction. The high achievers only sharpen their IQ not their EQ or SQ. That
is why their lives are not satisfactory. Students that excel in both studies and life
unknowingly work on EQ and SQ as well. The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam
designed this Quantum Memory Program for our whole life; IQ, EQ and SQ.

Many programs are available for IQ, but not for EQ or SQ so The SPH Nithyananda
Paramashivam has designed this program for a balanced IQ, EQ and SQ. Only
meditation techniques can improve EQ and SQ. EQ training is also available in other
programs, but SQ can only be improved through meditation.

In top level companies SQ training is available. These top level companies hire Yoga and
meditation trainers to train their executives. Upper level executives selection process
includes SQ qualifications as well. Lower level positions are only concerned with IQ,
mid-level managers must demonstrate EQ competence to be able to handle the stresses of
the job, but the highest level employee must also have SQ qualifications. This method of
promotion and hiring is used in Microsoft and Tata. These top level companies invite
their employees to take yoga classes.

The studies started in school continue into our adult working life. This program is not
only for children, but adults as well. The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam wants to give
meditation techniques to everyone. In QMP He is providing meditation techniques for
students of all ages. With these techniques He wants students to work towards
enlightenment. These meditation techniques are a synthesis of Tai Chi, Sufism and many
more Western and Eastern religions. One deeper level technique has even been taken
from the ancient Japanese Samurai training techniques. The technique neutralizes the
effects of writer's cramp. In The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam’s nine years of
wandering he studied many religions in a very deep way. That is why he is now able to
bring together the best of all religions to address our memory problems.

Chapter 1
You have the Power.
The Quantum Memory Program is a three level program. This is level one and two. This
program is actually a transcription of a workshop delivered in Dhyanapeetam ashram
near Bidadi in India by Sri Nithya Gnanananda. The third level of QMP is seven days
long. This first level and second level programs were only two days long. First and
second levels give useful techniques, but the third level provides deeper techniques.
Concentrate intensely, these programs are designed to give healings as well as memory
techniques. High academic achievers are not gifted for studying from birth; they study
well while they are studying. Lower achievement is not a reflection of true intelligence is
just means they don’t study as well when they study. By reading these words we feel
equal to high academic achievers. We are not going to make rules, but try to concentrate.
Each and every word will give a healing effect. Each and every one of you feel you are of
normal intelligence, but you are not. You are extraordinary! You feel that after learning
these techniques your life will become exceptional, your life is already exceptional. You
just don’t realize you are already exceptional. We have a lot of energy and intelligence,
but like gold in a locked suitcase we can’t see it so we don’t realize it is available to us. If
you can accept that you have this big treasure of energy and intelligence available you
will realize your potential and you will expand. Many programs explain how you have
potential and have faith, have faith you have potential and then give you a technique or
two at the end so you can feel some potential. This program gives you a technique to feel
your potential right at the beginning. After doing the following technique and you feel
your potential we ask you to have faith. Now we are going to start the meditation

Technique to feel your power:

1. Close your eyes for 2 minutes
2. Hold the palms of your hands 12” apart with your awareness in the palms of your
hands and slowly move them together until your palms are about a half inch apart
and hold them there for 5 minutes.
3. Apply your full awareness to the region between the palms of your hands and feel
what is happening.
4. You may slowly move your hands back and forth or in a circular motion to
enhance the effect.
5. Don’t let your hands touch or move apart. Just go with the sensations
6. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Hi.

Now you can feel how much energy you have! Some people feel like there is a ball
between their palms, some feel their palms are magnetically attracted to each other, while
others feel their palms are magnetically repulsed from each other as well as many other
different sensations. What ever happens just enjoy. Before this meditation would you
have believed me if I told you there are magnetic powers in the palms of your hands?

No!?! Now you have experienced it and know how much power you have! Before, you
might have accepted my comments based on faith, but now you know. The SPH
Nithyananda Paramashivam explains over and over again that you are God, but only
after experience do you believe. Using this technique you can believe you have magnetic
power in your hands, like this hearing the discourse and practicing the techniques you
believe you will be able to study better. If you follow this technique your whole life will
improve, not just academic studies. Recent cell biology studies prove that man’s expected
lifespan is three hundred years. What your mind sees your mind makes happen. Your see
people at forty with gray hair, people at fifty with diseases, people at sixty with no teeth
and finally at seventy five people pass away. We have a capacity to live three hundred
years, but out mind creates its own reality based on what we see. During The SPH
Nithyananda Paramashivam ’s wanderings he met what appeared to be a forty five year
old monk in a Zen Monastery. After conversing with the monk for some time he asked
the monk’s age. The monk told The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam one hundred and
twelve years old. The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam was shocked and told the monk
that he looked much younger. The monk told The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam to go
inside the Monastery and he could meet other monks that were two hundred and two
hundred and fifty years old, he is just middle aged.

If a father gets a fever and gets excused from work, comes home, takes medication and
goes to bed the child learns this behavior of how to be sick from watching his father.
Instead of acting out the disease the father can accept the fact that he is feeling a little low
in energy, but he can continue. The child who sees his father working in the face of low
energy will become mature. Children also learn behaviors from society. Behaviors like it
takes had work and studying to be successful. Children will study the whole night and it
is not necessary. If you want to achieve anything relaxation is the key. By doing hard
work they will get a gold medal, but in life they will get an old medal. In Zen monasteries
they live life casually for two hundred, two hundred and fifty, three hundred years of age.
Like this we can also live our lives casually, not by doing hard work. If you can live your
life casually you will be the highest achiever. You can also be successful in your studies
casually, not by working hard.

The energy and intelligence of life’s high achievers is the same in all of us. We need to
realize that we have the same energy and intelligence. If we realize this potential we are
also high achievers. If you realize you are a high achiever in life the studies will come
easily. Study is only one part of life, not the whole part of life. We spend half of our life
studying, forty years. Some of that time should be spent preparing for life and then the
studies will take less time.

Our conscious mind is capable of using ten percent of our mind’s capacity. With only ten
percent of our mind we handle our life. The remainder is unconscious mind. Most people
only use one or two percent of their mind. Studies indicate that of the one hundred things
happening around us at the same time, if we are able to fully comprehend just one thing
we are geniuses. In our bodies we have seventy two thousand nerves. These are energy
centers also. Our IQ can activate ten percent of these energy centers. Ancient Samaria’s

utilized seven thousand energy centers. Using EQ we can activate more than seven
thousand, ten percent. With SQ we can activate all seventy two thousand, one hundred
percent of our energy centers. Enlightened masters can utilize one hundred percent of
their energy centers. If we stub our toe we massage it to make if feel better. If someone
else stubs their toe we show them how to massage it to make it feel better. Like that
enlightened masters show us techniques to make us feel better. IQ and EQ are small
branches of SQ. If you do the meditation techniques for one month your studying
capacity will increase. The whole program is designed to increase your IQ, EQ and SQ.

Chapter 2
Memory circuit.
We study, we remember, we recollect, but we don’t understand how this process happens.
We are going to learn the process, how problems are created and how studies have
become such a big burden. In the memory circuit we are going to see how the mind is
working. We are receiving information through all five of our senses. Sweet we record
through our sense of taste, “a” squared plus “b” squared equal “c” squared we record
through our sense of hearing, touch is recorded through our sense of feeling, beauty we
record through our sense of sight, books we also record through our sense of sight. Your
mind is a collection of information, nothing more than that. If this information is erased
we are in a coma. If half of the information is erased we are mad. With all the
information intact we are human beings. Information is continuously entering our minds.
Our intelligence is determined by how the information enters our conscious,
subconscious and unconscious. Lets talk about the conscious, subconscious and
unconscious minds. If I created a diagram your conscious mind would receive the
information. Before we started this QM Program you had an idea of what it would be
like, that information is the subconscious mind. The unconscious mind expresses itself as
the unsolicited recollections of what happened before. From the information stored in all
three levels of your mind you are determined. You are reading this material. You are
getting this material through the conscious mind. The information juggled by your
conscious mind is your short term memory. Now you are able to answer any question
about this material, tomorrow some of it will be gone.

Now we are going to talk about long term memory in the subconscious mind. We have
been talking about IQ, EQ and SQ repeatedly, it is in your subconscious. IQ,EQ, and SQ
is available to us from our subconscious, but we cannot remember the stories, if the first
line is repeated you can remember the rest of the story. The short term memory will keep
information for twenty four to forty eight hours. If you are asked what you ate this
morning you can remember. If you are asked what you ate yesterday, you have to think.
What you ate three days ago is gone. Information stays in the long term memory
(subconscious) three to six years. After one year we will be able to recall there are three
Qs, what were they? If the information is not reviewed and refreshed this is the state of
our memory. In one year when our friends ask us about the Quantum Memory Program
you will tell them there are three Qs, go and learn about them.

Beyond the subconscious mind is the unconscious mind. If someone asks us the letter
after “a” in the alphabet we can answer “b” in our sleep. If we are asked our National
Anthem, immediately the song will start replaying in our minds, it is in our permanent
memory. Accept it or not the words Quantum Memory are stored in our unconscious
minds also. You won’t be able to forget Quantum Memory for the rest of your life. From
the beginning of this discourse, all you can remember is the words Quantum Memory
Program. Only a small amount of this discourse will be in long term memory. The rest is

in short term memory. The information in short term memory will last three to six
months. Our conscious mind is not clean and clear so the process is inhibited. We can
spend two and a half hours memorizing Newton’s law. The next day we will be able to
recall Murphy’s law because of the processing delay. While watching a movie we can
remember what the credits looked like. What the color of the clothes the hero wore. The
make of the hero’s car and many other details. We can remember the whole movie. We
can read a two hundred page novel in an afternoon, but studying two lines of school
information takes longer! It takes three hours to study a few lines of information from
school, but in less time we can read a three hundred page novel. In novels there are at
least fifteen characters. Can you recall fifteen explorers that discovered your country? In
your novel you can remember street names, friend’s names, team’s names, but not the
details of your school studies. Why? Because movies and novels go directly to the
unconscious mind. In this program we are going to reveal forty different techniques.
These techniques will be going around inside your conscious, short term memory. Only
four will slip into your subconscious mind, short term memory. These four techniques
will float around in your subconscious and different parts of different techniques will
make their way into your unconscious, long term memory. This is how information gets
stored in permanent memory. This process happens while studying. The minds of
intellectually based people work like this. The first day of studying a small amount of
information will be retained. Reviewing the same information a second day adds to the
information retained. Only after five days of studying the same information can you
remember enough of the information to produce the results you want. During the five
days information goes from conscious to unconscious to unconscious memory. While
reading novels or watching movies a different system is working. Your unconscious mind
draws the information directly in because of your clear interest. The unconscious mind
inquires about details of the novel to find out about the reputation of the author, title of
the book and position on the best sellers list to reinforce the importance of the novel to
you. If the responses create clear interest the unconscious will draw the information in
directly. In the movie the unconscious mind makes similar inquiries, is the actor a big
name, is the plot interesting, is the subject matter of interest. If yes the unconscious mind
will draw the information in directly. That is why all three hours of information gets
recorded in the unconscious mind. Memories stored in unconscious mind can be recalled
at any time for years. When you watch movies or read a novel there is no studying and
reviewing, but we are able to answer questions spontaneously. If we are clearly
interested, memory will happen without effort. Memorizing doesn’t need effort, it needs
interest. Studying is not hard work, studying should be done casually. We are able to
draw the information from novels and movies directly into our unconscious, but not for
studying, Why? Interest! Why can’t we generate the same level of interest in our studies?
We will examine why next.

Chapter 3
Why are studies a burden?

While studying most of the information goes into conscious mind, some gets into
subconscious mind and very little gets past our subconscious into the unconscious mind.
That is the problem. Not enough information gets to the unconscious mind that is why we
must repeatedly study and review the same information. Biologically there is an error in
the way our brain handles memories. That is why studying is so difficult. While watching
movies and reading novels with high interest memory works well. Memory does not
work the same way for studying. There is a fundamental system error that we can correct
with the right technique and learn how to create interest in studying. How the system got
the error, how to correct it and how to create interest is what this chapter is all about. We
are going to learn the techniques to understand how the system got its error, and learn
how the memory circuits work. Are we clear about the memory circuit?

If you feel studies are a gift you will achieve eighty percent or more, otherwise studies
are a burden and you will achieve less than eighty percent. In this session we are going to
deal with the truth. Our educational conditionings about studies have created a big tumor
inside us. We are going to examine why studies have become such a big burden.

In Gurukul days there was no specific classes or classroom. Under the trees, by the pond,
by the well were all classrooms. The whole class was alive with interest. The routine
started in the morning with imaginative play. Then Sun Salutation yoga. Chanting Vedic
mantras followed. Then the main Guru would come and join the group to teach about life,
math and all the subjects in an integrated way. All the teachings were fun, alive and
energizing. In our present school system when a class is boring we think about sleeping,
avoiding and anything but class. No classes were boring in Gurukul. Gurukul teachers
treated the students like they were adult friends. Teachers would not do anything to make
the students feel they didn’t want to learn. If something happened that interfered with
student learning the teacher personally resolved the situation with love, but now schools
are punishment for children.

Now students go to school in fear and leave with relief. Does any child love to go to
school and feel sad to go home? No! Children leave school like getting up off a hot pan.
From a young age the process of studying is not taught and is wrong. The SPH
Nithyananda Paramashivam says in Gurukul days the Mother took care of the child until
age seven, then the father took over until age fourteen. From fourteen to twenty one
Gurukul took care of the child. After twenty one the guru handed the young adult over to
god. In those days students were brought up with Spiritual truths, now society brings up

children with unrealistic materialistic goals. Now children are bussed to school from a
very young age. Putting a young child on a bus is a traumatic experience. So traumatic
that the child yells like he is experiencing cruelty. At the age of four this is the first harm
society does to its young children. The child’s freedom is wrenched away like pulling a
tooth, plus they have to leave all that is familiar and face strange adults in a strange
environment. At a young age children’s urge to play is a natural expression of their
curiosity and creativity, but schools force children to play by the school’s unnatural
schedule. During the play time the teacher will supervise and direct children to play now.
The child will not feel like playing in such an oppressive environment. The child will
only feel the pain of the lost freedom and imagine leaving school.

Kids at a young age are already in bliss. The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam was
invited to speak in a large school with over two thousand students. When he arrived at the
school he found a small one room school house with a handful of young students. The
SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam told the teacher that students of this age are already in
bliss and they don’t need spiritual teaching. The teacher convinced Swami that after
traveling all this way he could surely sit for a few minutes. Swami sat in a chair and the
students gathered around like ducklings to a mother duck. Everything Swami said got the
children laughing. They were already in bliss!

Taking away a child’s freedom is like taking away his toy. The child will see the school
as the thug who took away the toy of his freedom as his enemy. The feeling of the school
being his enemy unknowingly enters his unconscious mind. He may not remember
consciously, but unconsciously he will continue to feel school as the enemy.

Small story
A rat was relaxing on a table after a great meal. A cat saw the rat and pounced up
onto the table. The rat jumped down off the table and sees the other rats are also
running. The rat runs as fast as he can along with all the other rats. The cat jumps off
the table and catches the rat and asks the rat why he ran in this direction. The rat
explained that all the other rats were running this way!!

At the age of fourteen or fifteen students see everybody running towards good marks.
They don’t understand why, but because everybody else is he also wants good marks. In
our unconscious minds school is the enemy, but students want good marks so the struggle
begins. That’s why studies are a burden. That’s why achieving good marks is such a

The other rats don’t now why they are running either. In the beginning a few rats started
running without knowing why, now they all run. As the student runs for marks he thinks
he is interested in reading, but unconsciously there is no interest. Reading becomes a
struggle without knowing the reason. The unconscious barrier has only to do with school
so all other activities such as going to the movies, reading for enjoyment or playing are
not affected. Because of the unconscious school barrier we have lost our natural interest
and curiosity that generates our desire to do everything, but school.

The enemy of our enemy is our friend. Like this, having fun is the enemy of our studying,
so the enemy of studying is our friend. That’s why having fun is our friend. Studying has
created a deep wound in our being when our freedom was wrenched away from us. So
anything that is against studying or restricted freedom is desirable. We can read for
pleasure, seven hundred pages in a week and remember much of it, but seventy pages of
studying is too much because of our wounded unconscious mind. This is our wound and
no amount of outside help will make any difference. We have to heal ourselves. The
healing begins with the understanding of how the wound was created, with the forced
removal of our freedom at a young age and being forced to study. When the teacher is in
the room our energy is low, but when he is out of the room we feel energized because we
don’t have interest and dislike studying, not necessarily what is being taught. If we
enjoyed our studies we could read our text book like we were reading Harry Potter, but
our wounded unconscious makes other choices. If you don’t study you get zero, but if
you study you get two zeros with a one in front (100). Unconsciously you don’t want to
study, but consciously you want to get two zeros after the one. So we have to focus our
attention and concentrate. We can’t concentrate on our studies, but concentration has to
happen. Concentration is forcing information into the unconscious. All the sensory inputs
we get is left in the conscious mind with some getting into our subconscious. It is our
interest and concentration that makes the difference. Can anybody study in a relaxed
way? Consciously we want to study and get things done, but we procrastinate. There is a
good movie so we procrastinate by watching the movie instead of studying. Because of
our procrastination our studies become even hard work. The higher academic achievers
got where they are with a lot of hard work. Their hard work set the example that we are
all running after, but the method of hard work to attain two zeros after the one is

When you feel anger towards someone for some reason the only way to permanently
resolve the situation is to forgive them with heartfelt sincerity. Not forgiving someone
because we have no choice, or because they are more powerful or have bigger friends.
That is forced, forgiving and remembering. That is not true forgiveness. Forgive and
forget is what happens when someone does something that wounds us mentally or
physically and makes us angry, but we are compassionate and mature enough to
understand that what they did was the result of their inherent nature and not really a
conscious choice so we forgive them. The forced forgive and remember leaves an
unconscious wound that reduces our energy and must be dealt with sooner or later.
Forgive and forget removes the tension of the anger and lets us carry on in bliss. Like the
person who did you wrong and you were unable to forgive and forget what they did
because they really didn’t understand the consequences of their actions we need to
forgive and forget the people, events and society that created the wound in us about
school. We need to sincerely forgive whatever happened to us so we can get that event
out of our unconscious and reclaim the energy and stop letting it affect us after all this

to forgive and forget:

Close your eyes and remember one incident that negatively affected how you feel about
education. Totally relive that moment with as much detail as possible. The more
completely you remember the more complete the forgiveness will be. While you are
experiencing that moment feel forgiveness, genuine heartfelt forgiveness. When you feel
the energy you have dissolved that tumor. Repeat this technique for each trauma you can
remember being associated with school.

Chapter 4
This program is not only for those struggling with their studies. Do you feel burdened by
your studies or relaxed? If you are relaxed you are probably getting the kind of marks the
burdened students wish they were getting. This program is for those who feel burdened
by their studies.

Information moves from our conscious to our unconscious memory. We are going to
examine this process and where it breaks down. We are going to learn how to consciously
create links to our unconscious. Information enters our unconscious mind from all five
senses as a bit of information. We are only aware of about two percent. The information
that we are concentrating on receiving, such as the print on this page, is only a small part
of everything that is going on around us. If you are in a situation where it is important
that you remember more than two percent such as in a car accident hypnotism can be
used to create a link to the unconscious mind and the other ninety eight percent of the
information is available. Information such as the color of the car in the accident, license
numbers and street names, etc. Everything is recorded unconsciously.

A video image is 2D, length and width. In the 1950s multicolored glasses were used to
give you the impression of 3D in the movies by adding the dimension of depth in a more
realistic way. Universal Studios has created a 4D experience where you are strapped into
your seat and at appropriate moments in the movie the chair moves, perfume is silently
squirted near you, water is sprayed in your face or your feet are made to move to make
you feel like you are walking in the scene. The new fourth dimension is emotion. Your
mind records information in more than 5D; five senses plus time and space. When you
were young and you were scolded for something the same words heard later in life evoke
the same emotion timelessly. If you are scolded with words that have no emotional
attachment the words will have no effect on you.

When you are reading these words things are going on all around you, but you are not
aware of everything. The information from all our five senses is always being received,
but usually in our unconscious. Awareness through meditation gives us the opportunity to
develop the awareness to be conscious of more of the sensory input. When you
concentrate you are only aware of the limited sensory input you are concentrating on. The
sensory input is one thousand times more than what you are concentrating on now. Like
reading this book, concentrating on your studies limits what you are aware of. Meditation
increases your awareness and intelligence. With increased awareness and intelligence the
quality of your studies will increase. In the outer world 1 + 1 = 2. In the inner world 1 + 1
= 11 because the quality of awareness is so much higher. Awareness is not just
concentration it is one thousand times more than concentration. Writing the expression a2

+ b2 = c2 it can be seen as a mathematical statement, a piece of art, a word or in the case
of a person with a photographic memory a photograph.

In this Quantum Memory Program we will learn meditation techniques that will increase
your awareness. Like a well equipped gym these techniques have the ability to transform,
but without good physical and mental health you will do more damage than good to
yourself. There are many other teachers of many more techniques, but without a good
foundation of physical and mental health the techniques will not be as effective. For good
physical health do Sun Salutation yoga daily (see appendix for procedure). Sun Salutation
yoga will remove all physical impurities. For good mental health do Nithya Dhyan
meditation daily (see appendix for procedure). These techniques for physical and mental
health will improve everything in your life. If any school gives physical health and
mental health education its students will get better marks. Without physical and mental
health you can’t do well. We have seventy two thousand nerves in our bodies, we use
three to four thousand of them. Sun Salutation meditation will activate more and more
nerves in the course of time. If we do the Sun Salutation meditation with awareness there
is no need to do any other meditation. Swami insists all ashramites do Sun Salutation
meditation for physical health. Swami will take care of you mental health. Sun Salutation
meditation will remove all your physical impurities. Swami analyzed forty different
systems for physical health and chose Sun Salutation meditation.

Chapter 5
Memory technique
These techniques are used by all memory masters in all countries. Like headache
medication, anyone can use these memory techniques. These are basic techniques. This
technique explains one philosophy. We are going to explain this philosophy with the
sentence “A Banyan tree is here.” Without concentration we can’t read this sentence. To
read this sentence your eye needs to be focused on the words. The information about the
sentence is brought into the mind through your eyes. When you first see the sentence you
will focus on it. In the sentence “A Banyan tree is here.” In one glance we can see the
whole sentence, but if we are learning a new language each letter is a separate concept.
With practice the new words can be taken in in one glance instead of one letter at a time.
Then groupings of familiar words can be processed in one glance. Eventually the whole
sentence of the new language can be processed in one glance. The results of research
determined that in one second we can take in and process four sentences. We can take in
six words in one glance. That is twenty four words in one second. Twenty four words in
one second is a fast reader. In one minute one thousand four hundred and forty words can
be processed! This has been scientifically proven with extensive testing.

Now we are going to learn a technique to increase our reading speed. A good foundation
of physical health with Sun Salutation and mental health with Nithya Dhyan meditation is
important to increase performance. Before increasing reading speed we need to get our
eyes ready. Eye preparation requires massage and exercise. There are twelve muscles in
your eye socket, one for each direction the eye ball moves in; up, down, left, right,
diagonally, etc. One of these twelve muscles is called the copying muscle. Each muscle
has to get strengthened. The cornea also needs to get strengthened. Once the muscles
have been strengthened we can start to increase the reading speed. As our reading speed
increases the mind becomes quiet. If our reading speed is not sufficient to keep our mind
quiet the mind breaks up the information as the mind searches for things to keep itself
busy. For example: “The Banyan tree is near the temple” is one sentence for a fast reader,
but for a slower reader’s mind will store this sentence in two or more bits of information;
eg: “The Banyan tree” is one bit “is near the temple” is the second bit. The two bits are
stored separately so when recalled the second bit may or may not be the correct one. If
your reading speed is slow your comprehension will be low. Increasing reading speed is
like learning to ride a bicycle. You fall down four times before you get it. Then you can’t
stop. The technique we are going to learn is a very successful technique. In over one
hundred studies this technique was the most successful. Scientists have also invented a
machine that is guaranteed to increase your reading speed. Even that machine cannot
teach you to read as fast as this technique.

Before your examination you can read fast to review. You will actually recall information
read quickly better than information read slowly. Because of our mental setup we are

conditioned to read slowly. We end up with fragmented information. Our minds are
naturally full of thoughts. Meditation reduces in a slower way the number of thoughts
through out your day. Reading quickly reduces your thoughts only while reading quickly.
Reading quickly increases comprehension by quieting the mind and reducing
fragmentation. When you start reading quickly any pause or break the mind will
automatically fill the space with some kind of random thought which fragments the flow
of reading thoughts. Comprehension is directly proportionate to the reading speed. You
will naturally hesitate to read fast because of your inner chatter. As you read fast speak
gibberish in your mind to keep it quiet. When you first start don’t try to understand just
read fast. Now we are going to read fast. This will train the eye muscles and the cornea.
While reading fast your eyes may feel strained, but they are not actually strained it is
your mind. Practicing to read fast without being concerned about comprehension will
naturally increase your comprehension. As a student you will normally read five to six
hours per day. Set aside half to one hour per day to practice reading fast by reading a
newspaper for one minute. Stop and count the number of words you read.

Technique for reading faster:

Right now get a newspaper. Turn it upside down and read it continuously for thirty
minutes. It is difficult for you to follow so use your finger or a pen to help guide your
eyes. With the help of your finger or pen you can increase your speed. Don’t skim or skip
words. Read everything. As you read increase the speed. At the end of thirty minutes close
your eyes and relax for five minutes. The first time your eyes will feel strained. Five
minutes relaxation should be enough to make them feel better. Now count the number of
words you read. Count by taking an average of a few lines and then multiply by the
number of lines read. Now turn the page the right way up and read the same passage for
one minute. Count the words you read the normal way in one minute. Compare the
number of words read this time with the number of words read upside down. Now read
for 20 minutes without decreasing the speed. Don’t worry about comprehension. Get
whatever understanding you can. Practice this technique daily with awareness.
Awareness means keeping your mind focused on the reading, don’t let your mind wander.
Awareness is the key difference between this technique and techniques taught by other

After all this reading you Ajna chakra will be tense, the region between your eye brows.
Turn on some music and dance to relax the chakra. If you have a headache it is because
you didn’t read with awareness.

Technique to relax the tension in the eyes:

To relax the tension in the eyes place the palms of your hands over your eyes so that the
palm presses against your eye brow and cheek bone and does not put pressure on the
eyeball itself. Hold your palms softly over your eyes for 10 minutes with awareness.
Awareness of the pressure on your face, the intense darkness and relaxation of your eyes.
This is a refreshing technique for your eyes. Your awareness should be in the palms of
your hands.

Technique to increase eyes ability to focus:
This technique will help with your near and far sightedness and the quality of your
cornea. It will strengthen the muscles around your eyes and help you focus better. The
first part of this technique is to focus on something far off in the distance. The hold up
your thumb at a comfortable distance so that it appears beside the object in the distance.
Now focus on your thumb for a moment, focus on the object in the distance for a moment
and continue to switch focus back and forth between your thumb and the object in the
distance. Continue for 12 focus changes as quickly as you can with awareness. This
technique also works with corrective lenses.

Some people will experience a moment of darkness as they change focus from near to far
or far to near. That darkness is normal

Technique to exercise the eyes

In this technique don’t focus on an object in the distance, just focus off into space in the
distance. Move your eyes slowly from extreme right to extreme left (or left to right). Take
10 to 30 seconds to slowly make this one movement. Repeat this motion 6 times. Now
change the direction to up and down. Moving the eyes from one extreme to the other.
Repeat 6 times. Now slowly move your eyes diagonally from upper right to lower left, 6
times. Then upper left to lower right 6 times. Now rotate your eyes in as big a circle as
your eye travel will allow. Clockwise 6 times and then Counterclockwise 6 times.

Eighty percent of our energy is expended through our eyes. Our eyes are one of the most
often used parts of our body. The only other body part used more than our eyes is our
heart. Because we use our eyes so much we need to keep them in good shape with this
exercise. If six repetitions is too much in some situation, such as just before a big test, do
the exercise at least two times.

Chapter 6
The Power of Repetition
In our studies the most important factor is the strength of reading repeatedly. The high
achiever depends on repetition of reading, but spends less time because he does it
smarter. If we all knew the power of repetition we would have started long ago. We don’t
use repetition because we don’t know the power it has. When we learn about the power it
has we will use it.

Technique to remember your studies

In class your teacher will spend one hour teaching you a concept. Listen carefully. After
the teacher has finished, review your notes for 5 minutes to keep the information fresh in
your mind. After you get home review your notes for 15 minutes to refresh the information
again. Based on our bodies natural energy cycle we should review the same day we
received the information, the 7th day, the 21st day and the 63rd day to keep the information
fresh in our minds. On the 7th day it will take only 5 minutes to review the information. In
21 days from getting the information 5 minutes is all that is needed to keep the
information current in our memories. On the 63rd day another 5 minutes is all that is
needed. Add up the time taken to maintain the freshness of the information. Day 1 – 5min,
Day 7 – 5min, Day 21 – 5min, Day 63 – 5min. Total 35 minutes to memorize the
information for the student who listened intensely in class.

The student who did not listen must take the same exam. He must also commit the same
information to memory and be able to recall that information for the same exam. He will
have to study one hour to remember the same information one week before the exam.
One day before the exam he will need another thirty minutes to refresh the information.
The next exam the inattentive student will have to review the same information for
another fifteen minutes. Now when we add up the time taken by the inattentive student
we see he must spend one hour and forty five minutes to be able to recall the same
information the attentive student recalled in thirty five minutes. Even after reviewing the
extra time the inattentive student will only be ably to recall 75% of the information where
as the attentive student will recall over 90%. If we review the information we want to
remember according to our energy cycle we will work smarter not harder and remember

Research has been done to examine what repetition is doing inside our heads. Like an
insulated copper wire our nerves are in a protective covering called a sheath. The thicker
the sheath the faster the information passes through our nerves. Repetition increases the
thickness of the sheath. The cells in our brain are surround by neurons. Memories create
additional connections between these neurons. Repetition increases the number of
connections between neurons. The more connections there are the faster the information
can be recalled. In a quiz show the contestants repeat the answers to themselves. We can
have the same power of recall if we use repetition to remember our studies. Even an

academically challenged student can get good marks using repetition. Multiple choice
questions have more than one answer that appears correct at first glance. The student who
practices repetition immediately repeats the information to himself and easily picks out
the correct answer. Repetition pushes information into the unconscious. Even if you are
not interested in the information repetition still works. Repetition can be used to convince
yourself about the concepts in the information you are repeating. Specialists and
consultants are experts because they constantly repeat the same information. The constant
repetition convinces the specialist the information is the truth so he can convince others
which makes him a specialist. You can use repetition in all areas of your life. Repetition
is a powerful technique. Information is stored as energy. This energy is eventually passed
to every cell in our bodies in the course of seven days. This new energy becomes part of
the energy that rejuvenates our cells. Our bodies energy cycle rejuvenates all our cells in
seven days, twenty one days and sixty three days. Like throwing a stone into a pool of
water that generates one ripple in seven days, its second ripple in twenty one days and its
third ripple in sixty three days. It takes sixty three days for the information to reach our
unconscious. You can take your study material on holidays and when there is five
minutes review what needs to be remembered. Now we going to repeat the fast reading

Technique for reading fast:

The first time we did this intensely. This time be relaxed. Relax your eyes, your shoulders,
your forehead, everything and do the technique you did earlier, but only for thirty
minutes. Read as fast as you can without concern for comprehension.

If you sit to watch television at 8:00pm one day you will automatically feel drawn to
watch the television the same time the next day. We are addicted to routine. We can use
our addiction to routine for good if we allocate time to study and then continue to study at
the same time each day. Don’t study at different times. Find a quiet place in your home,
preferably a separate room and study at the same time each day. The room should be
uncluttered to reduce distraction. Don’t study while watching television or talking with
friends. Our minds are continuously taking in sensory input so your study place needs to
be clean and uncluttered. Don’t distract yourself by eating snacks while studying, water is
enough. A sip of water every twenty minutes is recommended. By nature man cannot do
any task for more that twenty one minutes so take a one minute break every twenty one
minutes. During that one minute break drink water slowly. Enjoy drinking that water like
drinking is an art. The one minute can also be used for the palm technique to relieve
tension. This one minute relaxation will help you study another twenty one minutes.
After twenty one minutes the mind will naturally wander to other thoughts. This break
gives the mind the time it needs to relax so it can refocus. The mind naturally likes
variety so every thirty to sixty minutes change the subject of your studying. You should
read for at least thirty minutes each day. If you read more, then continue with a similar
amount of time, but read each day. If you continue to do these techniques and practice
daily you will experience miracles. Teach these techniques to your friends. In other
programs you are asked to take an oath of secrecy, but here we encourage you to share.
The other programs will actually get you to sign a document to prove you have taken the

oath. Here all we ask is that you be as accurate as you can when you share these

Chapter – Energizing the Chair

Before you start your studies you should energize your mind and your body as you sit in
the chair, this is called energizing the chair. This technique brings all different healing
modalities in. When ever you are sitting you have to rake care of your spine. If you don’t
take care of your spine now you will suffer late in life. When you sit keep your spine
straight. When your back is straight energy will flow properly. If your back Is not straight
you will have low energy. Blood flow is affected by gravity. Blood naturally goes down
to the legs, but has to move in opposition to the force of gravity to get to our heads.

Technique of energizing the chair:

1. The first part of this technique is to sit up straight in your chair and bend over
forward so that your chest rests on your thighs and your arms hang loosely onto
the floor beside your feet. Remain in this position for 1 minute. This technique
will energize you because you are getting more blood to circulate in your brain.
2. After one minute slowly sit up.
3. Wait 1 minute and bend over forward again, but remain bent over for just a
4. Repeat the bending 2 more times for a total of four times. You may have the
sensation of subtle energy vibrations in your head and eyes.
5. Continue energizing the chair by doing the palming technique over our eyes until
we feel relaxed, a few seconds.
6. Do the eye movement exercise as described earlier with 3 repetitions for each
7. Do the palming again until your eyes relax.

In our bodies there are some mysterious points called Varma points. We can disable or
enable them with Varma therapy. Varma therapy is the root of acupuncture. If you can
find the exact Varma point just a touch will heal. In some places in our bodies the points
are very deep. In the points we are going to work with the points are on the surface.

Technique continued:
8. The first point we are going to energize is known in acupuncture as Due20 on the
crown of the head. If you are having trouble sleeping gently rub this point with
short strokes with the tip of your index finger and you will be able to sleep. Gently
rub the point at the center of the crown of your head 3 times with awareness.
9. Apply the same treatment to:
o the point between your eyebrows.
o both sides of your nose.
o your upper lip just under your nose.
o just under you lower lip.
o the point of your chin.

10. Your jaw muscles are generally the first muscles to get tense. Massage your jaw
11. Now press firmly at your heart point in the center of your chest with your index
finger, four finger widths up from where your ribs come together, 3 times.
12. Press firmly on your Solar Plexus, 3 times.
13. Press firmly just above the belly button, 3 times.
14. Press firmly just below the belly button, 3 times.
15. Press firmly on the pubic bone, 3 times.
16. Squeeze both knees firmly, 3 times.
17. Press the area on the sole of your foot. In the center of your foot where the softer
skin of your instep meets the thicker part at the ball of your foot, 3 times. This
point connects directly to the region between your eyebrows and your pituitary
18. Apply acupressure to the entire sole of your foot.
19. Repeat previous two steps with the other foot.
20. Apply acupressure to the palms of both hands.
21. give each of your ear lobes a good tug. Tugging earlobes helps eliminate
22. An energy giving technique called Kriya;
o put your thumbs in your ears
o index finger from each hand on each eye
o next finger hold nose closed
o ring finger into mouth and pull cheeks open
o put smallest fingers on chin
o stick your tongue out and down as far as you can

Gravity makes the blood go down to the feet faster than it comes back up. Seventy
percent of the blood is below the waist. Therefore toxins collect in the legs and manifest
as diseases of the legs first. To increase circulation in the legs when you feel tired or of
low energy your legs will be affected first.

Technique continued:
23. Place your hands under your knees and slowly lift your legs until your feet knees
and feet form a horizontal line level with your head. Hold for a couple of seconds
24. Slowly lower your legs to the floor.
25. Repeat lifting and lowering legs 2 more times.

The energizing the chair technique is not required every time you study, only when you
feel low on energy, don’t feel like studying or have a big test to study for.

Chapter – Understanding
This chapter is about understanding how the process of understanding works. We are
going to see understanding in detail. Our emotions are like warm and fuzzy cotton. Our
thoughts are the thread that is spun from the cotton of our emotions. Karma and
Samskaras are the processes that create the thread from our emotions. The cotton of our

emotions is soft and formless. As thoughts form the cotton starts to spin. As thoughts
come together the spinning is more concentrated and threads are produced, but both are
cotton. Karma and Samskaras are the forces that transform emotions into the threads of
our thoughts. In this QMP the meditation techniques will dissolve the force of Karma and
Samskaras related to studies. Previously we did meditations to help us read faster. Those
meditations shook up our Karma and Samskaras concerned with reading speed.
Samskaras are ingrained behavior patterns. Previously we had an ingrained behavior
pattern about how fast we could read. Our previous behaviors and beliefs about how fast
we can read have been shaken up now. The unwinding of the thread of our ingrained
behaviors has begun. When all the threads of our thoughts have been unwound and
returned to the soft and fuzzy cotton our emotions we have reached the ultimate
intelligence. That is emotional intelligence. For understanding to happen our intellect has
to soften with verbalization and our emotions need to open up with visualization. Our
intellect needs to soften because we are too focused on our intellect. Our intellect has
spun many more threads than are needed for a balanced blissful life. When a young child
sees a picture of an apple and hears the teacher explain that “a is for apple” he gets the
visualization of the apple and the verbalization of the text. Everything we need for
understanding. Verbalization alone does not produce understanding, nor does
visualization alone produce understanding. A young child is visually based. He goes to
sleep with a smile because he is visualizing. That child only needs verbalization for
understanding to happen.

Humans operate mostly with the left side of their brain, the logical sequential side.
Researchers tell us we need to use our right brain as well. There is nothing wrong with
using our left brains, in fact we are not utilizing even out left brains to its capacity. The
verbalization of our left brain and visualization of our right brain must work equally well.
Now we are going to soften the verbalization. Then the verbalization can help
visualization and visualization can help verbalization. Men are more left brain dominant,
logical sequential. Women are predominantly right brained, random intuitive. In school
boys will talk more about mathematics and girls will talk more about art. If both sides of
our brain are working in a balanced way we will be successful in whatever we feel drawn
to do. In biomedical research a mans brain works sixty percent left side and forty percent
right side. I Swamiji brain both sides work one hundred percent. This is the first time
researchers have seen a brain operating like Swamiji’s. That means Swamiji’s mental
capacity is seven times more than the average male and has three hundred times more
capacity for concentration. The corpus callosum is a bundle of nerves that connects the
two hemispheres of our brain. Researchers have proven there is s atrong correlation
between the speed information travels through the corpus callosum an dour ability to
understand. IQ reults are based on processing speed not understanding. A bigger
understanding capacity allows us to successsfully solve big puzzles. Research shows that
the better you are at solving puzzles the more active your corpus callosum. Swamiji has
diesigned separate meditataions for the left brain, right brain and corpus callosum. In
level three of the quantum Memory Program there is an intensie work for each part of our
brain. Fir understanding to happen we need both verbalization and visualization. The
foundation is awareness. Awareness is the essential ingredient to create understanding

from verbalization an dvisualization. Without IQ, verbalization, EQ visualization and SQ
awareness nobody can study effectively. The basis for good understanding is
verbalization, visualization and awareness. We are going to learn some meditation
techniques for verbalization and visualization. We have already started the techniques for
awareness. The reading speed technique is a combinatin of verbalization and awareness.
The meditation techniques we will be doing will be a combination of any of the
individual concepts. Much of the information we get comes in the form of verbalization
or visualization not both. When we don’t get half of the story we have to create it
ourselves for maximum understanding. In our minds there is a verbalization traffic jam so
we are going to learn how to expand the verbalization highway. We are going to clear the
road with the following technique. To expand a highway you would use a bulldozer. We
are going to use this technique as a bulldozer to clear the verbalization highway.

Technique to expand the verbalizaton highway:

The technique is to count out loud, backwards from 100. If you make a mistake you must
start again.

Visualization is the process of activating the right brain. We are going to learn two or
three simple techniques to activate the right brain and then a big technique. Most ot the
time we use our right brain to weite with. This activity stimulates the left brain. We use
the right side very little. If we practice the visualization tecnique the processing time will
be decreased. Everybody knows that a single picture can describe something that one
thousand words cannot. We are not visualizing what we are studying. Now we cannot
visualize what we are studying because we are not activting our right brain. Swami is
going to give one key to activate the right brain. If you do any meditation regularily,
visualization will eventually come naturally. Swami’s key to activating th eright brain fir
instant visualization is to take the information you want to remember an plan ten steps
ahead. For example: someone is coming to visit. To remember that someone is coming to
visit we associate that memory with the next ten things we plan to do to receive that guest
in our home. Now the fact of the visit is linked by association to aseries of events that we
plan to undertake. The memory is now more than just a fact, it is a visualization of an
entire event that will happen when our guest arrives. In this case we applied the fact we
wanted to remember to the real world. Otherwise associate the new fact with memories
you already have. Another example is that of planting a Teak tree. When you think about
planting the Teak tree visualize the tree growing and how the surrounding area might
change. As you visualize the changing landscape you remember a newspaper article
about a new airport that will be built near your tree. Now you visualizaton has linked the
news article and planting and opened up the possibility of planting many more trees to
take advantage of all the traffic the new airport will bring to the area to make you a lot of
money. In the third level of the Quantum Memory Program the vastness of the subjects of
association and linking requires a whole day to deal with. This one, ten step linking and
visualization technique is enough. The one day discourse is not needed. If we are
chastized by a peer we immediately think ten steps aahead about ten things that he should
be chastized about. We need to apply this ten step technique to our studies. Whenever we

have a chance use the ten step technique. Practice with as many things in your life as you
can. All these techniques are related to life improvement.

Another technique is to take a quick glance at something and then, without looking back,
write down everything you say in that glance in as minute detail as you can. With good
visualization powers you will be able to recall many details. Our recall may not be
photograohic yet, but with practice it will get better.

Technique to clear visualization path:

Now go outside and take a ten second glance at something, tuen away from it and write
down as much detail as you can about whatever you saw in that ten seconds. Repeat this
ten second glance in four more places and write what you see after each glance. You will
notice your attention to detail increasing and your ability to recall those details will also
increase. When you are writing there is no time limit. Previously we counted backward
from one hundred to clear our verbalization path. This visualization technique will clear
our visualization path. There are hundreds of visualization techniques, this is the best.

To practice visualizing while traveling in a bus, glance at a billboard, look away or close
your eyes and recollect as many details as you possibly can. No matter where you are or
what you are doing, take a few minutes to practice visualizing and your visualization
muscle will become stronger. Like going to the gym to strengthen your body practicing
visualization will strengthen your visualization muscles. After practicing for some time
you will realize you have developed your powers of visualization. Don’t be satisfied with
that. Keep practicing or like any other muscle in our body we don’t use it will atrophy.

Techique to help you remember a list:

Exaggerate the size of each item on your list. For this exercise pen is on the list. Visualize
the pen twenty feet tall. There is also a shoe on the list. Visualize the shoe big enough to
fill the room. Now link the two items by visually inserting the pen into the shoe. A wall
clock is on the list. Visualize the clock big enough for the giant shoe to sit on top of.
Beside the clock imagine an oversized tape recorder. Ice cream is also on our list.
Imagine scoops of ice cream neatly stacked on top of the tape recorder as an antena

If you use this technique of linking visualizations you will be able to remember a list of
twenty items. You can use this technique in your day to day life. With this technique we
can pick any specific item on the list, such as what was the third item in our example list?
The giant clock under the shoe with a pen in it immediately comes to mind. This is a well
known technique practiced and recommended by many psychologists. To further expand
the corpus callosum do the following technique;

Technique to activate the other half of your brain:

Take a quick glance at a piece of furniture with ten or more things on it. List each object
in the hand you would not normally use. Right handers use your left hand, left handers
use you right hand. Secondly draw any object with you “wrong hand,” Continuing with

you “wrong” hand write a one page essay about what you have learned so far in this QM

This techique will activate the other half of your brain. You can use this technique any
time of the day when you have a couple of minutes.

The Anja chakra meditation is next. This will activate the intelligence part of your brain,
the mescial part of our frontal brain lobe. The Anjya chakra meditation is most effective
if the Nithya Dhyan or Maha Mantra is done immediately before.

Technique for Nithya Dhyan meditation:

1. Sit on your heels and breathe chaotically for 7 minutes.
2. Continue to sit on your heels and hum the sound “mmmmm” (not ohm) with your
nose for 7 minutes as long as possible and as loudly as possible.
3. You may now sit crosslegged or remain on your heels. Concentrate on each
chakra for 2 minutes starting at the Mulidhara (root chakra) and ending with the
Sahasrara (crown).
4. Sit in silence for 7 minutes allowing thoughts that arise to float away unattached.

Technique for Maha Mantra meditation:

Sit cross legged and hum the sound “mmmmm” (not ohm) with your nose for 7
minutes as long as possible and as loudly as possible.

Technique for Anjya chakra meditation:

1. Before you start place a candle directly in front of where you plan to sit. Place the
candle at eye level. Before you sit down to meditate light the candle. Sit
comfortably. Stare at the candle for 1 minute.
2. Close your eyes and visualize the candle in the center of your head.
3. Open your eyes and stare at the candle with your Anjya chakra (between the
eyebrows) for 1 minute.
4. Close your eyes and imagine a pin point of intensely bright light right in the
niddle of your head forcing its way out of your Anjya chakra from the inside.

Chapter – Copus Callusom

The bridge the connects the right side of our brains to our left side of our brains is called
the corpus callusom. We are going to learn a technique to activate our corpus callosum.
This technique will expand the information highway of our corpus callosum. In this
technique we are going to use two different parts of out body in different ways. If we
follow the technique the connection will expand. By activating two parts of our bodies
alternately the expansion will happen. There are many techniques to expand the corpus
callosum. We have chosen this technique.

Techique to expand the corpus callosum:
1. Hold one hand straight out in front of you and the second hand as straight out the
back as you can.
2. Spin for 1 minute.
3. Jog on the spot for 1 minute.
4. Do both spinning and jogging at the same time for 3 minutes.
5. Clasp your hands straight out in front of you and spin for 3 minutes.
6. Repeat all above motions in the opposite direction.

The base energy for our memory comes from out Muladara chakra at the base of the

Techique to release energy from our Mulidara chakra:

Sit comfortably and say “Hooooooo” so that you can feel the vibration in the base of
your spine. You may have to experiment with the tone / pitch until you feel the vibration
at the base of your spine.

Technique to determine your color for the day:

When the sun first comes up close your eyes and stare at it through your closed eyelids
for about 1 minute.

Start looking at the sun before it has completely risen above the horizon. Thirty minutes
after rising the sun is too bright even through your eyelids and will damage your eyes. In
mountainous areas it may be too bright even at sunrise if the horizon is the top of a
mountain. When you look at the sun at sunrise, with your eyelids closed, you will see
colors. The color you see indicates the combination of Vadhaa, Pththaa and Kabaa in you.
If one particular color is dominant Vadhaa is high. If you see a color it indicates that on
that day you need that color. Meditate on that color. Meditating on that color will give
you energy. When you meditate on that color you will feel energy flow. Visualizing that
color is a form of color therapy. Visualizing that color will create biochemical changes.
Different colors will appear on different days.

Chapter – Memory Energization

This is a powerful technique to reduce nervousness and exam anxiety. It is a refresher. It
will take you from dull to fresh. Even coffee won’t give you as much energy. This
technique will reduce nervousness. Strengthen all the nerves and reduce exam anxiety. If
you have nervous weakness you will have exam fear, if you don’t have nervous weakness
you will not have exam anxiety. Reducing nervous weakness will reduce exam fear.

Technique to reduce nervous weakness:

Stand and shake your hands vigorously for 10 to 20 minutes with awareness in the palms
of your hands. Sit and close your eyes, clasp your palms of your hands together with
awareness of the sensations between the palms of your hands for 3 minutes.

Some people feel heat in palms of their hands. Some people feel a slight vibration from
the intense energy generated. When you feel dull use this technique as a refresher for one
to five minutes of shaking and three minutes with palms together. This techique is not
recommended for people with a nervous problem.

This next technique is for exam fear, not only exam fear, all fears. This technique will
give instant relief from fear. Whenever we feel fear the muscles at the base of our spine
(perineum) will tighten up because it is moving energy to our Swadistana chakra (half
way between the base or our spine and our belly button). Close your eyes an

Technique to eliminate all fears:

Close your eyes and concentrate on your perineum. It will automatically relax. Be aware
of your perineum until it is relaxed.

Like the attention of the teacher in a classroom, the noisy students will naturally be quiet
and still when the teacher looks up and gives them attention. Ninety percent of the
population has tension in their perineum. The more you concentrate on the perineum the
more relaxation you will experience. Whenever you feel fear or anxiety bring your
awareness to your perineum. We have three levels of energy. Watching your perineum
takes you to your second level of your energy. Like Swami’s other programs these
techniques are from a broad range of proven disciplines. Do the technique like you satisfy
your thirst; only drink until your thirst is quenched. You only need to concentrate until
you feel relaxed.

Technique for writers cramp:

1. Make fists with both hands with your thumbs in the palm of your hands.
2. Squeeze tightly as you move your fists, palms up, up to your upper chest.
3. Vigorously throw your hands out in front of you at the same time relaxing your
hands and letting them fling open. Repeat 6 times.
4. Support your forearms on your thighs and let your hands hang loosely over your
5. With hands hanging loosely rotate them clockwise 6 times
6. Rotate hands counteclockwise 6 times.

End of Level 2

Chapter - Level 3 Introducton - Sleep and Studies

One American study was done with two groups of twenty five students. The first group
was given what we would naturally think of as healthy choices like healthy food, ten
hours of sleep, no television and games to play between studies. The second group was
the opposite. The second group was forced to have improper sleep, no games, unhealthy
foods and television. The first group did have a couple of students achieve marginally
better test results, but the majority of students achievement was not affected by which
group they were in. The research proved that if studies are relaxed and you get enough

sleep you will do well. Six hours sleep is enough for school aged children. If the children
further improve their energy level with meditation four hours of sleep is enough. If
students sleep less than those recommended hours performance will be adversely affected
according to research. Meditation helps reduce the minds tendancy to wander. It also
helps reduce the number of dreams. Adults only need two hours of deep sleep. Adults
normally slip into deep sleep every twenty minutes. Some people only get five to six
seconds of deep sleep every twenty minutes. These people need more sleep to accumulate
the two hours of deep sleep they need. Meditation increases the duration of deep sleep.
People who don’t feel rested after ten hours of sleep have not accumulated two hours of
deep sleep. In deep sleep we feel like we are in our Mother’s womb. If your body and
mind are in good shape duration of deep sleep increases and you can work more
efficiently. If doesn’t make logical sense to reduce our sleep, but the experience will
convice you.

Level 3 Introducton – Food and Study

The day before an important day take care of your stomach. If you don’t take care of your
stomach you will suffer. You will get indigestion or heartburn. Eat moderately. A full
stomach requires more blood to digest the food, more blood to the stomach means less
blood in the brain to perform your studies. Quality of food is just as important. Minimize
spice, as little oil as possible, limit sugar and generally eat food with positive life force.
Good quality food will help you relax. Your Manupuraka chakra provides much of your
energy for thinking capacity. When you eat, the energy is also used for digestion. Eat
moderately and the energy for your thinking capacity will be there when you need it.
Avoid fried foods. Fried foods create ulcers.

Level 3 Introducton – Bath and Study

When you have important studies to perform such as a test your body should be cool.
Heat adversely affects the bodies ability to perform. When performance is important take
a cool or minimally heated bath two times per day. Hot water bath weakens nerve

Technique to take away mental and physical tiredness, refresh:

While standing make a sharp quick kicking motion like kicking a ball without following
through. Kick with one foot and then the other for 5 minutes.

Chapter – Question and Answer

Question: Instead of giving discourses why not give only techniques?
Answer: If I give only techniques the program will fail. For example one technique is
to do Sun Salutation. If you don’t understand there are 72,000 nerves and we
use only 3000. Sun Salutation will increase the number of nerves we use
you will not do the technique.
Question: What is QMP?
Answer: This program helps you remove the unwanted memories from your mind and
helps you hold the memories you need to have in your mind. This program

is the secret technique for Acharya (teacher) training. QMP has
reprogrammed you so that studies are no longer a burden.
Question: I am an optimist. I always see the good in things. Is this a good way to live?
Answer: No, is is dangerous to be an optimist. When we are children we collect only
good experiences. By the time we reach 30 to 35 years of age our energy
level starts to drop and our habitual collecting of experiences starts to collect
negative experiences and cause depression. Better to not be an optimist or a
pessimist – just experience.

Suggestion: Parents should be required to take QMP.

Suggestion: Teachers should be required to take QMP.
Suggestion: Some Universities require parents to have degrees as a prerequisite for their
children’s acceptance. Universities should make QMP a pre-requisite.
Suggestion: Parents and Teachers are giving students the wrong information about how
to study. Nobody should be allowed to tell students how to study unless they
have taken QMP.
Answer: In level 3 of QMP the program will give you the experience of how to live in
exam days for the best results.
Comment:After healers Initiation my reading speed and comprehension has increased.
Question: How do you prescribe this course to your friend?
Answer: If you want a good future take QMP. Not only for students, but for your whole
Comment:Another secret: Psychologists say our brains don’t develop after 12 years of
age. This program will help your brain develop for as long as you practice
the technique.
Question: What about dull students?
Answer: Dull students are an illusion. The dull student is deceiving you. He is
intelligent. Even with peer pressure he won’t study. That proves he is
intelligent. Actually low intelligence is extremely rare. At school teachers
use psychology on him, at home parents do their best to motivate him to
study, but still he doesn’t study. That shows you how much intelligence he
Question: What to do with my dull student?
Answer: Send him to QMP. Dull student is an active student. Because he is actively
practicing dullness. Studies area a burden for him.
Question: My son is imaginative and energetic in his play, but as soon as I tell him to go
and do his studies he gets this blank look on his face and just sits there in
silence. I have to tell him to go and study a few times to get him to take out
his notes and his books. After some time I return and he has accomplished
nothing. He says his wrist hurts so he can’t write, but he had no trouble in
his play. What to do?
Answer: QMP.

Give your children freedom about their studying habits. If they are not listening, make
gentle reminders and little suggestions, don’t force them.

Technique to have deep sleep:
When you lay down to sleep close your eyes and visualize the darkest dark you would
experience in the back of a dark cave in the middle of the night. So dark you cannot see
your hand in front of your face. This will put you into a deep sleep.

The same kind of black when the power goes off, there are no stars in the sky and there is
no moon.

Teach all the meditations correctly to everyone you know. Do not alter the meditations.

About The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (“SPH”), Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam (“JGM”), His

Divine Holiness (“HDH”) Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, is recognized as the
1008th living incarnation of Paramashiva as per Sanatana Hindu Dharma (“Hinduism”)
and by His predecessors of enlightened masters and adepts

The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam is reviving Hinduism as the 1008th Acharya

Mahamandaleshwar (the head for all spiritual leaders) of Atal Akhada (ancient apex body
of Hinduism), coronated as Mahamandaleshwar (Supreme Spiritual Head) of Maha
Nirvani Akhada (largest apex monastic order) and the youngest Mahamandaleshwar,
ordained as the 233rd Guru Mahasannidhanam (Pontiff) of Thondai Mandala
Aadheenam, ordained as the 293rd Guru Mahasannidhanam (Pontiff) of Shyamalapeeta
Sarvajnapeetam, ordained as the 23rd Guru Mahasannidhanam of Dharmamukthi
Swargapuram Aadheenam, and coronated as the 203rd Emperor of Suryavamsa Surangi

The Srimad Karana Agama, Purva bhaga, Patala 71, Sakalotpatti vidhi, Sloka 8 & 9
(Sacred Ancient Hindu scripture) declares:

इत्येवं निष्कळं प्रोक्तं परं भावमिति स्मतृ म ्।

ृ स्थं लोकरक्षार्थं लोकस्योत्पत्तिकारणम ्।।
साधकानां हितार्थं तु स्वेच्छया गह्ृ णते तनःु ।

In this way (Shiva) who is Nishkala - without any body and parts, who is the Ultimate
Supreme Being, who is established in the Creation, who is the Cause of the creation of the
Universe, assumes a body out of His Free Will for the protection of the Universe, and for
the welfare of the Spiritual seekers and Devotees.

The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam is the reigning spiritual emperor of 17 ancient

traditional Hindu kingdoms and the reviver of the most ancient, most peaceful, still-living
and long-lasting demonstrable system that shows the possibility of peaceful co-existence
amongst people. Following the coronation to establish KAILASA worldwide at the age
of 16, for the past 27 years, The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam, as the face of the
unified Hindus, has been single-handedly, tirelessly inspiring the dispossessed Hindu
Diaspora to reclaim their Hindu centric freedom and stand unified for the centuries-old
Hindu genocide.

The 1008th living incarnation of Paramaśiva, The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam

stands as the unifying force for the 2 billion born and practicing Hindu diaspora
worldwide and established the Hindu State, KAILASA for the persecuted Hindus in over
100 countries.

The SPH Nithyanada Paramashivam has made resolute efforts towards recognizing and
legitimizing the Hindu genocide which has been receiving scant consideration by global
leaders and international bodies, The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam founded
KAILASA Uniting Nations. For the past 27 years, this international body has been
responsible in building relations, bridging dialogs, inspiring leaders, uniting nations
towards acknowledging the Hindu policies which are universal, life positive as referenced
from the ancient text of Hinduism. This is the ‘ahimsa’ (non-violent) way of bringing
acknowledgment to the horrors of the Hindu genocide, the untold facts of the darkest act
of mankind on Earth to the most contributing civilization - KAILASA.

KAILASA is an apolitical nation whose vision is enlightened living for all. Towards this
goal, KAILASA is the only Hindu nation on planet Earth today bringing legitimacy to the
principles of Hinduism. Social principles, economic principles, judicial principles, Hindu
medical principles, and Hindu economic principles. KAILASA is The SPH Nithyananda
Paramashivam’s response to humanity’s global problems of poverty, hunger, illiteracy,
disease, violence and global warming and the continuing ethnocide and genocide of over
80 million Hindus worldwide since 7 centuries.

Over the last 50 years, the effects of meditation and its significant impact on stress, crime
rates, violence, political decision making and even war in local and global consciousness
is well established. Unfortunately, in the last two hundred years, forcibly we are made to
believe Hinduism is a functional principle only for enlightenment and spirituality. It is
absolutely dysfunctional for the political, social, economical system. Making Hindu
family structure, Hindu social structure dysfunctional is the greatest crime done against

Sanatana Hindu Dharma has faced both historical and ongoing religious persecution and
systematic violence, in various forms including assassination attempts on living
incarnations, targeted elimination of Hindu pontiffs through bio war and lawfare,
cyberbullying, Hindu phobia, forced conversions, documented massacres, demolitions,
desecration and grabbing of worship temples and monasteries, looting of Hindu temples
properties, destruction of Hindu educational institutions, elimination of well known
Hindu libraries, the gross violation to the freedom to practice the Hindu school of
liberated thinking (Sankhya), Hindu schools of living enlightenment (Jeevan Mukthi),
gross violations of the right to freedom of religion that includes violations of the right to
life, personal Hindu integrity or personal Hindu liberty, mass execution, looting and

Hinduism was once practiced freely in over 56 nations across the continent from
Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Burma, Sri Lanka, all the way to Singapore, Malaysia, and
Cambodia and Indonesia, and in 200 states, 1700 samasthanas (provinces) and 10,000
sampradayas (traditions). Over several centuries the combined forces of foreign invasion,
political upheaval, colonialism and religious persecution systematically ended millennia
of Hindu Swarajya, or self-rule. Today Hindu temples remain in a few countries but the
Hindus who worshiped in them have been ethnically cleansed.

The revival of Hinduism through the civilizational nation of KAILASA globally irked
vested interests of atheistic terrorist militant elements, caste supremacist terrorists and
other anti-Hindu forces who executed a massive persecution and genocide on SPH and
His followers on 2 March 2010 that continued for the next whole decade and comprised
of over 70 assassination attempts, over 250 sexual assaults on SPH and his monks and
disciples, lawfare of 120 false cases over 10 years, massive hate propaganda in electronic
media of over 14,000 hours and print media of over 25,000 articles in 5 years, destruction
of heritage properties worth over 27 million USD, and the continuing ethnocide and
genocide of over 80 million Hindus worldwide since 7 centuries. Specifically, the lawfare

● Delegitimizing SPH by hate propaganda, disenfranchising Him of His civil and

human rights, prejudicing Him from fair representation and fair trial

● Repeated illegal imprisonment, with brazen torture, custodial assassination

attempts, supported by system justification in various forms, including the
common processes of bureaucracy, indifference, self-deception, diffused
1responsibility and has resulted in continued systemic complicity with torture,4
.murder and genocide

● Well-planned multi-layer false hate propaganda by the ‘fourth estate’ media

sustained by moral disengagement, leaving the broader public in a state of willful
ignorance, motivated denial, out-group victim-blaming, dehumanization and
bystander apathy to even genocide.

The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam stands in solidarity with the untold, multi-level -
social, political, intellectual, religious, cultural, linguistic, economic, legal, digital -
persecution done to Hinduism and faced by Hindus and Hindu minorities worldwide for
the past several thousands of years continues through the modern day. The SPH
Nithyananda Paramashivam has been recently acknowledged by the United Nations for
the persecution of The SPH and the KAILASA global community, especially the
affected women and children.

The KAILASA with de facto spiritual embassies operating across over 100 countries and
having presence across the globe as the largest spiritual knowledge source on Hinduism
is spiritually governed with the life positive, all-inclusive, universal policies sourced from
Hinduism revived by the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam. Having enriched and
enreached more than one billion individuals over the past 27 years the KAILASA raises
the voice to protect Hindus, defend Hindus and preserve the Hindu narrative for the


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