Lesson 4

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1. Grammar. Future tenses. To be going to. Grammar exercises.
2. Listening.
3. Reading.
4. Writing task 1.
5. Speaking part 1.

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Future simple
use formula Time expressions
Future facts Affirmative: Tomorrow, the day after
S+will/shall+V1 tomorrow, in 5 minutes
I will go to the market.
predictions Negative: S+will/shall+not Next week/month/Sunday
V1 Year…
I will not go to the market.
Offers and requests General interrogative: In the future
Will you go to the market?
Decisions made now Special interrogative:
Where will you go?

To be going to
use formula example
intentions Affirmative: S+to be going I am going to travel
to+ V1
predictions Negative: S+to be not going It is not going to rain.
Facts about future Question: to be + S+going Is this project going to be
to+V1? useful?

Future continuous
use formula Time expressions
Actions in progress in the Affirmative: S+will/shall be At 5 tomorrow
future +Ving
I will be go to the market at
5 tomorrow.
An action that will definitely Negative: S+will/shall+not All day tomorrow
happen in the future be Ving
I will not be going to the
market at 5 tomorrow.
To ask about any future plan. General interrogative: When he comes home, …
shall/will+S+be Ving?
Will you be going to the
market at 5 tomorrow?
Routine action that will be Special interrogative:
happening in the future WH+will/shall+S+V1?
Where will you go?

Future perfect
use formula Time expressions
Completed actions before Affirmative: By 5 tomorrow
specific time S+will/shall+have V3
I will have completed my
tasks by 5 tomorrow.
Negative: S+will/shall+not By the time you come back,
have V3 …
I will not have completed
my tasks by 5 tomorrow.
General interrogative: In the future
Will you have completed
your tasks by 5 tomorrow?
Special interrogative:
Which part of the task will
you have completed by 5

Future perfect continuous

Actions that will have Affirmative: S+will/shall+have For 2 hours tomorrow
started, will have continued, been+Ving
and will be in progress in
the future
Negative: S+will/shall+not Since morning tomorrow
have been+Ving

General interrogative:

Special interrogative:

Grammar exercises.

Vocabulary exercises

Listening exercise.21

Ex 27

How to Borrow Books
Most libraries require you to register before you are allowed to borrow any of their materials.
This means you will probably be asked to fill out and sign a registration card. When you do this,
you are not only giving the library your name and address for their files, you are also signing an
agreement. The agreement says, basically, that you will obey the rules of the library. A parent or
guardian is sometimes also required to sign the card.
To be entitled to use your school library, you probably must only be enrolled in that school. Once
you are registered, you will be issued a library or borrower's card. On this card will be your name
and a number. Each time you check out, that is, officially borrow something from the library, you
will have to present this card to the librarian.
If your library is large enough, it may have film equipment that you may borrow. To do so,
however, the library usually requires a separate registration. You may also have to take and pass
a course the library gives on how to operate the different pieces of equipment.
You usually check out and return borrowed materials at the same desk. The sign on this desk may
read Circulation Desk, Check Out Here, or perhaps Charge Desk.
The library staff member at this desk will take your card and stamp the book card with a date.
This is the date by which you are expected to return the material to the library, so others can have
the chance of borrowing it. Many libraries allow you to renew the book if it has not been requested
by others.
Some libraries charge a fine for each day a library book is overdue, kept out beyond the date
stamped on the book card. There are also often fines for books returned damaged or written in.
Should you lose a library book, you may be required to pay the library the amount it was worth.
Not paying fines could result in your losing all library privileges.

Complete the summary below by choosing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the
passage How to Borrow Books for each answer.
Most libraries require you to register before you borrow any books. First of all, you will need to
fill out and sign 1………………………………… and while doing so, you are also
2……………………………with the library. Later each time you check out, you will have to
present a library card to the librarian. In some libraries, you will be required to make a separate
registration if you want to borrow 3……………………….. and at the same time, you will have
to take and 4……………………………..on how to operate the equipment. When you borrow
library books, the librarian will put a 5. ……………………………..on the book card so that you
know when to return them. Ifyou want to keep the books longer, you can
6…………………………… it if nobody requests them.

Writing. Application letter.

Common Phrases To Include In Cover Letters
There are a variety of phrases which can be used when penning a cover letter, and most of the
time, you will find that using a specific template can help greatly. Let’s look at some of the most
common ways to express what you want to say in a cover letter.
In order to introduce yourself, you may include any of the following phrases.
At present, I am studying at.....
At the moment, I am working for.....
For the last 5 years, I have been working in the position of.....
My current job title is...
Reason For Writing
In this section, you will need to explain why you are contacting the reader.
I am writing in response to an advertisement which was placed in.......
I am enquiring as to whether you currently have any positions in the area

I am writing to apply for the position of...
Education And Previous Experience
Your prospective employer is going to be interested to know what qualifications
you have, here are some ways to express this information.
I have experience in.....and have worked at.......for the last.....years.
My education includes a degree from XY university.
I have been studying (subject) for 3 years.
I am a native English speaker and have ample knowledge of Spanish and
What Makes You Ideal For This Position?
You are going to want to convince the reader that you are the best option for this position.
I am a driven and ambitious person who is keen to learn new skills.
I believe I am the best choice for this position as I have a lot of experience in my previous role.
I feel that I am the most suitable candidate for this job because of my ambition and drive to
make a change.
I am excited to have the opportunity to be able to work with a reputable company like yours.
Closing Statement
At the end of your letter, you will need to close off by saying thank you.
Thank you for taking the time to read through my application.
Please contact me at any time should you wish to arrange a meeting.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information.
I appreciate your consideration for this application and look forward to hearing from you.
First paragraph
I am writing in response to your advertisement in the Sunday Times, dated 28 April 2012.
Please accept this letter as an expression of my interest in the position of...
A copy of my résumé has been enclosed for your review.
I would like to express my interest in the position of....
I am writing to express my interest in the .... position at ... (company name).
As a recent graduate with .... experience, I believe I am a strong candidate for a

position at ... (company name).
Although I am a recent university graduate, my .... (skill) and .... (skill) will make
me an excellent ....
Second paragraph
As seen from my enclosed résumé, my experience and accomplishments match the requirements
of this position.
I would like to point out .... (information relevant to the position).
During my two years with ... (company name), I initiated extensive improvements that resulted
in garnering 30 more clients for the period ending ....
I possess the right combination of .... skills to be an asset to your organisation. I understand the
value of ....
Third paragraph
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my qualifications make me
ideally suited to the position.
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet and speak with you in person.
I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my potential contributions to your
I believe that my skill-set perfectly matches your requirements.
I look forward to hearing from you.
I look forward to your response.
If I may, I will contact you next week to discuss ....
I would be interested in learning more about ....
I look forward to speaking with you about....
Thank you for your time and consideration.
My CV contains additional information on ....
It would be an honour to start my career with your company, and I am confident that
I will be an asset to the business.


5. Chocolate
1. How often do you eat chocolate?
I do not eat chocolate very often. I eat chocolate once or twice a month. Usually I like dark
chocolate, which is not very sweet.
2. What's your favorite flavor?
My favorite flavor is Cadbury's dark delight.
3. Is chocolate expensive in India?
Yes chocolate is expensive in India, especially the chocolate of foreign brands, which is available
4. When was the first time you ate chocolate?
I don't remember exactly, but I have been eating chocolate since I was very small.
5. Is chocolate popular in India?
Yes, chocolate is very popular in India. We can get all varieties of Indian and imported chocolate.
6. Writing
1 Do vou write a lot?
I don't write a lot these days. However, I am trying to start a habit of maintaining a journal.
2 What do you like to write? Why?
Nowadays, I don't write anything, but in the past, I used to write my views about different political
issues. Writing was just a means for me to express myself.
3 Do you think the things you write would change?
I am not sure. I think I write only when I am very passionate about something. So, if in the future
I am passionate about something, I would write about that.
4 Do you prefer typing or handwriting when you are writing?
I prefer typing as compared to handwriting because I generally do it on websites. Also, my typing
speed is a lot faster as compared to handwriting.
7. Weather
1 What's the weather like where you live?
I live in Punjab. It is like a semi-arid region and the weather is mainly hot and dry, except in the
monsoons when it rains a lot, and it becomes hot and humid.
2 Do you prefer cold or hot weather?
I prefer cold weather because I think I work more effectively in cold weather. In hot weather. I
feel lazy and lethargic somehow.
3 Do you prefer dry or wet weather?
I love the rain. Perhaps it's because I live in a dry region, and it receives very less rainfall.
4 Are you in the habit of checking the weather forecast? When/How often?
I normally don't check the weather forecast except during the monsoons. During the monsoon
season, the rainfall becomes very unpredictable and so before I leave the house, I check the
weather forecast and if it is going to rain, I carry an umbrella.
5 What do you think are the effects of climate change in recent years?
I think there have been a lot of changes. However, the biggest has been the change of seasons.
The summers have become a lot hotter and extended. I remember it used to be cold during Diwali,
a festival we celebrate in October/November, but now it is warm.
6 Would you like to visit other cities that have different climates from where you live?
Yes, I love to visit cities with cold climate because Punjab has very hot and warm weather and
we don't get to enjoy cold climate. That is why I love going to hill stations. I also live visiting
coastal cities because I enjoy beaches.
8. Technology
1 What technology do you often use, computers or cellphones?
I use a computer rather than a cellphone for most purposes. I think the small screen of the
cellphones stresses my eyes.
2 What electronic devices have you bought lately?
Recently, my parents bought a smart TV for me. I got really good grades in 12th standard and
therefore my parents got me the TV. I use it to stream TV series and movies.
3 Is there any technology you want to buy?
Yes. I want to buy an iPhone. A lot of friends tell me that once I use it, I will never be able to use
the other phones. I really want to prove them wrong.
4 Is technology important in your life?
Yes, technology is a big part of my life. I don't think I can survive without technology. Every part
of life from waking up to sleeping is connected to technology. For example, I use technology for
waking up, heating water, cooking, etc.

Home tasks.
1. Vocabulary.
TOPIC VOCABULARY Attract – jalb qilmoq
Accommodation – turar joy Attractive – maftunkor
Book – band qilmoq Attraction – atraksion
Break – tanaffus Back – orqa
Cancel – bekor qilmoq Backwards – orqaga
Catch – tutmoq Choose [chose,chosen] – tanlamoq
Coach – avtobus Choice – tanlov
Convenient – qulay Comfort – qulaylik
Crash – avariya (bo’lmoq) Crowded yaratmoq/qulaylik Comfortable –
– tiqilinch, gavjum Cruise – dengiz qulay
sayohati Uncomfortable – noqulay
Delay – kechiktirmoq (kechikish) Depart – jo’nab ketmoq
Destination – manzil Departure – jo’nab ketish
Ferry – yassi kema(yuk kemasi) Direct – boshqarmoq/yo’l
Flight – parvoz korsatmoq Direction – yo’nalish
Foreign – xorijiy Drive[drove,driven] – haydamoq
Harbor – port, bandargoh Fly[flew,flown] – uchmoq
Journey – sayohat* Travel – sayohat[katta]
Luggage – yuk Traveler – sayohatchi
Nearby – yaqinida, yaqin Visit – tashrif buyurmoq
Pack – narsalarni joylamoq Passport Visitor – tashrif buyuruvchi
– passport
Platform – platforma, bo’linma WORD PATTERNS
Public transport – jamoat transporti Adjectives:
Reach – ga yetib kelmoq Close to – ga yaqin
Resort – kurort, dam olish joyi Famous for – bilan mashhur Far
Souvenir – suvenir, esdalik sovg’a from – dan uzoq
Traffic – qatnov Late for – ga kechikmoq Suitable for –
Trip – sayohat*(ish yuzasidan) uchun mos, qulay
PHRASAL VERBS Arrive at – yetib kelmoq (kichik
joyga) Arrive in – yetib kelmoq
Get in(to) – mashinaga minmoq (kata joyga) Ask for – so’ramoq
Get out (of) – mashinadan tushmoq Look at – ga qaramoq
Get on – jamoat transportiga Prepare for – ga tayyorlanmoq
chiqmoq(bus,train) Get off – jamoat Provide sb with – ta’minlamoq
transportidan tushmoq(bus,train) Wait for – kutmoq
Go away – tashlab ketmoq, jo’nab
Go back to – ga qaytib bormoq
Set off – sayohatni boshlamoq
Take off – yerdan ko’tarilmoq
By air – samolyot/vertolyotda By sea
– dengiz orqali
By bus – avtobusda
By car – mashinada
On board – kema bortida
On holiday – ta’tilda
On foot – piyoda
On schedule – jadval bo’yicha On
the coast – qirg’oqda





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