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Chapter 5: Ethics and HRM

1. What Ethics in HR?
Ethics in Human Resource Management

a subset of business ethics

dedicated to:

professional development

professional responsibility

ethical leadership



ethical handling of conflicts of interests

the right use of information

Ethics in HR

responsible for channelizing the human resources of an organization

via a code of ethical and professional standards


get immaculate solutions to all ethical issues

ensure the ethical success of the organization

perspective of the management:

the employee is the second most important stakeholder

success (or failure) of a company hinges on the quality of its employees and
employer-employee relations

Chapter 5: Ethics and HRM 1

2. Role of Ethics in HRM
Main responsibility: deals with the affirmative moral obligations of the employer towards
→ ensuring equality and equity justice

Contents that HRM ethics is responsible for

Basic human rights

Civil and employment fight

Safety in the workplace


Justifiable treatment to employees like equity and equal opportunity

Respect, fairness, and honesty based process

Rights of employees should be respected by employers

Rights to reasonable rewards

Rights to reasonable working conditions

Rights to equal opportunity employment

Rights to personal privacy

Rights to avoid discrimination

Rights to be respected

Right to personal freedom

Organizations’ actions

Treat people with respect, dignity and compassion

→ develop an environment which would be free from harassment, intimidation and

Plan, develop, manage and advocate policies and procedure that foster fair consistent
and equal treatment to all

Chapter 5: Ethics and HRM 2

The organization’s decision legal and ethical irrespective of personal interests must be

Respect uniqueness and intrinsic worth

Ensure that every one in the organization has an opportunity to develop the skills

If the organization deals in international businesses

→ then sound management practices with full of responsibilities should be shown

3. How HRM can promote HR Ethics?

Improving Recruitment & Selection Tests

follow the ethical recruitment policy that provide equal employment opportunities for
all candidates

Using Selection testing to scan unethical behavior

Make sure that situational factors like economic, social, technological factors are

The process of selection should be done in a planned manner and illegal questions
should be avoided

Channelizing Ethics Training

Training should be given to the employees in the organization to do their HR work as

per the HR ethics

Training about code of conduct for employees

HRs should also offer equal chances of training to employees

Incorporating Rewards

Have proper reward management programs

→ facilitate and improve two-way communication

Avoid any kind of discrimination among the employees

Ensure equal opportunities for every employee for their effective development and

Chapter 5: Ethics and HRM 3

Measuring the effectiveness of employee safety

Chapter 5: Ethics and HRM 4

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