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Sub. Code:4867
B.A./B.Com. LL.B. (Hons.) Sixth Semester
Paper - IV: Indian Penal Code * II
(Same for B. Com. LL.B)
Time allowed: 3 Hours Max' Marks: 8o
NOTE: Attempt fiye questions in all, including Question No. IX (Unit-V) which is compulsory
and selecting one question eachfrom Unil I-U.

u\rT - I

L a) With help of case laws explain the offence of abetment to commit suicide.

b) 'X' was suffering from HIV Aids. He was undergoing heatment in PGI. He was
suffering from unbearable pain and all the medicines could not relieve him from
that pain. He requested the doctor to remove his life support system so that death
may bring peace to him and put a end to his pain and suffering. Seeing his bad
condition docror withdrew Life support system. Discuss the criminal liability of
the doctor if any. (10,5)

Il. With the help of recent case laws explain that murder is an aggravated form of
culpable homicide, also explain the exceptions thereto. (15)

II I. Define wrongful restraint specifically explaining'obstruction'. I)iscuss the situations
when wrongful restraint becomes wrongful confinement.
A was sleeping in her room. B bolts the room from outside and opens after an hour,
before she gets up. Discuss criminal liability of A if any. ( 10,5)

IV. a) With help of case laws discuss the offence of outraging the modesty of a women.
b) Differentiate between Kidnapping and Abduction. (2x7%)

V. Delrne unnatural offence as defined in section 377 of IPC. What is its constitutional
validity? (15)

VI. Discuss theft and extortion. Differentiate between theft and Extortion also explain the
situation when Extortion amounts to robbery. (rs)


Sub. Code:4861


V1[. Critically analyze the law related to cruelty and harassment by husband or relatives of
husband of a woman. How this provision has been misused. With help of recent case
laws discuss the situation where Hon'ble court has tried to stop its misuse. (15)

VIII. With help of case laws elaborate the offence of cheating and also explain cheating by
impersonation. (15)


IX. Write short notes on the following:-

a) Grievous Hurt
b) Dacoit
c) Mischief
d) Voyeurism
e) Rape (5x4)


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