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(r) Printed Pages: 3 Roll No.

(ii) Questions : 9 Sub. Code : 4 8 6 7

Exam. Code : 0 6 7 5

B.A./B.Com.LL.B. (Hons) 5 Year Integrated Course, Semester{

TimeAllowed : Thnee Hoursl [Maximum Marks: 60
Note :- Unit-V is compulsory. Attempt any one question each from
first four units. Refer case laws.

l. (a) Define the offence of 'Murder'and discuss its ingredients,
referring to case laws, specially explainingthe term 'sufficient
in the ordinary course of nature to cause death'. 5

O) 'X' attacked 'Y' inflicting three punctured wounds on the

head of ' Y' . Believing the' Y' to be dead,'X' tluew' Y' into
a well. According to the medical evidence even though 'Y'
suffered head injuries, he did not die of the same but by the
later act when he was thrown into the well. Discuss the
liabilityof 'X'. 5

2. Define the offence of causing death by 'rash and negligent act' and

specifically explain 'criminal rashness' and 'negligent' act. l0

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J. 'The essence of modesty of a woman is her sex'. In the light of
this statement discuss the offence of outraging the modesty of a
woman under Section 354 of I.P.C. What changes have been
made by Criminal Law (AmendmentAct),2013 in Section 354
of I.P.C. ? t0
4. (a) Define the offence ofkidnapping anddiscuss its ingredients
specially explaining the term 'Thking or Enticing'' 5

home to another
O) 'X' took away a minor girl from her father's
house and she was kept there for two days after which 'Y'
camethere andiookher awayto his house andkeptherthere
for about twenty days and thereafter 'Z' tookher away to
many places. Discuss the liability of X, Y andZ' 5

5. (a) Under what circumstances offence of theft becomes offence
ofRobbery t 5

(b) 'X' dishonestly took away a jewellery box from Y's

possession. While he was proceeding towards his home he
found that he was being followed by' Y'. He abandoned the
box andthrew stones at 'Y' to deterhim from continuing the
pursuit. Discuss the liability of 5

6. (a) Discuss the essential element ofthe offence ofcriminal breach

oftrust. 5

o) 'X', arich person residing at Kochi, sends Rs' 50,000 to

his agent at Chennai with a direction that money be given
equally to two students 'A' and 'B'who are studying in the -
Engineering College overthere. Instead ofdoing so, the agent
gives the money equally to two other very poor deserving
students. whether agent has committed criminal Breach of
trust ?

7. Define the offence of cheating and discuss its ingredients specially
explaining the terms'deceiving','dishonestly' and fraudulently used
in the definition. Give your answer with the help of case laws.
8. Discuss and analyse the provisions of offence ofAdultery uls 497
of I.P.C. with special reference to Joseph ShineVs. U.O.I. case.

9. Write notes onthe following :

(a) GrievousHurt

O) Dowry Death
(c) Extortion
(d) Forgery
(e) V/rongfirlconfinement. 5x4:20

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