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Participant’s Guide




The Great Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name
Commission of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to
obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you
always, even to the end of the age. – Matthew 28:19-20
These are the words that Christ spoke to His disciples right before He
ascended back into heaven: so they must have been pretty important! As a
small group leader, you, along with the help of Jesus, will be teaching “these
new disciples” what He was talking about in the scripture above. So BE
ENCOURAGED because He is with you!

Purpose of Small Small groups exist to provide connection, protection and growth through
Groups community, so that people may know God, find freedom, discover their
purpose, and make a difference.

The Participant’s The participants guide is designed to follow the flow of the purpose
Guide statement using three sections: 1) Connection, 2) Protection, and 3) Growth.
Each section contains a ROAD MAP that will help you navigate the different
elements of each section.
We have designed this guide to be as practical as possible while equipping
you to be successful in leading your small group. Remember, just as Jesus
said: you are not alone. You have an entire church body that loves you and
desires for you to have a successful small group ministry!


Purpose I am a companion of all those who honor You,

And of those who keep Your precepts.
– Psalm 119:62, own translation
They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to
fellowship, the breaking of bread and to prayer.
– Acts 2:42, NASB
As iron sharpens iron,
so one person sharpens another.
– Proverbs 27:17, NIV
In John 15, Jesus teaches that in order to bear fruit, you first have to be
connected to Him. Small groups are meant to provide a great environment in
which to grow closer to Christ. This is accomplished by lovingly spurring one
another along in the journey. But in order to do that, the team must be
The next few steps will enable you to gather, host, and manage the ones that
God has entrusted to you.

Road Map • Recruit Members

• Host Your First Meeting
• Manage Your Team’s Formation

Recruiting Members
Performance In conjunction with the ramp-up for a small group launch and while using
Objective the participant’s guide as a reference, RECRUIT members for your small
group before the sign up closing date.

Prayer It was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent
the whole night in prayer to God. And when day came, He called His
disciples to Him and chose twelve of them . . .
– Luke 6:12-13
Even Jesus, God’s Son, felt the need to go to The Father in prayer over the
selection of his group. Only God has control over the thousands of
intangibles that we know not of, and asking him to give us His guidance
prior to beginning this journey is a great way to seek his wisdom as well as to
remember why you are doing this in the first place!
Pray that God will send you the members that he desires you to have.

Action Steps • Write down the sign-up closing date here:_________________

• Ensure that your Group is listed on the church’s website if applicable.
• Invite those that are in your circle of influence. Many people that have
never been to church or who have not been to church in a long time may
shy away from church, but a small gathering in the home or coffee shop
is a different thing altogether. Reach out to others whom you know.
• Remember to ask for their email address and/or phone number for
follow up.
• Ask those who want to commit if they have any friends or family that
they would like to bring. Get a name and email so that you can follow up
and put them on the roster.
• Offer to sign them up rather than pointing them to the church’s website.
The fewer steps they have to do, the more likely they are to follow

Host Your First Meeting
Performance At the launch of your small group, HOST your first meeting while following
Objective the recommendations listed in the participant’s guide.

. . . yes, whatever a person is like, I try to find common ground with him so
he will let me tell him about Christ and let Christ save him.
– 1 Corinthians 9:22, TLB
Your first meeting can sometimes cause anxiety. Just know that it is not up to
you to fix or save anyone. You are only there to provide connection and
protection in community. Charles Spurgeon once said that all one needs to
do is let loose the Gospel and get out of the way. Notice in our key verse that
Jesus is the one who saves. So you are off the hook!

Steps Below you will find recommended steps to follow until you find your own
natural flow and rhythm. Feel free to adjust this list as needed!
• 30 days prior to launch, ensure that all of your group information is on
the is on the church’s website and check for accuracy.
• 3 days prior to launch, email everyone welcoming them to the group and
include the location and time of your first meeting!
• Day of gathering, place something signifying the right house in an area
that is visible from the road. This can be anything from a balloon tied to
the mailbox to signage placed in the front yard.
• Test any audio and visual equipment that may be needed for the group
• Create nametags and name-cups (plastic cups with Sharpie®-written
names on them).
• Prepare a refreshments area with all items needed.
• Open in prayer.
• State your name and one fun fact about yourself; go around the room
allowing others to do the same!
• State the purpose statement of small groups listed on page 3 and state
your group’s focus (what you will be studying or what activity you will be
• State the expected schedule for the meeting times.
• Set the expectations for the group and home. This can be anything from
specific parking information to being punctual.
• Pass around an email sign up sheet.
• Conduct an icebreaker activity.

Manage Your Teams Formation
Performance After each meeting and while using the 5 stages of team formation resource,
Objective PLAN next right steps for your Group as per the 5 stages resource.

Forming a group takes time, and members often go through recognizable

stages as they change from being a collection of strangers to a united
group with common goals. Bruce Tuckman's Forming, Storming, Norming,
and Performing model describes these stages. When you understand it, you
can help your new small group become effective more quickly.

Forming In this stage, most members are positive and polite. Some are anxious, as
they haven't fully understood the focus and DNA of the group. Others are
simply excited about what lies ahead.
As leader, you play a dominant role at this stage, because team members'
roles and responsibilities aren't clear.
This stage can last for some time as people start to spend time together and
as they make an effort to get to know one another.

Storming Next, the group moves into the storming phase, where people start to push
against the boundaries established in the forming stage while also trying to
discover what their role in the group might be.
Additionally, storming can start when there is a personality conflict. People
may interact in different ways for all sorts of reasons; but, if differing
personalities cause unforeseen problems, they may become frustrated.
Storming can also happen in other situations. For example, team members
may challenge the focus and DNA of the group. Or, if you haven't clearly
defined how the group will work, people could be uncomfortable with the
approach you're using.
Some may question the worth of the team's goal, and they may resist taking
on tasks or choose not to participate.
Group members who stick with it and participate as much as they know how
may experience stress, particularly if they don't have strong relationships with
the other members.

Manage Your Team’s Formation (cont.)

Norming Gradually, the group moves into the norming stage. This is when people start
to resolve their differences, appreciate one another’s strengths, and respect
your leadership.
Now that your group members know one another better, they may socialize
together, and begin to share with one another their spiritual state as well as
their struggles. People develop a stronger commitment to the group’s focus
and DNA.
There is often a prolonged overlap between storming and norming; because,
as new struggles may emerge, the team may lapse back into behavior from
the storming stage.

Performing The group reaches the performing stage when hard work is exhibited toward
the groups focus without any internal friction.
As the leader, you can delegate much of your responsibilities to an emergent
leader, and you can concentrate on developing group members.
It feels easy to be part of the group at this stage, and is also a good time to
develop your apprentice(s).

Adjourning All groups will reach this stage at some point, whether it is at the conclusion
of the semester or when the group itself decides to bring the group to a
Group members who like routines or who have developed close
relationships may find this stage difficult.
This stage should be marked with the birthing of a new group as you have
taken time to work with an emergent leader with the goal of birthing a new

Using the As a team leader, your aim is to help your people transition well, as quickly as
Resource possible. To do this, you'll need to change your approach at each stage.
Follow the steps below to ensure that you're doing the right thing at the right
1. Using the descriptions above, identify the stage of group
development your group is in.
2. Now consider what you need to do to move towards the next stage.
Figure 1, below, will help you understand your role, and think about
how you can move the group forward. (cont. pg. 9)
3. Schedule regular reviews of where your group is, adjusting your
behavior and leadership approach as needed.

Stage Activities Timeline

Forming Direct the group and establish the purpose 4 Weeks

of small groups (given on p. 3)

Storming Build trust and good relationships between 3 Months

group members.
Resolve conflicts swiftly if they occur.
Provide support, especially to those group
members who are less secure.
Remain positive and firm in the face of
challenges to your leadership or to the
group's goal.
Explain the "forming, storming, norming,
and performing" idea, so that people
understand why problems are occurring, and
so that they see that things will soon get

Norming Step back and help members take 6 Months

responsibility for progress towards the goal.
Start looking for emergent leaders.

Performing Delegate tasks and projects as far as you can. 8 Months – 1 Year
Once the group is achieving well, you should
aim to have as light a touch as possible. You
will now be able to start focusing on
developing others as well as an apprentice.

Adjourning / New Life Take the time to celebrate the group's 1+ Year(s)
achievements – you may work with some of
your people again (and this will be much
easier if people view past experiences
Throw a group-birthing party celebrating the
new ministry that God has blessed you all

Figure 1.


Purpose Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love
covers a multitude of sins.
– 1 Peter 4:8, NLT
And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common.
– Acts 2:44, NASB
When we position ourselves in such a way that we are able to receive love
from Christ, we are able to love others in spite of their hurts, habits, and
hang-ups. This enables us to love past ourselves, and from that comes
protection – protection of ourselves and of others. When we are able to love
as Christ loves, we create a safe place around us; and this is our hope for
your next small group.
The next few steps in the curriculum will equip you to SPEAK LIFE into
others in a loving, caring, and non-threatening way.

Road Map • Group Covenant

• Speaking Life
• Covering in Prayer

Group Covenant

Small Group Covenant – This covenant was thoughtfully created to protect you as well as others
in the group. To be involved in healthy small groups, you must agree and abide by each statement.

Purpose of a Small Group

Small groups exist to provide connection, protection and growth through community, so that people
may know God, find freedom, discover their purpose, and make a difference.

Values & Goals

While prayer and discussion of curriculum are key elements of a small group, the driving force behind
the group is the building of relationships.

The atmosphere of a small group should encourage openness and transparency among members. This is
an environment where people should feel free to be themselves.

For authenticity to occur, members must be able to trust that issues discussed within a small group will
not be shared outside the group.

Group members should never say anything that will embarrass their spouse or members of the group.

A primary responsibility of community is to prioritize for specific relationships. This requires a
willingness to be available to meet each other’s needs.

Group members recognize that one of the goals of their group is to start a new group. This allows others
to experience biblical community while growing God’s kingdom.

Speaking Life
Performance Utilizing results from care-focused prayer, SPEAK life into the ones that
Objective God has placed under your care while in a comfortable, inviting, and private

Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will
bring you with great joy into his glorious
presence without a single fault.
– Jude 1:24, NLT
Pray over each of those whom Jesus has entrusted to your care while
reviewing each step. Pray that He will reveal the needs of your Group.

Steps ACCOUNTABILITY – Ask tough questions; help them keep commitments.

AFFIRMATION – Offer words of encouragement and support; affirm their
ASSESMENT – Evaluate their condition objectively; help them gain
ACCEPTANCE – Provide unconditional love and grace to them even when
they fail.
ADVICE – Speak words of wise counsel and give them options for their
ADMONITION – Offer words of caution and warning so they can avoid
ASSETS – Give them tangible gifts and resources: a book, a CD, or a
personal contact.
APPLICATION – Direct them to discover how they can practice what they
have learned.

Prayer Guides
Intercessory Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be
Prayer persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. – Ephesians
6:18, NLT
I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede
on their behalf, and give thanks for them.
– 1 Timothy 2:1, NLT
The narrative in Mark 15, which depicts Jesus taking the place of Barabbas, is
remarkable. As we walk through the story while looking through Barabbas’
eyes we become a man condemned to die due to a guilty verdict of murder.
Jesus is raised up on the cross not only in our place but also for intercession
on the world’s behalf. Jesus has become our intercessor, vouching for us as
we fail time and again; but by believing we are saved through Christ Jesus.
While we are in no position to die for one another’s sins, we desire to
emulate Christ; and therein lies intercessory prayer. We can go to the Father
to intercede for one another with boldness because we are found to be
without fault in Christ Jesus.

Prayer for the If someone among you wanders away from the truth and is brought back,
Backslidden you can be sure that whoever brings the sinner back from wandering will
save that person from death and bring about the forgiveness of many sins.
– James 5:19-20
We all fall away from time to time. We are either moving towards Jesus or
away from Jesus; there is no such thing as remaining static in our walk with
Him. The beautiful thing is that Jesus knew this and that is precisely why he
made us for community, so that we can help one another along the way.
Use this prayer for someone who has lost his or her way.
Lord please:
• Bring them to a place of famine and need (Luke 15:14).
• Create within them holy hunger and homesickness (Luke 15:16-17).
• Cause them to come to their senses (Luke 15:17).
• Draw them home (Luke 15:18).
• Give them the gift of repentance (Luke 15:18-21).
• Give us welcoming grace (Luke 15:20).i

Prayer Guides (cont.)
Prayer for the It is possible to move men to God by prayer alone.
– Hudson Taylor, British Missionary (1832-1905)
• Lord, pour our Your Spirit upon [name] and:
• Convict him/her of his/her sin, lack of righteousness, and deserved
judgment (John 16:8).
• Open his/her heart (Acts 16:14).
• Reveal to him/her who You are and what Christ has done for him/her.
• Open the eyes of his/her understanding (Eph 1:18) and remove his/her
spiritual blindness (2 Cor 4:4). Let there be light!
• Draw him/her to Yourself in a powerful fashion (John 6:44).
• Bind Satan from him/her. Keep Satan from stealing Your Word from
his/her heart (Matt 12:19).
• May Your grace and mercy surround him/her.
• Grant him/her the gift of repentance (2 Tim 2:24-26).
• Help me to be willing and anxious to be the means by which You save
and deliver him/her. Lord, show me how to lead him/her to Christ.
• Send people across his/her path to bring him/her to Christ.
• Send people across his/her path to bring him/her a witness of Christ.ii


Purpose Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets,
the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip
God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.
– Ephesians 4:11-12
He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own
special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy
and growing and full of love.
– Ephesians 4:16
Small groups are a place where there are like-minded people who believe in
one another. This is how leaders are developed and believers grow. We want
to see you grow, flourish, and become all that God has called you to be. We
are excited that you are stepping out in faith, propelling a group of
individuals toward Christ so that they can have abundant life!
These next steps will equip you to help others find and follow Jesus through
next right steps.

Road Map • Share the Gospel

• Facilitate a Group Conversation
• Enable Others to Discover Their Next Right Steps
• Debrief a Serving Event
• Develop an Apprentice

Share the Gospel
Performance With a person that is not connected to Jesus Christ, WALK him or her to
Objective Jesus while following the 4 Spiritual Laws resource.

Process of Evangelism is a process leading to an event. A missionary named James

Salvation Engel developed a visual way to see the typical journey one takes in moving
towards Christ. If you understand this concept, then you can effectively tailor
your approach while being sensitive to where that person stands spiritually
on the scale.
The process of salvation is somewhat mysterious (see John 3:8) and does not
always follow the order presented here, but there is definitely a process (John
3:3). However, Engel’s scale is true for most people. When this is
understood, the benefit of this scale is immense.
• It explains why some decisions for Christ bear no fruit. The person was led to
make a decision before he or she was really ready.
• It helps us understand why some people are more receptive to the Gospel than
• It enhances our appreciation for the need to stair-step people to Christ.
• It also aids our ability to value repeated efforts to help people take incremental
steps to Christ as opposed to turning people off by treating witnessing to others as
a sales job.iii

Figure 2

Share the Gospel (cont.)
Share Your Story God chose to communicate with humanity through authentic relationship;
He came and did life with us. Now we are the Body of Christ doing life with
others who are seeking God. People respond well to authenticity. What
better way to share the Gospel than with your personal story?
It goes something like this:
• What you were like before Jesus
• Your salvation experience
• What you are like now

Cooperating with The Holy Spirit’s role in salvation cannot be understated. It is important to
the Holy Spirit cooperate with the Holy Spirit through prayer, being sensitive to what He is
doing in the lives of others.
Utilize the prayer guide for the lost found on page 8 so that you are plugging
into the Holy Spirit, paving the way for their salvation.

The Four The Four Spiritual Laws is a process that was developed by Campus Crusade
Spiritual Laws for Christ and has proven to be effective. It starts out with the good news of
God’s love, but then develops the story depicting why people are lost and
without God’s love. Finally, it tells about God’s provision for salvation —
Jesus Christ.
The following is an explanation of the four spiritual laws and how they walk
through God’s provision for eternal life in Christ Jesus.

Law 1 God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life.
God's Love
"God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever
believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16, NIV)
God's Plan
[Christ speaking] "I came that they might have life, and might have it
abundantly" [that it might be full and meaningful]. (John 10:10)

Share the Gospel (cont.)
Why is it that most people are not experiencing that abundant life?

Law 2 Man is sinful and separated from God. Therefore, he cannot know and
experience God's love and plan for his life.
Man is Sinful
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)
Man was created to have fellowship with God; but, because of his own
stubborn self-will, he chose to go his own independent way and fellowship
with God was broken. This self-will, characterized by an attitude of active
rebellion or passive indifference, is an evidence of what the Bible calls sin.
Man Is Separated
"The wages of sin is death" [spiritual separation from God]. (Romans 6:23)
The third law explains the only way to bridge this gulf...

Law 3 Jesus Christ is God's only provision for man's sin. Through Him you can
know and experience God's love and plan for your life.
He Died In Our Place
"God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet
sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
He Rose from the Dead
"Christ died for our sins... He was buried... He was raised on the third day,
according to the Scriptures... He appeared to Peter, then to the twelve. After
that He appeared to more than five hundred..." (1 Corinthians 15:3-6)
He Is the Only Way to God

Share the Gospel (cont.)
"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one comes to
the Father but through Me.'" (John 14:6)
It is not enough just to know these three laws...

Law 4 We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; then we can
know and experience God's love and plan for our lives.
We Must Receive Christ
"As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of
God, even to those who believe in His name." (John 1:12)
We Receive Christ Through Faith
"By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is
the gift of God; not as a result of works that no one should boast."
(Ephesians 2:8,9)
When We Receive Christ, We Experience a New Birth
(John 3:1-8)
We Receive Christ Through Personal Invitation
[Christ speaking] "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears My
voice and opens the door, I will come in to him." (Revelation 3:20)
Receiving Christ involves turning to God from self (repentance) and trusting
Christ to come into our lives to forgive our sins and to make us what He
wants us to be. Just to agree intellectually that Jesus Christ is the Son of God
and that He died on the cross for our sins is not enough. Nor is it enough to
have an emotional experience. We receive Jesus Christ by faith, as an act of
the will.

Facilitate a Group Conversation
Performance While leading a small group meeting, FACILITATE conversation while
Objective using the 30 / 70 rule.

30 / 70 Rule Because many new leaders experience anxiousness while thinking that they
have to provide all of the content, we want to enable you by re-steering this
false expectation and provide you with a tool for communication. It is called
the 30 / 70 rule. Aim to communicate about 30 percent of the time while
allowing or drawing out about 70 percent of the conversation from the
participants. Here are a few other tips for communication:
• Draw out participation from the quiet ones
• Pay attention to body language
• Use open-ended questions
• Avoid hot topics

Enable Others to Discover Their Next Right Steps
Performance During individual time with your members and while being equipped with
Objective the 5 stages of discipleship model, WALK with them in discovering their next
right step towards Jesus.

The 5 stages of discipleship modeliv was developed by Jim Putnam and is a

visual way to depict the discipleship process. You will notice that it is not a
line, but a circle, showing that discipleship is not a linear process. In other
words, a follower can be in one stage one day, experience a loss or some
other struggle in life, and then discover that they are exhibiting behaviors of
someone much younger in Christ. This is where knowing and understanding
the process is helpful for community; providing insight into our own struggle
with growth.
Earlier we mentioned that as a follower, you are either moving toward Jesus
or away from Jesus, but never remaining static in the relationship. In action,
we move towards Jesus through next right steps, which are chosen based on
where we are, spiritually speaking, at that moment. For example, you would
not ask a new believer to lead a small group as their next right step because
they would probably walk away. This is an example of how a next step, even
towards a good thing, can actually be a wrong step!

Figure 3

Enable Others to Discover Their Next Right Steps (cont.)
Steps • Observe the member’s language and behaviors.
• Match their observed language and behaviors to a stage on the
discipleship wheel. (Infant, child, young adult, etc.)
• The wheel has many suggestions on what to do; but here are some steps
to help you along:
• If they are “spiritually dead”, then share the gospel.
• If they are an “infant” in Christ, then share something helpful.
• If they are a “child”, then help them find an opportunity to serve;
better yet, serve with them!
• If they are a “young adult”, then begin training them up as an
• If they are a “parent”, then begin training them up as an apprentice.

Counting Our Wins
Performance The first meeting after a serving event and while using the participant’s guide,
Objective COUNT your wins using the name/story format.

And he called his twelve disciples together and began sending them out two
by two, giving them authority to cast out evil spirits. 8 He told them to take
nothing for their journey except a walking stick—no food, no traveler’s bag,
no money. 9 He allowed them to wear sandals but not to take a change of
“Wherever you go,” he said, “stay in the same house until you leave town.
But if any place refuses to welcome you or listen to you, shake its dust
from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people
to their fate.”
So the disciples went out, telling everyone they met to repent of their sins
and turn to God. 13 And they cast out many demons and healed many sick
people, anointing them with olive oil.
The apostles returned to Jesus from their ministry tour and told him all
they had done and taught. 31 Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a
quiet place and rest a while.” He said this because there were so many people
coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat.
So they left by boat for a quiet place, where they could be alone.
– Mark 6:7-13, 30-32
Jesus’ vision was purely relational; and, because of that, make a point to be a
culture that is about names and stories. Having small groups count the wins
after a serving event is a great way to do this! Jesus had His disciples do just
this when they returned from doing many wonderful things. He wanted to
know about their stories!

Steps • Ask if anyone who served last Sunday would like to share a name and a
• If no one has a name and story, or if no one served last weekend,
provide encouragement to take this next right step of serving while
focusing on getting a name and a story.
Sometimes this sharing experience can lead into rich dialogue. Allow for that;
do not be afraid to let the Holy Spirit lead your meeting in a different

Develop an Apprentice
Performance With an emergent leader, DEVELOP an apprentice in accordance with the
Objective participant’s guide.

Rick Warren, while at a pastor’s conference, once stated that healthy

churches birth new churches. We believe that this also applies to healthy
While birthing a new group must be done through prayer and the Holy
Spirit’s leading, you as the leader should be watching for emergent leaders.
These are people that are first to step up to the plate, are actively taking part
in group discussion, and exhibit a genuine desire for ministry. Thinking back
on Putnam’s discipleship wheel, these are the ones that you will find meeting
the criteria for the discipleship stage of the young adult or parent.

Follow these next steps for birthing a new group:

• Select what type of group your new apprentice would like to do.
• Communicate to your small group that the individual would like to birth
his or her own group and explain that a transition of leadership for a
short season is necessary in equipping him or her for group ministry.
• Slowly transition your leadership of the team to your apprentice while
assuming more of a coaching role.
• Contact your pastor or small groups coordinator and request a cite visit
for developing a custom evangelism plan based on the group’s strengths.
• Using the evangelism plan, ADD more members with the goal of
birthing a new group!
• Celebrate: this is an exciting time for your group that should be

Dave Earley & David Wheeler, Evangelism Is--: How to Share Jesus with Passion and Confidence (Nashville,
TN: B&H Academic, 2010), 169.
Ibid., 170.
Wheeler, Evangelism Is, 81-82.
Jim Putman, Discipleshift: Five Steps That Help Your Church to Make Disciples Who Make Disciples
(Exponential Series) (New York: Zondervan, 2013), 60.


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