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Participial Adjectives
Consider the two sentences

The match was interesting

The match was interesting me.

Both the sentences have the word "interesting".

We know that words ending with -ing are gerund. So they are usually verbs.
But in the first sentence "interesting" is not verb. It is adjective.

That's because HERE the word tells about how the match was. It is describing about the match(noun).

But in the second sentence "interesting acts as verb. That s because The match is doing some work on me.
So it is verb.

From the above example, it can be said that some times verb (gerund -in) act as adjectives.

They are participating as Adjectives Hence such verbs are called as Participial Adjectives.

Consider the following Example.

Joe is tired
The work tired Joe.

The words that end with -ed are usually verbs(past tense). But observe carefully those two sentences.

In the first sentence, the word "tired" tells about Joe(noun). So it acts as adjective.
But in the second sentence, "tired" tells what did word do to Joe. So it talks about an action. Hence
Hence, it is verb.

So it can be said that tired is like an adjective or it is participial adjective.

Excercises - 1
In the following sentences observe in which sentence the word is
Partcipial adjective

We have a talking parrot Part. Adj.

I was talking to the minister. verb

The wokers were moving the cargo. verb

It's a moving van. Part Adj.

I was satisfied. Part Adj.

The results satisfied me. verb

Participial Adjectives

Similarly try to identify the following highlighted words as Participial adjectives or verb
and write in the space provided.

We have a talking parrot

I was talking to the minister.
We have a talking machine.
They were talking to my mother.
Don't awaken a sleeping dog.
I was sleeping on the bed.
Look! It's a shooting star.
He is shooting the Lion.
It's a slow-moving train.
The train was moving slowly
It's a moving van.
The workers were moving the cargo.
A hiking party was seen to the north of the volcano.
We were hiking on the highway.
Mr. Hanson was wearing his hiking shoes
The travelers were hiking on their way.
The waiting parents were very worried.
I am waiting for my report.
The doctor's waiting room was brightly decorated.
Her brother is waiting for her to change.
The recently spotted owl was making a nest.
I spotted a snake in my garden
We made the pie with pitted cherries.
The fighter pitted him against the wall.
Would you like some frozen yogurt.
The milk has frozen just now.
She wore a shirt with rolled-up sleeves.
They rolled up their tents and went home
Amused viewers enjoy the short films.
I was amused by the short films.
I feel relaxed now.
The music relaxed me.
Joe is tired.
The ride tired me.
He had a tiring day.
The sun was tiring me.
How to get the cheese was confusing.
The situation was confusing all of us.
The mouse was confused.
The instructions confused me.
Your jokes are amusing.
Your jokes are amusing me.
I am amused.
You amused me.
I was so touched by the movie.
I touched the dog's fur.
The scenes in the movie were touching,

Participial Adjectives

She was touching me.

The TV program was boring.
The T.V. programme was boring me.
I felt bored while watching it.
It bored me very much.
My angry father's words were upsetting.
His words were upsetting me everyday.
I felt upset.
My father upset me very much.
The nurse's big needle was frightening.
The big needle was frightening me.
I felt frightened when she walked over to me!
He frightened her with his words
My alarm clock wouldn’t stop ringing. I was annoyed.
My sister annoyed me very much.
The sound was annoying.
The sound was annoying me.
He heard a strange sound and was concerned.
Her safety concerned me.
She was encouraged.
She was encouraged by the principal.
The taste was satisfying.
The taste was satisfying the customers.
I was satisfied.
The results satisfied me.
Getting hit in the behind with an arrow was humiliating.
The teacher was humiliatingthegirl in front of others.
Lancelot felt humiliated.
The defeat in the was humiliated the King.
We saw a spotted owl making a nest.
The police spotted the thief among the crowd
We made the sculpture from pitted wood.
The police officers pitted the criminal to the ground
Don't forget your sleeping bag.
The beggars were sleeping on the pavement.
He practices his rifle skills at the shooting range.
The hunters were shooting the ducks.
Would you like to visit the frozen Antarctic tundra?
The dead body has frozen in the Freezer.
Interesting people will speak during the 2-day class.
The class was interesting the students
Bored speakers should find something exciting to say.
The show bored me very much.
Amusing short films are shown at the animated film festival.
She was amusing me with her talk.
The movie, King Kong, was terrifying.
The movie was terrifying the audience.
The children who were watching it were frightened .
The movie frightened the children.
So much homework was overwhelming.

Participial Adjectives

The riots were overwhelming the residents with fear.

The student felt overwhelmed.
The exams overwhelmed the students with anxiety.
Interested people can sign up for the 2-day class.
The magician interested many people into his tricks.
Boring speakers put their attendees to sleep.
The speakers were boring the audience with long speeches.
Overwhelming amounts of work are given to University students.
The people were overwhelming with fear abut a hurricane.
Overwhelmed students end up dropping a course or two .
The mother was overwhelmed when her son went missing.
I was alarmed after reading the alarming news headlines .
The news alarmed me and I started alarming the people.
I felt relaxed after getting a relaxing massage.
The massage relaxed me and it was relaxing my senses too.
I was intrigued by the painting called" Mona Piggy" that was intriguing.
The problem intrigued me.
The strange sound was concerning.
I was concerning the matter over sometime now.
Her weight loss from the diet was encouraging.
The inspiration was encouraging me.
Michael Phelps was excited.
The match excited Michael Phelps
Michael Phelps' Olympic win was exciting.
Michael Phelps' Olympic win was exciting the Americans.

Exercise - 2 part 1
Use the following words and construct sentences as directed in the example.

as a Verb as a Part. Adjctv.

amusing He was amusing the guests. 2 The party was amusing.
amused The girl amused her parents 2 Her parents were amused.

boring The teacher is boring me. 2 The teachers is boring

bored The class bored me. 2 The class is bored.

confused 2
energizing 2
energized 2
exciting 2
excited 2
exhausting 2
exhausted 2
frightening 2
frightened 2
interesting 2
interested 2
confusing 2
encouraging 2
encouraged 2

Participial Adjectives

as a Verb as a Part. Adjctv.

satisfied 2
satisfying 2
shocking 2
shocked 2
surprising 2
surprised 2
terrifying 2
terrified 2
tiring 2
tired 2

Exercise - 2 part 2
as a Verb as a Part. Adjctv.
alarming 2
alarmed 2
annoying 2
annoyed 2
pleased 2
pleasing 2
relaxing 2
relaxed 2
entertaining 2
entertained 2
concerned 2
perplexed 2
perplexing 2
overwhelming 2
overwhelmed 2
embarrassing 2
frustrating 2
frustrated 2
humiliating 2
humiliated 2
intriguing 2
intrigued 2

Participial Adjectives

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