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"The Cop and the Anthem" by O. Henry, set in early 20th century New York City,

protagonist Soapy navigates the challenges of survival amidst poverty and societal

prejudice. Through his encounters with law enforcement and the relentless pursuit of his

desires, O. Henry crafts a narrative that reflects on the complexity of human existence.

This short story delves into themes of poverty, hopelessness, and the intrinsic human

desire for autonomy and belonging. Despite facing adversity, Soapy's persistent spirit

serves as a beacon of hope, urging readers to confront their own prejudices and

empathize with marginalized individuals. This research paper aims to uncover the story's

layers of meaning and explore its relevance in contemporary society, particularly in

understanding poverty and the human experience.

Background of The Author

William Sydney Porter, better known as O. Henry, was born in North Carolina in 1862. He

moved to Texas because of poor health and held various jobs in Austin. Meanwhile, O.

Henry married Athol Estes, he worked as a cartographer and then worked as a bank teller.

Despite attempts to publish and write, financial problems led him to flee to Honduras to

escape charges of embezzlement. After his wife's death, he was found guilty and served

time in prison. Adopting the pen name O. Henry, he achieved success as a short story

writer, but his health failed, and he died in New York City in 1910. His legacy lives on

through the prestigious O. Henry Award.

Summary of Short Story

The story follows 'Soapy', a homeless man in New York, as he attempts to get arrested to

avoid the impending cold weather. He had made various attempts, but all had failed, such

as dining without paying, stealing an umbrella, and pretending to be drunk. Soapy finds

redemption when he resolves to turn his life around after a moment of epiphany in an old

church. However, just as he decides to seek employment, he is finally arrested for loitering

and sentenced to three months in jail on Black Well's Island.


There are several themes that can be found in "The Cop and the Anthem" by O. Henry,

such as:

1. The struggle for survival and dignity in the face of adversity.

2. Redemption and personal agency.

3. The role of chance and circumstance in shaping individual destinies.

4. Freedom and the lack of freedom for individuals.

Moral Lessons

The Cop and The Anthem" by O. Henry is a poignant story with several moral lessons that

can be gleaned from its narrative. Here are some of them:

1. Even though we have failed many times, we must not give up easily when faced with

2. Never waste any opportunity to improve yourself.

3. The importance of being open to change and accepting help when needed.

4. We must always be grateful for what we have.

5. The importance of self-reflection in recognizing own mistakes and making positive


6. The importance of compassion and empathy towards others, especially for those who

are less fortunate.

7. We must be able to adapt to the surrounding environment and be resilient when facing




"The Cop and the Anthem" by O Henry intricately weaves themes of survival, dignity, and

the struggle for redemption in the face of adversity. Through the relentless efforts of the

protagonist, Soapy, to escape the harsh reality of life on the streets. This story invites

readers to reflect on the complexity of human existence and the deep impact of social

inequality. Soapy's journey is a touching reminder of the power of perseverance, the

consequences of missed opportunities, and the importance of self-reflection in driving

personal growth. Additionally, the narrative underscores the intrinsic value of freedom and

the importance of compassion and empathy towards those less fortunate. Ultimately, "The

Cop and the Anthem" stands as a timeless exploration of the human condition by offering

valuable moral lessons for the readers.


Henry, O. (1904). "The Cop and the Anthem." Retrieved from



Gale, R. L. (1971). O. Henry: A Study of the Short Fiction. Twayne Publishers.

West, R. H. (1957). O. Henry: A Comprehensive Bibliography. University of Texas Press.

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