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School: Danlagan Elementary Grade Level: 5
Teacher: Leozell P. Delgado Learning Area: English
Teaching Date: March Quarter: 2

I. OBJECTIVES In this lesson students are expected to:

a. Identify and Define text Features;
b. Distinguish the type of text.

A. Content Standards .
B. Performance Standard
C. Most Essential Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features: classification,
Learning Competency explanation, enumeration and time order

D. Enabling Competency

II. CONTENT Distinguishing Text Types According to Purpose and Features

a. Teacher’s Guide
b. Learner’s Guide
c. Textbook Pages ENGLISH – Grade 5, Alternative Delivery Mode, Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Disnguishing Text Types According to Purpose and Features, First
Edion, 2021

B. List of Learning Laptop, visual aids

Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities

A. Introduction
1. Review/Presenting
new lesson

1.1 Preliminary Activities

Checking of attendance

Ok class, let us review our previous lesson.

Last meeting we tackle about text types, do you still remember what is text

(Yes, ma’am) (text types are any pieces of writing that you read or create)

Yes! It can be anything from the novels, newspapers reports, and

textbooks, also from movie reviews.
ACTIVITY Before I proceed to our new lesson this morning. I want you to be
prepared, because I have here a stimulating activity to keep you from
feeling sleepy.

Let’s check your understanding! Please indicate if the following phrases

refer to fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, or mammals in the column below.
The task assigned to the students was to select the appropriate mixed
words or sentences from the board and paste them there.

Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fish

 Have hair or fur

 They are cold-blooded
 Have at least one lung
 Carnivores
 Swim bladders
 Have feathers and lay eggs
 Warm-blooded
 Have wings although not all of them fly
 Their bodies are completely covered with scales
 Breath through their skin, as well as their lungs in some cases
 Water habitat
 Their skin is smooth and slimy
 Have breaks
Class, what have you noticed about those words or sentences that you
pasted on the board?

 What is the text about? _____________

 What does the text present? ________________
 What type of text is this? _____________________

Ok! Great answer.

Class, you said that the activity lately is about classification text , why is
it classification text?

So classification text known as tagging or text categorization, is the

process of categorizing text into organized groups. In this type of text,
items or ideas are sorted according to commonalities. Also, in this type of
text, the writer presents the overall idea then splits it into parts to provide
clarity and description.

Readers can recognize calssification text through signal words such as:
first, finally, to begin, next, in addition, on the other hand, for example, or

Class study the example below

The text presented above is a classification text type.
The details are classified into categories of dogs such as being wild or
domesticated, having a particular breed, and serving a specific purpose.
The signal word used are on the other hand, categorized, and classified.

Let’s have here another example:

In this example, do you see some signal words here? Can you please
encircle those signal words?
 On the other hand
 In the seedless category
 Meanwhile
 One classification is based on
 Another classification is by
 Lastly

class let’s move forward to another text type, the Explanation text.
What do you mean by that?

Explanation text provides descriptions to looking at things like causes

and reasons. They move beyond retelling of what happened, such as in a
simple report, to address the why and how of what happened.
Explanatory texts usually tell how or why things occur with a general
statement that introduces the topic to be explored Time connectives used
such as first, after, then, next, and finally

Study the example below:

So in the example above, details are presented in a series of sentences that

explains why and how the rains forms.

C. ENGAGEMENT Now, that you understand the classification and explanation text types ,
let’s have an activity. Get 1 whole sheet of pad paper and answer the

Activity 1.
Direction: Sort the following titles in the text below according to its types.
Write the title under the correct heading in the table.

Classification text type Explanation text type

 Photosynthesis
 All about birds
 Metamorphosis in nature
 Our place in the Universe
 Seeded fruits and Seedless fruits
 Herbivores, Carnivores, Omnivores
 How our body processes food

Activity 2.

Direction: following any of the two given text types. Write about your first
day of school experience during the pandemic.

What have you learned from the following activities?

D. ASSIMILATION Class, I have prepared 5 item quiz in order for me to know if you really
understand the topic that I have discussed.

Directions: Distinguish the following text type. Write the letter of your
answer on the blank before the number.
1. Earth is mainly composed of rocks that differ in terms of sizes, shapes,
and colors. Though rocks seem to be very hard, dense, and indestructible,
they still break. The breaking of rocks into fragments is known as
weathering. Weathering is an important process that helps shape the
Earth's surface. The breaking of rocks result in the formation of soil and
different landforms. This is also the reason we have amazing rock

A. Classification text type B. Explanation text type

2. The Philippine monkey-eating eagle is named after its favorite food, the
monkeys. It stands over 3 ft. tall but can weigh up to 9 pounds larger than
a golden eagle. It has bluish eyes, a large, sharp, curved, beak, and a
warlike headdress of spiky feathers. Although it has great size, it can fly
very high with its broad wings and a squared-off tail. It is good at
snatching monkeys or other mammals or birds from trees.

A. Classification text type B. Explanation text type

3. Climate is the overall state of weather in a place over a long period of

time. Climates have changed over time in Earth's history. Climate change
may be due to changes in the amount of energy from the sun or the amount
of dust in the atmosphere. In recent years, scientists have discovered that
temperatures are gradually rising around the world. This trend is known as
global warming. It is important to learn more about how climate changes
because it affects the environment and way of life.

A. Classification text type B. Explanation text type

4. Elephants are extremely intelligent animals. They have long memories.

This memory serves the mothers well during dry seasons when they need
to guide their herds to even distant watering holes that they remember
from the past. They also display signs of grief, joy, anger, and play.

A. Classification text type B. Explanation text type

5. Palo Sebo game was derived from Spanish palo means stick or pole and
Sebo that means grease. The players have to climb a bamboo pole greased
with oil to reach the prize/flag placed at the top of the pole. This is mostly
played in an open space during fiestas and other celebrations.

A. Classification text type B. Explanation text type

For your Assignment class,

Directions: Complete the tasks below. Write your answers on your answer
1. Make a list of your favorite things to do on weekends.
2. In two to three paragraphs, write on how you spend your day doing
what you love to do

V. REFLECTION Most of the time I gave my best and full attention to my learners. As a
teacher I want them to have more knowledge about the topic that I
presented to them, so that the we achieved our main aim by successfully
organizing some strategies that I will use for them, so that the learning is
not boring and the students will enjoy. It feels happy when you see a child
learn something and you fulfill their needs. “Teaching becomes successful
when the child is learning”.

Prepared by: LEOZELL P. DELGADO Cooperating Teacher: Maria Paula Lontoc

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