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Critique Essay: “The Last Leaf”

First published in 1906, the story of “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry perfectly delivered
the art of giving hope to others and what it takes to sacrifice for someone. The
narrative begins with Johnsy who lost her will to live because of her sickness,
pneumonia. Connecting her life span to the last leaf of the vine, and that if it fell on
the ground, she too shall pass away. The narrative takes a compelling turn when
Berhman, Johnsy’s neighbour and a painter, sacrifices his health to paint an artificial
leaf on the vine hoping to renew Johnsy’s hope. Remarkably, the characters are bound
to illuminate the complexities of the human condition – how we may fall deep into the
ocean of despair, and how one’s simple gesture uplifts someone's soul. The author's
melancholic description of the falling leaves reminds us of the fragility of life. This
literature elaborates on the power of friendship. Despite life’s cruelty affecting Johnsy,
Sue’s compassion shines as a beacon of hope, and Berhman’s leaf painting acts as a
guiding light in the darkness. The narrative might leave us with the questions of; How
pure can a soul be that sacrificing something so valuable will only take them a
second? How do the little acts of kindness we do have a bigger influence on
someone’s life? Passionately, the author used his undeniable gift and generously
shared it through this groundbreaking work.

The story goes with Johnsy, suffering from pneumonia, who connects her life to a vine
of the ivy creeper, believing that if the last leaf falls, it signifies her farewell. Sue
informs their neighbor Berhman about her situation, who tries to change her hope. The
leaf remains standing despite the storm, and Johnsy decides she doesn’t want to die.
The doctor informs them that Johnsy will soon recover, and Berhman, suffering from
pneumonia, dies. Berhman painted a leaf onto the vine, sacrificed his health to bring
back the hope in Johnsy’s heart, and created a masterpiece.

The author masterfully symbolizes life and death in a well-organized narrative. The
leaf on the vine symbolizes life, while the falling leaf symbolizes Johnsy's passing.
Henry's ability to transition narratives into different settings and points of view is
masterful, inviting viewers into the story world. The author is in full command of their
craft by the way he gracefully moves between scenes. He did not fail to guide his
viewers through shifts and expertly ensured we never get lost. The introduction of
Behrman opens a new perspective, revealing an opportunity for meaning in the story.
Where she only sees death, he sees an opportunity for meaning, creating one final
masterpiece by painting an artificial leaf to hang on the vine. The narrative highlights
the importance of hope and sacrifice in life, you realize that someone’s heart can be
full of kindness like Berhman that sacrificing his health is no more important than
reliving Johnsy’s hope in living. O. Henry emphasizes that hope can serve as a lifeline
– Johnsy needed a reason, and the painting gave her that. Even a simple gesture can
have a lasting impact. The story of "The Last Leaf" encourages readers to find a
reason and let their hearts give meaning to everyday things, highlighting the power of
hope and sacrifice in a person's life.

We all love reading, but not everyone can comprehend things. Henry poured his talent
into creating the masterpiece “The Last Leaf” a simple yet impactful piece of literary
art that speaks to us to give life a second chance. This story is a lot more and can be
interpreted in many different ways by the imaginative minds of different people. The
Last Leaf teaches us that hope and friendship can be more powerful than any physical
ailment. As a reader, this story taught me that each day is a gift. Though life is fragile
we must nourish our relationships with others and find the beauty in each little

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