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Nora Gonzalez

Julie Baker

English 1301

12 Feb 2024

Tamiu Financial Aid

This Tamiu organization displays different types of flyers to convey information to

students. The Financial Aid helps students apply for money to pay their college tuition each year.

Majority of students use Financial Aid to seek assistance in filling out the application online or in

person. Flyers are posted around the campus to let students know they are willing to help and are

provided. This flyer contains content, layout, and their location to provide information to

students regarding Financial Aid. This organization is a helpful resource to students that are

filling out the form of Financial Aid.

The flyer provides content in an informative way to capture students' attention and

convey information. The use of persuasion displayed a showcase of a sense of trust. When this

flyer is read, many can find the content descriptive and captivating with those who need

assistance with the form. The form includes big letters that display, “FAFSA for YOU!”, which

can capture the intended audience that consists of students. Another use is, “FAFSA Drives, Join

Us!”, which many can check and adjust their time to show up to complete the form. These words

are captivating and appeal to students' emotions who are trying to get this application done. Uses

supporting text that show more information and can make students stop by and make this fafsa

process easier. This can be beneficial to the organization that is putting themselves out there to

assist students and get this application ready for them. The form is getting complicated each year

and is a stressful process for every student that is applicable. With the help of the Financial Aid
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Office in Tamiu, many don’t have to worry any longer. The content was used to showcase the

help it can provide to anyone that needs assistance.

Secondly, The layout used in the flyer helps to communicate the information used.

Makes the sentences and structure used stand out and easy to read to anyone reading or passing

by. The organization of the layout helped develop the usage of the information in an effective

manner. The layout in this form helps be more visible to the human eye and more captivating. It

had the big letters at the top to let it be seen and the information at the bottom. The structure of

this shows more information provided if anyone is willing to know more about the Financial Aid

form. At the end of the informative part, the location of the center is shown. With the

information presented in that many, students will find this very helpful. Students will provide

time and go seek help with the application form. In another flyer, it mentions the dates of the

several drives it organizes. This layout works to get the information across in an organized

manner. Presenting the information that is easy to obtain all that is provided.

Lastly, the location of the flyer was provided in the halls or library section of the

campus. This is very useful and helpful to get students to obtain information that is presented on

the flyer. To get the flyer noticed, the idea is to get this flyer in a place where it’s used the most.

The more the audience the better the form is going to be spotted which can be talked about.

Many may not think this is necessary but the majority tend to seek help with the application form

to pay their tuition. When spotted, the audience will be presented with the description. Whoever

needs to speak with the Financial Aid office, they will be thankful that this flyer was located not

just in one area but elsewhere. Many forms are only located near the offices, many which may be

new or don’t know the location of the Office. The location is useful to many seeking information

on the flyer provided.

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In Conclusion, Tamiu organization of Financial Aid provides insight to let students know

help is provided for them. With this application, many acquire problems when filling out this

form. This flyer can be helpful to students with the process of this application form. The content,

layout, and location was useful and necessary for students to seek help with the Financial Aid.

The content provided can catch the student’s attention with the use of its words. The layout used

will showcase the information in an organized manner to make it easier to read. Finally, the

location of the flyer is located in places students normally go too. With this being shown,

students can get help with the Financial Aid office.

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Work Cited

Office of Financial Aid. General Financial Aid Information. (n.d.).

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