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Review Article

Cartilage Regeneration

Rocky S. Tuan, PhD Cartilage damaged by trauma has a limited capacity to regenerate.
Antonia F. Chen, MD, MBA Current methods of managing small chondral defects include
palliative treatment with arthroscopic débridement and lavage,
Brian A. Klatt, MD
reparative treatment with marrow-stimulation techniques (eg,
microfracture), and restorative treatment, including osteochondral
grafting and autologous chondrocyte implantation. Larger defects
are managed with osteochondral allograft or total joint arthroplasty.
However, the future of managing cartilage defects lies in providing
biologic solutions through cartilage regeneration. Laboratory and
clinical studies have examined the management of larger lesions
using tissue-engineered cartilage. Regenerated cartilage can be
derived from various cell types, including chondrocytes, pluripotent
stem cells, and mesenchymal stem cells. Common scaffolding
materials include proteins, carbohydrates, synthetic materials, and
composite polymers. Scaffolds may be woven, spun into
nanofibers, or configured as hydrogels. Chondrogenesis may be
enhanced with the application of chondroinductive growth factors.
Bioreactors are being developed to enhance nutrient delivery and
provide mechanical stimulation to tissue-engineered cartilage ex
vivo. The multidisciplinary approaches currently being developed to
From the Department of produce cartilage promise to bring to fruition the desire for cartilage
Orthopaedic Surgery, University of regeneration in clinical use.
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Dr. Tuan or an immediate family
member serves as a board member,
owner, officer, or committee member
of the American Society for Matrix
Biology and the Tissue Engineering
O steoarthritis (OA), which is
characterized by cartilage de-
struction, affects approximately 27
scar tissue has a higher coefficient of
friction than does cartilage, which
can hinder motion and lead to earlier
and Regenerative Medicine million adults in the United States.1 degeneration. Degenerated joints
International Society. Dr. Chen or an
immediate family member serves as Treatment options are limited. Carti- with larger cartilage defects or le-
a paid consultant to or is an lage has limited capacity for self- sions, as seen in OA, are often man-
employee of Novo Nordisk. Dr. Klatt repair because of its limited vascular- aged ultimately with total joint ar-
or an immediate family member
ity, which results in poor replicative throplasty. Although these current
serves as a board member, owner,
officer, or committee member of the capacity of chondrocytes, the main treatment methods reduce pain and
American Academy of Orthopaedic cell type in cartilage. increase mobility, there is a growing
Surgeons and the American need for options that restore the na-
Association of Hip and Knee
Current treatment methods for
Surgeons. well-defined osteochondral defects tive biologic properties of cartilage.
include drilling, autologous chondro- The limited capacity of damaged
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2013;21:
303-311 cyte implantation (ACI), and osteo- cartilage to regenerate and the poten-
chondral allograft. These options re- tial morbidity associated with im-
JAAOS-21-05-303 sult in the formation of fibrocartilage planting or transferring bone and
containing collagen types I and II, cartilage make cartilage regeneration
Copyright 2013 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. which has less strength and resilience an attractive alternative. The field of
than does cartilage. Fibrocartilage cartilage tissue engineering is being

May 2013, Vol 21, No 5 303

Cartilage Regeneration

Table 1
Cell Types Used in Cartilage Tissue Engineering
Type Cells Advantages Disadvantages

Differentiated Adult chondrocytes Autologous tissue Donor site morbidity

Differentiated cells Limited cell availability
Dedifferentiation and loss of chondrocytic
Neonatal/fetal chondro- Higher rate of cartilage matrix synthesis Limited cell availability
cytes than adult chondrocytes
Low immunogenicity
Pluripotent stem Embryonic stem cells Indefinite self-renewal Ethical concerns
cells Ability to differentiate into multiple cell Difficulty in controlling and directing spe-
and tissue lineages cific differentiation
Induced pluripotent stem Autologous origin Safety concerns
cells Indefinite self-renewal Difficulty in controlling and directing spe-
No ethical concerns cific differentiation
Mesenchymal Bone marrow stem cells Autologous tissue source May undergo hypertrophy upon extended
stem cells High level of collagen type II production culture or after implantation
More invasive harvesting
Adipose-derived stem Autologous tissue source Lower chondrogenic capacity
cells Abundant Lower level of collagen type II production
Minimally invasive harvesting
Synovial-derived stem Autologous tissue source Retains some fibroblastic characteristics
cells Highest chondrogenic capacity

advanced to create biologically com- ACI was first described by Brittberg chondrocytes onto biomaterial scaf-
patible, synthetic cartilage con- et al.2 Chondrocytes are harvested folds that were then placed into le-
structs. These constructs are com- from a non–weight-bearing area of sions. This technique has the advan-
posed of appropriate cell types the joint and are expanded ex vivo. tage of maintaining chondrocytes
seeded within biomaterial scaffolds In a separate surgical procedure, an within the matrix instead of injecting
to produce a durable tissue repair autologous periosteal flap is har- them within the lesion (Table 1).
system that potentially can be im- vested and sewn over the chondral Although these techniques have been
planted in a single step. Many differ- defect, and chondrocytes are injected shown to be effective for improving pa-
ent components are necessary to con- in a collagen-containing suspension tient function, these harvested chondro-
struct tissue-engineered cartilage, into the defect and sealed with fibrin cytes are grown in vitro, which can lead
including the various constituent cell glue. Although this procedure re- to dedifferentiation or loss of pheno-
types, biomimetic scaffolds, induc- duces pain and swelling for small le- type, thereby rendering them useless for
tive bioactive factors, gene therapy, sions, associated donor site morbid- the regeneration of hyaline cartilage.4
and the use of bioreactors for ex vivo ity exists from harvesting the A more viable option is neonatal or
cartilage tissue engineering. periosteum and chondrocytes.3 The fetal chondrocytes (eg, DeNovo NT
second-generation ACI technique, Natural Tissue Graft; Zimmer),
also known as collagen-covered ACI, which grow significantly faster than
Cell Types uses a collagen membrane rather adult chondrocytes and more closely
than periosteum to cover the lesion, resemble cells from native cartilage,
Chondrocytes which thereby prevents compromise with higher proteoglycan and colla-
Initially, cell-based therapy for re- to other regions of bone or cartilage. gen types II and IX content.5 How-
pairing cartilage lesions used chon- The third-generation technique, ever, as with adult chondrocytes, the
drocytes, the principal cell type matrix-assisted ACI, further im- availability of juvenile chondrocytes
found in cartilage. The technique of proved the process with placement of is limited.

304 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Rocky S. Tuan, PhD, et al

Pluripotent Stem Cells MSCs have the ability to differenti- cover to manage patellar articular
Given the limitations of chondrocytes, ate along various cell lineages, in- cartilage defects demonstrated pain-
cluding chondrocytes, adipocytes, free walking for at least 4 years after
researchers have investigated the use of
osteoblasts, and myocytes.10 MSCs the index procedure.15 Another study
other cell types that can differentiate
are an ideal option for cartilage re- compared patients who did and did
into chondrocytes. Pluripotent stem
generation because they represent a not undergo BMSC transplantation
cells, such as embryonic stem cells
readily available and accessible sup- for medial femoral condyle osteo-
(ESCs), are attractive options for tissue
ply of cells, and they have the capac- chondral defects.16 Although clinical
regeneration because of their potential
ity for considerable expansion and outcomes were similar, patients
for indefinite self-renewal and their differentiation. Growth factors such treated with BMSC transplantation
ability to differentiate into multiple tis- as transforming growth factor-β demonstrated improved arthroscopic
sue types. However, ESCs are derived (TGF-β) and bone morphogenetic and histologic articular cartilage
from the inner cell mass of blastocyst- protein (BMP) are used to induce growth 42 weeks postoperatively.
stage embryos,6 and their derivation chondrogenesis in MSCs. MSCs can Adipose-derived stem cells are less
raises ethical concerns. An alterna- also migrate and incorporate into chondrogenic than BMSCs but are
tive is another pluripotent cell type, musculoskeletal tissue and exert ef- more plentiful and easily accessible.17
induced pluripotent stem cells fects on tissue microenvironment; These cells can produce cartilage
(iPSCs). These ESC-like stem cells additionally, they have anti- with a high total collagen content
are developed from a patient’s own inflammatory and immunosuppres- but lower levels of collagen type II.
skin or blood cells by means of gene sive properties that may be useful in Previous studies comparing chondro-
transduction using ESC-specific managing OA and rheumatoid ar- genic capacity between MSCs de-
transcription factors; in principle, thritis.11 A porcine study demon- rived from different sites demon-
these can be used in multiple tissue strated that an intra-articular injec- strated that synovial-derived stem
applications.7 Although these pluri- tion of MSCs with hyaluronic acid cells were superior to bone marrow,
potent cells have multiple capabili- could facilitate cartilage regeneration periosteum, skeletal muscle, and adi-
ties, their undifferentiated nature and after induced injury.12 pose tissue.18 However, synovial-
tendency to grow without restraint Of the multiple sources of MSCs, derived stem cells may retain some
may lead to the development of tu- bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs) are fibroblastic capacity after implanta-
mor; teratoma formation in vivo is the most commonly used. An in vitro tion, which makes this cell type less
well recognized.8 model demonstrated that osteochon- effective as a cartilage substitute.
Clinical studies using ESCs are cur- dral defects in rabbits could be mar-
rently underway for implantation in ginally repaired with injected BMSCs
the setting of spinal cord regenera- and fully repaired with BMSCs em- Scaffolds
tion and for managing Stargardt bedded in a synthetic extracellular
macular degeneration. Although matrix (ECM).13 In an equine study, For tissue engineering, cells must be
ESCs and iPSCs may some day be vi- full-thickness osteochondral defects seeded on a temporary structure to
able treatment options for these con- created in the femoral trochlear ridge establish a three-dimensional struc-
ditions, their direct differentiation were treated either with microfrac- ture that retains the seeded cells and
into chondrocytes is at an early stage ture combined with concentrated provides mechanical support to aid
of investigation,9 and there are no bone marrow aspirate containing in the development of cartilage over
current clinical studies examining the MSCs or with microfracture alone.14 time. Thus, scaffold biomaterials
use of pluripotent stem cells to man- Improved macroscopic filling of the must be biodegradable, noncyto-
age cartilage damage. lesion and higher collagen type II toxic, mechanically competent (ie,
content were demonstrated in the similar to surrounding tissue), and
Mesenchymal Stem Cells combined treatment group. able to regulate cell activity; must
Another cell alternative for regen- Although multiple animal studies have appropriate surface chemistry;
erating cartilage that has minimal tu- have examined the capacity of and must have the capacity to be
morigenic capacity is mesenchymal BMSCs to repair cartilage, few clini- shaped into different sizes and forms.
stem cells (MSCs). These adult tis- cal studies have been conducted. Ini- The four main groups of scaffolding
sue–derived cells have a high prolif- tial case reports using BMSCs em- that may be applied in cartilage tis-
erative capacity and have the poten- bedded in a collagen gel implanted sue engineering are protein-based
tial for multipotent differentiation. within an autologous periosteum polymers, carbohydrate-based poly-

May 2013, Vol 21, No 5 305

Cartilage Regeneration

Table 2
Commonly Used Scaffold Biomaterials in Cartilage Tissue Engineering
Scaffold Class Material Advantages Disadvantages Examples

Protein-based Fibrin Naturally occurring material, Poor mechanical strength —

polymers low toxicity
Decreased cost
Promotes cell adhesion and
Collagen Enhances cell adhesion Variable physical chemical NeoCart (Histogenics)
Multiple, well-established pro- properties
cessing technologies Variable degradation properties
Biodegradable Difficult to handle
Carbohydrate- Hyaluronic acid Naturally occurring material, Poor mechanical strength Hyalograft C autograft
based polymers low toxicity (Anika Therapeutics)
Supports mesenchymal stem
cell and epithelial cell
Can fill irregular defects
Alginate Abundantly available Slow degradation —
Naturally occurring Poor mechanical strength
Biodegradable Cannot be used as long-term
Synthetic polymers Polylactic acid High tensile strength Chain depolymerization due to Cartilage Repair Device
(PLA) High modulus (able to bear monomer formation with ex- (Kensey Nash)
loads) cessive heating of PLA
Can be made into different Local acidosis upon biodegra-
forms dation
Polyglycolic acid Good mechanical strength Rapid degradation —
(PGA) High modulus Degradation product, glycolic
Natural degradation product acid, may cause local tissue
(glycolic acid) acidosis
Polycaprolactone Good osteoinductive potential Releases acid upon degrada- —
Nontoxic degradation products tion
Good mechanical properties
Polylactic-co- Enhanced mechanical strength Amorphous TruFit Plug (Smith &
glycolic acid compared with PLA or PGA Nephew)
Biodegradable and
Resistance to hydrolysis
Bioceramics Hydroxyapatite Bioactive material Difficult to shape scaffolds MaioRegen (Fin-
(Ca10[PO4]6 Forms a rapid and strong bond Stiff and brittle material Ceramica Faenza SpA)
[OH]2) to bone

mers, synthetic polymers, and com- fibrinogen, is a key component of type I scaffold seeded with autolo-
posite polymers, which contain com- blood clots. Gelatin is formed from gous chondrocytes, was implanted in
binations of biomaterials from the denatured collagen and can bind 21 patients with grade III chondral
first three groups19 (Table 2). growth factors, proteins, and pep- defects of the distal femur.21 These
tides, as well as allow for cell adhe- patients were randomly compared
Protein-based Polymers sions. Collagen is the major struc- with nine patients who received mi-
Fibrin, gelatin, and collagen are ex- tural component of the ECM, and its crofracture treatment of the same
amples of protein-based polymers use as a scaffolding material allows type of lesion. At 2-year follow-up,
used in bioengineered scaffolds. Fi- cells to retain their phenotypes.20 patients treated with the scaffold ma-
brin, a protein matrix derived from NeoCart (Histogenics), a collagen terial had significantly lower pain

306 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Rocky S. Tuan, PhD, et al

Figure 1 aluronic acid–based scaffold Hya- cartilage. PLGA also has been com-
lograft C autograft (Anika Therapeu- bined with calcium sulfate in the
tics).23 At 7-year follow-up, 62 commercially available TruFit Plug
patients who were treated with this (Smith & Nephew), a synthetic re-
scaffold for cartilage defects with an sorbable biphasic implant that en-
average size of 2.5 cm2 underwent courages the growth of cartilage and
clinical and radiographic evalua- bone.28 Polylactic acid serves as the
tion.24 Significant improvement in scaffold for the Cartilage Repair De-
function and pain was seen in study vice (Kensey Nash), which contains
patients, and postoperative MRI β-tricalcium phosphate to stimulate
bone growth and a collagen type I
evaluation showed complete filling
matrix to stimulate the growth of
of the cartilage defect in 57% of the
cartilage.29 This device was approved
Arthroscopic image demonstrating lesions and complete integration of
cartilage integration (arrow) of the for use in Europe in 2010 and was
the scaffold in 62%. The Hyalograft
hyaluronic acid–based scaffold made available in the United States
Hyalograft C autograft (Anika C autograft is not yet available in the
in 2012.
Therapeutics), which was used to United States (Figure 1).
Other synthetic scaffolding materi-
manage cartilage defects. The In one study, alginate was used in
patient demonstrated significantly als include polybutyric acid, carbon
improved function postoperatively. scaffolds seeded with adult allogenic fiber, Dacron, and Teflon. Ceramics,
(Reproduced with permission from chondrocytes and implanted in 21 such as hydroxyapatite, tricalcium
Marcacci M, Kon E, Zaffagnini S, patients.25 At a mean follow-up of 6.3 phosphate, and bioactive glass, are
Iacono F, Filardo G, Delcogliano M:
years, clinical scores improved (ie, West- also considered when developing
Autologous chondrocytes in a
hyaluronic acid scaffold. Operative ern Ontario and McMaster Universities scaffolds for cartilage replantation
Techniques in Orthopaedics Osteoarthritis Index, visual analog because these materials promote the
2006;16[4]:266-270.) scale). At a mean follow-up of 6.1 years, growth of a bone-like apatite layer to
MRI remained stable. The four failures anchor the overlying cartilage scaf-
scores (P < 0.05) than before surgery, reported consisted of periosteal flap fold to the existing bed of the osteo-
as well as improved function and in- loosening, delamination of repair tissue, chondral defect.
creased motion, compared with the decline of clinical function, and thinning The authors of a recent study evalu-
microfracture group. of the repair tissue as visualized on ated the management of knee chondral
MRI. Despite these failures, the devel- or osteochondral defects using a three-
Carbohydrate-based opment of carbohydrate-based poly- dimensional scaffold (MaioRegen, Fin-
Polymers mers as scaffolding material for carti- Ceramica Faenza SpA) with layered
Carbohydrates, such as hyaluronan, lage holds promise. collagen type I fibrils and hydroxyap-
alginate, chitosan, agarose, and poly- atite nanoparticles to form a synthetic
ethylene glycol, also have been used Synthetic Polymers cartilage-and-bone scaffold.30 The
in hydrogel scaffolds. These scaffolds Synthetic polymer–based scaffolds us- size of the treated lesions ranged
are comprised of cross-linked poly- ing polylactic acid, polyglycolic acid, from 1.5 to 6.0 cm2. At 2-year
mers that absorb a great deal of wa- polycaprolactone, and polylactic-co- follow-up, patient clinical scores had
ter, which is similar to the properties glycolic acid (PLGA) are the most com- improved, especially in active pa-
of cartilage ECM. They are also effi- mon, and the materials may be woven tients. MRI demonstrated complete
cient in cell encapsulation, which al- or made into electrospun nanofi- graft integration in 70% of patients.
lows chondrocytes to maintain their bers.26 A synthetic scaffold contain- A large, multicenter clinical trial is
spherical morphology within the ing PLGA, polyglycolic acid, and cal- currently underway in Europe to fur-
scaffold.22 Hydrogel scaffolds may be cium sulfate was implanted in ther study the use of this scaffold in
modified by their mechanism of gela- patients with patellofemoral carti- managing osteochondral defects.
tion, the inclusion of synthetic mate- lage defects, and patients were fol-
rials, and the addition of growth fac- lowed postoperatively for up to 2
tors to enhance chondrogenesis. years.27 This study demonstrated im- Growth Factors
One study demonstrated improved proved short-term results; however,
functional scores at 2-year follow-up subchondral bone was not restored In contrast to cells and scaffolds,
in patients treated with the hy- even with the formation of hyaline which provide the network by which

May 2013, Vol 21, No 5 307

Cartilage Regeneration

Table 3 warranted when using FGF-2 be-

cause higher doses may promote in-
Common Growth Factors Used in Cartilage Regeneration
creased inflammation by antagoniz-
Growth Factor General Effects on Chondrocytes/Cartilage ing insulin-like growth factor
BMP-2 Stimulates ECM production (IGF)-1 and upregulating MMPs.
Increases ECM turnover
Increases aggrecan degradation Insulin-like Growth Factor
BMP-7 Stimulates ECM production
IGF-1 helps maintain articular carti-
Inhibits cartilage degradation by decreasing ILs and MMPs
lage integrity and induces anabolic
FGF-2 Increases aggrecan degradation
Inhibits proteoglycan synthesis effects for cartilage repair while de-
Upregulates MMPs creasing catabolic effects. IGF-1
FGF-18 Stimulates ECM production in injured joints works better in combination with
Increases chondrocyte proliferation other growth factors, such as TGF-β
IGF-1 Stimulates ECM production and BMP-7. Mice with chronic
Decreases ECM catabolism
IGF-1 deficiency are more likely to
PDGF Chemotactic factor for mesenchymal cells
develop articular cartilage lesions,
Suppresses IL-1–induced cartilage degradation
and increased IGF-1 results in in-
PRP Biologic cocktail of multiple growth factors and cytokines
creased protection of the synovial
TGF-β1 Stimulates ECM production
Inhibits cartilage degradation by decreasing ILs and MMPs membrane.33

BMP = bone morphogenetic protein, ECM = extracellular matrix, FGF = fibroblast growth Platelet-derived Growth
factor, IGF = insulin-like growth factor, IL = interleukin, MMP = matrix metalloproteinase,
PDGF = platelet-derived growth factor, PRP = platelet-rich plasma, TGF = transforming Factor
growth factor
Platelet-derived growth factor is a
chemotactic factor for mesenchymal
cartilage is regenerated, growth fac- growth, either in the setting of frac- cells. It has been shown to stimulate
tors are biologically active polypep- ture healing or the formation of a fu- wound healing and promote the for-
tides that are endogenous molecules. sion mass, but it has the potential to mation of cartilage with increased pro-
Growth factors can be applied to stimulate matrix synthesis and re- teoglycan production and cell prolif-
stimulate cell growth, enhance chon- verse chondrocyte dedifferentiation. eration.34 Platelet-derived growth
drogenesis, and augment the man- BMP-7 helps to stimulate cartilage factor also has been shown to sup-
agement of cartilage defects (Table matrix synthesis, acts synergistically press IL-1β–induced cartilage degra-
3). with other anabolic growth factors, dation by downregulating nuclear
and inhibits catabolic factors, such factor-κB signaling.
Transforming Growth as matrix metalloproteinase
Factor-β Superfamily (MMP)-1, MMP-13, IL-1, IL-6, and Platelet-rich Plasma
Members of the TGF-β superfamily, IL-8. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is considered
such as TGF-β1, BMP-2, BMP-7, to be a potential source of growth fac-
TGF-β3, and cartilage-derived mor- Fibroblast Growth Factor tors, given its role in wound healing
phogenetic proteins-1 and -2, are Family and in the management of other mus-
used to stimulate cartilage repair by Members of the fibroblast growth culoskeletal diseases. Clinical studies
inducing chondrogenic differentia- factor (FGF) family, specifically have been conducted evaluating the
tion and stimulating production of FGF-2 (ie, basic FGF [bFGF]) and role of intra-articular injections of PRP
cartilage ECM.31 The most common FGF-18, act by binding to cell sur- in the management of OA.
growth factor used to stimulate face receptors, promoting anabolic In a study of patients with knee
chondrogenesis is TGF-β, which pathways, and decreasing the activ- OA, Spaková et al35 demonstrated
stimulates ECM synthesis, chondro- ity of the catabolic enzyme aggre- that patients treated with three intra-
genesis in the synovial lining, and canase. In a murine model, subcuta- articular injections of PRP had better
BMSCs, while decreasing the cata- neous administration of FGF-2 clinical function and less pain than
bolic activity of interleukin-1 (IL-1). reduced OA, whereas FGF-2 knock- did patients treated with three intra-
BMP-2 has been used in other ortho- out mice were found to have acceler- articular injections of hyaluronic
paedic applications to stimulate bone ated OA.32 However, caution is acid. A different study demonstrated

308 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Rocky S. Tuan, PhD, et al

that patients with hip OA that was ministration of the injection. Further Table 4
managed with ultrasonography- studies are under way to determine
Gene Delivery Targets Used in
guided injection of PRP into the af- functional improvements, clinical re- Cartilage Regeneration
fected hip demonstrated improved sults, and radiographic parameters
patient assessment scores (ie, West- used to evaluate the management of Category Gene Target
ern Ontario and McMaster Universi- OA. Growth factors TGF-β, BMP,
ties Osteoarthritis Index, Harris hip) FGF, IGF-1β,
and decreased pain at 6-month Vectors EGF
follow-up.36 Transcription factors SOX9
The vectors used to deliver gene ther-
Signal transduction SMADs
apy include nonviral and viral con- molecules
structs. Nonviral delivery methods Proinflammatory cyto- TNF-α, IL-1
Gene Therapy such as naked DNA, DNA lipo- kine inhibition
The concept of using gene therapy to somes, and complexed DNA have Apoptosis Bcl-2, Bcl-XL,
the advantage of being noninfec- iNOS
manage musculoskeletal conditions
was first proposed for the treatment tious; however, they are transient.
Bcl = B cell lymphoma, BMP = bone
of rheumatoid arthritis.37 Biologic Viral vectors, including adenovirus, morphogenetic protein, EGF = epidermal
factors applied to suppress cyto- adeno-associated virus, herpes sim- growth factor, FGF = fibroblast growth
factor, IGF = insulin-like growth factor,
kines, such as tumor necrosis plex virus, foamy virus, and lentivi- IL = interleukin, iNOS = inducible nitric
factor-α and IL-1β, have been inte- rus, are beneficial because they allow oxide synthase, SOX = Sry-related HMG-
box, TGF = transforming growth factor,
gral in managing rheumatoid arthri- for stable gene expression through TNF = tumor necrosis factor
tis. The search for therapeutic targets insertion of the DNA into the host
that could be used to treat cartilage chromosome. However, altering the
host DNA has the potential for inser- tates nutrient supply, metabolite ex-
degradation through viral or non- change, and generation of a three-
viral vectors by in vivo or ex vivo tional mutagenesis as well as host
immune reaction to viral proteins. dimensional construct within a
means is currently being investigated contained environment that mimics
for clinical application. physiologic conditions. This is gener-
ally accomplished by using auto-
Therapeutic Targets Gene delivery is conducted in vivo or
mated bioreactors that are capable of
ex vivo, depending on the location of
In the case of OA, five gene thera- delivering mechanobiologic activa-
delivery. Gene therapy delivery to sy-
peutic targets that enhance chondro- tion to cell-loaded scaffolds that are
novium is better than delivery to car-
genesis have been extensively stud- used to develop ex vivo cartilage tis-
tilage because synovium has a larger
ied: growth factors, including sue. Automated processing using bio-
surface area, with a thin lining of syno-
TGF-β, BMP, FGF, IGF-1, and epi- reactors also increases reproducibil-
viocytes. Ex vivo delivery to both tis-
dermal growth factor; transcription ity and decreases contamination.40
sues is beneficial in that gene transfer
factors (eg, SOX9); signal transduc- The three main types of bioreactors
can be used to augment cartilage repair.
tion molecules (eg, SMADs); pro- that have been used for cartilage tis-
However, in vivo approaches are less
inflammatory cytokine inhibition (ie, sue constructs are hydrostatic, dy-
labor intensive and costly than cell cul-
TNF-α, IL-1β); and apoptosis or se- namic loading, and hydrodynamic.
ture and maintenance ex vivo. Carti-
nescence inhibition (B cell lympho- Hydrostatic bioreactors are
lage formation can be enhanced with
ma-2, -XL; inducible nitric oxide medium-filled chambers that can ad-
use of gene constructs of appropriate
synthase) (Table 4). Of these mole- minister hydrostatic pressure to en-
chondrogenesis-enhancing factors to
cules, only TGF-β1 has been studied hance chondrogenesis of MSCs and
facilitate the delivery of gene therapy to
in the clinical setting. Phase I has to condition engineered tissue con-
chondrocytes and MSCs.39
been completed of a clinical trial ex- structs by mimicking the hydrostatic
amining the management of knee ar- load in joints.
thritis using TissueGene-C (Tissue- Bioreactors Dynamic-loading bioreactors are
Gene), a cell-mediated gene therapy motorized to generate mechanical
system in which allogenic chondro- The engineered cartilage tissue con- loading to cells or tissue constructs,
cytes express TGF-β1.38 The safety of struct, consisting of cells, scaffold, in either confined or unconfined con-
the product was established, with and growth factors, must be cultured formations, at specific frequencies
only minor local reactions from ad- in a controlled manner that facili- and magnitudes of strain. This type

May 2013, Vol 21, No 5 309

Cartilage Regeneration

of dynamic loading also mimics cer- 10. Tuan RS: Stemming cartilage
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