Tibial Sagittal Slope in Anterior Cruciate.3

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Review Article

Tibial Sagittal Slope in Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Injury and Treatment

Michael J. Alaia, MD
Daniel J. Kaplan, MD
Brian J. Mannino, MD
Eric J. Strauss, MD Although anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) is a
generally successful procedure, failure is still relatively common. An
increased posterior tibial slope (PTS) has been shown to increase the

anterior position of the tibia relative to the femur at rest and under load in
biomechanical studies. Increased PTS has also been shown to
increase forces on the native and reconstructed ACL. Clinical studies
have demonstrated elevated PTS in patients with failed ACLR and
multiple failed ACLR, compared with control subjects. Anterior closing-
wedge osteotomies have been shown to decrease PTS and may be
indicated in patients who have failed ACLR with a PTS of $12°.
Available clinical data suggest that the procedure is safe and effective,
although evidence is limited to case series. This article presents the
relevant biomechanics, clinical observational data on the effects of
increased PTS, and an algorithm for evaluating and treating patients
with a steep PTS.

nterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) is generally a suc-
From the Division of Sports Medicine,
cessful procedure; however, failure rates remain unacceptably high,
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, New York
University Langone Health, New York, NY. occurring in 3% to 7% of cases.1-3 These rates are even higher in
None of the following authors or any immediate teenage patients or those with longer follow-ups.4 Poor outcomes may
family member has received anything of value include loss of motion (stiffness/arthrofibrosis), infection, extensor mech-
from or has stock or stock options held in a
commercial company or institution related anism dysfunction, or neurovascular injury.5,6 Other, more common causes
directly or indirectly to the subject of this article: of suboptimal outcomes may include recurrent instability and ACLR graft
Alaia, Kaplan, Mannino, and Strauss.
Supplemental digital content is available for this ACLR failure can be grouped based on chronicity (early versus late) or
article. Direct URL citation appears in the printed
text and is provided in the HTML and PDF etiology. Early failures (,6 months) are typically due to poor surgical tech-
versions of this article on the journal’s Web site nique, failure of graft incorporation, premature return to deceleration/cutting
sports, or overly aggressive rehabilitation. Late failure (considered failures
Video content is available in the full text article
that occur after 6 months to 1 year and beyond) is more commonly due to a
online. Please visit https://dx.doi.org/10.5435/
JAAOS-D-21-00143 traumatic event.8 Atraumatic failures can be due to technical errors
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2021;29:e1045-e1056 (improper tunnel placement, graft impingement, improper graft tensioning,
DOI: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-21-00143 and inadequate graft fixation), unrecognized ligamentous or meniscal in-
Copyright 2021 by the American Academy of
juries, failure of biologic graft incorporation or fixation, or malalignment in
Orthopaedic Surgeons. the coronal or sagittal plane (Figure 1).5,7,9,10



JAAOS® November 1, 2021, Vol 29, No 21 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Tibial Sagittal Slope in Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Figure 1

Algorithm demonstrating different etiologies for poor ACL outcomes and ACL failures specifically. ACL = anterior cruciate ligament

studies by both Imhoff et al11 and Yamaguchi et al15

Biomechanical Effects of Increased demonstrated that anterior closing-wedge osteotomies
Posterior Slope on the Anterior Cruciate (ACWOs) markedly reduced forces on ACLR grafts
Ligament under axial load.
The concept of posterior tibial slope (PTS) affecting the For ATT, most studies have increased PTS that leads
ACL (native or graft) has something to do with ana- to an anterior resting position, although no change in
tomic geometry. Increasing PTS results in an increased ATT (a relative measure) with force applied to a knee
anteriorly directed shear force on the tibia with axial with a competent ACL. 11-13 This is likely because the
compression.11 Because one of the primary functions of intact ACL resists this translation (although it does
the ACL is to resist anterior tibial translation (ATT), need to withstand increased force to do so relative to a
particularly in extension, it follows that anything that knee with a physiologic slope). Interestingly, Yama-
increases the anteriorly directed load on the tibia would guchi et al actually did find knees with increased PTS
increase forces on the ACL. that had increased ATT relative to knees with phys-
One can imagine if the slope of the plateau is partic- iologic slopes when tibiofemoral compression, com-
ularly large, the femur would be predisposed to slide bined tibiofemoral compression with an anterior force
posteriorly (Figure 2). An analogy often used to con- and with a combined tibiofemoral compression, and
ceptualize this is a man pushing a boulder up a hill. The valgus moment was applied. The largest difference
steeper the hill (ie, the larger the PTS), the more the man was at 30° of flexion with tibiofemoral compression
(ie, the ACL) must work to prevent the boulder (ie, the (approximately 5 mm of difference between physio-
femur) from sliding down (prevent the femur from logic and knees with increased PTS). However, when
moving posteriorly relative to the anteriorly moving an internal rotation force was added to these con-
tibia). Multiple biomechanical studies have demon- ditions, no difference in ATT and between knees with
strated that an increased posterior slope does in fact lead physiologic and increased PTS occurred. The authors
to increased strain on the ACL.11-15 Bernhardson et al postulated the difference in kinematics to be related
evaluated 10 cadaveric specimens after doing an ACLR. to osteology. Because ACWO (or increased native
Specimens were tested under axial load at various slope) does not change the varus-valgus or rotational
flexion angles, with a tibial slope ranging from 22° to alignment of the knee, the authors argued that the
20° at 2° intervals. Crucially, this study found that with cruciate winding mechanism is unaffected and there-
axial load applied, ACL graft forces increased linearly fore better able to resist ATT when an IR force is
with an increased tibial slope.14 In addition, cadaveric applied.15



JAAOS® November 1, 2021, Vol 29, No 21 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Michael J. Alaia, MD, et al

Review Article
Figure 2

The top row illustration depicting a man pushing a boulder up a hill, demonstrating a real-world equivalent for the biomechanics of the
tibial slope. The boulder represents the femoral condyles, and the hill represents the tibial plateau. The man represents the ACL,
preventing the boulder from sliding backward (analogous to preventing the hill from translating forward, relatively). The steeper the hill,
the more strength it requires from the man to keep the boulder from sliding backward. Eventually, he will tire out. If the hill is flat, less
work is required to maintain the boulder in position.

increased LPTS would lead to external rotation of the

Clinical Studies Evaluating the Role of femur, which would place pathologically increased
Posterior Tibial Slope and Native Anterior stress on the ACL.17 The importance of the LPTS was
Cruciate Ligament Injury supported by a series of retrospective studies, which
Biomechanical cadaveric studies have consistently found that increased LPTS was associated with tibial
demonstrated that increased PTS leads to increased ATT tunnel widening and high-grade pivot shift.18-20 The
and increased forces on the ACL. Accordingly, clinical authors postulated that the increased force on the ACL
studies have demonstrated that patients with elevated secondary to a higher LPTS may lead to more motion at
PTS are at increased risk for native ACL rupture and the graft-tunnel junction, ultimately resulting in wid-
ACLR failure. ening.18 Regarding the pivot shift, each degree of LPTS
Brandon et al16 published one of the earliest studies increase was found to be associated with a 27.5% risk
demonstrating the link between increased PTS and risk increase of high-grade pivot shift.20
of ACL rupture. They retrospectively compared ACL- Although the LPTS is clearly important, it should
deficient patients with healthy control subjects and be noted that a 2017 meta-analysis found that patients
found that ACL-deficient patients had a markedly with an ACL injury exhibited both increased medial
higher PTS. Among ACL-deficient patients, those with and lateral tibial slope compared with healthy control
high-grade pivot shifts had markedly higher PTS than subjects.21
those with low-grade pivot shifts.
A subsequent 2010 study by Simon et al evaluated
osseous anatomy in ACL-deficient patients and healthy
control subjects. Although there was no difference in Clinical Studies Evaluating the Role of
medial PTS (MPTS) between ACL-injured patients and Posterior Tibial Slope and Reconstructed
control subjects, ACL-deficient patients did have a Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
steeper lateral PTS (LPTS).17 The biomechanical ratio- (Rerupture)
nale for this can be believed as a pathologic exaggera- A 2018 seminal paper by Salmon et al22 helped estab-
tion of the femoral roll-back mechanism. A steeper lish a MPTS of $12° as a strong predictor of repeat ACL
LPTS would encourage the lateral femoral condyle to injury. The group evaluated 20-year outcomes of ACLR
slide posteriorly under axial load on the more convex with hamstring tendon autografts and found that
lateral plateau, whereas the medial femoral condyle MPTS $12° was associated with hazard ratio for risk of
would pivot over the more concave medial tibial pla- rerupture of 3.1. In adults, patients with a PTS of $12°
teau. Therefore, under the same load, a knee with have just a 74% ACLR survival at 20 years compared



JAAOS® November 1, 2021, Vol 29, No 21 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Tibial Sagittal Slope in Anterior Cruciate Ligament

with 89% in patients with PTS ,12°. Similarly, survival abnormal laxity.7 Timing of the injury relative to the
of contralateral ACL decreased from 94% to 67% at 20 index procedure should be determined as well as com-
years in adult patients with PTS ,12°.22 These risks pliance with rehabilitation.
were markedly compounded if the patient was an
adolescent, in addition to having increased PTS (20-year Examination
ACLR survival was just 22%).22 Of note, PTS was Gross alignment should also be evaluated, as well as gait,
measured based on the medial plateau. looking for any varus/valgus thrust. A standard knee
Webb et al23 had similar findings when they retro- examination should be done, including the Lachman,
spectively reviewed 181 patients who underwent ACLR pivot-shift, anterior/posterior drawer, and varus and
with hamstring autograft that had been prospectively valgus stress tests (at 0° and 30°). Special attentionshould
enrolled and followed up for 15 years. The odds of be paid to posterolateral corner testing (posterolateral
additional ACL injury (rerupture or contralateral ACL) drawer, external rotation recurvatum, and dial test)
increased by a factor of 5 (incidence of 59%) in patients because posterolateral corner instability is the most
with PTS $12°.23 These findings were further corrob- common unrecognized concurrent deficiency and is seen
orated by Christensen et al24 in 2015, who found that in 10% to 15% of chronically ACL-deficient knees.5
patients with early ACLR graft failure (,1 year post- The medial and lateral joint line should be palpated to
operatively) had a markedly higher LPTS than a group evaluate for any meniscal pathology. The presence of
of matched ACLR control subjects who did not have recurvatum should be noted because this could be a
rerupture (8.4° versus 6.5°).24 Similarly, Lee et al25 contraindication to closing-wedge osteotomy. General
found that PTS was markedly increased in 64 patients laxity testing should also be done to calculate a Beighton
with ACLR rerupture compared with a matched cohort score.27 One could consider adding an anterolateral
of ACLR who did not fail (13.2° versus 10.9°). Most procedure (lateral extra-articular tenodesis or antero-
recently, Grassi et al26 found that 25 patients with lateral ligament reconstruction) if the patient is found to
multiple ACLR failures had markedly higher values of have global laxity.
both medial and LPTS compared with a control subject
group of ACLR patients without failure and a third Imaging
group of single ACLR failure. Standard knee radiographs, including an AP, PA flexion,
Available clinical data strongly suggest that an ele- lateral, and merchant/sunrise view, should be obtained.
vated PTS, particularly $12°, is a major risk factor for These can be used to assess previous tunnel placement,
native ACL rupture and ACLR rerupture. Accordingly, tunnel lysis, and previous fixation technique. Leg-length
PTS should be evaluated in patients with an ACL injury, AP and lateral weight-bearing views are essential in the
especially those who have failed ACLR. If an elevated workup of coronal and sagittal alignment, respectively,
PTS is found, surgeons should consider an ACWO to and should be obtained in all revision cases.
mitigate failure risk. Coronal malalignment, which can be assessed by
determining the location on the tibial plateau through
which the mechanical axis passes, would be a contrain-
dication to an anterior closing-wedge osteotomy because
Evaluation and Workup of a Patient With a this osteotomy can only affect the sagittal plane (Figure 3,
Failed Anterior Cruciate Ligament A). A biplanar deformity would necessitate use of a
Reconstruction and Elevated Posterior lateral closing-wedge osteotomy.
Tibial Slope PTS is evaluated on lateral imaging. A 2014 study by
History Faschingbauer et al28 found that using standard lateral
A thorough history should be taken focusing on both the knee radiographs may overestimate PTS by 3°. More
injury event and any preceding symptoms, as well as recently, a 2021 study by Dean et al29 found that a PTS
previous surgical information. The previous surgical measured on a standard lateral knee radiograph (with
technique and graft choice should be noted. One should greater than 15 cm of tibia) was nearly identical to full-
determine whether the mechanism of injury was low or length imaging when using a tibial anatomic axis with
high energy. If there were preceding symptoms, it should the midpoint method (see below). Although we agree
be clarified whether these were related to pain or laxity. that an accurate slope can be measured on a good lateral
Pain may indicate an unrecognized chondral or meniscal radiograph with sufficient distal tibia, we prefer to use
lesion, whereas symptoms of instability may suggest full-length lateral tibia films, which provides the most



JAAOS® November 1, 2021, Vol 29, No 21 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Michael J. Alaia, MD, et al

Review Article
Figure 3

A, B, C, Full length AP and lateral radiographs. Figure 4, A is an AP radiograph demonstrating slight valgus deformity, but ,5°, obviating
the need for any coronal correction. Figure 4, B demonstrates PTS calculation using the mechanical axis method. The mechanical axis
is defined by connecting the midpoints of the plateau and plafond. The PTS is determined my measuring the angle between a line
perpendicular to the mechanical axis and a line along the tangent of the plateau (here, the medial plateau is used). Notice that the PTS is
not as high as when calculated using the anatomic axis. Figure 4, C, full-length lateral radiograph demonstrating PTS calculation using
the anatomic axis method. Lines connecting the anterior and posterior cortices are drawn 5 cm distal to the plateau and 5 cm proximal
to the plafond. A line is drawn connecting the midpoints of these lines, representing the anatomic axis. Notice that the PTS is several
degrees higher than when calculated using the mechanical axis method. PTS = posterior tibial slope

accurate representation of relevant anatomic land- CT scans should also be considered in the revision
marks. Of note, it is critical to obtain a true lateral setting to help further assess tunnel lysis and tunnel
radiograph of the knee for measurement, specifically of placement. MRI is the benchmark to evaluate for graft
the tibia. When evaluating a lateral radiograph of the rupture and concomitant injuries.
knee, one should ensure that the medial and femoral
condyles are superimposed, with slight superimposition
of the fibular head and the posterior tibia (approxi-
mately 25%). However, although this may be helpful, Techniques, Challenges, and
when evaluating the PTS, it is more important to get a Controversies of Measuring the Tibial
perfect lateral of the tibia specifically. The radiograph Sagittal Slope
should clearly depict both plateaus (with ability to dif- Several methods are available for calculating the PTS,
ferentiate the concavity of the medial plateau and the which have contributed to the relative opacity regarding
convexity of the lateral plateau, with slight superim- the relevant values. The general technique is to measure
position of the fibula). This may or may not result in the angle between a line perpendicular to the tibial axis
perfect superimposition of the femoral condyles. and tangential to the tibial plateau. However, which
Average values for medial and lateral slopes are vari- tibial axis (and how to define it) and which plateau
able throughout the literature; however, the medial is (medial or lateral) are controversial.
consistently higher than the lateral slope. An average Medial slope measurement may be more reproducible
medial slope is commonly reported at 7° to 10°,6,22,30,31 given the more prominent posterior extension of the
whereas the lateral slope is typically 4° to 7°.18,20,24,32 medial plateau. In addition, Salmon et al used the medial
The average intraindividual difference (medial versus plateau when they determined the 12° critical value.22,34
lateral slope in single knee) has been shown to be 2.6° However, as described above, the lateral slope may be
(reported maximum intraindividual difference of 9.6°).33 more important biomechanically because of the femoral



JAAOS® November 1, 2021, Vol 29, No 21 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Tibial Sagittal Slope in Anterior Cruciate Ligament

roll-back mechanism. Currently, using either slope is tomic tibial axis anterior or posterior. Although one
acceptable, but one should be consistent in the mea- imaging study found that the circle method has been
surement technique and be cognizant that using the shown to be more reproducible,35 when $15 cm of
medial plateau may result in increased measurement. proximal tibia is included in the lateral radiograph, the
For the tibial axis, both the mechanical (representing midpoint method has been shown to more closely
the weight-bearing center of the tibia) and anatomic axes resemble a full-length image.29,35 We prefer to use the
(representing the center of the diaphysis) have been midpoint method because we find it more reproducible
reported (Figure 3, B and C).28,29,35-37 The mechanical and less prone to anatomic variation.
axis is determined by connecting the midpoint of the Using either the mechanical or anatomic axis is
tibial plateau and the tibial plafond on a full-length acceptable; however, as shown by Dean et al,29 using the
lateral radiograph.29 mechanical axis will yield a markedly lower PTS than
Several methods for determining the anatomic axis using the anatomic axis. For consistency, the authors
have been investigated. The circle method, initially recommend using the anatomic axis (either on full-
described by Hudek et al38 (on MRI), involves drawing length lateral radiographs or adequate standard lateral
two circles within the proximal tibia. The first circle fits radiographs).29 Of note, diaphyseal deformity, partic-
within the proximal, anterior, and posterior cortical ularly bowing, may lead to errors in PTS calculation if
borders. The center of the distal circle is then positioned using the anatomic axis.28
on the distal most aspect of the circumference of the first
circle, within the anterior and borders of the anterior
cortices. A line connecting the centers of the two circles
defines the anatomic axis (Figure 4, A).35 The midpoint Treatment Options
method, originally described by Dejour et al, involves Treatment algorithms are evolving, and management is
drawing lines from the anterior to posterior cortex, one dictated based on a variety of patient-specific factors.
5 cm distal to the articular surface and one 15 cm distal Because with all ACL graft ruptures, lower-demand pa-
to the articular surface. A vertical line connecting the tients may consider nonsurgical management. A stan-
midpoints of these lines defines the anatomic axis dard ACLR, without an ACWO may also be done. This
(Figure 4, B).37 The anterior prominence of the tibial would involve less surgery, earlier weight-bearing, and
tubercle (or the reverse effect if the tubercle is flat) and reduced complications, albeit with a higher risk of fail-
the concavity of the posterior tibial cortex may affect ure. Therefore, an ACWO (concurrently or staged) with
measurement, erroneously forcing the apparent ana- ACLR may be appropriate in the revision setting.

Figure 4

Lateral radiographs (selected portion of full-length radiographs for consistency) demonstrating the midpoint and circle techniques.
Both techniques use a tibial anatomic axis. A, The circle technique includes placing a proximal circle with the circumference in contact
with the proximal, anterior, and posterior borders of the tibia. The distal circle is placed with its center at the distal most aspect of the
proximal circle’s circumference, with its borders contacting the anterior and posterior cortices. The midpoint technique, shown in (B),
determines the anatomic tibial axis by drawn lines connecting the anterior and posterior cortices 5 and 15 cm distal to the plateau. The
midpoints of these lines are connected, forming the anatomic axis. Notice how the circle method here results in a smaller PTS because
it establishes its anatomic axis based on more proximal references, which in this case leads to a more posterior axis. PTS = posterior
tibial slope



JAAOS® November 1, 2021, Vol 29, No 21 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Michael J. Alaia, MD, et al

Review Article
However, if there is coronal deformity in addition to allows tuberosity adjustment after the closing-wedge
increased PTS, biplanar correction would be required. osteotomy but requires tuberosity fixation and

Indications and Contraindications for Supratubercle (Tuberosity) Approach

Anterior Closing-wedge Osteotomy The specifics of the supratubercle approach (as well as the
Because of a lack of available clinical evidence, in- technical steps for the anterior closing-wedge osteotomy)
dications and contraindications are still undergoing will be demonstrated in the author’s preferred technique
refinement. ACWO should be considered in patients video. It involves creating a vertical cut at the proximal
with a MPTS of $12° that have recurrent instability aspect of the tibial tuberosity 1 cm below the start of the
after an ACLR.34,39-42 Although the technique is gen- patellar tendon insertion. A medial-to-lateral cut is then
erally reserved for revision ACLR (or rerevision ACLR), made to release the proximal portion of the tuberosity
if a patient has a severely pathologic slope, one could from the posterior tibial metaphysis. This allows for the
consider doing the osteotomy in the primary setting. ACWOs to be done while leaving the distal portion of
Based on available evidence though, this would be an the tuberosity intact. The tuberosity does not require
exceptional case40 (Table 1). fixation.34
Contraindications relate primarily to complications Advantages of the supratubercle technique include
and limitations of the osteotomy. A pure anterior closing- preservation of the tibial tuberosity and extensor mech-
wedge osteotomy should only adjust the sagittal slope, so anism. Because the osteotomy is located in the epiphysis,
patients with notable coronal malalignment should be it has a low angle, which potentiates healing and de-
considered for a biplanar correcting osteotomy (medial creases nonunion risk. It also facilitates concomitant
opening-wedge or lateral closing-wedge osteotomy).31 ACLR because the osteotomy is secured with staple fix-
The presence of knee hyperextension (.10°) should ation, so there is a smaller risk of interfering with the
preclude patients because ACWO will result in more tibial tunnel.34,42
notable recurvatum.31,39,42 Patients with PCL deficiency One unique disadvantage to the supratubercle ap-
or insufficiency should also be contraindicated because proach is the potential for modification of patellar height.
decreasing PTS would increase the posterior-directed The tuberosity may be brought more proximal by
force on the tibia.31,39,42 Finally, moderate-to-severe removal of the bone wedge. This could decrease the
tibiofemoral arthritis is a contraindication (Kellgren- amount of tension on the extensor mechanism (given the
Lawrence grade III-IV). decreased distance between the tubercle and inferior
patella pole, with maintained tendon length) which may
result in extensor lag. If extensor tension is maintained,
Tibial Tuberosity Considerations this could result in patella alta.
There are three ways one may approach the tibial A risk also exists for recurvatum deformity because of
tuberosity for the ACWOs—supra, trans, and infra. the bone wedge removal. Finally, because the tuberosity
Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages is hinged, there is also the potential for tubercle fracture if
(Table 2, Figure 5). The supra and infra approaches are the cuts are not done correctly or if the proximal portion
tuberosity sparing, whereas the transtubercle approach of the tubercle is not released.31,34,41,42

Table 1. Indications and Contraindications for Anterior Closing-wedge Osteotomies

ACWO Indications and Contraindications
Indications Contraindications
PTS $12° in the setting recurrent ACLR failure Significant coronal malalignment ($10°)
PTS $15° in the setting primary ACL injury (relative indication, Knee hyperextension ($10°)
suggested by some)
— PCL deficiency
— Kellgren-Lawrence grade (III-IV)

ACLR = anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, ACWO = anterior closing-wedge osteotomies, PCL = posterior cruciate ligament,
PTS = posterior tibial slope



JAAOS® November 1, 2021, Vol 29, No 21 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Tibial Sagittal Slope in Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Table 2. Considerations for Each Approach to the Tibial Tubercle

Approach Advantages Disadvantages
Preservation of TT Patella alta
Supratubercle Decreased nonunion risk Recurvatum deformity
— TT fracture
Can control tubercle position TT fracture
Decreased risk of PCL injury Tubercle nonunion risk
Reduced risk to tubercle More fixation required
Minimal patella baja or recurvatum risk —

PCL = posterior cruciate ligament, TT = tibial tubercle

Transtubercle Approach There may also be decreased risk of PCL injury com-
The transtubercle osteotomy involves completely de- pared with the supratubercle approach because the
taching the tibial tubercle from the proximal tibia. osteotomy apex for the transtubercle approach is more
K-wires are passed around the medial and lateral bor- distal relative to the PCL facet.39
ders, and the tubercle osteotomy is completed with os- Similar to the supratubercle approach, the trans-
teotomes along the same border. The tubercle is then tubercle approach has the disadvantage of possible
completely freed posteriorly from the remainder of the tubercle fracture. The more concerning consideration of
tibia.39 The ACWO is then done. After the ACWO and this technique is the risk for nonunion. Compared with
staple fixation, the tubercle is distalized an amount the supra and infratubercle approaches, this technique
corresponding to the amount of anterior wedge resec- requires healing of two osteotomy sites.39
tion. This is done to prevent changes in patellar height.
The tubercle is fixed with two 4.5-mm cannulated, fully Infratubercle Approach
threaded screws.39 This approach involves doing the ACWO just distal to
The primary advantage of the technique is the ability the tubercle, leaving it completely intact. Accordingly,
to control the proximal-distal location of the tubercle. the main advantage of the technique is the reduced risk
This decreases the risk of patella alta and extensor lag.39 for tibial tubercle fracture. A minimal risk also exists for
patella alta because the tubercle position does not change
relative to the joint line. However, because the osteotomy
Figure 5 is more distal, with a more oblique cut, sturdier fixation is
required. Osteosynthesis is done with a lag screw from
the tibial tubercle to the distal tibia, which is further
supported by a medial angular stable plate.40

Preoperative Planning and Authors’

Preferred Technique
When considering how big of a correction to make, we
consider our goal slope to be, “normal slope,” which is
roughly 7° to 10° of medial slope. Although data to help
guide this target are lacking, given the risks of knee hy-
perextension and stress placed on the PCL with a de-
creased, neutral, or particularly negative slope, we advocate
for no more than the physiologic slope. When making the
Radiograph of the right knee of the same 24-year-old patient osteotomy, about 1 mm of distance between the proximal
demonstrating the different approaches to the tibial tubercle. and distal K-wires corresponds to a 1° correction.
The green wedge represents the supratubercle approach, the
blue wedge shows the transtubercle approach, and the Another point to consider is surgical sequence, par-
yellow wedge represents the infratubercle approach. ticularly in the setting of revision ACLR. We advocate for



JAAOS® November 1, 2021, Vol 29, No 21 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Michael J. Alaia, MD, et al

Review Article
starting first with the femoral and intra-articular work (including sleeping), except for physical therapy for the
associated with the ACLR. The beginning steps of the first 4 weeks. During this time, gentle knee ROM should
ACLR should then be done, including remnant graft be worked on with physical therapy.
débridement and notchplasty. Previous implant should At 4 weeks, if radiographs confirm maintained
be removed. Tunnel management in the setting of alignment and implant fixation, the patient may begin
revision ACLR is outside the scope of this discussion, partial weight-bearing (increasing from 25% to 50%
but a decision regarding how to deal with the previous over 2 weeks), while gentle ROM exercises are continued.
femoral tunnels should be made at this juncture (or At 6 weeks, progression toward full–weight-bearing is
based on preoperative imaging) based on their posi- begun, and more aggressive physical therapy is started,
tion.43 Options include using the same tunnel, using the with a focus on achieving knee flexion.
same start point (aperture) but a different trajectory, By 3 months, a radiograph is taken to assess for
drilling a completely new tunnel, or bone grafting for a osteotomy union. If healed, restrictions are lifted, and
two-stage procedure. The femoral tunnel should then be the patient should begin straight ahead running because
drilled, and a passing suture should be placed for later they progressively work toward return to sport. At the
graft passage. Next, the osteotomy should be done to 3-month follow-up, the above patient’s radiographs
completion, including anterior-based fixation. After the demonstrated a healed osteotomy and reduction in PTS
osteotomy, completion of the ACLR should be done, of 10° (to 5°) (Figure 6).
specifically drilling of the tibial tunnel and ACLR
The author’s preferred technique, including step-by-
step approach and a video demonstration, can be found
Outcomes of the Anterior Closing-wedge
in Supplemental Digital Content 1 (http://links.lww.com/
JAAOS/A699). Peals and pitfalls are found in Table 3. Given the novelty of the technique, studies evaluating
its outcome are extremely limited, with only two small
case series available. In 2014, Sonnery-Cottet et al42
published a series on five revision ACLR patients who
Rehabilitation underwent concomitant transtubercle ACWO. The
The patient is made non–weight-bearing and placed in a mean MPTS decreased from 13.6° preoperatively to
hinged-knee brace, locked in extension for all activities 9.2° postoperatively. MPTS was measured using the

Table 3. Pearls, Pitfalls, and Complications of the Anterior Closing-wedge Osteotomy

Pearls Pitfalls Complications
Pay special attention to posterolateral — Neurovascular compromise
corner examination because this is a
frequent cause of ACLR failure
Make large flaps medial and lateral to the Not exposing medially to posterior dMCL Nonunion
TT to facilitate exposure or elevating anterior compartment
musculature laterally
Assume 1° correction per mm of wedge — Pseudarthrosis
Tips of proximal and distal K-wires should Not protecting patellar tendon with army Patella alta
form a sharp apex navy during proximal tubercle release
Mark depth of K-wires on osteotomy saw Not leaving an intact posterior cortical Recurvatum deformity
and osteotomes to avoid overpenetration hinge during osteotomy
Do the osteotomy in 45° of KF to protect — Tibial tubercle fracture
the vessels
Gently hyperextend the knee to close the Do not close osteotomy too quickly or risk Overcorrection of posterior tibial slope
osteotomy posterior hinge fracture
— — Knee stiffness

ACLR = anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, KF = knee flexion, TT = tibial tubercle



JAAOS® November 1, 2021, Vol 29, No 21 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Tibial Sagittal Slope in Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Figure 6 ACWO may do well. Complications and reruptures seem

to be limited after the technique, but more study is

The most concerning complication of the ACWO is
neurovascular compromise (Table 3). The posterior
apex of the osteotomy routinely is less than 1 cm away
from the popliteus structures.39 Surgeons must be
hypervigilant about Kirschner wire and osteotome
placement. Accordingly, the posterior bony hinge
should be preserved because this helps protect the
neurovascular bundle, limiting injury risk. A simple way
to help avoid injury is by measuring Kirschner wire
depth after insertion, before the osteotomy. This depth
can be marked on the saw blade and osteotome to avoid
overpenetration.40 To further limit acute or subacute
posterior hinge fracture, one should ensure that the tips
Three-month postoperative right knee radiograph
demonstrating maintained posterior slope sagittal correction of the proximal and distal K-wires meet, forming a
and union of the osteotomy. sharp apex. This helps form a triangular wedge to re-
move (rather than a trapezoidal wedge), which facili-
mechanical axis on a full-length tibial radiograph as the tates the completion of the osteotomy.
angle between the tangent to the medial tibial plateau Another key technique to reduce risk is adequate
and a line perpendicular to the mechanical axis through exposure to help visualize the osteotomy. The approach
the middle of the medial tibial plateau and center of the should take into consideration previous incisions, par-
talus. At the mean follow-up of 32 months, Lysholm and ticularly if a bone-patellar tendon-bone (BTB) autograft
International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) was used previously. For the ACWO, the incision
scores markedly improved from 46.2 and 39.5 to 87.8 and should be centered over the tibial tubercle and extend
79.1, respectively. Anterior laxity markedly decreased proximally as needed. Large medial and lateral flaps are
from 10.4 to 2.8 mm. No complications occurred.42 made to facilitate exposure. Medially, one needs to go
The next year Dejour et al published a series on nine sufficiently medial and posterior so as to allow the
second revision ACLR combined with supratubercle detachment of the posterior aspect of the deep MCL.
ACWO. The mean PTS decreased from 13.2° preoper- Laterally, dissection must include subperiosteal eleva-
atively to 4.4° postoperatively. The PTS was calculated tion of the proximal extent of the anterior compartment
as the angle between a line perpendicular to the ana- musculature. A small portion of the iliotibial band may
tomic axis of the tibial diaphysis (although they do not need to be released from Gerdy tubercle to facilitate the
define how this was determined) and a line tangent to visualization of the osteotomy site.
the most superior points of the anterior and posterior If, despite these protective measures, one fractures the
edges of the medial plateau, using a goniometer. This posterior cortex, several management options exist.
was done on standard lateral radiographs. At the mean Given the lack of outcome data, no benchmark exists—
follow-up of 4.0 years, Lysholm and IKDC scores the final decision is therefore entirely up to the treating
increased from 38.4 and 44.1 to 73.8 and 71.6, surgeon’s discretion and preference. Unlike an opening-
respectively. Lachman and pivot-shift tests were nega- wedge high tibial osteotomy where the bone graft is
tive at the follow-up. No intraoperative or postoperative inserted into the osteotomy site, the ACWO results in
complications developed.41 resection of a wedge of bone, which leads to direct
The paucity of data makes it difficult to draw any contact between proximal and distal metaphyseal bone.
definitive conclusions. However, it does seem like it is Accordingly, there is less risk of nonunion. One could
technically feasible to decrease PTS in patients and that reasonably treat this injury nonoperatively and monitor
patients who undergo revision ACLR with concomitant the posterior cortex with serial radiographs. However,



JAAOS® November 1, 2021, Vol 29, No 21 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Michael J. Alaia, MD, et al

Review Article
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low-profile, anterior (anterolateral or anteromedial) failure rate of ACLRs. Limited clinical data have found
periarticular locking plate to hold the reduction. the procedure to be safe and effective.
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site and the tibial tubercle (if the transtubercle approach
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JAAOS® November 1, 2021, Vol 29, No 21 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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JAAOS® November 1, 2021, Vol 29, No 21 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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