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A Lesson Plan in MAPEH - 07

Prepared By:
(John Gabriel C. Casupanan)
I. Objective
At the end of 60 minutes. 80% of the students are expected to:
A. To be knowledge when the history of badminton was conducted
B. To know the terms used in the past in badminton. To know the terms used and
development of the name of badminton in the past.
C. To understand the differences of badminton in the history in today’s time.
II. Subject Matter
Reference/s: Module 07 (MAPEH)
Materials: Power Point Presentation, Laptop and, Projector

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Hint Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary “Good afternoon,

Activities Good afternoon class. Sir/Ma’am….”

Greeting How are you today? We are fine.

That’s good to hear. So, I’m expecting you all Yes Sir/Ma’am.
to participate, okay?

Prayer Before we start our class let us pray first and (Students prayed)
feel the presence of the Lord.
In the name of the Father and of the Son…

Classroom Please go to your proper sit and pick (Students back to their
Management up the trash under your chair and tell proper places and pick up
me right away if there is a problem or the trashes.)
you have any question about on our
topic, is that clear? Yes ma’am/sir
Checking of the Secretary who the absentees today?

B. Motivation I will show you some pictures and tell me

what that picture all about okay is. Let’s Yes sir/ma’am…

(Show 3 pictures one at a time.)

Based on the pictures I have shown to you, (Students answered and

what are the pictures I showed about? participated.)

That’s right, Thank you for that _________. Types of individual sports

Now class I will group you into 4 groups

because we will be having activity and later on
I will give the instruction. (Groupings)


Okay please go to your respective groups

Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, and Group 4

C. Recall
Before we start our class, let us first have a
short review on what we have tackled last

Do you still remember what is physical

activity and exercise?
(Students raised their hand)
Ok _______ what is your answer?
The last topic we’ve tackled,
sir, is basketball, and
basketball is one example of
group sports. Basketball was
invented in Springfield,
Massachusetts, by James
That’s correct. Thank you.
D. Lesson Now we will move on to our new lesson.
Proper Are you ready?
Yes, sir/ma’am.
Activity Before we start our new lesson for finals, let’s
have a game and this is by group. I will be
showing a puzzle, and whoever raises their
hand first will tell me what word they find will
have points in their recitation.

Is that clear class?

(Show 5 cross word puzzle one at a Yes sir/ma’am

(Students participated.)
Thank you and congratulations to all

So, what do you think is our lesson for

Badminton Sir
Yes, it’s Badminton and do you have any
idea about badminton?
(Students raised their hand)

Yes________ Badminton is an ancient and

popular game that being
played across the world
That is correct __________ Thank you for
that, Now class we will discuss the history of

Analysis Our topic for this afternoon is about History of


Slide Presentation:
_________ Kindly Read the first and
second slide  A sport was played
by people of Greece
and Egypt which was
similar to badminton
we played today.

 First name battledore

(bat or paddle) and
shuttle cock.

 Believed that
Okay thank you, ________ Kindly Read the badminton sports was
next slide originated in ancient
civilization in Europe
and Asia.

Okay thank you, so any one can define what

your classmate read? (Students raised their hand)

Okay ______ kindly stand

Based on what my
classmate read, Greeks and
Egyptians played a sport
similar to badminton. The
first names are shuttlecock
and battledore (bat or
paddle). It is said that
badminton originated in
Europe and Asia's ancient

That’s actually correct ___________ Okay

class in additional to that, The game derives
the name after Badminton, the duke of
Beaufort's rural seat in Gloucestershire,

Okay now class in 1600”s People

used to pass their time by playing
battledore and shuttlecock in
England and other European

A modern badminton was introduced

in British India by British Military
Officers. In Mid-19th century.

Now class in 1867 The rules for

Poona were written, woolen balls, in
windy or rainy weather and again (One student raised his/her
switched back to shuttlecock.

What was the first name of

Yes__________ badminton, sir?

Okay thank you ________, The

game was also known
as poona or poonah after the garrison
town of poona (pune) where it was
particularly popular and where the
first rules for the game were drawn
up in 1873. Yes sir!
Is it clear now class?

Okay now in 1873 Was played at the

Duke of Beaufort’s Gloucestershire
residence and the residence was
is where badminton gets its name

And This was the time when net was

introduce to the old battledore.

Anyone please read the next slide

Yes_______ Please stand up

(Student raised their hand)

In 1877 The bath

Badminton Club
was established.
This club
introduced the first
set of rules of
badminton game.

In 1893, the Badminton

Association of England
published the first set of rules
according to these
regulations, similar to today's
rules, and officially launched
badminton in a house called
"Dunbar" at 6 Waverley
Grove, Portsmouth, England
on September 13 of that year.
They also started the All
England Open Badminton
Okay Thank you now you may seat, Now Championships, the first
classmate based on______ read what did you badminton competition in the
understand? world, in 1899.


Based on what my
classmate read, it stated
that the Bath Badminton
Association was founded
in 1877. This group
established the original
badminton game
regulations, and the first
set of rules for badminton,
which are still in use today,
were published in 1893 by
the Badminton Association
of England. On September
13, that year, the game was
formally introduced at a
home named "Dunbar" at 6
Waverley Grove,
Portsmouth, England.
Additionally, in 1899, they
established the All England
Okay Thank you now you may seat. Open Badminton
To continue The international leadership Championships, which
became the world's first
that governs badminton, the Badminton
badminton tournament.
World Federation (BWF; formerly known
as the International Badminton
Federation), was established in 1934. In
addition, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, and
Denmark are big fans of badminton. In
1977, the BWF hosted its inaugural global
championships. Numerous nations host
regional, national, and zonal badminton
competitions. The All-England
Championships are the most well-known
of them. The Uber Cup, presented in 1956
for women's team competition, and the
Thomas Cup, donated in 1939 for men's
team competition, are two more well-
known international competitions.

Mr/Mrs________ Please read the next slide

The Badminton World

Federation (BWF) is the
international governing
body for the sport
of badminton recognized by
the International Olympic
Committee (IOC). It was
founded in 1934 as
the International
Federation (IBF) with nine
member nations
(Canada, Denmark, England,
France, Ireland, Netherlands,
Zealand, Scotland and Wales)
In 1981 the IBF merged with
the World Badminton
Federation, and on 24
September 2006, at the
Okay thank you___________ Extraordinary General
Meeting in Madrid, the name
The worldwide Olympic Committee of the organization was
(IOC) has recognised the Badminton changed to Badminton
World Federation (BWF) as the worldwide World Federation (BWF).
regulatory body for badminton. The
International Badminton Federation (IBF),
which had nine member nations (Canada,
Denmark, England, France, Ireland,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Scotland,
and Wales), was founded in 1934. The
IBF merged with the World Badminton
Federation in 1981, and the organization's
name was changed to Badminton World
Federation (BWF) on September 24, 2006,
during the Extraordinary General Meeting
in Madrid.

Do you understand?

Okay Thank you

To continue let us proceed to the next

topic. So we have other terms or names of
badminton Yes sir
Ti Jian Zi, Battledore and Shuttlecock,
Jeu De Volant and, Poona

Ti Jian Zi meaning kicking the ball or

shuttle. 5 th century BC. Played by people
in china, first game to use shuttlecock
Played in China, Japan, India and Greece.
Jue de Volant- in the 16th century, it has
become a popular game among children in
England. In Europe
Poona- played in India 1860’s

Slide Presentation:

Based on our topic what are 9 member again? (Students raised their virtual
Is it Canada, Denmark,
England, France, Ireland,
Netherlands, New Zealand,
Scotland, and Wales
Are you sure?

Yes Sir
Yes, correct, thank you ______

In what year the Badminton Association of

England published the first set of rules that
according to these regulations, similar to
today's rules, and officially launched
badminton in a house called "Dunbar"
(Students raised their hand)

As far as I know sir it’s

Yes _________
1877 sir
Thank you _________ that’s correct

What Badminton again? Anyone? None?

Okay, Racquets are used in the racquet
sport of badminton to strike shuttlecocks
over nets. "Singles" (one player per side)
and "doubles" (two players per side) are
the most popular versions of the game,
while it may be played with bigger teams.
Formal matches are held on a rectangular
indoor court; recreational badminton is
typically played in yards or on beaches.
When the shuttlecock is struck with the
racquet and lands inside the opposite
team's half of the court, points are scored.
Before the shuttlecock crosses the net,
each side may only hit it once. The
shuttlecock must hit the floor or ground to
terminate play, otherwise the umpire,
service judge, or, in their absence, the
other team may call a fault.

. Did you understand? Yes Sir/Ma’am

(One Student raised hand)

Yes __________
Sir What the other names of
Ok ________ The Other name of Badminton Badminton again sir?
is Ti Jian Zi, Jue De Volant, Poona and
Battledore and Shuttlecock

Ti Jian Zi meaning kicking the ball or

shuttle. 5th century BC. Played by people
in China, first game to use shuttlecock

Played in China, Japan, India and Greece.

Jue De Volant- In the 16th century, it has

become a popular game among children
in England. In Europe. Poona- played in
India 1860’s

Thank you sir

Any Question or clarification? None ma’am/sir

Do you understand our topic for today?

Yes Sir/Ma’am
That’s Good to hear class!!
Any Question or clarifications regarding
the topic?
Since we are done discussing Badminton, Get
your paper and pen.

This is Individual activity.

I’ll give you at least 10 to 15 minutes to

answer and finish your work.

So the question is “What did you learn today

in our topic?” Write at least 5 to 10 sentences
(Students will write at least 5
to 10 sentences)

As you finish pass your works on my table

E. Okay, now, class, since you're done

Generalization answering, who wants to share their
answer in front?

(Students raised their hand)

Based on what I’ve learned

the Badminton is……

That’s Actually Correct, Next who wants to

(Students raised hand)
Based on our topic today
Okay Thank you________

So now I’ll give you an assignment

Research five benefits of badminton. Write

your answer in a 1 whole sheet of paper.

IV. Evaluation/Assessment

A. What did you learn in this Topic?


V. Assignment
Students will pass their Assignment and the said Activity will check on the said date

Rubric for Essay

Criteria 1 2 3 Score
Focus/ Main The essay The essay is The essay is
Point poorly focused on the focused,
addresses topic topic and purposeful, and
and includes includes reflects clear
irrelevant ideas relevant ideas insight and
Support Provides little or Supports main Persuasively
no support for point with supports main
the main point developed point with well-
reasons and/or developed
examples reasons and/or
Organization Little or no Organizes Effectively
& Format organization of ideas to build organizes ideas
ideas to build an argument to build a
an argument logical,
Language Little or no use Appropriate use Effective and
Use, Style & of elements of of elements of creative use of
Conventions style. style. elements of
style to
Many errors in Uses correct enhance
grammar, grammar, meaning.
spelling, and spelling, and
punctuation, punctuation Uses correct
makes reader’s with few errors grammar,
comprehension spelling,
difficult punctuation
throughout with
very few errors
Originality No Sufficient Distinctive
experimentatio experimentation experimentation
n nor with language with language
enhancement and usage to and usage to
of concepts enhance enhance
concepts. concepts.
No adherence
to the theme Applies basic Applies higher
creative skills to order thinking
relay ideas and creative
skills to relay
complex ideas

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