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Self Assessment Paper-3

Time Allowed : 245 hours
Ansr to this puper must be uittee on the p r procidod surately
Maximum Marks: 80
You ill t ie alluvd te urite during first 15 minutes

This time s to e spent in roading the question puv

The tume gowt aftaf the haad of thas Pave is the time alln for iting the anster
Atempt all guestm from Section A and any four quntions from Setion
All uurking including rmt wwrk mst be clearly shu, and must bv done om the same shert as
the rest of the ansuYr
Omissiom of essential uorking will ealt in loss of mark
the intended marks fr questions or purts ef questions are gem in braketsl
Mathematikal table are procidel

Section -A
(Attempt all questions from this Section.)
Questian 1
Chaxne the correct answets to the questons from the given options [15
(Do not copy the quston, write the corret answers only)

t) Given he order of matrix Xis

(AI22 (B) 182

(9 2x1 (D)1*1
() Te zeroes of the polynomial j -3r- 10 are
(A) 5,2 (B) 5,-2
(02-5 o) 55
(ii) De seline price of a shit edud1ng GST is s he rate of GST is 12%then the total rice of the shirt is

(A) 704 (B) 6

(9t (D) S
(N) Ban of the rquaton s+-,then the value of kis

(A) -2 (B)

(D) >

() Whách the followinggivare an

1. 10,7.4,2
Arithanetic Progevson (AI
2 4, 1054 51.48.

O Only 2and 3 (B) Oniy 2

(D) all 1, 2 and 3
The tatble shows the values ofrand y,
wheres is proportional to
y92 R
What are the valuesof Q and R
A) 5.R 115
(9 s.R135
9 (os,R18
(vi) given figure
nO u ABCD ismin whach DC is parallel to AB. AR 16 cm and DC= 8 cm
OA l cn and OC (E-1) cm

16 cns
The ratio of the sides of the pair of simar triangles is
(A) 1:3 (B) 1:2
(C) 2:3 (D)3:1
(vii) lf the volume of aconical tentis 462 mand the area of the base is 154 m, then

Which of the statement(s) is'are valid?

(A) only 1 (B) only 2
(G both 1. and 2 (D) neither 1 not 2
(i) Event A: Dpika tosses two coins simultaneouly She gets atlenst one tail.
Event B: Lpika toses two coins siultaneousiy. She gets atlest one head
Which of te above eventis) has puobablty greater than or yual to 05
(A) all events A, B and C (B) both events Aand B
(9 both events Band C (D) both events B and C

() The point in which the three mediuns ct the trangle interect The point s:
(A) OrthoKentre of the trangle (B) Incentre of the trangle.
(C) Circumcentre of the triangle. (DICentroid of the trngle
(i) The tangents drawn fron an eaterral point Pto acircde are PA and PB respetively. the length of PA
units, then what is the length of another tangent I8
90 osWAAL IcSE Sample Question Papers, MATHEMATICS C
(A) 28 (B) R

(9 (D)

(i) Alighthouse is 8I mhigh Which cof the following condition is satisfied by the angle of elevation of ib.
from apoint 80 n away rom its foot
(4) sin 2 (B) cos
(C an -3 (D) cot7
(ii) Acompany declares 6% dividend to the share holders t# Reenu reives t28A0 as her dividend, the oi
value of his shares is:
(A) 47500 (B) 47333
(9 57500 (D)SS00
(xiN) The centruid of a sABC is G(6, 7), Ii the coordinates of the vertices A, Band Care (9, 5), (7, 9) and (6
respectively. The value of a is:
(A) (B) 6
(V) For the given variables: I

Asertion (A) Inter quartile range is the ditterence between the upper quartle and the lower quartile
Reason (R): The value of inter quartile range can be either positive or negative
(A) A is true, R is false. (B) As false, R is true.
( Both A and R are true (D) Both A and R are false.
9 The inner circumference of the rim of aircular metal tub is 44 cm.
Find the volume of cárcular metal tube.
Give your answer correct to three significant figures

(ü) Salman deposts 120every manth in arecurring deposit account for 2% years. lI the rate of interest is 6%
per annum, tind
(a) the interest he earns
(e) the am ewill roeive on maturity
(iü) Fnd

Using the above results, prove the tollowing trigonometric identity

=2 cosec
Question 3
(9 Hbis the mean proportion between aand cG, show that:
In the given hare A, b,C and Dare points
en the crle with orttre O. Gnen AbC
ACB and CAB nd zA

Study the gaph and answer eah of the

a) Nane the graph plotted
(b) Total number of students
ie Draw trequency distribution table.
(d) Find the modal rnarks
l cm10 units on Kaxis
l cmunuts on



Section -B
Question 4
() Find the value of ' and y it

9 y-5]4 s]|2 15
ii Find the value of "Kfor whikh 3isa sclution of the quadratik equation, (K+jr- Kr +60 Thus,
the other root of the equation find
iü) ln the given diagram, ABC is a triangle and BCHD isa parallelogram. IE AD: DB =4:5 and
EF15 cm then

15 cm

(ICSE Specimen Papet, 2023|

(a) AE:EC (b) DE:DF
(c) DE
Question 5
() Calkulsate the tnean of the following trequency distrntution using duet method
Cass Irteral 5-15 15.25 25.3515-45 45-55
Frequency 4 4
Question Papers, MATHEMATICS, Clas
92 Class-X
rice of articles
The following bill shows the CST rates and the marked
Rate ofGST
Articles Marked price
Refrigerator 8
Air conditioner
(including GST) for the abve bill
Find the total amount to be paid tangent to the circle
is a secant and Ta
() (a) Ln the given figure, PAB
with centre O. 4 PA m 9 cm arnd AB7 cm
the length of tangent

Question 6
in a Geometric Proression (G) such that:
() There are three positive numbers
(a) Their product is T29. to the product of second and third nut
(b) The result of the product of fist and second number added
is 270.
Find the numbers.
expenses of 200 students in a school are given hel
(ü) Use a graph paper for this question, the daily poxcket
Pocket expenses(in ) Number of students
0-5 10

5-10 14

10-15 28

15-20 42
enses) along one aus and 1 cm 5 students along the other axds
Take l
(a) cme
above distribution.
(b) Estmat from the graph.
manutactures 12O pencils daily. The pencls are cylindrical in shape
(ü 25 cm and cárcumference of base as 15 cm ind
each of length

(a) the cuved surtace area of a penal

manufactured in 1 day at ? 0.05 per dm
(b) the cost of colouring the curved surfaces of the pencils

(9 ABCDisasquare where B(1, 3), D(3, 2) are the end points of the diagonal
(a) The coordinates of point of interection of the diagonals AC and BD P
b) The equation of the diagonal AC
road. P is a point on
(ü) Two larmp posts AB and CD each of height 100 m are on either side of the are
between the two lanp posts The angles of elevation of the top of the lamp posts trom the point P
(a) Find the distancs PB and I'D.
(b) Find the distances BD and pive your final answer correct to the nearest metre.

100 m
00 m

Solve the following inequation, write down the solution set and represent it on the real
10x s L3r + 10< 24 10r, xeZ number line
he figure, ZDBC = 58. BD is a
(i) In the diameterof the irle. Calculate
o) BAC
P,-2) is a point on the line segment A(3,-6) and B(, v) such that
AP:FB is equal to 2:3. Find 41
(a) The abscissa of peint H
(b) The
(9 Thecoordirates

qu 19.m, 81 and n are in continued proportion Find the values of m

and m.
The sum of two natural numbers is 8 and the d°ference o their reiprocals is
.akingx to be one natural
number, form a quadratic equation in and solve it to find the value of x. Hence. find the
numbers (31
(ti) Construct atriangle ABCwith AB55 cm, AC-6cm and BAC =105 Hens Hence: [4]
a) Construct the locus of a point equidistant from BA and BC.
h Construct the locus of point equidistant from B and C
(c) Mark the point whch satisties the above loci as P.
(d) Measure and write the length of PC
Question 10
à Fnd the value of K, iIf 4r-2r Kr +5 leaves remainder- 10 when divided by
2r + 1.
i) There are 25 discs numbered 1to 25. They are put in a closed box and shaken thoroughly A disc
is drawn at
rando ebox Find the probability that the numbet on the disc is

(b) divisible by 2 and 3 both

(c) a number less than 16
(iü) Useagraph paper for this question Take 2cm 1unit along both the aves.
(a) IMot the points A(0, 4), B(2, 2), C(5. 2) and D4, 0), E(O, 0) is the ongin
(b) Reflect B, C, Don the Y-axis and name them as B',C and D' respectively.
() Join the points ABCDD'CB
(d) Give a geometrical name to the closed figure.

Finished Solving the Paper

Time to evaluate youtself ! LEARNING TOOLS


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