Consumer Health - Part 2

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Integrated School
Grade School MAPEH Department
Fourth Quarter

What is propaganda?
- is a widespread of ideas, information, and even distorted facts for the
purpose of leading the audience to think or behave in a certain manner.

What are the most commonly used propaganda techniques?

Different propaganda techniques are methods and approaches used to
manipulate the consumers’ reasons and emotions, and to include the
audience to believe in something or someone. These strategies are used by
the companies to make their sales and profit increase.
Propaganda Description
Testimonial Using big personalities such as experts and celebrities to
endorse a product.
Bandwagon Appeals attempt to persuade the target audience to join in
and take the course of actions that “everyone else is
Rewards A type of propaganda in which the customer gets another
product or the same product twice for the purchase of the
original products.
Transfer A technique used to stir the emotions of the audience to
win their approval. This is done by employing symbols that
the viewers cherish and honor.
Plain folk Using ordinary people or trying to sound ordinary to sell
Glittering Using language and values deeply associated with the
Generalities audience without supporting information and reason.
Common notions used are family values, peace, love and

What is label?
A label is a strip of paper, cloth, metal, or other material attached
to a container or product providing information of the product’s brand,
tag, use, origin, shelf-life, and disposal.

Why is reading product labels important?

The product label is one of the most valuable tools consumer
have. Reading labels and inspecting the benefits the products can give
to the users, is a significant step taken by a wise consumer.
What are fraudulent products?
Many products sold in the market today claim to prevent,
treat, or cure ailments and other health conditions, but are not
proven safe and effective for those uses. Those are fraudulent

Tips on how to identify deceptive products

1. Fraudulent products promise immediate, effortless, or
guaranteed results.
2. The advertisement contains words like “breakthrough”,
“miracle”, “special”, or “secret”. These are used to appeal to your
emotions and are not scientific or medical words.
3. The product is recommended for stress, or being promoted as
“natural”, claiming it will help “detoxify”, “revitalize”, and “purify”
your body.
4. The manufacturers claims that the product is effective for a wide
variety of ailments, or a “cure all”. The broader the claims, the
less likely they are to be true.
5. The promoters offers testimonials or case histories of patients
who have been “cured”.
6. The product or service is a “secret remedy” or a recent discovery
that cannot be found anywhere else.
7. The product is being sold by a self-proclaimed “health advisor”.
Insist on identification and professional credentials that are
nationally accredited and recognized, such as a registered
dietitian (RD).
8. The producers claim that the product is available in limited
quantities and recommend that the consumer pay in advance.
9. The sales agent promises a “money-back guarantee”.

Minimal Medical Service For Patient Service Board Background. (n.d.). Pngtree. Retrieved
January 19, 2021, from
Quinition, L.B., Cipriano, E., V., Brioso, J.H.,Lacia, D.A., Alonzo, A.A., & Solano, G.A. (2016).
The 21st Century MAPEH in Action 6. REX Book Store.

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