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Format of the SIT Report

1. Document type: The report should be type written as a MS Word document.

2. Report Size:

Page Size: The size of pages in report should be A4.

Report Length: Between 50 and 100 pages including all appendices

3. Layout of Script: Times New Roman with 12 fonts size is to be used for body text.
Main headings should be 14 times new roman bold , all upper case (not
underlined) and sub headings should 12 times new roman bold.
Headings and Sub- headings, article numbers, etc. should all be left

4. Margins (Text): Left hand side 1.5”, Right hand side 1”

Top: 1” , Bottom: 1”

5. Line Spacing Line Spacing should be 1.5

6. Paragraph spacing Paragraph spacing should be set on Auto.

7. Page Numbering: a) All pages in the main text must be numbered at
the bottom center using regular numerals e.g. (1,
b) Use lower-case Roman numerals (e.g , i. ii.
etc.) for preliminary pages (e.g. Abstract,
Acknowledgement, Table of Contents etc )
8. Figure: Caption to the figures (photo, diagrams, and /or illustrations)
should be centered below the figure. i.e. Figure 1.1:

9. References Add reference list using “ISO 690-Numerical Reference” style.

Important Guidelines for Report Formatting

a) How to Add References in MS Word

Step 1: Place the cursor at the end of text, where you want to add reference.

Step 2: Go to Reference Tab > Insert Citation > click on add new source
Step 3: A new dialogue box will be open, fill the information about your source there. Then
click OK.

Step 4: You can see the reference is being added to your desire location.

Step 5: There are different Citation styles are available in MS Word. You can choose either
between “APA Fifth Edition” or “ISO 690 Numerical Reference”. The figure below shows
the APA Fifth Edition of reference type.

Step 6: To add or make list of all cited references, place the cursor on desired page or

Step 7: Again go to References > Bibliography > Insert Bibliography The list of References
will be made as follows;
Step 8: To add or delete any of the source go to “Manage Sources” in Reference Tab. A
dialogue Box will open. There you can manage your library of addressed sources.

b) How to Add Table of Contents in MS Word

Step 1: Apply headings to your text according to different levels. Home tab > Styles >
select text > click on any heading style
Step 2: Home tab > Styles group > right-click the heading style that you customized > click

A dialogue Box will Open as;

Step 3: Toolbar ribbon > References > near the left end, select Insert Table of Contents.

The table of contents will be inserted, showing the headings and page numbering in your document.
Table of Contents will generate like;

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