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A place by the seq Vocabulary | outdoor activities G Match the activites withthe pctres 1-8 Swmuning suring snonboardng wing Shing diirg_cychng cling 2 gg -wels = Cuefieg (2 TES Listen to the speakers Which activites are @ they talking about? Choose from the wards in Haas 7 Maly — dng (BTEDD Listen again and cick (7) the agjeccves they use to describe the actives. aiferent checks” rlolig SSL ey sas wien Se Wire te adjectives in Exercise 3nexef0 the correct stress pattern. Then practise saying the G adjectives. 100 bpene 200 difftsaety-thellteg___——— 2 000 eee 4002 tetbay meting, (C18ing $000 diftaant, digfiewe 6 e000 eyhilamarg Reading Look atthe ticle ofthe magazine artele on page 11 and answer the question ‘has ind of holidays does Vanesa Mae prefer? Grove 6 retaing HAM SKIUS Alvrays read the ttle of the text aa this you an idea of whet iis about. Some questions may ask you about the write ‘and why the text wos wntzen, You need to ‘think about the rain idea of the text. one ‘Some questions may ask you about detail. You heve to read one part of the text very careful. Read che texe and choose the best answer, ABCoro, "thin boa does we peo A beach (acovey€toutng "0 ekg 2 acing odoin the teat deste teenth he a fad ages deen peste € cepa dee pong atv D vende bout wharatateon kay 3 Thewiter tins ating A difficult. oan Bring ng good for your heath, 4 What does the wc enjoy doing on holiday? 8 studyinghistory D sunbaching ering co music € messinginew people Duvge quét bang CamScanner | PREMIUM | UNIT 02 favourite author is Gabriel Garcia Marquez, He can describe. the mott boring and mundane things in really fiseinating and interesting ways. [als take a few CDs with me, ‘The thing sbout music i chat you cant sy, "Tm not going to Isten to any music’, Music is part of my personal and’ profession life so 1 like hgving music around me all the time = even om holiday. | uke 2 lot of different types with me = fom classical to reggae. Bue if T fam returning inumediacely to do a ‘concert, I wil take a piece of music slong to stdy: And of course Take ny violin, [ have to make sure itis not too humid because that kind Of heat can damage and crack the ‘wood, Every six months it has to gg0 to a violin doctor for a check tp. Sometimes I manage to practise for an out, sometimes longer. This summer holiday was very relaxing, In fact, it was absolutely wondesful 1 didn’t touch my violin for three schole weeks! VANESSA MAE FEELS” | 2,2 2%, ena son. toc of French places ave for eee THE NEED FOR SPEE tkiing and $0 for people Ie my fm ho does fat uch theres nora orto do We ao go ‘sais yor ae two ese inVienna, ust took my ki boos dd beaded ete ope tlove the fling of speed. B This summer 1 weat climbing in Agta ol te mo ‘Sctlsuaing and Gui boy 1 fave sre bad fy amt to go fuckin fae OF couye ts 2 3 Sie U have co be cell wh A T have a very busy working life so | my hands bur T have been skiing Iolideys are tine force urhavea| sace Tos Gre ov sr Yeas oft break But T would never eam of | So akhoogh I like extreme spor just ying on a beachalday have | don ke any exeme rte Bo to db someting very a and | the wie of ie Yoo cn © craig I wane to have fin ina | wall our the door and ge un over, esa excene weSo go | _byacar-Life sso shoreyou need to {Eingé both on water and in snow | enjoy iil you ca, Tomerimes go shing in France but | CT avays take some books on holiday. fine asa child Thave been king | At the momene 1am reading | Moe in'St Merit. Switzedand es | Gunter Gross The Tie Daan which | aor only relly good for skng its | ig pur of my college coure but my | 5 Which of these postcards did the writer send? A 8 . Dew james Dear Carne Poor boe sist onr sing | aigaveryreeiy ht, | esrb Iya Pm baring Pave oven ped ny i endl te me monde tint Mum sabi | bots Spring all on forme Bul In ly doy hgh abe dst andes jac ting 2d (ink theres macht de hret | — storing do wae? Read che text again and find words with chese meanings. Paragraph A Paragraph C 1 shore holiday Dreork ‘ rot veyinreresing lectag —_. rnusdane , huenld 2. not the same. different, i eee 3 exciing and dangerous__@¥e femme, 8 resting and enjoyitg yourse oni 4 Salaceahere people gover ahoiday ORC 9 werypood Mander Paragraph B i 5 ery excting Uri eaaating.,tbrilhng Ibis 2 ccad ides to group words to help you remember then. Grcup the words in Exer ive adjeces gatve adjecti 2 Due quét bang CamScanner PREMIUM | UNIT O2 | Grammar | quantifiers ( Undestne the correct alternatives. Vanesa Mae isa busy muscian who does ake _muchinay*hoiays However when she does havea {fevitle? free time, she goes to places where she can do. some any? sports. She even enjoys muchla few’ extreme spore sking and ching She hasbeen to -manyiimuch® ski resorts in Europe but she chinks that ‘there are not many/much® things to do for people who don't co a fewmuch? skiing! She abways remembers to ack afi! COsin herlupaage because she enjoys Asening to a jot oftmany® music. She also takes & fewtzde™ books but not too muchfmmany4: & Complece the rues about quantifiers wih the Words in the box. Grammar note | quantifiers 1 Gaesome and ht) wi bot countable and uneoumle none 2 Use let and aot wih countable and uncoutae nouns 3 Uemeny and a fed countable nouns 4 Use gx Alttie and push with uncountable | j y (@ Match the sercences af with the rules t-4in eres 2 2“ Altof tench pest forexiemeshing 9 bl daysakesome books or haley € ‘also cake afew CDs with me. Im noc git sen to any mu. A deri ake any exieme ik 4 symm Seo much ing 4 8 2ach pair of sentences so that both #5 “ake Sense. Use the words in the box. Few ale ay uch “maiy orp epson iy Sh ony » elmbing She has only climbed. 2, Fem tasty 4 She oni dos Slut, "bathing She doesnt spend much me - 5 She does lor of reading on ho! day She reeds books 6 She only takes CDs on holiday. She doesnt take “nya Speaking (1 Look at the two pictures. Match the words in the box with the correct picture. exRM Si Try to use adjectives wh | Sdlectives when ydu describe a PhoLOGFapK, Such 8s exciting ar becuriur Try use expressions such as or im ret realy sure but | chink Wary if you do a you want to ‘words whch explain a my opinion nt know the exact word Say. Try to find ether the meaning Duvgc quét bang CamScanner i UNIT O2 } ning “e you listen, read the questions in & Grammar | articles . ions in Exerc many suring couse Me mentoneeh CL Comte the text wth. the ooo any ™M = SKILLS — “7 the questions carefully before you listen, | lwestions will usually be ia the same orton | 2 information you hear. | 16 spend too long on one question. it you | you have missed the information you | 90 on ta the next one. You can try agan | you listen for the second time. | are not sure, then guess the answer not tose any marks i your guess is | act. North Berwick is ©.) beautiful seaside resort and harbour town in Scotland. itis located on You will hear an advertisement for surfing 2 southern side of the Firth of Forth where it listen and choose the best answer, A, B or C. meets #3 North Sea. The main feature of the BC surfing course is suitable for town is.“ harbour which has existed since #08, abilities eleventh century. The town grew as &§ holiday ners, resort in $6 late nineteenth century because of anced surfers only. its two sandy bays, fL_® Berwick Bay lies to the west of the harbour while Milsey Bay lies to’ behead Cad east. The bays are famous for rie et ‘sports btn such as surfing and ." waterskiing. Berwick hon Law isth€2 lump of Voleanic rock located t me the south ofhé town. Climbers cdn see th¥ C surfing course is harbour and the beach from the top. eend of June. 7 a “t — id July. @ Pura cross (x) in the correct column of the table. sly August. Use the text in Exercise 1 to help you. of the ABC suring course includes all ” and lessons. mene hire before most counties 1s and accommodation. 1s and excursions. ' pera om

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