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Writing an opinion essay

Basic questions for personal

1. What's your name? 8. What's your email address?

2. Where are you from? 9. How old are you?

3. What's your 10. When were you born?

surname/family name? 11. Where were you born?
4. What's your first name? 12. Are you married?
5. Where do you live? 13. What is your marriage
6. What's your address? status?

7. What's your mobile 14. What do you do?/What's

number? your Job?
Basic questions about your work

1. What's your job? 5. What do you like most about

2. How many jobs have your current job?

done since you 6. What do you dislike most

graduated from the first about your current job?
university? 7. Do you want to change to
3. Why have you selected another job? What job do
this job? you want to change? Why?

4. What are your strengths 8. Do you want to work for a

that are relevant to your State or non-State owned
current job? organization? Why?
23.12.23: Writing an opinion essay

1. When you write an opinion essay, you must say what you

think about a topic and try to convince the reader of your point

of view on that topic.

2. You should first introduce the topic and state your opinion.

Then, you should give about three reasons that support

your view;

3. Finally, you should write a conclusion where you summarize

your arguments and repeat your opinion using different words.

Steps for writing
1.Plan your ideas
- The first thing you need to do is to decide
whether you agree/disagree with the
question or statement and then make a list of
two or three reasons that support your opinion,
including some facts and/or examples.
Organise your text

An opinion essay has three parts:

1. Introduction
2. Arguments or reasons that
support your view.
3. Conclusion
Introduction: Paragraph 1

• Introduce the topic and give your

opinions: Say whether you agree
or disagree with the statement or
question. It can be a good idea to
use a question to grab the
reader’s attention
Arguments: Paragraph 2
• Give the first argument to support your
opinion. Include at least two facts or
examples to show that your reason
makes sense.
Arguments: Paragraph 3
• Give more reasons and again provide
examples, facts or supporting ideas.
Conclusion: Paragraph 4
• Summarize your ideas and reinforce
your opinion.

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