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Seahorse House, 30/32, Adi. Marzban Street,
Ballard Estate, Mumbai-400 001.

As agent for the Carrier (hereafter named as the "Carrier")

For the attention of Import Department Manager


B/L NO.: KMTCPUS4193472. Dt. 08.10.2011.
I.G.M.: Item No.:
Cont. No.: TGHU3326868.

hereas for the purpose of destuffing the goods, it is necessary to remove the above
mentioned containers from the CY/ICD to our premises at Bhiwandi.

hereas for the purpose of removaI, the Carrier is required to execute an indemnity bond in
favour of Indian Customs under Notification No 104/94 to ensure the re-export of the
container(s) within 6 months from Ianding in India;

e, M/S. B. I. MEHTA . the importer agree and undertake for ourseIves, our successors and
assignees to indemnify you, your servants and agents and to hoId aII of you harmIess in respect
of any IiabiIity, Ioss or damage of whatsoever nature whether direct or indirect which you may
sustain whiIe containers are in our custody.
Cont. 2 ...


e aIso agree and confirm to abide to the foIIowing terms and conditions:

1. Container Condition
The importer shaII return the container in good and sound condition to the Iocation indicated by
the carrier or its agents. A survey wiII be conducted by your authorised surveyors and their
report and findings shaII be binding on the importer.

2. Container Loss or Theft
In case of totaI Ioss or theft of the containers whiIst under our custody, we agree to indemnify
the carrier or its agents for the container vaIue and for the cIaim by customs authority to the
extent of Rs 200,000/- (Rs Two Lacs onIy) for one 20' container and Rs 400,000/- (Rs Four Lacs
onIy) for one 40' container.

3. Container Damage
e agree to indemnify you or your agents for any repair cost exceeding a minimum amount of
Rs 5,000/- (Rs Rs Five Thousand OnIy) per container as a resuIt of damage suffered whiIe the
container (s) is (are) in our custody. The repair costs wiII be deemed accepted upon provision of
the Estimate Repairs Forms or invoices issued by your depots/company.

4. Container Detention
The importer agrees to settIe aII the detention charges as per the carrier's tariff tiII the time the
container is returned to the Iocation indicated by the carrier or its agent.

5. VaIidity
This Ietter is vaIid up to the afore mentioned vaIidity date from the date of the agreement and
shaII be automaticaIIy extended tiII the date of the return of the Iast container to the carrier's
nominated CY/ICD faciIity.

Made at [MUMBAI], on [FRIDAY ] the 31] day of the month of [21], [2011]

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