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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Bahawalnagar Campus

Submitted To:
Ma’am Farwa Imtiaz
Submitted By:
Classical & Romantic Poetry
Paradise Lost as Heroic Epic
BS Linguistics 7th
English Linguistics & Language
Submitted On:
Milton is one of the greatest poets of England. His Paradise Lost is one of the greatest epics in English
language. Here the poet has maintained the classical tradition of epic writing. In fact, an epic is a long
narrative poem that contains great action, great hero and great style. In Milton’s Paradise Lost one can
find all these three things.Milton’s Paradise Lost has a cosmic sweep and range and deals with events of
interest to all mankind. In this respect, it stands unique among the epics of the world. It is a heroic epic.

Heroic epic:
An epic poem is a lengthy, narrative work of poetry. These long poems typically detail
extraordinary feats and adventures of characters from a distant past. The word “epic” comes
from the ancient Greek term “epos,” which means “story, word, poem.
Characteristics of Heroic Epic:
There are certain characteristics that are obligatory to be there in an epic poem. Those are:
 Long narrative poem
 Undertaking the Muse
 Heroic Figures (Mostly Supernatural)
 Grand Themes
 Lofty Setting and Complete Action
 Grand Style

Paradise Lost as a Heroic Epic:

Paradise Lost is a poem that fulfils each and every requirement of a classical epic if we discuss
it in view of the aforementioned requirements. In order to prove it, we must gather evidence from
the book. It seems that John Milton deeply acknowledged the fundamentals of a classical epic,
hence, he very skillfully wrote a poem to be remembered even after his death.
Long Narrative:
The first and foremost element of a classical epic is its length; the reason behind writing such a
long poem is yet unknown but it is certainly one of the most questioned requirements of classical
epic. Perhaps, the reason behind it is to create a complete action. John Milton’s Paradise Lost
was initially contained in ten books but subsequently, it was published with 12 books. So, the
poem is long enough to get the attention of the readers.
Undertaking and Invocation to the Muse:
At the very start of the poem, John Milton addresses the Muse. Since the Greeks, Muse has
been known as the goddess of literature, art and science. Invocation is the name of an appeal that
a poet makes to the Muse in which he asks for help in writing a poem. So, it is admitted that
every epic poem starts with the invocation of Muse. John Milton in his book Paradise Lost too,
asks for inspiration from the god of poetry. He mentions “Man’s fall” as the theme of the poem
and invocation to the Muse and to the Holy Spirit.
Heroic Figures:
Epic poems contain characters of heroic figures. Paradise Lost contains the same. John Milton
sketches two great characters in this poem; Satan and Adam. It is one of the most important
characteristic of an epic poem. If we talk about the first main character of the poem i.e. Satan. It
is not wrong to say that he is the most heroic character ever created in an epic poem. Book 1 and
Book 2 of Paradise Lost best describe his personality. He is not ready to accept his defeat nor
does he accept someone else’s domination. It is, therefore, he says , “Better to reign in Hell, than
serve in Heaven” .The second heroic figure in Paradise Lost is Adam but no direct action has
been associated with him. He is merely a victim of circumstances.
Grand Themes:
In the very beginning, as a tradition, the poet describes the theme of the poem. He mentions
“Fall of Man” as its main theme. It is a unique theme as no poet has ever written on this subject.
“Disobedience” is also another major theme of this book. John Milton sketches it to justify his
story. Adam disobeys the order of the Almighty and suffers. Similarly, “Justification of God” is
also another theme that Milton portrays in this poem. Undoubtedly, Paradise Lost contains grand
universal themes. Coleridge comments on the theme of the “Fall of Man” in Paradise Lost, “It
represents origin of evil and the combat of evil and good, it contains matter of deep interest to
all mankind, as forming the basis of all religion and true occasion of all philosophy
Lofty Setting and Complete Action:
Most of the action in this poem takes place in hell. There is a concept of hell and heaven for the
believers. The subsequent setting of the poem is on earth. Initially, the poet creates an impression
of hell in the minds of readers as a vast dark place.Most of the action in this poem takes place in
hell. Milton uses the “dungeon horrible” place for hell. It is like a huge furnace but the flames do
not give light. Darkness is everywhere.As far as the action of the poem is concerned, Satan’s
speeches are mentionable in this regard.
Grand style:
Milton’s style in Paradise Lost is rich and full of splendour. Numerous poetic devices are there
in it due to which it gained an emotional response. There is no artificiality in it.There is artistic
perfection in Paradise Lost. The poet’s imagination is noteworthy. There is no limitation to it. He
talks about the universe, hell, the earth and heaven. He uses similes very deeply and beautifully
as he he writes for Satan’s shield “Hung on his shoulders like the Moon”. Similarly about his
spear he writes “His spear, to equal which the tallest pine”
Critics mention that Paradise Lost is rich in classical elements of an epic poem when they
discuss this poem in view of the definition of a heroic epic poem. John Milton creates heroic
figures, undertakes the Muse, tries to discuss grand themes, creates lofty settings, and writes a
long narrative poem with a grand style that make Paradise Lost a classical heroic epic.

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