Adobe Scan Jan 30, 2024

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1. Representation of Data:
Line Graph: Represents individual
data points byconnecting them with
straight lines to show trends or
changes over a continuous interval.
Frequency Polygon: Represents the
distribution of a dataset by connecting
midpoints of the intervals in a
frequency distribution.
2. Data Type:
Line Graph: Suitable for showing
trends, changes, or relationships in
Continuous data.

* Frequency Polygon: Primarily used for

visualizing the distribution of a set of
continuOus data.
3. Construction:
Line Graph: Connects data points with
straight lines, emphasizing the order
andprogression of values.
*Frequency Polygon: Plots midpoints of
intervals on the x-axis and their

corresponding frequencies on the y

axis, connecting these points to form a
4. Usage:
Line Graph: Used to depict trends over
time, compare different groups,or
display continuous data patterns.
Frequency Polygon: Specifically
designed for representing the
distribution of a dataset, emphasizing
the shape and spread of the data.
5. Data Points:

Line Graph: Connects individual data

points to highlight their sequential
Frequency Polygon: Connects
midpoints of intervals, emphasizing
the central tendency of the data.
6. Focus:
Line Graph: Emphasizes overall
patterns and trends in the data.
Frequency Polygon: Emphasizes the
shape of the distribution, including
peaks and troughs.

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