Action Research Proposal - Hs

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Action Research Proposal

Name: Juanna Cruz

Proposed Title: Misbehavior during class discussion of Grade 8 TA students of Likaw
National High School

I. Context and Rationale

Classroom management is a big issue in teaching. If some kids in the class

misbehave, the instructor has to stop them. Further, if kids continue to misbehave,
it would be a disaster, because the teacher must devote a large amount of class
time to handle this situation. While classroom misbehavior is generally interpreted
as disruptive and improper behavior that adversely affects the order, teaching, and
learning in classroom. Student misbehaviors such as disruptive talking, chronic
avoidance of work, clowning, interfering with teaching activities, harassing
classmates, verbal insults, rudeness to teacher, defiance, and hostility , ranging
from infrequent to frequent, mild to severe, is a thorny issue in everyday
classroom. Teachers usually reported that these disturbing behaviors in the
classroom are intolerable and stress-provoking , and they had to spend a great deal
of time and energy to manage the classroom.

In the literature, different terms have been used to describe problematic behaviors
of students. For instance, Stewart et al. [8] referred student misconduct to
disciplinary violations in school, for instance, tardiness, vandalism, fighting,
stealing, and drinking on campus. When there are explicit rules and regulations in
school and classroom, violation of these is apparently a “misbehavior or
misconduct or discipline problem.” Nevertheless, a particular behavior is viewed
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as problematic may not necessarily be rule breaking, but inappropriate or

disturbing in the classroom setting. For instance, daydreaming in class, not
completing homework, talking in class, lesson disruption, bullying, and rudeness
to the teacher are named as “problem behaviors” [9], “behavior problems,” [10,
11] or “disruptive behaviors” [4, 12].

II. Action Research Questions

1. What is the cause of misbehavior of the students?

2. How misbehavior students affect the teaching-learning process?
3. How students with behavioral problems could be guided to pay attention on classroom

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention Strategy

This research will propose an activity to resolve misbehaving students in Grade 8

TA1 of Ligao National High School. This will examine the reason why students
misbehave in class and ways to resolve those behavior. The tools being used to
document evidence of misbehaving students included an interview, questionnaire,
a teacher survey and student survey.
IV. Action Research Methods

A. Participants and other Sources of Data

The data for this study were derived from the Grade 8 TA students in Likaw
National High School who have misbehavior, and who are willing to give their
time to answer the questionnaire.

This study used two sources of data information. The primary source of data
was taken from the observation that were administered to the Grade 8 TA
students; and the secondary sources of data were generated from the personal
interview to the students, teachers, research studies and any materials related
to the study.

B. Data Gathering Methods

A descriptive method of research will be utilized in this study.

C. Data Analysis Plan

Grade 8 TA students and their teachers will be selected as participants in this

study. A questionnaire and interview will gather data for this action research.
The survey tool will be used to describe the misbehaviors of the students.
Gathering data will focus on Grade 8 TA students.
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V. Action Research Work Plan

Attend seminar January Lecture other Certification of

on action 2023 notebook and fund Participation and
research pen attendance
Prepare and February Proponents, Bond paper Other Approved action
submit 2023 school and printer fund research proposal
proposal for principal
Communicate March Proponents, Notes Other Attendance,
with grade 8 2023 Grade 9 fund minutes of the
TA subject subject meeting and
teachers about teachers documentation
the action

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Disseminate, March 2023 Proponents, Permit to Other funds Reproduce
conduct and Grade 9 survey resource
analyze subject tools,
survey teachers tabulated
questionnaires survey results
for grade 8
TA subject

Disseminate March 2023 Proponents, other funds Reproduce

conduct and students resource
analyze tools,
survey tabulated
questionnaires survey results
for grade 8
TA students
Assess the April 2023 Proponent Bond papers, Other funds Tabulation of
results, printers the results,
analyze and analysis of
test the data

Report the
results to the
persons; Attendance
Develop Proponent, Conference Other funds sheet and
intervention April 2023 principal and notes minutes of
proposal in subject the meeting
reducing teachers
students in the

Tabulate and April 2023 Proponent Bond paper, Other funds Final action
put graph in printer and research draft
the charts notes

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Prepare and May 2023 Proponent Bond papers Other funds Final action
submit action and printers research
research for manuscript
Communicat May 2023 Proponent Copy of the Other funds Minutes of
e research and other results and the meeting
results to stakeholders write up
Implement Proponent Copy of the Other funds Approved
the proposal final action
if found manuscript research
effective proposal

VI. Cost Estimate

This study is expected to use computers ink and bond paper; thus, it requires an
amount of 2.500.00 pesos.
VII. Plan for Dissemination and Utilization

The researcher will inform the school administrator and subject teachers in the result
of the study. The result will serve as basis by other teachers whether or not the
intervention may be use in solving same cases they may encounter in their respective

VIII. References

Duesund, L., & Ødegård, M. (2018). Students’ perception of reactions towards

disruptive behaviour in Norwegian and American schools. Emotional and
Behavioural Difficulties, 23(4), 410-423.

Dufrene, B. A., Lestremau, L., & Zoder Martell, K. (2014). Direct behavioral
consultation: Effects on teachers’ praise and student disruptive behavior Psychology
in the Schools, 51(6), 567 580.

Egounléti, P. M., Hindémè, U. O. S., & Datondji, I. C. (2018). Seating arrangements

as a means for improving interactions in EFL beginner classes: The case of some
secondary schools in Littoral Region. International Journal on Studies in English
Language and Literature, 6(10), 20-31.
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