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Võ Kiều Trang

MSSV: 64132663

Topic: You are a student, and you are asked by your head
teacher to submit a report on one student in your class. The
report should include comments on your classmate's
performance, and state whether you would recommend
him/her for a scholarship for best students of the university.

To: Ms.Jennifer, Head Teacher

From: Vo Kieu Trang
Subject: Assessment of Bella
Date: 14th April, 2024

A. Purpose
As requested, this report aims to evaluate the academic
performance and overall contribution of Bella in 64.NNA-GD
during the 5th semester. It will assess their strengths,
weaknesses, and suitability for the university's best student
scholarship program.
B. Qualities
Bella consistently demonstrates exceptional academic
performance. She possesses a strong work ethic and achieves
high grades across all subjects. Particularly, she excels in all
subjects, showing a deep understanding of the material and a
willingness to engage in complex analysis. She also aced the
final exam in applied phonetics with a score of 98%.
C. Leadership
Despite being a natural leader, Bella fosters a collaborative
environment. While she takes charge of group projects and
effectively delegates tasks, she also encourages participation
from her classmates. This was evident when she spearheaded a
successful team presentation, motivating everyone throughout
the challenging project. Her dedication and positive attitude
inspire others.
D. Achievements:
Additionally, Bella has a remarkable list of accomplishments,
including winning a departmental award and publishing research
in a student journal. She actively participates in extracurricular
activities, showcasing her diverse skill set. Furthermore, she
holds a leadership position in a club, and she volunteers for a
worthy cause.
E. Recomendation:
In conclusion,she holds a leadership position in a club and
volunteers for a worthy cause. Recommendation: In conclusion,
based on Bella's outstanding academic performance, exceptional
leadership qualities, and dedication to her studies, I
wholeheartedly recommend her for the university's scholarship
for the best students. She is a valuable asset to the classroom
and embodies the qualities the scholarship seeks to recognize.

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