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Problem Statement: Google Classroom Clone

Objective: Design and develop a web application that replicates key features of Google
Classroom, allowing teachers to manage assignments, communicate with students, and
facilitate online learning.

 User Authentication:
o Implement user registration and login functionality.
o Differentiate between teacher and student roles.
 Class Creation and Management:
o Teachers can create classes and invite students.
o Students can join classes using unique class codes.
o Each class should have a name, description, and associated students.
 Assignment Management:
o Teachers can create assignments with due dates, descriptions, and
o Students can view and submit assignments.
o Teachers can grade and provide feedback on submitted assignments.
 Announcements and Communication:
o Teachers can post announcements to the class.
o Students receive notifications for new announcements.
o Students can ask questions or seek clarification within the class.
 File Sharing and Resources:
o Teachers can upload and share files (documents, presentations, etc.).
o Students can access shared resources.
 Dashboard and Notifications:
o Provide a dashboard for each user (teacher/student) displaying relevant
classes, assignments, and announcements.
o Send email or in-app notifications for upcoming assignments and
 Responsive Design:
o Ensure the application works seamlessly on desktop and mobile devices.

 Technologies:
 Frontend: React (or similar framework)
 Backend: Node.js (Express), MongoDB (or Firebase)
 Authentication: Firebase Authentication
 Real-time Communication: Firebase Realtime Database or WebSocket
 Styling: CSS (or Material-UI)

 Challenges:
 Handling real-time updates (e.g., new announcements, assignment submissions).
 Managing user roles and permissions.
 Ensuring data security and privacy.

 Success Criteria:
 Users (teachers and students) can create accounts, join classes, and interact
within the platform.
 Teachers can create assignments, students can submit them, and teachers can
grade them.
 Announcements are visible to relevant users.
 The application is responsive and user-friendly.

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