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Date: 16-02-2024


The project aims to develop an online learning platform similar to Google Classroom, but with
the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) for enhanced functionalities. Users, including
teachers and students, can create, manage, and participate in virtual classrooms, sharing
assignments, quizzes, lectures, and more. AI features will offer personalized feedback, adaptive
learning paths, grading assistance, and plagiarism detection. Built using React, Firebase, and AI
libraries, the platform prioritizes security, scalability, and user-friendliness. Challenges include
designing a user interface aligned with Google Classroom's style, integrating Firebase services
for backend operations, ensuring ethical AI implementation, and thorough testing for
functionality and security.

Process Model Selection:

Appropriate Model:

Agile Model:

The Agile model is deemed suitable for the development of the AI Google Classroom Clone due
to its iterative and incremental approach, which aligns well with the dynamic nature of software
development projects. Agile allows for flexibility in accommodating changing requirements and
continuous feedback loops, essential for refining and improving the system iteratively. Since the
project involves the integration of various AI-driven features and emerging technologies, Agile's
adaptive nature enables the development team to respond promptly to evolving technological
advancements and user preferences. Additionally, Agile promotes collaboration and transparency
among team members, facilitating effective communication and teamwork throughout the
development lifecycle.
Inappropriate Models:

Waterfall Model:

The Waterfall model is not recommended for the AI Google Classroom Clone project due to its
sequential and rigid nature, which may hinder adaptability to changes in requirements and
technological advancements. Given the complexity and evolving nature of AI technologies, the
linear progression of phases in the Waterfall model may lead to difficulties in incorporating new
features and responding to user feedback effectively.

Prototype Model:

Although the Prototype model is beneficial for validating design concepts and gathering user
feedback, it may not be the most suitable choice for the AI Google Classroom Clone project. The
project's scope and objectives are well-defined, and the emphasis is on implementing a fully
functional educational platform rather than exploring design alternatives or validating uncertain

Spiral Model:

The Spiral model, characterized by its risk-driven and iterative approach, may not be the most
appropriate choice for the AI Google Classroom Clone project. While the project involves the
integration of AI technologies, it does not entail high-risk factors or a significant budget
allocation that would warrant the use of the Spiral model. Additionally, the project's focus on
developing a small-scale educational platform does not necessitate the complexity and overhead
associated with the Spiral model's risk management framework.

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