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Date: 02-02-2024


Developing an AI Google Classroom Clone entails grappling with numerous real-time

challenges. Foremost is the integration of AI features, necessitating the creation of algorithms for
personalized learning recommendations, automated grading, and student performance analytics.
Scalability and performance pose significant hurdles, demanding solutions for handling large
user loads, managing data processing, and minimizing latency. User experience and interface
design are crucial, requiring intuitive, responsive interfaces that seamlessly incorporate complex
AI features. Data privacy and security are paramount, mandating robust encryption, access
controls, and monitoring systems. Interoperability and compatibility challenges arise in ensuring
smooth operation across diverse platforms. Adaptability to educational needs demands flexibility
and iterative improvements based on user feedback. Technical support and maintenance are vital
for bug resolution and system optimization. Ethical considerations, including bias mitigation and
transparency, require careful attention. Successfully addressing these challenges is essential for
the development and deployment of an effective AI Google Classroom Clone, offering educators
and students a powerful, reliable, and ethically sound educational platform.


Date:09 -02-2024


1. A critical evaluation, challenges, and future perspectives of using artificial intelligence

and emerging technologies in smart classrooms

This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of existing research in this domain. It explores the
application of AI in education, including adaptive learning systems and personalized learning
platforms, while also addressing challenges in implementation, such as technological barriers
and pedagogical integration issues. Furthermore, the survey evaluates the effectiveness of AI
interventions in improving learning outcomes and discusses ethical and social implications,
including concerns about data privacy and algorithmic bias. Looking ahead, the survey outlines
future perspectives and research directions, highlighting emerging trends like augmented reality
and virtual reality in educational settings, and emphasizing the need for continued research to
address existing challenges and advance educational practices through technological innovation.

2. A Review of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education from 2010 to 2020

This paper offers a comprehensive examination of the role and impact of AI technologies in
educational settings over the past decade. It conducts a thorough content analysis of studies
focusing on the application of AI in education, identifying key research themes, methodologies,
and findings. Additionally, the review identifies emerging research trends and challenges in the
field of AI in education, providing insights into the potential future directions of research and
development. Moreover, the review delves into the ethical, social, and pedagogical implications
of AI adoption in education, shedding light on issues such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, and
equitable access to AI-driven educational resources. By offering a conceptual framework for
understanding the multifaceted role of AI in education, the review contributes to a deeper
understanding of the opportunities and challenges associated with the integration of AI
technologies in educational practices.

3. A Survey of Smart Classroom Literature

The survey of smart classroom literature presents a comprehensive analysis of scholarly works
spanning various disciplines related to smart classrooms, encompassing fields such as
Information and Communication Technology, Machine Learning, Sensor Networks, Cloud
Computing, and Hardware. It explores emerging research possibilities and identifies challenges
that must be addressed to integrate interdisciplinary works synergistically. Additionally, the
survey utilizes tools like VOSviewer to analyze co-occurrence networks of technological
keywords, providing insights into underlying patterns and facilitating a deeper understanding of
the smart classroom landscape. By uncovering new research avenues and interdisciplinary
intersections, the survey contributes to advancing knowledge and fostering innovation in the
realm of smart classroom technologies.


[1] Eleni Dimitriadou , Andreas Lanitis “A critical evaluation, challenges, and future
perspectives of using artifcial intelligence and emerging technologies in smart classrooms”,
Dimitriadou and Lanitis Smart Learning Environments (2023) 10:12

[2] Xuesong Zhai ,Xiaoyan Chu ,Ching Sing Chai , Morris Siu Yung Jong ,Andreja Istenic
Michael Spector ,Jia-Bao Liu ,Jing Yuan,and Yan Li ,” A Review of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in
Education from 2010 to 2020”, Hindawi Complexity Volume 2021, Article ID 8812542, 18

[3] Kaur A, Bhatia M, Stea G. A Survey of Smart Classroom Literature. Education Sciences.
2022; 12(2):86.


Date: 16-02-2024


The project aims to develop an online learning platform similar to Google Classroom, but with
the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) for enhanced functionalities. Users, including
teachers and students, can create, manage, and participate in virtual classrooms, sharing
assignments, quizzes, lectures, and more. AI features will offer personalized feedback, adaptive
learning paths, grading assistance, and plagiarism detection. Built using React, Firebase, and AI
libraries, the platform prioritizes security, scalability, and user-friendliness. Challenges include
designing a user interface aligned with Google Classroom's style, integrating Firebase services
for backend operations, ensuring ethical AI implementation, and thorough testing for
functionality and security.

Process Model Selection:

Appropriate Model:

Agile Model:

The Agile model is deemed suitable for the development of the AI Google Classroom Clone due
to its iterative and incremental approach, which aligns well with the dynamic nature of software
development projects. Agile allows for flexibility in accommodating changing requirements and
continuous feedback loops, essential for refining and improving the system iteratively. Since the
project involves the integration of various AI-driven features and emerging technologies, Agile's
adaptive nature enables the development team to respond promptly to evolving technological
advancements and user preferences. Additionally, Agile promotes collaboration and transparency
among team members, facilitating effective communication and teamwork throughout the
development lifecycle.

Inappropriate Models:

Waterfall Model:

The Waterfall model is not recommended for the AI Google Classroom Clone project due to its
sequential and rigid nature, which may hinder adaptability to changes in requirements and
technological advancements. Given the complexity and evolving nature of AI technologies, the
linear progression of phases in the Waterfall model may lead to difficulties in incorporating new
features and responding to user feedback effectively.

Prototype Model:

Although the Prototype model is beneficial for validating design concepts and gathering user
feedback, it may not be the most suitable choice for the AI Google Classroom Clone project. The
project's scope and objectives are well-defined, and the emphasis is on implementing a fully
functional educational platform rather than exploring design alternatives or validating uncertain

Spiral Model:

The Spiral model, characterized by its risk-driven and iterative approach, may not be the most
appropriate choice for the AI Google Classroom Clone project. While the project involves the
integration of AI technologies, it does not entail high-risk factors or a significant budget
allocation that would warrant the use of the Spiral model. Additionally, the project's focus on
developing a small-scale educational platform does not necessitate the complexity and overhead
associated with the Spiral model's risk management framework.


Date: 23-02-2024

Software Requirements




Version 1.0 approved

1. Introduction

The AI Google Classroom Clone is a web-based application designed to replicate the features
and functionalities of Google Classroom. It aims to provide an interactive learning environment
for students, teachers, and administrators. The platform facilitates online collaboration,
assignment management, communication, and content sharing within an educational setting. The
AI Google Classroom Clone can be customized to suit the specific needs of different educational

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of the AI Google Classroom Clone is to offer an advanced, AI-powered version of
Google Classroom, which can enhance the learning experience for students and teachers. By
incorporating artificial intelligence, the platform aims to provide personalized learning, improved
content recommendations, automated grading, and better overall management of educational
processes. This can lead to increased efficiency, better student outcomes, and a more engaging
learning environment.

1.2 Document Conventions

The font followed in the entire SRS document is Times New Roman of font size 14 for sub-
headings and Times New Roman of font size 12 for description of each sub-headings or titles.
This SRS document specifies different requirements which are connected to one another and has
their own priority.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

Intended Audience:

The primary intended audience for the AI Google Classroom Clone includes educators, students,
administrators, and anyone involved in the educational sector. Additionally, developers, data
analysts, product managers, marketing staff, database management users, testers, analysts,
designers, QA teams, department heads, and documentation writers will find value in this

Reading Suggestions:

This documentation is designed to provide comprehensive insights into the AI Google Classroom
Clone, catering to a diverse audience with varying levels of technical expertise. Here's a
breakdown of recommended reading paths:

1. Educators and Administrators:

 Begin with the Overview section to grasp the purpose and functionalities of the AI
Google Classroom Clone.
 Explore the System Features to understand how the platform enhances teaching and
learning experiences.
 Review the Functional Requirements to gauge how the system aligns with educational
needs and objectives.
 Non-functional Requirements offer insights into performance, security, and scalability
aspects vital for administrators.

2. Students:

 Start with the Overview to understand how the AI Google Classroom Clone facilitates
 Dive into System Features to explore tools and features designed to streamline
coursework and collaboration.
 Browse through Functional Requirements to discover how the platform supports learning
objectives and assessment.
 Non-functional Requirements provide an understanding of system reliability and

3. Developers and Data Analysts:

 Begin with an in-depth review of System Features to understand the technical

architecture and functionalities.
 Analyze Functional Requirements to comprehend data handling, integrations, and
customization options.
 Non-functional Requirements offer insights into scalability, data security, and
performance benchmarks crucial for development.

4. Product Managers and Marketing Staff:

 Gain an understanding of the platform's capabilities and target audience through the
Overview section.
 Explore System Features to identify key selling points and unique value propositions.
 Review Functional Requirements to align product strategy with user needs and market
 Non-functional Requirements provide essential information for marketing
communication and product positioning.

5. QA Teams and Testers:

 Start with the Overview to grasp the system's purpose and expected functionalities.
 Dive into System Features to understand the scope of testing and critical areas of
 Analyze Functional Requirements to develop comprehensive test cases and scenarios.
 Non-functional Requirements offer criteria for performance testing, security
assessment, and usability testing.

6. Analysts, Designers, Department Heads, and Documentation Writers:

 Begin with an overview of the system's purpose and objectives.

 Explore System Features to understand user interactions and design considerations.
 Review Functional Requirements for insights into data modeling, user workflows, and
system integrations.
 Non-functional Requirements provide guidance for designing user experiences and
aligning departmental objectives with system capabilities.

1.4 Product Scope

The AI Google Classroom Clone aims to simplify educational management by providing

seamless integration of tools and data interpretation capabilities. It enables educators to
efficiently analyze multiple datasets, discover correlations, and retrieve information through
queries. With features like course management, communication tools, personalized learning, and
AI-driven insights, it offers a comprehensive solution to enhance teaching and learning
experiences while ensuring data security and compliance.

1.5 References

The reference document used for Software requirement specification template is IEEE SRS
document Template framed by Karl E. Weigers in 1999.The version number is 1.0.

Other References for application development study are:

[4] Z. Yan and T. Zhou, "An Intelligent Classroom Management System Based on AI + IOT
Technology," 2022 12th International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and
Education (ITME), Xiamen, China, 2022, pp. 202-205, doi: 10.1109/ITME56794.2022.00052.
keywords: {Pressure sensors;Fans;Education;Lighting;Control systems;Internet of
Things;Servers;Pressure sensor;ECS;database WIFI}

[5] L. G, B. S, R. D. M, D. J and S. N, "AI-powered Digital Classroom," 2022 International

Conference on Communication, Computing and Internet of Things (IC3IoT), Chennai, India,
2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IC3IOT53935.2022.9767944. keywords: {COVID-19;Learning
management systems;Electronic learning;Pandemics;Engineering
profession;Education;Chatbots;AI;Chatbot;Virtual Learning;Learning Management System}

[6] E. Dimitriadou and A. Lanitis, "The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Smart Classes: A
survey," 2022 IEEE 21st Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), Palermo,
Italy, 2022, pp. 642-647, doi: 10.1109/MELECON53508.2022.9843020. keywords:
{Conferences;Education;Artificial intelligence;Artificial intelligence;Emerging
technologies;Smart classroom}

2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

The AI Google Classroom Clone is conceived as an independent, comprehensive educational
platform tailored to manage various aspects of the teaching and learning process. It is designed to
offer educators and students seamless integration of educational resources and advanced artificial
intelligence features. The platform enables efficient communication, resource sharing, and
personalized learning experiences while ensuring data security and compliance with relevant
regulations. Developed as a standalone product, it provides a user-friendly interface for easy
navigation and accessibility across different devices. The backend infrastructure utilizes robust
technologies such as Node.js and Express for API handling, along with MongoDB for scalable
data management. Angular is employed for frontend development, ensuring a responsive and

dynamic user interface. Key features include course management, communication tools,
personalized learning pathways, AI-driven insights, and security measures to enhance the overall
educational experience for users.

2.2 Product Functions

The AI Google Classroom Clone offers a variety of essential functions to support seamless
educational interactions:

Course Management: Educators can create, organize, and manage courses, including uploading
course materials, setting assignments, and tracking student progress.

Communication Tools: The platform provides communication channels such as

announcements, discussion forums, and messaging features, facilitating collaboration and
interaction between educators and students.

Resource Sharing: Users can easily share educational resources such as documents,
presentations, and links, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Personalized Learning Pathways: AI algorithms analyze student data to provide personalized

learning recommendations, adaptive assessments, and tailored study materials based on
individual learning styles and performance.

Assignment Management: Educators can distribute assignments, collect submissions, and

provide feedback to students, streamlining the grading process and enhancing learning outcomes.

Assessment and Feedback: The platform supports various assessment methods, including
quizzes, polls, and surveys, allowing educators to assess student understanding and provide
timely feedback.

Analytics and Insights: Advanced analytics tools offer insights into student engagement,
performance trends, and course effectiveness, enabling data-driven decision-making and
continuous improvement.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

User classes for the AI Google Classroom Clone include students for course participation,
educators for course management, administrators for system oversight, supporting staff for
technical assistance, and data sources like MongoDB for data storage. Each class has specific
roles and needs within the platform's ecosystem

2.4 Operating Environment

The AI Google Classroom Clone operates as a web application accessible via web browsers on
various hardware platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. Users can access the platform
from any device that supports modern web browsers, ensuring flexibility and compatibility
across different operating systems.

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

The AI Google Classroom Clone has the following design and implementation constraints:

 Hardware Limitations: A minimum of 2 GB RAM is required for optimal

 Tools: Development necessitates a computer system or laptop with desktop Java
application, along with editors like Notepad or Visual Studio Code. Database systems
such as MongoDB are essential for data management.
 Databases: MongoDB is the designated database system for the platform.
 Language Requirements: Development requires proficiency in TypeScript and
JavaScript for coding functionalities and features.

Design and Implementation Constraints for AI Google Classroom Clone:

Performance: Although Angular boasts high-performance capabilities, specific design and

implementation strategies are essential to ensure optimal website performance, given the
complexity of educational interactions and data processing.

Security: Security is paramount in educational platforms. The AI Google Classroom Clone will
prioritize security measures to safeguard user data from unauthorized access, ensuring privacy
and confidentiality.

Scalability: With the potential growth in user base and educational resources, scalability is
crucial. The platform will be designed to accommodate increased usage seamlessly, ensuring
smooth operation as demand rises.

Platform-specific Constraints: While Angular enables cross-platform compatibility, differences
in screen sizes, user interfaces, and input mechanisms between devices must be addressed for a
consistent user experience across desktop and mobile platforms.

Availability of Resources: Development relies on access to various resources, including

development tools, hosting services, and APIs. Resource availability may impact the
development timeline and the final product's quality, necessitating careful planning and

Consideration of these constraints is vital throughout the design and development process to
ensure the AI Google Classroom Clone is secure, scalable, and reliable, meeting the diverse
needs of educators and students effectively.

2.6 User Documentation

For the AI Google Classroom Clone, user documentation will be provided to ensure smooth
usage and effective management:

 Tutorial: Comprehensive tutorials will guide users through application usage,

covering various functionalities and features to enhance user proficiency.
 User Documentation: Detailed user documentation will accompany the
application, offering instructions on navigating the platform, accessing features, and
utilizing tools effectively.
 User Guide: A comprehensive user guide will outline step-by-step instructions for
different user roles, including educators, students, administrators, and supporting
staff, ensuring clarity and ease of use.

 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): A compilation of frequently asked

questions will address common queries and concerns, providing quick solutions and
clarifications for users.
 Troubleshooting Tips: Troubleshooting tips and solutions will be provided to
assist users in resolving common issues or technical difficulties encountered during
platform usage, ensuring uninterrupted access and functionality.

By providing comprehensive user documentation, the AI Google Classroom Clone aims to

empower users with the knowledge and resources needed to maximize their experience and
productivity within the educational platform.

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies:


 Users have access to a stable internet connection and modern web browsers.
 Users possess basic computer skills required to navigate the platform effectively.


 The AI Google Classroom Clone relies on Firebase Realtime Database for storing and
retrieving data.

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces

The user interface of the AI Google Classroom Clone prioritizes usability and consistency. A
navigation bar is present on all pages for easy access. The interface utilizes buttons from Prime
NG components, known for their appealing design. Color schemes adhere to industry standards.

Error Messages:

 Invalid Credentials: When users enter invalid credentials, an error message displaying
"Invalid username or password" will prompt them to re-enter their information.
 Unauthorized Actions: If users attempt actions not intended for their role, an error message
stating "Something went wrong" will inform them of the unauthorized action.

3.2 Hardware Interfaces

For the AI Google Classroom Clone, the following hardware interfaces are specified:
 Minimum Requirement: 1.9 GHz x86- or x64-bit dual-core processor with SSE2
instruction set.
 Recommended Requirement: 3.3 GHz or faster 64-bit dual-core processor with SSE2
instruction set.

 Recommended Network Requirement: Bandwidth greater than 50 KBps (400 kbps)
with latency under 150 ms.

Supported Web Browsers:

 Microsoft Edge: Latest versions on Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1.
 Mozilla Firefox: Latest versions on Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1.
 Google Chrome: Latest versions on Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and two
latest Mac OS versions.
 Apple Safari: Latest versions on two latest Mac OS versions.

 Minimum RAM: 2 GB.
 Recommended RAM: 4 GB or more.

 Display Resolution: Super VGA with a resolution of 1024 x 768.

Operating System:
 Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP and above.

Front-end Software:
 Angular Application.

Back-end Software:
 MongoDB.

3.3 Software Interfaces

The AI Google Classroom Clone relies on the following software components:

 Database: MongoDB stores user and course data.

 Operating System: Primarily Windows.
 Tools: Visual Studio Code for development.
 Libraries/Frameworks: Express.js for backend server, Mongoose for MongoDB interaction.
 Input: Patient credentials for authentication, hospital details for system operation.

 Output: User dashboards displaying relevant information, backend processes manage user

3.4 Communications Interfaces

The AI Google Classroom Clone utilizes the Express Mongoose connection to establish
communication between the backend server and the MongoDB database. This connection
facilitates the implementation of necessary CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations,
enabling seamless data interaction and manipulation within the application.

4. System Features

The AI Google Classroom Clone offers course management, communication tools, personalized
learning, assignment management, assessment features, analytics, security measures, scalability,
and user documentation.

4.1 Admin Features

4.1.1 Description and Priority

Admin features are of utmost priority in the AI Google Classroom Clone, as they involve
managing all activities related to organizing user data and system functionalities.
Stimulus/Response Sequences:

Admin Actions:

 Admin can add new departments and supporting staff types for the educational
 Admin can update salary status for educators.
 Upon adding a new user (e.g., student, educator), login credentials are automatically
generated and sent via email.

4.1.2 Functional Requirements

REQ-1: The application must capture user details as input and store them in the backend
MongoDB database.

REQ-2: The application must provide an input interface for admins to perform their
functionalities and send email notifications in response to their actions to the respective

REQ-3: The application must allow admins to perform all available operations within the
system, enabling comprehensive management of user data and system functionalities.

4.3 AI Google Classroom Features

4.3.1 Description and Priority

AI Google Classroom is an online learning platform that leverages artificial intelligence to

enhance the teaching and learning experience. Teachers can create and manage courses,
assignments, quizzes, and feedback using AI tools. Students can access and submit their
work, interact with their peers and teachers, and receive personalized guidance and feedback
from AI tutors. This feature has high priority.

4.3.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

The sequence of user actions is as follows:

 The Teacher must sign in with their Google account and create a class or join an
existing one. They can invite students to join the class using a code or email.
 The Teacher can create assignments, quizzes, and other learning materials using AI
templates or their own resources. They can set due dates, points, and grading criteria
for each task.
 The Teacher can monitor the progress and performance of each student using AI
analytics and dashboards. They can also provide feedback and grades using AI
suggestions or their own comments.
 The Student must sign in with their Google account and join a class using a code or
email. They can view the classwork, announcements, and calendar on the main page.

 The Student can access and complete their assignments, quizzes, and other tasks
using AI tools and resources. They can also collaborate and communicate with their
classmates and teachers using chat and video features.
 The Student can receive personalized guidance and feedback from AI tutors and
teachers. They can also track their own progress and performance using AI reports
and recommendations.

4.3.3 Functional Requirements

REQ-1: Application should have a user interface for creating and managing classes,
assignments, quizzes, and feedback.

REQ-2: Application should have AI tools for generating, grading, and providing
feedback on assignments and quizzes.

REQ-3: Application should have AI tutors for providing personalized guidance and
support to students.

REQ-4: Application should have AI analytics and dashboards for monitoring and
improving the learning outcomes of students and teachers.

REQ-5: Application should have network connectivity access and integrate with Google

4.4 Student Features

4.4.1 Description and Priority

Students are the main users of the AI Google Classroom platform. They can access and
complete their assignments, quizzes, and other learning tasks using AI tools and resources. They
can also collaborate and communicate with their classmates and teachers using chat and video
features. They can receive personalized guidance and feedback from AI tutors and teachers.
They can also track their own progress and performance using AI reports and recommendations.
This feature has high priority.

4.4.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

The sequence of user actions is as follows:

 The Student must sign in with their Google account and join a class using a code or
email. They can view the classwork, announcements, and calendar on the main page.

 The Student can access and complete their assignments, quizzes, and other tasks using AI
tools and resources. For example, they can use AI templates to generate essays, AI tutors
to solve math problems, or AI assistants to practice speaking skills.
 The Student can submit their work and receive instant feedback and grades from AI or
teachers. They can also request for revisions or extensions if needed.
 The Student can collaborate and communicate with their classmates and teachers using
chat and video features. They can also join live sessions or watch recorded lectures.
 The Student can receive personalized guidance and feedback from AI tutors and teachers.
They can ask questions, get hints, or receive suggestions for improvement.
 The Student can track their own progress and performance using AI reports and
recommendations. They can see their strengths, weaknesses, goals, and achievements.

4.4.3 Functional Requirements

REQ-1: Application should have a user interface for accessing and completing classwork,
assignments, quizzes, and other tasks.

REQ-2: Application should have AI tools and resources for generating, completing, and
submitting work.

REQ-3: Application should have AI or teacher feedback and grading system for evaluating

REQ-4: Application should have chat and video features for collaboration and

REQ-5: Application should have AI tutors and teachers for providing personalized guidance
and feedback.

REQ-6: Application should have AI reports and recommendations for tracking progress and

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

 The system should have an interface that is user friendly and easy to follow
 The system should perform AI tasks without any issues

5.2 Safety Requirements

 Validate the input

 Application should use latest version for AI libraries and software tools
 System should have an interface that produces relevant error messages
 Use Exception handling for managing exceptions

5.3 Security Requirements

 The user data and classwork should be secured and encrypted

 The system should comply with the privacy and ethical standards of AI

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

The ISO 9126 quality factors as shown in Table are functionality, reliability, usability,
efficiency, maintainability, and portability. These factors are further subdivided into sub
characteristics such as suitability, accuracy, security, and time behavior. These sub
characteristics are comprehensive, that is, any component of software quality can be
described in terms of some aspects of one or more of these six factors.

 Functionality: Shows the existence of a set of functions and their specified

properties. The functions satisfy stated or implied needs
 Reliability: That capability of software which maintains its level of performance
under given conditions for a given period of time
 Usability: Attributes that determine the effort needed for use and the assessment of
such use by a set of users
 Efficiency: The relationship between the level of performance of the software and the
amount of resources used under stated conditions
 Maintainability: The effort needed to make specified modifications
 Portability: The ability of the software to be transformed from one environment to

The software developed for AI Google Classroom using React and Firebase should possess
the above given software Quality Attributes to ensure the quality of software.

5.5 Business Rules

 The product will be a web application that would help the teachers and students to
create and manage online classes, assignments, quizzes, and feedback using AI tools
 Teachers can create and join classes, invite students, create and grade assignments
and quizzes, monitor and improve the learning outcomes of students using AI
analytics and dashboards, and provide personalized guidance and feedback using AI
tutors and suggestions
 Students can join classes, access and submit assignments and quizzes, collaborate and
communicate with classmates and teachers, receive personalized guidance and
feedback from AI tutors and teachers, and track their own progress and performance
using AI reports and recommendations

6. Other Requirements

 Speed: Determine whether the software application responds quickly

 Processor usage: Amount of time processor spends for a non-idle operation should be
 Memory usage: The amount of physical memory available should be sufficient
enough for the process
 Disk time: Disk time of the reading and writing request
 Failure: Percentage of critical failure of the system should be less

Appendix A: Glossary

 React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces

 Firebase: A platform that provides various services for web and mobile development,
such as authentication, database, storage, hosting, and machine learning

 AI: Artificial Intelligence - The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines,

especially computer systems

 MERN: A web development stack that consists of MongoDB, Express, React, and

 HTML: Hypertext Markup Language - A markup language used to create web pages

 CSS: Cascading Style Sheets - A style sheet language used for describing the
presentation of a document written in HTML or XML

 JSX: JavaScript XML - A syntax extension to JavaScript that allows writing HTML-like
code in React component.

 UI: User Interface - The visual elements of a website or application that a user interacts

 API: Application Programming Interface - A set of rules and specifications that allow
communication between different software components

 CRUD: Create, Read, Update, Delete - A set of operations that can be performed on data
stored in a database

Appendix B: Analysis Models

Architecture Diagram


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