Metagenomics: Novel Enzymes From Non-Culturable Microbes

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FEMS Microbiology Letters, 364, 2017, fnx211

doi: 10.1093/femsle/fnx211
Advance Access Publication Date: 4 October 2017

M I N I R E V I E W – Biotechnology & Synthetic Biology

Metagenomics: novel enzymes from non-culturable

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Francesca Berini1,2,∗, , Carmine Casciello1,2 , Giorgia Letizia Marcone1,2
and Flavia Marinelli1,2
Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences, University of Insubria, 21100 Varese, Italy and 2 ‘The Protein
Factory Research Center’, Politecnico di Milano and University of Insubria, 20131 Milan, Italy

Corresponding author: Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences, University of Insubria, Via J.H. Dunant 3, 21100 Varese (Italy).
Tel: +39 0332421547; Fax: +39 0332421500; E-mail:
One sentence summary: Metagenomics is a powerful tool for identifying novel microbial biocatalysts.
Editor: Michael Sauer

Francesca Berini,

In the transition to the post-petroleum economy, there is a growing demand for novel enzymes with high process
performances to replace traditional chemistry with a more ‘green’ approach. To date, microorganisms encompass the
richest source of industrial biocatalysts, but the Earth-living microbiota remains largely untapped by using traditional
isolation and cultivation methods. Metagenomics, which is culture independent, represents a powerful tool for discovering
novel enzymes from unculturable microorganisms. Herein, we summarize the variety of approaches adopted for mining
environmental DNA and, based on a systematic literature review, we provide a comprehensive list of 332 industrially
relevant enzymes discovered from metagenomes within the last three years.

Keywords: metagenomics; environmental libraries; screening; heterologous expression; industrial enzymes

INTRODUCTION cells estimated to be 4–6 × 1030 (Bunge, Willis and Walsh 2014),
inhabiting a widest variety of ecosystems, including the less-
Microbial enzymes are employed in almost all industrial sectors,
hospitable habitats, such as hot springs, nearly saturated salt
from the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries to the
brines, acid mine waters at pH near zero, deep-sea hydrother-
manufacturing of detergents, textiles, leather, pulp and paper
mal vents and Antarctic ices (Mirete, Morgante and Gonzàlez-
(Demain and Adrio 2008). In 2015, the application of industrial
Pastor 2016). Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis of microbial
enzymes generated a turnover of about 5 billion USD, a value
communities currently estimates that only from 0.1% to 1% of
that is forecasted to rise to 6.9 billion USD in 2017 and to 10.7
these prokaryotes are culturable by using traditional microbio-
billion USD in 2024 (World Enzyme to 2017, https://www.gmin
logical methods (Culligan et al. 2014a). Also part of eukaryotic, thanks to the
microbes is unculturable (Hirst, Kita and Dawson 2011), although
increasing demand for novel biocatalysts with high process per-
the extent of this phenomenon is less clear. Magnuson and
formances to replace traditional chemistry. Enzyme-based pro-
Lasure (2002) reported that 10% to 30% of fungi from different
cesses are favored by reduced costs, increased efficiency, im-
soils can be cultivated.
proved product recovery, and reduced use of toxic compounds
In the last two decades, the development of culture-
and harsh conditions. Microorganisms represent the largest pro-
independent methods based on collecting biological material
portion of biomass on Earth, with a total number of prokaryotic

Received: 5 June 2017; Accepted: 2 October 2017

C FEMS 2017. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

2 FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2017, Vol. 364, No. 21

from environmental samples (metagenomics, metatran- stimulates active chitinolytic microbial communities, increas-
scriptomics and metaproteomics) revealed the potential of ing the chance of finding novel chitinases (Cretoiu et al. 2015;
unculturable microorganisms as sources of novel enzymes. Stöveken et al. 2015). Similar approaches were used to identify
Metagenomics is generally considered the most promising novel hemicellulases (Sun et al. 2015; Zhao et al. 2017) and ox-
methodology for identifying innovative biocatalysts from idoreductases (Nagayama et al. 2015) from cellulose-amended
prokaryotic eDNA (Lorenz and Eck 2005), although recent ad- samples or artificially polluted soils. A hormone-sensitive li-
vances in metaproteomics have shown great potential (Wilmes, pase was recovered from an olive oil-fed permafrost-derived mi-
Heintz-Buschart and Bond 2015) leading to the discovery of crobiome (Petrovskaya et al. 2016). Incorporating stable-isotope
novel lipases (Sukul et al. 2017) and cellulases (Speda et al. probing is another tool for innovating target library construc-
2017). Differently from prokaryotic genes that can be directly tion: for example, soil sample incubation with stable-isotope-
transcribed and translated in a suitable heterologous host, the labeled carbohydrates enriched the eDNA of those bacteria ac-
presence of large introns in eukaryotic genes limits metage- tively engaged in degrading plant-derived biomasses (Verastegui
nomic analyses. Consequently, starting from the pioneering et al. 2014).

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work of Grant et al. (2006), metatranscriptomics (based on Analysis of Table 1 focusing on how metagenomic libraries
selective enrichment of eukaryotic 3 -polyadenylated mRNAs are preferentially built up indicates that the majority of the re-
and reverse transcription) was preferred in the search for novel cently isolated metagenome-sourced enzymes (194) were dis-
eukaryotic enzymes. By this approach, few industrially relevant covered by screening fosmid libraries (Fig. 2B). Although small-
biocatalysts were characterized as a cellulase (Takasaki et al. insert libraries (in plasmids or phagemids) make it possible
2013) and a phosphatase (Kellner et al. 2011). to isolate single genes, large-insert libraries (in cosmids, fos-
The emphasis of this review is on metagenomics applied to mids or bacterial artificial chromosomes) were recently pre-
prokaryotic eDNA, underlining recent trends and discussing in- ferred since they permit easily recovering of full-length genes,
novative examples in mining metagenomes for discovering po- gaining information on their genetic context in natural sources,
tential biocatalysts. It does so by looking at studies published and unveiling gene clusters encoding cocktails of enzymes
in the last three years (since 1 January 2014 to 31 March 2017) synergistically acting on the same natural substrate. In ex-
on 332 metagenome-sourced enzymes (refer to Table 1 for crite- ample, Cretoiu et al. (2015), Maruthamuthu et al. (2016) and
ria adopted in literature search and enzyme selection). With the Matsuzawa and Yaoi (2017) reported gene annotation of fos-
exception of two β-glucosidases affiliated to archaea (Bergmann mid inserts containing the targeted open reading frames (ORFs)
et al. 2014; Schröder et al. 2014), all the listed enzymes are of bac- when searching for novel chitinases and hemicellulases (Ta-
terial origin. ble 1). Using large-insert libraries also permitted the dis-
covery of complex gene clusters encoding for natural prod-
ucts, which include multiple enzymatic activities that might
HOW TO MINE eDNA IN THE SEARCH FOR be useful for expanding the chemical diversity of bioactive
molecules. Although potentially interesting as biocatalysts, our
review does not cover these biosynthetic enzymes and read-
The term ‘metagenomics’ is defined as the analysis of the ge- ers are referred to recent extensive reviews on the subject
netic complement of an entire habitat by direct extraction and (Milshteyn, Schneider and Brady 2014; Katz, Hover and Brady
subsequent cloning of DNA from an assemblage of microorgan- 2016).
isms (Handelsman et al. 1998). Figure 1 summarizes the general Nowadays, the choice of appropriate screening method
workflow of metagenomics in discovering novel enzymes, out- remains crucial to eDNA mining (Figs 1 and 2C). Screens
lining the multiplicity of possible screening paths from eDNA could be based on metabolic activity detection (hereby named
extraction to heterologous expression of selected protein se- functional screening or functional metagenomics) or on nu-
quences. How eDNA is extracted, fragmented and cloned largely cleotide sequence analysis (also indicated as genetic screening)
dictates the success of metagenomic experiments, but readers (Table 1, Figs 1 and 2C). Actually, functional screening is consid-
are referred to comprehensive reviews of these methods that, al- ered the best strategy for identifying genes encoding functional
though still posing some technical challenges, might be consid- products and for potentially discovering completely new classes
ered quite consolidated (Delmont et al. 2011; Lombard et al. 2011; of enzymes that lack homologies to known sequences (Culli-
Felczykowska et al. 2015). Herein, looking at the metagenome gan et al. 2014a; Coughlan et al. 2015; Batista-Garcı́a et al. 2016).
sources of the enzymes listed in Table 1, it appears clear that, Ferrer et al. (2016) reported that out of ∼6100 total targets (clones
nowadays, metagenomic libraries could be successfully assem- and/or enzymes and/or sequences encoding enzymes) identified
bled from widely diverse ecological sources (Fig. 2A). Since a low by metagenomic studies in the last two decades, 5800 were dis-
hit rate of positive clones in screening still represents a per- covered by functional metagenomics. Our analysis—focusing on
sisting bottleneck limiting the success of metagenomics (see enzymes that had been (at least partially) characterized at bio-
below), pre-selecting environmental samples is an increasingly chemical/functional level (Table 1 and Fig. 2C)—confirms that,
used practice to enrich libraries with target genes. For instance, in the last three years, the majority of the metagenome-sourced
in 2014 we identified the first metagenome-sourced chitinase biocatalysts (273) were discovered by functional screening.
from a soil known to be suppressive for chitin-containing phy- Despite the enormous potentialities of functional metage-
topathogens (Hjort et al. 2014), whereas two esterases were dis- nomics, there are some constraints that still limit its success.
covered in a soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons The first one is the low level of gene expression in the library
(Pereira et al. 2015; Maester et al. 2016). A promising extension host, which might introduce a bias in library representativeness
of this concept is the ecological enhancement (also termed tar- and dramatically reduce the hit output from screening. Indeed,
geted metagenomics), by which microbial communities are ar- Escherichia coli typically remains the first-choice host for con-
tificially manipulated prior to DNA extraction in order to in- structing a metagenomic library (Table 1). However, it is limited
crease the in situ prevalence of target functions (Ekkers et al. in heterologous protein expression because of its bias in codon
2012). For example, the addition of chitin to agricultural soils usage, improper heterologous promoter recognition, spurious
Table 1. Industrially relevant enzymes discovered from metagenomics since 1 January 2014 to 31 March 2017.

Target DNA source Library Heterologous Screening Number of Number of Hit Number of Reference
type host approach screened positive frequency characterized
Activity EC number clones clones enzymes

Endoglucanase Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.4 × 104 na na 1 Pimentel et al. (2017)
Endoglucanase Hot spring / / Sequence-based (G) / / / 1 Zhao et al. (2017)
Endoglucanase Ovine rumen BAC E. coli Function-based (A) 1.3 × 104 6 1:2150 1 Cheng et al. (2016)
Endoglucanase Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) na 1 na 1 Garg et al. (2016)
Endoglucanase Compost Cosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.0 × 104 1 1:10 000 1 Meneses et al. (2016)
Endoglucanase Beer lees / / Sequence-based (G) / 23 na 3 Yang et al. (2016)
Endoglucanase Paddy soil Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.5 × 104 na na 1 Zhou et al. (2016)
Endoglucanase Soil / / Sequence-based (E) / 1 na 1 Hua et al. (2015)
Endoglucanase Compost Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.1 × 104 3 1:7000 2 Okano et al. (2015b)
Endoglucanase Soil Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.0 × 104 1 1:10 000 1 Mai et al. (2014)
Endoglucanase Algae Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 4.0 × 104 20 1:2000 1 Martin et al. (2014)
Endoglucanase Insect gut Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 9.2 × 104 1 1:92 000 1 Lee et al. (2014)
Endoglucanase Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.4 × 104 1 1:24 000 1 Xiang et al. (2014)
β-Glucosidase Soil Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.0 × 105 1 1:100 000 1 Matsuzawa and Yaoi (2017)
β-Glucosidase Insect gut Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 8.0 × 105 13 1:61 500 1 Gao et al. (2016a)
β-Glucosidase Soil Cosmid E. coli Sequence-based (F) na na na 1 Gomes-Pepe et al. (2016)
β-Glucosidase Bovine rumen Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.4 × 104 1 1:14 000 1 Ramı́rez-Escudero et al.
β-Glucosidase Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 5.0 × 104 5 1:10 000 1 Cao et al. (2015)
β-Glucosidase Bovine rumen Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 3.0 × 104 45 1:650 1 Loaces et al. (2015)
β-Glucosidase Kusaya gravy Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A 1.0 × 104 7 1:1450 1 Uchiyama, Yaoi and
and B) Miyazaki (2015)
β-Glucosidase Soil Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 9.8 × 104 2 1:49 000 2 Bergmann et al. (2014)
β-Glucosidase Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 9.0 × 104 4 1:22 500 2 Biver et al. (2014)
β-Glucosidase Bovine rumen Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.0 × 104 1 1:20 000 1 Li et al. (2014b)
β-Glucosidase Hydrothermal Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) na na na 1 Schröder et al. (2014)
β-Glucosidase Insect gut Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.0 × 104 12 1:850 3 Zhang et al. (2014a)
β-Xylanase Insect gut Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.0 × 104 13 1:750 1 Qian et al. (2015)
β-Xylanase Compost / / Sequence-based (E) / na / 1 Sun et al. (2015)
β-Xylanase Ovine rumen Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.2 × 104 18 1:650 1 Wang et al. (2015b)
β-Xylosidase/ Bovine rumen Phagemid E. coli Function-based (A) na na na 1 Jordan et al. (2016)
α-Xylosidase/ Soil Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 5.0 × 104 1 1:50 000 1 Matsuzawa et al. (2016)
β-Xylosidase/ Compost Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 3.0 × 104 40 1:750 1 Matsuzawa, Kaneko and
arabinofuranosidase Yaoi (2015)
α-Arabinofuranosidase Insect gut Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 4.0 × 104 87 1:450 4 Arnal et al. (2015)
α-Fucosidase Soil Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.0 × 105 7 1:14 300 7 Lezyk et al. (2016)
Berini et al.

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Table 1. (Continued)

Target DNA source Library Heterologous Screening Number of Number of Hit Number of Reference
type host approach screened positive frequency characterized
Activity EC number clones clones enzymes

β-Galactosidase Soil Cosmid E. coli and Function-based (B) 7.9 × 104 na na 3 Cheng et al. (2017)
α-Galactosidase Hot spring water / / Sequence-based (G) / / / 1 Schröder et al. (2017)
and sediment
β-Galactosidase Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.3 × 106 6 1:216 700 1 Erich et al. (2015)
β-Galactosidase Marine sediment Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) na 28 na 1 Li et al. (2015)
β-Galactosidase Hot spring water / / Sequence-based (E) / 1 / 1 Liu et al. (2015b)
β-Galactosidase Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 7.0 × 105 1 1:700 000 1 Wang et al. (2014)
β-N- Soil Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.0 × 105 30 1:3300 2 Nyffenegger et al. (2015)
α-Rhamnosidase Feces Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.0 × 104 na na 1 Rabausch, Ilmberger and
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2017, Vol. 364, No. 21

Streit (2014)
Lichenase Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.0 × 104 1 1:20 000 1 Kim, Oh and Kwon (2014)
Cellulase 3.2.1.- Compost Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 6.0 × 103 24 1:250 1 Okano et al. (2014)
Polygalacturonase Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.0 × 103 9 1:200 1 Sathya, Jacob and Khan
Cellobiose epimerase Ovine rumen / / Sequence-based (E) / 71 / 2 Wasaki et al. (2015)
Glycosyl hydrolase with 3.2.1.- Ovine rumen Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.2 × 105 155 1:750 1 Song et al. (2017)
multifunctional activity
Glycosyl hydrolase with 3.2.1.- Bovine rumen / / Sequence-based (G) / 2597 / 1 Patel et al. (2016)
multifunctional activity
Glycosyl hydrolase with 3.2.1.- Bovine rumen BAC E. coli Function-based (A) na na na 1 Gruninger et al. (2014)
multifunctional activity
Glycosyl hydrolase with 3.2.1.- Compost Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.5 × 102 5 1:50 1 Sae-Lee and Boonmee
multifunctional activity (2014)
β-Xylanase, cellulase,, Insect gut Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 4.0 × 10 31 1:1300 8 Rashamuse et al. (2017)
β-Galactosidase,, Wheat straw Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 4.4 × 104 71 1:600 7 Maruthamuthu et al. (2016)
Endoglucanase,, Sugarcane Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.0 × 105 7 1:14 300 2 Kanokratana et al. (2015)
endoxylanase bagasse
β-Xylosidase, xylanase,, Digester Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 9.7 × 103 178 1:54 4 Wang et al. (2015a)
β-glucosidase, cellulase,

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Table 1. (Continued)

Target DNA source Library Heterologous Screening Number of Number of Hit Number of Reference
type host approach screened positive frequency characterized
Activity EC number clones clones enzymes

Glycosyl hydrolases 3.2.1.- Digester / / Sequence-based (G) / 163 / 6 Wei et al. (2015)
belonging to various
β-Glucosidase,, Subseafloor / / Sequence-based (G) / 60 / 10 Klippel et al. (2014)
endomannanase,, sediments
Cellulase, xylanase, Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.5 × 105 6 1:25 000 3 Mori et al. (2014)
β-Glucosidase, Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 5.0 × 105 9 1:55 600 9 Stroobants, Portetelle,
glycosyltransferases Vandenbol (2014)
Amylopullulanase Insect gut Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 9.2 × 104 1 1:92 000 1 Lee et al. (2016b)
α-Amylase Cow dung Plasmid E. coli Function-based (C) 1.0 × 105 200 1:500 1 Pooja et al. (2015)
α-Amylase Submarine ikaite BAC E. coli Function-based (A) 2.8 × 103 3 1:900 3 Vester, Glaring and
column Stougaard (2014)
α-Amylase Feces Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 5.0 × 104 8 1:6200 1 Xu et al. (2014)
Chitinase Soil Fosmid E. coli Sequence- (D) and 7.8 × 103 1 1:7800 1 Hjort et al. (2014); Berini
function-based (A) et al. (2017)
Chitinase Soil Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 5.0 × 104 15 1:3300 1 Thimoteo et al. (2017)
Chitinase, Soil Fosmid E. coli Sequence-based (D) 1.45 × 105 8 1:18 100 1 Cretoiu et al. (2015)
Chitinase Pig feces / / Sequence-based (E) / 1 / 1 Liu et al. (2015a)
Chitinase, Soil / / Sequence-based(G) / 10 / 1 Stöveken et al. (2015)
Chitin deacetylase Sediment Plasmid E. coli Sequence-based (F) 10 1 1:10 1 Liu et al. (2016)
Carboxylesterase Anaerobic Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.1 × 106 714 1:1500 77a Popovic et al. (2017)
digester, sunken
shipwreck’s tar,
water, soil etc.
Carboxylesterase Marine mud Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 4.0 × 104 34 1:1200 1 Gao et al. (2016b)
Carboxylesterase Soil Cosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 8.0 × 104 1 1:80 000 1 Jeon et al. (2016)
Carboxylesterase Gill chamber Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.7 × 104 10 1:2700 3 Alcaide et al. (2015)
Carboxylesterase Biogas digester Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 9.6 × 103 1 1:9600 1 Cheng et al. (2014)
Carboxylesterase Hot vent Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 9.6 × 103 120 1:80 3 Placido et al. (2015)
Berini et al.

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Table 1. (Continued)

Target DNA source Library Heterologous Screening Number of Number of Hit Number of Reference
type host approach screened positive frequency characterized
Activity EC number clones clones enzymes

Carboxylesterase Seawater Phagemid E. coli Function-based (A) 3.0 × 105 23 1:13 050 5 Tchigvintsev et al. (2015)
Esterase Sediment Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 7.2 × 103 10 1:720 1 Zhang et al. (2017)
Esterase Marine sediment Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 3.9 × 103 19 1:200 1 De Santi et al. (2016)
Esterase Compost Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.3 × 104 18 1:1300 1 Lee et al. (2016a)
Esterase Moss Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 9.0 × 104 83 1:1100 6 Müller et al. (2017)
Esterase 3.1.1.- Hot spring mud / / Sequence-based (G) / 1 / 1 Zarafeta et al. (2016)
Esterase Glacier soil Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.0 × 104 5 1:2000 1 De Santi et al. (2015)
Esterase Sediment Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.0 × 105 1 1.200 000 1 Hu et al. (2015)
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2017, Vol. 364, No. 21

Esterase Hot spring water, Fosmid E. coli and Function-based (A 8.0 × 103 8 1:2650 2b Leis et al. (2015)
sediment and Thermus for E. coli, B for T.
compost thermophilus thermophilus)
Esterase Hot spring water Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.2 × 104 6 1:2000 1 López-López et al. (2015)
Esterase Compost Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 6.0 × 103 19 1:300 1 Okano et al. (2015a)
Esterase Bovine rumen Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.8 × 104 3 1:9200 1 Rodrı́guez et al. (2015)
Esterase Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.0 × 104 3 1:3300 1 Sudan and Vakhlu (2015)
Esterase Sediment Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 3.2 × 104 1 1:32 000 1 Seo et al. (2014)
Hormone-sensitive lipase Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.7 × 105 1 1:170 000 1 Dukunde et al. (2017)
Hormone-sensitive lipase Sediment Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.0 × 104 12 1:1700 1 Huang et al. (2016)
Hormone-sensitive lipase Permafrost Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 5.0 × 103 7 1:700 1 Petrovskaya et al. (2016)
Hormone-sensitive lipase Sediment Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.1 × 104 7 1:1600 1 Li et al. (2014a)
Hormone-sensitive lipase Sediment Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.2 × 105 15 1:8000 1 Peng et al. (2014)
Lipase Hot spring Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.3 × 104 7 1:1900 1 Sahoo et al. (2017)
Lipase Hot spring water BAC E. coli Function-based (A) 6.8 × 104 4 1:17 000 1 Yan et al. (2017)
Lipase Soil / / Sequence-based (E) / na / 1 Kumar et al. (2017)
Lipase Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.0 × 103 15 1:130 1 Khan and Kumar (2016)
Lipase Soil Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 5.0 × 105 32 1:15 600 2 Martini et al. (2014); Alnoch
et al. (2015)
Lipase Water / / Sequence-based (F) / 777 / 1 Masuch et al. (2015)
Lipase Marine sponge Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 6.5 × 103 1 1:6500 1 Su et al. (2015)

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Table 1. (Continued)

Target DNA source Library Heterologous Screening Number of Number of Hit Number of Reference
type host approach screened positive frequency characterized
Activity EC number clones clones enzymes

Lipase Fed-batch reactor Cosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.0 × 104 10 1:1000 1 Brault et al. (2014)
Lipase Soil BAC E. coli Function-based (A) 3.0 × 103 6 1:500 1 Pindi, Srinath and
Pavankumar (2014)
Lipase Human oral Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 4.0 × 104 20 1:2000 1 Preeti et al. (2014)
Esterase/lipase 3.1.1.- Soil Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 4.2 × 103 30 1:140 2 Pereira et al. (2015); Maester
et al. (2016)
Esterase/lipase 3.1.1.- Mud flat Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 3.0 × 10 9 1:300 2 Kim et al. (2015)
Esterase/lipase 3.1.1.- Soil Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.4 × 104 1 1:14 000 1 O’Mahony et al. (2015)
Esterase/lipase/ 3.1.1.- Bovine rumen Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.4 × 104 14 1:1700 5 Privé et al. (2015)
Esterase/lipase 3.1.1.- Water BAC E. coli Sequence-based (F) / / / 1 Fang et al. (2014)
Thioesterase 3.1.2.- Activated sludge Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.0 × 104 1 1:10 000 1 Sánchez-Reyez et al. (2017)
Glucuronoyl esterase 3.1.1.- Marine sediment Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.7 × 102 1 1:170 1 De Santi, Willassen and
Williamson (2016)
Sulfatase, 3.1.6.-, Soil and rumen Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.3 × 106 14 1:89 000 13c Colin et al. (2015)
Feruloyl esterase Hindgut Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 4.0 × 104 7 1:5700 6 Rashamuse et al. (2014)
Phospholipase 3.1.1.- Hydrothermal Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.8 × 104 7 1:2600 1 Fu et al. (2015)
(patatin-like) vent
Phosphodiesterase 3.1.1.- Coalfield Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) na 1 na 1 Singh et al. (2015a)
Wax ester synthase Soil Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 3.3 × 105 155 1:2100 1 Kim et al. (2016a)
Dioxygenase 1.13.11.- Soil Fosmid E. coli Function-based (B) 1.5 × 105 62 1:2400 1 dos Santos et al. (2015)
Dioxygenase 1.13.11.- Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) na 1 na 1 Wang et al. (2015c)
Dioxygenase 1.13.11.- Soil / / Sequence-based (G) / 510 / 4 Chemerys et al. (2014)
Alcohol dehydrogenase Soil Plasmid E. coli Sequence- (D) and 1.2 × 102 23 1:5 2 Itoh et al. (2014)
function-based (A)
Alcohol dehydrogenase Soil and compost Plasmid E. coli Sequence- (D) and 2.0 × 103 40 1:50 2d Itoh, Kariya and Kurokawa
function-based (A) (2014)
d-Amino acid oxidase Soil Plasmid E. coli Sequence-based (F) 3.2 × 104 1 1:32 000 1 Ou et al. (2015)
Monooxygenase, 1.14.-, Soil Cosmid E. coli and P. Function-based (B) 2.2 × 105 29 1:7600 2 Nagayama et al. (2015)
dioxygenase 1.13.11.- putida
β-Carotene Human gut Fosmid E. coli Function-based (B) 2.3 × 104 53 1:450 1 Culligan et al. (2014b)
monooxygenase microbiome
Glucose dehydrogenase Hay infusion Phagemid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.0 × 10 13 1:1550 1 Basner and Antranikian
Berini et al.

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Table 1. (Continued)

Target DNA source Library Heterologous Screening Number of Number of Hit Number of Reference
type host approach screened positive frequency characterized
Activity EC number clones clones enzymes

Aldehyde dehydrogenase Hot spring water / / Sequence-based (E) / na / 1 Chen et al. (2014)
and soil
Mercuric reductase Brine pool / / Sequence-based (G) / 1 / 1 Sayed et al. (2014)
Multicopper oxidase 1.10.- Coalbed Fosmid E. coli Function-based (C) 4.6 × 104 24 1.1900 1 Strachan et al. (2014)
Bilirubin oxidase (laccase) Activated sludge Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.0 × 105 1 1:100 000 1 Kimura and Kamagata
Serine protease 3.4.21.- Tannery sludge Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.0 × 104 1 1:10 000 1 Devi et al. (2016)
Serine protease 3.4.21.- Hot spring Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 9.0 × 103 1 1:9000 1 Singh et al. (2015b)
Subtilisin-like serine Underground Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.1 × 104 23 1:900 2 Apolinar–Hernández et al.
protease water (2016)
Cysteine protease 3.4.22.- Ovine rumen Plasmid E. coli Sequence-based (G) na na na 1 Faheem et al. (2016)
Metalloprotease 3.4.- Sludge Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 2.8 × 104 2 1:14 000 1 Morris and Marchesi (2015)
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2017, Vol. 364, No. 21

Phytase 3.1.3.- Bovine rumen / / Sequence-based (G) / 1 / 1 Mootapally et al. (2016)
Phytase 3.1.3.- Peat soil na na Sequence-based (F) na 4 na 1 Tan et al. (2016a)
Phytase 3.1.3.- Fungus garden na na Sequence-based (F) na 11 na 1 Tan et al. (2016b)
Phytase 3.1.3.- Groundwater na na Sequence-based (F) na 1 na 1 Tan et al. (2015)
Phytase 3.1.3.- Soil Fosmid E. coli Function-based (B) 1.4 × 104 28 1:500 1 Tan et al. (2014)
Alkaline phosphatase Sediment Fosmid E. coli Function-based (C) 8.0 × 104 6 1:13 350 1 Lee et al. (2015)
Amine transferase 3.6.1.- Hot spring / / Sequence-based (G) / 3 / 3 Ferrandi et al. (2017)
β-Agarase Soil Fosmid E. coli Function-based (A) 1.0 × 105 3 1:33 350 1 Mai, Su and Zhang (2016)
Penicillin G acylase Sediment Cosmid E. coli Function-based (B) 7.0 × 103 1 1:7000 1 Zhang et al. (2014b)
Epoxide hydrolase Hot spring / / Sequence-based (G) / 2 / 2 Ferrandi et al. (2015)
Nitrilase Water / / Sequence-based (G) / 1 / 1 Sonbol, Ferreira and Siam
Exonuclease Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (B) 2.7 × 103 1 1:2700 1 Silva-Portela et al. (2016)
Rhodanese (sulfur Soil Plasmid E. coli Function-based (A) 8.5 × 103 5 1:1700 1 Bhat et al. (2015)

The list was created by searching Pubmed database (accession on 17 July 2017) with the following query: (metagenom∗[Title/Abstract]) AND (enzyme[Title/Abstract]) AND (‘2014/01/01’[Date—Publication]: ‘2017/03/31’[Date—
Publication]) (where ‘enzyme’ was substituted with the name of each enzymatic class considered). The results were manually checked in order to select only those publications dealing with enzymes fulfilling three criteria:
(i) identification by metagenomics, (ii) heterologous expression and at least partial purification (thus confirming the activity of the putative hit), (iii) biochemical and/or functional and/or structural characterization.
For functional screening: A = phenotypical detection; B = heterologous complementation; C = induced gene expression (see also Fig. 1). For genetic screening: D = PCR amplification of metagenomic library DNA; E = PCR
amplification of eDNA; F = in silico analysis of metagenomic library DNA; G = in silico analysis of shotgun eDNA (see also Fig. 1). na = data not available.
28 from anaerobic digester, 21 from water sample, 11 from sunken shipwreck’s tar, 7 from soil and sediment, 5 from compost, 4 from eukaryote-associated microbiome, 1 from paper mill.
1 from sediment, 1 from compost.
10 from soil, 3 from rumen.
From compost.

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Berini et al. 9

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Figure 1. Scheme of metagenomic strategies for the identification of novel biocatalysts from environmental DNA. For functional screening: A = phenotypical detection;
B = heterologous complementation; C = induced gene expression. For genetic screening: D = PCR amplification of metagenomic library DNA; E = PCR amplification of
eDNA; F = in silico analysis of metagenomic library DNA; G = in silico analysis of shotgun eDNA.

transcription, heterologous protein misfolding, poor secretion range either sequentially or in parallel (Katzke et al. 2017). Recent
and inclusion body formation (Binda et al. 2013; Lam and Charles examples (Table 1) include an esterase discovered in a fos-
2015). On average, only 30%–40% of environmental bacterial mid library propagated in E. coli and in Thermus thermophilus
genes could be efficiently expressed in E. coli, a value dropping to (Leis et al. 2015), two dioxygenases from a cosmid metage-
7% for high G + C DNA (Gabor, Alkema and Janssen 2004). Ran- nomic library in Pseudomonas putida (Nagayama et al. 2015) and
dom insertion of bidirectional promoters into the library (Kim a β-galactosidase from a library in Sinorhizobium meliloti (Cheng
et al. 2016b) and addition of heterologous σ -factors for increas- et al. 2017). Interestingly, Bouhajja et al. (2017) identified novel
ing transcription proficiency (Gaida et al. 2015) were recently ex- toluene monooxygenase genes by cloning eDNA in three par-
perimented to increase E. coli performance. A different strategy allel hosts, i.e. E. coli, Cupriavidus metallidurans and Edaphobacter
is using alternative expression systems, such as Agrobacterium, aggregans.
Bacillus, Rhodococcus, Streptomyces and Pseudomonas, along with Another critical factor is the sensitivity of commonly used
a few archaea (Liebl et al. 2014). Multihost expression strate- function-based screening methods, which might be too low
gies were proposed too, using shuttle vectors with a broad host to make gene expression easily detectable (Gabor, Alkema
10 FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2017, Vol. 364, No. 21

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Figure 2. Distribution of the 332 novel industrially relevant enzymes discovered by metagenomics in the time frame since 1 January 2014 to 31 March 2017 (Table 1)
according to (A) DNA source, (B) vector used for library construction, (C) screening method and (D) enzyme class.

and Janssen 2004; Ekkers et al. 2012). Classical phenotypical and hits are selected based on the emitted fluorescence or ab-
detection (A in Table 1, Fig. 1), applied for decades in screen- sorbance (Mair, Gielen and Hollfelder 2017). This method al-
ing microbial isolates and based on identifying specific phe- lowed screening over a million clones per day, recovering both
notypic traits associated with the activity of interest, remains slow and fast biocatalysts, promiscuous enzymes or those en-
the election method in metagenomic, too (260 enzymes). Phe- coded by rare members of the microbial community. Through
notypical detection on agar plates is still the most widely this approach, Colin et al. 2015 identified novel sulfatases and
used approach, especially when searching for hydrolytic en- phosphotriesterases from soil and rumen metagenomic libraries
zymes (such as lipases) forming easy-to-detect degradation (Table 1).
haloes (Placido et al. 2015; Popovic et al. 2017) on appro- In addition to phenotypical detection, two other functional
priate substrates. Alternative methods were based on high- screening approaches merit mention. Heterologous comple-
throughput assays in liquid culture (Zottig, Meddeb-Mouelhi and mentation (B in Table 1, Fig. 1) relies on the selection of clones
Beauregard 2016) or high-performance thin-layer chromatog- that have acquired the capability to grow under selective con-
raphy (Rabausch et al. 2013). High-throughput screening (HTS) ditions, such as in the presence of a specific substrate given as
with multiple substrates, either used in parallel (Ufarté et al. the sole carbon source. It was used to detect a phytase in E. coli
2016) or as a mixture (Maruthamuthu et al. 2016), significantly clones grown on phytate as the sole phosphorus source (Tan et al.
increased hit rate. Proper selection of the screening substrate 2014), as well as for the identification of a thermostable peni-
is highly recommended. Recently, novel hemicellulases were cillin G acylase by selecting E. coli clones growing in the pres-
discovered also thanks to a new generation of versatile multi- ence of penicillin G (Zhang et al. 2014b). Induced gene expression
ple chromogenic substrates mimicking insoluble plant cell wall (C in Table 1, Fig. 1) includes substrate-induced gene expression
components (Maruthamuthu et al. 2016). To minimize redun- (SIGEX) (Uchiyama et al. 2005), product-induced gene expression
dancy (hits showing the same activities/sequences), Ufarté et al. (PIGEX) (Uchiyama and Miyazaki 2010) and metabolite-regulated
(2016) suggested multistep screening of several small libraries expression (METREX) (Williamson et al. 2005), which are all based
originating from different samples instead of focusing on only on the use of operon-trap green fluorescent protein (GFP) expres-
one large library from a unique source. A recent frontier in func- sion vectors: positive clones, co-expressing the desired enzyme
tional metagenomics is using micro- and picodroplet techniques activity and the GFP upon exposure to a target substrate (SIGEX),
for eDNA HTS: each single clone is encapsulated in water-in-oil product (PIGEX) or quorum-sensing signal molecule (METREX)
droplets together with a suitable substrate and lysis reagents, can be isolated by fluorescence-assisted cell sorting. By using
Berini et al. 11

PIGEX, a periplasmic α-amylase was discovered in a clone from of enzymes from metagenomes patented in the last decade.
a cow dung metagenomic library that fluoresced on maltose as Additionally, Table 3 indicates some successful cases of
substrate (Pooja et al. 2015). By-products from a wide variety of metagenome-sourced enzymes that were marketed. Herein, we
enzymes (e.g. cellulases, lipases and lyases) may be detected us- get insight into the activities and potential applications of few
ing a single cell-based reporter system in which GFP expression (the most interesting ones from our point of view) among the 332
is activated by the presence of phenyl compounds (Choi et al. metagenome-sourced enzymes recently discovered (Table 1, Fig.
2014), as in the case of a psychrophilic alkaline phosphatase 2D). Although the majority of them could be considered useful
from tidal flat sediment (Lee et al. 2015). variants of already known protein families, some of the biocat-
Alternatively to functional metagenomics, genetic screening alysts reported in Table 1 belong to previously uncharacterized
is gene expression independent. It is traditionally based on the enzyme families or subfamilies, with unconventional structures
use of PCR with primers specific for conserved regions of the and active site architectures pointing to novel catalytic mecha-
genes being targeted, which for enzymes are usually the cat- nisms.
alytic domains (Ekkers et al. 2012; Coughlan et al. 2015). It can

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be applied for screening either clones of metagenomic libraries
Glycosyl hydrolases
(D in Table 1, Fig. 1) or the eDNA extracted directly from envi-
ronmental samples (E). The limitation is that, being based on The classes of metagenome-sourced enzymes mostly repre-
the identification of conserved nucleotide sequences, genetic sented in our 3-year analysis are (hemi)cellulases and es-
screening is biased for members of already known gene families terases/lipases (Fig. 2D), the two categories of biocatalysts that
and additionally it does not guarantee the recovery of full-length have been extensively targeted since the beginning of the
genes. Table 1 indicates that only nine of the recently isolated metagenomic era (Lorenz and Eck 2005). Comprehensive lists of
metagenome-sourced enzymes were identified by PCR-based metagenome-sourced enzymes for lignocellulose saccharifica-
screening. Interestingly, five other enzymes, namely one chiti- tion and biofuel production are reported in the work of Duan and
nase (Hjort et al. 2014) and four alcohol dehydrogenases (Itoh Feng (2010), Montella, Amore and Faraco (2016), Batista-Garcı́a
et al. 2014; Itoh, Kariya and Kurokawa 2014), were discovered by et al. (2016) and Xing, Zhang and Huang (2012). Some of the most
combining PCR- and function-based strategies on the same li- recent papers listed in Table 1 deal with the identification of
brary (Fig. 2C). The combination of the two approaches, either versatile (hemi)cellulases with a wide substrate specificity use-
sequentially or in parallel, in fact might increase the screening ful for plant biomass saccharification: for example, an endoglu-
hit rate. canase possessing also xylanase activity was identified by func-
In the last few years, the rapid advancement of next- tional metagenomics from goat rumen (Cheng et al. 2016), and
generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, coupled with a sig- Matsuzawa and Yaoi (2017) reported the characterization from
nificant reduction in sequencing costs, promoted the evolution a soil metagenome of a saccharide-stimulated β-glucosidase
of another genetic screening approach that is based on the bioin- possessing additional β-galactosidase and β-fucosidase activ-
formatic analysis of sequenced DNA (in silico screening). Among ities. Recent studies disclosed interesting uncommon halotol-
the enzymes listed in Table 1, eight were discovered by in sil- erant (hemi)cellulases: for instance, Garg et al. (2016) retrieved
ico screening of DNA from metagenomic libraries (F in Table 1, from soil the most halostable endoglucanase so far known,
Fig. 1). The real revolution occurred with the birth of ‘shotgun which retained 70%–100% activity after 1-year incubation with
metagenomics’, i.e. the direct sequencing and analysis of iso- 2 M NaCl, 3 M LiCl or 1 M KCl. The NGS screening of a library
lated eDNA, bypassing the laborious steps of library construction from an enriched, anaerobic beer lees-converting consortium
(G in Table 1, Fig. 1). Compared to classical PCR-based screening, allowed the identification of three novel acidophilic endoglu-
this approach has the advantage of potentially uncovering genes canases, one of them highly tolerant to high salt concentrations
that are more divergent and more interesting than the consen- and to ionic liquids used in cellulose pre-treatment (Yang et al.
sus genes with known sequences. Additionally, the detection of 2016). Interestingly, this enzyme and the thermostable xylanase
very rare genes in complex populations is facilitated (Culligan isolated by Sun et al. (2015) and used in polysaccharide degra-
et al. 2014a; Kumar et al. 2015). In the last three years (Table 1), 37 dation for biofuel production were heterologously produced in
novel enzymes, including (hemi)cellulases, chitinases, oxidore- Bacillus spp., where the recombinant enzymes were secreted
ductases, proteases and nitrilases, were discovered by shotgun into culture broth, thus facilitating subsequent purification and
metagenomics and we can expect an increasing contribution use. Other industrially valuable (hemi)cellulases include two
from this approach for the near future. Among them, it is worth β-glucosidases with high tolerance towards detergents and ox-
mentioning the esterase discovered by Zarafeta et al. (2016) from idants (Biver et al. 2014) or towards high sugar concentrations
hot spring mud, which, to our knowledge, is the first biocata- (Gomes-Pepe et al. 2016), and a β-galactosidase useful for the in-
lyst belonging to an uncharacterized enzymatic family to be re- dustrial production of dairy lactose-free products thanks to its
trieved by sequence-based screening. superior activity at low temperatures (Erich et al. 2015) (Table 1).
Talking about novel protein structures and unconventional
active site architectures, Pimentel et al. (2017) discovered from
INDUSTRIALLY RELEVANT ENZYMES FROM a soil metagenome a modular endoglucanase with a rare Calx-
beta motif at the C-terminal domain, whereas Xiang et al. (2014)
identified a halotolerant, acid-stable endoglucanase possessing
The most common targets in metagenomic investigations for an unusual catalytic triad. Functional screening of metagenomic
industrial enzymes include glycosyl hydrolases (GHs), lipoly- libraries from cow rumen, corn field soil and elephant feces
tic enzymes, oxidoreductases, proteases and phosphatases; led to the identification of three novel GHs—a β-glucosidase
a few other industrially useful enzyme classes, as acylases, (Ramı́rez-Escudero et al. 2016), a β-galactosidase (Cheng et al.
nucleases and nitrilases, were also found by metagenomics 2017) and a α-l-rhamnosidase (Rabausch, Ilmberger and Streit
(Coughlan et al. 2015; DeCastro, Rodrı́guez-Belmonte and 2014), respectively—whose sequences could not be assigned to
González-Siso 2016). Table 2 reports examples of such classes any GH family so far known.
12 FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2017, Vol. 364, No. 21

Table 2. Examples of metagenome-sourced enzymes patented in the last decade and their suggested applications.

Enzyme Source Patent number filling date Suggested applications

Xylanase Hot spring EP2990482 A1 2014 Biofuel production from
lignocellulosic biomasses
Cellobiohydrolase Hot spring EP2980212 A1 2013 Biofuel production from
lignocellulosic biomasses
Cellulase Bovine WO2014142529 A1 2013 Biofuel production from
rumen lignocellulosic biomasses; fiber,
detergent, feed, food, pulp, paper

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β-Galactosidase na EP2530148 A1 2011 Food processing (lactose depletion)
Xylose isomerase Termite US8772012 B2 2009 Biofuel production from
intestine lignocellulosic biomasses
α-Amylase Animal CN103290039 B 2013 Animal feed, starch processing
manure industries
Chitosanase Soil CN103361374 A 2013 Industrial chitosan production
Esterase Brine pool US20160053239 A1 2013 Industrial processes for
lipases/esterases (e.g. leather
manufacture, oil biodegradation,
synthesis of pharmaceuticals and
chemicals) under harsh conditions
Lipase Soil CN103834626 A 2013 Industrial applications that require
high temperature-resistant lipases
Lipase/phospholipase Tidal flat EP2784160 A1 2011 Oil and fat purification and
sediment conversion, bio-medicine, fine
Peptidase Compost CN103409443 A 2013 Food processes, life science research,
protein waste treatment
Alkaline protease Seabed mud CN103409398 A 2013 Supplement to liquid detergents
Alkaline phosphatase na US8647854 B2 2009 Genetic cloning, enzyme
Alginate lyase Abalone- CN102971426 B 2011 Seaweed processing
DNA polymerase Water WO2012173905 A1 2011 DNA polymerization in high salt
l-Methionine γ -lyase Deep sea CN101962651 B 2010 Clinical detection, food flavor
sediment production, cancer therapy
Muramidase (Lysozyme) Soil CN101892252 B 2010 Antibiosis, bacteriolysis

na = data not available

Among other industrially relevant GHs, a handful of α- tritional potential (Cretoiu et al. 2015). In 2014, we identified
amylases (Table 1, Fig. 2D) with a potential for applications in a chitobiosidase by combining genetic and functional screen-
starch processing and detergent, food and pharmaceutical pro- ings applied to a suppressive soil metagenome, now under de-
duction were discovered by functional screening of metage- velopment as a potential biocontrol agent thanks to its an-
nomic libraries from cow and pygmi loris dung (Xu et al. 2014; tifungal activity (Hjort et al. 2014; Berini et al. 2016, 2017).
Pooja et al. 2015), Greenland submarine ikaite columns (Vester, In 2015, the PCR-based analysis of a library from a chitin-
Glaring and Stougaard 2014) and Hermetia illucens gut microflora amended agricultural soil led us to discover a novel halophilic
(Lee et al. 2016b), this last being stable also in polar organic sol- chitinase, with the potential to be exploited for the treat-
vents and non-ionic detergents. ment and valorization of seafood wastes (Cretoiu et al. 2015).
Chitinases, which are active on chitin—the second most An interesting enzyme for its potential application in pro-
abundant biopolymer after lignocellulose—recently attracted ducing chitosan from chitin is the chitin deacetylase that
attention for the production of chitin derivatives (chitosan has been identified in Arctic Ocean deep-sea sediments (Liu
and chitooligosaccharides) with high pharmaceutical and nu- et al. 2016).
Berini et al. 13

Table 3. Examples of metagenome-sourced enzymes commercialized bed bacterial community (Strachan et al. 2014) and activated
by BASF Enzymes LLC ( sludge-associated microbiome (Kimura and Kamagata 2016).
More recently, we reported on the isolation and characterization
of the first metagenome-sourced acidobacterial MCO, with high
name Enzyme class Applications
tolerance to salt and heat (Ausec et al. 2017).
Luminase Xylanase Pulp biobleaching in paper
production Proteases
Fuelzyme α-Amylase Fuels and industrial-use alcohols
production Five metagenomic studies led to the identification of novel pro-
Pyrolase 160, Cellulase Secondary oil and gas recovery teases, one of the most widely used industrial classes of en-
Pyrolase 200 zymes in detergent, leather and food processing, peptide and
Phyzyme XP Phytase Additive for livestock feed drug synthesis, brewing and wastewater treatment (Table 1,
Fig. 2D). Among them, two serine proteases from Yucatán under-

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ground water belong to a novel, still uncharacterized subfamily
(Apolinar-Hernández et al. 2016) and one serine protease isolated
from a tannery activated sludge looks promising for its unusual
Lipases and esterase
high stability in anionic detergents and organic solvents (Devi
Dozens of eDNA libraries were screened in the past to et al. 2016).
identify novel esterases/lipases for the hydrolysis or the
synthesis of ester bonds in a variety of applications, including
detergent, food, pulp and paper industries, diagnostics and ther-
apeutics, as well as biodiesel production and biopolymer syn- Five novel phytases (Table 1, Fig. 2D) (histidine acid phos-
thesis. Particular attention was directed to extreme environ- phatases with applications in agriculture and breeding as an
ments, as reviewed in López-López, Cerdán and González Siso additive to monogastric animal feed) were recently identified
(2014). Popovic et al. (2017) recently made an impressive con- and characterized. Tan et al. (2014) reported the discovery of two
tribution to this class of enzymes: they discovered 77 esterases phytases with unusual sequences from agricultural soils. Two
by functional screening of over one million fosmid clones from years later, the same researchers described the characterization
16 terrestrial and marine environments, including a metal-ion- of a phytase from a fungus garden metagenome with an exceed-
dependent esterase with novel active site architecture (Table 1). ingly long half-life at high temperatures (Tan et al. 2016b). Finally,
Functional metagenomics led to the discovery of a hormone- a novel psychrophilic alkaline phosphatase was discovered by
sensitive lipase from permafrost with an unusual catalytic mo- induced gene expression screening in tidal flat sediments (Lee
tif (Petrovskaya et al. 2016). Enzymes belonging to novel fam- et al. 2015).
ilies of esterases were recovered from cow rumen (Rodrı́guez
et al. 2015) and hot spring mud (Zarafeta et al. 2016). Addition-
ally, many other metagenome-sourced enzymes have peculiar
biochemical properties that make them valuable for industrial Since 2014, seven metagenomic studies have reported heterolo-
application. Examples are the solvent- and detergent-resistant gous expression and characterization of other potentially useful
enzymes found in a soil contaminated with petroleum hydro- enzymes (Table 1, Fig. 2D), including a thermostable and heavy
carbons (Pereira et al. 2015) and the alkaline, thermostable and metal-resistant nitrilase from Red Sea to be used in the syn-
solvent-tolerant carboxylesterase from marine mud (Gao et al. thesis of cyanocarboxylic acids (Sonbol, Ferreira and Siam 2016)
2016b). Peng et al. (2014) described an alkaline-stable lipase from and a β-agarase from mangrove soil applicable in the cosmetic,
marine sediments with a potential application in milkfat flavor pharmaceutical and food industries (Mai, Su and Zhang 2016). In
production, whereas Su et al. (2015) and Kim et al. (2015) iden- Ferrandi et al. (2017), the co-expression of metagenome-sourced
tified two novel lipases from marine sponge-associated micro- amine-transferases with cold-adapted chaperones in the uncon-
biome and oil-polluted mud flats, respectively, which might be ventional E. coli Arctic Express RIL cells favored the soluble pro-
applied in detergent industry and organic synthesis. Alnoch et al. duction of the enzymes up to several mg per liter of culture. The
(2015) and Kumar et al. (2017) described two regio- and enantios- subsequent characterization proved that one of these enzymes
elective lipases from soil samples to be used pharmaceutically is the most thermostable natural amine transferase so far de-
for the production of racemic intermediates. scribed.

Oxidoreductases CONCLUSIONS
Oxidoreductases represent a heterogeneous group of enzymes Almost unheard of only 10/15 years ago in enzyme biotech-
with multiple applications in pharmaceutical and food in- nology, metagenomics is now rapidly developing as a mean
dustries and in bioremediation. Recently discovered oxidore- of encrypting novel biocatalysts from environmental samples.
ductases (Table 1, Fig. 2D) include five soil-sourced dioxyge- Technical challenges still exist, though, that are connected
nases with bioremediation potential (Chemerys et al. 2014; dos to screening procedures and heterologous expression of
Santos et al. 2015) and the first metagenome-sourced d-amino metagenome-derived enzymes, limiting the great potential
acid oxidase with potential application in the biosynthesis of the of functional metagenomics. Advances in HTS and NGS pave
antibiotic intermediate of 7-aminocephalosporanic acid from the way to make metagenomics more efficient and efficacious
cephalosporin C (Ou et al. 2015). Belonging to this enzymatic in discovering potential industrially valuable biocatalysts.
class are multi-copper oxidases (MCOs), enzymes with a broad We envisage that very soon, metagenome approaches will be
range of activity on both phenolic and non-phenolic substrates, mature enough to substantially impact biobased industrial
which attract attention due to their involvement in degrading production. The experience on how to build and screen metage-
lignocellulose biomasses. Table 1 includes two MCOs from coal- nomic libraries is becoming a common shared knowledge in
14 FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2017, Vol. 364, No. 21

the scientific community aiming at developing novel biocat- Berini F, Caccia S, Franzetti E et al. Effects of Trichoderma viride
alysts to replace chemical processes. A proof of this is the chitinases on the peritrophic matrix of Lepidoptera. Pest
list of the 332 metagenome-sourced enzymes identified and Manag Sci 2016;72:980–9.
characterized in the past three years. Scientists and industries Berini F, Presti I, Beltrametti F et al. Production and characteriza-
may select from this pool enzymes that may be translated to tion of a novel antifungal chitinase identified by functional
industrial development for an incredible variety of industrial screening of a suppressive-soil metagenome. Microb Cell Fact
applications. Interestingly, only very few metagenome-sourced 2017;16:16.
enzymes have already undergone optimization through di- Bhat A, Riyaz-Ul-Hassan S, Srivastava N et al. Molecular cloning
rected evolution strategies, and this means that there is room of rhodenase gene from soil metagenome of cold desert of
for further improving their protein backbones to fulfill industrial North-West Himalayas: sequence and structural features of
requirements. the rhodanese enzyme. 3 Biotech 2015;5:513–21.
Binda E, Marcone GL, Berini F et al. Streptomyces spp. as efficient
expression system for a d,d-peptidase/d,d-carboxypeptidase

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involved in glycopeptide antibiotic resistance. BMC Biotechnol
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per le Biotecnologie) contributions to FB and CC are acknowl- β-glucosidases isolated by functional metagenomics from
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FUNDING Bouhajja E, McGuire M, Liles MR et al. Identification of novel
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