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The Composer and Director

Quotes from William Marrion Branham : Now you see, the Composer is God, Who wrote the Bible and its altogether the revelation of Jesus Christ. He knew the changes of time. And the man, the director who is directing them, the signs of the age, has to go just exactly with the Bible signs. It's got to be in harmony! The director has got to be with the Word. When it says one thing, don't say something else; it'll give the wrong sign, then the whole thing goes out of rhythm. That's right. God's Word is a great symphony. You must begin like He did, in the Music. You must begin with Him. Get in the rhythm of it. Go back to the Word and see who is out of harmony. See what God promised. See what the Composer said about it. See the way He did it in the beginning, see the way He did it in the middle and you will see the way He is going to do it now! It is always the same. Watch the director, how he does it. A director always pointed you to the Word. The prophets of old, pointed to the Word. They were the Word. They lived the Word. And what did it do? It manifested God. That brought the written Word for that day to life, because it came to them. It was revealed to them. The Scripture is God's Symphony. The composer knows every move, from the end to the beginning, from the beginning to the end. Did you know that? The one who wrote it up, he composes this, he knows every little junction. If he knows every junction, so does the director have to, to direct it! The director has to go what the composer said, beat it out just exactly so. Now watch, it's all done by signs, and it's got to be the right kind of sign, to give the right kind of a sound. Only the Composer knows what it really means and He reveals it to those who are listening, who are interested in knowing what the drama is, but first focus in the symphony! Remember, the Composer knows the end from the beginning. God's great Symphony He has been playing since the dawn of time. Now, you must begin with the Composer if you want to hear a symphony. You must begin in the Symphony then you begin to get into the rhythm of the Word by being born into it, and you get into it when you become part of that Word. When you become part of the Word you will know God's Symphony, and when it's playing you will understand, you're marching with the beat of the time. That's the way you do God. You're watching for it. Find His purpose for the exact hour that we're living in and get into the rhythm of it by starting to act it

out. Once you can find out where you are at in the program, just jump in. Let's just keep this Word in our hands, and watch when the changes come, then we'll know what we're doing! If you're listening to the rhythm of the Word and you're watching your sheet as you hold it in your hand, that will tell you these things, when the changes of the music begins to make it act out, then you see what the act is. Oh, my! It is the great changing of the time and we wonder how He does it. If you get into the Word and find out how He did it at the beginning, then you know how He's doing it all the time. Trumpeted with the Trumpets Sounded by the Trumpets Drummed out with the notes Beat on the Drums Beat out with the music - Played with the Violin We are at a time in the symphonies of the Symphony of God's Word, that the whole drama changes. . There is to be a little blood-washed group that sings the redemptive songs of the Blood, and the Angels stand around the curvature of the earth, with bowed heads, O God! If you can hear the drums of the finish now, if you can hear the echo of the music of the Heavenly Word singing It-self out." When we hear the sympathy beating, changing, fixing to change, it's a junction time. And it shall come to pass in the last days that the symphony of God's great drama that He's playing, It changes Him, His symphony at the junctions. The composer and those who are interested, listen for the change. That's what all this stuff is to us, we're listening, we're watching. Every time He appears, something happens, we see the time getting close. The minister of the Word has got to go the way the sheet Music says take it. That's the way the Gospel has got to be preached, the way the Word says take It. It's got to go to make the drama just exactly right. There's only one way for that director to do it. He has to get in the same Spirit that the composer was in, and then he's got it. How are you going to do it until the Spirit of the Composer come down? And when the Church, the symphony Itself, of which the world is watching for these signs and wonders; when the Church, and the Composer, and the director, all get in the Spirit of the Composer, when it gets in the right swing of It, and the right Spirit of It; Amen. The whole symphony is right in harmony with the Word. That's it. Oh! It's a magnificent thing. The director and the Composer must be in the same Spirit. And so must the musicians be in the same Spirit, to act it all out. And the world is wondering what's going on.

Man could close his mortal eyes to earthly sight and live in the Presence of Jesus Christ, when you see His Word being beat out in the great symphony that we're living in now. The whole thing together in rhythm makes the drama till you can close your eyes and live in it. Let's get back and get the symphony playing right, where they of the world can see. Jesus said, If I be lifted up from this earth, I'll draw all men unto me. Let the directors get in the right Spirit, with the musicians and with the Composer, everything will be all right. Then we're, no guess work about it, we are identified with Him then. And the composer has written the book, and the director must be in the same spirit of the composer. If he doesn't, he gives the wrong beat, and then the whole thing is out. No matter what you say, the Bible is right. Beat it out according to the Sheet Music right here before it, then the great symphony of God's great act is playing out just right, then we can see the hour and where we're standing. Can't you know that God's in them songs when you sing, that something blesses your soul? Some of us are born to be musicians. Some are born musicians, just strike the note. They don't have to have any lessons; they know what they're doing. They know it; it's a gift. Now, a genuine sculptor is inspired, like a genuine poet, or any genuine singer, musician, whatever it might be. You know what the first thing went before the battle? Singer's and musicians went forth singing, They went forth singing; then after that come the Ark of the Covenant. So they went before the ark. And then after that come the fighters. So that's a good thing. It's a very Scriptural order for a religious service. The first thing is the music, then the Word, then the battle. So it's all ordered of the Lord. Each one of us plays a part in this picture and in this song. We're parts of the Kingdom of God. And that is, that we can play our parts, as long as we realize where we are to positionally belong in this place, and then stay right there in that place. In one place we know it's in love, because that's what makes up the picture. Remember, the Composer knows the end from the beginning. He knows all about it, that's the reason He could write it here. Now, listen. If you can't be the prophet, you can be one of the instruments, you know, that plays the music to bring the Spirit down on the prophet. So they begin to play, so forth, and beat the drums and

played the instruments, and oh, they begin to beat and play. The prophet began to get into the Spirit. And the first thing you know, when he got in the Spirit, things begin to happen. That's what's the matter, we can't get anywhere today; we don't get the Spirit of it. That's it. That's right. Yes. You got to get in the Spirit of it. They begin to get to clapping their hands and really having a good time, and the Spirit of God begin to fall on the prophet. His Spirit got on the prophet; then he began to see things. You'll go to seeing things when you get in the Spirit. They begin to get in the Spirit, just now getting in God's provided way to see what's going to happen Be one of the instruments. Make a little music somewhere. Do something. You know, there's something about music and singing that brings the Spirit of God to the meeting. But then if you're given a gift, and don't use it for the glory of God, then God's going to make you answer for it at the day of judgment without any of His blessing. And they went and they got all the music. And they got to playing the music, some real good hymn. And the first thing you know, when they songs returned to Zion, when the music and the children begin to sing from their heart, something takes place. The Spirit of the Lord came on the prophet. And if a real, old fashion, godly singing, and repenting would bring the Spirit of God on the prophet then, it'll do the same thing today. And notice, he wanted to see the way out. And the only way out they could do, would be to have a revival. And the only way you're ever going to see your way out, is an old fashion, spiritual revival, where the hallelujahs of God are ringing from the bottom of your heart, and an old fashion, Holy Ghost sent revival hits the place. Then you begin to see things. Then God will begin to reveal things. Then you'll wonder why these real Christians are hanging on, why they're praying for you. What a revival. And he got in the Spirit. Our heavenly Father, as the music sweetly calling, and this is a message, a Preacher, the Holy Spirit preaching to us now through the music, telling us what to do with this message tonight: And one singing I want to be at, the great singing, is to hear the times when we stand upon this earth and sing the songs of redemption. Angels will stand just out--off the earth with bowed heads, not knowing what we're singing about. They never had to be redeemed. We are the ones will be rejoicing. We were the ones that were lost, and now we're found. And we'll sing the redemption stories, when they won't even understand it. They'll just stand with bowed heads, and listen to us sing. Won't that be a wonderful time? Oh, I long to see that. And I

wonder what it will be like when He comes, if this great marvellous song that we sing today of the redemption stories and of the coming of the Lord. Oh, I want to see that in reality. And I believe that we will see it, and I believe that songs are written under inspiration. Put the right kind of music on the piano, the organ, and everybody in the atmosphere will feel that Jesus Christ is there and going to meet everything that they have need of, something will go to taking place: the atmosphere will be changed. But that's the hardest thing there is to do. And that is to get people in that atmosphere, the atmosphere of worship, the atmosphere of believing. Shame on you people that don't believe in music! That's what brings the Spirit of the Lord sometimes. God doesn't change. If He liked it then, He likes it now. If you can't be Elisha, be one of the instruments, or be one of the minstrels' strings then. Make something, do something for the Lord, 'cause it altogether brought the Spirit of God. That right? The presence of the prophet and the playing of the minstrels! So also if we are a magnetic post of the Holy Spirit, then God sends His message out of glory, we can pick it up, just catch it. And that's wonderful, isn't it? It sure is. Oh, my! No wonder Miriam had a hot spell. She picked up a tambourine, begin to dance, and jump down on the bank. Oh, you know, the Holy Spirit looked like He just caught from one to another, like a atoms in a relay. See? And it began to jump from one to another, and they all got tambourines, and just had a real jubilee. And old Brother Moses got so happy, that he held up his hands and sang in the Spirit. That's right. This is nothing new. It's just a new taped with the old. That's right. There's one good thing, is those real good old fashion songs. It just takes you out somewhere in fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth dimension somewhere, wherever it is out where God lives. Only thing that I could do would be to help you in some way, like preach the Gospel, that's the way... God's set some to preach the Gospel, some to teach the Gospel, some to play music, some to be deacons, some to speak with tongues, and some to interpret tongues, and some to pray for the sick, and some prophets, is that right? All those are set in the Church for what? To edify the Church, to bring the Church together! Now, we're living in the closing of this world's history. The time is at hand. The Gentile dispensation is winding up. Just like He did with the Jews, He's showing a great measure of grace to them, making His last call, so that the unbelievers will blaspheme the Holy Ghost and be worthy of the condemnation they're fixing to receive.

David is more or less a poet and a prophet, song writer, musician. And prophecy really in its original, is more like a song when they prophesied. How many believes that the Spirit of God comes in music? But, now, what happens if the composer writes something, and we find out that it isn't just acted out right? We find out then that there is something that happens. There is something lacking, when we see them. He who composed it has made it up and wrote it out, and then the symphony is a playing it, hits a wrong note. There is something wrong. The director gave the wrong motion. You're born into the Word, for you're born into Christ. Christ is the Word, yes, sir, each one in its age. I want to rise up at the last day. And only those who are included in this great Symphony, Lord, as I have tried to explain it this afternoon, that's the one that comes forth at the end of the sheet music, when the great resurrection, and all the Angels clap their hands and the saints go marching in. It's those who have acted out that part in this great drama we play, pray, Lord. We know that in a drama they change masks, they come from one thing to another, and that's what you did. You come from the Spirit, God, the Great Jehovah, and put on the mask of a human being, changed Your strain; You changed. You pitched your tent. You came down from God, and become man, that You might die to redeem man. You changed your mask. Then again you've changed it, and you've masked Your-self into the people who will believe and act out according to the Word that You have written here. Blessed are the eyes that see It, blessed are the hearts that receive It, blessed are the ears that hear It, for there will come a resurrection when the Symphony is over. God, let us all be there, will You? Bless this little group. The rhythm is God. God is the Word. The Word is God. God's rhythm, is, obeying His Word. Then when you obey the Word, He beats the rhythm right to you and then you take your place. Whenever It goes down, down, down, up, whatever It is, you know those junctions. Sometimes you say, "Oh, heartaches and trials!" Didn't God say, "All things work together for good to them that love Him, while I'm beating out My Symphony"? And you find that then you're afflicted and struck down, and persecuted, made fun of. Remember, that's the part that goes that way. If that isn't like that,








The great Composer knows exactly what's in it. He knows. He knew you, from the beginning. He put your name on the Lamb's Book of Life, before the foundation of the world. He knows what you're supposed to do. No matter how low it goes, and how dark it looks, it's got to be that way. Stay in the Symphony! Stay in God's Word! No matter how hard it is, stay right with It, wherever God is beating. Sometimes He causes trouble to break the bands, to set you free. He does that. You say, "Well, I don't know what I'd do." He does. What difference? You're just playing the part. He is the One that's got you in His hand. He directs you. Remember, it's all done by a sign. We see the time we're living in, by the sign we're living in, so we know what the Symphony does today. It's a separating time, taking the Light from the darkness. Let's say it together, so you won't forget it, because I feel to say this" It's taking the Light from the darkness." Let's say it again. "It's taking the Light from the darkness." That's God's Symphony. He's showing it in the heavens. He's showing it on the blackboards. He's showing it by Himself. He promised it in the Word. We see it vindicated. He is separating the wheat from the chaff. He is taking the Light from the dark - the great symphony of God's Word being beat out. The changes and junctions is only God changing times, like the director in the symphony. When we see these changes of ages and changes of times, look down on the Sheet here, and you'll find out we're supposed to be here. They've got to do this; there is no way for them to keep from it. And the music, to a man that doesn't understand the symphony, what is it? It's a bunch of rattling noise. He doesn't understand it. He is not even interested. He is wishing, "I wish they'd shut up, so I could go home." He is not interested, 'cause he doesn't know the symphony. He doesn't know it. But the Composer knows the end from the beginning. See? And if the director isn't in the same Spirit of the Composer, he cannot act it out, because it's all done by signs. And if the sign doesn't vindicate It, how are the musicians going to play It? Amen! That's it. When we get that Composer's Spirit, that original power of God that the Bible said, "Men of old was moved by the Holy Ghost to write this Bible," you'll see them two Chinese pieces of paper will come together,

just like God's Bible and a believer will come together, because they're both in the same Spirit. They're both the same thing. They dovetail right straight together. What we need today are directors that point right back to the Word, back and believe It just as It's said. Then you see the God, Himself. That's the unveiling. The drama is made real. If I told you the spirit of some great musician was upon me, you'd expect me to touch those keys just in a way, because his spirit is upon me. You have got to find out where your loose screws are. Sometimes you have plenty of them. Some of them even get too tight. You have to loosen it up a little to make the right vibration. Like a musician with his guitar, tuning his strings, he has to know the ting of it. A Spirit-filled man could tell the ting of it, whether it is way beyond the Bible, or way behind the Bible. It has to be right in the Bible, exactly with THUS SAITH THE LORD, must be trained in right. Then it'll zero. Then it'll hit the spot. All real has to come by inspiration. God has sent some of us in the world, some to be teachers, and some different things. Don't you believe that? And some of us are to be musicians and different things. "Only Believe," that's the song that the Angel of God likes, and whenever you think of me, sing, "Only Believe," will you. That's my favourite song. Paul Rader wrote that song - Paul Rader was a friend of mine. And I just come into the church one night it was being played. I didn't even know that he wrote the song. And right immediately after the Angel of the Lord had visited me. And something just struck me. And ever since then, it's been the campaign theme song "Only Believe." There's something about that song that the Angel of the Lord loves. Every promise in the Book is mine, Every chapter, every verse, every line, I am trusting in His heart Divine, Every promise in the Book is mine. All things are possible, I am trusting in His Word divine THE.FAITH.OF.ABRAHAM_ 55-1118 Oh, my! How wonderful. How God enters poetry! How He enters songs! How He enters praise! How He enters worship! Yes, some glorious day, Jehovah-jireh... How's He going to do it? He will do it, don't you worry. How's He going to rapture the Church? That's up to Him.

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