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1. Watch the speech of Cory Aquino. Describe the scene. How was the speech? How did the audience react to her
half-hour-long address?
In Washington, DC, on September 18, 1985, President Corazon Aquino spoke before the joint session of Congress.
There re many people who are present such as Congressmen, senators, ambassadors, and members of the
government all demonstrate their support by wearing her distinctive yellow shirts, blouses, ties, handkerchiefs, and
ribbons. All eyes are on her and she is greeted with such enthusiasm by everyone in the session. At the beginning,
they introduced her as the President of the Republic of the Philippines and before she began her remarks, she
received a wave of applause and a standing ovation. We can see that everyone anticipated her speech as their full
attention is with her. She began the speech by talking about how she grief with her husband’s death and how he
became pleasing sacrifice answered for freedom of the people of the Philippines

2. What was in her speech that convinced the House of Representatives to grant two-hundred-million-dollar
emergency aid to the Philippines? What were the issues raised or views pointed out in her address?
In her passionate speech, Corazon Aquino justified her liberal stance toward the communist rebellion. In her
remarks, Aquino also brought up the subjects of unemployment and poverty that Philippines is currently facing. She
declared her agreement to settle the debt that the Marcos family had taken. She also said that the Filipinos are
thankful for the balancing America’s Strategic interest against human concerns and illuminates the American vision
of the world. Subsequently, she requests America's assistance in creating "a new home for democracy, another
haven for the oppressed." Members of the government and those in attendance began to trust Aquino after she
finished her address.

3. How did the speech affect you as a viewer? In what way would it be rendered relevant to the current conditions of
our country? Cite specific lines form the speech.
As a viewer, I was in awe when watching her speech because it was clearly and smoothly stated by the former
President of the Republic of the Philippines. It was impressive how she was able to deliver it formally even though
thesome of the context of the speech was very personal to her. The line that I think is relevant to our current
situation now is “I will not betray the cause of peace by which I came to power”, we need to remember to that in
order to gain peace we should not betray those people who put us to whatever we are right now. Philippines needs a
leader who is capable on making this country safe and can accommodate the needs of its people.

4. What are the points in her speech that you agree and disagree with? Which lines hit home?
I agree with what she said, “ As I came to power peacefully, so shall I keep it. That is my contract with my people and
my commitment to God. He had willed that the blood drawn with the lash shall not, in my country, be paid by blood
drawn by the sword but by the tearful joy of reconciliation”. If people give you the power to lead them, remember to
serve them and put their safety first.

I didn’t agree with the last part of Cory’s speech which she said that “Three years ago, I said thank you, America, for
the haven form oppression, and the home you gave to Ninoy, myself, and our children, and for the three happiest
years of our lives together. Today, I say, join us, America, as we build a new home for democracy, another haven for
the oppressed, so it may stand as a shining testament of our two nation’s commitment to freedom”. we can say that
America is good to them but we know how much Filipinos suffered to their hands. It will be forever imprinted to
their mind and memory the pain and sufferings. The wound that Americans inflicted to them and to the Philippines
will forever be remembered.


1. What was the socio-political context when the Kartilya was written? How crucial was this document in the 19 th
It is about resistance to Spanish colonization and colonial power. The organization's norms and values were outlined
in the primer of the Katipunan, or Kartilya ng Katipunan, which acted as a handbook for prospective members. They
also believe in doing the right thing and demonstrating kindness through love and service to others. Gomez wrote
the first edition of the Kartilya and later rewrote the Decalogue. Additionally, they emphasize honor, putting words
into deeds, and equality regardless of ethnicity or background (Reyes, n.d).
2. Why can the Kartilya be considered timeless and relevant to the industrializing and globalizing present?
Because Kartilya ng Katipunan demonstrates that there are standards of manners and decency regardless of where
we are or what circumstance we find ourselves in, it is regarded as timeless and relevant even in the industrializing
and globalizing modern world. The thirteen lessons that the Katipuneros use as a guide to living a moral and upright
life were the subject of the Kartilya. It resembled a set of rules outlining what it means to be a real Filipino, both
verbally and physically. I think that every Filipino can follow the route outlined in this Kartilya ng Katipuan to have a
meaningful life. Kartilya shows us the importance of having a purpose in life, regardless of the situation or level of
development of our civilization. As humans, we still have a responsibility to act morally and responsibly in the face of
the current industrialization and globalization that we are witnessing.
3. As a student, if you are going to rewrite or add a line of the Kartilya ng Katipunan in a way that it can encourage
millennial like you to read and practice its teachings, what will it be and why?
I believe that this Kartilya ng Katipunan was made to change the thoughts of every Filipino's unacceptable behavior.
If I am going to write or add a line it would be
Ang pag-ibig sa bayan ay nangangahulugan ng pag-ibig sa sarili,
Walang katumbas na anuman ang buong pusong pagtanggap sa kinagisnan.
Ituring na kaibigan ang mga kaaway nang sa ganon kapayapaan ay makamtan,
Kinabukasang kayganda ay makakamit lamang kung ang lahat ay nagkakaisa.

1. According to the declaration, how did the Spanish colonization begin?

When an expedition headed by Miguel López de Legazpi, the first Governor-General of the Page 2 Philippines,
arrived at Cebu from New Spain in 1565, a permanent Spanish settlement was not yet in place. Spanish power
quickly spread to a large number of small, autonomous villages that had not previously seen centralized governance.
Ferdinand Magellan made the first recorded European contact with the Philippines in 1521 while on his globe
expedition, which ended in his death in the Battle of Mactan. After 44 years, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi's Spanish
expedition departed from present-day Mexico and started their conquest of the Philippines. The Philippines bears
Philip II of Spain's name, who ruled the country from 1565 until Legazpi's expedition reached there. With the United
States' victory over Spain in the Spanish–American War, the Spanish colonial era came to an end and the American
colonial era of Philippine history began.
2. Who is Emilio Aguinaldo? How did he end up as the leader of the Revolution?
Emilo Aguinaldo joined the Katipunan in 1895 and became its leader in the Cavite Province. Once initiated, Aguinaldo
became known as Magdalo, named after Mary Magdalene. In 1896 the armed struggle began in Manila and quickly
spread throughout the country. Emilio Aguinaldo was born on March 22, 1896, in Kawit, Cavite, Philippines. His
father is a gobernadorcillo, had family business and became Capitan Municipal of Kawit in 1894. In 1898, he achieved
independence of the Philippines from Spain and was elected the first president of the new republic under the
Malolos Congress. He also led the Philippine-American War against U.S. resistance to Philippine independence. He
started his revolt by joining a secret revolutionary group , Katipunan , that led by Andres Bonifacio. When PH
Revolution began, he succeeded in driving away Spaniards from Cavite but had problems between 2 groups of KKK
so he asked help from Andres Bonifacio, but only worsened the situation thus creating a revolutionary government
on March 22, 1897. Struggles came by the death of Bonifacio , with a proper command , Aguinaldo was the one who
led the secret revolutionary group . He died on February 6, 1964.
3. What role did the Americans play in the narrative?
The role of Americans was that they are the ones helping the Philippines from the attacks of the Spanish Colonizers.
The Americans also defeated the Spanish Colonizers their ships were destroyed, and the US gained control of the
Philippine capital.
4. Who were the inspirations of the revolution?
The Inspirations for the Philippine Revolution was Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio. They inspired the Filipino People
too rise up and drive the Colonial Powers away from the Philippines. Three key leaders inspired or led the Filipino
Independence movement. The first two - Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio - would give their young lives for the cause.
The third, Emilio Aguinaldo, not only survived to become the first president of the Philippines but also lived on into
his mid-90s. Also, Gomburza inspired the Katipunan. They stand up for the equal rights of priests and led the
campaign against the obnoxious Spanish friars. The injustice the Gomburza suffered also inspired Katipuneros to
commemorate the anniversary of their martyrdom.
5. According to the Document, what is the meaning of the, white triangle, Blue, Red, and White colors of the Flag?
According to the document, the white triangle signifies the emblem of the Katipunan, the secret society that
opposed Spanish rule. It says the flag's colors commemorate the flag of the United States as a manifestation of
gratitude for American aid against the Spanish during the Philippine Revolution. Every detail of the flag was carefully
designed to hold meaning. The white triangle stands for liberty, equality and fraternity; the blue stripe stands for
peace,freedom, and justice; and the red stripe represents courage and patriotism.

1. Watch the speech by Cory Aquino. Describe the scene. How was the speech? How did the audience react to
her half-hour-long address?
In Washington, DC, on September 18, 1985, President Corazon Aquino spoke before the joint session of
Congress. There are many people who are present, such as Congressmen, senators, ambassadors, and members
of the government, who all demonstrate their support by wearing her distinctive yellow shirts, blouses, ties,
handkerchiefs, and ribbons. All eyes are on her, and she is greeted with such enthusiasm by everyone in the
session. At the beginning, they introduced her as the President of the Republic of the Philippines, and before
she began her remarks, she received a wave of applause and a standing ovation. We can see that everyone
anticipated her speech, as their full attention is with her. She began the speech by talking about how she
grieved her husband’s death and how he became a pleasing sacrifice in exchange for the freedom of the people
of the Philippines.

1. Watch the speech by Cory Aquino. Describe the scene. How was the speech? How did the audience react to
her half-hour-long address?
 In Washington, DC, on September 18, 1985, President Corazon Aquino spoke before the joint session of
Congress. There are many people who are present, such as Congressmen, senators, ambassadors, and
members of the government, who all demonstrate their support by wearing her distinctive yellow shirts,
blouses, ties, handkerchiefs, and ribbons. All eyes are on her, and she is greeted with such enthusiasm by
everyone in the session. At the beginning, they introduced her as the President of the Republic of the
Philippines, and before she began her remarks, she received a wave of applause and a standing ovation.
We can see that everyone anticipated her speech, as their full attention is with her. She began the speech
by talking about how she grieved her husband’s death and how he became a pleasing sacrifice in exchange
for the freedom of the people of the Philippines.

2. What was in her speech that convinced the House of Representatives to grant two hundred million-dollar
emergency aid to the Philippines? What were the issues raised or views pointed out in her address?
 In her passionate speech, Corazon Aquino justified her liberal stance toward the communist rebellion. In
her remarks, Aquino also brought up the subjects of unemployment and poverty that the Philippines is
currently facing. She declared her agreement to settle the debt that the Marcos family had taken. She also
said that the Filipinos are thankful for balancing America’s strategic interests against human concerns,
which illuminates the American vision of the world. Subsequently, she requests America's assistance in
creating "a new home for democracy, another haven for the oppressed." Members of the government and
those in attendance began to trust Aquino after she finished her address.

3. How did the speech affect you as a viewer? In what way would it be relevant to the current conditions in
our country? Cite specific lines from the speech.
 As a viewer, I was in awe when watching her speech because it was clearly and smoothly stated by the
former President of the Republic of the Philippines. It was impressive how she was able to deliver it
formally, even though some of the context of the speech was very personal to her. The line that I think is
relevant to our current situation is “I will not betray the cause of peace by which I came to power”, We
need to remember that in order to gain peace, we should not betray those people who put us in whatever
we are right now. The Philippines needs a leader who is capable of making this country safe and can
accommodate the needs of its people.

4. What are the points in her speech that you agree and disagree with? Which lines hit home?
 I agree with what she said: "As I came to power peacefully, so shall I keep it. That is my contract with my
people and my commitment to God. He had willed that the blood drawn with the lash shall not, in my
country, be paid by blood drawn by the sword but by the tearful joy of reconciliation”. If people give you
the power to lead them, remember to serve them and put their safety first.
 I didn’t agree with the last part of Cory’s speech, in which she said, “Three years ago, I said thank you,
America, for the haven from oppression and the home you gave to Ninoy, myself, and our children, and for
the three happiest years of our lives together. Today, I say, Join us, America, as we build a new home for
democracy, another haven for the oppressed, so it may stand as a shining testament of our two nations'
commitment to freedom”. We can say that America is good to them, but we know how much Filipinos
suffered at their hands. It will be forever imprinted on their minds and memories of the pain and suffering.
The wound that Americans inflicted on them and the Philippines will forever be remembered.

What was the socio-political context when the Kartilya was written? How crucial was this document in the
19th century?
 It is about resistance to Spanish colonization and colonial power. The organization's norms and values were
outlined in the primer of the Katipunan, or Kartilya ng Katipunan, which acted as a handbook for
prospective members. They also believe in doing the right thing and demonstrating kindness through love
and service to others. Gomez wrote the first edition of the Kartilya and later rewrote the Decalogue.
Additionally, they emphasize honor, putting words into deeds, and equality regardless of ethnicity or
background (Reyes, n.d.).

Why can the Kartilya be considered timeless and relevant to the industrializing and globalizing present?
 Kartilya ng Katipunan demonstrates that there are standards of manners and decency regardless of where
we are or what circumstance we find ourselves in, it is regarded as timeless and relevant even in the
industrializing and globalizing modern world. The thirteen lessons that the Katipuneros use as a guide to
living a moral and upright life were the subject of the Kartilya. It resembled a set of rules outlining what it
means to be a real Filipino, both verbally and physically. I think that every Filipino can follow the route
outlined in this Kartilya ng Katipuan to have a meaningful life. Kartilya shows us the importance of having a
purpose in life, regardless of the situation or level of development of our civilization. As humans, we still
have a responsibility to act morally and responsibly in the face of the current industrialization and
globalization that we are witnessing.

As a student, if you are going to rewrite or add a line of the Kartilya ng Katipunan in a way that can encourage
millennials like you to read and practice its teachings, what will it be and why?
 I believe that this Kartilya ng Katipunan was made to change the thoughts of every Filipino's unacceptable
behavior. If I am going to write or add a line, it would be
Ang pag-ibig sa bayan ay nangangahulugan ng pag-ibig sa sarili,
Walang katumbas na anuman ang buong pusong pagtanggap sa kinagisnan.
Ituring na kaibigan ang mga kaaway nang sa ganon kapayapaan ay makamtan.
Kinabukasang kayganda ay makakamit lamang kung ang lahat ay nagkakaisa.

According to the declaration, how did the Spanish colonization begin?

 When an expedition headed by Miguel López de Legazpi, the first Governor-General of the Philippines,
arrived at Cebu from New Spain in 1565, a permanent Spanish settlement was not yet in place. Spanish
power quickly spread to a large number of small, autonomous villages that had not previously seen
centralized governance. Ferdinand Magellan made the first recorded European contact with the Philippines
in 1521 while on his globe expedition, which ended in his death in the Battle of Mactan. After 44 years,
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi's Spanish expedition departed from present-day Mexico and started their
conquest of the Philippines. The Philippines bears Philip II of Spain's name, who ruled the country from
1565 until Legazpi's expedition reached there. With the United States' victory over Spain in the Spanish-
American War, the Spanish colonial era came to an end, and the American colonial era of Philippine history

Who is Emilio Aguinaldo? How did he end up as the leader of the revolution?
 Emilo Aguinaldo joined the Katipunan in 1895 and became its leader in Cavite Province. Once initiated,
Aguinaldo became known as Magdalo, named after Mary Magdalene. In 1896, the armed struggle began in
Manila and quickly spread throughout the country. Emilio Aguinaldo was born on March 22, 1896, in Kawit,
Cavite, Philippines. His father is a gobernadorcillo, had family business, and became Capitan Municipal of
Kawit in 1894. In 1898, he achieved the independence of the Philippines from Spain and was elected the
first president of the new republic under the Malolos Congress. He also led the Philippine-American War
against U.S. resistance to Philippine independence. He started his revolt by joining a secret revolutionary
group , Katipunan, led by Andres Bonifacio. When the PH Revolution began, he succeeded in driving away
Spaniards from Cavite but had problems between two groups of KKK, so he asked for help from Andres
Bonifacio, but it only worsened the situation, thus creating a revolutionary government on March 22, 1897.
Struggles came after the death of Bonifacio. With a proper command , Aguinaldo was the one who led the
secret revolutionary group. He died on February 6, 1964.

What role did the Americans play in the narrative?

 The role of Americans was that they were the ones helping the Philippines survive the attacks of the
Spanish colonizers. The Americans also defeated the Spanish colonizers; their ships were destroyed, and
the US gained control of the Philippine capital.

Who were the inspirations for the revolution?

 The inspiration for the Philippine Revolution was Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio. They inspired the Filipino
people to rise up and drive the Colonial Powers away from the Philippines. Three key leaders inspired or
led the Filipino independence movement. The first two—Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio—would give their
young lives for the cause. The third, Emilio Aguinaldo, not only survived to become the first president of
the Philippines but also lived on into his mid-90s. Also, Gomburza inspired the Katipunan. They stood up for
the equal rights of priests and led the campaign against the obnoxious Spanish friars. The injustice the
Gomburza suffered also inspired Katipuneros to commemorate the anniversary of their martyrdom.

According to the document, what is the meaning of the white triangle, blue, red, and white colors of the flag?
 According to the document, the white triangle signifies the emblem of the Katipunan, the secret society
that opposed Spanish rule. It says the flag's colors commemorate the flag of the United States as a
manifestation of gratitude for American aid against the Spanish during the Philippine Revolution. Every
detail of the flag was carefully designed to hold meaning. The white triangle stands for liberty, equality, and
fraternity; the blue stripe stands for peace, freedom, and justice; and the red stripe represents courage and

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