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NAME Joshua F. Salvador DATE 12/03/2022

SECTION GEE 13 Living in IT Era AB History 1
Answer the following questions below. Use the space provided.
1. Does violation of the commandments of computer ethics constitute breaking Republic
Act No. 10175? Yes, or no? Explain your answer.

No, because according to what I've read in both the ten commandments
of computer ethics and the Republic Act No.10175, there are no rules to
break. They both have the same goal, which is to become good to people
in order to prevent computer abuse on people who want to do bad work
with computers.

2. Read the article in the provided link below. Do you think the computer repair person
has violated provision/s of the Republic Act No. 10175? If yes, identify which provision.
Explain your answer.

Short Article Link:

Full Article Link:

No, because from what I've read in the article provided below, they also
had the same goals, which is to prevent bad work done on computers
and, most importantly, to protect your family, just like the teen agers who
have the most child pornography.

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