Macasa 03 Worksheet 4 Ppopmidterm

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03 Worksheet 4 (Online Version)

Directions: Listen to the song Mateo Singko by Dong Abay (03 Audio 1) and reflect on its meaning.
Afterward, answer the following questions below. (3 items × 10 points)

1. In your opinion, what does the song imply? Explain why.

 Based to one understanding of the song's lyrics, "Mateo Singko" alludes to the struggles and
hardships faced by members of the lower class and other social outcasts. The song is about a
man named Mateo who suffers from injustice and poverty and describes his struggles to make
ends meet. The terrible realities of life that Mateo and many others like him encounter on a
daily basis are shown in the song's lyrics, such hunger, homelessness, and discrimination.

2. What do you think is the contemporary issue that reflects the song?

 The poverty and social inequalities that still exist in the Philippines today are contemporary
issues that are reflected in the song. Millions of Filipinos are affected by poverty and inequality
despite the government's efforts to solve these problems, especially those who live in rural
areas and marginalized communities.

3. How can you relate the song to the issues we are currently facing right now?

 Because of its focus on the continuous challenges that many Filipinos experience as a result of
poverty and social inequality, the song "Mateo Singko" is still relevant today. It serves as a
reminder that we must deal with these problems and seek to create a society that is more
inclusive and equitable. We are inspired to empathize with the sufferings of the underprivileged
and fight toward creating a brighter future for everyone by the song's powerful lyrics.

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