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“I affirm that I have not

given or received any Aristotle's Model of Communication

unauthorized help on this Linear (one way) communication.
assignment and that this Formed by five elements: speaker, speech, occasion,
work is my own.” audience.
The audience is simply a passive participant in the
Transactional Schramm's
Model of The speaker is the only one sending a message. Model of
Communication The speaker sends a message that seeks to influence the Communication
The receiver
The message
reacts to the
influences Involves human receivers. message
someone. Sends a message. depending on
Communicators do Sender needs to be clear experiences. Feedback
not have static with their message to get depends on the
roles. the point of the message communicators
Which means that they across. field of experiences.
can become the speaker Two way communication. The flow of information
then receiver. Both have internal barriers. is cyclical as long as the
Both communicators Noises can be present in signals are appropriately
influence communication which is a barrier. interpreted during each
what is being cycle.

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