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Regardless of your role, when a guest first walks in welcome them with a warm
smile and eye contact.
2. Guests must be greeted verbally when they come within 2 metres of the front desk.
Think! Have you seen or met the guest before. If so, acknowledge this by saying
“welcome back” or “it’s good to see you again”. If you aren’t sure treat the guest
as a new guest.
3. Our greetings are never scripted and should always be delivered with inclination
and sincerity. We also prefer elegant, more formal language during our first
interaction with guests. Some suggested Some suggestions include; Hello,
welcome; Welcome, good morning; Hello, good afternoon, welcome.
4. Introduce yourself by name making sure your communication is professional, yet
personal. “Great to meet you, I’m Nikko”.
5. If occupied with another guest, it is important to acknowledge arriving guests.
This can be done with eye contact, a smile, a nod or saying ‘I will be with you in a
moment’. If occupied with another task, put it on hold. the person in front of you
comes first – always.
6. Anticipate what you think the guest would like. Look for needs. Flush out
information through simple questions:
 How did you get here, how has your day been, how did you arrive, how to
you plan on spending your time here
 What – what do you plan to do, what have you heard about the hotel, what
are your plans for dinner
 Who – who are you traveling with
 Ask what to get when – when do you plan on doing that, when is your
rental care arriving
 Where – where did you hear about us, where are you headed tonight
 Why – are you in Canberra, why choose hotel
 Are – are you aware of the carpark, are you aware of the hotel, are you
aware of whats happening tonight.
7. Always check if there is anything else you can do to assist. “Is there anything else
I assist you with Mr Jones?”

1) Have a great day and enjoy your time here on holidays.

2) Take care, and if you need anything let me know!

3) I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, looking forward to seeing you
again soon.

4) I hope you have a great weekend and the weather stays perfect for

5) I hope you enjoy your holiday and is full of awesome memories.

6) Have a safe trip home and hope to see you again soon!

8) Good luck on your adventures tomorrow hope you have a great day!

9) Enjoy your holiday, that is the most important thing! Have a great
week here!

10) Hope you have had a great holiday and we look forward to seeing
you again soon.



How to welcome tourists

After meeting members of a tour on arrival guides perform the following

introduction. It includes a tourguide's full name, tour operator's name,
business address and other supporting information.Here youfind some
examples of welcoming.

1. Welcome.I'm Helina, your guide for this tour. I'll tell you all about the things
you will see. If you have anyquestions, please ask. It's my job to answer them.
All my time is free to talk to you, sightseers.

2. Hello everyone.My name is Tiiu. On behalf of Ida-Viru Tour Agency I'd like
to welcome you all to Narva. The bus ride toyour hotel Vanalinn takes you
about fifteen minutes. Right now I'd like to take a minute to familiarizeyou
with the area and tell a brief safety precaution. You have to fasten safety belts
and remain seateduntil we reach our destination.

3. Dear guests,Let me introduce myself. My name is Liis. I am your guide and

will support you during the tour. I promiseyou are going to enjoy your stay
here in Narva. This is a beautiful, quiet city where you can relax, sit bythe
beach, enjoy great meals and feel very safe. You can walk into town and enjoy
the fountains or takea moonlit walk along the water.

4. Hi, everybody. I’m your tour guide Natalja. It’s great to meet you in Estonia.
Discover Estonia and you will see it is phenomenal. Like Alice in her
Wonderland, you will find there is even more to see in Estonia than youhave
dreamed about.

5. Hi, everybody.I am Steve, your tour guide for today. We're going to be
pulling up to the hotel in just a few minutes.Please sit back and enjoy the view
of the ocean on the left hand side of the bus as we enter the city. Iask that you
remain in your seats until we have come to a complete stop. Our agent Nick
will be meetingus at the bus to help you with your bags. Please double check
to make sure your bag has been taken offthe bus. On behalf of Narva Travel
Tours, have a wonderful vacation in Narga and I hope to see youtomorrow at
the information session

At the hotel:


 Are you enjoying your afternoon?

 How’d you hear about us?
 Did you watch the game last night? I stayed up to watch the end!
 How’s your day going?
 What are you up to the rest of the day?
 Who are we shopping for today?
 I like your ___ (shoes, scarf, coat, hairstyle, lipstick, etc.)
 Wow, how are you navigating town?
 How are you enjoying the great weather we have here?
 Have you gotten outside to enjoy the fall colors yet?
 Have you been around the corner to store X? It’s one of my favorites. (Follow
up with What do you like about that store?)
 Take your time to look around. Some people stay here for a lifetime just
 Would you like a guided tour?
 Can I offer any recommendations?
 How about I start a fitting room for you while you continue looking around?
 Would you like me to hold your cup of coffee at the counter so you can explore
the museum?
 Are you finding what you thought you would? 30dq
Talking about weather:

Greeting visitors to your country

1. 1- Introduce yourself and greet your visitor. "Hi, I'm Janet. It's nice to
meet you."
1. 2- Ask about their flight. "Did you have a good flight?"
1. 3- Offer to help with luggage. "Can I help you with your bags?"
1. 4- Respond. Create small talk about their trip. "Do you like
traveling?", "How was your trip?", "Ok, have you been here before?"
1. 5- Where will you be taking your guest first? "I'll take you to the
hotel first and then the office."
1. 6- Ask where the office is and how to get there.
1. 7- Ask, How long it takes to get there?
1. 8-Respond to the question.

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