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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
1. When the Titanic crashed into the iceberg, the crew quickly sent out distress signals to alert nearby ships
of the disaster and request their help. A. amusing B. strange C. bold D. help
2. I’m all in favour of ambition but I think when he says he’ll be a millionaire by the time he’s 25, he’s simply
crying for the moon.
A. longing for what is beyond the reach B. asking for what is attainable
C. doing something with vigor or intensity D. crying a lot and for a long time
3. The first time I met my friend’s parents, I was walking on eggshells because I knew their political
views were very different from mine.
A. was talking nervously B. had a lot of pressure
C. was given many eggs D. had to be very cautious
4. Albert Einstein is lauded as one of the greatest theoretical physicists of all time.
A. acclaimed B. dictated C. described D. ordained
5. Being a single mother no longer carries the social stigma that it used to.
A. difficulty B. holiness C. stain D. trial
6. People are not aware of the problem of overpopulation.
A. incident B. issue C. trouble D. case
7. Some operations may have to be halted unless more blood donors come forward to help.
A. offer B. claim C. attempt D. refuse
8. The natives were angry when foreigners came to their country and took over their land.
A. migrants B. tourists C. members D. locals
9. By being thrifty and shopping wisely, housewives in the city can feed an entire family on as little as
500.000 VND a week.
A. luxurious B. economical C. sensible D. miserable
10.Gerry didn’t go on the expedition - he made up that part of the story.
A. invented B. narrated C. unfolded D. recounted
11.The game of life is a lot like football. You have to tackle your problems, block your fears, and score your
points when you get the opportunity.
A. have B. take C. gain D. fulfill
12. Because of a piece of paper in the soup bowl, the old lady raised a ballyhoo about it at the
A. made a fuss B. appeased C. applauded D. complained
13.Sports and festivals form an integral part of every human society.
A. essential B. informative C. invented D. exciting
14. I think we should tell Peter that the location of the picnic has been changed. Let’s put him in the
A. show him B. take his photo C. explain to him D. inform him
15.Mike pretended to be sick, but I saw through his deception at once.
A. was used to B. got angry with C. got bored with D. was aware of
16.One of the biggest issues that many victims of negligent behavior encounter is difficulty in determining
whether or not an action had foreseeable consequences.
A. predictable B. unpredictable C. ascertainable D. computable
17.We’re really close friends but we just cannot see eye to eye on politics.
A. not see well B. not share the same views about C. not understand D. not care for
18.Wild animals use various methods to ward off predators and their natural enemies.
A. rebel B. befriend C. deter D. attack
19.We had never experienced such discourtesy towards the elderly as it occurred at this center
A. politeness B. rudeness C. encouragement D. measurement
20.The government decided to pull down the old building after asking for the ideas from the local resident.
A. renovate B. purchase C. maintain D. demolish
21.Tet marks the beginning of spring and, for agrarian people who depend on the lunar calendar to
manage their crops, the start of the year.
A. traditional ones B. minority people C. farmers D. old people
22.Since the death of Laura's father, her mother has become a breadwinner to support the family.
A. a person who bakes bread every morning B. a bakery-owner
C. a person who delivers bread to make money D. a person who goes out to work to earn money
23.The Boy Scouts organization is dedicated to helping boys become moral and productive adults.
A. committed B. used C. focused D. interested
24. Father has lost his job, so we’ll have to tighten our belt to avoid getting into debt.
A. earn money B. save money C. sit still D. economize
25.The members of the orchestra have arrived an hour prior to the performance for a short rehearsal.
A. when B. before C. after D. while
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
1. His physical condition was not an impediment to his career as a violinist. He has won a lot of prizes.
A. advantage B. obstacle C. barrier D. disadvantage
2. His thoughtless comments made her very angry.
A. kind B. honest C. thoughtful D. pleasant
3. I could not see what she was doing. It was so dark there.
A. make out B. make up C. make for D. make from
4. Both universities speak highly of the programme of student exchange and hope to cooperate more in
the future.
A. express disapproval of B. voice opinions on C. find favor with D. resolve a conflict over
5. He fell foul of me when I asked him to apologize to his teacher.
A. quarrelled with me B. made friends with me C. attacked me D. showed appreciation for me
6. People nationwide have acted without hesitation to provide aids for the victims in the disaster-stricken
areas. A. awareness B. uncertainty C. reluctance D. willingness
7. Any student who neglects his or her homework is unlikely to do well at school.
A. puts off B. looks for C. attends to D. approves of
8. The loss of his journals had caused him even more sorrow than his retirement from the military six
years earlier. A. grief B. joy C. comfort D. sympathy
9. I strongly recommend that you should take out an insurance policy in the house for your own peace
of mind.
A. to stop your sleeping B. to stop your worrying C. to stop your thinking D. to stop your believing
10.Every year this charity organization takes on volunteers to support the needy and the poor.
A. dismisses B. creates C. recruits D. interviews
11.Henry has found temporary job in a factory.
A. eternal B. genuine C. permanent D. satisfactory
12.We had a whale of time as everything was quite fantastic.
A. had little time to play B. had a lot of time to play C. felt happy D. felt disappointed
13.As a newspaper reporter, she always wanted to get information at first hand
A. indirectly B. directly C. easily D. slowly
14.The information you have got is actually off the record, so be careful if you intend to use it for
A. private B. official C. confidential D. important
15. She told him she’d spent all her savings but he didn’t bat an eyelid.
A. didn’t tell anything B. showed surprise C. didn’t care D. refused to listen
16.You’re 25 years old, but you still haven’t cut the apron strings .
A. become independent B. bought a new house
C. relied on others D. started doing well
17.Though built almost five hundred years ago, the church remained practically intact.
A. in perfection B. in completion C. in chaos D. in ruins
18.We should grow more trees so that they can absorb more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
A. take in B. emit C. consume D. cut off
19. We have achieved considerable results in the economic field, such as high economic growth, stability
and significant poverty alleviation over the past few years.
A. eradication B. aggravation C. prevention D. reduction
20.I prefer secure jobs because I don’t like keeping on moving and changing all the time.
A. challenging B. demanding C. stable D. safe
21.About 95 percent of all animals are invertebrates which can live anywhere, but most, like the starfish
and crabs, live in the ocean.
A. with backbones B. with ribs C. without ribs D. without backbones
22.Later a wine reception will be followed by a concert before guests tuck into a banquet.
A. a formal party B. a formal conference
C. an informal party D. an enormous breakfast
23.Jose had a hard time comparing the iPhone to the Samsung phone because to him they were apples and
A. containing too many technical details B. very similar
C. completely different D. very complicated
24.The nominating committee always meet behind closed doors, lest its deliberations become known
A. dangerously B. safely C. privately D. publicly
25.If you say bad things about the person who give a job you bite the hand that feeds you .
A. be unfriendly B. be ungrateful C. be thankful D. be devoted
26.When he passes the entrance exam, his parents will be walking on air.
A. extremely happy B. extremely light
C. feeling extremely unhappy D. feeling extremely airy
27.Earthworms help to aerate the soil.
A. suffocate B. destroy C. argue D. adjust
28.I must have a watch since punctuality is imperative in my new job.
A. being courteous B. being cheerful C. being efficient D. being late
29.My sister lives in Alaska, so we can only see each other once in a blue moon.
A. occasionally B. rarely C. at night D. frequently
30.He was imprisoned because he revealed secrets to the enemies.
A. disowned B. declared C. betrayed D. concealed
31.His lawyer thought Jack had a good chance of being acquitted at the trial, if no further evidence was
A. found guilty B. declared innocent C. charged of being faulty D. advised of appealing
32.I'm sorry I can't come to your birthday party this weekend - I'm up to my ears in work.
A. very busy B. very bored C. very scared D. very idle
33.Recycling and disposal of wastes require sizable expenditure, in such situations, industries preferred to
export their wastes to other countries.
A. minimum B. considerable C. plentiful D. trivial
_____________________________NO PAIN NO GAIN __________________________________

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