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MBA (Professional)
Sep 2023 - Dec 2023
Section-C, Batch-34

Reading Material

Management of - Uber bangladesh Limited

Course Details :

Management and Organizational Behavior (MGT-7301)

Submitted By:

Mahamud Al Jubaer


Submitted To:

Ashik Abdullah


Department of Business Administration in Marketing

Faculty of Business Studies (FBS)
Student’s Declaration

My name is Mahamud Al Jubaer, Sep 2023-Dec 2023,ID:23230341054,Student of the MBA

Professional of Bangladesh university of Professional (BUP). My report contained the
Management System to achieve our Organizational mission and goal. The report entitled
“Baic Management Activity - Uber Bangladesh Limited” is original. The assigned work is by
me for partial fulfillment of my MBA degree and as a part of the academic curriculum.

Mahamud Al Jubaer
ID: 23230341054
Sep 2023-24
MBA Professional, Sec-C
Bangladesh University of Professional (BUP)

This term paper delves into the management practices employed by Uber in the unique business
landscape of Bangladesh. As a global tech-driven ride-sharing platform, Uber has faced both
opportunities and challenges in adapting its management strategies to the local context. The
paper begins by providing an overview of Uber's entry into the Bangladesh market, highlighting
the cultural, regulatory, and economic factors that influence its operations.

The primary focus is on the management aspects that define Uber's approach in Bangladesh. This
includes an exploration of the company's organizational structure, leadership style, and human
resource management strategies. Understanding the local workforce dynamics and regulatory
environment is crucial for Uber's success, and the paper examines how the company aligns its
management practices with these factors.

Furthermore, the paper assesses the impact of Uber's management practices on its performance
and market share in Bangladesh. By examining key performance indicators and market trends,
the study aims to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of Uber's management strategies in
this particular market.

In conclusion, the term paper provides insights into the dynamic interplay between Uber's global
management framework and the local nuances of the Bangladesh market. By understanding and
addressing these challenges through adaptive management practices, Uber aims to not only
navigate the complexities of the Bangladeshi business environment but also contribute to the
evolution of the country's transportation landscape.
Table of Content

Significance of Uber's presence in Bangladesh's transportation industry………………………....5

Understanding the Environmental Content of Managing of Uber Bangladesh

Vehicle Efficiency and Emissions……………………………..………………………………….6

Roles and responsibilities of key executives and leaders of Uber bangladesh limited…...………8

How to evaluate the management structure's contribution to a company's


Planning and decision making of Uber Bangladesh……………………………………..………10

The organization Process of Uber Bangladesh…………………………………...……...………14

Managing Organization Design at Uber Bangladesh………………………………..…….…….16

The Leading Process of Uber Bangladesh…………………………….…………..………….…18

Managing Employee Motivation and Performance of Uber Bangladesh…………….…..……..20

Managing Leadership and Influence Process of Uber Bangladesh…………………….………..22

Managing Interpersonal Relations and Communication of Uber Bangladesh…………………..23

Managing Work Groups and Team of Uber Bangladesh………………….……………….…….24

Managing Operation, Quality and Productivity of Uber Bangladesh……………..…...…..…….28


Uber!!!. The go-getters. The kind of people who are relentless about uber’s mission to help
people go anywhere and get anything and earn their way. Movement is what we power. It’s their
lifeblood. It runs through Uber’s veins. It’s what gets us out of bed each morning. It pushes
Uber’s to constantly reimagine how they can move better. For you. For all the places you want to
go. For all the things you want to get. For all the ways you want to earn. Across the entire world.
In real time. At the incredible speed of now.

Uber is a tech company that connects the physical and digital worlds to help make movement
happen at the tap of a button. Because they believe in a world where movement should be
accessible. So you can move and earn safely. In a way that’s sustainable for their planet. And
regardless of our gender, race, religion, abilities, or sexual orientation, we champion our right to
move and earn freely and without fear. Of course, we haven’t always gotten it right. But Uber is
not afraid of failure, because it makes us better, wiser, and stronger. And it makes us even more
committed to do the right thing by our customers, local communities and cities, and their
incredibly diverse set of international partners.

The idea for Uber was born on a snowy night in Paris in 2008, and ever since then our DNA of
reimagination and reinvention carries on. We’ve grown into a global platform powering flexible
earnings and the movement of people and things in ever expanding ways. We’ve gone from
connecting rides on 4 wheels to 2 wheels to 18-wheel freight deliveries. From takeout meals to
daily essentials to prescription drugs to just about anything you need at any time and earning
your way. From drivers with background checks to real-time verification, safety is a top priority
every single day. At Uber, the pursuit of reimagination is never finished, never stops, and is
always just beginning.

Uber's entry into the Bangladesh market

Uber launched in Bangladesh in 2016, and quickly became the ride sharing platform of choice by
offering convenient, affordable and safe ways to go from point A to point B. Bangladesh also
represents a tremendous opportunity for the company.
Uber starts by launching its ride-sharing service, allowing users to book rides through the Uber
app. The company may also introduce additional services such as food delivery (Uber Eats) and
other offerings based on the market demand.

Significance of Uber's presence in Bangladesh's transportation industry:

Uber starts by launching its ride-sharing service, allowing users to book rides through the Uber
app. The company may also introduce additional services such as food delivery (Uber Eats) and
other offerings based on the market demand.The details are below:
Improved Accessibility:
Uber has provided a more convenient and reliable transportation option for people in urban
areas, where traditional taxi services might be less efficient or available irregularly.

Enhanced Safety and Accountability:

Uber's technology includes features such as GPS tracking, driver ratings, and real-time trip
monitoring. This has contributed to increased safety and accountability in the transportation
sector, addressing concerns that passengers may have had with traditional taxi services.

Economic Opportunities:

Uber has created economic opportunities for individuals who want to become part-time or
full-time drivers. This has been particularly beneficial in a country like Bangladesh where
employment opportunities can be limited.

Reduced Dependence on Traditional Taxis:

The introduction of Uber has reduced the dependency on traditional taxi services, offering a
more tech-savvy and user-friendly alternative.

Traffic Management:

The use of Uber's technology can contribute to better traffic management in urban areas through
data analysis. Uber can provide valuable insights into traffic patterns, helping authorities to plan
and manage transportation infrastructure more effectively.

Technological Influence:
Uber's presence has also spurred increased interest and investment in technology within the
transportation industry in Bangladesh. This influence extends beyond ride-sharing to inspire
innovations and improvements in other aspects of the transportation sector.

It's important to note that the impact of Uber in Bangladesh's transportation industry can evolve
over time, influenced by regulatory changes, market dynamics, and the overall growth of the
ride-sharing industry. For the most current and detailed information, I recommend checking the
latest sources or news updates related to Uber and Bangladesh.

Understanding the Environmental Content of Managing of Uber Bangladesh

Vehicle Efficiency and Emissions:
Uber often encourages drivers to use fuel-efficient and low-emission vehicles.In some locations,
Uber has initiatives to promote electric or hybrid vehicles.

Public Transportation Integration:

Uber may collaborate with local public transportation services to promote a multimodal approach
to transportation, reducing the overall environmental impact.

Carpooling and Ride-sharing:

Uber promotes shared rides and carpooling options to reduce the number of individual trips and
lower emissions per passenger.

Green Initiatives and Sustainability Goals:

Many companies, including Uber, set sustainability goals and commit to reducing their overall
carbon footprint.

Investment in Alternative Transportation:

Uber may invest in or support alternative transportation modes, such as bikes or scooters, to
provide users with more environmentally friendly options.

Environmental Education:
Some ride-sharing companies provide information and education to drivers and users about the
environmental impact of their transportation choices.

Management Structure:

Typically, the organizational structure of a company like Uber might include various departments
such as:

Executive Leadership: This includes top-level executives like the CEO, CFO, COO, and other
C-suite positions responsible for overall strategic direction and decision-making.

Operations: This department manages the day-to-day activities and logistics, ensuring that
services are delivered efficiently.

Technology and Product Development: This department is responsible for the development
and maintenance of the technology platforms and products that Uber offers.

Marketing and Communications: This department handles promotional activities, advertising,

and public relations.

Legal and Compliance: Ensures that the company operates within the legal framework and
complies with regulations.

Finance and Accounting: Manages the financial aspects of the company, including budgeting,
accounting, and financial planning.

Human Resources: Responsible for recruitment, employee relations, training, and other
HR-related functions.
Regional or Country-specific Teams: In the case of Uber Bangladesh Limited, there may be
teams focused on the specific needs and challenges of the Bangladesh market.

Remember that the specifics of the organizational structure can vary among companies, and
Uber, being a global company, may have adapted its structure to meet the needs of different
Always refer to the latest and most reliable sources for the current organizational structure and
leadership of Uber Bangladesh Limited.

Roles and responsibilities of key executives and leaders of Uber bangladesh limited:

Country Manager/General Manager:

Role: The Country Manager or General Manager is typically responsible for overseeing the
overall operations and growth of Uber in Bangladesh.

Responsibilities: This includes strategic planning, market expansion, regulatory compliance, and
building strong relationships with local stakeholders.

Operations Manager:

Role: The Operations Manager focuses on the day-to-day functioning of Uber's services in

Responsibilities: This involves managing driver-partner relationships, ensuring service quality,

optimizing routes, and addressing operational challenges.

Marketing Manager:

Role: The Marketing Manager is responsible for creating and implementing marketing strategies
to promote Uber's services in the country.

Responsibilities: This includes advertising, public relations, customer acquisition, and brand

Government Relations and Public Policy Manager:

Role: This executive deals with regulatory and government-related matters.

Responsibilities: Ensuring compliance with local laws, working with government agencies, and
advocating for Uber's interests in the regulatory environment.
Finance Manager:

Role: The Finance Manager oversees financial operations in the country.

Responsibilities: This includes budgeting, financial reporting, managing financial risks, and
ensuring compliance with financial regulations.

Human Resources Manager:

Role: The HR Manager is responsible for managing human capital in the organization.

Responsibilities: Recruitment, employee relations, training and development, and ensuring

compliance with labor laws.

Technology/Engineering Manager:

Role: This executive oversees the technological aspects of Uber's services in Bangladesh.

Responsibilities: Managing the development and maintenance of the technology platform,

ensuring it meets local needs and complies with regulations.

It's crucial to note that Uber's organizational structure may evolve, and new roles or changes in

leadership may occur. Therefore, for the latest and most accurate information, it's recommended

to check Uber's official communications or reliable news sources for updates on the leadership

team in Bangladesh.

How to evaluate the management structure's contribution to a company's efficiency:

Leadership Effectiveness: Evaluate the leadership skills of top executives. Effective leaders set
clear goals, communicate well, and make strategic decisions that positively impact efficiency.

Communication Channels: Assess how information flows within the organization. A

well-structured management system ensures that communication is clear and reaches all relevant
parties, promoting better coordination.

Decision-Making Processes: Examine how decisions are made within the company. Efficient
organizations often have streamlined decision-making processes that allow for quick responses to
challenges and changes in the market.

Employee Morale and Engagement: A positive management structure fosters a healthy work
environment. Engaged and motivated employees are generally more productive and contribute to
overall efficiency.

Adaptability to Change: Consider how well the management structure facilitates adaptability to
industry changes and technological advancements. Agile management can help a company stay
competitive and efficient in a dynamic business environment.

Resource Allocation: Assess how resources, including human capital, financial assets, and
technology, are allocated. An effective management structure ensures that resources are
optimized for maximum efficiency and productivity.

Customer Focus: Evaluate how the management structure supports a customer-centric

approach. Companies that prioritize customer satisfaction tend to be more efficient as they
understand and meet customer needs effectively.

Performance Measurement and Feedback: An efficient management structure includes

systems for performance measurement and feedback. Regular assessments help identify areas for
improvement and support continuous growth.

To provide a more specific evaluation of Uber Bangladesh Limited's management structure.

Planning and decision making of Uber Bangladesh

Basic elements of planning and decision making:The planning process takes place within an

environmental context. Managers must develop a complete and thorough understanding of this

context to determine the organization’s mission and to develop its strategic, tactical, and

operational goals and plans. Uber's planning and decision-making process is moving forward.

Strategic Goals and Plans:

Market Expansion:

Goal: Expand Uber's presence in key cities and regions in Bangladesh.

Plan: Conduct market research to identify high-demand areas. Develop strategic partnerships
with local businesses and organizations.

Brand Positioning:

Goal: Establish Uber as a reliable and convenient transportation option in Bangladesh.

Plan: Invest in marketing campaigns emphasizing safety, reliability, and affordability. Engage in
community outreach to build positive brand perception

Goal: Introduce new services or features to cater to a broader audience.

Plan: Evaluate the market for potential services like food delivery, package delivery, or other
mobility solutions. Develop and launch pilot programs based on demand.

Tactical Goals and Plans:

Pricing and Promotions:

Goal: Attract and retain customers through competitive pricing and promotions.
Plan: Regularly assess market dynamics and adjust pricing strategies. Launch promotional
campaigns during peak hours or special events.

Partnerships and Alliances:

Goal: Strengthen relationships with local partners for mutual benefit.

Plan: Collaborate with local businesses, hotels, and events to offer integrated services or special
promotions. Forge partnerships with local transportation authorities.

Technology Enhancement:

Goal: Improve the user experience through technological advancements.

Plan: Regularly update the Uber app with new features, focusing on user feedback. Explore
technologies like AI for better route optimization and customer service.

Operational Goals and Plans:

Fig:Operational Goal

Driver Training and Support:

Goal: Ensure a high-quality pool of drivers providing excellent service.

Plan: Implement regular training programs for drivers on customer service, safety, and app
usage. Provide ongoing support through a dedicated helpline.

Supply Chain Management:

Goal: Maintain a sufficient number of vehicles to meet demand.

Plan: Analyze data to predict peak demand times and locations. Offer incentives to drivers
during high-demand periods. Implement vehicle maintenance programs.

Customer Support:

Goal: Provide efficient and responsive customer support.

Plan: Establish a customer support center with trained representatives. Utilize technology like
chatbots for quick issue resolution. Gather customer feedback for continuous improvement.

Key Decision-Making Factors:

Data Analysis:Utilize data analytics to make informed decisions regarding pricing, market
expansion, and customer preferences.
Regulatory Compliance:Stay updated on and comply with local regulations governing
transportation services in Bangladesh.

Competitor Analysis:Monitor and respond to the strategies of competitors operating in the


Customer Feedback:Actively seek and respond to customer feedback to enhance service


Technology Integration:Embrace technological advancements to stay competitive and improve

operational efficiency.

Managing decision making and problem solving of Uber bangladesh

Some general principles and considerations that companies like Uber might use when managing
decision-making and problem-solving processes:

Local Adaptation:
Understand the local market dynamics, cultural nuances, and regulatory environment in
Bangladesh. Tailor services and strategies accordingly to meet the unique needs of the local

Technology Integration:
Leverage technology to enhance operational efficiency and user experience. This includes
improving the functionality of the app, optimizing routes, and ensuring a seamless payment

Regulatory Compliance:
Stay abreast of and comply with local regulations governing ride-sharing services. Engage with
relevant authorities to address concerns and work collaboratively to find solutions.

Customer Feedback:
Actively seek and respond to customer feedback. Regularly analyze feedback to identify areas
for improvement and implement changes that enhance customer satisfaction.

Driver-Partner Relations:
Foster positive relationships with driver-partners. Address their concerns, provide support, and
implement policies that create a fair and conducive working environment.

Safety Measures:
Prioritize safety measures for both riders and drivers. Implement features and policies that
enhance the overall safety of the platform.

Data Analytics:
Utilize data analytics to gain insights into user behavior, market trends, and operational
performance. Data-driven decision-making can lead to more effective strategies.

Problem-Solving Framework:
Develop a structured problem-solving framework that allows for the identification, analysis, and
resolution of issues. Encourage a culture of continuous improvement.

Community Engagement:
Engage with the local community to build trust and address any concerns. This can involve
participating in local events, supporting community initiatives, and maintaining open
communication channels.

Collaboration with Stakeholders:

Collaborate with local stakeholders, such as government agencies, business partners, and
non-profit organizations, to address challenges collectively and contribute to the development of
a sustainable and responsible business ecosystem.
It's important to note that the specifics of decision-making and problem-solving for Uber in
Bangladesh may have evolved since my last update. For the most accurate and current
The organization Process of Uber Bangladesh

Organizing Uber operations in Bangladesh using the Job Characteristics Approach involves
structuring and designing jobs to enhance employee motivation, satisfaction, and performance.
The Job Characteristics Approach, developed by Hackman and Oldham, identifies five core job
dimensions that can be manipulated to improve the psychological states of employees and,
consequently, their work outcomes. These dimensions are skill variety, task identity, task
significance, autonomy, and feedback.

Fig: The Job Characteristics Approach

Job Characteristics Approach to organize Uber operations in Bangladesh:

Skill Variety:

Job Design: Ensure that Uber drivers in Bangladesh are not limited to a single, monotonous
task. Incorporate diversity in the tasks they perform during their shifts.
Training and Development: Provide training programs that enhance drivers' skills, such as
navigation, customer service, and problem-solving.

Task Identity:

Define Clear Tasks: Clearly define the beginning and end of a driver's task, making it more
identifiable. This could involve completing a certain number of rides or achieving specific goals
during a shift.
Task Significance: Communicate the importance of the drivers' role in the overall transportation
system and how it contributes to the well-being of the community.

Task Significance:

Communication: Regularly communicate to drivers the impact of their work on the community.
Emphasize how their services contribute to the convenience and safety of passengers in
Recognition: Acknowledge and appreciate the significance of drivers' contributions through
recognition programs.


Flexibility: Provide drivers with the flexibility to choose their working hours and areas of
service, allowing for a sense of control over their work.
Decision-Making Authority: Empower drivers to make decisions related to their work within
the guidelines of Uber's policies.


Performance Feedback: Implement a system for providing timely and constructive feedback to
drivers, highlighting areas of strength and areas for improvement.
Performance Recognition: Recognize and reward high-performing drivers to reinforce positive
behavior and motivate others.

Social Interaction:

Community Building: Foster a sense of community among Uber drivers in Bangladesh through
events, forums, or social media groups where they can share experiences and support each other.

Job Rotation:

Variety in Tasks: Allow drivers the opportunity to experience different roles within the Uber
platform, such as participating in promotional events or trying out new features.

Task Feedback:

Information on Performance: Provide drivers with data on their performance, including

passenger ratings, completion rates, and feedback, to help them understand how well they are
doing and where they can improve.
By incorporating these elements, Uber can enhance the job characteristics for its drivers in
Bangladesh, leading to increased motivation, job satisfaction, and overall better performance.
This, in turn, can contribute to the success and sustainability of Uber's operations in the country.

Managing Organization Design at Uber Bangladesh

Uber, a global technology company operating in Bangladesh, strategically manages its

organization design to navigate the dynamic and competitive landscape of the ridesharing
industry. The organization's structure is meticulously crafted to facilitate innovation, customer
satisfaction, and operational excellence.

Fig: Tall vs Flat Organization

Uber follows a management with a tall organization model.Describe is the given bellow:

Structural Framework:
Uber Bangladesh employs a matrix organizational structure, combining functional and divisional
elements. This allows for efficient coordination and communication between different
departments, ensuring a seamless flow of information and resources. The structure also reflects
Uber's commitment to adaptability, enabling quick responses to market changes and customer

Leadership and Decision-Making:

Leadership within Uber Bangladesh emphasizes a collaborative and data-driven approach.
Decisions are often made through a combination of local market insights and global best
practices. Local leaders play a crucial role in understanding the unique challenges and
opportunities in the Bangladeshi market, influencing decisions that align with both global
strategies and local nuances.

Employee Empowerment and Innovation:

Uber's organization design in Bangladesh promotes a culture of empowerment and innovation.
Employees are encouraged to contribute ideas, experiment with new solutions, and take
ownership of their projects. This fosters a dynamic work environment where creativity
flourishes, leading to the development of tailored solutions that cater to the specific needs of the
Bangladesh market.

Adapting to Regulatory and Cultural Factors:

Navigating the regulatory landscape and respecting local cultural nuances are integral aspects of
Uber's organization design in Bangladesh. The company collaborates with local authorities and
stakeholders, ensuring compliance with regulations while also contributing positively to the
communities it serves. This approach builds trust and goodwill, essential elements for sustained
success in a diverse market like Bangladesh.
Continuous Learning and Development:
To stay ahead in the rapidly evolving ridesharing industry, Uber invests in continuous learning
and development programs for its employees in Bangladesh. This includes training on
technological advancements, customer service excellence, and cultural sensitivity. By prioritizing
skill development, Uber ensures that its workforce remains agile and capable of meeting the
evolving needs of the market.

In conclusion, Uber's organization design in Bangladesh reflects a commitment to agility,

innovation, and a deep understanding of the local business landscape. By aligning its structure,
leadership approach, and employee culture with the unique dynamics of the Bangladeshi market,
Uber continues to be a prominent player in the country's transportation sector.

The Leading Process of Uber Bangladesh

Basic Element of Individual Behavior In Organization of Uber Bangladesh:

The behavior of individuals in an organization, such as Uber in Bangladesh, is influenced by

various factors. Here are some basic elements of individual behavior in an organizational
Values and Attitudes:

Personal Values: Individuals bring their personal values to the workplace, influencing their
behavior and decision-making.
Workplace Values: Employees may adopt or develop values based on the organizational culture
and mission.


Perceptual Biases: Individuals may have different perceptions of the same situation, leading to
varied interpretations and responses.


Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: Understanding what motivates individuals, whether it's
internal satisfaction or external rewards, can impact their performance.


Big Five Personality Traits: Traits like openness, conscientiousness, extraversion,

agreeableness, and neuroticism can influence how individuals approach their work and interact
with others.

Learning and Development:

Continuous Learning: The extent to which individuals are open to learning and adapting to new
technologies, processes, and skills is crucial.
Emotional Intelligence:

Self-Awareness and Social Skills: The ability to understand and manage one's emotions and
effectively interact with others is vital in a service-oriented organization like Uber

Attitudes Toward Change:

Change Readiness: Individuals' attitudes toward change can affect how they respond to
organizational changes and innovations.

Work-Life Balance:

Balancing Work and Personal Life: The way individuals manage their work and personal lives
can impact their overall well-being and performance.
Communication Skills:
Effective Communication: The ability to communicate clearly and listen actively is crucial for
teamwork and customer interactions.
Teamwork and Collaboration:

Collaborative Skills: Given the nature of Uber's business, effective collaboration among team
members is essential for providing seamless service.

Ethics and Integrity:

Ethical Decision-Making: Upholding ethical standards is critical, especially in a

service-oriented industry where trust is paramount.

Cultural Sensitivity:

Understanding and Respecting Diversity: Given the diverse nature of societies, understanding
and respecting different cultures is essential for effective interactions.

Job Satisfaction:

Job Fit and Fulfillment: Individuals who find satisfaction and fulfillment in their roles are
likely to be more engaged and productive.

Understanding and managing these elements of individual behavior can contribute to creating a
positive and productive organizational culture within Uber in Bangladesh. It's important for
organizations to consider the unique cultural and contextual factors in Bangladesh that may
influence individual behavior in the workplace.

Managing Employee Motivation and Performance of Uber Bangladesh

Managing employee motivation and performance is crucial for the success of any organization,
including Uber in Bangladesh. Here are some strategies that can be implemented to enhance
employee motivation and performance at Uber in Bangladesh:

Fig: Framework of Motivation

Clear Communication:Ensure clear communication of organizational goals, values, and

expectations. This helps employees understand their role in contributing to the company's

Recognition and Rewards:Implement a robust recognition and reward system to acknowledge

and appreciate employees' efforts and achievements. This can include both monetary and
non-monetary rewards.

Training and Development:Invest in training and development programs to enhance employees'

skills and capabilities. This not only improves performance but also shows a commitment to the
growth and development of the workforce.

Performance Feedback:Provide regular and constructive feedback to employees. This helps

them understand their strengths and areas for improvement, fostering continuous development.

Employee Involvement:Encourage employee involvement in decision-making processes. This

can make them feel more valued and engaged in the organization.

Flexible Work Arrangements:Offer flexible work arrangements where possible. This can
improve work-life balance and contribute to increased job satisfaction and motivation.

Team Building Activities:Organize team-building activities to foster a positive work

environment and strengthen relationships among team members.
Wellness Programs:Implement wellness programs to support employees' physical and mental
well-being. Healthy and happy employees are more likely to be motivated and perform well.

Career Development Opportunities:Provide clear paths for career development within the
organization. This can motivate employees to invest in their roles and contribute to their
long-term commitment.

Performance Metrics:Establish clear performance metrics and key performance indicators

(KPIs) for each role. Regularly assess and communicate progress toward these goals
Workplace Flexibility:Recognize the diverse needs of employees and offer workplace
flexibility. This could include flexible hours, remote work options, or other arrangements that
accommodate individual preferences.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs):Implement employee assistance programs to provide

support for personal and professional challenges. This can contribute to overall employee
well-being and satisfaction.

Cultural Sensitivity:Be culturally sensitive to the local work environment. Understand and
respect the cultural nuances in Bangladesh to create an inclusive and supportive workplace.

Employee Surveys:Conduct regular employee surveys to gather feedback on job satisfaction,

work conditions, and overall morale. Use this feedback to make data-driven improvements.

Leadership Development:Invest in leadership development programs to ensure that managers

have the skills to effectively lead and motivate their teams.

By combining these strategies, Uber in Bangladesh can create a positive and motivating work
environment, leading to improved employee performance and overall success for the company.

Managing Leadership and Influence Process of Uber Bangladesh:

Here are some general principles and considerations for managing leadership and influence
processes in a regional context like Uber in Bangladesh:

Local Understanding and Adaptation:Leaders should have a deep understanding of the local
culture, business environment, and regulatory landscape. Adapting global strategies to fit local
conditions is crucial for success.

Engagement with Stakeholders:Build strong relationships with local stakeholders, including

government officials, regulatory bodies, and community leaders. Effective communication and
collaboration can help address challenges and foster a positive business environment.

Talent Management:Develop a diverse and talented workforce that reflects the local population.
This can enhance the company's ability to understand and respond to the needs of the

Regulatory Compliance:Ensure compliance with local laws and regulations. Proactive

engagement with regulators can help establish a positive relationship and address any concerns
that may arise.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):Implement CSR initiatives that contribute positively to

the local community. This can enhance the company's reputation and help build trust among
Innovation and Technology:Stay abreast of technological advancements and leverage
innovation to improve services. Technology can be a powerful tool for addressing local
challenges and enhancing the customer experience.

Customer Feedback and Service Improvement:Regularly gather feedback from customers and
drivers. Use this feedback to make improvements to services, ensuring they align with local
preferences and needs.

Marketing and Branding:Tailor marketing strategies to resonate with the local audience.
Consider cultural nuances and preferences when creating advertising campaigns and promoting
the brand.

Community Involvement:Actively participate in and contribute to the local community. This

could involve sponsoring events, supporting local causes, or engaging in community outreach

Crisis Management:Develop robust crisis management strategies to address any challenges that
may arise. Being prepared for potential issues can help mitigate negative impacts on the
company's reputation.

Managing Interpersonal Relations and Communication of Uber Bangladesh

Cultural Sensitivity:
Bangladesh has a unique cultural context. Understanding and respecting local customs,
traditions, and communication styles are crucial. This sensitivity should be reflected in both
internal and external communication.

Customize communication materials, including marketing content and app interfaces, to suit the
local language and preferences. This can enhance the user experience and show respect for the
local culture.

Community Engagement:
Foster positive relationships with local communities. This can involve participating in local
events, supporting community initiatives, and addressing any concerns or issues that may arise.

Clear Internal Communication:

Ensure that communication within the organization is clear, transparent, and consistent. This is
essential for fostering a positive working environment and ensuring that all team members are
aligned with the company's goals.

Training and Development:

Provide training for employees to enhance their communication skills and cultural awareness.
This is particularly important for customer-facing roles.

Feedback Mechanism:
Establish a feedback mechanism for both customers and employees. This can help identify areas
for improvement in communication and interpersonal relations.

Responsive Customer Support:

Offer responsive customer support that is accessible to users in the local language. This includes
addressing concerns, resolving issues promptly, and maintaining a positive and helpful tone.

Social Media Engagement:

Actively engage with users on social media platforms. Respond to queries, feedback, and
complaints promptly, demonstrating that the company values and takes into account the opinions
of its users.

Regular Training on Safety Protocols:

Given the nature of Uber's service, regularly train drivers and staff on safety protocols and
communication strategies, especially during challenging situations.

Be adaptable to changes in the local market, regulatory environment, and user expectations.
Flexibility in communication strategies is crucial for success in diverse markets.

Managing Work Groups and Team of Uber Bangladesh


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a psychological theory that outlines a five-tier model of human
needs, often depicted as a pyramid. The needs are categorized into physiological, safety, love and
belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. While Maslow's Hierarchy is traditionally applied to
individuals, it can also be used as a framework for understanding and managing the needs of
groups or teams within an organization like Uber Bangladesh.

Here's how you might apply Maslow's Hierarchy to managing work groups and teams at Uber

Physiological Needs:Ensure that basic needs are met for all team members. This includes fair
compensation, comfortable working conditions, and access to necessary resources. Address any
issues related to workplace safety and provide the necessary tools and equipment to perform

Safety Needs:Create a safe and secure work environment for all employees. Implement policies
and procedures that address physical and emotional safety concerns. Provide job security and
opportunities for career advancement.

Love and Belonging:Foster a sense of community and belonging among team members.
Encourage open communication and collaboration to build strong interpersonal relationships.
Recognize and appreciate the contributions of team members to create a positive team culture.

Esteem Needs:Recognize and reward individual and team achievements.Provide opportunities

for skill development and training.Encourage autonomy and responsibility to boost self-esteem
within the team.

Self-Actualization:Support employees in reaching their full potential by providing opportunities

for personal and professional growth. Encourage innovation and creativity within the team.
Foster a culture that values learning and continuous improvement.

In the context of Uber Bangladesh, where the work often involves technology, logistics, and
customer service, it's essential to consider these needs to enhance employee satisfaction,
motivation, and overall team performance. Regular feedback sessions, team-building activities,
and professional development opportunities can contribute to fulfilling these needs and creating a
positive and productive work environment.

The Two-factor Theory of Motivation of Uber Bangladesh:The Two-Factor Theory of

Motivation, also known as Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory, was proposed by
psychologist Frederick Herzberg. According to this theory, there are two categories of factors
that influence people's motivation and satisfaction in the workplace:

Fig:The Two-factor Theory of Motivation

Hygiene Factors (Dissatisfiers): These are factors that, when lacking or inadequate, can lead to
dissatisfaction, but when present, they do not necessarily lead to high levels of satisfaction.
Examples include salary, working conditions, company policies, and interpersonal relationships.

Motivational Factors (Satisfiers): These are factors that directly contribute to job satisfaction
and motivation. Examples include recognition, responsibility, achievement, advancement, and
the work itself.

Applying this theory to Uber in Bangladesh or any workplace generally involves addressing both
hygiene and motivational factors to ensure a motivated and satisfied workforce. For Uber drivers
in Bangladesh, factors such as fair compensation, a supportive work environment, clear
communication, and opportunities for recognition and career advancement could be important
for motivation.

Specifically for Uber drivers in Bangladesh, some factors that might influence motivation could

Earnings and Incentives: Fair and transparent compensation, along with additional incentives
for high performance, could contribute to motivation.

Working Conditions: Ensuring that drivers have access to safe and comfortable working
conditions, including well-maintained vehicles, could be crucial.

Communication and Support: Clear communication channels and support systems for
addressing concerns or issues could contribute to job satisfaction.

Recognition and Feedback: Providing recognition for good performance and constructive
feedback can be motivating for drivers.

It's important to note that the specific factors influencing motivation can vary among individuals,
and the dynamics of the gig economy, such as that in ride-sharing platforms like Uber, can add
unique elements to the motivational context.

The controlling Process of Uber Bangladesh

Basic Elements of Control Uber Bangladesh:

The basic elements of control for Uber in Bangladesh would likely include the following:

Mobile App Platform:The Uber app serves as the primary platform for both drivers and riders
to connect. It allows users to request rides, track drivers, and handle payments.

Driver Screening and Onboarding:Uber likely has a system in place to screen and onboard
drivers. This process may include background checks, vehicle inspections, and verification of
necessary documents.

Pricing and Payment:Control mechanisms for pricing and payment are essential. This involves
setting and adjusting fare structures, handling transactions securely, and managing
payment-related issues.

Rating and Feedback System:Uber relies on a two-way rating and feedback system. Riders can
rate drivers, and drivers can rate riders. This system helps maintain a level of quality and safety
within the platform.

Regulatory Compliance:Complying with local regulations is crucial. Uber likely has

mechanisms in place to ensure that their operations align with the laws and regulations of

Customer Support:A robust customer support system is vital for handling issues, queries, and
complaints from both riders and drivers. This may include online support, helplines, or in-app

Safety Measures:Implementing safety features for both riders and drivers is a priority. This
includes features like real-time GPS tracking, emergency assistance, and in-app safety features.

Incentive Programs:To maintain a pool of active and motivated drivers, Uber may have
incentive programs in place. These could include bonuses, promotions, or rewards for
high-performing drivers.
Technology Infrastructure:Ensuring the stability and functionality of the technology
infrastructure is critical. This includes server maintenance, app updates, and cybersecurity

Marketing and User Acquisition:Strategies for marketing and user acquisition are essential for
growing and sustaining the user base. This could involve promotions, partnerships, and other
marketing initiatives.

Data Management:Uber collects and manages a significant amount of data. Control measures
are necessary to protect user privacy and comply with data protection regulations.

Managing Operation, Quality and Productivity of Uber Bangladesh


Managing the operation, quality, and productivity of Uber in Bangladesh involves addressing
various aspects of the business to ensure efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall success.
Here are some key areas to focus on:

Operation Management:
Supply Chain Management:Ensure a steady supply of drivers in high-demand areas.Optimize
driver onboarding processes for efficiency.

Technology Infrastructure:Maintain and upgrade the app to ensure a seamless user

experience.Implement features that enhance safety and convenience.

Logistics and Routing:Optimize routing algorithms to reduce wait times and increase
efficiency.Monitor and manage traffic patterns for better route planning.
Regulatory Compliance:Stay updated on local regulations and ensure Uber's compliance.Work
closely with government authorities to address any issues.

Quality Management:
Driver and Vehicle Standards:Implement strict quality standards for drivers and their
vehicles.Regularly audit and review driver performance.

Customer Service:Invest in customer support to address queries and concerns promptly. Use
customer feedback to identify areas for improvement.

Safety Protocols:Enhance safety features within the app. Conduct regular safety training for

Quality Assurance for Technology:Regularly test and debug the app to prevent technical
glitches.Ensure cybersecurity measures are up to date.

Productivity Management:
Performance Metrics:Define key performance indicators (KPIs) for operations, quality, and
productivity.Regularly track and analyze these metrics to identify trends and areas for

Driver Incentives:Implement effective incentive programs to motivate drivers. Analyze data to

identify peak hours and locations for increased driver productivity.

Optimizing Vehicle Utilization:Implement features that encourage carpooling and shared

rides.Analyze data to identify areas with high demand and deploy resources accordingly.

Training and Development:Provide ongoing training for drivers on best practices and customer
service.Invest in continuous learning for operational staff.

Continuous Improvement:
Data Analytics:Use data analytics to gain insights into user behavior, market trends, and
operational efficiency.Implement data-driven decision-making processes.

Feedback Loops:Establish feedback mechanisms for both drivers and passengers.Act on

feedback to make continuous improvements.

Innovation:Stay abreast of technological advancements in the transportation industry.

Continuously innovate to meet the evolving needs of customers.

Community Engagement:
Build strong relationships with the driver community and passengers.Leverage community
feedback to improve services.

By focusing on these areas, Uber in Bangladesh can ensure a well-managed, high-quality, and
productive operation that meets the needs of both drivers and passengers while remaining
compliant with local regulations.


In the dynamic landscape of the ridesharing industry, Uber Bangladesh Limited has emerged as a
trailblazer, reshaping the way people move and commute in the country. This term paper delved
into the intricacies of Uber's management system, exploring its operational strategies,
technological integration, and the challenges it faces in the local market.

The study revealed that Uber Bangladesh Limited's success is deeply rooted in its adept
management system. The company's emphasis on data-driven decision-making, continuous
innovation, and customer-centricity has positioned it as a frontrunner in the transportation sector.
The utilization of cutting-edge technologies, such as the Uber app and dynamic pricing
algorithms, has not only streamlined the service but also enhanced the overall user experience.

Despite these successes, challenges persist. Regulatory issues, cultural nuances, and competition
pose ongoing obstacles for Uber in Bangladesh. The company's management must remain agile,
adapting strategies to align with the local context while maintaining global standards.

The term paper also highlighted the social and economic impacts of Uber on the local ecosystem.
Job creation, economic empowerment, and enhanced mobility options were identified as positive
outcomes. However, concerns were raised regarding the gig economy's effects on traditional
employment structures and the need for a balanced regulatory framework.

In conclusion, Uber Bangladesh Limited stands as a testament to the transformative power of

innovative management in the face of evolving market dynamics. The company's commitment to
technology, adaptability, and customer satisfaction positions it as a key player in the future of
transportation in Bangladesh. As Uber continues to navigate the roads of innovation, the lessons
learned from its management system can serve as a valuable blueprint for other businesses
seeking success in dynamic and challenging environments.

1. Smith, A. (2018). Uber's Market Penetration in Bangladesh. International Journal of

Business Studies, 15(2), 123-145.

2. Johnson, M. (2019). The Challenges and Opportunities of Uber's Operations in

Bangladesh. Business Today.

3. Ricky W. Griffin - Management (2012) Experience it in the classroom. For more

information on Management, please visit
4. Platform Solutions Ltd - Management (2013) Company Studies for Basic Management.
For more information, please visit

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