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The complete Calendar consists of:


General Information and Rules

Subjects and syllabuses Rules: College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Rules: College of Economic and Management Sciences Rules: College of Human Sciences Rules: College of Law Rules: College of Science, Engineering and Technology VUDEC/UNISA

(All degrees, diplomas and certicates)

(General information, rules, regulations and transitional arrangements)

The Calendar is valid for 2007 only. Rules and syllabuses may be changed for 2008. The Calendar is obtainable free of charge from: The Registrar PO Box 392 Unisa 0003 Hierdie Jaarboek is ook in Afrikaans beskikbaar. ISBN (Set of Calendars) 1-86888-426-0 ISBN (Calendar 4) 1-86888-417-1 ISSN 0257-8840 Printed and published by the University of South Africa Courses delivered on the Internet will initially only be in English. Although covering the same core content as the print-based study material, the characteristics of the Internet will facilitate dierent forms of enrichment.

Towards the African university in the service of humanity

The University of South Africa is a comprehensive, open learning and distance education institution, which, in response to the diverse needs of society:

provides quality general academic and career-focused learning opportunities underpinned by principles of lifelong learning, exibility, and student-centredness; undertakes research and knowledge development guided by integrity, quality and rigour; participates in community development by utilizing its resources and capacities for the upliment of the disadvantaged; is accessible to all learners, specically those on the African continent, and the marginalised, by way of a barrier-free environment, while responding to the needs of the global market; addresses the needs of a diverse learner prole by oering relevant learner support, facilitated by appropriate information and communications technology; develops and retains high quality capacities among its sta members to achieve human development, by using the resources at its disposal eciently and eectively; cultivates and promotes an institutional ethos, intellectual culture and educational experience that is conducive to critical discourse, intellectual curiosity, tolerance, and a diversity of views; contributes to good and responsible society by graduating individuals of sound character and versatile ability; and meets the needs of the global competitive society by nurturing collaborative relationships with its stakeholders and other partners.

The University of South Africa espouses the values in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa: human dignity, the achievement of equality, and social justice. We also arm the historic principles of academic freedom. We seek to weave these into the fabric of our institutional life and culture. Elaborated, these values and principles consist of the following elements:

INTEGRITY Subscribing to truth, honesty, transparency and accountability of conduct in all that we do SOCIAL JUSTICE AND FAIRNESS Promoting equity of access and opportunity so that all may develop their full potential EXCELLENCE Upholding high standards of aspiration in all our practices, with continuous aention to improvement in quality

A1 G13

Chapter 7


Introduction .......................................................................................7 Admission to studies ........................................................................7

C13n Composition of the curriculum.....................................................25 C14n Pass, pass with distinction and subminimum ............................26 Rules for the Degree of Bachelor of Administration ......................... 26 C15n Admission ........................................................................................26 C16n Duration of study and number of study units per year ............26 C17n Subjects .............................................................................................27 C18n Composition of the curriculum.....................................................27 C20n Pass, pass with distinction and subminimum ............................28



Chapter 1
Telephone numbers .................................................................................... 8 1 Administration .................................................................................8 2 Heads of Academic Departments ..................................................8

Chapter 8
Rules for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration............ 28 C21 Admission ........................................................................................28 C22 Duration of study and number of study units per year ............28 C23 Subjects .............................................................................................28 C24 Composition of the curriculum.....................................................28 C25 Pass, pass with distinction and subminimum ............................29

Chapter 2
Advice and Information............................................................................. 8 A1 Introduction .......................................................................................8 A2n The BCom degree ..............................................................................9 A2B The BBanking degree........................................................................9 A3 The BCompt degree ..........................................................................9 A4 The BAdmin degree ........................................................................10 A5 The BBA degree ...............................................................................10

Chapter 9
Rules for the Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management ... 29 C30 Admission ........................................................................................29 C31 Requirements ...................................................................................30 C32 Duration of study and number of study units per year ............30 C33 Curriculum.......................................................................................30 C34 Pass, pass with distinction and subminimum ............................30

Chapter 3
Degrees and Diplomas ............................................................................. 10 C1 Degrees .............................................................................................10 C2 Certicates/Diplomas .....................................................................10

Chapter 4
Rules for the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce .................................. 10 C3n Admission ........................................................................................11 C4n Duration of study and number of study units per year ............11 C5n Subjects .............................................................................................11 C6n Composition of the curriculum.....................................................11 The BCom degree (02011 GE1)...................................................11 BCom (with specialisation in Economics) (02011 ENM) ........12 BCom (with specialisation in Entrepreneurship) (02011 ENT).. 12 BCom (with specialisation in Financial Management) (02011 FIM) ....................................................................................13 BCom (with specialisation in Human Resource Management) (02011 HRM) .....................................................................14 BCom (with specialisation in Industrial Psychology) (02011 IOR) ....................................................................................14 BCom (with specialisation in Informatics) (02011 IFM) .........15 BCom (with specialisation in Internal Auditing) (02011 INA) .. 16 BCom (with specialisation in Law) (02011 LAW) ...................16 BCom (with specialisation in Logistics) (02011 LOG) ............17 BCom (with specialisation in Management) (02011 MAN) ...17 BCom (with specialisation in Management Accounting) (02011 MAC) .................................................................................18 BCom (with specialisation in Marketing Management) (02011 MKT) ..................................................................................19 BCom (with specialisation in Municipal Accounting (02011 MUN) .................................................................................19 BCom (with specialisation in Quantitative Management) (02011 QMA) .................................................................................20 BCom (with specialisation in Retail Management) (02011 RET).. 21 BCom (with specialisation in Risk Management) (02011 RIS) .21 BCom (with specialisation in Strategic Supply Management) (02011 SSP) ........................................................................22 BCom (with specialisation in Tourism Management) (02011 TRM) ..................................................................................22 BCom (with specialisation in Transport Economics) (02011 TRA) ...................................................................................23 C10n Pass, pass with distinction and subminimum ............................23



Chapter 1
Rules for the Degree of Honours Bachelor of Accounting Sciences (Hons BCompt/CTA) ................................................................................ 30 PC3 School ................................................................................................30 PC4 Admission ........................................................................................31 PC5 Curriculum.......................................................................................31 PC6 Duration of study and re-registration ..........................................31 PC7 Discussion classes ...........................................................................31 PC8 Tests and year-mark........................................................................31 PC9 Examination and supplementary examination ..........................31 PC10 Pass-mark and pass with distinction............................................31

Chapter 2
Rules for the Degree of Honours Bachelor of Arts............................. 31 PC87 Subjects .............................................................................................32 PC88 Curriculum and other requirements ...........................................32

Chapter 3
Rules for the Degree of Honours Bachelor of Commerce ................. 32 PC12 Admission ........................................................................................32 PC13 Subjects .............................................................................................33 PC14 Pass with distinction .......................................................................33 PC15 Curriculum and other requirements ............................................33

Chapter 4
Rules for the Degree of Honours Bachelor of Administration ........ 39 PC16 Admission ........................................................................................39 PC17 Subjects .............................................................................................39 PC18 Pass with distinction .......................................................................40 PC19 Curriculum and other requirements ............................................40 Economics ........................................................................................40 Public Administration ....................................................................40

Chapter 5
Rules for the Degree of Honours Bachelor of Science....................... 40 PC87 Admission ........................................................................................40 PC88 Denitions ........................................................................................40 PC89 Subjects .............................................................................................40 PC90 Pass, retaining of credit and pass with distinction ....................41 PC91 Composition of the curriculum.....................................................41

Chapter 5
Rules for the Degree of Bachelor of Banking ..................................... 24 C3B Admission ........................................................................................24 C4B Duration of study and number of study units per year ............24 C6B Composition of the curriculum.....................................................24 C10B Pass, pass with distinction and subminimum ............................25

Chapter 6
Rules for the Degree of Bachelor of Accounting Science (BCompt) . 25 C11n Admission ........................................................................................25 C12n Duration of study and number of study units per year ............25

Chapter 6
Rules for the Degree of Master of Arts ................................................. 41 PC82 Admission ........................................................................................41 PC83 Subjects .............................................................................................41

PC84 Curriculum and other requirements ............................................41

Chapter 20
Rules for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy .................................... 52 PC98 Admission ........................................................................................52 PC99 Subjects .............................................................................................53 PC100 Curriculum.......................................................................................53

Chapter 7
Rules for the Degree of Master of Business Leadership ................... 42 PC20 Admission ........................................................................................42 PC21 Curriculum.......................................................................................42 PC22 Completion of Curriculum ............................................................42 PC23 Transitional Arrangements ................................................................... 43 PC24 Old Curriculum ...............................................................................43 PC25 Completion of old curriculum ......................................................43

Chapter 21
Rules for the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences.......... 53 PC52 School ................................................................................................53 PC53 Admission ........................................................................................53 PC54 Curriculum.......................................................................................53 PC55 Duration of study and reregistration ...........................................53 PC56 Tests and year mark ........................................................................53 PC57 Examination .....................................................................................53 PC58 Pass mark and pass with distinction ............................................53

Chapter 8
Rules for the Degree of Master of Accounting Science ..................... 44 PC26 Admission ........................................................................................44 PC27 School ................................................................................................44 PC28 Curriculum.......................................................................................44

Chapter 9
Rules for the Degree of Master of Accounting Science in Taxation 44 PC29 Admission ........................................................................................44 PC30 School ................................................................................................45 PC31 Curriculum.......................................................................................45

Chapter 22
Rules for the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting and Financial Strategy ....................................................................................................... 54

Chapter 23
Rules for the Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Management ..... 54

Chapter 10
Rules for the Degree of Master of Public Administration ................ 45 PC32 Admission ........................................................................................45 PC33 Curriculum.......................................................................................45 PC34 Completion of the curriculum.......................................................45 PC35 Requirements to pass .....................................................................46

SECTION 4: Chapter 1


Chapter 11
Rules for the Degree of Master of Commerce ..................................... 46 PC36 Admission ........................................................................................46 PC37 Subjects .............................................................................................46 PC38 Curriculum.......................................................................................46

Chapter 12
Rules for the Degree of Master of Administration ............................ 47 PC39 Admission ........................................................................................48 PC40 Subjects .............................................................................................48 PC41 Curriculum.......................................................................................48

Chapter 13
Rules for the Degree of Master of Science ........................................... 48 PC92 Admission ........................................................................................48 PC93 Subjects .............................................................................................48 PC94 Composition and completion of curriculum ..............................48 PC95 Scientic article................................................................................48 PC96 Pass, retaining of credit and pass with distinction ....................48 PC97 Curriculum requirements ..............................................................49

Chapter 14
Rules for the Degree of Doctor of Accounting Science ..................... 49 PC44 School ................................................................................................49 PC45 Curriculum.......................................................................................49

Chapter 15
Rules for the Degree of Doctor of Administration ............................. 49 PC50 Subjects .............................................................................................49 PC51 Curriculum.......................................................................................49

Chapter 16
Rules for the Degree of Doctor of Business Leadership ................... 50 PC42 Admission and re-registration ......................................................50 PC43 Curriculum.......................................................................................50

Chapter 17
Rules for the Degree of Doctor of Commerce ..................................... 51 PC48 Subjects .............................................................................................51 PC49 Curriculum.......................................................................................51

Chapter 18
Rules for the Degree of Doctor of Literature and Philosophy ......... 52 PC85 Subjects .............................................................................................52 PC86 Curriculum.......................................................................................52

Chapter 19
Rules for the Degree of Doctor of Public Administration ................ 52 PC46 Admission ........................................................................................52 PC47 Curriculum.......................................................................................52

School of Management Sciences ............................................................ 54 National Diploma: Administrative Management (General) ....54 National Diploma: Administrative Management (Financial) ..55 National Diploma: Banking ...........................................................56 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Banking ...........................................57 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Business Administration ..............57 Magister Technologiae: Business Administration ......................58 National Diploma: Commercial Practice .....................................59 National Diploma: Credit Management ......................................61 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Credit Management ......................62 MTech (with a dissertation on credit management) ..................62 National Diploma: Entrepreneurship (Revised) ........................62 National Diploma: Explosives Management ..............................63 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Explosives Management ...............64 National Diploma: Finance and Accounting (Public)...............65 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Finance and Accounting (Public) 65 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Human Resource Development ..66 Magister Technologiae: Human Resource Development ..........66 National Diploma: Human Resource Management ..................67 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Human Resource Management ...68 Magister Technologiae: Human Resource Management ..........68 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Labour Relations Management ...69 National Diploma: Local Government Finance ..........................69 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Local Government Finance ..........70 National Diploma: Management ..................................................70 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Management...................................72 National Diploma: Management Services ..................................72 National Diploma: Marketing ......................................................73 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Marketing ......................................74 Magister Technologiae: Marketing ...............................................75 National Diploma: Oce Management and Technology ........75 National Diploma: Operations Management (Revised)............77 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Operations Management (Revised) ... 77 National Diploma: Production Management (Phasing out).....78 National Diploma: Public Management ......................................78 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Public Management ......................79 Magister Technologiae: Public Management ..............................80 Option 1: M Tech: Public Management (Dissertation) ..............80 Option 2: M Tech: Public Management (Course Work) ..........80 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Quality (phasing out) ....................81 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Quality (revised) ............................82 Real Estate qualications ............................................................ 82 National Diploma: Real Estate ......................................................82 (Property Marketing/Property Practice/Property Valuation) ...82 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Real Estate ..........................................85 (Property Marketing/Property Practice/Property Valuation) ..85 Magister Technologiae: Real Estate .............................................86 (Property Marketing/Property Practice/Property Valuation) ...86 National Diploma: Safety Management ......................................86 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Safety Management .......................87 National Diploma: Small Business Management (Phasing out) .. 87

Chapter 2
School of Accounting Sciences ............................................................... 89 Very Important Notice ...................................................................89 Section A: National Higher Certicates................................................ 89 A1 National Higher Certicate: Accountancy ...........................89 A2 National Higher Certicate: Financial Information Systems . 90 Section B: National Diplomas ............................................................... 92 B1 National Diploma: Accounting .............................................92 B2 National Diploma: Cost and Management Accounting .....93 B3 National Diploma: Financial Information Systems ............93 B4 National Diploma: Internal Auditing ....................................95 B5 National Diploma: Taxation ....................................................96 Section C: Baccalaureus Technologiae Degrees .................................. 97 C1 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Corporate Administration ......97 C2 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Cost and Management Accounting ...........................................................................97 C3 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Internal Auditing ....................98 C4 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Taxation ....................................99 Section D: MTech degrees ....................................................................... 99 D1 Magister Technologiae: Cost and Management Accounting . 99 D2 Magister Technologiae: Internal Auditing ...........................99 D3 Magister Technologiae: Taxation ...........................................99

Chapter 3
School of Economic Sciences ................................................................ 100 National Diploma: Economic Management Analysis .............100 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Economic Management Analysis .. 101 Magister Technologiae: Economic Management Analysis .....102 National Diploma: Logistics ........................................................102 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Logistics ........................................103 National Diploma: Tourism Management ................................103 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Tourism Management .................105 National Diploma: Transport Economics ..................................105 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Transport Economics...................106



To be registered for a diploma, a student must (a) hold a senior or school leaving certicate with or without a matriculation exemption/endorsement, but with at least 5 subjects on Higher and/or Standard Grade or (b) qualify for a certicate of full or conditional exemption issued by the Matriculation Board of Higher Education South Africa (HESA) or (c) hold the qualications as stipulated under Admission to the specic qualication in the relevant College Calendar.

NB Although Unisa is a member of the CAO, prospective students applying only to Unisa do not have to apply to the CAO but must contact Unisa directly. Applications for Undergraduate studies at the following KwaZuluNatal Institutions will be processed by the Central Applications Oce (CAO) University of KwaZulu Natal University of Zululand Durban University of Technology Mangosuthu Technikon Further information can be obtained from the CAO. CAO Private Bag X06 DALBRIDGE 4014 Telephone Fax Web site (031) 268-4444 (031) 268-4422 hp://www.cao.ac.za

Requirements for admission to study vary from certicate to certicate. Please refer to Admission to the specic qualication in the relevant College Calendar.


To be registered for any course or module for non-degree purposes, a student must (a) hold a senior or school leaving certicate with at least 5 subjects on Higher and/or Standard Grade or (b) qualify for a certicate of full or conditional exemption issued by the Matriculation Board of Higher Education South Africa (HESA).



To be registered for the Access Programme, a student must hold one of the following certicates: (a) senior certicate; (b) ordinary level certicate with 5 O-level subjects passed with symbols AC, (C+ for Kenya Certicate of Secondary Education) including English language or literature in English (c) International General Certicate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) with 5 subjects passed with symbols AC including English First Language (d) The Angolan 3rd year Pre-University Certicate; (e) The Mozambican Certidao 12th class; (f) ACE School of Tomorrow Grade 12 College Entrance Certicate or National Christian Schools Certicate Level 3.

This section of the Calendar contains the rules for the various degrees, diplomas and certicates oered by Unisa. If, aer having carefully read this part of the Calendar you still have problems in deciding on a course of studies or doubts as to the interpretation of the rules, you are most welcome to write to the Registrar. You may also discuss the maer in person with the sta of the Department of Student Admissions and Registrations (Tel: 0861 670 411) or sta aached to one of the registration facilities. When reading the composition of the various curricula, you must take into account the modularised semesterised tuition model. See Part 2 of the Calendar to check whether and in which semester a specic module for which you wish to register is being oered. Please note that the admission requirements for study at the former Unisa and former TSA dier. See G13 in Part 1 of the Calendar. The following is an abstract of Rule G13. NB Part 1 of the Calendar contains the General Rules applicable to registered students and is issued to them together with their registration material.


A student who is not in possession of an exemption certicate, may enquire at the University (Access and Matriculation Exemption Oce) about the possibility that he/she may qualify for any of the other types of exemption certicates, i.e on the grounds of foreign or post school qualications obtained and/or mature age. An application for such an exemption certicate must be submied to the University who will, upon nalisation of the application, forward it to the Matriculation Board. The certicate will then be issued, if approved by the Board. In the case where a certicate of conditional exemption is issued a student will be required to renew such a certicate when it lapses. The following documents and fees must be submied in support of any application for exemption, which should be made prior to or on the day of registration: 1. Original Educational qualications (High School and postschool qualications) or only copies certied correct by the Registrar of a South African university or by a South African Embassy, Consulate, High Commission, Trade Mission or by a Public Notary in a foreign country. Original sworn translations into either English or Afrikaans must accompany documents issued in another language. An original ocial academic record reecting the courses passed in dierent years, if the application is based on the grounds of post-school qualications, with a prescribed minimum duration of at least three years uninterrupted study. (RSA/SADC students only)


Admission to studies

To be registered for a degree, a student must hold one of the following certicates: (a) a senior certicate with matriculation or university admission endorsement (exemption); (b) a certicate of full or conditional exemption issued by the Matriculation Board of Higher Education South Africa (HESA); or (c) comply with any other requirements as stipulated under Admission to the specic qualication in the College Calendar.


To be registered for this degree, a student must hold an applicable National Diploma and or comply with any other requirements as stipulated under Admission to the specic qualication in the relevant College Calendar.


3. 4. 5. 6.

A certied copy of the particulars in the applicants identity document or passport reecting his/her date of birth and full names or the applicants birth certicate. A married or divorced women must also submit a certied copy of her marriage certicate or divorce order. Fees payable: R230,00 The fees are not refunded if the applicant does not qualify or fails to respond to leers regarding the application. Applications for exemption from the matriculation endorsement together with the items mentioned under 1 to 5 above, must be submied to the Registrar, University of South Africa, PO Box 392, UNISA, 0003.



C h a p t e r

Please take note that ORIGINAL educational qualications are required. The original documents will be returned to the student in person (if the application is made in person) or by registered mail (in the case of a postal application). Students in foreign countries may have their documents certied in the manner prescribed above. NB No application for exemption or registration will be processed unless all the prescribed documents and fees are received before or on the relevant closing date for registration.

Telephone numbers
Enquiries in connection with registration, cancellation, curricula and change of courses: Tel: 0861 670 411 (Nationally) +27 11 670 9000 (Internationally) Fax: (012) 429-4150 e-mail: econ@unisa.ac.za


No other e-mail address should be used for correspondence regarding administrative maers sent to the Department of Student Admissions and Registrations.

Heads of Academic Departments

(012) 429-4716 (011) 471-3105 (012) 429-4012 (012) 429-4350 (012) 429-4459 (012) 429-4825 (012) 471-2291 (012) 429-8003 (012) 429-4753 (012) 429-2381 (012) 429-6595 (012) 429-4494 (012) 429-4027 (012) 429-3338 (011) 652-0324

Auditing Business Management and Entrepreneurship Decision Sciences Economics Financial Accounting Finance, Risk, Real Estate and Banking Human Resource Management Industrial and Organisational Psychology Management Accounting Marketing and Retail Public Administration and Management Taxation Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism Bureau of Market Research Graduate School of Business Leadership

C h a p t e r

Advice and Information

The purpose of this section of the Calendar is to provide background information about the various degrees that are oered in the College of Economic and Management Sciences. If, aer having carefully read this part of the Calendar you still have problems in deciding on a course of studies or doubts as to the interpretation of the rules, you are most welcome to write to the Registrar or, if possible, to come and discuss the maer with the sta of

the Department of Student Admissions and Registrations (Tel 0861 670 411) or one of the registration facilities. The College oers ve degrees, namely BBanking, BCom, BCompt, BAdmin and BBA. Within the BCom degree there are various directions for specialisation. The subjects for the new curriculum are specied in Groups A and B under C5(n).

GROUP B: Subjects offered by other Colleges

Any language (one or two modules on rst level only) Commercial Law Information Systems Labour Law Business Ethics (PLS201) Statistics

How to select one of the BCom specialisation degrees


The BCom degree

The BCom degree serves as a background to the business world, as well as the industrial and public sectors. It can be of interest to the teaching profession as subjects such as Business Economics (Business Management), Accounting and Economics are recognised school subjects. Legal subjects can also be taken if students desire a commercial background before embarking on a LLB degree (See Part 6 of the Calendar). The degree can also be of use to already qualied professionals such as engineers, medical and paramedical practitioners, architects, chemists, etc who wish to gain further insight to the business world. For the BCom degree there is a choice between a general BCom degree and various specialisation directions. The directions of specialisation are as follows: Economics Entrepreneurship Financial Management Human Resource Management Industrial Psychology Informatics Internal Auditing Law Logistics Management Management Accounting Marketing Management Municipal Accounting phasing out from 2007 Quantitative Management Retail Management Risk Management Strategic Supply Management Tourism Management Transport Economics The BCom degree comprises 32 modules with the exception of the BCom (with specialisation in Management Accounting) and BCom (with specialisation in Internal Auditing). Where the degree structure permits, two modules in any language on rst level may be included in the curriculum. The degree curriculum comprises compulsory, recommended and elective modules from the subjects listed under Groups A and B under C5(n).

You have a choice between a general degree and one which specialises in a particular direction. Your work environment, interests and long-term career goal will play a large role in your selection. If you are uncertain or have not nally decided on your career path then the general BCom degree would be your safest choice. If you wish to specialise then select the direction which best addresses your needs and interests. Once you have exercised your choice you must follow the prescribed curriculum. On each level you must rst select the compulsory modules and then, in accordance with the recommended modules, any elective modules. Ensure that you comply with the prerequisites for each module. How to compile a BCom curriculum

Divide a sheet of paper horizontally into three parts to represent the rst, second and third level of study with four or more vertical columns one for each of the subjects you wish to include in your curriculum Select the ten modules on third level which you wish to take ensuring that at least ve modules are in one and the same subject (major subject). Fill in the module codes under the third level. Now consult the relevant subject chapters in Part 2 of the Calendar to determine the prerequisite on second level for each third-level module selected and ll in the prerequisite code under the second level. Do the same in respect of rst-level prerequisites for the secondlevel modules. These represent your compulsory modules. Now select additional modules on rst and second level until you have ten modules on each level.


The BBanking degree

GROUP A: Subjects offered by the College of Economic and Management Sciences (M = major)
M Accounting Accounting Data Processing M Accounting (Municipal Accounting) M Auditing M Financial Accounting M Internal Auditing M Business Management Economic History M Economics M Industrial Psychology Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment M Logistics M Management Accounting M Public Administration (only for the general BCom degree) M Quantitative Management Taxation M Tourism Management M Transport Economics

This degree which serves as background for domestic and international banking and bank management combines academic background with applied and practical background. Modules/papers of Unisa and the Institute of Bankers in South Africa are included to satisfy the needs of the business world which is sparked mainly by the following aspects: rapidly changing nancial services industry; need for understanding of nancial risk and the management thereof; inux of foreign banks into SA, creating new job opportunities and impacting on standards in the industry; changing needs of clients; drain of skilled manpower from the country which have to be replaced; rapidly changing human resource market.


The BCompt degree

This degree is mainly for candidates who wish to qualify as Chartered Accountants (CA(SA)) or as Public Accountants and Auditors. To qualify for the Certicate in the Theory of Accounting (CTA) with a view to admission to Part 1 of the Qualifying Examination of The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), students must rst complete a BCompt degree followed by the Honours BCompt degree. Students must have passed Mathematics at matriculation level with at least 40% on Higher Grade or at least 50% on Standard Grade.) Alternatively a candidate must pass at least QMG101 or one module in Statistics or Mathematics for the BCom or other degree before being allowed to proceed with studies on second-year level.

The Honours BCompt degree must be completed in one year for recognition as CTA compliant. Further particulars, including the requirements for admission to studies, will be found in Parts 1 and 4 of the Calendar, which are obtainable free of charge from the Registrar on application. Enquiries in connection with admission to the Qualifying Examinations of The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) and the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors (IRBA), and registration as a Trainee Accountant, must be addressed to: The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants PO Box 59875 KENGRAY 2100 Tel: (011) 621-6600 www.saica.co.za The Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors (IRBA) PO Box 751595 GARDEN VIEW 2047 Tel: (011) 622-8533 www.irba.co.za


(3) (4) (5) (6)

(7) (8) (9)

Candidates under a Trainee Accountant contract should note the Academic Progress Rule of SAICA. Any information students may require is available on the SAICA website.


The BAdmin degree

Honours Bachelor of Accounting Science .............Hons BCompt Magister Technologiae ...........................................................MTech Master of Accounting Science ..........................................MCompt Doctor of Accounting Science .......................................... DCompt In Administration: Bachelor of Administration ...............................................BAdmin Honours Bachelor of Administration .................... Hons BAdmin Master of Administration ................................................ MAdmin Doctor of Administration .................................................. DAdmin Master of Public Administration ............................................ MPA Doctor of Public Administration .............................................DPA In Banking: Bachelor of Banking ..........................................................BBanking In Business Administration: Bachelor of Business Administration ...................................... BBA In Business Leadership: Master of Business Leadership ............................................... MBL Doctor of Business Leadership ................................................. DBL In Commerce: Bachelor of Commerce ...........................................................BCom Honours Bachelor of Commerce ................................ Hons BCom Master of Commerce ............................................................ MCom Doctor of Commerce ............................................................. DCom In Economic Sciences: Baccalaureus Technologiae .................................................... BTech Magister Technologiae ..........................................................MTech In Human Sciences: Master of Arts ............................................................................... MA Doctor of Literature and Philosophy ......................... DLi et Phil In Management Sciences: Baccalaureus Technologiae .................................................... BTech Magister Technologaie ..........................................................MTech

This degree is intended for persons occupying management and administrative posts in public organisations, such as government departments, local government and corporations. In addition to certain BCom subjects, the curriculum of this degree also includes subjects from the College of Human Sciences eg., Development Studies.



The following certicates/diplomas may be issued in the College:

(1) In Accounting Sciences: National Higher Certicate National Diploma Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences In Economic Sciences: National Diploma In Management Sciences: National Diploma Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management


The BBA degree

(2) (5)

The BBA degree is a career-oriented degree which increases the marketability of the graduate in the labour market. It serves the following aims: it allows students the opportunity to combine Business Management with their specialised training in, for example, teaching, natural sciences, arts, law or theology. Graduates will be equipped to practise their specialised training in a business environment, occupy management positions in specialised directions and to operate as entrepreneurs in specialised areas it oers graduates who already hold a degree (eg BA or BEd) new career opportunities. Students receive recognition for their previous degree and can complete the BBA degree by passing prescribed modules within the College of Economic and Management Sciences.

C h a p t e r

Rules for the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce

C h a p t e r


(Degree code: 02011)

Degrees and Diplomas

The following degrees may be awarded in the College:
In Accounting Science: Bachelor of Accounting Science ........................................ BCompt Baccalaureus Technologiae ..................................................... BTech

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar which is issued to registered students. NB Reference to courses I, II and/or III includes the equivalent in modules. Course I in a subject is equivalent to two modules on rst level, Course II is equivalent to two modules on second level and Course III is equivalent to ve modules on third level. A student who has completed a BCompt, BBA, BAdmin or a BCom degree with specialisation in a specic direction may not repeat or register for a degree which has already been conferred. However, he/she may register for another degree, or in the case of a BCom degree register for another BCom specialisation degree provided that at least half of


the number of study units were not passed for the previous degree, that none (see exception below) of the compulsory third-level modules were passed for the previous degree, and ten third-level modules, which includes one major subject must be passed at Unisa. This is also applicable in the case of degrees and diplomas obtained from any other recognised University, Technikon or institute. Exception: A student who completed a bachelors degree with specialisation in Business Management, may register for the BBA, BBanking or a BCom degree with specialisation in either one of Entrepreneurship, Financial Management, Human Recource Management, Management, Management Accounting, Marketing Management, Retail Management, Risk Management or Strategic Supply Management provided that at least half of the study units were not passed for the previous degree, and that not more than two of the compulsory modules on third-level which are oered by the Department of Business Management and Entrepreneurship is being repeated. GRADUATES wishing to register for the Honours BCom, BCompt or BAdmin degree in a subject in which they have not yet passed Course III, may normally qualify for admission to studies for the Honours degree by registering for and passing the prescribed modules on rst, second and third level (where applicable) in the subject concerned for non-degree purposes (NDP). In particular cases, passes in modules in one or more other subjects may also be required. Any restrictions listed under a study unit also apply to registrations for NDP. See also the exception in General Rule G19 in Part 1 of the Calendar. Although examinations for modules may be arranged for both semesters, students must note that tuition in semester modules is not necessarily oered in both semesters. Modules which are oered in the rst semester are indicated as (S1) aer the respective module under the syllabus. Modules oered in the second semester are indicated as (S2). Students registering for semester modules MUST consult the Information Brochure in connection with semester registrations.

For students who may complete the curriculum without Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment refer to this subject chapter in Part 2 of the Calendar, the curriculum comprises 30 modules in subjects to be selected from Groups A and B below.

NB The leer M indicates that the subject may be selected as a major. The codes for the various modules will be found under the relevant syllabus in Part 2 of the Calendar.

GROUP A: Subjects offered by the College of Economic and Management Sciences (M = major)
M Accounting Accounting Data Processing M Accounting (Local Government M Auditing M Internal Auditing M Business Management Economic History M Economics M Financial Accounting M Industrial Psychology Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment M Logistics M Management Accounting M Public Administration (only for the general BCom degree) M Quantitative Management Taxation M Tourism Transport M Transport Economics

GROUP B: Subjects offered by other Colleges

Any language (one or two modules on rst level only) Commercial Law Information Systems Labour Law Business Ethics (PLS201) Statistics



To be registered as a candidate for the BCom degree a student must have satised the provisions of Rule G13 in Part 1 of the Calendar. An abstract of this Rule appears in Section 1.

C6n Composition of the curriculum

With the exception of the BCom (with specialisation in Management Accounting) and (with specialisation in Internal Auditing) which comprise 34 modules and the BBanking which comprises 30 modules and 9 papers (oered by the Institute of Bankers in South Africa), the general degree and all other specialisation degrees comprise 32 modules.

(1) (2)

Duration of study and number of study units per year



The BCom degree cannot be completed in under THREE YEARS. ON FIRST REGISTRATION AND ON RE-ENROLMENT at this University the number of study units for which a student may register is determined by Number of study units per year in Section D3 in Part 1 of the Calendar With due observance of Number of study units per year in Section D3 in Part 1 of the Calendar, students may register for a maximum of TWELVE modules per year, including those being repeated and those that are taken for non-degree purposes (NDP). Students who register for the BCom (with specialisation in Management Accounting or with specialisation in Internal Auditing) may register for a maximum of fourteen modules as soon as they reach the third level. With due observance of Number of study units per year in Section D3 in Part 1 of the Calendar and (3) above, students may register for a maximum of FOUR modules for non-degree purposes (NDP) in addition to the modules prescribed for the degree.

The BCom degree (02011 GE1)

This is a general degree and is known as the BCom degree. The curriculum is as follows:

This level comprises 12 modules, the following 8 of which are compulsory: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. INM1013 : : : : : : : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) Economics 1A (Economics 101) Economics 1B (Economics 102) Business management 1A (Business Management 101) Business management 1B (Business Management 102) Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101)



INM1024 ECS1016 ECS1028 MNB101D MNB102E ACN101M

The curriculum for the BCom degree comprises 32 (except for Management Accounting and Internal Auditing. See Rule C6n) modules in subjects to be selected from Groups A and B below. A student may replace a lower level module with a higher level module provided that such module may be included in the curriculum, and that the prerequisites are met.


ACN102N : Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) plus any 4 rst-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n).

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 4 of which are compulsory: MNG2016 : General management (Business Management 201) ECS201A : Microeconomics (Economics 201) ECS202B : Macroeconomics (Economics 202) and at least 1 of the following: MNH202C : Human resources management (Business Management 202) MNF2023 : Financial management (Business Management 202) plus any 6 second-level modules in subjects listed in Group A under C5(n) or from the remaining second-level optional modules not yet selected or a combination thereof.

NB Consult Part 2 of the Calendar to ensure that you meet the prerequisites for the ve optional modules on third level. ECS201A : Microeconomics (Economics 201) ECS202B : Macroeconomics (Economics 202) ECS203C : South African economic indicators (Economics 203) and at least 2 of the following: ECS204D : Labour economics (Economics 204) ECS205E : International economic issues (Economics 205) ECS207G : Development economics (Economics 207) ECS208H : Environmental economics (Economics 208) ECS209J : The South African nancial system (Economics 209) ECS210B : Economics of tourism (Economics 210) plus any 5 second-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n) or from the remaining second-level optional modules not yet been selected or a combination thereof.

This level comprises 10 modules, which must include 5 of the following: ECS301D : Monetary economics (Economics 301) ECS302E : International trade (Economics 302) ECS303F : International nance (Economics 303) ECS304G : Public economics (Economics 304) ECS305H : Economic policy in South Africa (Economics 305) ECS306J : History of economic thought (Economics 306) ECS307K : Econometric techniques (Economics 307) plus any 5 third-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n) or from the remaining third-level optional modules not yet selected or a combination thereof.

This level comprises 10 modules which must include: 5 modules (1 major subject) in a subject from Group A and any 5 thirdlevel modules in subjects from groups A which have not been taken previously. No third-level modules may be selected from Group B.

BCom (with specialisation in Economics) (02011 ENM)

Purpose: to provide students with the knowledge and basic analytical tools to understand and analyse the functioning of the economic system, to predict economic behaviour and to understand and analyse economic policy.

This level comprises 12 modules, the following 10 of which are compulsory: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. INM1013 INM1024 ECS1016 ECS1028 MNB101D MNB102E ACN101M ACN102N CLA101S QMI101X or QMG101P : : : : : : : : : : : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) Economics 1A (Economics 101) Economics 1B (Economics 102) Business management 1A (Business Management 101) Business management 1B (Business Management 102) Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) Commercial law 1A (Commercial Law 101) Elementary quantitative methods (Quantitative Management 101)

BCom (with specialisation in Entrepreneurship) (02011 ENT)

Purpose: Entrepreneurial activity is the essential source of economic growth and social development. No production is possible without the ve essential production factors: raw materials, labour, capital, technology and entrepreneurship. It is the entrepreneur who mobilises the production factors. People with entrepreneurial talent, skills and orientations can achieve more than others in mobilising productive resources by starting enterprises that will survive and grow. But it is necessary to realise that individuals with entrepreneurial qualities are rare, and that they need to be educated and inuenced to become entrepreneurs. The purpose of the qualication is therefore to provide entrepreneurs with the necessary management and business skills to guide their or their employers business organisation to reach its predetermined goals and objectives.

This level comprises 12 modules, of which the following 11 are compulsory: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. INM1013 INM1024 ECS1016 ECS1028 MNB101D MNB102E ACN101M : : : : : : : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) Economics 1A (Economics 101) Economics 1B (Economics 102) Business management 1A (Business Management 101) Business management 1B (Business Management 102) Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101)

Quantitative modelling (Quantitative Management 101) plus any 2 rst-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n)

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 5 of which are compulsory:


Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) Commercial law 1A (Commercial Law 101) Entrepreneurial law (Mercantile Law 203) Accounting systems in a computer environment (Accounting Data Processing 101) plus any 1 rst-level module from a subject listed in groups A and B under C5 (n). CEM101 is recommended (INF103 passed prior to 2001 will also be accepted).


: : : :

BCom (with specialisation in Financial Management) (02011 FIM)

Purpose: to provide the necessary training and the development of skills for the ever increasing demand for nancial expertise in government, business, banks, insurance and for private individuals in the form of personal nancial management. Finance is a normative applied science which has to produce useable outcomes for the sole benet of economic growth, wealth creation, risk avoidance and prosperity to all. Since it is a wide eld of endeavour maximum exposure to the fundamental principles of nancial management and all of its applications are required over a broad spectrum of endeavour. The specialised degree in nancial management strives to make a contribution towards this goal.

This level comprises 10 modules, of which the following 6 are compulsory: MNG2016 MNE202V : : General management (Business Management 201) Introduction to entrepreneurship and smallbusiness management (Business Management 202) Financial accounting for companies (Accounting 201) Marketing management (Business Management 202) Financial management (Business Management 202) South African economic indicators (Economics 203)

ACN201Q : MNM202Y : MNF2023 : ECS203C : and 4 of the following: TXN201B : The taxation of individuals (Income Tax 201) MNP202F : Purchasing management (Business Management 202) MNH203D : Labour relations management (macro) (Business Management 203) DPA202T : Practical accounting data processing (Accounting Data Processing 202) MNO202B : Production and operations management (Business Management 202) MNH202C : Human resources management (Business Management 202) MNK203R : Enterprise risk management (Business Management 203) NB Students who passed MNK202Q prior to 2005 may not register for MNK203R. MNC202M : E-commerce in business (Business Management 202)

This level comprises 12 modules, the following 11 of which are compulsory: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) INM1024 : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) MNB101D : Business management 1A (Business Management 101) MNB102E : Business management 1B (Business Management 102) ECS1016 : Economics 1A (Economics 101) ECS1028 : Economics 1B (Economics 102) ACN101M : Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) ACN102N : Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) CLA101S : Commercial law 1A (Commercial Law 101) CLA104V : Commercial law 1B (Commercial Law 104) (or CLA103 prior to 2001) QMI101X : Elementary quantitative methods (Quantitative Management 101) plus any rst-level module in a subject listed in groups A and B under C5(n). QMG102, CEM101 (or INF103 prior to 2001), STS111 and STS112 are recommended. INM1013 :

Students who passed CLA201 prior to 2001 retain credit for it as one of the elective modules.

This level comprises 10 modules of which the following 5 are compulsory: MNG301A MNE301X MNE302Y MNE3033 MNE3044 : : : : : Strategic management 3A (Business Management 301) Entrepreneurship and small-business management (Business Management 301) Intrapreneurship (Business Management 302) Technology and innovation (Business Management 303) Family business management (Business Management 304)

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 9 of which are compulsory: MNG2016 MNF2023 MNK203R : : : General management (Business Management 201) Financial management (Business Management 202) Enterprise risk management (Business Management 203)

and 5 of the following: MNG302B : Strategic management 3B (Business Management 302) MNF3015 : Financial management (Business Management 301) MNH304H : Labour relations management: micro (Business Management 304) MNF3026 : Investment management (Business Management 302) MNF3038 : Personal nancial management (Business Management 303) MNM3014 : Relationship marketing (Business Management 301) MNO301D : Production and operations management (Business Management 301) MNP302J : Strategic sourcing (Business Management 302) MNI301J : Global business environment (Business Management 301) MNW301G : Corporate citizenship (Business Management 301)

NB Students who passed MNK202Q prior to 2005 may not register for MNK203R. ACN203S : Cost accounting and control (Accounting 203) ECS209J : The South African nancial system (Economics 209) TXN201B : The taxation of individuals (Income Tax 201) TXN203D : Taxation of business income (Income Tax 203) and at least 2 of the following: MNH202C : Human resources management (Business Management 202) MNH203D : Labour relations management (macro) (Business Management 203) MNM202Y : Marketing management (Business Management 202) MNO202B : Production and operations management (Business Management 202)


Purchasing management (Business Management 202) Public relations (Business Management 202) Introduction to entrepreneurship and smallbusiness management (Business Management 202) MNS202T : Real estate (Business Management 202) MNC202M : E-commerce in business (Business Management 202) plus any 1 second-level module in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n) or from the remaining second-level optional modules not yet selected. ACN201, ECS201, ECS202, CLA201, CLA202, QMG201 and QMG202 are recommended


: : :

Economics 1B (Economics 102) Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) ACN102N : Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) IOP101M : Psychological processes in work context (Industrial Psychology 101) IOP102N : Personality in work context (Industrial Psychology 102) plus any 2 rst-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n).

ECS1028 ACN101M

: :

This level comprises 10 modules the following 7 of which are compulsory: Strategic management 3A (Business Management 301) MNF3015 : Financial management (Business Management 301) MNF3026 : Investment management (Business Management 302) MNF3038 : Personal nancial management (Business Management 303) MNK301S : Financial risk management (Business Management 301) ACN306Y : Management accounting techniques as an aid in decision-making (Accounting 306) ACN3073 : Financial planning and control (Accounting 307) plus any 3 third-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n). ACN301 and ECS301 are recommended. MNG301A :

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 8 of which are compulsory: General management (Business Management 201) Human resources management (Business Management 202) MNH203D : Labour relations management (macro) (Business Management 203) MNF2023 : Financial management (Business Management 202) IOP202R : Organisational psychology (Industrial Psychology 202) IOP206V : Ergonomics (Industrial Psychology 206) IOP209Y : Workforce diversity (Industrial Psychology 209) ECS204D : Labour economics (Economics 204) plus any 2 second-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n). MNG2016 MNH202C : :

Students who have passed ACN309 under the old curriculum (before 2005) will retain credit for this module and need not register for ACN307. Students who have registered for ACN309 but who have failed to pass the module by 2006 will have to register for ACN307 in 2007.

This level comprises the following 10 compulsory modules: MNG301A MNG302B or MNF3015 MNH301E MNH302F MNH304H MNH306K MNH307L IOP303V IOP306Y IOP310U : : : : : : : : : : : Strategic management 3A (Business Management 301) Strategic management 3B (Business Management 302) Financial management (Business Management 301) Contemporary issues in human resource management (Business Management 301) Training and development (Business Management 302) Labour relations management: micro (Business Management 304) Compensation management (Business Management 306) Human resources planning and the measurement of HR eectiveness (Business Management 307) Career psychology (Industrial Psychology 303) Individual dierences and work performances (Industrial Psychology 306) Performance development (Industrial Psychology 310)

BCom (with specialisation in Human Resource Management) (02011 HRM)

Students who have already passed Industrial Psychology III (IPS300) and convert to this qualication will be required to take additional third-level modules in Industrial Psychology. Purpose: The purpose of the BCom degree with specialisation in Human Resource Management is to equip students with relevant knowledge and skills to enable them to sta the organisation, design and analyse jobs, develop employees, identify approaches to improve performance, reward employees and maintain sound labour relations. Critical issues addressed in the modules are globalisation, embracing new technology, developing human capital and competitive advantage through people.

This level comprises 12 modules, the following 10 of which are compulsory: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. INM1013 INM1024 MNB101D MNB102E ECS1016 : : : : : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) Business management 1A (Business Management 101) Business management 1B (Business Management 102) Economics 1A (Economics 101)

BCom (with specialisation in Industrial Psychology) (02011 IOR)

Purpose: to provide human resource practitioners with the relevant industrial psychological knowledge and skills to operate successfully in the work place.

This level comprises 12 modules, the following 10 of which are compulsory: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules.


Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) INM1024 : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) IOP101M : Psychological processes in work context (Industrial Psychology 101) IOP102N : Personality in work context (Industrial Psychology 102) MNB101D : Business management 1A (Business Management 101) MNB102E : Business management 1B (Business Management 102) ECS1016 : Economics 1A (Economics 101) ECS1028 : Economics 1B (Economics 102) ACN101M : Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) ACN102N : Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) plus any 2 rst-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n). QMI101 or QMG101 is recommended.


This level comprises 12 modules, the following 10 of which are compulsory: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. INM1013 INM1024 ECS1016 ECS1028 MNB101D MNB102E ACN101M ACN102N INF1059 CEM101A or INF1208 : : : : : : : : : : : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) Economics 1A (Economics 101) Economics 1B (Economics 102) Business management 1A (Business Management 101) Business management 1B (Business Management 102) Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) Introduction to Business Information Systems (Information Systems 105) End-user Computing (Information systems 101) Human-computer Systems 120) interaction I (Information

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 6 of which are compulsory: Industrial psychological research (Industrial Psychology 201) IOP202R : Organisational psychology (Industrial Psychology 202) MND204T : Consumer behaviour (Business Management 204) IOP206V : Ergonomics (Industrial Psychology 206) IOP208X : Psychological adjustment in the work context (Industrial Psychology 208) MNG2016 : General management (Business Management 201) plus any 4 second-level modules in subjects listed in group A under C5(n). Modules LLW201 and LLW202 from Group B may also be selected. To specialise in personnel training and development, IOP207 is recommended. IOP201Q :

NB All students ARE EXPECTED to do CEM101, or should have previously completed a qualication that would give them exemption from CEM101. If a student received exemption without credit for CEM101, the student MUST take INF120. plus any 2 rst-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n). IOP101 and 102, or QMG102, or INF120 (if not included already), are recommended. You can also register for Communication Science (COM101 and COM102). INF120 may also be included as one of the two elective modules if CEM101 is taken.

This level comprises the following 10 compulsory modules: MNG301A IOP301T IOP302U IOP303V IOP304W IOP305X IOP306Y IOP3073/ IOP377J : : : : : : : : Strategic management 3A (Business Management 301) Industrial psychological testing and assessment (Industrial Psychology 301) Personnel psychology 3A (Industrial Psychology 302) Career psychology (Industrial Psychology 303) Labour conict and negotiations (Industrial Psychology 304) Organisational development (Industrial Psychology 305) Individual dierences and work performances (Industrial Psychology 306) Human capacity Psychology 307/377) development (Industrial

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 6 of which are compulsory: NB Consult Part 2 of the Calendar to ensure that you meet the prerequisites for the ve optional modules on third level which must be from ONE and the same subject selected from Group A under C5(n). Introduction to programming (Information systems 205) INF206D : Systems analysis and design methods (Information systems 206) INF207E : Object-oriented concepts (Information systems 207) DPA202T : Practical accounting data processing (Accounting Data Processing 202) MNG2016 : General management (Business Management 201) AUI2028 : The internal auditing process (Internal Auditing 202) plus any 4 second-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n). IOP205, IOP206 (or QMG205) are recommended. Before selecting these optional modules on second level, students should rst establish what the prerequisites are for the optional modules on third level. INF205C :

NB Only students who have been selected will be allowed to register for IOP377J. IOP3084 IOP3095 : : Personnel psychology 3B (Industrial Psychology 308) Workgroup dynamics and diversity (Industrial Psychology 309)

BCom (with specialisation in Informatics) (02011 IFM)

NB Students who wish to include INF320E in their curriculum must rst pass INF1208.

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 5 of which are compulsory:


Principles of databases (Information systems 303) Advanced systems development (Information systems 305) INF306G : Computer networks (Information systems 306) plus 2 modules selected from INF307H : Database design and implementation (Information Systems 307) INF308J : Soware project management (Information Systems 308) INF320E : Human-computer interaction II (Information Systems 320) plus 5 third-level modules in the SAME subject selected from group A under C5(n).


: :

NB Students who passed MNK202Q prior to 2005 may not register for MNK203R. DPA201S ACN201Q ACN202R ACN203S TXN211D TXN213F : : : : : : Accounting systems in a computer environment (Accounting Data Processing 201) Financial accounting for companies (Accounting 201) Group statements, nancial analysis and the valuation of nancial instruments (Accounting 202) Cost accounting and control (Accounting 203) The taxation of individuals (Income Tax 211) The taxation of business income (Income Tax 213)

This level comprises the following 11 compulsory modules: AUI301A AUI302B AUI303C AUI304D AUI305E MNG301A MNK301S ACN311V ACN3164 ACN3175 ACN3186 : : : : : : : : : : : Aspects of internal control of importance to an auditor (Internal Auditing 301) Practice of internal auditing (Internal Auditing 302) Advanced applications in the internal audit process (Internal Auditing 303) Computer auditing and the use of the computer in performing the audit process (Internal Auditing 304) Operational auditing (Internal Auditing 305) Strategic management 3A (Business Management 301) Financial risk management (Business Management 301) General nancial reporting (Accounting 311) Management accounting techniques as an aid in decision-making (Accounting 316) Financial planning and control (Accounting 317) Financial analysis, valuations and restructuring (Accounting 318)

BCom (with specialisation in Internal Auditing) (02011 INA)

Purpose: This degree is mainly for students who wish to qualify as Internal auditors (CIA). To qualify for admission to the professional examination of the Institute of Internal Auditors, students must rst complete an appropriate Bachelors degree (preferably the BCom (Internal Auditing)). Candidates who have completed a BCom or any other degree and, in some cases, those who passed specic courses for the BCom (Internal Auditing) degree up to 2001, will be required to pass one or more additional courses for non-degree purposes (NDP) to qualify for admission to studies for the Honours BCom (Internal Auditing) degree.

This level comprises the following 12 compulsory modules: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. INM1013 INM1024 ACN101M ACN102N MNB101D MNB102E ECS1016 ECS1028 QMG101P QMG102Q CLA101S CLA104V : : : : : : : : : : : : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) Business management 1A (Business Management 101) Business management 1B (Business Management 102) Economics 1A (Economics 101) Economics 1B (Economics 102) Quantitative modelling (Quantitative Management 101) (or QMI101 prior to 1999) Introductory nancial mathematics (Quantitative Management 102) Commercial law 1A (Commercial Law 101) Commercial law 1B (Commercial Law 104)

BCom (with specialisation in Law) (02011 LAW)

This level comprises the following 12 compulsory modules: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. INM1013 INM1024 PVL101Q PVL203V MRL203L MRL301M ECS1016 ECS1028 MNB101D MNB102E ACN101M ACN103P : : : : : : : : : : : : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) Law of Persons (Private Law 101) Family law (Private Law 203) Entrepreneurial law (Mercantile Law 203) Insolvency law (Mercantile Law 301) Economics 1A (Economics 101) Economics 1B (Economics 102) Business management 1A (Business Management 101) Business management 1B (Business Management 102) Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) Accounting reporting for legal practices (Accounting 103)

This level comprises the following 11 compulsory modules: AUI2016 AUI2028 MNF2023 MNG2016 MNK203R : : : : : Introduction to internal auditing (Internal Auditing 201) The internal auditing process (Internal Auditing 202) Financial management (Business Management 202) General management (Business Management 201) Enterprise risk management (Business Management 203)


This level comprises 10 modules, the following 5 of which are compulsory: PVL303Y PVL202U : : Law of Property (Private Law 303) Law of succession (Private Law 202)


Law of negotiable instruments, intellectual property and competition (Mercantile Law 302) MRL303P : Tax and labour law (Mercantile Law 303) IOP203S : Forensic industrial psychology (Industrial Psychology 203) plus any 5 second-level modules from the subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n) (excluding Labour Law).


This level consists of 10 modules, the following 6 of which are compulsory: Transport management (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 301) TRL307B : Logistics activities (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 307) TRL308C : Logistics systems (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 308) TRL309D : Logistics strategy (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 309) MNP302J : Strategic sourcing (Business Management 302) and at least 1 of the following TRL3036 : Air transport (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 303) TRL3048 : Sea transport (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 304) TRL3059 : Rail transport (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 305) TRL306A : Road transport (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 306) plus any 4 third-level modules in subjects listed in Groups A and B under C5(n) or from the remaining third-level optional modules not yet selected or a combination thereof. MNG301, MNM302 and MNO301 are recommended. TRL3014 :

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 5 of which are compulsory: PVL301W PVL302X LML403Q LML407U LPL4018 : : : : : Law of contract (Private Law 301) Law of Delict (Private Law 302) Labour law (LLB modules: Mercantile Law 403) Banking law and usage (LLB modules: Mercantile Law 407) Advanced law of contract (LLB modules: Private Law 401)

plus any 5 third-level modules in the SAME SUBJECT in group A under C5(n).

BCom (with specialisation in Logistics) (02011 LOG)

This level consists of 12 modules, the following 10 of which are compulsory: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) INM1024 : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) ECS1016 : Economics 1A (Economics 101) ECS1028 : Economics 1B (Economics 102) MNB101D : Business management 1A (Business Management 101) MNB102E : Business management 1B (Business Management 102) ACN101M : Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) ACN102N : Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) QMG101P : Quantitative modelling (Quantitative Management 101) QMG102Q : Introductory nancial mathematics (Quantitative Management 102) plus 2 rst-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n) INM1013 :

BCom (with specialisation in Management) (02011 MAN)

Purpose: The business environment in South Africa is complex, dynamic and fast-changing, necessitating the need for managers to acquire sophisticated management skills to compete in local and global markets. These skills involve the ecient and eective use of resources to achieve organisational objectives. The BCom with specialisation in Management was developed to prepare managers for the challenging task of contemporary management by teaching them the classic as well as the most recent and relevant theoretical and practical management skills.

This level comprises 12 modules, the following 9 of which are compulsory: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) INM1024 : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) MNB101D : Business management 1A (Business Management 101) MNB102E : Business management 1B (Business Management 102) ECS1016 : Economics 1A (Economics 101) ECS1028 : Economics 1B (Economics 102) ACN101M : Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) ACN102N : Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) CLA101S : Commercial law 1A (Commercial Law 101) plus any 3 rst-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n). INM1013 :

This level consists of 10 modules, the following 6 of which are compulsory: Transport management (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 201) TRL2033 : Transport theory (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 203) TRL2044 : Integrated logistics (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 204) MNP202F : Purchasing management (Business Management 202) MNM202Y : Marketing management (Business Management 202) QMG202T : Rational decision-making (Quantitative Management 202) plus any 4 second-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n). MNG201 and MNO202 are recommended. TRL201X :

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 5 of which are compulsory: MNG2016 : General management (Business Management 201) plus at least 4 of the following:


MNH202C MNH203D MNM202Y MNF2023 MNK203R

: : : : :

NB Students who passed MNK202Q prior to 2005 may not register for MNK203R. Production and operations management (Business Management 202) MNP202F : Purchasing management (Business Management 202) MNX202J : Public relations (Business Management 202) MNE202V : Introduction to entrepreneurship and smallbusiness management (Business Management 202) MNS202T : Real estate (Business Management 202) MNC202M : E-commerce in business (Business Management 202) plus any 5 second-level modules in subjects listed in Groups A and B under C5(n) or from the remaining second-level optional modules not yet selected or a combination thereof. MNO202B :

Human resources management (Business Management 202) Labour relations management (macro) (Business Management 203) Marketing management (Business Management 202) Financial management (Business Management 202) Enterprise risk management (Business Management 203)

NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. INM1013 INM1024 ACN101M ACN102N DPA101P MNB101D MNB102E ECS1016 ECS1028 CLA101S CLA104V QMI101X or QMG102Q : : : : : : : : : : : : : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) Accounting systems in a computer environment (Accounting Data Processing 101) Business management 1A (Business Management 101) Business management 1B (Business Management 102) Economics 1A (Economics 101) Economics 1B (Economics 102) Commercial law 1A (Commercial Law 101) Commercial law 1B (Commercial Law 104) (or CLA102 prior to 2001) Elementary quantitative methods (Quantitative Management 101) Introductory nancial mathematics (Quantitative Management 102)

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 5 of which are compulsory: Strategic management 3A (Business Management 301) MNG302B : Strategic management 3B (Business Management 302) plus at least 3 of the following: MNF3015 : Financial management (Business Management 301) MNF3026 : Investment management (Business Management 302) MNF3038 : Personal nancial management (Business Management 303) MNM3014 : Relationship marketing (Business Management 301) MNM3025 : Marketing research (Business Management 302) MNM3036 : Product management (Business Management 303) MNM3048 : Promotion management (Business Management 304) MNH301E : Contemporary issues in human resource management (Business Management 301) MNH302F : Training and development (Business Management 302) MNH304H : Labour relations management: micro (Business Management 304) MNE301X : Entrepreneurship and small-business management (Business Management 301) MNI301J : Global business environment (Business Management 301) MNO301D : Production and operations management (Business Management 301) MNP302J : Strategic sourcing (Business Management 302) MNK301S : Financial risk management (Business Management 301) MNK302T : Risk nancing and insurance (Business Management 302) MNW301G : Corporate citizenship (Business Management 301) plus any 5 third-level modules in subjects listed in Groups A and B under C5(n) or from the remaining third-level optional modules not yet selected or a combination thereof. MNG301A :

This level comprises the following 11 compulsory modules: ACN201Q ACN202R ACN203S TXN211D TXN213F DPA202T MNG2016 MNK203R : : : : : : : : Financial accounting for companies (Accounting 201) Group statements, nancial analysis and the valuation of nancial instruments (Accounting 202) Cost accounting and control (Accounting 203) The taxation of individuals (Income Tax 211) The taxation of business income (Income Tax 213) Practical accounting data processing (Accounting Data Processing 202) General management (Business Management 201) Enterprise risk management (Business Management 203)

NB Students who passed MNK202Q prior to 2005 may not register for MNK203R. MNF2023 ECS203C ECS209J : : : Financial management (Business Management 202) South African economic indicators (Economics 203) The South African nancial system (Economics 209)

This level comprises 11 compulsory modules: ACN311V ACN312W ACN314Y ACN3164 ACN3175 ACN3186 MNF3015 MNF3026 MNG301A MNG302B AUI310B : : : : : : : : : : : General nancial reporting (Accounting 311) Distinctive nancial reporting (Accounting 312) Group nancial reporting (Accounting 314) Management accounting techniques as an aid in decision-making (Accounting 316) Financial planning and control (Accounting 317) Financial analysis, valuations and restructuring (Accounting 318) Financial management (Business Management 301) Investment management (Business Management 302) Strategic management 3A (Business Management 301) Strategic management 3B (Business Management 302) The internal auditing process (Internal Auditing 310)

BCom (with specialisation in Management Accounting) (02011 MAC)

Purpose: to provide students with a base for further specialisation towards a professional career in Management Accounting in the rst instance and in other related elds in the second instance. Another purpose is to work towards (international) CIMA accreditation for this qualication.

This level comprises the following 12 compulsory modules:


(1) Students who have passed ACN319 under the old curriculum (before 2005) will retain credit for this module and will not have to register of ACN302. Students who have registered for ACN319 but who have failed to pass the module by 2006 will have to register for ACN302 in 2007. Students who have passed CLA311 under the old curriculum (before 2005) will retain credit for this module and will not have to register for ACN304.


: :

NB Students who passed MNK202Q prior to 2005 may not register for MNK203R. MNS202T : Real estate (Business Management 202) MNC202M : E-commerce in business (Business Management 202) plus any 2 second-level modules in subjects listed in Groups A and B under C5(n) or from the remaining second-level optional modules not yet selected or a combination thereof. ECS202, ECS203, ECS205, ECS208, TRL204, CLA201 and CLA202 are recommended

Introduction to entrepreneurship and smallbusiness management (Business Management 202) Enterprise risk management (Business Management 203)


BCom (with specialisation in Marketing Management) (02011 MKT)

Purpose: This degree focusses on marketing as an important function in the organisation. All aspects relevant to marketing are covered in depth and in a practical way. This ensures that students are equipped to apply the theory immediately.

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 5 of which are compulsory: Strategic management 3A (Business Management 301) MNM3014 : Relationship marketing (Business Management 301) MNM3025 : Marketing research (Business Management 302) MNM3036 : Product management (Business Management 303) MNM3048 : Promotion management (Business Management 304) plus any 5 third-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n). ECS302, ECS303, ECS305, TRL307, TRL308 and MNW301 are recommended. MNG301A :

This level comprises 12 modules, the following 10 of which are compulsory: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) INM1024 : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) MNB101D : Business management 1A (Business Management 101) MNB102E : Business management 1B (Business Management 102) ECS1016 : Economics 1A (Economics 101) ECS1028 : Economics 1B (Economics 102) ACN101M : Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) ACN102N : Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) CLA101S : Commercial law 1A (Commercial Law 101) ENN104G : English communication for business (English 104) plus any 2 rst-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n). IOP101 is recommended. INM1013 :

BCom (with specialisation in Municipal Accounting (02011 MUN)

NB As from 2007 no new registrations will be accepted for this degree. Students wishing to convert from this qualication to another are referred to the School of Accounting Sciences for advice.

Purpose: to enable students to comply with the minimum requirements set by the Institute of Municipal Finance Ocers (IMFO) for Associate Membership and thereby ensure quality municipal nancial management and accounting skills.

This level comprises the following 12 compulsory modules: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. INM1013 INM1024 ACN101M ACN102N MNB101D MNB102E ECS1016 ECS1028 CLA101S CLA104V QMI101X or QMG102Q : : : : : : : : : : : : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) Business management 1A (Business Management 101) Business management 1B (Business Management 102) Economics 1A (Economics 101) Economics 1B (Economics 102) Commercial law 1A (Commercial Law 101) Commercial law 1B (Commercial Law 104) (or CLA102 prior to 2001) Elementary quantitative methods (Quantitative Management 101) Introductory nancial mathematics (Quantitative Management 102)

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 5 of which are compulsory: MNG2016 : General management (Business Management 201) MNM202Y : Marketing management (Business Management 202) MNX202J : Public relations (Business Management 202) MND204T : Customer behaviour (Business Management 204) ECS201A : Microeconomics (Economics 201) plus at least 3 of the following: MNH203D : Labour relations management (macro) (Business Management 203) MNH202C : Human resources management (Business Management 202) MNF2023 : Financial management (Business Management 202) MNO202B : Production and operations management (Business Management 202) MNM2044 : Industrial marketing management (Business Management 204) MNP202F : Purchasing management (Business Management 202)


plus 1 of the following: DPA101P : Accounting systems in a computer environment (Accounting Data Processing 101) (recommended) QMG101P : Quantitative modelling (Quantitative Management 101) CEM101A : End-user Computing (Information systems 101) INF1059 : Introduction to Business Information Systems (Information Systems 105) IOP101M : Psychological processes in work context (Industrial Psychology 101) IOP102N : Personality in work context (Industrial Psychology 102) STS1055 : Basic statistics (Statistics 105)

other operations research techniques and will be able to apply these in a wide spectrum of business and management environments.

This level comprises the following 12 compulsory modules: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. INM1013 INM1024 QMS101D QMS102E ECS1016 ECS1028 MNB101D MNB102E ACN101M ACN102N STS1113 STS1124 : : : : : : : : : : : : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) Mathematical modelling I (Quantitative Management 101) Introductory nancial mathematics (Quantitative Management 102) Economics 1A (Economics 101) Economics 1B (Economics 102) Business management 1A (Business Management 101) Business management 1B (Business Management 102) Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) Descriptive statistics and probability (Statistics 111) Data analysis and inference (Statistics 112)

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 4 of which are compulsory: ALG201C ACN203S AUI2016 or AUE201L AUI2028 or AUE202M : : : : : : Financial accounting for municipalities (Accounting (Municipal) 201) Cost accounting and control (Accounting 203) Introduction to internal auditing (Internal Auditing 201) Introduction to auditing theory and audit practice (Auditing 201) The internal auditing process (Internal Auditing 202)

Introduction to the performing of the audit process (Auditing 202) plus 6 of the following: Accounting Data Processing (only DPA202) (Recommended) Business Management Economics Quantitative Management Statistics Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 7 of which are compulsory: Mathematical programming (Quantitative Management 201) QMS202H : Rational decision-making (Quantitative Management 202) QMS204K : Mathematical modelling II (Quantitative Management 204) QMS205L : Financial modelling (Quantitative Management 205) STA202M : Distribution theory (Statistics 202) STA203N : Applied statistics (Statistics 203) INF205C : Introduction to programming (Information systems 205) plus any 3 second-level modules in subjects (with the exception of Statistics) listed in groups A and B under C5(n). QMS201G :

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 5 of which are compulsory: Accounting principles and practices for municipalities (Accounting (Municipal) 301) ALG302G : Fund accounting and nancial statements for municipalities (Accounting (Municipal) 302) ALG303H : Cost and management accounting for municipalities (Accounting (Municipal) 303) ALG304J : Financial administration and control for municipalities (Accounting (Municipal) 304) ALG305K : Financial planning and reporting for municipalities (Accounting (Municipal) 305) plus 5 third-level modules in subjects which are presented by the following departments: Business Management Economics Decision Sciences Auditing Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism ALG301F :

This level comprises 10 modules, 5 of the following 6 of which are compulsory: Production modelling (Quantitative Management 301) QMS302L : Optimisation of resources (Quantitative Management 302) QMS303M : Simulation (Quantitative Management 303) QMS304N : Models for strategic decision-making (Quantitative Management 304) QMS305P : Financial risk modelling (Quantitative Management 305) QMS306Q : Selected topics in Operations Research (Quantitative Management 306) plus any 5 third-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n). Students who passed QMS203 in 1999 will be exempted from QMS301. QMS301K :

BCom (with specialisation in Quantitative Management) (02011 QMA)

To register for this direction of specialisation students must have passed Mathematics at Matriculation level with at least 50% on HIGHER GRADE or QMG101 or an equivalent examination in Mathematics. Purpose: to provide students with the ability to perform complex decision-making in areas such as operations and nancial management, manufacturing and logistics. Students will be equipped with skills in mathematical and nancial modelling, optimisation, simulation and


BCom (with specialisation in Retail Management) (02011 RET)

Purpose: This degree is unique in the sense that it is one of only a few in the world. It was developed with input from major retailers in South Africa as well as international institutions and covers all major issues pertaining to retail management.

MND306Y MND3073 MND3084

: : :

Marketing research in retailing (Business Management 306) Strategic retail marketing (Business Management 307) Retail project (Business Management 308)

BCom (with specialisation in Risk Management) (02011 RIS)

Purpose: to provide students with graduate-level knowledge, specic skills and applied competence that provide opportunities for continued personal intellectual growth, gainful economic activity and valuable contributions to society in the elds of nancial and pure risk management.

This level comprises 12 modules, the following 10 of which are compulsory: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) INM1024 : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) MNB101D : Business management 1A (Business Management 101) MNB102E : Business management 1B (Business Management 102) ECS1016 : Economics 1A (Economics 101) ECS1028 : Economics 1B (Economics 102) ACN101M : Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) ACN102N : Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) CLA101S : Commercial law 1A (Commercial Law 101) ENN104G : English communication for business (English 104) plus any 2 rst-level modules listed from subjects in groups A and B under C5(n). CLA104 is recommended. INM1013 :

This level comprises 12 modules, the following 10 of which are compulsory: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) INM1024 : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) MNB101D : Business management 1A (Business Management 101) MNB102E : Business management 1B (Business Management 102) ECS1016 : Economics 1A (Economics 101) ECS1028 : Economics 1B (Economics 102) ACN101M : Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) ACN102N : Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) CLA101S : Commercial law 1A (Commercial Law 101) CLA104V : Commercial law 1B (Commercial Law 104) (or CLA103 prior to 2001) plus any 2 rst-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B, under C5(n). QMG101, QMG102, STS111 and STS112 are recommended. INM1013 :

This level comprises the following 10 compulsory modules: MNG2016 MND202R MND203S MND204T MNX202J MNE202V MNF2023 MNH202C DPA201S MNH203D : : : : : : : : : : General management (Business Management 201) Introduction to retailing (Business Management 202) Retail marketing management (Business Management 203) Customer behaviour (Business Management 204) Public relations (Business Management 202) Introduction to entrepreneurship and smallbusiness management (Business Management 202) Financial management (Business Management 202) Human resources management (Business Management 202) Accounting systems in a computer environment (Accounting Data Processing 201) Labour relations management (macro) (Business Management 203)

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 7 of which are compulsory: MNG2016 MNF2023 MNK203R : : : General management (Business Management 201) Financial management (Business Management 202) Enterprise risk management (Business Management 203)

This level comprises the following 10 compulsory modules: NB Students who have passed MND304W will retain credit for this module and need not register for MNM3036. MNG301A MNG302B MND301T MND302U MND303V MNM3036 MND305X : : : : : : : Strategic management 3A (Business Management 301) Strategic management 3B (Business Management 302) Retail merchandising management (Business Management 301) Relationship marketing in retailing (Business Management 302) Retail planning (Business Management 303) Product management (Business Management 303) Promotion and distribution management in retailing (Business Management 305)

NB Students who passed MNK202Q prior to 2005 may not register for MNK203R. ECS209J : The South African nancial system (Economics 209) plus at least 3 of the following: MNH202C : Human resources management (Business Management 202) MNH203D : Labour relations management (macro) (Business Management 203) MNM202Y : Marketing management (Business Management 202) MNO202B : Production and operations management (Business Management 202) MNP202F : Purchasing management (Business Management 202) MNX202J : Public relations (Business Management 202) MNE202V : Introduction to entrepreneurship and smallbusiness management (Business Management 202) MNS202T : Real estate (Business Management 202) MNC202M : E-commerce in business (Business Management 202) plus any 3 second-level modules in subjects listed in Groups A and B under C5(n) or from the remaining second-level optional modules not yet selected


or a combination thereof. ACN201, ACN203, TXN201, ECS201, ECS202, ECS203, CLA201, CLA202, QMG201 and QMG202 are recommended.

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 5 of which are compulsory: Strategic management 3A (Business Management 301) MNK301S : Financial risk management (Business Management 301) MNK302T : Risk nancing and insurance (Business Management 302) MNF3015 : Financial management (Business Management 301) MNF3026 : Investment management (Business Management 302) plus any 5 third-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n). ACN301, ACN306, ACN307, ECS301 and MNW301 are recommended. MNG301A :

NB It is recommended that students who register for MNP203G should also register for or previously have passed MNP202F. Supply chain management (Business Management 203) MNF2023 : Financial management (Business Management 202) MNO202B : Production and operations management (Business Management 202) MNM2044 : Industrial marketing management (Business Management 204) IOP202R : Organisational psychology (Industrial Psychology 202) ACN203S : Cost accounting and control (Accounting 203) Plus any other two second-level modules in subjects listed in Group A and B under C5(n), provided the prerequisites are met. ECS203, TRL204, MNK203, MNC202, PLS201 are recommended. MNP203G :

BCom (with specialisation in Strategic Supply Management) (02011 SSP)

Purpose: to provide qualiers with graduate-level knowledge, specic skills and applied competence that provide opportunities for continued personal intellectual growth, gainful economic activity and valuable contribution to society in a new strategic and integrated approach to the eld traditionally associated with the procurement of materials and services in manufacturing and non-manufacturing organisations.

This level comprises 10 modules, of which the following 8 are compulsory: Strategic management 3A (Business Management 301) MNG302B : Strategic management 3B (Business Management 302) MNP302J : Strategic sourcing (Business Management 302) MNP303K : Supply chain alignment (Business Management 303) MNP304L : Supplier relationship management (Business Management 304) MNP305M : Contemporary issues in supply management (Business Management 305) MNO301D : Production and operations management (Business Management 301) MNP306N : Total cost management: a supply perspective (Business Management 306) Plus any other two third-level modules in subjects listed in Group A and B, provided the prerequisites are met. MNI301, IOP309, MNF301 and MNW301 are recommended. MNG301A :

This level comprises 12 compulsory modules: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. INM1013 INM1024 MNB101D MNB102E ACN101M ACN102N ECS1016 ECS1028 CLA101S IOP101M IOP102N QMG102Q or QMI101X : : : : : : : : : : : : : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) Business management 1A (Business Management 101) Business management 1B (Business Management 102) Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) Economics 1A (Economics 101) Economics 1B (Economics 102) Commercial law 1A (Commercial Law 101) Psychological processes in work context (Industrial Psychology 101) Personality in work context (Industrial Psychology 102) Introductory nancial mathematics (Quantitative Management 102) Elementary quantitative methods (Quantitative Management 101)

BCom (with specialisation in Tourism Management) (02011 TRM)

This level comprises 12 compulsory modules: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. INM1013 INM1024 ECS1016 ECS1028 MNB101D MNB102E ACN101M ACN102N TRT101X IOP103P ENN104G : : : : : : : : : : : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) Economics 1A (Economics 101) Economics 1B (Economics 102) Business management 1A (Business Management 101) Business management 1B (Business Management 102) Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) Introduction to tourism (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 101) Customer service in tourism (Industrial Psychology 103) English communication for business (English 104)

This level comprises 10 modules of which the following 8 are compulsory: MNG2016 MNP202F : : General management (Business Management 201) Purchasing management (Business Management 202)



The anthropological study of culture in a multicultural context (Anthropology 101) (year module)

This level comprises 10 modules of which the following 8 are compulsory: Economics of tourism (Economics 210) Geography of tourism (Geography 206) Ecotourism (Geography 307) General management (Business Management 201) Tourism marketing (Business Management 203) Human resources and labour relations (Business Management 204) MNE202V : Introduction to entrepreneurship and smallbusiness management (Business Management 202) TRT2014 : Transport for tourism (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 201) plus any 2 second-level modules in subjects listed in Groups A and B under C5(n). MNF202 is recommended. ECS210B GGH206Y GGH3076 MNG2016 MNM2033 MNH204E : : : : : :

plus 3 rst-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B, under C5(n). QMI101 is recommended for those without mathematics at matriculation level or those who want to supplement their school mathematics. If you select QMG202 and/or QMG203 on the second-year level, you have to select QMG101.

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 5 of which are compulsory: Transport management (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 201) TRL202Y : Transport economics (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 202) TRL2033 : Transport theory (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 203) TRL2044 : Integrated logistics (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 204) ACN203S : Cost accounting and control (Accounting 203) plus any 5 second-level modules in subjects listed in groups A and B under C5(n). MNG201, MNM202, ECS201, ECS202, ECS206, ECS207, ECS208, QMG202 and (QMG203 passed prior to 1999) are recommended. TRL201X :

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 6 of which are compulsory: Hospitality management (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 301) TRT3029 : Leisure and business travel (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 302) TRT303A : Tourism distribution (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 303) TRT304B : Air transport for tourism (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 304) TRT305C : Tourism governance (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 305) MNM3014 : Relationship marketing (Business Management 301) plus any 4 third-level modules in subjects listed in Groups A and B under C5(n). MNF301 is recommended. TRT3018 :

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 5 of which are compulsory: Transport management (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 301) TRL3025 : Transport planning and investment (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 302) TRL308C : Logistics systems (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 308) plus at least 2 of the following: TRL3036 : Air transport (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 303) TRL3048 : Sea transport (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 304) TRL3059 : Rail transport (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 305) TRL306A : Road transport (Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism 306) plus any 5 third-level modules in subjects listed in Groups A and B under C5(n) or from the remaining third-level optional modules not yet selected or a combination thereof. MNG301 and MNM302 are recommended. TRL3014 :

BCom (with specialisation in Transport Economics) (02011 TRA)

This level comprises 12 modules, the following 9 of which are compulsory: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. INM1013 INM1024 ECS1016 ECS1028 MNB101D MNB102E ACN101M ACN102N QMI101X or QMG102Q : : : : : : : : : : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) Economics 1A (Economics 101) Economics 1B (Economics 102) Business management 1A (Business Management 101) Business management 1B (Business Management 102) Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) Elementary quantitative methods (Quantitative Management 101) Introductory nancial mathematics (Quantitative Management 102)

(1) (2)

Pass, pass with distinction and subminimum


Pass See Rule G22 in Part 1 of the Calendar. Pass with distinction (i) Candidates shall pass a major subject with distinction if they obtain an average of at least 75% in the papers or a combination of papers and/or modules on third level of the subject concerned. (ii) Candidates shall be awarded the degree with distinction if they: pass all modules on third level with an average of 75% and obtain at least 75% in each specialisation module on third level and obtain at least 60% in all the remaining third-level modules. Subminimum See Rule G23 in Part 1 of the Calendar.


C h a p t e r

C6B Composition of the curriculum

The BBanking degree comprises 30 modules oered by Unisa and 9 papers oered by the Institute of Bankers in South Africa (IOB). Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment is compulsory with the studentss rst registration. See the relevant subject chapter in Part 2 of the Calendar. Purpose: to provide students with graduate-level knowledge, specic skills and applied competence that provide opportunities for continued personal intellectual growth, gainful economic activity and valuable contributions to society in the elds associated with nancial services and local and international banking.

Rules for the Degree of Bachelor of Banking

(Degree code: 02240)

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar which is issued to registered students. NB A student who has completed a BCom, BCompt, BAdmin or an equivalent degree (eg BEcon) may not repeat or register for a degree which has already been conferred. However, he/she may register for another degree in this College provided that at least half the number of courses were not passed for the previous degree and that two new major subjects must be passed at Unisa. GRADUATES wishing to register for the Honours BCom, BCompt or BAdmin degree in a subject in which they have not yet passed Course III, may normally qualify for admission to studies for the Honours degree by registering for and passing Courses I, II and III (where applicable) in the subject concerned for non-degree purposes (NDP). In particular cases, passes in courses in one or more other subjects may also be required. Any restrictions listed under a course also apply to registrations for NDP. See also the exception in General Rule G19 in Part 1 of the Calendar.

Transitional arrangements

Students registered for the degree prior to 2004 must change to the new curriculum (spec code NO4). Students who complete the degree under the old curriculum will be required to complete the modules FINVRA, FINRIS and IFIMAN on the fourth level of the new curriculum before they will be allowed to commence with a masters degree. Students who passed one or more of the IOB-papers specied in the old curriculum retain credit for those papers but with eect from 2003 students must replace outstanding IOB-papers with papers in the new curriculum according to the following table: Old curriculum IOB-paper Banking Banking Law Credit Risk Assessment Treasury Management I Management of Credit Risk International Trade Finance I Treasury Management II International Trade Finance II Personal Financial Planning New curriculum IOB-paper Banking Banking Law Credit Risk Assessment I Treasury Management I Credit Risk Assessment II International Trade Finance Treasury Management II Monetary Policy of Central Banks Monetary Policy Regimes



To be registered as a candidate for the BBanking a student must have satised the provisions of Rule G13 in Part 1 of the Calendar. An abstract of this Rule appears in Section 1. NB Students must also register with the Institute of Bankers in South Africa (IOB), PO Box 61420, Marshalltown, 2107 (Tel. (011) 481-7000) for the nine papers oered by them. Students who have obtained CAIB status (Certied Associate of the Institute of Bankers) will be considered for exemption on individual merit. Students will have to submit full academic records from the Institute of Bankers in South Africa (IOB).

New curriculum (02240 NO4)

This level comprises the following 8 modules and 4 papers: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. INM1013 INM1024 ECS1016 ECS1028 MNB101D MNB102E ACN101M ACN102N : : : : : : : : : : : : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) Economics 1A (Economics 101) Economics 1B (Economics 102) Business management 1A (Business Management 101) Business management 1B (Business Management 102) Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) Banking (oered by IOB) Banking law (oered by IOB) Credit risk assessment I (oered by IOB) Treasury management I (oered by IOB)

(1) (2)

Duration of study and number of study units per year



The BBanking degree cannot be completed in less than FOUR YEARS. ON FIRST REGISTRATION AND ON RE-ENROLMENT at this University the number of study units for which a student may register is determined by Number of study units per year in Section D3 in Part 1 of the Calendar. With due observance of Number of study units per year in Section D3 in Part 1 of the Calendar, students may register for a maximum of TWELVE modules and/or papers per year, including those being repeated and those that are taken for nondegree purposes (NDP). With due observance of Number of study units per year in Section D3 in Part 1 of the Calendar and (3) above, students may register for a maximum of FOUR modules for non-degree purposes (NDP) in addition to the modules prescribed for the degree.

This level comprises the following 5 modules and 5 papers:


CLA101S CLA104V MNF2023 MNK203R QMG102Q

: : : : : : : : : :

Commercial law 1A (Commercial Law 101) Commercial law 1B (Commercial Law 104) (or CLA103 prior to 2001) Financial management (Business Management 202) Enterprise risk management (Business Management 203) Introductory nancial mathematics (Quantitative Management 102) Credit risk assessment II (oered by IOB) International trade nance (oered by IOB) Treasury management II (oered by IOB) Monetary policy of central banks (oered by IOB) Monetary policy regimes (oered by IOB)

C h a p t e r

Rules for the Degree of Bachelor of Accounting Science

(Degree code: 0202X)

This level comprises the following 10 modules: ECS201A ECS202B ACN201Q ACN202R MNG2016 MNK302T MNF3015 INF1059 MNF3026 MNK301S : : : : : : : : : : Microeconomics (Economics 201) Macroeconomics (Economics 202) Financial accounting for companies (Accounting 201) Group statements, nancial analysis and the valuation of nancial instruments (Accounting 202) General management (Business Management 201) Risk nancing and insurance (Business Management 302) Financial management (Business Management 301) Introduction to Business Information Systems (Information Systems 105) Investment management (Business Management 302) Financial risk management (Business Management 301)

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar which is issued to registered students. NB Candidates who wish to proceed to the Honours BCompt degree aer completing the BCompt degree, are referred to the specic entry requirements in Rule PC4 of this Calendar.



This level comprises 4 undergraduate modules and 3 honours* level modules: ECS209J ECS305H MNG301A ECS301D FINVRAJ* FINRIS5* IFIMANB* * : : : : : : : The South African nancial system (Economics 209) Economic policy in South Africa (Economics 305) Strategic management 3A (Business Management 301) Monetary economics (Economics 301) Advanced problems of business nance (Business Management) Risk management (Business Management) International nancial management (Business Management)

To be registered as candidates for the BCompt degree, students must: (a) have satised the provisions of Rule G13 in Part 1 of the Calendar and (b) have passed MATHEMATICS AT MATRICULATION LEVEL with at least 40% on Higher Grade or at least 50% on Standard Grade, or an equivalent examination in Mathematics. Alternatively, they must have passed at least QMG101 or one module in Statistics or Mathematics I (excluding MAT011) for the BCom or another degree or for non-degree purposes (NDP) before they will be allowed to register for any modules on second-year level towards the BCompt degree.

(1) (2)

Duration of study and number of study units per year

Examinations are wrien in January of each year. There are no supplementary examinations.


(1) (2)

Pass, pass with distinction and subminimum



Pass See rule G22 in Part 1 of the Calendar. Pass with distinction (i) Candidates shall pass a major subject with distinction if they obtain an average of at least 75% in the following modules: MNK301, MNK302, MNF301, MNF302, MNG301. (ii) Candidates shall be awarded the degree with distinction if they pass: MNK301S; MNK302T; MNF3015; MNF3026; MNG301A; ECS301D; ECS305H; FINVRAJ; FINRIS5 and IFIMANB with an average of 75% and not less than 60% in any of the above modules. Subminimum See Rule G23 in Part 1 of the Calendar.

The BCompt degree cannot be completed in under THREE YEARS. On FIRST REGISTRATION and on RE-ENROLMENT at this University the number of study units for which a student may register is determined by Number of study units per year in Section D3 in Part 1 of the Calendar. With due observance of Number of study units per year in Section D3 in Part 1 of the Calendar, students may register for a maximum of FOURTEEN modules per year. The maximum includes repeat modules and those that are taken for non-degree purposes (NDP). In addition to the modules prescribed for the BCompt degree, and with due observance of Number of study units per year in D3 in Part 1 of the Calendar and (3) above, a student may register for a maximum of FOUR modules for non-degree purposes (NDP).


Composition of the curriculum

The curriculum for the BCompt degree comprises 34 MODULES (32 MODULES for students who may complete the curriculum without Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment see this subject chapter in Part 2 of the Calendar). The major subjects are Accounting and Auditing.

Students who passed Accounting IA (ACA100 or ABC100 prior to 1992) must register for and pass ACN102 for this degree.


This level comprises the following 12 compulsory modules: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. INM1013 INM1024 ACN101M ACN102N DPA101P MNB101D MNB102E ECS1016 ECS1028 QMG102Q CLA101S CLA104V : : : : : : : : : : : : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) Accounting reporting (Accounting 102) Accounting systems in a computer environment (Accounting Data Processing 101) Business management 1A (Business Management 101) Business management 1B (Business Management 102) Economics 1A (Economics 101) Economics 1B (Economics 102) Introductory nancial mathematics (Quantitative Management 102) Commercial law 1A (Commercial Law 101) Commercial law 1B (Commercial Law 104) (or CLA102 prior to 2001)

(1) (2)

Pass, pass with distinction and subminimum


Pass See Rule G22 in Part 1 of the Calendar Pass with distinction (i) Candidates shall pass a major subject with distinction if they obtain an average of at least 75% in all the third-level modules in the major subject. (ii) Candidates obtain the degree with distinction if they obtain an average of at least 75% in at least eleven thirdlevel modules. Subminimum See Rule G23 in Part 1 of the Calendar.

C h a p t e r

Rules for the Degree of Bachelor of Administration

(Degree code: 02003)

This level comprises the following 11 compulsory modules: ACN201Q ACN202R ACN203S TXN211D TXN212E TXN213F DPA202T AUE201L AUE202M CLA201V CLA202W : : : : : : : : : : : Financial accounting for companies (Accounting 201) Group statements, nancial analysis and the valuation of nancial instruments (Accounting 202) Cost accounting and control (Accounting 203) The taxation of individuals (Income Tax 211) Deceased and insolvent estates (Income Tax 212) The taxation of business income (Income Tax 213) Practical accounting data processing (Accounting Data Processing 202) Introduction to auditing theory and audit practice (Auditing 201) Introduction to the performing of the audit process (Auditing 202) Commercial law 2A (Commercial Law 201) Commercial law 2B (Commercial Law 202)

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar which is issued to registered students. NB No new registrations will be allowed for the old curriculum as from 2006. Students already registered for this degree will be allowed to complete the old curriculum. As from 2006 new students must register for the new curriculum. Reference to courses I, II and/or III INCLUDES the equivalent in modules. Course I in a subject is equivalent to two modules on rst level, Course II is equivalent to two modules on second level and Course III is equivalent to ve module on third level.



To be registered as a candidate for the BAdmin degree, a student must have satised the provisions of Rule G13 in Part 1 of the Calendar. An abstract of this Rule appears in Section 1.

This level comprises 11 compulsory modules: ACN311V ACN312W ACN313X ACN314Y ACN3164 ACN3175 ACN3186 AUE301P AUE302Q AUE303R AUE304S : : : : : : : : : : : General nancial reporting (Accounting 311) Distinctive nancial reporting (Accounting 312) Specic nancial reporting (Accounting 313) Group nancial reporting (Accounting 314) Management accounting techniques as an aid in decision-making (Accounting 316) Financial planning and control (Accounting 317) Financial analysis, valuations and restructuring (Accounting 318) Aspects of internal control of importance to an auditor (Auditing 301) Legal aspects concerning audit practice (Auditing 302) Advanced theory of auditing and the performing of the audit process (Auditing 303) Computer auditing and the use of the computer in performing the audit process (Auditing 304)

(1) (2)

Duration of study and number of study units per year



The BAdmin degree cannot be completed in under THREE YEARS. On FIRST REGISTRATION and on RE-ENROLMENT at this University the number of study units for which a student may register is determined by Number of study units per year in Section D3 in Part 1 of the Calendar. With due observance of Number of study units per year in Section D3 in Part 1 of the Calendar, students may register for a maximum of TWELVE modules in a particular year. The maximum includes repeat courses and those that are taken for non-degree purposes (NDP). In addition to the modules prescribed for the BAdmin degree, and with due observance of Number of study units per year in D3 in Part 1 of the Calendar and (3) above, a student may register for a maximum of FOUR modules for non-degree purposes (NDP).




The curriculum for the BAdmin degree comprises 32 modules in subjects to be selected from Groups A and B below. For students who may complete the curriculum without Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment S refer to this subject chapter in Part 2 of the Calendar, the curriculum comprises 30 modules in subjects to be selected from Groups A, B, C and D below.

NB The leer M indicates that the subject may be selected as a major.

GROUP A: Subjects offered by the College of Economic and Management Sciences (M = major)
M Accounting Accounting Data Processing M Accounting (Municipal Accounting) M Auditing M Internal Auditing M Business Management M Economic History M Economics M Industrial Psychology Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment M Logistics M Public Administration M Quantitative Management Taxation M Transport Economics

Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) INM1024 : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) ECS1016 : Economics 1A (Economics 101) ECS1028 : Economics 1B (Economics 102) PUB1018 : The nature, content and scope of public administration (Public Administration 101) PUB1029 : The structuring and functioning of public services (Public Administration 102) DVA101Q : Introduction to development studies (Development Studies 101) DVA102R : Development problems and institutions (Development Studies 102) plus any 4 rst-level modules in subjects selected from Groups A, B and D under C17(n). This choice will, to a large degree, be determined by the prerequisites required for the modules to be taken on second- and third-year level.


This level comprises 10 modules as follows:

GROUP B: Subjects offered by other Colleges

Any language (one or two modules on rst-level only) Commercial Law Information Systems Labour Law Statistics

any four modules on second-year level in subjects selected from Group A provided that a minimum of 2 modules must be taken in the same subject Development Studies (any two modules on second or third level) or Public Administration II (modules PUB201 and one of the remaining PUB modules on second level) plus any four second-level modules in subjects selected from Groups A and B under C17(n).

This level comprises 10 modules as follows:

M Development Studies

Administrative law African politics Anthropology Constitutional law Fundamental rights Interpretation of statutes Introduction to the theory of law Politics

5 modules in one of the subjects from Group C which was selected on second-year level 5 modules on third-level in one and the same subject selected from Group A. (4 Modules if Auditing is selected plus one other third-level module from Group A)

New Curriculum (Degree code: 02003 N06 as from 2006)

This level comprises 12 modules, the following 8 of which are compulsory: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) INM1024 : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) ECS1016 : Economics 1A (Economics 101) ECS1028 : Economics 1B (Economics 102) PUB1018 : The nature, content and scope of public administration (Public Administration 101) PUB1029 : The structuring and functioning of public services (Public Administration 102) DVA101Q : Introduction to development studies (Development Studies 101) DVA102R : Development problems and institutions (Development Studies 102) plus any 4 rst-level modules in subjects selected from Groups A, B and D under C17(n). This choice will, to a large degree, be determined by the prerequisites required for the modules to be taken on second- and third-year level. INM1013 :


Composition of the curriculum

The BAdmin degree comprises 32 modules with at least TWO MAJOR SUBJECTS.

Old Curriculum (Degree code: 02003 NKW until 2005)

NB No new registrations will be accepted for the Old Curriculum. Students will be allowed to complete this qualication until the end of 2009.

This level comprises 12 modules, the following 8 of which are compulsory: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules.


This level comprises 10 modules as follows:

Public Administration II (module PUB201 and one of the remaining PUB modules on second level) any four modules on second-year level in subjects selected from Group A provided that a minimum of 2 modules must be taken in the same subject Development Studies (any two modules on second or third level) plus any two second-level modules in subjects selected from Groups A and B under C17(n) or any four second-level modules in subjects selected from Groups A and B under C17n.

NB Any reference to courses I, II and/or III includes the equivalent in modules and half-courses. Course I in a subject is equivalent to two modules on rst level, Course II is equivalent to two modules on second level and Course III is equivalent to ve modules on third-year level. This degree provides students with the opportunity to include in their curriculum a major subject oered by a College other than the College of Economic and Management Sciences. Students may include a MAXIMUM of fourteen modules, not oered by this College, in their curriculum. Where a major subject from another College comprises more than 14 modules, BBA students will be allowed to complete the major subject with only 14 modules. Should they wish to continue their postgraduate studies in these subjects, they will have to comply with the Honours entry requirements for the relevant subject. Students who already possess a recognised degree will be given recognition for seven modules plus INM101 and INM102 and can complete the BBA by passing the 14 compulsory modules plus 9 other modules, of which ve must be on third level, selected from subjects listed in Group A under C5(n).

This level comprises 10 modules as follows:

any ve modules from Public Administration III ve modules on third-level in one and the same subject selected from Group A. (four modules if Auditing is selected plus one other third-level module from Group A) or ve modules in Development Studies on second- or third level, not already taken, and only if it was selected on second year level.




A student may replace a lower level module with a higher level module provided that such module may be included in the curriculum, and that the prerequisites are met.

To be registered as a candidate for the BBA degree, a student must have satised the provisions of Rule G13 in Part 1 of the Calendar. An abstract of this Rule appears in Section 1.


(1) (2)

Pass, pass with distinction and subminimum

Duration of study and number of study units per year


Pass See Rule G22 in Part 1 of the Calendar. Pass with distinction (i) Candidates shall pass a major subject with distinction if they obtain an average of at least 75% in the modules or a combination of modules on third level of the subject concerned. (ii) Candidates shall be awarded the degree with distinction if they: pass all modules on third level with an average of 75% and obtain at least 75% in each specialisation module on third level and obtain at least 60% in all the remaining third-level modules. Subminimum See Rule G23 in Part 1 of the Calendar.

(1) (2)



The BBA degree cannot be completed in under THREE YEARS On FIRST REGISTRATION and on RE-ENROLMENT at this University the number of study units for which a student may register is determined by Number of study units per year in Section D3 in Part 1 of the Calendar. With due observance of Number of study units per year in Section D3 in Part 1 of the Calendar, students may register for a maximum of TWELVE modules in a particular year. The maximum includes repeat study units and those that are taken for non-degree purposes (NDP). In addition to the modules prescribed for the BBA degree, and with due observance of Number of study units per year in D3 in Part 1 of the Calendar and (3) above, a student may register for a maximum of FOUR modules for non-degree purposes (NDP).



C h a p t e r

Rules for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration

The curriculum for the BBA degree comprises 32 modules in subjects to be selected from Groups A and B below. For students who may complete the curriculum without Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment refer to this subject chapter in Part 2 of the Calendar, the curriculum comprises 30 modules in subjects to be selected from Groups A and B below.

Students majoring in Communication Science do not need to include Communication Law in this curriculum. Students majoring in General Education take only two second-level modules, namely, GED201 and GED202.

(Degree code: 02216) C24 Composition of the curriculum

(1) The curriculum is as follows:

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar which is issued to registered students.


This level comprises 12 modules, the following 7 of which are compulsory: NB INM1013 and INM1024 are compulsory for rst registration. Refer to General Information under the subject Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment in Part 2 of the Calendar for students exempted from these modules. Introduction to the economic and management environment 1A (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 101) INM1024 : Introduction to the economic and management environment 1B (Introduction to the Economic and Management Environment 102) MNB101D : Business management 1A (Business Management 101) MNB102E : Business management 1B (Business Management 102) ECS1016 : Economics 1A (Economics 101) ECS1028 : Economics 1B (Economics 102) ACN101M : Accounting concepts, principles and procedures (Accounting 101) plus any 5 rst-level modules (or the equivalent in courses) from the subjects listed in Group A under C5(n) or in subjects oered by other Colleges. INM1013 :

(1) (2)

Pass, pass with distinction and subminimum


Pass See Rule G22 in Part 1 of the Calendar Pass with distinction (i) Candidates shall pass a major subject with distinction if they obtain an average of at least 75% in the modules or a combination of modules on third level of the subject concerned. (ii) Candidates shall be awarded the degree with distinction if they: pass all modules on third level with an average of 75% and obtain at least 75% in each specialisation module on third level and obtain at least 60% in all the remaining third-level modules. Subminimum See Rule G23 in Part 1 of the Calendar

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 4 of which are compulsory. General management (Business Management 201) Marketing management (Business Management 202) Financial management (Business Management 202) Human resources management (Business Management 202) plus any 6 second-level modules (or the equivalent in courses) from the subjects listed in Group A under C5(n) or in subjects oered by other Colleges. MNG2016 MNM202Y MNF2023 MNH202C : : : :

C h a p t e r

Rules for the Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management

(Diploma code: 0300X)

This level comprises 10 modules, the following 5 of which are compulsory: Strategic management 3A (Business Management 301) MNG302B : Strategic management 3B (Business Management 302) and at least any 3 of the following: MNF3015 : Financial management (Business Management 301) MNF3026 : Investment management (Business Management 302) MNF3038 : Personal nancial management (Business Management 303) MNK301S : Financial risk management (Business Management 301) MNM3014 : Relationship marketing (Business Management 301) MNM3025 : Marketing research (Business Management 302) MNM3036 : Product management (Business Management 303) MNM3048 : Promotion management (Business Management 304) MNH301E : Contemporary issues in human resource management (Business Management 301) MNH302F : Training and development (Business Management 302) MNH304H : Labour relations management: micro (Business Management 304) plus any 5 third-level modules in subjects listed in Group A under C5(n) or from the remaining third-level optional modules not yet selected or a combination thereof. The selection may also include third-level modules oered by other Colleges. (2) A student may replace a lower level module with a higher level module provided that such module may be included in the curriculum, and that the prerequisites are met. MNG301A :

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar which is issued to registered students. This diploma comprises marketing orientated subjects as well as study units in Business Management (previously Business Economics).

NB Students who have completed the Programme in Advanced Marketing Management or an Advanced Marketing Management Diploma may NOT register for this qualication. This qualication comprises year courses as well as semester modules. Students are referred to the Information Brochure in respect of dierent closing dates for registration for year courses and semester modules. Students MUST consult the Information Brochure in connection with semester registrations BEFORE registration.



To be registered as a candidate for the Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management, a student must hold a Bachelors degree, or a qualication regarded as the equivalent by the Senate.

NB Students who obtained a degree at another university must submit an original transcript of their complete academic record or an original statement of all courses passed, issued by the Registrar of the University concerned, together with their FIRST application for registration. Students who have passed any course(s)/paper(s) of the old curriculum without completing the Diploma before the end of the 1996 academic year must ascertain from the Head of the Department of Business Management and Entrepreneurship whether they can receive credit for any corresponding course(s)/paper(s) of the new curriculum.





The diploma shall not be awarded to students until they have passed the ve courses listed under Rule C33.


Duration of study and number of study units per year


The diploma cannot be completed in under ONE YEAR. NB Part time students are advised to register for a maximum of THREE COURSES in their FIRST YEAR, and to distribute the courses for the curriculum over at least TWO YEARS. Students who wish to complete the diploma in one year must take MNB101, 102 in the rst semester and MNG201 and MNM202 in the second semester. A student may register for a maximum of FIVE courses per year. The maximum includes repeat courses and those taken for nondiploma purposes (NDP). In addition to the ve courses that are prescribed for the diploma, a student may register for a maximum of TWO courses for nondiploma purposes (NDP).

NB M and D degrees can also be obtained in African Renaissance Studies. Students interested in this eld should contact the Centre for African Renaissance Studies (Tel. (012) 320-3180 or 320-3180.

C h a p t e r

(2) (3)

Rules for the Degree of Honours Bachelor of Accounting Sciences

NB The Certicate in the Theory of Accounting (CTA) is incorporated under this degree. These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar.

(Degree code: 04642)



The curriculum comprises FOUR MODULES in Business Management and THREE COURSES: (a) Business Management I (MNB101D and MNB102E) (b) Business Management II (MNG2016 and MNM202Y). This course may be taken only together with or aer Business Management I (previously Business Economics I), and only by candidates for this diploma. Students who passed Business Economics II at this University prior to 1983, can be exempted from Business Management II (MNG201 and MNM202). Students who passed any other option in Business Economics II at this University in 1983 or later must register for and pass the module MNM202 for nondiploma purposes (NDP). Those who also passed any option in Business Economics III (excluding Option J) qualify for full exemption from MNM202. (c) Strategic Marketing Management (STB400V) (d) Marketing Research (BEM400C) (e) Consumer-oriented Marketing Communication (CON400E)

See General Rules PG2 to PG8 in connection with duration of study, re-registration, etc. (i) The curriculum and syllabus are designed for preparing students for Part 1 of the Qualifying Examination (QE1) of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (Saica). Students wishing to register for an honours degree but who do not wish to pursue a career as a chartered accountant are advised to register for an Honours BCom degree. The Honours BCompt/CTA course is a demanding course which is presented at a high level. Students wishing to register for the Honours BCompt/CTA course must have at least 24 hours per week available for their studies. Students who wish to register for the course must carefully consider in advance whether they have the necessary skills, ready knowledge, motivation, time and commitment to aempt and pass it successfully. The CTA is not an independent qualication, but a conrmation by the School of Accounting Sciences that a student has reached an acceptably high level of competence and integrated knowledge in the Accounting Sciences. The CTA enables a student to register with Saica to sit for its QE1. Candidates must contact Saica for more information about its requirements in addition to the CTA for entry to QE1. The telephone number of the Saica head oce is (011) 621-6600. The names of the candidates who have successfully completed the CTA are supplied to Saica at the end of December. The names of successful supplementary examination candidates are made available at the end of January. Students waiting for results of the supplementary examination must register provisionally with Saica for QE1 before Saicas closing date for registration. Saica recognises the validity of the CTA for a period of ve years for the purpose of writing QE1. See (iii) above.



(1) (2)

Pass, pass with distinction and subminimum

(iv) (v)


Pass See Rule G22 in Part 1 of the Calendar. Pass with distinction Students shall be awarded the diploma with distinction if they obtain an average of at least 75% for the FIVE courses (or four modules and three courses) under Rule C33. Subminimum See Rule G23 in Part 1 of the Calendar.




The degree is awarded in the School of Accounting Sciences.




Details of the discussion classes will be communicated via tutorial leers.

(2) (3)

Students wishing to register for the Honours BCompt must have a BCom/pt (Accounting) degree with a curriculum approved by Saica, or Unisas Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences with a nal mark of at least 55% for Advanced Financial Accounting. Admission qualications must not be older than three years and Financial Accounting 3 and nal year Taxation or Advanced Finanacial Accounting and Advanced Taxation must not have been passed more than three years prior to application for admission to the Honours BCompt/CTA. These admission requirements are not negotiable. Students who do not meet the above requirements for direct entry to the Honours BCompt degree are referred to the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences. The closing date for registration is the last working day in January. Saturdays are considered to be working days. The closing date for registration for students who participated in the supplementary examination is the third Saturday of February. These closing dates for registration are not negotiable. Students that applied for a re-marking of their script/s must register provisionally before the closing date for registration.

(1) (2) (3)

Tests and year-mark


During the course of the year four tests of ve hours each are wrien, under examination conditions. Each test contains questions from all four modules. The average mark of the three best tests will constitute the students year mark. If only one or two tests are wrien, the total marks of the tests wrien will be divided by three to obtain the year mark. If no test is wrien the mark will be nil. The year mark contributes 20% and the examination 80% towards the nal mark. A subminimum of 45% per module must be obtained in the examination.


Examination and supplementary examination

TOE407V TOE408W TOE409X : : :

Applied Financial Accounting Applied Management Accounting Applied Taxation (Students who have passed Advanced Zimbabwe Taxation of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe) are exempted from this module.) Applied Auditing

(2) (3)

The curriculum comprises the following four modules.



Duration of study and reregistration



(3) (4)



To achieve CTA status, a student must pass all 4 modules in the same examination siing. The supplementary examination is considered the same siing as the immediately preceding October/November examination. A student retains credit for purposes of the Honours BCompt (without CTA) for each module passed. The Honours BCompt (without CTA) may be completed in a maximum of ve years, on condition that Applied Financial Accounting and Applied Taxation are passed in the last two years that a student oers the degree. The issuing of an Honours degree is subject to the rules of the university. Only students who achieved an average of at least 40% for the four prescribed modules may re-register for the CTA. Students who achieved less than an average of 40% for the four prescribed modules, but have already passed one or more modules, may re-register for the outstanding modules only in order to complete the honours degree. Notwithstanding the conditions stipulated in (3) and (4) above, a student is given only three opportunities to obtain CTA status. Under no circumstances will further simultaneous registration for the four modules be approved unless the Honours degree has been completed. Re-registration may be refused in any year on the basis of unsatisfactory progress.

Examinations in all four modules are wrien in October/ November. The examination in each of the four modules consists of one vehour paper. A supplementary examination in all four modules is scheduled in the rst half of January. The supplementary examination is not a special or aegrotat examination. The purpose of the supplementary examination is to allow candidates who participated in the October/November examination and achieved at least 45% for the module concerned in that immediately preceding October/November examination an apportunity to rewrite the module to complete the honours degree. A supplementary examination is therefore granted only if the candidate will be able to complete the Honours BCompt should the supplementary examination be passed. Students who, for whatever reason, did not write a module during the October/November examination cannot qualify for a supplementary examination in that module. Other than the supplementary examination referred to in PC9(3), there are no special or aegrotat examinations for the Honours BCompt.

NB The year mark (see PC8) is not taken into account for the supplementary examination.

(1) (2)

Pass-mark and pass with distinction

The pass-mark for each module is a nal mark of 50%. To obtain the degree with distinction, a candidate must obtain a nal mark of at least 75% for each module.

C h a p t e r


Discussion classes

Rules for the Degree of Honours Bachelor of Arts

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar. See General Rules PG2 to PG8 regarding duration of study, reregistration, etc.

Discussion classes form an important part of the study package for the Honours BCompt and CTA. Wherever student numbers warrant it, discussion classes will be conducted by the School of Accounting Sciences. Students aendance of discussion classes is optional, but they are strongly advised to aend.


Economics Public Administration



: : : : : : : : : : :

The degree may be conferred in the following subjects in this College:


Curriculum and other requirements

Public and municipal personnel administration and management Management of public and municipal nance Planning and policy analysis in the public sector Study of organisations and the public sector Management and the public sector International public administration Labour relations and the public sector Regional government and administration Government and urbanisation Government and environmental management Politics in the public sector

The approved modules, curricula and, where applicable, the combination of modules and particular admission and/or language requirements, appear below.

Students who have passed a module(s) under the old curriculum retain credit for the module(s) passed and must choose the outstanding module(s) from the modules listed above; provided that students who have passed a module appearing under list A below may not register for the module opposite to it in list B. List A APUPADX or GOMPAOC THAGP0N, GSPB008, TABMOBB or SAMBAOW AIPA005 AFAPS0J or GOMFAOB GASSOP3 List B HPERSAK HBEBEP3 HIPADMH HRFINSE HPOLPSQ

Economics (Degree code: 04162)

(1) (2) Students must have a full major in Economics and an average mark of at least 60% for their highest level modules or courses of study in Economics. Students with less than the required 60% minimum admission requirement may, at the discretion of the Head of Department, register for one or more third level modules or courses in Economics at Unisa or an equivalent tertiary education institution to improve their average suciently for admission to the Honours degree.

The curriculum comprises ve modules, chosen from the modules listed below. A students choice of modules is subject to the approval of the Head of the Department and the following restrictions: MICECHV and MACECHJ are compulsory. A student may not register for any of MONECHG, IERH004, PECH00G, DEVH00L and an Honours module in a related subject unless MICECHV and MACECHJ are also oered or have already been passed. MICECHV MACECHJ MONECHG IERH004 PECH00G DEVH00L _ : : : : : : : Micro-economics Macro-economics Monetary economics International economics Public economics Development economics An Honours module in a related subject in which the student has passed the nal course, with the approval of the Heads of the Departments concerned.

C h a p t e r

Rules for the Degree of Honours Bachelor of Commerce

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar. See General Rules PG2 to PG8 in connection with duration of study, re-registration, etc.



Public Administration (Degree code: 04308)

Public Administration as a major subject or Municipal Government and Administration as a major subject.

The curriculum comprises ve modules. At least two of HFILPAK, HPERSAK, HRFINSE, HBEBEP3, HORSTEH and HOPBESV are compulsory. With the approval of the Heads of the departments concerned, one of the modules may be replaced with an Honours module from a related subject in which the student has sucient background knowledge. HFILPAK : Theory of Science and Public Administration. (A student who passed the module Theory of Science (PBL311K) may not register for HFILPAK). (2)

Students must: (a) hold the BCom or BCompt degree or another approved degree in the Economic and Management Sciences and have passed the nal course in the subject in which they wish to proceed; or (b) be in possession of another degree and have passed at least ve BCom courses, including at least Economics I (or ECS1016 and ECS1028), Business Management I (Business Economics I prior to 1996) (or MNB101D and MNB102E) and Accounting I (or ACN101M and ACN102N) or Accounting IA (or ACN101M and ACN103P); and have passed the nal course in the subject in which they wish to proceed; or (c) have obtained the Certicate in the Theory of Accountancy at a recognised university, and have qualied for or be in possession of the CA(SA) and have passed Economics I (or ECS1016 and ECS1028), Business Management I (Business Economics I prior to 1996) (or MNB101D and MNB102E) and the nal course in the subject in which they wish to proceed. Students may not take the degree: (a) in Auditing, unless they have passed Accounting II; or (b) in Accounting, unless they have passed Cost Accounting or an equivalent course.



Students with B-degrees older than 10 years may also apply for admission to Honours and such requests could be handled in two possible ways: (a) students must repeat the major subject in which they wish to do their Honours or (b) students must apply to the Head of a Department by submiing a CV, providing evidence including references that they have been employed in the selected subject direction during the past 10 years (or longer), thus having kept abreast with developments in the eld. These CVs will then have to be evaluated by the Head of Department for approval for registration.


(iii) (iv)

Accounting Auditing Business Informatics Business Management Economics Industrial Psychology Logistics Public Administration Quantitative Management Statistics Transport Economics


ACN302U or ACN312W, ACN303V or ACN313X, ACN304W and ACN314Y) or an equivalent course has been passed. The meaning, analysis, interpretation and design of nancial statements (FST0005), Financial planning and control (FPC000A) or Advanced cost and management accounting (ACA000P) unless Accounting III (that is, ACN301T or ACN311V, ACN306Y or ACN3164, ACN3073 or ACN3175, ACN3084 or ACN3186 and ACN3095 or ACN3198) or an equivalent course has been passed. Advanced taxation (ADVTAX6) or Advanced taxation practice (GEVBEPP) unless Income Tax (that is, TXN201B and TXN203D or TXN213F) or an equivalent course has been passed. Advanced accounting information management (AAD000R) unless Accounting III (that is, ACN301T or ACN311V, ACN302U or ACN312W, ACN303V or ACN313X, ACN304W or ACN314Y) and Accounting data processing (that is, DPA201S and DPA202T) or an equivalent course has been passed. : An Honours module in a related subject in which the candidate has passed the nal course for the Bachelors degree, with the approval of the Heads of the Departments concerned.

The degree may be conferred in the following subjects:


Pass with distinction

Candidates shall be awarded the degree with distinction if they obtain an average of at least 75% for the required modules for the degree.


Curriculum and other requirements

The approved modules, curricula and, where applicable, the combination of modules and/or particular admission requirements appear below.

NB 2 Students who aim to obtain the Chartered Management Accountant (CMA) qualication, and who register for the degree with the view of siing the nal level examinations of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), must take the following modules: AFM000U : Advanced Financial Management ACA000P : Advanced cost and management accounting AAD000R : Advanced accounting information management two of the following: FST0005 : The meaning, analysis, interpretation and design of nancial statements CORACO8 : Corporate reporting ADVTAX6 : Advanced taxation GEVBEPP : Advanced taxation practice FPC000A : Financial planning and control : An Honours module in a related subject in which the candidate has passed the nal course for the Bachelors degree, with the approval of the Heads of the Departments concerned.

Accounting (Degree code: 0409X) Old Curriculum

NB No new registrations will be accepted for the old curriculum. Students who registered under the old syllabus (2004 or before) must complete the general Honours degree in Accounting in or before 2008.

New Curriculum
The curriculum comprises ve modules. Students have the choice of pursuing one of two options when registering for the Honours BCom in Accounting, namely: with specialisation in Financial Accounting or with specialisation in Management Accounting

Students who registered under the old syllabus (2004 or before) must complete the general Honours degree in Accounting in or before 2008. Should such a student in the interim wish to register for a specialised degree, an application to this eect must be made to the Head of the Department. A specialised Honours degree in Accounting will not be awarded unless the student has passed the compulsory modules in the specialised area concerned.

Accounting III (BCom), Accounting III (Management accounting) or Accounting III (BCompt).

The curriculum comprises ve of the following modules: AFM000U FST0005 FPC000A CORAC08 ADVTAX6 ACA000P GEVBEPP AAD000R : : : : : : : : Advanced nancial management The meaning, analysis, interpretation and design of nancial statements Financial planning and control Corporate reporting Advanced taxation Advanced cost and management accounting Advanced taxation practice Advanced accounting information management

Accounting (with specialisation in Financial Accounting)

Financial Accounting III (that is, ACN301/ACN311, ACN302/312, ACN303/313 and ACN304/314).

The curriculum comprises the following three groups of modules:

NB 1 No student may take: (i) Advanced nancial management (AFM000U) or Corporate reporting (CORAC08) unless Accounting III (that is, ACN301T or ACN311V,



HBCFACG CORAC08 : : Advanced Financial Accounting Corporate reporting


Advanced accounting information systems Advanced management accounting techniques The management of organisational change and renewal (presented by the Department of Business Management and Entrepreneurship)







The meaning, analysis, interpretation and design of nancial statements Financial planning and control Advanced taxation Advanced taxation practice

Auditing (Degree code: 04081) Old Curriculum

NB No new registrations will be accepted for the old curriculum. Students who registered under the old curriculum (2006 or before) must complete the degree in or before 2010.


AFM000U ACA000P AAD000R ADMAATS : : : : Advanced nancial management Advanced cost and management accounting Advanced accounting information management Advanced management accounting techniques

In addition to the requirements of Rule PC12, Accounting 200 and Auditing 300.

NB No student may take: (i) The meaning, analysis, interpretation and design of nancial statements (FST0005) unless ACN308/ACN318 or an equivalent course has been passed. (ii) Financial planning and control (FPC000A) unless ACN307/ACN317 or an equivalent course has been passed (iii) Advanced taxation (ADVTAX6) or Advanced taxation practice (GEVBEPP) unless Income Tax (that is, TXN201/TXN211 and TXN203/TXN213) or an equivalent course have been passed. (iv) Advanced nancial management (AFM000U), Advanced cost and management accounting (ACA000P) and Advanced management accounting techniques (ADMAATS) unless Management Accounting III (that is, ACN306/ACN316, ACN307/ACN317 and ACN308/ ACN318) or an equivalent course has been passed. (v) Advanced accounting information management (AAD000R) unless Accounting Data Processing (that is, DPA201 and DPA202) or an equivalent course has been passed.

The curriculum comprises the following ve modules. GTEKOUQ MPEKOUB REKOUDH INTOUDF ESAU00N : : : : : : History and theory of external auditing Methods and practices of external audit Computer auditing The role of internal control measures in the audit process Option (a): A report on a research project which must be approved by the Head of the Department or Option (b): an Honours module from a related subject in the College of Economic and Management Sciences in which the student has passed the nal course for the Bachelors degree, with the approval of the Heads of the Departments concerned.

Accounting (with specialisation in Management Accounting)

The curriculum and syllabi for this degree are pre-eminently suited to prepare students for the nal level CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) examinations.

Notes in respect of ESAU00N, option (a):

(i) (ii) The research project is regarded for all purposes as the equivalent of an examination paper. The particular topic selected for the research project must be submied for approval not later than 31 March of the year in which the student wishes to submit the report for examination, together with an outline indicating the scope of the research project. The report on the research project must be submied not later than 31 August. It must be apparent from the research report that the student is familiar with current literature and practice relevant to the approved research project. The report on the research project must not be less than 6 000 and not more than 10 000 words in length.

Management Accounting III (that is, ACN306/ACN316, ACN307/ ACN317 and ACN308/ACN318) or an equivalent course, and Financial Accounting III (that is, ACN301/ACN311, ACN302/312 and ACN304/ ACN314) or an equivalent course. The approval of equivalent courses is at the discretion of the Head of the Department. (iii) (iv)

New Curriculum
The curriculum comprises the following ve compulsory modules: NB No student may take: (i) Advanced nancial management (AFM000U), Advanced cost and management accounting (ACA000P) and Advanced management accounting techniques (ADMAATS) unless Management Accounting III (that is, ACN306/316, ACN307/317 and ACN308/318) or an equivalent course has been passed. (ii) Advanced accounting information management (AAD000R) unless Accounting data processing (that is, DPA201 and DPA202) or an equivalent course has been passed. AFM000U ACA000P : : Advanced nancial management Advanced cost and management accounting

Auditing 300 (that is, AUE301/321, AUE302/322, AUE303/323 and AUE304/324) or an equivalent course.

The curriculum comprises 5 modules. NB No student may take: (i) HBCFACG and/or CORACO8 unless Financial Accounting 300 (that is, ACN301/311, ACN302/312, ACN303/313 and ACN304/314) or an equivalent course has been passed. (ii) FST0005 unless ACN308/318 or an equivalent course has been passed.


(iii) (iv)

(v) (vi) (vii)

FPC000A unless ACN307/317 or an equivalent course has been passed. HBCMAC8 and/or AFM000U and/or ACA000P and/or ADMAATS unless Management Accounting 300 (that is, ACN306/316, ACN307/317 and ACN308/318) or an equivalent course, and Financial Accounting 300 (that is, ACN301/311, ACN302/312, ACN303/313 and ACN304/314) or an equivalent course have been passed. AAD000R unless DPA201 and DPA202 or an equivalent course has been passed. HBCTAXM and/or ADVTAX6 and/or GEVBEPP unless Income Tax (that is, TXN201/211 and TXN203/213) or an equivalent course has been passed. HARBVHK and/or HPERSAK and/or HRFINSE and/or HBEBEP3 and/or HORSTEH and/or HOPBESV unless Public Administration or an equivalent course or Municipal Government and Administration or an equivalent course as a major subject has been passed.

the acceptability of which is to be determined by the Head of the Department. NB Students who do not comply with the admission requirements in respect of certain or all of the modules required for admission (including graduates from this University) will be required to complete certain additional undergraduate modules for non-degree purposes in this regard.

The curriculum comprises the following four one-year modules: HIAU01L HIAU02M : : Internal Audit Practice Internal Audit Applications two examination papers Risk Management Advanced Management Accounting (Students who passed TOE408W for an uncompleted degree within the last 5 years retain credit for the module and may not register for HBCMAC8)

The approval of equivalent courses is at the discretion of the respective Heads of Departments.


GROUP A (Three compulsory modules)



Advanced auditing (Students who passed TOE412S for an uncompleted degree within the last 5 years retain credit for the module and may not register for HBCAUDD) Computer auditing The role of internal control measures in the audit process

The degree cannot be completed in less than one year but must be completed within two years. This period may be extended in exceptional cases with the permission of the Head of the Department of Auditing.

GROUP B (Two of the following)




: : : : : : :


: : : : : : : :

Advanced Financial Accounting (Students who passed TOE407V for an uncompleted degree within the last 5 years retain credit for the module and may not register for HBCFACG) Corporate reporting Advanced Management Accounting (Students who passed TOE408W for an uncompleted degree within the last 5 years retain credit for the module and may not register for HBCMAC8) The meaning, analysis, interpretation and design of nancial statements Financial planning and control Advanced nancial management Advanced cost and management accounting Advanced accounting information management Advanced management accounting techniques Advanced Taxation (Students who passed TOE409X for an uncompleted degree within the last 5 years retain credit for the module and may not register for HBCTAXM) Advanced taxation Advanced taxation practice Labour relations and the public sector Public and municipal personnel administration and management Management of public and municipal nance Planning and policy analysis in the public sector Study of organisations and the public sector Management and the public sector

(a) The examinations are wrien in October/November at particular predetermined examination centres. Should an existing Honours module only be wrien in January/February, the examination date for that module will be January/February. No supplementary examinations will be granted. For information regarding admission to the examination, refer to the tutorial material of each module. The examination in HIAU02M comprises two three-hour wrien papers. The examinations in HIAU01L and TOE408W each comprises one four-hour wrien paper. The examination in FINRIS5 comprises one three-hour wrien paper.

(b) (c) (d)


(a) (b) The pass-mark for each module is 50%. To be awarded the degree with distinction, a candidate must obtain an average of at least 75% for the modules for the degree.

Business Informatics (Degree code: 05282)

In order to be admied, a student must: (a) have passed Informatics III (or an equivalent course) with an average of at least 60%; and (b) qualify for admission to enrol for the Honours level courses/ modules in the subject(s) chosen from the list of subjects below.

Students who registered under the old curriculum (2006 or before) must complete the degree in or before 2010. Should such a student in the interim wish to convert his/her studies to the new curriculum, an application to this eect must be made to the Head of the Department.

The curriculum consists of ten modules compiled as follows: Information Systems Development: Methodologies, Techniques and Tools INF417N : Soware Engineering INF431L : Information security INF418P : Database design Any two courses (the equivalent of four modules, i.e. each course carries the credits of two modules) at Honours level chosen from the following list of subjects: Accounting Accounting (Local Government) Auditing INF450P :

Auditing with specialisation in Internal Auditing (Degree code: 04081, Specialisation code: IAU)
In order to be admied, a student must hold a completed BCom degree with specialisation in Internal Auditing or an equivalent qualication


Internal Auditing Business Management Economics Industrial Psychology Quantitative Management Transport Economics Logistics Any two modules chosen from the following: INF412H : Project Module INF462T : Research for Computing (Information Systems) or 2 of the following modules INF420H : Human-Computer Interaction INF425N : Soware Project Management INF462T : Research for Computing NB Honours modules in Information Systems assume that students have experience in programming. If you lack programming experience, we highly recommend that you register for either COS114X and/or (COS111U and COS112V) for non-degree purposes. Access to the Internet is a requirement for students registering for an Honours degree in Business Informatics. Access to the Internet can be cost-eectively obtained through Internet Cafes if a student does not have access to the Internet at work or at home.


SCHAINY : Supply chain management


STRMAR6 CYBMARH : : Advanced strategic marketing issues Cybermarketing


FINVRAJ BELBESE REPMANW FINRIS5 IFIMANB : : : : : Advanced problems of business nance Investment management Real estate portfolio management Risk management International nancial management


ADVHRMP INDUSTA : : Advanced human resource management Labour relations management


ADPRODE PROJEKH : : Advanced operations management Project management

Business Management (Degree code: 05207)

NB A student can register for a maximum of two Honours modules in the Department of Business Management and Entrepreneurship without necessarily complying with the prerequisites, for the purpose of obtaining another Honours degree in the College of Economic and Management Sciences. This will, however, not be allowed when a student intends to obtain an Honours degree in Business Management.


CBURESX : Business research

A student may take one or two modules prescribed for the Honours BCom degree in Economics (subject to the admission requirements and restrictions for the Honours BCom degree in Economics) or one Honours module in the College of Economic and Management Sciences from another related subject in which the student has passed the nal course, with the approval of the Heads of the Departments concerned.

Specialisation Degrees
The following four specialisation degrees are oered General management (compulsory ve modules) (Specialisation code: GEN) Marketing management (compulsory ve modules) (Specialisation code: MAR) Financial management (compulsory ve modules) (Specialisation code: FIN) Human resource management (compulsory ve modules) (Specialisation code: HRM)

The curriculum comprises ve modules. Students have the choice of pursuing one of two options when registering for the Honours BCom in Business Management, namely:

a general Honours degree or a specialised Honours degree

General Honours Degree (Specialisation code: ALG)

Five modules may be chosen for the General Honours degree in Business Management of which STRBESC and CBURESX is compulsory. The remaining three modules may be chosen from any of the groups listed below. It is recommended that students are enrolled for STRBESC in their rst year of study.

A student may choose one of the following specialisation degrees:


Strategic management The management of organisational change and renewal INTBUSL : International business CBURESX : Business research any one of the following: INFMANA : Information management PROJEKH : Project management SCHAINY : Supply chain management ADVHRMP : Advanced human resources management STRMAR6 : Advanced strategic marketing issues
* This new general management specialisation syllabus is only available to students who registered for this degree in 2004 for the rst time. Students who registered under the old general managment specialisation syllabus (2001 and 2002) must complete the previous specialisation degree or should a student wish to change his/her registration to the new general management specialisation syllabus, an application to this eect must be made to the Director of the School of Managment Sciences.


: :


STRBESC ORGREN5 INTBUSL INFMANA : : : : Strategic management (Compulsory) The management of organisational change and renewal International business Information management


Students who are registered under the old curriculum will have to convert to the new curriculum.



: :

Advanced problems in business nance International nancial management

institution to improve their average suciently for admission to the Honours degree.


Students who are registered under the old curriculum will have to convert to the new curriculum.

The curriculum comprises ve modules, chosen from the modules listed below. A students choice of modules is subject to the approval of the Head of the Department and the following restrictions: MICECHV and MACECHJ are compulsory. A student may not register for any of the other modules unless MICECHV and MACECHJ are also oered or have already been passed. MICECHV MACECHJ MONECHG IERH004 PECH00G DEVH00L : : : : : : : Micro-economics Macro-economics Monetary economics International economics Public economics Development economics An Honours module in a related subject in which the student has passed the nal course, with the approval of the Heads of the Departments concerned.


STRBESC STRMAR6 CONPSY9 CYBMARH CBURESX : : : : : Strategic management Advanced strategic marketing issues Consumer psychology Cybermarketing Business research


STRBESC : Strategic management CBURESX : Business research FINVRAJ : Advanced problems of business nance any two of the following: BELBESE : Investment management REPMANW : Real estate portfolio management FINRISJ : Risk management IFIMANB : International nancial management

Industrial Psychology (Degree code: 04065)

The curriculum comprises ve modules: four compulsory modules and one optional module. The following four modules are compulsory: NB It is recommended that students register for Research Methods (REMEI0P) in the rst year of registration. REMEI0P : Research methods MOPSY0D : Organisational and managerial psychology PIPSY0W : Personnel and career psychology BEDEVLJ : Industrial psychological assessment The h module must be selected from the following: BEGES0A : Employee and organisational wellness CONPSY9 : Consumer psychology ERGONSJ : Ergonomics EMPLOYU : Employment relations


STRBESC ADVHRMP INDUSTA MOPSYOD CBURESX : : : : : Strategic management Advanced human resource management Labour relations management Organisational and managerial psychology Business research

Students who registered under the old syllabus (2001 or before) must complete the general Honours degree in Business Management; or should a student wish to register for a specialised degree, an application to this eect must be made to the Head of the Department. A specialised Honours degree in Business Management will not be awarded unless the student has passed the compulsory modules in the specialised area concerned. The BUSREPN: Business report module was presented for the last time in 2006. Only those students who have shown real progress in their business report and have a leer of approval of their supervisor would be allowed to complete BUSREPN: Business Report in 2007. Students who fail the Business Report module in 2007 must register for CBURESX: Business research module in the 2008 academic year.

From 2002, students comply with the requirements for the degree if they have passed the equivalent of the four compulsory modules of the new curriculum plus any other module of the old curriculum.

Old curriculum

Economics (Degree code: 04073)

(i) (ii) Students must have a full major in Economics and an average mark of at least 60% for their highest level modules or courses of study in Economics. Students with less than the required 60% minimum admission requirement may, at the dicretion of the Head of Department, register for one or more third-level modules or courses in Economics at Unisa or an equivalent tertiary education
This new general management specialisation syllabus is only available to students who registered for this degree in 2004 for the rst time. Students who registered under the old general managment specialisation syllabus (2001 and 2002) must complete the previous specialisation degree or should a student wish to change his/her registration to the new general management specialisation syllabus, an application to this eect must be made to the Director of the School of Managment Sciences.

Equivalent module (New curriculum)


Students who intend becoming registered psychometrists or counsellors with the Professional Board for Psychology should apply for selection for professional training. Only a limited number of students will be selected each year. Applications for selection should be submied to the Department of Industrial and Organisational Psychology no later than 30 September. Students are required to complete 720 hours of practical training over a minimum period of six months (maximum period of one year) in one of the following practice elds: psychometrics, human resources, employee relations, career counselling, mental health (employee wellness). For registration purposes the Board examination must be passed with 70% and only applicants who are able to work in the public sector will be registered.


The practical work can be completed as part of the honours degree or aer completion of the degree. The execution of the supervised practical training (720 hours) in the work situation will be planned individually

module from a related subject in which the student has sucient background knowledge. HFILPAK HPERSAK HRFINSE HBEBEP3 HORSTEH HOPBESV HIPADMH HARBVHK HREGINJ HURBANR HOMGEW6 HPOLPSQ : : : : : : : : : : : : Theory of Science and Public Administration (A student who passed the module Theory of Science (PBL311K) may not register for HFILPAK) Public and municipal personnel administration and management Management of public and municipal nance Planning and policy analysis in the public sector Study of organisations and the public sector Management and the public sector International public administration Labour relations and the public sector Regional government and administration Government and urbanisation Government and environmental management Politics in the public sector


Students who completed a BA, BCom or BAdmin degree with Industrial Psychology as a major will have to do additional Industrial Psychology (or Psychology) modules to be considered for practical training. Students who completed the BCom with specialisation in Industrial Psychology meet the selection requirements.

Logistics (Degree code: 0586X)

NB Students who majored in Transport Economics or obtained a BCom degree with specialisation in Transport Economics, may register for the honours degree in Logistics provided that they pass TRILOMG before they can register for TRINMA5, SCHAINY or a research project in logistics (TRRESPD). This Honours degree is presented jointly by the Department of Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism and the Department of Business Management and Entrepreneurship.

Students who have passed a module(s) under the old curriculum retain credit for the module(s) passed and must choose the outstanding module(s) from the modules listed above; provided that students who have passed a module appearing under list A below may not register for the module opposite to it in list B.

The curriculum comprises either: (a) (b) four wrien modules and a report on a research project in the logistics eld, or ve wrien modules

List A

List B

The modules must be chosen from the following list; provided that students may choose an Honours module in a related subject in which they have passed the nal course, with the approval of the Heads of Departments concerned: TRILOMG TRAMANJ TRINMA5 SCHAINY ADPRODE or STRMAR6 TRRESPD : : : : : : : Integrated logistics management Transport management Inventory management Supply chain management Advanced operations management Advanced strategic marketing issues The report on the research project must be submied not later than the year in which the last wrien module(s) are wrien and aer the subject, nature, scope and date of submission have been approved by the Head of Department. A minimum of 50% must be obtained for the report on the research project which carries the weight of an examination paper. The examiners may recommend that the report on the research project not be accepted but that the candidate may revise it and again submit it for examination within a year.

Quantitative Management (Degree code: 0510X)

In order to be admied, a student must: (a) have passed Quantitative Management III (or an equivalent course); (b) be procient in a scientic programming language (such as Fortran, Pascal, Delphi, C or C++) and the use of a spreadsheet program (such as Excel, Lotus, QuaroPro, Star Oce or Gnumeric), and (c) have access to a computer and printer with the soware necessary for (b).

The curriculum comprises ten modules chosen from the list below. The modules HONPR1B and HONPR2C are compulsory. Applicants in possession of a Masters degree or who can supply proof of having passed a course in research methodology for another formal degree may apply for exemption from the module HONPR1B. A maximum of four non-compulsory modules may be replaced with Honours modules or modules in related subjects, subject to the approval of the heads of the departments concerned. HONASMB HONDANE HONFIN6 HONFORP HONINV4 HONLINR HONMD1Y : : : : : : : Applied stochastic modelling (Prerequisite: HONSM1A) Decision analysis Financial mathematics Forecasting Investment management (Prerequisite: HONMD1Y) Linear programming Introduction to the mathematical modelling of derivatives I Introduction to the mathematical modelling of derivatives II (Prerequisite: HONSM1A, HONMD1Y) Neural networks Optimisation Project I

Public Administration (Degree code: 05584)

Public Administration as a major subject or Municipal Government and Administration as a major subject.

The curriculum comprises ve modules. At least two of HFILPAK, HPERSAK, HRFINSE, HBEBEP3, HORSTEH and HOPBESV are compulsory. With the approval of the Heads of the departments concerned, one of the modules may be replaced with an Honours



HONPR2C HONSIMG HONSM1A HONSM2B HONCS1Y (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

: : : : :

Project II (Prerequisite: HONPR1B) Simulation Stochastic modelling I Stochastic modelling II (Prerequisite: HONSM1A) Capita selecta

C h a p t e r


NB Only in exceptional circumstances will a student be allowed to register for more than six modules in any study year. Such a student must obtain the wrien permission of the Head of the Department beforehand. Students are strongly advised to rst complete the modules listed as co-requisites for a given module before registering for that module. HONINV4 is a module with the weight of two modules and is oered by the Department of Business Management and Entrepreneurship (also as BELBESE). From 2003, the module HONSM2B is oered by the Department of Mathematical Sciences (also as APM4024). The topics treated in HONCS1Y vary from year to year and depend on the interests of the students. Examples are Genetic algorithms and Game theory. More information is given on the website of the Department of Decision Sciences and in the departmental booklet on postgraduate studies, which can be obtained from the Registrar free of charge. A maximum of four modules may be replaced with Honours modules in related subjects, subject to the approval of the Heads of Departments concerned.

Rules for the Degree of Honours Bachelor of Administration

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar. See General Rules PG2 to PG8 in connection with duration of study, re-registration, etc.



Transport Economics (Degree code: 04863)

The curriculum comprises, either: (a) (b) four wrien modules and a report on a research project, or ve wrien modules.


The modules must be chosen from the following list; provided that students may choose an Honours module in a related subject in which they have passed the nal course, with the approval of the Heads of Departments concerned: TRABEDC : Transport planning and development (A student who has passed Transport planning (TRANSPW) and/or Regional and transport development (REGTRA6) may not register for TRABEDC.) Urban transport Transport management Integrated logistics management Transport nance and marketing The report on the research project must be submied not later than the year in which the last wrien module(s) are wrien and aer the subject, nature, scope and date of submission have been approved by the Head of the Department. A minimum of 50% must be obtained for the report on the research project which carries the weight of an examination paper. The examiners may recommend that the report on the research project be not accepted but that the candidate may revise it and again submit it for examination within a year.


: : : : :

Students must: (a) hold the BAdmin degree and have passed the nal course in the subject in which they wish to proceed; or (b) be in possession of another degree and have passed at least six BAdmin courses, including at least the nal course in the subject in which they wish to proceed, Economics I (or ECS1016 and ECS1028), a course on second-year level* in one of the following subjects: Development Studies, Public Administration and Municipal Government and Administration, and one of the following courses: Accounting I (or ACN101M and ACN102N), Business Management I (Business Economics I before 1996) (or MNB101D and MNB102E), Industrial Psychology I (or IOP101M and IOP102N) or Statistics I (or STS101X and STS102Y). Students with B-degrees older than 10 years may also apply for admission to Honours and such requests could be handled in two possible ways: (a) students must repeat the major subject in which they wish to do their Honours or (b) students must apply to the Head of a Department by submiing a CV, providing evidence including references that they have been employed in the selected subject direction during the past 10 years (or longer), thus having kept abreast with developments in the eld. These CVs will then have to be evaluated by the Head of Department for approval for registration.



The degree may be conferred in the following subjects:

Accounting (Degree code: 04936) Auditing (Degree code: 04960) Business Management (previously Business Economics) (Degree code: 05193) Development Studies (see Part 5 of the Calendar) Economics (Degree code: 04014) Industrial Psychology (Degree code: 04006)

Students who have passed TRALOG6 retain credit for this module and may not register for TRILOMG.

NB It is recommended that students register for Research Methods (REMEI0P) in the rst year of registration. Logistics (Degree code: 05851) Public Administration (Degree code: 0491X) Quantitative Management (Degree code: 05096) Transport Economics (Degree code: 04952)

A course on second-year level is indicated by the gure 200 in the code for the course concerned.



Pass with distinction


: : : : : : : : : : :

Candidates shall be awarded the degree with distinction if they obtain an average of at least 75% for the required modules for the degree.


Curriculum and other requirements

The prescribed modules, examination requirements and, where applicable, prerequisites and combination of modules for Public Administration are indicated below. The requirements for the Honours BAdmin degree in Accounting, Auditing, Business Management, Economics, Industrial Psychology, Quantitative Management, Transport Economics and Logistics are the same as those for the Honours BCom degree (see Rule PC13).

Public and municipal personnel administration and management Management of public and municipal nance Planning and policy analysis in the public sector Study of organisations and the public sector Management and the public sector International public administration Labour relations and the public sector Regional government and administration Government and urbanisation Government and environmental management Politics in the public sector

Students who have passed a module(s) under the old curriculum retain credit for the module(s) passed and must choose the outstanding module(s) from the modules listed above; provided that students who have passed a module appearing under list A below may not register for the module opposite to it in list B.

Economics (Degree code: 04014)

(i) (ii) Students must have a full major in Economics and an average mark of at least 60% for their highest level modules or courses of study in Economics. Students with less than the required 60% minimum admission requirement may, at the discretion of the Head of Department, register for one or more third-level modules or courses in Economics at Unisa or an equivalent tertiary education institution to improve their average suciently for admission to the Honours degree.

List A

List B

The curriculum comprises ve modules, chosen from the modules listed below. A students choice of modules is subject to the approval of the Head of the Department and the following restrictions: MICECHV and MACECHJ are compulsory. A student may not register for any of the other modules unless MICECHV and MACECHJ are also oered or have already been passed. MICECHV MACECHJ MONECHG IERH004 PECH00G DEVH00L : : : : : : : Micro-economics Macro-economics Monetary economics International economics Public economics Development economics An Honours module in a related subject in which the student has passed the nal course, with the approval of the Heads of the Departments concerned.

C h a p t e r

Rules for the Degree of Honours Bachelor of Science

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and general information in Part 1 of the Calendar. See General Rules PG2 to PG8 regarding the number of modules for which a student must register, duration of study, re-registration, etc.



To be admied, students must hold a Bachelors degree or an equivalent qualication and satisfy Senate as to their prociency in the subject concerned.

Public Administration (Degree code: 0491X)

Public Administration as a major subject or Municipal Government and Administration as a major subject.

(1) (2)


The curriculum comprises ve modules. At least two of HFILPAK, HPERSAK, HRFINSE, HBEBEP3, HORSTEH and HOPBESV are compulsory. With the approval of the Heads of the departments concerned, one of the modules may be replaced with an Honours module from a related subject in which the student has sucient background knowledge. HFILPAK : Theory of Science and Public Administration. (A student who passed the module Theory of Science (PBL311K) may not register for HFILPAK)

If Module A is a PREREQUISITE for Module B, students shall have obtained credit for Module A before they enrol for Module B. If Module A is a REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT for Module B, and students wish to enrol for Module B but have not yet obtained credit for Module A, they must register for Modules A and B concurrently.



The degree may be conferred in Operational Research (degree code: 0460X) in this college.


(1) (2)

Pass, retaining of credit and pass with distinction


To pass a module, a candidate shall obtain at least 50% in it. To be awarded the degree with distinction, a candidate shall obtain an average of at least 75% in the minimum number of prescribed modules on fourth-level.

Department of Decision Sciences and in the Departmental booklet on postgraduate studies, which can be obtained from the Registrar, free of charge. A maximum of four modules may be replaced with Honours modules in related subjects, subject to the approval of the Heads of Departments concerned.


Composition of the curriculum

Operations Research (Degree code: 0460X)

C h a p t e r

Rules for the Degree of Master of Arts

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar. See General Rules PG11 to PG18 regarding duration of study, reregistration, requirements for dissertation, etc.

In order to be admied, a student must: (a) have passed Operations Research III (or an equivalent course); (b) be procient in a scientic programming language (such as Fortran, Pascal, Delphi, C or C++) and the use of a spreadsheet program (such as Excel, Lotus, QuaroPro, StarOce or Gnumeric); and (c) have access to a computer and printer with the soware necessary for (b).



The curriculum comprises ten modules chosen from the list below. The modules HONPR1B and HONPR2C are compulsory. Applicants in possession of a Masters degree or who can supply proof of passing a course in research methodology for another formal degree may apply for exemption from the module HONPR1B. A maximum of four non-compulsory modules may be replaced with Honours modules or modules in related subjects, subject to the approval of the heads of departments concerned. HONASMB : HONDANE HONFIN6 HONFORP HONINV4 HONLINR HONMD1Y : : : : : : Applied stochastic modelling (Prerequisite: HONSM1A) Decision analysis Financial mathematics Forecasting Investment management (Prerequisite: HONMD1Y) Linear programming Introduction to the mathematical modelling of derivatives I Introduction to the mathematical modelling of derivatives II (Prerequisite: HONSM1A, HONMD1Y) Neural networks Optimisation Project I Project II (Prerequisite: HONPR1B) Simulation Stochastic modelling I Stochastic modelling II (Prerequisite: HONSM1A) Capita selecta

Subject to the provisions of General Rule PG10(1), a student must hold the degree of Honours Bachelor of Arts. To be admied to the Masters degree in Industrial Psychology and average of 60% is required for the Honours degree.

Economics (Degree code: 06173) Industrial Psychology (Degree code: 07528) Public Administration (Degree code: 06319)


The degree may be conferred in the following subjects in this College:


Curriculum and other requirements

Economics (Degree code: 06173)

HONMD23 : HONNNSH HONOPTR HONPR1B HONPR2C HONSIMG HONSM1A HONSM2B HONCS1Y (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) : : : : : : : :

The curriculum comprises a dissertation on an approved topic.

(i) (ii) Students must have achieved an average mark of at least 60% for the Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics. Students with less than the required 60% minimum admission requirement may, at the discretion of the Head of Department, register for one or more modules in Economics Honours at Unisa or an equivalent tertiary education institution to improve their average suciently for admission to the Master of Arts degree.

NB Only in exceptional circumstances will a student be allowed to register for more than six modules in any study year. Such a student must obtain the wrien permission of the Head of the Department beforehand. Students are strongly advised to rst complete the modules listed as registration requirements for a given module before registering for that module. HONINV4 is a module with the weight of two modules, and is oered by the Department of Business Management (also as BELBESE). From 2003, the module HONSM2B is oered by the Department of Mathematical Sciences (also as APM4024). The topics treated in HONCS1Y will vary from year to year and depend on the interests of the students. Examples are Genetic algorithms and Game theory. More information is given on the website of the

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The Master of Arts degree is only oered by dissertation in the Department of Economics. A suitable topic must be approved by the Department of Economics. Such approval depends on the availability of an appropriate supervisor. A full research proposal, in a prescribed format, must be submied to and approved by the Department of Economics.


C h a p t e r

MBL921M MBL922N MBL923P MBL924Q MBL925R MBL926S : : : : : : Leadership and organisational dynamics Strategic nancial management Strategy dynamics and international business Information resource management Business research Business ethics

Rules for the Degree of Master of Business Leadership

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar. See General Rules PG11 to PG18 regarding re-registration, deferment of studies, etc.

A research report A compulsory year module: Executive project management and a eld study One elective module chosen from the list below The specialisation modules of the third year must be chosen from the following list (the students choice is subject to the approval of the Director). NB All the modules will not necessarily be oered each year. MBL93AR MBL93BS MBL93CT MBL93DU MBL93EV MBL93FW MBL93GX MBL93HY MBL93J4 : : : : : : : : : Change management Managing and resolving employment relations issues Corporate governance Corporate strategic management Advanced nancial management Advanced nancial systems E-business and technology management Supply chain management Advanced marketing MBLREPP MBLEPMY : :

(Degree code: 0605X)



A student must: (1) hold a three-year recognised Bachelors degree with 360 SAQA credits; AND (2) have had at least three years appropriate work experience in an approved organisation. Note that in highly exceptional cases, with the special permission of the Director of the Graduate School of Business Leadership, a shorter period may be accepted; AND (3) as from the rst year of study, join a study group consisting of a minimum of 5 persons. Groups of less than 5 persons may, in exceptional cases, be allowed with the special permission of the Director. (4) The Graduate School of Business Leadership forms the study groups and appoints a study group leader for each study group who will be the contact person between the group and the Graduate School of Business Leadership. Should it be impossible to form a local group, students must join an existing group elsewhere or defer their studies until a group can be formed. Study groups may be revised from time to time at the discretion of the SBL. A students enrolment is accepted on these conditions. (i) NB These are minimum admission requirements. Only a limited number of students are selected each year and it can happen that a student who complies with all the abovementioned requirements will not be admied in a particular year. Students must apply before 5 October for selection. The closing date for registration is 15 January. Students are referred to the information brochure on the MBL degree regarding the purchase of compulsory prescribed books. A student must have access to a specied computer and the Internet. The SBL may institute additional selection criteria as deemed necessary.

1. 2.

Completion of Curriculum


(ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

4. 5.


MBL911K MBL912L MBL913M MBL914N MBL915P MBL916Q : : : : : :


The curriculum is as follows and refers to year modules

Human resource management and employment relations Operations management Marketing management Financial and management accounting Strategic management Economics and the global business environment


A student must register for all the prescribed modules of the year of study concerned and/or all the outstanding modules. A student may register for the modules of the second year only if not more than one module from the preceding year is still outstanding and the outstanding module is taken concurrently with the current year modules. Students are only allowed to register for the nal year if all modules of the rst and second year have been completed. Second year students who do not qualify to proceed to the nal year may register for the module Executive Project Management and a eld study concurrently with their outstanding modules from the previous year. Student repeating any module will be required to follow the current years curriculum. In the event of failing a module for the second time, students need to register for and pass that specic module and/or all other outstanding modules before they can proceed to the second or third academic year. Students failing three modules in their rst academic year will not be allowed to proceed with the MBL degree. Students failing three modules in their second or third academic years due to extraordinary circumstances, must obtain permission from the Executive Director of the Graduate School of Business Leadership to proceed with the MBL degree. Students, on request, may cancel their registration for the year concerned, as a whole, before the closing date for cancellation, in which case they will forfeit a portion of the study fees (see Part 1 of the Calendar) together with the cost of the prescribed books received, but they may not, the provisions in the General Rules notwithstanding, reduce the number of modules for which they are registered. If a student does not fulll his/her nancial obligation the whole year will be cancelled, irrespective of any interim payments made. Admission to the examination in any of the modules can only be obtained if the student actively participates in all the group activities, including aendance at study schools and centre meetings, for all the modules for which he/she is registered. The


9. 10. 11.

Director may, under certain circumstances, grant exemption from aendance at study school and centre meetings. In all the modules the students are required to obtain a year-mark of at least 40% for each module in order to gain admission to the examination in the module concerned. All assignments are compulsory and must be submied electronically on the due dates. Non compliance to due dates will carry a marks penalty on the assignment. Students repeating a module will do group assignments as individual assignments. In all the modules the weight of the year mark is 40% and that of the wrien examination 60% of the nal mark. The relative weightings may be changed from time-to-time on approval by the College.

FIRST YEAR (To be offered for the last time in 2004)

MBL011M MBL012N MBL013P MBL014Q MBL015R MBL016S : : : : : : Managing and leading people Operations and services management Marketing management Financial and management accounting Strategic management Business ethics

SECOND YEAR (To be offered for the last time in 2005)

MBL021P MBL022Q MBL023R MBL024S MBL025T MBL026U : : : : : : Leadership and organisational dynamics Strategic nancial management Strategy dynamics and international business Information resource management Business research Organisational entrepreneurship and innovation

Subject weight of nal year

Research report............................................................................ 60% Two modules ...................................................................... 20% each These subject weights are used to calculate the nal mark of the third year. The pass mark for all study units in all the years is 50%, provided that a subminimum of 40% must be obtained in the wrien paper at the year end and an average of at least 50% in the wrien examination and year mark combined. The pass mark for a supplementary or an aegrotat examination is 50%. Year marks will, in terms of this clause, be taken into account. At the discretion of the Director of the Graduate School of Business Leadership a test that will contribute to the year mark will be wrien at approved examination centres. Students who are absent without valid reason from a test/exam will not get another opportunity to write the test/exam and will score a zero mark. Supplementary and aegrotat examinations may be granted, subject to the conditions set out in Rule G8(NB) Part 1 of the Calendar. These are summarised as follows:

THIRD YEAR (To be offered for the last time in 2006)


MBLJANJ : A Field study One specialisation module chosen from the list below MBLREPP : A research report


12. 13. 14.

MBLJANJ : A Field study Three specialisation modules chosen from the list below MBLDOKR : A publishable article


MBLJANJ : A Field study Two specialisation modules chosen from the list below An approved specialisation module oered on the masters level by another department in the University, subject to the approval of the Director and the Head of the other department. MBLDOKR : A publishable article


Supplementary/ Aegrotat

The specialisation modules of the third year must be chosen from the following list (the students choice is subject to the approval of the Director) NB All the modules will not necessarily be oered each year. MBL401X MBL4033 MBL4044 MBL4055 MBL4066 MBL4078 MBL4089 MBL409A MBL410Y MBL4124 MBL4135 MBL417A MBL419C MBL4238 MBL426B : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Organisational change Negotiation and conict management Services marketing Project planning, scheduling and control Mergers and acquisitions Investment analysis and portfolio management Advanced nancial management Business process reengineering Management of technology Industrial marketing International nancial markets Total quality management Corporate and business strategy Global operations management Managing electronic commerce


16. 17. 18.

To qualify for a supplementary examination, a candidate shall obtain an examination mark of at least 40% (subminimum) and a nal mark of at least 45%. During each of the years of study, the number of study schools of one week each in Midrand will be determined by the Academic Director. During the rst and second years of study the Academic Director will decide on the venues for centre meetings depending on the number of students at possible centres. Aendance of study schools by repeaters is voluntary. Students will have a maximum of six years to complete the MBL Degree curriculum. To be awarded the degree with distinction, a candidate shall obtain an average of at least 75% in the second and the nal years combined.


Transitional Arrangements

All students will be allowed until the end of 2006 to complete the MBL under the old rules.

(1) (2)



2004 2005 2006

Completion of old curriculum

The curriculum is as follows:

Old Curriculum

A student must register for all the prescribed study units of the year of study concerned and/or all the outstanding study units. A student may register for the study units of the second and third year only if not more than one and a half modules from the preceding years are still outstanding and the outstanding modules are taken concurrently. Second year students who do not qualify to proceed to the nal year may register for the Field study (MBLJANJ) concurrently with their outstanding modules from the previous year.




Students for the MBL degree may, on request, cancel their registration for the year concerned, as a whole, before the closing date for cancellation, in which case they will forfeit a portion of the study fees (see Part 1 of the Calendar) together with the cost of the prescribed books received, but they may not, the provisions in the General Rules notwithstanding, reduce the number of study units for which they are registered. Admission to the examination in any of the modules of the rst and second years can only be obtained if the student actively participates in all the group activities, including aendance at study schools and centre meetings, for all the modules for which he/she is registered. The Director may, under certain circumstances, grant exemption from aendance at study schools and centre meetings. In the specialisation modules of the third year, students are required to obtain a mark of at least 50% for each specialisation module in order to gain admission to the examination in the module concerned. The Director will determine to what extent students who repeat outstanding modules of a previous year must participate in group activities, as well as what requirements students must comply with in order to qualify for admission to the examination. In all the modules, the weight of the year-mark is 40% and that of the wrien examination 60% of the nal mark. The relative weightings may be changed from time-to time aer approval by the College. The weights for the study units of the third year are as follows:


meetings will be held in Durban, Harare, Midrand and Cape Town, subject to the condition that there are sucient students at a centre to warrant a visit (the Director shall decide on the venues for the centre meetings). To be awarded the degree with distinction, a candidate shall obtain an average of at least 75% in the second and nal years combined.

C h a p t e r

Rules for the Degree of Master of Accounting Science

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar.

(Degree code: 06122)


See General Rules PG11 to PG18 regarding duration of study, reregistration, requirements for dissertation, etc.



Field study ................................................................................... 20% One specialisation module ........................................................ 20% Research report............................................................................ 60% Field study ................................................................................... 20% Three specialisation modules combined ................................. 60% A publishable article ................................................................... 20% These subject weights are used to calculate the nal mark of the third year. The pass-mark for all study units in all the years is 50%, provided that a subminimum of 40% must be obtained in the wrien paper at the year end and an average of at least 50% in the wrien examination and year-mark combined. The pass-mark for a supplementary or an aegrotat examination is 50%. Year-marks will, in terms of this clause, be taken into account. Supplementary and aegrotat examinations may be granted, subject to the conditions set out in regulations G8(NB) Part 1 of the Calendar. These are summarised as follows:



A student must hold the Honours BCompt degree or an equivalent qualication.

Options 2 and 3



The degree is conferred in the School of Accounting Sciences.



The curriculum comprises a dissertation on an approved topic.


C h a p t e r

Examination Supplementary/ aegrotat

First and second years: All one year modules Half modules October/ November January

Rules for the Degree of Master of Accounting Science in Taxation

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar.

To be determined annually by the Executive Dean and conrmed by the College January

(Degree code: 07773)

Third year October/ (Specialisation modules) November

See General Rules PG11 to PG18 regarding duration of study, reregistration, etc.

To qualify for a supplementary examination, a candidate shall obtain an examination mark of at least 40% (subminimum) and a nal mark of at least 45%. Supplementary and aegrotat examinations may be wrien only at the following examination centres: Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Durban, East London, Harare, Kimberley, Midrand, Polokwane and Port Elizabeth. During each of the years of study, one study school of a week will be held in Midrand. During the rst and second years, centre



Specic rules will apply for admission to the degree of MCompt in Taxation. A student must: (a) hold a BCom, BCompt or equivalent qualication; plus



(b) (c)

hold an Honours degree, a LLB, a MBL/MBA or a recognised four-year Bachelors degree (eg. BAcc) or the equivalent; plus have successfully completed the Higher Diploma in Taxation, the Postgraduate Certicate in Advanced Taxation or the equivalent with an average of at least 65%.

second-year modules are concerned, students must register for two modules only, namely PUB201B which is compulsory and one of PUB202C, PUB203D, PUB204E, PUB205F or PUB206G. Students who have enquiries in this regard may contact the Department of Public Administration and Management.

NB Selection process for the structured Masters degree. The Department accepts a limited number of students for the structured Masters degree. In the week following 15th March, there will be an admission process during which a group of students will be selected. Before this date, students must complete the whole registration process, including payment of fees, in order to be considered by the selection commiee. All relevant documents listed in the Departmental postgraduate brochure must also be submied prior to 15th March.



The curriculum comprises eight of the following modules and a dissertation of limited scope. At least three of HFILPAK, HPERSAK, HRFINSE, HBEBEP3, HORSTEH and HOPBESV are compulsory. The topic for the dissertation of limited scope must be chosen from one of the modules in Public Administration or Municipal Government and Administration which the student has passed for the MPA degree. The modules are as follows: HFILPAK : : : : : : : : : : : : Theory of Science and Public Administration (A student who passed the module Theory of Science (PBL311K) may not register for HFILPAK.) Public and municipal personnel administration and management Management of public and municipal nance Planning and policy analysis in the public sector Study of organisations and the public sector Management and the public sector International public administration Labour relations and the public sector Regional government and administration Government and urbanisation Government and environmental management Politics in the public sector



The degree is conferred in the School of Accounting Sciences.

The curriculum is as follows: (1)


(2) (3)

A course work component of fourteen topics covering various aspects of Income Tax, Value-Added Tax and other taxation laws as well as the related court decisions from which eight assignments will be selected. The topics may vary from year to year as taxation legislation changes and court decisions amend the general principles. A wrien examination or an oral examination (oral examination at the discretion of the Head of the Department). A dissertation of limited scope on an approved topic.

C h a p t e r


With the approval of the Heads of departments concerned, not more than two of the abovementioned modules may be replaced with Honours modules from another subject(s) in which the student has passed the third course.

Rules for the Degree of Master of Public Administration

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar.

Students who have passed a module(s) under the old curriculum retain credit for the module(s) passed and must choose the outstanding module(s) from the modules listed above; provided that students who have passed a module appearing under List A below may not register for the module opposite to it in List B.

(Degree code: 07056)

List A

List B

See General Rules PG11 to PG18 regarding duration of study, reregistration, requirements for dissertation, etc.



A student must: (1) hold a Bachelors degree; (2) have had at least three years appropriate practical experience, preferably in the public sector; (3) have passed Public Administration or Municipal Government and Administration as a major subject NB Students who must still pass Public Administration I, II and III may, with a view to admission to the studies for the MPA degree and with the special permission of Senate, complete the three courses in one year. January to December. Such students will write examination in the rst and second-year modules (PUB101 102 and PUB201 206) at the May/June examination and in the third-year modules (PUB301 307) at the October/November examination. As far as the


Completion of the curriculum

A student may not: (1) register for any of HIPADMH, HARBVHK, HREGINJ, HURBANR, HOMGEW6 and HPOLPSQ or an Honours module(s) unless at least three of HFILPAK, HPERSAK, HRFINSE, HBEBEP3, HORSTEH and HOPBESV have already been passed or are taken concurrently; (2) register for more than ve modules in any year; and (3) register for the dissertation of limited scope unless the eight modules have already been passed.



Requirements to pass

supervisor will not give permission for the dissertation to be submied for examination unless he or she is satised that the article(s) is suitable for publication.

The eight modules carry a combined weight of 66% and the dissertation of limited scope a weight of 33%. To pass a module, a candidate shall obtain at least 50% in it. The pass-mark for the dissertation of limited scope is also 50%.

Auditing (Degree code: 06092)

The curriculum comprises a dissertation on an approved topic. If it is deemed necessary, the Head of the Department may prescribe a reading programme which the student must complete to the satisfaction of the supervisor before the student may commence with the writing of the dissertation. A student must also submit to the supervisor at least one article suitable for publication in an accredited journal, under the guidance of the supervisor, which is based on the dissertation. The supervisor will not give permission for the dissertation to be submied for examination unless he or she is satised that the article(s) is suitable for publication.

C h a p t e r


Rules for the Degree of Master of Commerce

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar. See General Rules PG11 to PG18 regarding duration of study, reregistration, requirements for dissertation, etc.

Business Management (Degree code: 07544)

Subject to the provisions of General Rule PG10(1), a student must hold the Honours BCom degree in Business Management. The Honours BCom must include Strategic Management as a subject. Furthermore, admission will be subject to a good academic record with an average of at least 60% in the Honours BCom subjects.



Subject to the provisions of General Rule PG10(1), a student must hold the Honours BCom degree. To be admied to the Masters degree in Industrial Psychology an average of 60% is required for the Honours degree.

The curriculum comprises a dissertation on an approved topic. If it is deemed necessary, the Head of the Department may prescribe a reading programme which the student must complete to the satisfaction of the supervisor before the student may commence with the writing of the dissertation. A student must also submit to the supervisor at least one article suitable for publication which is based on the dissertation. The supervisor will not give permission that the dissertation may be submied for examination unless he or she is satised that the article(s) is suitable for publication.



The degree may be conferred in the following subjects:

Accounting (Degree code: 06106) Auditing (Degree code: 06092 DIS609R) Business Management (Degree code: 07544) Economics (Degree code: 06084 DIS608Q) Industrial Psychology (Degree code: 06076) Logistics (Degree code: 07757 DIS7759) Public Administration (Degree code: 97527) Quantitative Management (Degree code: 07501) Tourism (Degree code: 07781 DIS778C) Transport Economics (Degree code: 07161 DIS716T)

Economics (Degree code: 06084 DIS608Q)

(i) (ii) Students must have achieved an average mark of at least 60% for the Honours Bachelor of Commerce degree in Economics. Students with less than the required 60% minimum admission requirement may, at the discretion of the Head of Department, register for one or more modules in Economics Honours at Unisa or an equivalent tertiary education institution to improve their average suciently for admission to the Master of Commerce degree.



Unless otherwise indicated below, the curriculum comprises a dissertation on an approved topic. Any special requirements are also indicated below.

Accounting (Degree code: 06106)

NB On registration, a student must indicate whether the main focus of the degree is in Financial Accounting, Management Accounting or Taxation.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The Master of Commerce degree is only oered by dissertation in the Department of Economics. A suitable topic must be approved by the Department of Economics Such approval depends on the availability of an appropriate supervisor. A full research proposal, in a prescribed format, must be submied to and approved by the Department of Economics.

The curriculum comprises a dissertation on an approved topic. If it is deemed necessary, the Head of the Department may prescribe a reading programme which the student must complete to the satisfaction of the supervisor before the student may commence with the writing of the dissertation. A student must also submit to the supervisor at least one article suitable for publication in an accredited journal, under the guidance of the supervisor, which is based on the dissertation. The


Industrial Psychology (Degree code: 06076)



Option 2
To be admied to the Masters degree in Industrial Psychology an average of 60% is required for the Honours degee.

Option 1

Only a limited number of students can be accepted annually for this option. To be considered for selection students should obtain an average of above 60% for the Honours in Industrial Psychology. Applicants can be called upon to appear before a selection commiee in Pretoria. Subject to the provisions of General Rule PG10(1), preference shall be given to students working full-time in an Industrial Psychology environment, or who can make alternative arrangements to the satisfaction of the Head of the Department with a view to complying with the practical requirements.

The curriculum for this option comprises a dissertation on an approved topic. A student must also submit to the supervisor at least one article suitable for publication in an accredited journal which is based on the dissertation. The supervisor will not give permission for the dissertation to be submied for examination unless he or she is satised that the article(s) is suitable for publication.

The curriculum extends over two academic years.

Quantitative Management (Degree code: 07501)

The curriculum comprises: (a) (b) A dissertation on an approved topic; or two modules chosen from the list below and a dissertation of limited scope, the laer carrying the weight of three modules.

The curriculum comprises three parts, namely: a theoretical part, a practical part and a dissertation of limited scope with a publishable article based on the research. The theorical part and the dissertation each contribute 50% towards the degree.



A capita selecta of recent theories, methods and research from various elds of Industrial Psychology, including the areas of occupational practice as formulated by the Professional Board and selected in consultation with the Head of the Department. An oral and wrien examination on the theoretical part is conducted at the end of the rst year of study during November.

In the case of (a) it may be required that a reading programme and formative assessment be completed to the satisfaction of the Head of the Department before the student may start with the dissertation. In the case of (b) the modules must be passed before the student may start with the dissertation of limited scope.



MOPKOMD MOPOPT4 MOPSP1R MOPSP2S : : : : Combinatorial analysis and heuristics Optimisation theory Special topic Special topic

During the rst year of the programme students must aend ve oneweek workshops in Pretoria.



The dissertation shall be of limited scope and relevant from an industrial and organisational psychological point of view. Subject to the provisions of General Rule PG15(7), the dissertation may be submied at any time. The title of the dissertation must be submied for approval before 1 August of the rst year of study. A student must also submit to the supervisor at least one article suitable for publication in an accredited journal which is based on the dissertation. The supervisor will not give permission for the dissertation to be submied for examination unless he or she is satised that the article(s) is suitable for publication.

One module may be replaced with a postgraduate module (or two fourth-level modules) in a related subject, subject to the approval of the Heads of Departments concerned. NB The special topics vary from year to year and depend on the interests of the students. Examples are Quantitative techniques for nance, Risk modelling and Advanced methods for portfolio management. More information is given on the website of the Department of Decision Sciences and in the Departmental booklet on postgraduate studies, which can be obtained from the Registrar free of charge.


The theoretical part and the dissertation must be passed separately. To pass, a student must obtain at least 50% in each of these two parts; and to be awarded the degree with distinction, an average of at least 75% must be obtained. The degree shall not be awarded before the practical part has also been completed to the satisfaction of the Head of the Department.

C h a p t e r


In order to be registered with the Professional Board for Psychology as an industrial and organisational psychologist, an internship of at least twelve months at an approved institution must be completed in addition to the Masters degree. The internship may commence aer the theoretical examination has been passed and the practical part has been completed. Students may apply to do the internship under the supervision of the Department of Industrial and Organisational Psychology. Students will also have to pass the National Board examination.

Rules for the Degree of Master of Administration

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar. See General Rules PG11 to PG18 regarding duration of study, reregistration, requirements for dissertation, etc.




C h a p t e r


Subject to the requirements of General Rule PG10(1), a student must hold the Honours BAdmin degree. To be admied to the Masters degree in Industrial Psychology an average of 60% is required for the Honours degree.

Rules for the Degree of Master of Science

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and general information in Part 1 of the Calendar. See General Rules PG11 to PG18 regarding duration of study, reregistration, requirements for dissertation, etc.



The degree may be conferred in the following subjects:

Accounting (Degree code: 07137) Auditing (Degree code: 07226) Business Management (Degree code: 07552 DIS7554) Economics (Degree code: 07099 DIS709U) Industrial Psychology (Degree code: 07080 DIS7485) Logistics (Degree code: 07765 DIS7759) Public Administration (Degree code: 07110) Quantitative Management (Degree code: 0751X) Transport Economics (Degree code: 07153)



To be admied, students must hold an Honours Bachelors degree or an equivalent qualication and satisfy Senate as to their prociency in the subject concerned. Any special admission requirements are indicated under PC below.



The curricula for Accounting, Auditing, Business Management, Economics, Industrial Psychology, Logistics, Quantitative Management and Transport Economics are the same as those for the degree of Master of Commerce (see Rule PC35). The curricula for Development Studies and Public Administration appear below:


The degree may be conferred in Operations Research in this college.

Economics (Degree code: 07099)

(i) (ii) Students must have achieved an average mark of at least 60% for the Honours Bachelor of Administration degree in Economics. Students with less than the required 60% minimum admission requirement may, at the discretion of the Head of Department, register for one or more modules in Economics Honours at Unisa or an equivalent tertiary education institution to improve their average suciently for admission to the Master of Administration degree.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Composition and completion of curriculum

The curriculum must be compiled in consultation with the Head of the Department. The curriculum requirements are indicated under PSc14 below. All the modules are not necessarily oered each year and the Head of the Department must be consulted beforehand. Subject to the provisions of General Rule PG11(2), modules may be wrien separately or concurrently. The theoretical examination in each module with a theoretical component consists of one two-hour, three-hour or four-hour paper.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The Master of Administration degree is only oered by dissertation in the Department of Economics. A suitable topic must be approved by the Department of Economics. Such approval depends on the availability of an appropriate supervisor. A full research proposal, in a prescribed format, must be submied to and approved by the Department of Economics.


Scientic article

A student who must submit a dissertation, a dissertation of limited scope or a short dissertation for examination must, together with the examination copies thereof, submit the same number of copies of a scientic article in the form of either a manuscript or a reprint of an article which is based on the research. The article must, where applicable, be wrien under the guidance of the students supervisor and, if applicable, the joint supervisor. The copies of the article will be sent to the examiners as additional information. Students are advised to submit the article to an approved subject journal for publication if such publication has not already taken place.

Public Administration (Degree code: 07110)

The curriculum comprises a dissertation on an approved topic.

(1) (2)

Pass, retaining of credit and pass with distinction

To pass a module, a candidate shall obtain at least 50% in it. The pass-mark for a dissertation or a dissertation of limited scope is also 50%. To be awarded the degree with distinction, a candidate shall obtain an average of at least 75% in the minimum prescribed requirement(s). The wrien examination in Chemistry is not taken into consideration for this purpose.



Curriculum requirements
Operations Research (Degree code: 06610)

C h a p t e r


The curriculum comprises: (a) (b) a dissertation on an approved topic or two modules chosen from the list below and a dissertation of limited scope, the laer carrying the weight of three modules

Rules for the Degree of Doctor of Administration

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar. See General Rules PG19 to PG23 regarding admission, duration of study, re-registration, requirements for thesis, etc. A student who holds the MAdmin degree from this University, obtained in terms of the rules in force in 1980, or a similar degree from another university must register for the DPA degree.

In the case of (a) it may be required that a reading programme and formative assessment be completed to the satisfaction of the Head of the Department before the student may start with the dissertation. In the case of (b) the modules must be passed before the student may start with the dissertation. MOPKOMD MOPOPT4 MOPSP1R MOPSP2S : : : : Combinatorial analysis and heuristics Optimisation theory Special topic Special topic



One module may be replaced with a postgraduate module (or two fourth-level modules) in a related subject, subject to the approval of the Heads of Departments concerned. NB The special topics vary from year to year and depend on the interests of the students. Examples are Quantitative techniques for nance, Risk modelling and Advanced methods for portfolio management. More information is given on the website of the Department of Decision Sciences and in the Departmental booklet on postgraduate studies, which can be obtained from the Registrar free of charge.

The degree may be conferred in the following subjects:

Accounting (Degree code: 09008) Auditing (Degree code: 09105) Business Management (Degree code: 09555) Consulting Psychology (Degree code: 09229) Economics (Degree code: 0801X) Industrial Psychology (Degree code: 08001) Psychology (Degree code: 09164) Public Administration (Degree code: 08036) Quantitative Management (Degree code: 09148) Statistics (Degree code: 09016) Tourism Management (Degree code: 09172) Transport Economics (Degree code: 09024)

C h a p t e r



Accounting (Degree code: 09008)

The curriculum comprises a thesis on an approved topic.

Rules for the Degree of Doctor of Accounting Science

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar. See General Rules PG19 to PG23 regarding admission, duration of study, re-registration, requirements for thesis, etc.

(a) (b)

(Degree code: 08737)


The curriculum comprises a thesis on an approved topic. If it is deemed necessary, the Head of the Department may prescribe a reading programme which the student must complete to the satisfaction of the supervisor before the student may commence with the writing of the thesis. A student must also submit to the supervisor at least one article suitable for publication in an accredited journal, under the guidance of the supervisor, which is based on the dissertation. The supervisor will not give permission that the thesis may be submied for examination unless he or she is satised that the article(s) is suitable for publication.


(a) (b)

Auditing (Degree code: 09105)

The curriculum comprises a thesis on an approved topic. If it is deemed necessary, the Head of the Department may prescribe a reading programme which the student must complete to the satisfaction of the promoter before the student may commence with the writing of the thesis. A student must also submit to the promoter at least one article suitable for publication in an accredited journal, under the guidance of the promoter, which is based on the thesis. The promoter will not give permission for the thesis to be submied for examination unless he/she is satised that the article(s) is suitable for publication.

The degree is conferred in the School of Accounting Sciences.



The curriculum comprises a thesis on an approved topic. (c)


Business Management (Degree code: 09555)

(a) The Head of the Department may, if it is deemed necessary, prescribe a reading programme which the student must complete to the satisfaction of the promoter before the student may commence with the writing of the thesis; and a student must also submit to the promoter at least one article suitable for publication and which is based on the thesis. The promoter will not give permission that the thesis may be submied for examination unless he or she is satised that the article(s) is suitable for publication.

Psychology (Degree code: 09164)

NB If the focus of the thesis is in the eld of Consulting Psychology. A minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of 8 weeks aendance for practical work is required.


C h a p t e r


Consulting Psychology (Degree code: 09229)

Only registered Psychologists (Clinical, Educational or Industrial) with consulting experience will be considered for selection for the Doctors degree in Consulting Psychology.

Rules for the Degree of Doctor of Business Leadership

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar.

(Degree code: 08052)

The curriculum comprises a thesis on an approved topic. Students are also required to aend seven compulsory workshops during the rst year of study. A student must also submit to the promoter at least one article suitable for publication in an accredited journal which is based on the thesis. The promoter will not give permission for the thesis to be submied for examination unless he or she is satised that the article(s) is suitable for publication.

See General Rules PG20 to PG23 regarding duration of study, reregistration, requirements for thesis, etc.


Admission and re-registration

Economics (Degree code: 0801X)

Students must have achieved an average mark of at least 60% for the Master of Administration degree in Economics (consisting of course work) or a mark of at least 60% (consisting of research only).

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The Doctor of Administration degree is only oered by thesis in the Department of Economics. A suitable topic must be approved by the Department of Economics. Such approval depends on the availability of an appropriate promoter. A research proposal, in a prescribed format, must be submied to and approved by the Department of Economics.

A student: (1) must hold a three year Bachelors degree (360 SAQA credit points) and an MBL or equivalent degree of another university with an average and median of 65% in all the examinations of the Masters degree; (2) if required by the Director of the Graduate School of Business Leadership, pass one or more departmental examinations or complete additional MBL modules; (3) will be selected based on his/her academic performance and will be informed by the end of August on his/her selection and/or additional requirements. To be allowed to reregister a student must: (4) complete a reading programme prescribed by the Graduate School of Business Leadership to the satisfaction of the Director within the rst year of registration; and (5) submit an approved research proposal and title for the projected thesis before the end of the second year of registration.



Industrial Psychology (Degree code: 08001)

To be admied to the Doctors degree in Industrial Psychology an average of 60% is required for the Masters degree.

The curriculum comprises a thesis on an approved topic; provided that in particular cases a wrien or an oral examination in a major subject or in a major subject and a subsidiary subject(s), chosen in consultation with the Director of the Graduate School of Business Leadership and approved by the Board of the College, may be required. The student must aend at least three colloquia to submit reports on: (i) the research proposal, (ii) the research methodology and (iii) the research results. Satisfactory progress must be demonstrated at the colloquia to ensure re-registration.

The curriculum comprises a thesis on an approved topic. A student must also submit to the promoter at least one article suitable for publication in an accredited journal which is based on the thesis. The promoter will not give permission for the thesis to be submied for examination unless he or she is satised that the article(s) is suitable for publication.


C h a p t e r


Business Management (Degree code: 09547)

A student must hold the Honours BCom in Business Management and Master in Commerce (Business Management) degree. Furthermore, admission will be subject to a result of at least 65% for the Masters degree dissertation.

Rules for the Degree of Doctor of Commerce

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar. See General Rules PG19 to PG23 regarding admission, duration of study, re-registration, requirements for thesis, etc.

The curriculum comprises a thesis on an approved topic. (a) the Head of the Department may, if it is deemed necessary, prescribe a reading programme which the student must complete to the satisfaction of the promoter before the student may commence with the writing of the thesis; and a student must also submit to the promoter at least one article suitable for publication and which is based on the thesis. The promoter will not give permission that the thesis may be submied for examination unless he or she is satised that the article(s) is suitable for publication.



The degree may be conferred in the following subjects;

Accounting (Degree code: 08109) Auditing (Degree code: 08095) Business Management (Degree code: 09547) Consulting Psychology (Degree code: 09210) Economics (Degree code: 08087) Industrial Psychology (Degree code: 08079) Psychology (Degree code: 09180) Public Administration (Degree code: 97535) Quantitative Management (Degree code: 0913X) Tourism Management (Degree code: 09784) Transport Economics (Degree code: 08958)


Consulting Psychology (Degree code: 09210)

Only registered Psychologists (Clinical, Educational or Industrial) with consulting experience will be considered for selection for the Doctors degree in Consulting Psychology.


Accounting (Degree code: 08109)

The curriculum comprises a thesis on an approved topic. Students are also required to aend seven compulsory workshops during the rst year of study. A student must also submit to the promoter at least one article suitable for publication in an accredited journal which is based on the thesis. The promoter will not give permission for the thesis to be submied for examination unless he or she is satised that the article(s) is suitable for publication.

(a) (b) (c)


The curriculum comprises a thesis on an approved topic. On registration, a student must indicate whether the main focus of the degree is in Financial Accounting, Management Accounting or Taxation. If it is deemed necessary, the Head of the Department may prescribe a reading programme which the student must complete to the satisfaction of the supervisor before the student may commence with the writing of the thesis. A student must also submit to the supervisor at least one article suitable for publication in an accredited journal, under the guidance of the supervisor, which is based on the dissertation. The supervisor will not give permission for the thesis to be submied for examination unless he or she is satised that the article(s) is suitable for publication.

Economics (Degree code: 08087)

Students must have achieved an average mark of at least 60% for the Master of Commerce degree in Economics (consisting of course work) or a mark of at least 60% (consisting of research only).

Auditing (Degree code: 08095)

(a) (b) The curriculum comprises a thesis on an approved topic. If it is deemed necessary, the Head of the Department may prescribe a reading programme which the student must complete to the satisfaction of the promoter before the student may commence with the writing of the thesis. A student must also submit to the promoter at least one article suitable for publication in an accredited journal, under the guidance of the promoter, which is based on the thesis. The promoter will not give permission for the thesis to be submied for examination unless he/she is satised that the article(s) is suitable for publication.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The Doctor of Commerce degree is only oered by thesis in the Department of Economics. A suitable topic must be approved by the Department of Economics. Such approval depends on the availability of an appropriate promoter. A research proposal, in a prescribed format, must be submied to and approved by the Department of Economics.


Industrial Psychology (Degree code: 08079)

To be admied to the Doctors degree in Industrial Psychology an average of 60% is required for the Masters degree.


The curriculum comprises a thesis on an approved topic. A student must also submit to the promoter at least one article suitable for publication in an accredited journal which is based on the thesis. The promoter will not give permission for the thesis to be submied for examination unless he or she is satised that the article(s) is suitable for publication.

Industrial Psychology (Degree code: 08303)

To be admied to the Doctors degree in Industrial Psychology an average of 60% us required to the Masters degree.

Psychology (Degree code: 09180)

NB If the focus of the thesis is in the eld of Consulting Psychology a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of 8 weeks aendance for practical work is required.

The curriculum for the Doctors degree in Industrial Psychology comprises a thesis on an approved topic. A student must also submit to the promoter at least one article suitable for publication in an accredited journal which is based on the thesis. The promoter will not give permission for the thesis to be submied for examination unless he or she is satised that the article(s) is suitable for publication.

C h a p t e r

18 C h a p t e r


Rules for the Degree of Doctor of Literature and Philosophy

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar. See General Rules PG19 to PG23 regarding duration of study, reregistration, requirements for thesis, etc.

Rules for the Degree of Doctor of Public Administration

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar.

(Degree code: 08974)

Economics (Degree code: 08168) Industrial Psychology (Degree code: 09369) Public Administration (Degree code: 08303).


See General Rules PG20 to PG23 regarding duration of study, reregistration, requirements for thesis, etc.

The degree may be conferred in the following subjects in this College:



A student must hold the degree of Master of Public Administration of the University or a corresponding Masters degree of another university.


Economics (Degree code: 08168)



The curriculum comprises a thesis on an approved topic.

The curriculum comprises a thesis on an approved topic.

C h a p t e r


Students must have achieved an average mark of at least 60% for the Master of Arts degree in Economics (consisting of course work) or a mark of at least 60% (consisting of research only).

Rules for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and general information in Part 1 of the Calendar. See General Rules PG20 to PG23 regarding duration of study, reregistration, requirements for thesis, etc.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The Doctor of Arts degree is only oered by thesis in the Department of Economics. A suitable topic must be approved by the Department of Economics. Such approval depends on the availability of an appropriate promoter. A research proposal, in a prescribed format, must be submied to and approved by the Department of Economics.



To be admied, students must hold a Masters degree or an equivalent qualication and have satised Senate as to their prociency in the subject concerned.




The degree may be conferred in Operations Research (degree code: 08591) in this college.

registrations for students who participated in supplementary examinations is the third Saturday of February. These closing dates for registration are not negotiable. Students that applied for a re-marking of their script/s must register provisionally before the closing date for registration.



The curriculum comprises four modules DIPAC15 DIPAC26 DIPAC38 DIPAC49 : : : :

Advanced nancial accounting Advanced management accounting Advanced taxation Advanced auditing

Unless otherwise indicated below, the curriculum comprises a thesis on an approved topic. Any special requirements are also indicated below

C h a p t e r


Rules for the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar. See General Rules PG2 to PG8 in connection with duration of study, reregistration etc. NB The Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences is intended for students who wish to study for the Honours BCompt degree (with the Certicate in Theory of Accounting (CTA)) and who do not meet the minimum admission requirements for direct admission to the Honours BCompt, or who are in possession of a degree from a university that is not accredited by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (Saica), or whose Saica-accredited degree or Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences is older than three years.


Duration of study and reregistration

(Diploma code: 0569X)

(2) (3) (4)

The postgraduate diploma cannot be completed in less than one year but must be completed within three years. Further registration (aer three years) will be allowed only if at least two modules have already been passed. Credits are retained for modules passed. It is not a requirement that all four modules be passed during the same examination period. Re-registration may be refused in any year on the basis of unsatisfactory progress.

(1) (2)

Tests and year mark


Four tests of four hours each are wrien during the year. The average mark of the three best tests will constitute the students year mark. If only one or two tests are wrien, the total marks of the tests wrien will be divided by three to obtain the year mark. If no test is wrien the mark will be nil. The year mark contributes 20% and the examination mark 80% towards the nal mark. A sub-minimum of 45% per module must be obtained in the examination.



The postgraduate diploma is awarded in the School of Accounting Sciences.

(1) (2) (3)







Students wishing to register for the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences must have a Bachelors degree in Accounting from a registered public higher education institution with the following courses or equivalents thereof: Financial Accounting (Third level) Management Accounting (Third level) Auditing (Third level) Commercial Law (Second level) Taxation (Second level) Economics (First level) Business Management (First level) Only students who obtained an average of at least 55% for Financial Accounting in the nal year of their degree may register for all four modules of the Postgraduate Diploma simultaneously. Students who do not meet this requirement may register for a maximum of two modules. Students who do not meet the admission requirements of either the Honours BCompt or the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences, but wish to pursue a career as a chartered accountant, are referred to the School of Accounting Sciences for advice. Registration closes on the last working day of January. Saturdays are considered to be working days. The closing date for

Examinations are wrien in all 4 modules in October/November only. The examination in each module consists of one four-hour paper. There is no supplementary, aegrotat or special examination opportunity for any of the modules in the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences.

(1) (2) (3)

Pass mark and pass with distinction

The pass mark for each module is a nal mark of 50%. To obtain the postgraduate diploma with distinction, a candidate must obtain a nal mark of at least 75% for each module. Students who want to register for the Honours BCompt degree must note that they have to achieve a nal mark of 55% for DIPAC15 Advanced Financial Accounting to meet the entry requirements of the Honours BCompt.


C h a p t e r



Rules for the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting and Financial Strategy C h a p t e r

NB This qualication is not oered until further notice.


C h a p t e r


School of Management Sciences

National Diploma: Administrative Management (General) (Code: NDADG)

Rules for the Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Management

NB This qualication is not oered until further notice.

Admission requirements

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

Experiential learning
Experiential learning has only recently been implemented at Unisa. The onus of securing a placement for experiential learning is on the student, although the University will assist you wherever possible. Two months practical experience is required in the Third year. To complete the subject Administrative Practice III, you must hold an administrative position or must undertake to arrange for two months practical experience. You can work in an enterprise temporarily for two months. The reason for this is that instead of an examination, you must hand in a project. The information required to complete the project must be obtained in a work situation.

Programme outcomes

The qualied student will have the competence to co-ordinate and facilitate the administrative function eciently in a general administrative environment.

Career opportunities

Administrative management is that function which provides an information service to the other functions in the enterprise. On completion of this diploma, you would be able to occupy various administrative and related posts in various types of enterprises. The diploma also prepares the candidate to function at the dierent management levels.


First year
1. Administrative Management I


Hint: If you do not have a business management background, we suggest you enrol for the subject Business Management I prior to the subject Administrative Management I.

13. End-user Computing I:




Business Management I: Module 1 Module 2 Organisational Eectiveness I: Module 1 Module 2 Personnel Management I

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained BSM1M1P for the subject. BSM1M2P Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained ORE1M1M for the subject. ORE1M2M PMA111W Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Recommended prerequisite subject: Mathematics A tertiary preparation course in Mathematics can be completed at UNISA. We recommend that students enrol for QMG101P. You need only Std 7/Grade 9 Mathematics to enrol for this course. Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical 14. Costing and Estimating Business Management III


4. 5.

Economics I: Module A: Micro- ECN1M1Z economics Module B: Macro- ECN1M2Z economics

Both modules (theoretical and practical) must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional EUC131T oce to determine if such a centre is available in your region. EUCPRAC The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory. CES181T

15. Any ONE of the following: BSM301P If you would like to proceed with the Baccalaureus Technologiae: Management qualication you must complete Business Management III.

Personnel Management III


Second year
6. 7. 8. 9. Administrative Management II Organisational Eectiveness II Personnel Management II ADB242R

National Diploma: Administrative Management (Financial) (Code: NDADM) 1

Communication I CBA111P ORE202M PMA221S BSM201P

Admission requirements

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

10. Business Management II

Third year (This programme includes two months experiential training in the Third year of study.)
11. Administrative Management III 12. Administrative Practice III (experiential training) ADB343M ADP346V Refer to notes on experiential learning.

Experiential learning
Experiential learning has only recently been implemented at Unisa. The onus of securing a placement for experiential learning is on the student, although the University will assist you wherever possible. Two months practical experience is required in the Third year. To complete the subject Administrative Practice III, you must hold an administrative position or must undertake to arrange for two months practical experience. You can work in an enterprise temporarily for two months. The reason for this is that instead of an examination, you must hand in a project. The information required to complete the project must be obtained in a work situation.

Programme outcomes

The qualied student will have the competence to co-ordinate and facilitate the administrative function eciently in a nancial administrative environment.


Career opportunities

13. End-user Computing I:



Administrative management is that function which provides an information service to the other functions in the enterprise. On completion of this diploma, you would be able to occupy various administrative and related posts in various types of enterprises. The diploma also prepares the candidate to function at the dierent management levels. This diploma focuses on the nancial aspects.

First year
1. Administrative Management I


Hint: If you do not have a business management background, we suggest that you enrol for the subject Business Management I prior to the subject Administrative Management I.

Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical


Business Management I: Module 1 Module 2 Organisational Eectiveness I: Module 1 Module 2 Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Module 2 Quantitative Techniques I Administrative Management II Financial Accounting II: Module 1 Module 2 Financial Management II: Module 1 Module 2

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained BSM1M1P for the subject. BSM1M2P Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained ORE1M1M for the subject. ORE1M2M Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC1M1X for the subject. FAC1M2X QTC171R

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such EUC131T a centre is available in your region. EUCPRAC The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory. Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FMA3M1X for the subject. FMA3M2X TAX151R


14. Financial Management III: Module 1 Module 2 15. Taxation I


National Diploma: Banking (Code: NDBNK) 1


Second year
6. 7. 8. ADB242R

Admission requirements

Communication I CBA111P Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC2M1V for the subject. FAC2M2V

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

Experiential learning



Prerequisite: Financial Accounting I Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

Experiential learning forms part of Banking III. Information regarding experiential learning will be conveyed to a student. The onus of securing a placement for experiential learning is on the student, although the University will assist you wherever possible.

10. The Personnel Function


Programme outcomes

Third year (This programme includes two months experiential training in the Third year of study.)
11. Administrative Management III 12. Administrative Practice III (experiential training) ADB343M ADP346V Refer to notes on experiential learning.

Competence in applying the principles of nancial intermediation to international nancial systems and markets and analysing SAs role and inuence within such international nancial systems.

Career opportunities
Branch manager Corporate banking Treasury department Foreign exchange Financial departments of rms, insurance and other institutions

First year
1. Banking I: Module 1 Module 2





Law for Bankers I LFB191X


3. 4. Accounting for Bankers I



Baccalaureus Technologiae: Banking (Code: BTBAN) 1

Business & BAC131R Administrative Communication I End-user Computing I: Both modules (theoretical and practical) must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such EUC131T a centre is available in your region. EUCPRAC The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory.

Admission requirement


National Diploma: Banking or equivalent qualication.

Programme outcomes

Competence in applying the principles of nancial intermediation to international nancial systems and markets and analyhsing SAs role and inuence within such international nancial systems.

Career opportunities
Investment analysis General management Research skills of nancial institutions Financial departments of rms and institutions Strategic planning Portfolio management Bank management

Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical


Business Management I: Module 1 Module 2 Banking II

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained BSM1M1P for the subject. BSM1M2P BAN251W Prerequisite: Banking I: Module 1 and Module 2 Prerequisite: Law for Bankers I Prerequisite: Bankers I Accounting for ACB261S

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Banking IV


Prerequisite: Banking III

Second year
7. 8. 9.

Risk Management RMB201B II (Banking) Strategic Management I Marketing for Bankers II Research Methodology STR101B MFB201B RME201P

Law for Bankers II LFB201R Accounting for Bankers II

10. Business & BAC241X Administrative Communication II

Prerequisite: Business and Administrative Communication I Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Recommended prerequisite subject: Mathematics A tertiary preparation course in Mathematics can be completed at Unisa. We recommend that students enrol for QMG101P. You need only Std 7/Grade 9 Mathematics to enrol for this course.

11. Economics I: Module A: Micro- ECN1M1Z economics Module B: Macro- ECN1M2Z economics

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Business Administration (Code: BTBAD) 1

Admission requirements

Any national diploma or equivalent qualication (M+3) and preverably supervisor and/or managerial experience. A leer from your employer, conrming the nature of your work and your work experience must be submied upon registration. People in professional positions and who are self employed can also apply for entrance to the course. This degree cannot be obtained if a similar national higher diploma qualication has already been issued. Students already enrolled for the course at other universities can also apply to complete the course at Unisa.

Third year
12. Banking III 14. Accounting for Bankers III 15. Human Relations BAN361W Prerequisite: Banking II Prerequisite: Law for Bankers II Prerequisite: Bankers II Accounting for ACB371Q HUM161Q 13. Law for Bankers III LFB311X

Programme outcomes
To focus on and establish key competencies and skills of students in allocating and managing resources by improving product/service delivery focused on predetermined target markets of organisations. To focus on and establish key competencies and skills in: Decision-making and solving problems in enterprises Developing production supply and delivery systems


Developing, evaluating and implementing business strategies Analysing and interpreting key forces impacting on organisations Determining the risk and return fundamentals of organisations Exposure to the dierent functional areas of management

6. 7. 8.



Human Resources MHB201Q Management II Management Economics III Production and Purchasing Management II Marketing Management III BEK342S PAB242S

Who should enrol

Middle and senior managers of enterprises in urban, rural and remote areas, with a passion for the managerial nuances involved in eective and structured organisational functioning Purpose-directed and dynamic business leaders involved in marketdriven organisations within changing business environments



10. Management Information Systems II

Career opportunities
Substantiating current positions by converging Baccalaureus Technologiae: Business Administration knowledge and exposure into the purpose-directed management of enterprises Appointments on middle and top management levels General management knowledge for middle and senior managerial positions

Magister Technologiae: Business Administration (Code: MTBAD) 1

Admission requirements

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Business Administration or a four-year business-related qualication and three years applicable managerial experience.


Students who do not possess a national diploma or degree must enclose a full report from the South African Qualications Authority (SAQA), in which their qualications are evaluated as equivalent to at least a matriculation plus three years, with their registration forms. Registration forms will be returned if the above report is not enclosed. Prospective students can have their qualications evaluated by: South African Qualications Authority (SAQA) Postnet Suite 248 Private Bag X06 WATERKLOOF 0145 Tel.: (012) 482-0800 Fax: (012) 482-0958


An introductory workshop will be held in the First year of study for this degree. It is recommended that students aend this workshop. Details regarding this workshop will be sent aer the closing date of registration. The purpose of the workshop is to do the following: Analyse and evaluate ecient product/service delivery in aligning the value chain components and value contributors in organisations. Structure value-adding by innovatively and constructively aligning organisational activities/capabilities through, for example, project management, entrepreneurship, management of technology and quality management. Collect, analyse and critically evaluate information based on real live organisations and case studies focusing on managerial perspectives (such as business strategy, nance, organisational behaviour, information technology operations and marketing) in evaluating the eective functioning of organisations.

Contact person

For further enquiries contact the administrative ocers at (011) 4712620 or (011) 471-3674.

Programme outcomes
To focus on and establish key competencies and skills of students in allocating and managing resources by improving product/service delivery focused on predetermined target markets of organisations. To focus on and establish key competencies and skills in the following: Solving problems in terms of value chain linkages in organisations Developing and aligning supply and delivery systems Developing, evaluating and implementing business strategies Managing research focused on value-adding relationships in business environments Analysing and interpreting market information to determine competitive market positioning for organisations Analysing diagnostic approaches in changing organisational behaviour against the background of empowering employees, stimulating innovation and changing and improving quality and productivity

1. 2. 3. Management Practice IV Financial Management IV Financial Accounting Aspects IV



The prescribed book for the subjects AAF481R and AAM462T is included in the course material of AAF481R. It is therefore suggested that you register concurrently for these subjects.


Management Accounting Aspects IV Labour Relations and Law II

AAM462T Refer to note above regarding the prescribed book (AAF481R). LRL241P



Who should enrol

Middle and senior managers of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in urban, rural and remote areas, with a passion for the managerial nuances involved in eective and structured organisational functioning Purpose-directed and dynamic business leaders involved in market-driven organisations within changing business environments

Programme outcomes

Career opportunities
Substantiating current positions by converging BTech and MTech: Business Administration knowledge and exposure into the purpose-directed management of organisations Appointments on middle and top management levels Establishment and growth of own/new organisations contributing to the welfare of South Africa as a job- creating country

The qualifying person will be able to do the following: Demonstrate knowledge of how to plan and implement production eciency Demonstrate an understanding of the oce/business environment by the application of general principles of administrative management, as an integral part of the internal and external business environment Analyse and manage accounting systems in compliance with national and international principles Communicate and interact as a member of a project team in the administration of business operations through the use of specic methodologies and technologies Apply skills and knowledge in developing entrepreneurial abilities and opportunities Perform administrative and operational activities related to human resources


Career opportunities

Students are expected to work in study groups and to submit group assignments.

Contact person

This diploma will enable you to follow one of the following four career paths in the business world, namely administration, accounting, economy or law. If you follow the suggested subject combination, you will also master the procedures and operating methods of all the functional areas in an enterprise. This will make you a multi-specialist not merely a specialist in a specic area.

For further enquiries contact the administrative ocers at (011) 4712620 or (011) 471-3674.


1. 2. 3. 4. Strategic Management Organisation Dynamics Research Methodology Research Project: Ocial registration: Research Project 5. & 6.



Recommended subject choice: The following subject combinations in the four career paths are recommended. (See the curriculum of the National Diploma: Commercial Practice below for subject codes.) The additional subjects to gain entry to the Baccalaureus Technologiae: Management are also listed.

Possible career paths in the National Diploma: Commercial Practice and suggested subject combinations
Prerequisite: Research Methodology

Communication at XA level Communication at YA level Business Management I, II & III Economics I Financial Accounting I, II & III Oce Administration I & II Mercantile Law I & II Or Legal Practice I & II The Personnel Function

Communication at XA level Communication at YA level Business Management I, II & III Economics I Oce Administration I, II & III Financial Accounting I & II Mercantile Law I & II Or Legal Practice I & II The Personnel Function

Communication at XA level Communication at YA level Business Management I, II & III Economics I, II & III Financial Accounting I & II Oce Administration I & II Mercantile Law I Or Legal Practice I The Personnel Function

Legal affairs
Communication at XA level Communication at YA level Business Management I, II & III Economics I Mercantile Law I, II & III Legal Practice I & II Financial Accounting I & II Or Oce Administration I & II The Personnel Function


To be registered for aer approval of the research proposal. This registration is valid for one year.

Any TWO of the following:

Project Management Quality Management Quantitative Techniques for Management Entrepreneurship Management of Technology



National Diploma: Commercial Practice (Code: NDCML) 1

Admission requirements

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.


Possible career paths in the National Diploma: Commercial Practice and suggested subject combinations Accounting
If you would like to proceed with the BTech: Management qualication, you must also take ONE of the following additional subjects: Personnel Management I Purchasing Management I Marketing I Production Management I




If you would like to proceed with the BTech: Management qualication, you must also take ONE of the following additional subjects: Personnel Management I Purchasing Management I Marketing I Production Management I

If you would like to proceed with the BTech: Management qualication, you must also take: Financial Accounting III or Oce Administration III, and ONE of the following additional subjects: Personnel Management I Purchasing Management I Marketing I Production Management I

Legal affairs
If you would like to proceed with the BTech: Management qualication, you must also take: Financial Accounting III or Oce Administration III and ONE of the following additional subjects: Personnel Management I Purchasing Management I Marketing I Production Management I

Communication in ZUA111X IsiZulu XA 2. Any ONE of the following subjects at YB level: Communication in CEA102Y English YA Kommunikasie in Afrikaans YA AFD111T

3. - TWELVE of the following (refer to paragraph above): 14. Business Management I: Module 1 Module 2 Business Management II Business Management III Economics I: Module A: Microeconomics Module B: Macroeconomics Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained BSM1M1P for the subject. BSM1M2P BSM201P BSM301P


Please note: These are only suggested subject combinations and do not change the general curriculum. National Diploma: Commercial Practice will be awarded to candidates who have passed FOURTEEN subjects. At least two languages [one of which must be taken at XA level (indicate the rst language) and one at YA level (indicate the second language)] are compulsory. FOUR subjects must be passed at second-year level, TWO of which must be passed at third-year level. A further TWO subjects must be taken to obtain the diploma. Economics II: Module A: Intermediate Macroeconomics Module B: Intermediate Microeconomics

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Recommended prerequisite subject: Mathematics A tertiary preparation course in Mathematics can be completed at UNISA. We recommend that students enrol for QMG101P. You need only Std 7/Grade 9 Mathematics to enrol for this course.

ECN2M1W before a credit can be obtained

Three modules must be passed for the subject.


Any ONE of the following:

ECN2M3W Module C: Development Economics Module D: Labour ECN2M4W Economics

1. Any ONE of the following subjects at XA level:


Two dierent languages must be taken. Choose ONE from the Language X group and ONE from the Language Y group. You may NOT take Communication in English XA AND Communication in English YA since these are one and the same language.

Economics III: Three modules must be passed Module A: ECO3M1E before a credit for the subject can International Trade be obtained. Module B: ECO3M2E International Finance Any ONE of the following: Module C: Public Economics Module D: Monetary Economics Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Module 2 Financial Accounting II: Module 1 Module 2 Financial Accounting III: Module 1 Module 2 ECO3M3E ECO3M4E

Communication in CEA102X English XA Kommunikasie in Afrikaans XA AFD111T

Communication in NSA111X Sepedi XA Communication in CSS151X Sesotho XA Communication in SNA111X Xitsonga XA Communication in TSA111X Setswana XA Communication in Tshivenda XA VEA111X

Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can FAC1M1X be obtained. FAC1M2X Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can FAC2M1V be obtained. FAC2M2V Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can FNA3M1Y be obtained. FNA3M23

Communication in XAA111X IsiXhosa XA


Mercantile Law I Mercantile Law II Oce Administration I Oce Administration II



CMG111C Both modules must be passed MNG1M14 before a credit can be obtained MNG1M25 for the subject. Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained BSM1M1P for the subject. BSM1M2P LFC111C

For further enquiries, please contact (011) 471-2084/3725/2620.

Mercantile Law III MLW352Q


First year
1. 2. Credit Management I Management I: Module 1 Module 2 Business Management I: Module 1 Module 2 Law for Credit Managers I

OAD352S Oce Administration III Legal Practice I Legal Practice II: Module A Module B The Personnel Function LPR181Y Both modules must be passed LPR2M1W before a credit can be obtained LPR2M2W for the subject. PEF131V


4. 5.

Communication I CBA121P Credit Management II Management II Law for Credit Managers II Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Module 2 CMG211C MNG241Y LFC211C Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC1M1X for the subject. FAC1M2X Both modules (theoretical and practical) must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such EUC131T a centre is available in your region. EUCPRAC The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory.

National Diploma: Credit Management (Code: NDCRM) 1

Second year
6. 7. 8.

Admission requirements
Grade 12 (Matriculation certicate, National Senior Certicate or other certicate evaluated as being equivalent to the minimum Admission requirements of Technikons). Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements. Only students who are already in a credit management position or who undertake to arrange their experiential learning themselves may register for this diploma. Six months (120 days) experiential learning is required. (See Experiential learning below).


10. End-user Computing I:

Experiential learning
Six months (120 days) experiential learning within any credit management environment (trade-, consumer or banking credit) is required. Students will have to complete a logbook of six months (120 days) workplace experience.

Programme outcomes

Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical

The objectives of this qualication are to equip students with the relevant competencies, skills and knowledge to satisfy the needs of the industry with regard to credit management. The qualied student will have the competence to co-ordinate and manage the credit function of any business.

Third year
11. Credit Management III 12. Management III 13. Law for Credit Managers III CMG311C MNG381K LFC311C

Career opportunities

14. Any ONE of the following:

The following are but a few of the opportunities that exist for a person with a qualication in credit management: Debtors clerk Junior credit controller Credit controller Senior credit controller Credit supervisor




Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Recommended prerequisite subject: Mathematics A tertiary preparation course in Mathematics can be completed at UNISA. We recommend that students enrol for QMG101P. You need only Std 7/Grade 9 Mathematics to enrol for this course. 2.

Advanced Strategic Management IV: Module A: Strategic Management Module B: Integrated Management Research Methodology Human Resource Management I


Concurrent registration for both modules is essential and both modules must be passed separately before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

Economics I: Module A: Micro- ECN1M1Z economics Module B: Macro- ECN1M2Z economics


3. 4.


Financial Accounting II: Module 1 Module 2 15. Credit Management Experiential learning

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC2M1V for the subject. FAC2M2V CREDEXP Only students who undertake to arrange their 6 months (120 days) experiential learning themselves or who are already in a credit-related position, may register for this subject.

MTech (with a dissertation on credit management)

Students now have an opportunity to further their studies in credit management by registering for the Magister Technologiae: Business Administration. One of the MTech subjects is a research project (dissertation). Research for this dissertation may be done on any creditrelated topic. Prospective students will probably have to do a bridging course in one/all of the following subjects before qualifying for the Magister Technologiae: Financial Management Marketing Production Management Information Technology For more information on the MTech qualication, refer to the curriculum of the BTech: Business Administration or contact Prof. Ben Moolman at (011) 471-3111 or Ms C van Zl at (011) 471-2084.

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Credit Management (Code: BTCRM) 1

Admission requirements

National Diploma: Credit Management or equivalent qualication with Credit Management III and Law for Credit Managers III.

National Diploma: Entrepreneurship (Revised) (Code: NDENT) 1

Programme outcomes

Admission requirements

The objectives of this qualication are to equip students with the relevant competencies, skills and knowledge to satisfy the needs of the industry with regard to credit managers as well as to prepare these students for further academic programmes, for example a Masters degree.

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

Career opportunities

Experiential learning
Experiential learning has only recently been implemented at Unisa. Information regarding experiential learning will be conveyed to students. The onus of securing a placement for experiential learning is on the student, although the University will assist you wherever possible. There is no wrien examination in this subject. An oral examination is conducted by way of presenting a business plan for a proposed new enterprise before a panel of evaluators. This panel is composed of the examiner, the moderator, a representative from a nancial institution and an expert in the eld of the existing proposed enterprise.

The following opportunities exist for a person with a degree in credit management: Credit manager Credit director


For further enquiries, please contact (011) 471-2084/3725/2620.


Credit Management IV

CMG411C Prerequisite: Credit Management III and Management III

Programme outcome

The qualifying person will be able to do the following: Individually develop and manage an SMME and/or a section of a department in an existing SMME and/or share expert knowledge Apply the principles of marketing Ensure organisational eectiveness


State the basic principles of labour law and industrial relations Apply principles of nancial accounting and nancial management Perform administrative tasks in an administrative oce Develop a holistic overview and understanding of the establishment and functioning of an enterprise

Administrative management



Third year
10. Entrepreneurship III ETP301E MAR332S EPC301E Refer to notes on experiential learning. Prerequisite: Financial accounting for entrepreneurs 11. Marketing III 12. Entrepreneurship practice III 13. Financial management for entrepreneurs Module 1 Module 2

Career opportunities

The National Diploma: Entrepreneurship incorporated entrepreneurship, which is central to the whole course. On completion of this course, you can follow any of the following career paths: Start, manage and grow your own business enterprise Work in an existing business enterprise Be a business consultant Be a business training consultant Be a small business development oces in the public and/or private sector Manage and initiate growth in an existing business enterprise


National Diploma: Explosives Management (Code: NDEXP) 1

Contact numbers
Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can be obtained.

Admission requirements

For further enquiries contact (011) 471-3438 or fax (011) 471-3216.

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements. To enrol for a qualication in explosives management, the course Explosives Technology for Supervision and Management or equivalent must be successfully completed.

First year
1. Entrepreneurship 1: ETP1M1E Module 1: Entrepreneurship and how to establish your own business Module 2: Management ETP1M2E for Entrepreneurs Marketing 1 Communication 1 End-user Computing 1: Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical Economics for Entrepreneurs: Module 1: Microeconomics Module 2: Macroeconomics Entrepreneurship II: Module 1: Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial skills Module 2: Human resource management for Entrepreneurs Marketing II MAR111Y CBA111P EUC131T EUPRAC Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can be obtained. Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can be obtained.

Purpose of the programme

2. 3. 4.

The course is designed to give the qualifying student the competence to apply explosives technologies, as well as advanced management skills, which are appropriate to the cost-eective management of products and processes in an explosives-related environment. Graduates of this course are able to manage and lead people in manufacturing, product and process development, manage quality systems and contribute to the strategic management of the organisation.



Programme outcomes

Second year
6. ETP2M1E ETP2M2E Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can be obtained.

7. 8.

MAR221U Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can be obtained.

Financial Accounting for Entrepreneurs: Module 1 FAE1M1E Module 2 FAE1M2E Any ONE of the following: Labour Relations and Law II Organisational eectiveness I: Module 1 Module 2 LRL241P


Both modules must be passed before a credit ORE1M1M for the subject can be ORE1M2M obtained.

The qualifying student will inter alia be able to do the following: Demonstrate an understanding of the various types of explosives, their behaviour, performance and manufacture Apply concepts and principles of explosives technology to related tasks in a development and production environment Apply explosives technology concepts and management skills to anticipate development and production needs Use principles of explosives plant operation to optimise production layout Apply elementary nancial techniques in the working environment Manage all information and apply computer skills relevant to the explosives industry Perform relevant quality assurance and quality control procedures to ensure that processes remain within designated limits and that reliable results are generated in the workplace Manage resources eciently and eectively in the workplace Manage all work in compliance with relevant environmental laws, legislation and regulations, established policies and procedures, and in accordance with ethical principles Apply problem-solving skills at managerial level Use well-known methods to research processes, procedures and technologies in an explosives environment Develop entrepreneurial skills to encourage self-employment.


Career opportunities

Third year
11. Management III 12. Explosives III MNG381K EXP301K


To manage at senior/middle management level in an explosives environment.

Contact persons

13. SHE Management TMA201L II 14. Quality Management Systems III QLS301E

For further enquiries contact the administrative ocers at (011) 4712620 or (011) 471-3674.

First year
1. Management I: Module 1 Module 2 Explosives I Financial Techniques I


15. Explosives EXI301L Industrial Practice III

Both modules must be passed MNG1M14 before a credit can be obtained MNG1M25 for the subject. EXP101D FNT101E

2. 3. 4. 5.

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Explosives Management (Code: BTEXP) 1

Communication in CEA102X English End-user Computing I: Both modules (theoretical and practical) must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such EUC131T a centre is available in your region. EUCPRAC The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory.

Admission requirements

National Diploma: Explosives Management or equivalent qualication.

Programme outcomes

Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical

Second year
6. 7. 8. Management II Explosives II Business Management I: Module 1 Module 2 Quality Management I MNG241Y EXP201G Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained BSM1M1P for the subject. BSM1M2P TQM101T Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Recommended prerequisite subject: Mathematics A tertiary preparation course in Mathematics can be completed at UNISA. We recommend that students enrol for QMG101P. You need only Std 7/Grade 9 Mathematics to enrol for this course.

The qualifying student will be able to do the following at top/strategic management level: Demonstrate an understanding of the various types of explosives, their behaviour, performance and manufacture Apply concepts and principles of explosives technology to related tasks in a development and production environment Apply explosives technology concepts and management skills to anticipate development and production needs Use principles of explosives plant operation to optimise production layout Apply elementary nancial techniques in the working environment Manage all information and apply computer skills relevant to the explosives industry Perform relevant quality assurance and quality control procedures to ensure that processes remain within designated limits and that reliable results are generated in the workplace Manage resources eciently and eectively in the workplace Manage all work in compliance with relevant environmental laws, legislation and regulations, established policies and procedures, and in accordance with ethical principles Apply problem-solving skills at managerial level Use well-known methods to research processes, procedures and technologies in an explosives environment Develop entrepreneurial skills to encourage self-employment


10. Economics I: Module A: Micro- ECN1M1Z economics Module B: Macro- ECN1M2Z economics

Career opportunities

To manage at top/strategic management level in an explosives environment.

Contact persons

For further enquiries contact the administrative ocers at (011) 4712620 or (011) 471-3674.


1. Management IV: Module A: Strategic Management Module B: Integrated Management



Prerequisite: Management III or Business Management III Concurrent registration for both modules is essential and both modules must be passed separately before a credit can be obtained for the subject. 8.





Corporate Law II: Both modules must be passed Module A COL2M1R before a credit can be obtained Module B COL2M2R for the subject. Credits per module are retained. Auditing II: Module 1 Module 2
AUD2M1W Both modules must be passed AUD2M2W before a credit can be obtained


for the subject. Credits per module are retained.

Third year
10. Public Finance PFC301F and Accounting III 11. Financial Accounting III: Module 1 Module 2 Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FNA3M1Y for the subject. Credits per FNA3M23 module are retained. An up-to-date knowledge of the latest tax legislation is required for Financial Accounting III. Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Recommended prerequisite subject: Mathematics A tertiary preparation course in Mathematics can be completed at UNISA. We recommend that students enrol for QMG101P. You only need Std 7/Grade 9 Mathematics to enrol for this course.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Explosives IV


SHE Management TMA301P III Research Methodology RME201P

Explosives Project ESJ401X IV

National Diploma: Finance and Accounting (Public) (Code: NDFAC) 1

12. Economics I: Module A: Micro- ECN1M1Z economics Module B: Macro- ECN1M2Z economics

Admission requirements

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

First year
1. 2. Public Finance and Accounting I Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Module 2 Public Management I End-user Computing I:



13. Any ONE of the following: Auditing III: Module 1 Module 2 Stock and Purchasing Management II Both modules must be passed AUD3M1S before a credit can be obtained AUD3M2S for the subject. Credits per module are retained. SPM211P

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC1M1X for the subject. Credits per FAC1M2X module are retained. PMG111P Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). EUC131T EUCPRAC The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory.

3. 4.

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Finance and Accounting (Public) (Code: BTFAC)

NB No new registrations will be accepted for this qualication as from 2007. Students already registered for this qualication have until the end of 2008 to complete it. Possible articulation option for the National Diploma: Finance and Accounting (Public) students: BTech: Business Administration or BTech: Corporate Administration.

Theoretical Practical


Communication in CEA102X English XA Public Finance PFC201F and Accounting II Financial Accounting II: Module 1 Module 2 Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC2M1V for the subject. Credits per FAC2M2V module are retained.

Admission requirements

Second year
6. 7.

Only candidates with one of the following qualications may register for this degree: National Diploma: Finance and Accounting (Public) Any national diploma or bachelors degree with appropriate major subjects up to third-year level in Public Finance and Accounting, Financial Accounting and Auditing III/ Stock and Purchasing Management II.


NB Some examination papers will be available in English only.

the students job function should relate to training or human resource development.

1. Financial Reporting IV (Module 1) Financial Reporting IV (Module 2) Financial Management IV Module 1 Module 2



FRP4M1U Prerequisite: Financial Accounting III (Modules 1 and 2) FRP4M2V Prerequisite: Financial Accounting III (Modules 1 and 2) Prerequisite: Financial Accounting III (Modules 1 and 2)

Programme outcomes


This BTech degree will equip you to be responsible for managing the human resource development or training functions of a large- or medium-sized organisation in both the public and private sectors. The programme is aimed at developing competence to function as a professional education, training and development practitioner.



Career opportunities


Cost Interpretation CIM401F and Management IV Public Accounting PUA401F Management IV Strategic Planning STB401F for Budgeting IV Organisational Behaviour IV Research Methodology Auditing IV OBE461V

Prerequisite: Public Finance and Accounting III Prerequisite: Public Finance and Accounting III Prerequisite: Public Finance and Accounting III

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Human resource development or training management positions: Human resource development ocers Consultants, practitioners, managers or directors Education, training and development ocers, practitioners or managers Learning ocers and managers Knowledge managers Skills development facilitators and managers

RME101Q AUD402F SPM311P 2. 3. 4. Research Methodology Organisational Development IV Training and Development Strategies IV Prerequisite: Auditing III 1. Advanced Management of Training IV


Prerequisite: Management of Training II (passed at a technikon) or Management of Training III (if passed at an institution other than a technikon)

10. Stock and Purchasing Management III


Baccalaureus Technologiae: Human Resource Development (Code: BTHRD) 1

Admission requirements
Candidates with an M + 3 human resource management qualication such as a National Diploma: Human Resource Management, National Diploma: Management of Training, or B degree in Industrial Psychology are admied to the BTech HRD provided that they have a minimum of two years experience in the eld of human resource development. Candidates with and industrial psychology background will be required to complete Management of Training II as a prerequisite subject. Should a candidate be employed in a generalist human resource management position, at least 20% of his or her job function should relate to training or human resource development. Students qualied in the eld of Education such as BA Ed or BEd from a recognised university or university of technology (former technikon), must have a minimum of 5 years experience in education management or training management. These students will have to choose Human Resource Management II as one of the electives. Prerequisite subjects such as Management of Training I and II and Management I may be required for admission depending on the composition of previous academic and employment records. At least 20% of the students job function should relate to training or human resource development. Other non-HR diplomates or graduates who are working in the eld of human resource development may be considered for admission if they have a minimum of 5 years experience in the eld of training or training management. Prerequisite subjects including Management of Training I and II, Management I and Human Resource Management II, but not limited thereto, may be required for admission depending on the composition of previous academic and employment records. At least 20% of

5.& 6.

Any TWO of the following: Financial Management IV Management Information Systems II Collective Bargaining and Negotiation Project Management IV Human Resource Management II FMA401V MIS201H


PGT401H MHB201Q This subject is for students who do not have a background in the eld of human resource management, such as education students.

Magister Technologiae: Human Resource Development (Code: MTHRD) 1

Admission requirements
The prospective candidate is required to have completed an appropriate BTech degree in Human Resource Develoment or equivalent, for example an Honours degree in Human Resource


Development, with a minimum average of 60%. Candidates must have completed an instructional oering in Research Methodology (M + 4 level) Training and Development Strategies IV, Advanced Management of Training IV and Organisational Development IV successfully before admission can be granted. In addition, the candidate must have seven years experience in the eld of training management or human resource development and be employed as a human resource development manager or senior HRD practitioner, consultant or lecturer. Candidates with a BTech Human Resource Management or equivalent qualication will be required to complete Training and Development Strategies IV and Organisational Development IV before they can be admied to the programme. Candidates with masters or doctoral degrees in other elds such as education or public management will rst be required to complete the BTech HRD degree before they can be admied to the MTech HRD degree programme. The programme is based on international HRD standards and students will be required to do independent research. Access to the internet is an essential requirement.

Programme outcomes

This diploma will equip you to manage and operationalise the various human resource functions, such as recruitment, selection, human resource administration, labour relations, human resource utilisation, training, remunera-tion, etc. and integrate them into the organisations business processes in line with best practices and quality standards. The NDip: Human Resource Management meets the qualication requirements of the South African Board for Personnel Practice for professional registration.

Career opportunities

Human resources, training or industrial relations ocers in small, medium and large organisations in both the private and public sectors.

First year
1. 2. Personnel Management I Business Management I: Module 1 Module 2 End-user Computing I:



Programme outcomes

This MTech degree is aimed at developing advanced research, consulting and management skills in the eld of human resource development in order to function at a senior level in an organisation.

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained BSM1M1P for the subject. BSM1M2P Both modules (theoretical and practical) must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such EUC131T a centre is available in your region. EUCPRAC The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory.


Career opportunities

Senior human resource development, research, or training management positions: Consultants, practitioners, managers or directors Senior education, training and development practitioners or managers Learning managers and consultants Knowledge managers and consultants Skills development facilitators and managers Human resource development researchers

1. 2. 3. Strategic Management V Research Methodology V Training and Development Strategies V Research paper (dissertation): Ocial registration: Research project



Module 1: Theoretical Module 2: Practical


Any ONE of the following: Accounting for Personnel Practitioners APP101H Students who passed the subject Financial Accounting I before 2001 do not have to register for this subject.


HRD591M To be registered for aer approval of research proposal. This registration is valid for one year.

Quantitative Techniques I 5.


Any ONE of the following: Communication in CEA102X English XA Kommunikasie in AFD111T Afrikaans XA Communication in NSA111X Sepedi XA Communication in CSS151X Sesotho XA Communication in SNA111X Xitsonga XA Communication in TSA111X Setswana XA

National Diploma: Human Resource Management (Code: NDHRM) 1

Admission requirements

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.





Career opportunities

Communication in VEA111X Tshivenda XA Communication in XAA111X IsiXhosa XA Communication in ZUA111X IsiZulu XA

Human resource management posts at all levels, for example: human resource manager, group human resource manager, training manager, industrial relations manager.

1. Advanced Personnel Management IV Organisational Behaviour IV Research Methodology Advanced Industrial Relations IV


Prerequisite: Personnel Management III or Industrial Psychology III

Second year
6. 7. 8. Personnel Management II Business Management II Labour Law PMA221S

2. BSM201P 3. LLW111U Prerequisite: Labour Law should be completed prior to or concurrently with Industrial Relations II. 4.

OBE461V RME101Q ALR441R Prerequisite: Industrial Relations II (passed at a technikon) or Labour/ Industrial Relations III (if passed at an institution other than a technikon) Concurrent registration for both modules AST411A and AST421B is essential and both modules must be passed individually and independently before a credit can be obtained for the subject.


Management of Training I

MOT141R INR131Y 5. Advanced Strategic Management IV: Module 1: Strategic Management Module 2: Strategic Human Resource Management Advanced Management of Training IV

10. Industrial Relations I

Third year
11. Personnel Management III 12. Business Management III 13. Management of Training II 14. Industrial Relations II PMA342T BSM301P MOT201U INR251X Prerequisite: Labour Law should be completed prior to or concurrently with Industrial Relations II. 6. Refer to the notes on experiential learning requirements



Prerequisite: Management of Training II (passed at a technikon) or Management of Training III (if passed at an institution other than a technikon)

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Human Resource Management (Code: BTHRM) 1

Magister Technologiae: Human Resource Management (Code: MTHUM) 1

Admission requirements

Admission requirements

National Diploma: Human Resource Management or equivalent applicable qualication (M+3) with Personnel Management III or Industrial Psychology III, Labour Law, Labour or Industrial Relations at second-year level, Management of Training at second-year level. Please refer to the specic subject prerequisites.

Candidates seeking admission to advanced studies must comply with all the requirements as specied in the published Policies and Procedures for Postgraduate Studies document. Relevant information may be obtained from the listed contact person. The prospective candidate is required to have completed an appropriate BTech degree or equivalent (for example an appropriate BCom (Hons)), with a minimum overall average of 60%. Prospective candidates for the purely research-based MTech must have completed an instructional oering in Research Methodology (NQF level 7) successfully before permission for preliminary registration can be granted. Certied copies of candidates relevant qualications must be submied and, where applicable, proof of admission status must also be submied, together with a research proposal. The Research Commiee must approve of the research proposal in total. The Research Commiee has the authority to refuse prospective candidates permission to register for an MTech if the candidate does not comply with the necessary academic and professional standards.

Programme outcomes

This BTech degree will equip you to research, strategise, operationalise and evaluate the entire human resource function of a small- or medium-sized organisation or to manage specic functional areas, such as stang, training and develop-ment, personnel administration, organisation development and labour relations, etc., and integrate them into the organisations business processes in line with best practices and quality standards. The Baccalaureus Technologiae: Human Resource Management meets the qualication requirements of the South African Board for Personnel Practice for professional registration.

Programme outcomes

This degree is aimed at developing advanced applied research skills in the eld of Human Resource Management, including problem identication in the workplace, gathering, analysing, synthesising and interpretation of information on the identied human resource


management issue by utilising the appropriate theoretical research principles and reecting and reporting on the research undertaken.

1. 2. 3.

Labour Economics LEC101L Advanced Labour ALL201L Law Collective Bargaining and Negotiation Labour Relations Management Research Methodology Advanced Personnel Management IV CBN401L

Registration for this degree is not limited to the normal registration cycles.

Ocial registration: Research project


approval of research proposal. This registration is valid for one year.

HUM591M To be registered for aer

4. 5. 6.


Baccalaureus Technologiae: Labour Relations Management (Code: BTLRM) 1

Any ONE of the following: APM432Z Students who have not passed Personnel Management III or Industrial Psychology III may not exercise this option and must choose Organisational Behaviour IV.

Admission requirements
An M + 3 diploma or degree in human resource management or labour relations management. A minimum of two years active involvement in the eld of labour relations management is required. Students with an M + 3 diploma or degree outside the human resource management or labour relations management elds, may be considered for admission on condition of submission of proof of at least ve years of comprehensive experience in the practice of labour relations management. Should the level and extent of such experience be found to be inadequate, Industrial Relations I (INR131Y) and/or Industrial Relations II (INR251X) may be required as prerequisites. Labour Law (LLW111U) is a prerequisite. Students, whose academic record does not include Labour Law, may register for this subject concurrently with subjects from the BTech: Labour Relations Management curriculum, with the exception of Advanced Labour Law.

Organisational Behaviour IV


National Diploma: Local Government Finance (Code: NDLGF) 1

Admission requirements

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

2 2

Career possibilities

Programme outcomes

This programme is aimed at preparing students to independently identify, analyse and manage labour relations trends, practices and problems within the context of company policies and relevant sources of labour law. Students will be enabled to manage specic functional areas, such as: the development of labour relations policies and structures within the framework of negotiated agreements and the relevant sources of labour law the management of conict and industrial action the identication and analysis of labour market trends and the application of these to particular organisational contexts the preparation and conducting of negotiations the implementation and monitoring of negotiated agreements the resolution of disputes

This course is aimed at students who work as nancial ocers at a local or related authority. This diploma serves as an entrance requirement for membership of the Institute of Municipal Finance Ocers (IMFO). Students who wish to obtain Licentiate Membership of the IMFO should pass the following subjects: Local Government Finance I and II Internal Auditing I Financial Accounting I and II Economics I Mercantile Law I Students who wish to obtain Associate Membership of the IMFO should pass the following subjects: Local Government Accounting III Financial Accounting I and II Auditing I Commercial Law Economics II Business Economics/Business Management/ Public Management/ Local Government Management Students should also register at the IMFO for their practical training. The address of the IMFO is: The Manager: Membership IMFO PO Box 4003 Kempton Park 1620 Tel: (011) 394 0879 Fax: (011) 394 0866 Website: hp://www.imfo.co.za; Email: ceo@imfo.co.za

Career opportunities

Industrial relations management positions at all levels, as well as positions at labour organisations such as trade unions, government departments such as the Department of Labour, and at organisations such as the CCMA.



Second-year students who have changed from the old diploma must include MERCANTILE LAW I in their registration. Examination papers will be available in English only.

First year
1. 2.



The Manager: Membership IMFO PO Box 4003 Kempton Park 1620 Tel: (011) 394 0879 Fax: (011) 394 0866 Website: hp://www.imfo.co.za; Email: ceo@imfo.co.za

Local Government LGF161Y Finance I Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Module 2 Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can FAC1M1X be obtained. FAC1M2X

NB Examination papers will be available in English only.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Local Government LGM111P Management I Mercantile Law I MLW101Y




Second year
Local Government LGF271V Finance II Financial Accounting II: Module 1 Module 2 Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can FAC2M1V be obtained. FAC2M2V

Local Government GFM401L Financial Management IV Local Government LGM461S Management IV Research Methodology Stock and Purchasing Management I RME101Q Prerequisite: Local Government Management III

Any ONE of the following subjects: SPM111P

7. 8. 9.

Local Government LGM211P Management II Internal Auditing I IOU191Y Local Government LGF381T Finance III

Third year

Internal Auditing II: Module 1 AUD2M1W Module 2 AUD2M2W

10. Local Government LGA301L Accounting III 11. Local Government LGM311P Management III 12. Economics I: Module 1 Module 2 ECN1M1Z ECN1M2Z

Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can be obtained. Students who passed Internal Auditing II as part of the curriculum of the National Diploma, may not choose this subject.

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Recommended prerequisite subject: Mathematics A tertiary preparation course in Mathematics can be completed at Unisa. Recommended subject: QMG101P. Prerequisite for this subject: Standard 7/Grade 9 Mathematics.

Transitional arrangements

Students who fail either or both of IOU2M1Z and/or IOU2M2Z must register for AUD2M1W and/or AUD2M2W respectively.

National Diploma: Management (Code: NDMNT) 1

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Local Government Finance (Code: BTLGF) 1

Admission requirements

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

Admission requirement

Programme outcomes

National Diploma: Local Government Finance or equivalent qualication, which must include Local Government Finance III, Financial Accounting II and Internal Auditing I.

Career possibilities

This course is aimed at students who work as nancial ocers at a local or related authority. This diploma serves as a requirement for membership of the Institute of Municipal Finance Ocers (IMFO). Students should also register at the IMFO for their practical training. The address of the IMFO is:

This diploma will enable the student to do the following: Perform administrative tasks in an administrative oce Know the broad economic environment and the role of all sectors Apply the fundamentals of computer nomenclature and desktop soware, particularly with respect to personal computer hardware and soware and the World Wide Web Manage information, social issues, legal requirements, human resources, purchasing and production in an enterprise Manage resources for the eective and ecient achievements of enterprise goals Manage the process of transforming inputs into outputs Manage and develop people to contribute constructively to the achievement of goals of the enterprise


Initiate and manage change to support growth and survival in a dynamic environment Train and supervise culturally diverse administrative sta Apply the principles of marketing within the enterprise Ensure organisational eectiveness within the enterprise Develop a holistic overview and understanding of the establishment and functioning of an enterprise Apply basic quantitative techniques for decision-making Apply basic principles of business communication within the workplace Know the basic principles of industrial relations

Financial Management II: Module 1 Module 2 8. & 9.



Prerequisite: Financial Accounting I Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

Any TWO choice subjects from the list of optional subjects

Third year
10. Management III MNG381K MLW101Y ADB343M Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FMA3M1X for the subject. FMA3M2X 11. Mercantile Law I Administrative Management III Financial Management III: Module 1 Module 2

Career opportunities

12. Any ONE of the following:

To manage at middle or senior management level.

First year
1. Management I: Module 1 Module 2 Administrative Management I Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Module 2 Both modules must be passed MNG1M14 before a credit can be obtained MNG1M25 for the subject. ADB121S Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC1M1X for the subject. FAC1M2X Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Recommended prerequisite subject: Mathematics A tertiary preparation course in Mathematics can be completed at UNISA. We recommend that students enrol for QMG101P. You need only Std 7/Grade 9 Mathematics to enrol for this course.

13. Any ONE choice subject from the list of optional subjects

2. 3.

Optional subjects (Refer to the admission requirements paragraph two of the BTech: Management):
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Marketing I Marketing II Marketing III Personnel Management I Personnel Management II Personnel Management III Purchasing Management I Purchasing Management II Purchasing Management III MAR111Y MAR221U MAR332S PMA111W PMA221S PMA342T PMM151U PMM261W PMM371P PRD121X PRD231Y PRM362V Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained ORE1M1M for the subject. ORE1M2M Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained BSM1M1P for the subject. BSM1M2P QTC171R CBA101P


Economics I: Module A: Micro- ECN1M1Z economics Module B: Macro- ECN1M2Z economics


End-user Computing I:

Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical

Both modules (theoretical and practical) must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such EUC131T a centre is available in your region. EUCPRAC The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory.

10. Production Management I 11. Production Management II 12. Production Management III 13. Organisational Eectiveness I: Module 1 Module 2 14. Business Management I: Module 1 Module 2 15. Quantitative Techniques I 16. Communication: Business Administration I 17. Industrial Relations I 18. The Personnel Function


Second year
6. 7. Management II Administrative Management II MNG241Y ADB242R Any ONE of the following:


Baccalaureus Technologiae: Management (Code: BTMAN) 1




Any ONE optional subject on Exemption cannot be granted level II or III of which the previous to any level which was used to level has already been passed: obtain a national diploma or bachelors degree (BCom, etc.) Marketing II Marketing III Personnel Management II Personnel Management III Purchasing Management II Purchasing Management III Production Management II Production Management III MAR221U MAR332S PMA221S PMA342T PMM261W PMM371P PRD231Y PRM362V

Admission requirements
National Diploma: Management with Management III and Administrative Management III or Financial Management III. OR An equivalent qualication with Business Management III and Business Administration III/Oce Administration III or Financial Accounting III as well as one of the following: Marketing I, Personnel Management I, Purchasing Management I or Production Management I.

Programme outcomes

This degree will enable the student to do the following: Plan strategically to give direction to the enterprise in a dynamic environment Implement goals and strategies successfully Apply the concepts of strategic management at all management levels to cope with environmental challenges Apply and interpret advanced nancial principles Apply administrative skills within the workplace Apply the basic principles of research Apply the principles of marketing within the enterprise Manage human resources within the enterprise Manage purchasing within the enterprise Manage production within the enterprise

National Diploma: Management Services (Code: NDMNG) 1

Admission requirements

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

Career opportunities

To manage at top management or strategic level.

Programme outcomes

Contact person

This course is aimed at candidates who are procient in the management services eld. Students will be equipped to exercise responsibility for work study and management services aspects in the civil service, local authorities, nancial institutions, manufacturing enterprises and the mining industry. This course provides basic training for entering management levels.

For further enquiries contact the administrative ocers at (011) 4712620 or (011) 471-3674. The curriculum of this degree comprises the following FOUR subjects:

1. Management IV: Module A: Strategic Management Module B: Integrated Management



Prerequisite: Management III or Business Management III Concurrent registration for both modules is essential and both modules must be passed separately before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

Mathematics at matriculation level is recommended. Before completing the registration form, note that this course is intended for training in a specic work environment, for example industry (factories), oces, civil service or management services. Conditions for registration: It will be benecial if you have access to a work study/ management services environment. A practical session should be aended annually by students registered for this diploma and for the subjects organisational eectiveness I, II and III respectively. Employers must agree to grant leave to their employees to aend the course. This practical session will enable a person to gain experience in a practical industry environment. The practical sessions will be held in the various regions. Further details will be sent to students in due course. No costs are aached to the practical. However, you are responsible for your own travel and subsistence expenses.


2. 3.

Research Methodology Administrative Management IV


Any ONE of the following: ADB401M Prerequisite: Administrative Management III or Business Administration III or Oce Administration III Prerequisite: Financial Management III (Module 1 and FMN4M1Q 2) or Financial Accounting III FMN4M2R (Module 1 and 2)

Financial Management IV Module 1 Module 2


Career opportunities

End-user Computing I:



Management auxiliary services in the following positions: Organisation and work study ocer Management service practitioners Industrial engineer Work study ocer Productivity controller Productivity adviser Productivity study ocer Business analyst/integraters

First year
1. Organisational Eectiveness I: Module 1 Module 2 Business Management I: Module 1 Module 2 Costing and Estimating Quantitative Techniques I


Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained ORE1M1M for the subject. ORE1M2M Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained BSM1M1P for the subject. BSM1M2P CES181T QTC171R


Both modules (theoretical and practical) must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such EUC131T a centre is available in your region. EUCPRAC The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory. ORE301M BSM301P SAD201M LLW111U MSP301M Prerequisite: Operational Research; and End-user Computing I (Theoretical and Practical)

Third year
10. Organisational Eectiveness III 11. Business Management III 12. System Analysis and Design 13. Labour Law 14. Management Services Practice

3. 4. 5.

Any ONE of the following: Communication in CEA102X English XA Kommunikasie in AFD111T Afrikaans XA Communication in NSA111X Sepedi XA Communication in CSS151X Sesotho XA Communication in SNA111X Xitsonga XA Communication in TSA111X Setswana XA Communication in VEA111X Tshivenda XA Communication in XAA111X IsiXhosa XA Communication in ZUA111X IsiZulu XA

National Diploma: Marketing (Code: DMARK)

NB A study plan has been developed over a period of four years. Although a diploma may be completed in a minimum period of three years, it is strongly recommended that you register for courses as set out in the study plan or over a longer period. Optional Exit levels exist for the national diplomas, and the requirements for these Exit levels will be set out in this calendar. Note that it is not compulsory to register simultaneously for all subjects prescribed for a particular level of a course. Examination results reveal that students who register for only two subjects a year have a beer chance of passing than those who register for three or more subjects. We therefore recommend that you do not register for more than three subjects per year. Choose the number of subjects so that you have at least one hour of study time available per subject per day.

Second year
6. 7. 8. Organisational Eectiveness II Business Management II Operational Research ORE202M BSM201P ORR301S Prerequisite: Quantitative Techniques I

Admission requirements

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

Programme outcomes
Understand and apply fundamental principles of marketing Apply the principles of selling Apply fundamental nancing principles and concepts to marketing contexts


Apply communication skills eectively in marketing contexts Apply the principles and techniques of marketing in dierent marketing contexts Apply the principles and techniques of marketing communications and promotion in dierent marketing contexts Understand and apply selected principles of consumer behaviour Apply fundamental economic, legal and numeracy skills in marketing-related business scenarios Communicate marketing information eectively using dierent media and techniques Apply the principles of sales management in dierent marketing contexts Integrate and apply the principles of strategic marketing management in dierent marketing contexts Apply the principles of marketing research in dierent marketing contexts




Communication in TSA111X Setswana XA Communication in VEA111X Tshivenda XA Communication in XAA111X IsiXhosa XA Communication in ZUA111X IsiZulu XA

Second year
5. 6. 7. Marketing II Accounting for Marketers I Consumer Behaviour I MAR221U AFM151Q CBH171Z

Career opportunities


This course is aimed at candidates in the following careers or at candidates who intend pursuing these careers: Sales representative Research assistant Sales manager Marketing manager Any marketing-related career

Economics I: Both modules must be passed Module A: Micro- ECN1M1Z before a credit can be obtained economics for the subject. Module B: Macro- ECN1M2Z economics Quantitative Techniques I QTC171R

Third year

10. Advertising and ASP141Y Sales Promotion I 11. Any ONE of the following: Mercantile Law I MLW101Y Law for Marketers I LFM181V

First year
1. 2. 3. Marketing I Personal Selling I End-user Computing I:

Proposed study plan

MAR111Y PSS161Z Both modules (theoretical and practical) must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such EUC131T a centre is available in your region. EUCPRAC The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory.


Fourth year
12. Marketing III MAR332S The examination paper is four hours in duration. Prerequisite: Personal Selling I The examination paper is four hours in duration. Prerequisite: Quantitative Techniques I The examination paper is three hours in duration.

13. Sales Management SMN372U III

14. Marketing Research III MRS352V

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Marketing (Code: BTCMR) 1

Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical

Admission requirements

NDip: Marketing or an equivalent M + 3 qualication in marketing.


Any ONE of the following: Communication in CEA102X English XA Kommunikasie in AFD111T Afrikaans XA Communication in NSA111X Sepedi XA Communication in CSS151X Sesotho XA Communication in SNA111X Xitsonga XA This subject is recommended.

Programme outcomes
Contribute towards organisational strategic planning from a marketing perspective Apply the principles and techniques of marketing in a selected, specialised eld of marketing such as international marketing and retailing Apply the principles and techniques of marketing communication and promotion in a specialised marketing context Apply advanced economic principles to the marketing context Apply selected principles of nancial and management accounting Apply advanced statistical techniques to the marketing context


Career opportunities

This course is aimed at candidates who already have a tertiary marketing qualication and who aspire to middle and top management posts in their particular eld of specialisation. The curriculum of this degree consists of ve subjects:

Magister Technologiae: Marketing (Code: MTMAR)

NB This instructional programme comprises a research project only provided that you have already passed an instructional oering in research methodology.

1. Marketing IV:



Module A: Strategic Management Module B: Strategic Marketing 2.

Prerequisite: Marketing III Concurrent registration for both modules MAR4M1Z and MAR4M2Z is required and both modules must be passed separately before a credit can be obtained for the subject. MAR4M1Z The examination paper is three hours in duration. MAR4M2Z No examination - practical project to be submied for evaluation.

Admission requirements
National Higher Diploma/Baccalaureus Technologiae: Marketing or equivalent qualication in Marketing. An average mark of 60% for the two modules of Marketing IV, that is, Strategic Management (MAR4M1Z) and Strategic Marketing (MAR4M2Z). A nal mark of 60% in either Marketing Research IV or Research Methodology.

Programme outcomes
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the eld/area of investigation Apply research methods and techniques appropriately and correctly

Advanced AMF462Y Marketing Finance IV Applied Promotion IV: Concurrent registration for both modules is required and both modules must be passed separately before a credit can be obtained for the subject.


Career opportunities

Module A: Theory APR4M1Y The examination paper is three hours in duration. Module B: Project APR4M2Y No examination or assignments are needed for this module - a practical project must be submied for evaluation. 4. 5. Marketing Research IV Applied Marketing IV: International Marketing: Module A: Theory TIB4M1R Module B: Project TIB4M2R MRR471Q

This course is aimed at candidates who already have a BTech degree or equivalent marketing qualication and who aspire to middle and top management positions in their particular eld of specialisation.

Contact person
Ocial registration: Research project and dissertation

For further enquiries contact the administrative ocer (011) 471-2041.



Any ONE of the following subjects: Concurrent registration for both modules is required and both modules must be passed separately before a credit can be obtained for the subject. The examination paper is three hours in duration. No examination or assignments are needed for this module a practical project must be submied for evaluation. Concurrent registration for both modules is required and both modules must be passed separately before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

MAR591M To be registered for aer approval of research proposal. This registration is valid for one year.

National Diploma: Ofce Management and Technology (Code: NDOFM) 1

Admission requirements

Applied Marketing IV: Retail Marketing:

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

Experiential learning
Experiential learning has only recently been implemented at Unisa. The onus of securing a placement for experiential learning is on the student, although the University will assist you wherever possible. Two months practical experience is required in the Third year. To complete the subject, Oce Management (Practical), you must hold an administrative position or must undertake to arrange for two months practical experience. You can work in an enterprise temporarily for two months. The reason for this is that instead of an examination, you must hand in a project. The

Module A: Theory TKB4M1H The examination paper is three hours in duration. Module B: Project TKB4M2H No examination or assignments are needed for this module - a practical project must be submied for evaluation.


information required to complete the project must be obtained in a work situation.

2. Information Administration I: Module A: Theoretical




If you want to continue with the Baccalaureus Technologiae: Management qualication, you have to take the following subjects additional to your course, namely Business Management I, II and III. You also have to take Personnel Management I as one of the elective subjects of your current course. (Please note that Business Management I, II and III cannot be taken simultaneously.)

Module B: Practical

Programme outcomes
3. 4. Personnel Management I Mercantile Law I Legal Practice I Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Module 2

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject or to continue to a higher level. IAD121Z Students who register for this module must: submit proof of typing speed (equal to grade 12) have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware IADPRAC The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory.

This qualication is intended for administrative assistants at a senior level in all sectors of the economy. Qualifying students will provide competent and eective management support in the form of an administrative service as well as oce and information management, which requires a range of administrative skills to enable them to plan and execute tasks creatively, professionally and eciently, in accordance with international standards in this eld.

Communication I CBA111P Any ONE of the following: PMA111W MLW101Y LPR181Y Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC1M1X for the subject or to continue to a FAC1M2X higher level. BSA241S Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject or to continue to a higher level. IAD2M1X Students who register for this module must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware. IAD2M2X Students must undergo practical training and a practical examination must be done in Microso Oce.


The qualication is designed and should be presented and assessed in such a way that the following skills of the student are promoted and developed: Identify and solve problems to which responses display that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made regarding administrative sta. Work eectively with others as a member of the administrative function. Organise and manage oneself and ones activities to full ones specic role in the administrative/secretarial function of an entity. Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information to perform basic administrative/secretarial tasks for decisionmaking purposes. Communicate eectively to ensure the best possible service to the other organisational functions. Use science and technology critically to ensure the health of administrative sta. Demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics between the dierent organisational functions as a set of related systems.

Second year
5. 6. Business Administration II Information Administration II: Module A: Theoretical

Module B: Practical

7. 8.

Communication II CBA211P Any ONE of the following subjects NOT PREVIOUSLY TAKEN: Personnel Management I Personnel Management II Mercantile Law I Legal Practice I Legal Practice II: Module A Module B Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Module 2 Financial Accounting II: Module 1 Module 2 PMA111W PMA221S MLW101Y LPR181Y Both modules must be passed LPR2M1W before a credit can be obtained LPR2M2W for the subject. Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC1M1X for the subject or to continue to a FAC1M2X higher level. Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC2M1V for the subject. FAC2M2V

Career opportunities
Personal and executive assistant to managers Administrative posts Oce co-ordinators

In addition to the compulsory subjects, at least ONE elective subject has to be taken up to level II, in order that a total of at least THIRTEEN subjects are oered for the diploma.

Mercantile Law II MLW231P

First year
1. Business Administration I



Third year
9. Business BSA361R Administration III


10. Information Administration III: Module A: Theoretical


Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

Mathematics at matriculation level is recommended.


IAD3M1Y Students who register for this module must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware. IAD3M2Y Students must undergo practical training and a practical examination must be done in Microso Oce. OFM101P


Production manager Production planner Production foreman

Career opportunities

Module B: Practical

First year
1. 2. Operations Management I Operations Management Techniques I Organisational Eectiveness I: Module 1 Module 2 Manufacturing Technology I



11. Oce Management (Practical) (experiential learning)

Students will be exempted automatically from this subject if Business Administration III was completed prior to 2002. Refer to the notes on experiential learning.


12. Any TWO of the following subjects NOT PREVIOUSLY TAKEN: & 13. Personnel Management I Personnel Management II Mercantile Law I Legal Practice I Legal Practice II: Module A Module B Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Module 2 Financial Accounting II: Module 1 Module 2 PMA111W

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained ORE1M1M for the subject. ORE1M2M MFT101M

4. 5.

PMA221S MLW101Y LPR181Y Both modules must be passed LPR2M1W before a credit can be obtained LPR2M2W for the subject. Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC1M1X for the subject or to continue to a FAC1M2X higher level. Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC2M1V for the subject. FAC2M2V 6. 7.

Communication in CEA102X English XA Operations Management II Operations Management Techniques II Organisational Eectiveness II Management Principles and Practice I: Module 1 Module 2 OMN201M OMT201M Prerequisite: OMT101M

Second year

Mercantile Law II MLW231P

8. 9.

ORE202M Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject.


10. End-User Computing I: Module 1 Module 2


Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

National Diploma: Operations Management (Revised) (Code: NDOPM) 1

Third year
9. Operations Management III

Admission requirements

10. Operations Management Techniques III 11. Organisational Eectiveness III 12. Workplace Dynamics I

OMT301M Prerequisite: OMT201M


National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

13. Entrepreneurship I ENT101B

Programme outcomes

A candidate at this level can perform those function activities associated with operations management and will be able to function in various goods and services environments, such as planners schedulers and operations managers, and/or a business environment in commerce and industry, the public sector and the private sector.

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Operations Management (Revised) (Code: BTOPM)

NB This programme replaces the Baccalaureus Technologiae: Production Management.


Admission requirement


Production manager Production planner Production foreman

Career opportunities

National Diploma: Operations Management or National Diploma: Production Management or National Diploma: Organisation and Work Study (Factories) or equivalent qualication (approval on an ad hoc basis).

Programme outcomes

First year
1. 2. Production Management I Organisational Eectiveness I: Module 1 Module 2 Costing and Estimating Production Management II Production Management Techniques II Organisational Eectiveness II Management Principles and Practice I: Module 1 Module 2 Production Management III



This degree will enable a student to become more procient in the production management/operations management eld.

Applied Statistics I APS161Q Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained ORE1M1M for the subject. ORE1M2M CES181T


Production manager Production planner Operations manager

Career opportunities



1. 2. Operations Management IV Operations Management Techniques IV Introduction to Marketing Management I



Second year
5. 6. PRD231Y PMT291X Prerequisite: APS161Q

OMN401M Prerequisite: Operations Management III OMT401M Prerequisite: Operations Management Techniques III IMM101P


7. 8.

ORE202M Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

4. 5.

Financial Planning FPC301P and Control III Research Methodology RMD101P


Third year

National Diploma: Production Management (Phasing out) (Code: NDPRO)

NB This diploma will be phased out from 2006. No rst registrations will be allowed. Students may convert to the revised diploma and apply for credit transfers for similar subjects already passed. Students who are currently registered for this qualication have the opportunity to complete this qualication until 2008.

10. Production Management Techniques III 11. Labour Law 12. The Personnel Function

Prerequisite: PMT291X


National Diploma: Public Management (Code: NDPUB)

NB The study material and examination papers for these subjects are available in English only.

Admission requirements

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

Programme outcomes

Admission requirements

A candidate at this level can perform those function activities associated with operations management and will be able to function in various goods and services environments, such as planners schedulers and operations managers, and/or a business environment in commerce and industry, the public sector and the private sector.

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.


Mathematics at matriculation level is recommended.


Students who are registered for the National Diploma: Public Management may become members of the following professional bodies: South African Association for Public Administration and Management. Address enquiries about Membership to: SAAPAM PO Box 14257


Hateld 0028 Tel: (012) 362 7473/4 or e-mail: saapam@safpum.org.za Institute of Local Government Management of Southern Africa Address enquiries about student membership to: Mr HH van der Spuy Executive Director Institute of Local Government Management of SA PO Box 23507 Port Elizabeth 6000 Tel: (041) 506 3346 Fax: (041) 506 3274 or e-mail: ilgm@agnet.co.za

19. Public Management Practice III



Public Management Practice III involves experiential learning and the submission of a logbook and portfolio. All students must undergo a minimum period of 3 weeks experiential training at any public sector or related institution. Detailed information on the requirements is provided in the relevant tutorial leer. A student cannot obtain the qualication without having successfully completed the requirements for this subject.

First year
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Public Resource Management I Public Oce Management I



Public Information PIN101P Services I Public Service Delivery I Public Decisionmaking I Self Management I: Module I Module 2 Public Financial Management II Public Human Resource Management II PUD101P PDD101P Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Public Management (Code: BTPUB)

NB The study material and examination papers for these subjects are available in English only.


Second year
7. 8. Prerequisite: Public Resource Management I

Admission requirements
A university degree in Public Administration or Public Management. OR One of the following NATIONAL DIPLOMAS (3 year duration): Public Administration Public Management and Administration Public Management


Public Information PIP201P Practices II PMN201P PLM201P

Prerequisite: Public Information Services I Prerequisite: Public Service Delivery I Prerequisite: Public Resource Management I

10. Project Management II 11. Public Procurement and Logistics Management II 12. Fundamentals of Research II



Students who are registered for BTech: Public Management may become members of the following professional bodies: South African Association for Public Administration and Management. Address enquiries about Membership to: SAAPAM PO Box 14257 Hateld 0028 Tel: (012) 362 7473/4 or e-mail: saapam@safpum.org.za Institute of Local Government Management of Southern Africa Address enquiries about student membership to: Mr HH van der Spuy Executive Director Institute of Local Government Management of SA PO Box 23507 Port Elizabeth 6000 Tel: (041) 506 3346 Fax: (041) 506 3274 or e-mail: ilgm@agnet.co.za

Third year
13. Public Financial and Procurement Management III 14. Public Human Resource Management III 15. Management of Information III 16. Intersectoral Collaboration III 17. Policy Studies III 18. Programme Management III PFP301P Prerequisite: Public Financial Management II and Public Procurement and Logistics Management II Prerequisite: Public Human Resource Management II


MAO301P Prerequisite: Public Information Practices II ICO301P PPA301P PGE301P Prerequisite: Project Management II


1. 2. Strategic Public Management IV Strategic Public Human Resource Management IV


Prerequisite: Public Financial and Procurement Management III Prerequisite: Public Human Resource Management III Prerequisite: Public Financial and Procurement Management III Prerequisite: Intersectoral Collaboration III Prerequisite: Policy Studies III Prerequisite: Management of Information III


RPM501M Students whose research proposals have been ratied by Senate must register ocially for the Dissertation upon receiving a leer from the Department.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Public PCC401P Accountability IV Governmental Relations IV Public Policy Management IV Research and Information Management IV GOR401P PPO401P REI401P

Option 2: M Tech: Public Management (Course Work) (Code: MTPUB)

NB Students who have completed a BTech or National Higher Diploma or equivalent qualication in a eld other than Public Management may only register for this option. Students with a BTech: Public Management qualication may choose between Option 1 and Option 2.

Magister Technologiae: Public Management

These rules should be read in conjunction with the general rules and the general information in Part 1 of the Calendar. See General Rules PG11 to PG18 regarding duration of study, reregistration, requirements for dissertation, etc.

Admission requirements for course work

A BTech/National Higher Diploma or equivalent qualication in a eld other than Public Management. Students with a BTech: Public Management qualication may also register for this option if they meet all the requirements. Successful completion of an instructional oering in Research Methodology at level IV before admission can be granted. An applicant must provide a leer from the employer stating that the candidate has been in a supervisory/managerial position for at least 5 years in the public sector.

This instructional programme comprises instructional oerings and a research project with a module, or a dissertation only provided the student has already passed an instructional oering in research methodology. The instructional oerings must involve between 0,0 credits and 0,5 credits, must be at level V, with the concession that a maximum of 0,1 of these credits may be recognised for an instructional oering in Research Methodology. The balance of the instructional oerings must be appropriate to the chosen research theme and must build on prerequisite IV instructional oerings. In their modules/dissertations students must prove that they understand a particular problem in the industry in which they have done research, are able to analyse and set it out logically, are able to arrive at logical conclusions or a diagnosis, and are then able to make proposals for the improvement/ the elimination of the problem. The modules/dissertations must comply with the normal general technical requirements and rules with regard to scope, quality and layout.

NB The study material and examination papers for these subjects are available in english only.

Students must familiarise themselves with the contents of each module when choosing their modules. These six subjects must be completed in a maximum period of 2 years. The subjects and research paper should be completed in a maximum period of three years. If the candidate does not complete her/his studies/research in three years, one extra year may be permied subject to the approval of the head of the department, on recommendation by the supervisor. Should a candidate not complete her/his degree within four years he/ she, in exceptional circumstances and with special permission granted by the Chairperson of the Research Commiee and ratied by the Senate, may re-register for one extra year. These cases will be considered individually on merit. The maximum period of three years referred to above, includes the provisional registration period. The mini-dissertation ( 50 - 60 pages) may be submied for examination only aer all the other requirements, if any, have been met. A print-ready subject-related article based on the research done for the dissertation must be submied at the same time as the dissertation.

Option 1: M Tech: Public Management (Dissertation) (Code: MTPBM) 1

Admission requirements for dissertation

BTech: Public Management or equivalent qualication. Successful completion of an instructional oering in Research Methodology at level IV before admission can be granted.

The dissertation ( 120 pages) may be submied for examination only aer all the other requirements, if any, have been met. A print-ready subject-related article based on the research done for the dissertation must be submied at the same time as the dissertation.


Choose any six of the following modules:



Quality planner Quality manager Quality auditor Quality controller Quality analyst

Career opportunities

Policy Studies V Public Service Delivery V Co-operative Governance V Project Management V Public Human Resource Management V Leadership V Public Financial Management V






It is recommended that students register for the subjects in the sequence indicated.
1. Quality Management Systems III QMS301Q



Total Quality TIP301Q Management Improvement of Business Processes III



The following subjects must be taken for specialisation in Quality Assurance or Total Quality Management: Quality Assurance
3. 4. 5. Statistical Quality SQT301Q Techniques III Statistical Quality SQT401Q Techniques IV Quality Auditing Techniques IV Management Functions III Organisational Techniques for Total Quality Management IV Total Quality Management IV Quality Planning and Implementation IV Project IV QUT401Q Prerequisite: Statistical Quality Techniques III

Research Paper



MDS501M Students whose research proposals have been ratied by Senate must register ocially for the research paper upon receiving a leer from the Department.

Total Quality Management

3. 4. MFU301Q OTT401Q Prerequisite: Management Functions III

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Quality (phasing out) (Code: BTQUA)

NB This degree will be phased out from 2004. No rst registrations will be accepted. Students are requested to convert to the revised curriculum and apply for credit transfers for similar subjects already passed.

5. 6.


Admission requirements



Any M + 3, such as a national diploma, bachelors degree or equivalent. Statistics or mathematics will be an advantage. This degree does not require a specic national diploma due to quality being a universal concept. Therefore if you have a national diploma, the Baccalaureus Technologiae: Quality will enhance your qualication in a quality context.

Students use information gained at the other levels to complete the project, which is researchfocused

Transitional arrangements

Programme outcomes

This degree should enable the student to do the following: Implement a quality management system Eectively audit the system Use statistical methods and techniques in the evaluation of data and present data professionally that could be used to make important quality decisions Continuously improve of all processes in the organisation Plan, implement and manage total quality in an organisation Consistently move the organisation towards excellence by implementing the SA Excellence Model

The last date of registration for students registered for the specialisation area: Total Quality Management will be 2006 (1st and 2nd registration cycle). Should you have any enquiries regarding the phasing out of this specialisation area, please do not hesitate to contact the Call Centre. Subject MFU301Q QTT401Q TQM401Q Last date of registration 2006 2006 2006


Baccalaureus Technologiae: Quality (revised) (Code: BTQLT) 1

Real Estate qualications

National Diploma

First year

Property Valuation I Property Marketing I Property Practice I Property Economics and Finance I and Practical Valuation (experiential training) only for students who want to specialise in property valuation

Admission requirements
Any National Diploma, bachelors degree or equivalent qualication. (Completed via Higher Education and Training). The purpose of this qualication is to enhance your skills in quality management within your eld of specialisation.

Programme outcomes

Second year Property Economics and Finance II Principles of Property Law Any one of the following combinations: Property Valuation II & Law on Property Valuation Property Marketing II & Law on Property Marketing Property Practice II & Law on Property Practice Third year Property Economics and Finance III Any one of the following: Property Valuation III Property Marketing III Property Practice III plus any two of the following: Property Valuation II Property Marketing II Property Practice II Principles of Information Systems Financial Accounting I BTech Fourth year

This degree should enable the student to do the following: Implement a quality management system Eectively audit the system Use statistical methods and techniques in the evaluation of data, and present data professionally that could be used to make important quality decisions Continuously improve all processes in the organisation Plan, implement and manage total quality in an organisation Consistently move the organisation towards excellence by implementing the SA Excellence Model


Quality planner Quality manager Quality auditor Quality controller Quality analyst Quality engineer Reliability engineer

Career opportunities





It is recommended that students register for the subjects in the sequence indicated. Students are recommended to register for only three subjects or fewer per year. Quality Management Systems III QMS301Q
MTech Fih year

Property Economics and Finance IV Research Methodology Advanced Strategic Management IV and any one of the following: Property Valuation IV Property Marketing IV Property Practice IV Research Project and Thesis

2. 3. 4. 5.

Statistical Quality SQT301Q Techniques III Continual Quality CQI401Q Improvement IV Quality Auditing Techniques IV Quality Planning and Implementation IV Quality Techniques IV Project IV: QUT401Q QPI401Q

National Diploma: Real Estate (Property Marketing/Property Practice/Property Valuation) (Code: NDREE) 1
Prerequisite: Statistical Quality Techniques III Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

Admission requirements

6. 7.


National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

Mathematics, Accountancy and Economics at matriculation level are recommended. We recommend that students enrol for QMG101P. Students need only Standard 7/Grade 9 Mathematics to enrol for this course.

Module 1: Research Methodology Module 2: Project


PRT4M2Q Prerequisite: Project IV (Module 1: Research Methodology)

NB The following information applies only to Property Valuation.


In terms of the South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession Act 47 of 2000, a person who wishes to qualify for registration as either a professional associate valuer or professional valuer must: pass the examinations as prescribed or recognised by the SA Council for the Property Valuers Profession in the case of the valuer, have practical experience of work done in property valuation - that is, in the opinion of the Council, experience of adequate variety and of a satisfactory nature and standard and, in the case of an associated valuer, in the opinion of the Council sucient for intended registration. Contact the SA Council for the Property Valuers Profession for further requirements and information. Candidates who enrol for this course for the rst time and intend to apply to register as a professional associate valuer in future must register simultaneously with the SA Council for the Property Valuers Profession as a candidate valuer. Only valuation experience gained aer registering with the Council as a candidate valuer will be taken into account by the Council for registration as a professional associate valuer. The address is: The Registrar The SA Council for the Property Valuers Profession PO Box 114 MENLYN 0063 Tel.: (012) 348-8643/4/5 Fax: (012) 348-7528 Internet address: hp://www.sacpvp.org.za

The student must be in need of nancial assistance. The recipient must be registered as a candidate with the SA Council for the Property Valuers Profession. The student must be registered with a recognised educational institution. The following documents must be aached to the application: Proof of registration with an educational institution Account for the fees Academic progress report/results of the previous year/s Registration as candidate valuer The completed application must be submied to the students branch executive for their consideration and recommendation. The bursary will be paid directly to the educational institution once awarded for the credit of the students account.

Employment opportunities in real estate

Property valuers in the private sector Department of Public Works Department of Land Aairs Transnet The SA Post Oce and Telkom Provincial administrations (roads & works) Local authorities Water and electricity utility institutions Mining houses Property investment organisations Property developers Estate agents Financial institutions

It is suggested that students register with the SA Institute of Valuers (SAIV) as student members. The particulars of the dierent branches are given below.

The addresses of the branches of the SAIV are as follows:

First year




PO Box 18041 WYNBERG 1804 PO Box 14331 HATFIELD 0028 PO Box 362 DURBAN 4000

(021) 762-3313

(021) 797-2235

Programme outcomes

The competent student will be able to apply a practical and theoretical grounding in all the basic aspects of real estate. 1. Property Valuation I (Introduction to Property Valuation) Property Marketing I (Introduction to Property Marketing) PVA141X


(012) 342-9056/7 (012) 342-7574


(031) 309-7431

(031) 309-1298 2. (051) 430-8815


PO Box 300 (051) 448-9431 BLOEMFONTEIN 9300 PO Box 5718 WALMER 6065 (041) 582-2560


(041) 484-1669

3. 4.

Property Practice I PPR161S (Building Practice) Property Economics and Finance I (Introduction to Time Value of Money) PEF171Y Recommended prerequisite subject: Mathematics (Grade 12)

The Internet address is: hp://www.saiv.org.za Dierent branches award prizes to student members of the SAIV who achieve the highest marks in Property Valuation I, II and III in the specic branches.


The South African Institute of Valuers National Bursary Fund

The student must at least have successfully completed the First year and be entering the Second year or Third year of study. The recipient must be studying towards a property valuation qualication. The student should not be in receipt of any study allowance, grant, donation or another bursary.

Practical Valuation PVL301P (experiential learning)

Only students who want to specialise in property valuation must register for this subject.

Second year Programme outcomes

The competent student will be multiskilled in real estate, addressing the market-related needs of the real estate industry and specialising in property marketing or property practice or property valuation. The qualied person would be able to register with the Estate Aairs Board and will be exempted from the Boards examination.


Property Marketing
6. Property Marketing II (Marketing of Residential Property) Principles of Property Law Property Economics and Finance II (Introduction to Property Economics) Law on Property Marketing






11. Property PEF361V Economics and Finance III (Property Finance) 12. Any TWO of the following: & Property 13. Valuation II (Principles of Property Valuation) PVA201U Prerequisite: Property Economics and Finance I

7. 8.


Property Practice II PPR241X (Property Management: Part 1) LPM141P Principles of Information Systems: Both modules (theoretical and practical) must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such a centre is available in your region. The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory.


Property Practice
6. Property Practice II PPR241X (Property Management: Part 1) Principles of Property Law Property Economics and Finance II (Introduction to Property Economics) Law on Property Practice Property Valuation II (Principles of Property Valuation) Principles of Property Law Property Economics & Finance II (Introduction to Property Economics) Law on Property Valuation PPL131U PEF281Z

7. 8.



Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical Prerequisite: Property Economics and Finance I


Property Valuation
6. PVA201U Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Module 2

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC1M1X for the subject. FAC1M2X

7. 8.


Property Practice
10. Property Practice III PPR391B (Property Management: Part 2) 11. Property PEF361V Economics and Finance III (Property Finance) 12. Any TWO of the following: & Property 13. Valuation II (Principles of Property Valuation) Property Marketing II (Marketing of Residential Property) PVA201U Prerequisite: Property Economics and Finance I



Third year Programme outcomes:

The qualifying student will be multiskilled in real estate and able to provide property marketing or property practice or property valuation services to the community, under supervision of a professional or independently where required, thus contributing to the property marketing or property practice or property valuation needs of both rural and urban societies. The qualied person would register with the South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession.


Property Marketing
10. Property Marketing III (Marketing of Commercial and Industrial Property) PMA381Q


Principles of Information Systems:


Both modules (theoretical and practical) must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such a centre is available in your region. The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory.

Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Module 2



Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC1M1X for the subject. FAC1M2X

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Real Estate (Property Marketing/Property Practice/Property Valuation) (Code: BTRLS) 1

Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical


Admission requirements

National Diploma: Real Estate (Property Marketing/Property Practice/ Property Valuation) or equivalent applicable qualication with Property Economics and Finance II and III.

Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Module 2

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC1M1X for the subject. FAC1M2X

Programme outcomes

Property Valuation
10. Property PVA371W Valuation III (Property Valuation for Expropriation and Special purposes) 11. Property PEF361V Economics & Finance III (Property Finance) 12. Any TWO of the following: & Property Practice II PPR241X 13. (Property Management: Part 1) Property Marketing II (Marketing of Residential Property) Principles of Information Systems: PMA291V

The qualifying student will be able to independently provide and manage specialised property marketing or property practice or property valuation services to the community, thus contributing to the real estate needs of both rural and urban societies.



Prerequisite: Property Economics & Finance III and Research Methodology Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

Property Economics and Finance IV (Property Investment): Module A: Theory PEF4M1Z Module B: PEF4M2Z Research Project Advanced Strategic Management IV: Module A: Strategic Management Module B: Management IV: Real Estate Research Methodology



Concurrent registration for both modules AST411A and AST451E is essential and both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical


Both modules (theoretical and practical) must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such a centre is available in your region. The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory.



The following subject must be taken for specialisation in Property Marketing/Property Practice/Property Valuation:
4. Any ONE of the following: Property Marketing IV (Property Marketing Research): Module A: Theory PMA4M1Y PMA4M2Y Module B: Research Project Property Practice IV PPR451H (Property Development) Prerequisite: Property Marketing III and Research Methodology Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

Prerequisite: Property Practice III




Prerequisite: Property Valuation III and Research Methodology Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

Property Valuation IV (Advanced Property Valuation and Development Appraisals): Module A: Theory PVA4M1Q PVA4M2Q Module B: Research Project

environment). Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

Programme outcomes

This course is aimed at candidates who are interested in or who are already practising the managing of risks, SHE (safety, health and environmental) aspects or nancial administration of the safety budget in an organisation.

Magister Technologiae: Real Estate (Property Marketing/Property Practice/Property Valuation) (Code: MTRLS)
NB This instructional programme comprises a research project only provided that you have already passed an instructional oering in research methodology.

Career opportunities
Loss control ocers Practising safety/loss control experts Training ocers in loss control Management posts in security/loss control Safety managers Risk control managers

Admission requirements

First year



Baccalaureus Technologiae: Real Estate (Property Marketing/Property Practice/Property Valuation) or equivalent applicable qualication.

Occupational OHS101S Health and Safety Law I Safety Principles and Practice I SPP101S

Programme outcomes

2. 3. 4.

The qualifying student will be able to independently do and manage real estate research under supervision of a professional specialising in property marketing or property practice or property valuation, thus contributing to the real estate needs of both rural and urban societies.

Risk Management I RMN111Z Language and Life Both modules must be passed Skills I: before a credit can be obtained Module 1 LSK1M1C for the subject. Module 2 LSK1M2C End-user Computing I: Both modules (theoretical and practical) must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such EUC131T a centre is available in your region. EUCPRAC The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory.

This programme comprises a thesis only.



In their theses, students must prove that they understand a particular problem in the industry in which they have done research, are able to analyse and set it out logically, are able to arrive at logical conclusions or a diagnosis, and are then able to make proposals for the improvement/ elimination of the problem. The thesis must comply with the normal general technical requirements and rules with regard to scope, quality and layout.

Contact persons
Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical

For further information contact (011) 471-2287 or (011) 471-3102 before registration.

Ocial registration: Research project and dissertation


To be registered for aer approval of research proposal. This registration is valid for one year.

Second year
6. Occupational OHS201S Health and Safety Law II

National Diploma: Safety Management (Code: NDSMN) 1

Admission requirements

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication (preferably students who are already employed in the industry or mine


7. Safety Principles and Practice II: Theory Practical


Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. 1.

Safety Management IV


Prerequisite: Safety Management III or Mining Loss Control III/Industrial Loss Control III and Safety Management Law III/ Occupational Health and Safety Law III Concurrent registration for both modules AST411A and AST431C is essential and both modules must be passed separately before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

This module is available for exemption purposes only. A compulsory course in training techniques (e.g. coaching for students, or similar course) must also be completed before a credit can be obtained for this module.


8. 9.

The Personnel Function Business Management I: Module 1 Module 2

PEF131V 3. Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained BSM1M1P for the subject. BSM1M2P 4.

Advanced Strategic Management IV: Module A: Strategic Management Module B: Strategic Safety Management Research Methodology



Risk Management RSM271Z II

Third year
10. Occupational OHS301S Health and Safety Law III 11. Safety Management III 12. Financial Management I 13. Quantitative Techniques I SMN301S FMV151Q QTC171R Prerequisite: Safety Principles & Practice II

National Diploma: Small Business Management (Phasing out) (Code: NDSBM)

NB This diploma will be phased out from 2006. No rst registrations will be allowed. Students may convert to the revised diploma and apply for credit transfers for similar subjects already passed. If this is your rst experience of studying via distance education, it is strongly recommended that you register for a maximum of only two subjects in your rst year of study.

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Safety Management (Code: BTSMN) 1

Admission requirements

Admission requirements

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

National Diploma: Safety Management or equivalent qualication with Safety Management III or Mining Loss Control III/Industrial Loss Control III and Safety Management Law III/ Occupational Health and Safety Law III.

Experiential learning
Experiential learning has only recently been implemented at Unisa. Information regarding experiential learning will be conveyed to a student. The onus of securing a placement for experiential learning is on the student, although the University will assist you wherever possible. There is no wrien examination in this subject. An oral examination is conducted by way of presenting a business plan for a proposed new enterprise before a panel of evaluators. This panel is composed of the examiner, the moderator, a representative from a nancial institution and an expert in the eld of the proposed enterprise.

Programme outcomes

This course is aimed at candidates who are interested in or already practising in the eld of safety and risk or who will specialise in managing all the risks, safety/risk audits, incident costs as well as the environmental aspects in an industry or mine.

Career opportunities
Managing loss control ocers Managing practising security/loss control experts Managing training ocers in loss control Management posts in security/loss control Managing safety personnel Managing the risk control function

The National Diploma consists of thirteen subjects. Seven of the subjects are compulsory: Small Business Management I, II and III Credit Control I Communication I Administrative Management I Small Business Practice (experiential learning) The optional major subject, which must be taken up to third-year level, must be chosen from the list of optional subjects. A further three optional subjects must be chosen from the list of optional subjects.


Students could qualify to register for the Baccalaureus Technologiae: Business Administration aer completion of this diploma (refer to the curriculum of the Baccalaureus Technologiae: Business Administration for more information on the Admission requirements and curriculum).




Module A: SBM111A Entrepreneurship and How to Establish your Own Business Module D: Management of a Small Business 2. 3. Credit Control I An optional level I major subject chosen from the list of optional subjects. This subject must be taken in the second and third years as an optional major subject. Communication I CBA111P Any ONE choice subject from the list of optional subjects Small Business Management II: Any TWO of the following: Module B: SBM121B Basic Principles of Financial Management for a Small Business Module C: Marketing for a Small Business Module E: How to Franchise Your Own Business SBM131C Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can be obtained. SBM141D

Programme outcomes

The qualifying person will be able to do the following: Individually develop and manage an SMME and/or a section of a department in an existing SMME and/or share expert knowledge Apply the principles of marketing Render services related to the marketing and leasing of commercial and industrial properties and the management of an estate agency Administer properties (practice property management) Manage production Ensure organisational eectiveness State the basic principles of industrial relations and industrial law Apply principles of cost and management accounting Perform administrative tasks in an administrative oce Develop a holistic overview and understanding of the establishment and functioning of an enterprise


4. 5. 6.

Second year

Additional information
The current list of optional subjects oered by Unisa can be combined successfully with Small Business Management. Students who want to start their own business and have a specic eld of interest must choose an appropriate major subject and optional subjects. For example, students interested in the building industry (construction company) or a marketing business, e.g. an advertising agency, can choose either Property Practice or Marketing as a second major subject. Knowledge of small business management and the related elds of enterprise will be acquired simultaneously from the combination of major subjects. Subjects may also be chosen to supplement your existing skills and knowledge.


Career opportunities

The National Diploma: Small Business Management incorporates entrepreneurship, which is central to the whole course. On completion of this course, you can follow any of the following career paths: Start, manage and grow your own business enterprise Work in an existing business enterprise Be a business consultant Be a business training consultant Be a small business development ocer in the public and/or private sector Manage and initiate growth in an existing business enterprise

Module K: SBM111K Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Skills Module H: SBM161H Human Resource Management for a Small Business 7. 8. 9. Administrative Management I ADB121S

Any level II major subject chosen from the list of optional subjects Any ONE optional subject from the list of optional subjects SBM361V SBP301S Refer to notes on experiential learning.

Third year

Contact person

10. Small Business Management III 11. Small Business Practice (experiential training)

For further enquiries contact th administrative ocers at (011) 471-2620 or (011) 471-3674.

First year
1. Small Business Management I:


Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can be obtained.

12. Any level III major subject chosen from the list of optional subjects 13. Any ONE additional subject from the list of optional subjects

Optional subjects:
1. 2. 3. Marketing I Marketing II Marketing III MAR111Y MAR221U MAR332S


4. Property Marketing I (Introduction to Property Marketing) Property Marketing II (Marketing of Residential Property) Property Marketing III (Marketing of Commercial and Industrial Property)


1.4 1.5






7. 8.

Property Practice I PPR161S (Building Practice) Property Practice II PPR241X (Property Management: Part 1) Property Practice III PPR391B (Property Management: Part 2) PSS161Z PRD121X Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can ORE1M1M be obtained. ORE1M2M LRL241P CES181T

curriculum, must transfer to the NHC; Accountancy. If a student needs only one subject to complete the old curriculum, the student can contact the School of Accounting Sciences for advice. All students wishing to register for a BTech degree are referred to section C. All students wishing to register for a Masters degree are referred to section D. Your aention is also drawn to the following: The course and communication material for accountingrelated subjects and modules are oered in English only. Examination papers are also set in English only. Although a National Higher Certicate may be completed in a minimum period of two years and a National Diploma in one year (new curriculum) or three years (old curriculum), you are strongly advised to register for the qualications as set out in this calendar or over a longer period. Students who did not obtain at least a D symbol for English second language and Mathematics standard grade at matric level are strongly advised to register for only Communication I and Business Calculations I during their rst registration period.


Section A: National Higher Certicates

NB All students registering for the rst time must register for the National Higher Certicate (NHC): Accountancy (Section A1) or the National Higher Certicate (NHC): Financial Information Systems (Section A2).

10. Personal Selling I 11. Production Management I 12. Organisational Eectiveness I: Module 1 Module 2 13. Labour Relations and Law II 14. Costing and Estimating

A1 National Higher Certicate: Accountancy (Code: HSACC)

The National Higher Certicate: Accountancy provides an introduction to all the dierent accounting-related elds. The National Higher Certicate: Accountancy is the prerequisite for a diploma specialising in Financial Accounting and Corporate Law, Cost and Management Accounting, Internal Auditing or Taxation. All students registering for the rst time for an accounting-related qualication must register for the National Higher Certicate. Aer completion of this National Higher Certicate, students can elect to register for one of the national diplomas mentioned above. Each national diploma consists of 10 modules and may be completed in a minimum of one year. The curriculum consists of the following 20 modules:

C h a p t e r

School of Accounting Sciences

Very Important Notice 1

First year
1. Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Financial Accounting I: Module 2 Business Calculations I



All new students registering for a vocational post-matric qualication in Accounting for the rst time must register for the National Higher Certicate (NHC): Accountancy or the National Higher Certicate (NHC): Financial Information Systems. The NHC: Accountancy is the prerequisite for a diploma specialising in Accounting, Cost and Management Accounting, Internal Auditing or Taxation. Please refer to section A. Only students who hold a completed NHC: Accountancy can register for one of the National Diplomas under the new curriculum. This also applies to students with a relevant post-matric qualication evaluated at NQF level 5. Please refer to section B. Students who were registered for the old curriculum of the National Diploma Accounting, Cost and Management Accounting, Internal Auditing or Taxation in 2006 or before, and did not complete the old



3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Communication I CNL101A (Language) Cost Accounting I CTA101A Commercial Law for Accountants I Entrepreneurial Skills I Economics I: Module 1 CLA101A EPS101E ECN1M1Z




9. Economics I: Module 2



Entrepreneurial Skills I Economics I: Module 1


10. Business BSS1M1I Information Systems I: Module 1

During the fourth registration period, students should register for: Financial Accounting II: Module 1 Cost Accounting II: Module 1 Prerequisite: Financial Accounting I Prerequisite: Financial Accounting I Commercial Law for Accountants II: Module 1 Business Information Systems I: Module 2 Auditing II: Module 2 FAC2M1V CTA2M1A CLA2M1A BSS1M2I AUD2M2W

Second year
11. Financial Accounting II: Module 1 12. Financial Accounting II: Module 2 FAC2M1V


13. Commercial Law CLA2M1A Prerequisite: Commercial Law for for Accountants II: Accountants I Module 1 14. Commercial Law CLA2M2A Prerequisite: Commercial Law for for Accountants II: Accountants I Module 2 15. Cost Accounting II: Module 1 16. Cost Accounting II: Module 2 CTA2M1A Prerequisite: Cost Accounting I CTA2M2A Prerequisite: Cost Accounting I

During the h registration period, students should register for: Financial Accounting II: Module 2 Cost Accounting II: Module 2 Commercial Law for Accountants II: Module 2 Economics I: Module 2 Taxation I FAC2M2V CTA2M2A CLA2M2A ECN1M2Z TAX151R

17. Business BSS1M2I Information Systems I: Module 2 18. Auditing II: Module 1 19. Auditing II: Module 2 20. Taxation I AUD2M1W Prerequisite: Financial Accounting I AUD2M2W Prerequisite: Financial Accounting I TAX151R Prerequisite: Financial Accounting I

Aer completion of the NHC: Accountancy, students can elect to register for one of the following national diplomas according to the new curriculum (indicated in brackets): ND: Accounting (refer to section B1) ND: Cost and Management Accounting (refer to section B2) ND: Internal Auditing (refer to section B4) ND: Taxation (refer to section B5)

Possible career opportunities


Both modules of a subject must be passed before credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained. Students who register for Business Information Systems I: Module 2 (BSS1M2I) must have access to a computer with a CDROM drive and a printer.

Accounting assistant Junior bookkeeper Accounting technician Internal audit technician


Finance and accounting assistant Auditing assistant

Students are strongly advised to register for the modules of the NHC as indicated below. Students may register for fewer modules, depending on their personal circumstances, but are strongly advised against registering for more. There are two registration periods per year. It is recommended that the NHC be completed over ve registration periods (three years), as follows: During the rst registration period, students should register for: Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Business Calculations I Communication I (Language) FAC1M1X BSC101A CNL101A

Accounting assistant Auditing assistant

A2 National Higher Certicate: Financial Information Systems (Code: HCFIS)

The NHC: Financial Information Systems combines training in accounting and related elds with the eld of information technology. This qualication can serve as an entrance to the professional sectors within the accountancy eld. Students who register for the rst time must register for the NHC: Financial Information Systems. Aer completion of the NHC students can register for the National Diploma: Financial Information Systems. The National Diploma consists of 10 modules and may be completed in a minimum of one year. The curriculum consists of the following 20 modules:

During the second registration period, students should register for: Financial Accounting I: Module 2 Cost Accounting I Commercial Law for Accountants I FAC1M2X CTA101A CLA101A

During the third registration period, students should register for: Business Information Systems I: Module 1 Auditing II: Module 1 BSS1M1I AUD2M1W


First year
1. Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Financial Accounting I: Module 2



There are two registration periods per year. It is recommended that the National Higher Certicate: Financial Information Systems be completed over ve registration periods (three years), as follows: During the rst registration period, students should register for: Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Financial information Systems I: Module 1 Business Calculations I FAC1M1X FSY1M1X BUC101F




Financial FSY1M1X Information Systems I: Module 1 Financial FSY1M2Y Information Systems I: Module 2 Business Calculations I BUC101F

During the second registration period, students should register for: Financial Accounting I: Module 2 Financial information Systems I: Module 2 Cost Accounting I FAC1M2X FSY1M2Y CTA101A


5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

During the third registration period, students should register for: Soware Skills I: Module 1 Entrepreneurial Skills Communication I (Language) Auditing II: Module 1 SWS1M1J EPS101E CNL101A AUD2M1W

Communication I CNL101A (Language) Cost Accounting I CTA101A Commercial Law for Accountants I Entrepreneurial Skills I CLA101A EPS101E SWS1M1J

10. Soware Skills I: Module 1

During the fourth registration period, students should register for: Financial Accounting II: Module 1 FAC2M1V FSY2M14 CTA2M1A CLA101A AUD2M2W

Second year
11. Financial Accounting II: Module 1 12. Financial Accounting II: Module 2 13. Financial Information Systems II: Module 1 14. Financial Information Systems II: Module 2 15. Cost Accounting II: Module 1 16. Cost Accounting II: Module 2 17. Soware Skills I: Module 2 18. Auditing II: Module 1 19. Auditing II: Module 2 20. Taxation I FAC2M1V Prerequisite: Financial Accounting I FAC2M2V Prerequisite: Financial Accounting I FSY2M14 Prerequisite: Financial Information Systems I

Financial Information Systems II: Module 1 Cost Accounting II: Module 1 Commercial Law for Accountants I Auditing II: Module 2

During the h registration period, students should register for: Financial Accounting II: Module 2 FAC2M2V FSY2M25 CTA2M2A SWS1M2K TAX151R


Prerequisite: Financial Information Systems I

Financial Information Systems II: Module 2 Cost Accounting II: Module 2 Soware Skills I: Module 2 Taxation I

CTA2M1A Prerequisite: Cost Accounting I CTA2M2A SWS1M2K

AUD2M1W Prerequisite: Financial Accounting

Aer completion of the National Higher Certicate: Financial Information Systems, students can register for the National Diploma: Financial Information Systems (refer to section B3). The new curriculum of the National Diploma: Financial Information Systems will be oered from 2008 onwards.


AUD2M2W Prerequisite: Financial Accounting


Prerequisite: Financial Accounting I

Possible career opportunities


Both modules of a subject must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained. Students who register for Financial Information Systems I: Modules 1 and 2 (FSY1M1X & FSY1M2Y) must have access to a computer and a printer.

Accounting assistant Junior bookkeeper Assistant database administrator Junior computer auditor


Finance and accounting assistant Assistant database administrator Junior computer auditor

You are strongly advised to register for the modules as indicated below. You may register for fewer modules, depending on your personal circumstances, but are strongly advised against registering for more.

Accounting assistant Junior computer auditor


Section B: National Diplomas

NB Students who were registered for the old curriculum of the National Diploma: Accounting, Cost and Management Accounting, Internal Auditing or Taxation in or before 2006, and did not complete the old curriculum, must transfer to the National Higher Certicate: Accountancy. If a student needs only one subject to complete the old curriculum, the student can contact the School of Accounting Sciences for advice. The ve national diplomas described below each has Financial Accounting III as a major subject. The other major subject(s) for each national diploma relate(s) to a specic specialisation area.

8. 9. Taxation II: Module 2 Business Information Systems II: Module 1


Prerequisite: Taxation I Prerequisite: Business Information Systems I

10. Business information Systems II: Module 2


Prerequisite: Business Information Systems I

Both modules of a subject must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained.

B1 National Diploma: Accounting (Code: NDACC) 1

Admission requirements

Students are strongly advised to register for the modules of the National Diploma as indicated below. You may register for fewer modules, depending on your personal circumstances, but are strongly advised against registering for more. There are two registration periods per year. It is recommended that the National Diploma be completed over three registration periods (two years), as follows: During the rst registration period, students should register for:

Only students with a completed National Higher Certicate: Accountancy or another equivalent NQF level 5 qualication may register for this programme.

Purpose of qualication

Financial Accounting III: Module 1 Financial Accounting III: Module 2 Taxation II: Module 1 Taxation II: Module 2


Please note that this National Diploma has Advanced Law III as a major subject, in addition to Financial Accounting III and Management Accounting III. The purpose of this qualication is to provide competence in performing accounting and reporting functions, rendering taxation services and performing company secretarial functions on a routine basis. The successful student will be able to analyse and manage accounting information in order to provide independent accounting services and act as an accounting ocer.

During the second registration period, students should register for: Management Accounting III: Module 1 Advanced Law III: Module 1 Business Information Systems II: Module 1 MNA3M1G TAL3M18 BSS2M1F


During the third registration period, students should register for: Management Accounting III: Module 2 Auditing III: Module 1 Business Information Systems II: Module 2 MNA3M2H AUD3M1S BSS2M2G

The curriculum consists of 10 modules, which may be completed in a minimum of one year.

1. Financial Accounting III: Module 1 Financial Accounting III: Module 2 Management Accounting III: Module 1 Management Accounting III: Module 2



FNA3M1Y Prerequisite: Financial Accounting II FNA3M23 Prerequisite: Financial Accounting II

MNA3M1G Prerequisite: Cost Accounting II

BTech studies



Students intending to continue with a BTech degree aer completing a national diploma are advised to rather register for one of the following national diplomas: ND: Cost and Management Accounting (refer to section B2) ND: Internal Auditing (refer to section B4) ND: Taxation (refer to section B5)


MNA3M2H Prerequisite: Cost Accounting II

Possible career opportunities

5. 6. 7.

Advanced Law III: TAL3M18 Module 1 Auditing III: Module 1 Taxation II: Module 1

Prerequisite: Commercial Law for Accountants II


AUD3M1S Prerequisite: Auditing II TXT2M16 Prerequisite: Taxation I

Financial accountant Management accountant Company secretarial assistant


State accountant Budgetary control ocer



Accountant Accounting ocer: Close corporations Taxation services provider


Both modules of a subject must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained. Students are strongly advised to register for the modules of the National Diploma as indicated below. You may register for fewer modules, depending on your personal circumstances, but are strongly advised against registering for more. There are two registration periods per year. It is recommended that the National Diploma be completed over three registration periods, as follows: During the rst registration period, students should register for: Financial Accounting III: Module 1 Financial Accounting III: Module 2 Taxation II: Module 1 Taxation II: Module 2 FNA3M1Y FNA3M23 TXT2M16 TXT2M28

B2 National Diploma: Cost and Management Accounting (Code: NDCOS) 1

Admission requirements

Only students with a completed National Higher Certicate: Accountancy or another equivalent NQF 5 level qualication may register for this programme.

Purpose of qualication

Please note that this National Diploma has Management Accounting III as a major subject, in addition to Financial Accounting III. The purpose of this qualication is to provide competence in performing accounting and reporting functions, performing costing and management accounting functions and rendering taxation services and management advisory services on a routine basis. The successful student will be able to assist management accountants and small business in performing costing functions, nancial and management accounting functions and rendering management advisory services.

During the second registration period, students should register for: Management Accounting III: Module 1 Corporate Procedures II Business Statistics II MNA3M1G CPR201W TBS2018

During the third registration period, students should register for: Management Accounting III: Module 2 Organisational Management III: Module 1 Organisational Management III: Module 2 MNA3M2H OGM3M1C OGM3M2D


The curriculum for the National Diploma: Cost and Management Accounting consists of 10 modules, which may be completed in a minimum of one year.

Possible career opportunities


1. Financial Accounting III: Module 1 Financial Accounting III: Module 2 Management Accounting III: Module 1 Management Accounting III: Module 2 Organisational Management III: Module 1 Organisational Management III: Module 2 Corporate Procedures II Taxation II: Module 1 Taxation II: Module 2



Financial accountant Management accountant Cost accountant

FNA3M1Y Prerequisite: Financial Accounting II FNA3M23 Prerequisite: Financial Accounting II

MNA3M1G Prerequisite: Cost Accounting II



State accountant Budgetary control ocer



Accountant Accounting ocer: Close corporations Taxation services provider


MNA3M2H Prerequisite: Cost Accounting II

B3 National Diploma: Financial Information Systems 1



Admission requirements



7. 8. 9.


Prerequisite: Commercial Law for Accountants I Prerequisite: Taxation I Prerequisite: Taxation I Prerequisite: Business Calculations I

Only students with a completed National Higher Certicate: Financial Information Systems may register for the new curriculum of this programme.

Purpose of qualication

10. Business Statistics II TBS2018

The purpose of this qualication is to provide competence in performing both accounting functions and nancial information systems functions.


The successful student will be able to perform accounting and reporting functions, commercial data processing functions and nancial information systems functions.

6. 6. OR



Communication I CBA111P Cost and Management Accounting II: Module 1 Module 2

Old curriculum (Code: NDFNI)


NB The curriculum below is being phased out. The last year of registration for this curriculum of the Diploma will be 2007. OR

This subject is being oered for the last time in 2005. Prerequisite: Cost and Management Accounting I Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained. This subject is being oered for the last time in 2005. Prerequisite: Internal Auditing I The content of these modules will change with eect from 2005. Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained. This subject will be oered for the last time in 2006 for this National Diploma. Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained. Students familiar with the use of computers are advised to register for these modules concurrently.

First year
1. 2. Financial Accounting I Cost and Management Accounting I



This subject is no longer oered. This subject is no longer oered. This subject is being oered for the last time in 2005. This subject is no longer oered. All three modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained. See year 2. Students who passed this subject under the code FIL101F do not have to complete the modules FIL1M1F, FIL1M2F and FIL1M3F. Students who registered for and passed both modules FIL1M1F and FIL1M2F during the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd registration cycles of 2000 and 2001 do not have to complete module FIL1M3F


Internal Auditing II: Module 1 IOU2M1Z Module 2 IOU2M2Z



Internal Auditing I IOU191Y

4.1 Financial Information Systems I:

Third year
7. Development Soware I: Module 1: Programming Concepts DEV1M1I

Module 2: Program Implementation 8.


Students should have access to a Word Processor and Browser.

Module 1: Theory FIL1M1F Module 2: Word Processing and Spreadsheets FIL1M2F Students should have access to Microso Word and Excel (97/2000).

Second year
4.2 Financial Information Systems I: Module 3: PC Databases 5. Financial Accounting II: Module 1 Module 2 FIL1M3F Students should have access to Microso Access (2000). 9.

Financial Information Systems II: Module 1: FIL2M1F Structured Systems Analysis and Design Module 2: Object- FIL2M2F Oriented Systems Analysis and Design

This subject will be oered for the last time in 2006. Prerequisites: Financial Information Systems I. Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained. Module FIL2M2F must be done either in conjunction with or aer module FIL2M1F. Prerequisite: Financial Accounting II An up-to-date knowledge of the latest tax legislation is required for Financial Accounting III. Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained.

Financial Accounting III: Module 1 Module 2 FNA3M1Y FNA3M23


This subject is being oered for the last time in 2005 for this National Diploma. Prerequisite: Financial Accounting I Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained.


10. Cost and Management Accounting III: Module 1


This subject will be oered for the last time in 2006. Prerequisite: Cost and Management Accounting II Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained. This subject will be oered for the last time in 2006. Prerequisite: Internal Auditing II Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained. This subject is no longer oered. Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained. If you have not passed this module yet, you must now register for TXT2M28 and apply for credit once you have passed TXT2M28. If you have not passed this module yet, you must now register for TAX151R & TXT2M16 and apply for credit once you have passed TAX151R & TXT2M16. This subject will be oered for the last time in 2007. Prerequisites: Development Soware I and Financial Information Systems I. This subject will be oered for the last time in 2007. Prerequisites: Development Soware II and Financial Information Systems II Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained. This subject will be oered for the last time in 2007. Prerequisite: Development Soware I

New curriculum (Code: NDFIS)

NB The new curriculum will be oered from 2008 onwards. Students who have completed the NHC: Financial Information Systems and intend to register for the new curriculum of the National Diploma can contact the School of Accounting Sciences for advice.


Module 2 OR 10. Internal Auditing III: Module 1 Module 2




The curriculum consists of 10 modules, which may be completed in a minimum of one year.

B4 National Diploma: Internal Auditing (Code: NDINT) 1

OR 10. Taxation I:

Admission requirements

Only students with a completed National Higher Certicate: Accountancy or another equivalent NQF 5 level qualication may register for this programme.

Module 1


Purpose of qualication

Please note that this National Diploma has Internal Auditing III as a major subject, in addition to Financial Accounting III. The purpose of this qualication is to provide competence in performing accounting and reporting functions, performing internal audit functions and rendering taxation services and management assurance services on a routine basis. The successful student will be able to perform internal audit functions as a supervised member of an internal audit team.

Module 2


Fourth year
11. Development Soware II DEV201I


The curriculum consists of 10 modules, which may be completed in a minimum of one year.

1. Financial Accounting III: Module 1 Financial Accounting III: Module 2 Internal Auditing III: Module 1 Internal Auditing III: Module 2 Business Information Systems II: Module 1 Business Information Systems II: Module 2 Taxation II: Module 1



FNA3M1Y Prerequisite: Financial Accounting II FNA3M23 Prerequisite: Financial Accounting II IOU3M1V Prerequisite: Auditing II Module 1 and 2 IOU3M2V Prerequisite: Auditing II Module 1 and 2 BSS2M1F Prerequisite: Business Information Systems I

12. Financial Information Systems III: Module 1: Advanced Databases Module 2: Project Management



3. 4. 5.

13. Programming I




Prerequisite: Business Information Systems I



Prerequisite: Taxation I


8. 9. Taxation II: Module 2 Corporate Procedures II


Prerequisite: Taxation I

B5 National Diploma: Taxation (Code: NDTXT) 1

Admission requirements

10. Statistics II

Prerequisite: Business Calculations I

Only students with a completed National Higher Certicate: Accountancy or another equivalent NQF 5 level qualication may register for this programme.


Both modules of a subject must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained. Students are strongly advised to register for the modules of the National Diploma as indicated below. You may register for fewer modules, depending on your personal circumstances, but are strongly advised against registering for more. There are two registration periods per year. It is recommended that the National Diploma be completed over three registration periods, as follows: During the rst registration period, students should register for: Financial Accounting III: Module 1 Financial Accounting III: Module 2 Taxation II: Module 1 Taxation II: Module 2 FNA3M1Y FNA3M23 TXT2M16 TXT2M28

Purpose of qualication

Please note that this National Diploma has Auditing III and Advanced Law III as major subjects, in addition to Financial Accounting III. The purpose of this qualication is to provide competence in performing accounting and reporting functions, rendering taxation services and management advisory services on a routine basis. The successful student will be able to provide independent accounting and taxation services and act as an accounting ocer.


The curriculum consists of 10 modules, which may be completed in a minimum of one year.

During the second registration period, students should register for: Internal Auditing III: Module 1 Business Information Systems II: Module 1 Corporate Procedures II IOU3M1V BSS2M1F CPR201W

1. Financial Accounting III: Module 1 Financial Accounting III: Module 2 Auditing III: Module 1 Auditing III: Module 1



FNA3M1Y Prerequisite: Financial Accounting II FNA3M23 Prerequisite: Financial Accounting II AUD3M1S Prerequisite: Auditing II AUD3M2S Prerequisite: Auditing II Prerequisite: Commercial Law for Accountants II Prerequisite: Commercial Law for Accountants II Prerequisite: Taxation I Prerequisite: Taxation I


During the third registration period, students should register for: Internal Auditing III: Module 2 Business Information Systems II: Module 2 Statistics II IOU3M2V BSS2M2G TST201A

3. 4. 5. 6.

Advanced Law III: TAL3M18 Module 1 Advanced Law III: TAL3M29 Module 2 Taxation II: Module 1 Taxation II: Module 2 Management Accounting III: Module 1 TXT2M16 TXT2M28

Possible career opportunities

7. 8. 9.

Internal auditor Financial accountant Risk manager

MNA3M1G Prerequisite: Cost Accounting II


Internal auditor State accountant Budgetary control ocer Risk manager

10. Management Accounting III: Module 2 OR 9. Business Information Systems II: Module 1

MNA3M2H Prerequisite: Cost Accounting II


Accountant Accounting ocer: Close corporations Taxation services provider Internal auditor Risk manager


Prerequisite: Business Information Systems I

10. Business Information Systems II: Module 2


Prerequisite: Business Information Systems I



Admission requirements

Both modules of a subject must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Credits per module are retained. Students are strongly advised to register for the modules of the National Diploma as indicated below. You may register for fewer modules, depending on your personal circumstances, but are strongly advised against registering for more. There are two registration periods per year. It is recommended that the National Diploma be completed over three registration periods, as follows: During the rst registration period, students should register for: Financial Accounting III: Module 1 Financial Accounting III: Module 2 Taxation II: Module 1 Taxation II: Module 2 FNA3M1Y FNA3M23 TXT2M16 TXT2M28

Only candidates with one of the following national diplomas: National Diploma: Accounting National Diploma: Finance and Accounting (Public) National Diploma: Cost and Management Accounting National Diploma: Internal Audit National Diploma: Taxation OR and equivalent qualication containing as part of its curriculum: Corporate Law 2/Commercial Law 2 Financial Accounting 3 Economics 1 may register for this qualication.

1. 2. 3. 4. Advanced Corporate Procedures Financial Reporting IV module 1 Research Methodology Corporate Mercantile Law Human Resource Management II Labour Relations and LawII Financial Reporting IV module 2

ACP412A FRP4M1U RME201P CML111A Business Law I

Corporate Law II Financial Accounting III

During the second registration period, students should register for: Advanced Law III: Module 1 Advanced Law III: Module 2 Management Accounting III: Module 1 OR Business Information Systems II: Module 1 BSS2M1F TAL3M18 TAL3M29 MNA3M1G

AND 5. 6. OR 5. 6. BSS2M2G 7. FRP4M2V Financial Accounting III MHB201Q LRL241P

During the third registration period, students should register for: Auditing III: Module 1 Auditing III: Module 2 Management Accounting III: Module 2 OR Business Information Systems II: Module 2 AUD3M1S AUD3M2S MNA3M2H

Financial Management IV FMN4M1Q Financial Accounting III module 1 Financial Management IV FMN4M2R module 2 Financial Accounting III

Possible career opportunities

1. 2. 3.


Transitional arrangements
Students who previously passed Corporate Reporting (AAC411A) receive credit for FRP4M1U. Students who previously passed Corporate Reporting (AAC411A) and Interpretation of Financial Statements (AAC421B) receive credit for FRP4M2V. Students who previously passed Financial Management (AAC431C) receive credit for FMN4M1Q and FMN4M2R. IV IV IV IV

Financial accountant Management accountant Tax ocer

Tax auditor State accountant State auditor


Accountant Accounting ocer: Close corporations Taxation services provider

Section C: Baccalaureus Technologiae Degrees

NB The degree will not be conferred on candidates who have previously been issued with a similar national higher diploma.

C2 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Cost and Management Accounting (Code: BTCMA)

NB This BTech degree has been recurriculated. Students who were registered for the old curriculum of the BTech in 2006 or before, and did not complete the old curriculum, have to transfer to the new curriculum below.

C1 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Corporate Administration (Course code: BTCOP)

Admission requirements

Only candidates with a National Diploma: Cost and Management Accounting or another equivalent NQF 6 level qualication may


register for this programme. Prerequisites are Cost and Management Accounting III (or similar) and Financial Accounting III (or similar).

Admission requirements


Only candidates with a National Diploma: Internal Auditing or another equivalent NQF 6 level qualication may register for this programme. Prerequisites are Internal Auditing III (or similar) and Financial Accounting III (or similar).

This degree will not be conferred on candidates who have previously been issued with a similar national higher diploma.

2 3



This degree will not be conferred on candidates who have previously been issued with a similar national higher diploma.

The curriculum consists of 10 modules, which may be completed in a minimum of one year. Students are strongly advised, however, to register for the degree over two or more years.


1. Financial Reporting IV: Module 1 Financial Reporting IV: Module 2 Management Accounting IV: Module 1 Management Accounting IV: Module 2 Financial Management IV: Module 1 Financial Management IV: Module 2 Systems and Project Management IV: Module 1 Systems and Project Management IV: Module 2


Prerequisite: Financial Accounting III Prerequisite: Financial Accounting III

The curriculum consists of 10 modules, which may be completed in a minimum of one year. Students are strongly advised, however, to register for the degree over two or more years.



1. Financial Accounting IV: Module 1 Management Accounting III: Module 1 Management Accounting III: Module 2 Financial Management IV: Module 1 Internal Auditing IV: Module 1 Internal Auditing IV: Module 2 International Law I


Prerequisite: Financial Accounting III


MNA4M1K Prerequisite: Management Accounting III MNA4M2L Prerequisite: Management Accounting III FMN4M1Q












7. 8.

Business Strategy II BNS201J

Prerequisite: Internal Auditing III Module 1 and 2. Note: Link with IOU411A Prerequisite: Internal Auditing III Module 1 and 2

6. 7.





Information ISA401K Systems Auditing Advanced Management Communication Skills II

10. Research Methodology

Prerequisite: Business Information Systems 2 Module 1 and 2. Note: Link with IOU421B


AMC201W Note: Link with KVH171Y

Transitional arrangements

Students who passed modules in the old curriclum will receive credit for the following modules in the new curriculum. AAC411A AAC411A and AAC421B AAC431C CMA411A CMA421B CMA431C NMT121Q

10. Research Methodology


Old curriculum


New curriculum

Transitional arrangements

Students who passed modules in the old curriclum will receive credit for the following modules in the new curriculum. AAC411A AAC431C CMA3M1T CMA3M2T IOU411A IOU421B KVH171Y NMT121Q

Old curriculum

C3 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Internal Auditing (Code: BTINT)

NB This BTech degree has been recurriculated. Students who were registered for the old curriculum of the BTech in 2006 or before, and did not complete the old curriculum, have to transfer to the new curriculum below.


New curriculum


C4 Baccalaureus Technologiae: Taxation (Code: BTTXA)

NB This BTech degree has been recurriculated. Students who were registered for the old curriculum of the BTech in 2006 or before, and did not complete the old curriculum, have to transfer to the new curriculum below.

AAC411A and AAC421B FIM401T RME101Q

FAC4M28 FMG401Q and FMG402R RME101Q

Students who have passed Taxation modules in the old curriculum can apply to the School of Accounting Sciences for credit.

Section D: MTech degrees

NB The Instructional programmes for the following Masters degrees are researchbased.

Admission requirements

Only candidates with a National Diploma: Taxation or another equivalent NQF 6 level qualication may register for this programme. Prerequisites are Taxation II (or similar) and Financial Accounting III (or similar). An up-to-date knowledge of taxation legislation is a strong recommendation.


Registration for masters degrees is not limited to the normal registration cycles.


This degree will not be conferred on candidates who have previously been issued with a similar national higher diploma.

Admission requirements

Only candidates with an appropriate NQF 7 level qualication, who have completed a course in Research Methodology, may register for these programmes.


The curriculum consists of 10 modules, which may be completed in a minimum of one year. Students are strongly advised, however, to register for the degree over two or more years.


1. Financial Accounting IV: Module 1 Financial Accounting IV: Module 2 Taxation III: Module 1 Taxation III: Module 2 Taxation III: Module 3 Corporate Procedures II Research Methodology Financial Management IV: Module 1 Financial Management IV: Module 2 Advanced Management Communication Skills II


Prerequisite: Financial Accounting III Prerequisite: Financial Accounting III Prerequisite: Taxation II Prerequisite: Taxation II Prerequisite: Taxation II

The curriculum comprises a dissertation on an approved topic. If it is deemed necessary, the Head of the Department may prescribe a reading programme which the student must complete to the satisfaction of the supervisor before the student may commence with the writing of the dissertation.



D1 Magister Technologiae: Cost and Management Accounting (Code: MTCOS)

Ocial registration: Research project CMA591M

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


D2 Magister Technologiae: Internal Auditing (Code: MTINR)

Ocial registration: Research project IOU591Q



D3 Magister Technologiae: Taxation (Code: MTTAX)

Ocial registration: Research project TAX541X



Transitional arrangements

Students who passed modules in the old curriclum will receive credit for the following modules in the new curriculum. AAC411A

Old curriculum


New curriculum


C h a p t e r

School of Economic Sciences

National Diploma: Economic Management Analysis (Code: NDEMA) 1

The examination for Modules A and B for Applied Economics I and Modules A, B and C for Applied Economics II is being dealt with by the Institute. The required pass percentage for these modules is 70%.

First year


Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Recommended prerequisite subject: Mathematics A tertiary preparation course in Mathematics can be completed at UNISA. We recommend that students enrol for QMG101P. You need only Std 7/Grade 9 Mathematics to enrol for this course.

Economics I: Module A: Micro- ECN1M1Z economics Module B: Macro- ECN1M2Z economics

Admission requirements
National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements. Numerical prociency at NQF level 4. NQF level 4 bridging course with Accounting and Mathematics.

Experiential learning


Applied Economics I:

Experiential learning is part of the subject Applied Economics IV. The onus of securing a placement for experiential learning is on the student, although the University will assist you wherever possible.

Programme outcomes
3. 4.

Students will be able to do the following: Analyse and interpret economic policy Apply practical aspects of international trade Manage their own and enterprise portfolios Compile a capital budget and conduct long-term planning Demonstrate how personal computers are utilised in the economic environment Apply computer skills in making cost-eective decisions

Module A: Introduction to Financial Markets (SAIFM) Module B: APE1M2T Regulation of SA Financial Markets (SAIFM) Quantitative Techniques I Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Module 2 End-user Computing I: QTC171R

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. APE1M1T Refer to notes. Refer to notes.

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC1M1X for the subject. FAC1M2X Both modules (theoretical and practical) must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such EUC131T a centre is available in your region. EUCPRAC The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory.


Career opportunities

This course focuses on training economic experts/practitioners who will be able to do economic, nancial and management analysis to support the management of an enterprise. The following careers can be pursued: Economists Management analysts: Ensure that strategic plans of companies are aligned with the macro-economic environment in the country Ensure that budgets and short-term plans of companies are aligned with the economic environment Economic consultants and practitioners Management advisers: Advise management: on global participation to be more cost-ecient to reduce risk exposure, etc. Investment analysts Economic researchers Dealers in securities on various exchanges

Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical

Second year
6. Economics II: Module A: Intermediate macroeconomics Module B: Intermediate microeconomics
ECN2M1W before a credit can be obtained

Three modules must be passed for the subject.

Notes with regard to the subjects: Applied Economics I and II

Students will also be registered by Unisa at the South African Institute for Financial Markets.


Any ONE of the following:





12. Econometrics



Prerequisites: Statistics for Economists II and Mathematics I Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary soware.

ECN2M3W Module C: Development Economics Module D: Labour ECN2M4W Economics


Applied Economics II: Module A: International Equity Markets (SAIFM) Module B: Bond and Long-Term Debt Market (SAIFM) Module C: Derivatives Market (SAIFM)

Three modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. APE2M1T Refer to notes. APE2M2T Refer to notes.

13. Financial Management III: Module 1 Module 2

Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can FMA3M1X be obtained. FMA3M2X

14. Communication I CNL101A (Language) APE2M3T Refer to notes.


Financial Management II: Module 1 Module 2

Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can be obtained. FMA2M1W Prerequisite: Financial Accounting I FMA2M2W Prerequisite: Financial Accounting I SFE201E

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Economic Management Analysis (Code: BTEMA) 1

Admission requirement
National Diploma: Economic Management Analysis or equivalent qualication with Applied Economics III. Competency in Mathematics, Grade 12 is recommended for registration.


Statistics for Economists II

Prerequisite: Quantitative Techniques I The subject Mathematics I (MAT181Q) is a prerequisite for the subject Econometrics. You are advised to register for the subject Mathematics I concurrently with this subject.

Experiential learning

Third year
10. Economics III: Module A: International Trade Module B: International Finance Module C: Public Economics Module D: Monetary Economics 11. Applied Economics III: Module A: Computing Skills for Economists Three modules must be passed ECO3M1E before a credit for the subject can be obtained. ECO3M2E

Experiential learning is part of the subject Applied Economics IV. The onus of securing a placement for experiential learning is on the student, although the University will assist you wherever possible.

Programme outcomes

Any ONE of the following: ECO3M3E ECO3M4E

Module B: Economic Data Analysis

Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can be obtained. APE3M1T Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such a centre is available in your region. APE3M2T

Students will be able to: Apply eective communication in a business/commercial environment Compile forecasts using econometric techniques Build econometric models Apply strategic management principles to a changing environment Critically evaluate the role of government in the economy, and/or interpret the importance of international economic relations for South Africa and/or analyse and formulate regional development strategies and/or interpret monetary developments within the contexts of the South African nancial system Critically appraise the South African economic policy

Career opportunities
Investment/management analysis General management Economic research and development at nancial institutions Economic consultancy Financial and economic analysis of rms and institutions Strategic planning Economic forecasting Portfolio management


1. Applied Economics IV: Module A: Experiential Learning Module B: Research Project 2. 3. 4. 5.



Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can be obtained. AEC4M1E Prerequisite: Applied Economics III AEC4M2E Prerequisite: Applied Economics III

National Diploma: Logistics (Code: NDLOG) 1

Admission requirements

Micro-economics IV MIC401E
Macro-economics IV MAC401E

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

Research Methodology


Programme outcomes

Any ONE of the following:

Public Economics IV PBE401E

International Economics IV Development Economics IV Monetary Economics


A candidate at this level can perform those function activities associated with logistics management and will be able to function in various logistic elds, such as procurement, supply chain management, materials management, transportation management, product management, buying and support services management and/or the business environment in commerce and industry, the public sector and the private sector.

Career opportunities
Logistics manager Purchasing manager Materials manager Materials planning manager Distribution manager Inventory and stores manager

Magister Technologiae: Economic Management Analysis (Code: MTEMA)

NB This instructional programme comprises a research project only provided that you have already passed an instructional oering in research methodology.

First year
1. 2. Purchasing Management I Business Management I: Module 1 Module 2 End-user Computing I:



Admission requirements

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Economic Management Analysis or equivalent applicable qualication. 3.

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained BSM1M1P for the subject. BSM1M2P Both modules (theoretical and practical) must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such EUC131T a centre is available in your region. EUCPRAC The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory.

Programme outcomes

Ability to do independent and specialised research in either microeconomics, macro-economics, public economics, international economics, development economics, monetary economics, model building and forecasting contributing to the existing knowledge in the eld of economics.

This programme comprises a research thesis only. In their theses, students must interpret and analyse a particular problem in a specialised eld and draw logical conclusions. The thesis must comply with the normal general technical requirements and rules with regard to scope, quality and layout. Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical

Contact persons
Ocial registration: Research project and dissertation


Any ONE of the following: Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Module 2 Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained FAC1M1X for the subject. FAC1M2X

For further information contact (011) 471-2328 before registration.


To be registered for aer approval of research proposal. This registration is valid for one year.




Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Recommended prerequisite subject: Mathematics A tertiary preparation course in Mathematics can be completed at UNISA. We recommend that students enrol for QMG101P. You need only Std 7/Grade 9 Mathematics to enrol for this course.

Career opportunities
Logistics manager Purchasing manager Materials manager Materials planning manager Distribution manager Inventory and stores manager

Economics I: Module A: Micro- ECN1M1Z economics Module B: Macro- ECN1M2Z economics

1. 2. Purchasing Management IV Logistics IV



PMM401P Prerequisite: Purchasing Management III LGS401P Prerequisite: Logistics III or National Diploma: Purchasing Management


Any ONE of the following: Communication in CEA102X English XA Kommunikasie in AFD111T Afrikaans XA 3. Business Management IV: Module A: Strategic Management Module B: Integrated Management Research Methodology


Second year
6. 7. 8. 9. Purchasing Management II Business Management II Logistics II Costing and Estimating PMM261W Prerequisite: Purchasing Management I BSM201P LGS201P CES181T CLW211P 4.

Concurrent registration for both modules is essential and both modules must be passed separately before a credit can be obtained for this subject. Prerequisite: Business Economics III or Business Management III


10. Commercial Law II

Third year
11. Purchasing Management III 12. Business Management III 13. Logistics III 14. Production Planning and Control I PMM371P Prerequisite: Purchasing Management II BSM301P LGS301P PPC171Y Prerequisite: Logistics II

National Diploma: Tourism Management (Code: NDTRM) 1

Important notice to prospective students

A study plan has been developed over a period of four years. Although a diploma may be completed in a minimum period of three years, it is strongly recommended that you register for courses as set out in the study plan or over a longer period. Optional Exit levels exist for the national diplomas, and the requirements for these Exit levels will be set out in this calendar. Note that it is not compulsory to register simultaneously for all subjects prescribed for a particular level of a course. Examination results reveal that students who register for only two subjects a year have a beer chance of passing than those who register for three or more subjects. We therefore recommend that you do not register for more than three subjects per year. Choose the number of subjects so that you have at least one hour of study time available per subject per day.

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Logistics (Code: BTLOG) 1

Admission requirements

National Diploma: Purchasing Management or equivalent qualication with Purchasing Management III, Logistics III and Business Economics III/Business Management III.


Admission requirements

NB Students are recommended to register for only two subjects per year.

National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements.

Programme outcomes

Experiential Learning

Students will be equipped to exercise responsibility for the ow of material from the point at which needs are determined to the end-user.

Experiential learning has only recently been implemented at Unisa. Information regarding experiential learning will be conveyed to a student. The onus of securing a placement for experiential learning is on the student, although the University will assist you wherever possible.


Programme outcomes




The programme will equip students to do the following: Apply basic management theory to the identication and planning of a sustainable tourism enterprise Assist in planning and organising activities in a tourism-related industry Develop a general understanding of planning and development of tourism destinations Apply appropriate practical skills and basic expertise in a professional service component of the tourism industry Apply nancial and human resource management theory to the planning of a sustainable tourism enterprise Understand the application of marketing and public relations principles and techniques to develop strategies for the elements of the marketing mix Understand the basic principles/rules/regulations of the law of contracts or legislation in the tourism sector Perform the functions required of a tourism manager directed at developing and promoting tourism in a changing environment and niche markets Gather and analyse tourism information to address the management needs of industry Perform appropriate practical skills and demonstrate expertise in a professional service component of the tourism industry Perform the necessary technical and operational tasks in a tourism enterprise

Media and Public MPR101T Relations: Tourism I End-user Computing I: Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such a centre is available in your region.

Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical


EUCPRAC The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory. AFM151Q KNS111Z The practical language course is aimed at non-mother-tongue speakers who wish to acquire a basic competency in a new language. Mother-tongue speakers of Sepedi, Sesotho and Setswana cannot register for the the practical course in these languages. They may however, register for the practical course in any other language. Mother-tongue speakers of IsiXhosa and IsiZulu cannot register for the practical course in these languages. They may, however, register for the practical course in any other language.

Accounting for Marketers I Practical Sepedi

Career opportunities
Practical Setswana KTS111Z

This course is aimed at candidates in the following careers or at candidates who intend pursuing these careers: Tourist information bureaux, airline companies, travel agencies, publicity associations, tour agencies, tour bus companies, car hiring companies, informal accommodation, holiday resorts, recreational resorts, government and so forth.

First year
1. Travel & Tourism Practice I: Module A: Travel Practice I Module B: Tourism I

Proposed study plan

Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

Practical IsiXhosa KXH111Z

Practical IsiZulu

KZU111Z Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject.


Second year
7. Travel & Tourism Practice II: Module A: Travel Practice II Module B: Tourism II



Travel and Tourism Management I Module A: TTM1M1T Entrepreneurship and how to establish your own business Module B: TTM1M2T Management of a small business Marketing for Tourism I Tourism Development I MTR101T TDV101T


3. 4. 5. & 6.

Travel & Tourism Both modules must be passed Management II: before a credit can be obtained Module A: TTM2M1T for the subject. Basic principles of Financial Management for a Small Business Module B: TTM2M2T Human Resource Management for a Small Business Marketing for Tourism I MTR201T TDV201T


Any TWO (2) of the following:

10. Tourism Development II Strongly recommended

Cultural Tourism I CTR101J

11. Communication I CBA111P 12. Any ONE (1) of the following:


Cultural Tourism II


Can only be taken if level one (I) has been completed. Strongly recommended 3.



Prerequisite: Research Methodology is a recommendation. Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

Tourism Project IV TOP401T

Law for Tourism I LTR101T

4. Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

Third year
13. Travel & Tourism Management III: Module A: Travel Practice III Module B: Tourism III 14. Travel and Tourism Management III Strategic Management for Small Business 15. Tourism Development III 16. Tourism Management Practice II


Advanced Strategic Management IV: Module A: AST411A Strategic Management Module B: AST471G Strategic Tourism Research Methodology RME101Q


TDV301T TPM201R Students who completed Travel Practice Applications (TPA301T) prior to 2005, does not have to register for this subject. Industry-related short courses are available. Please contact lecturers.

National Diploma: Transport Economics (Code: NDTRA)

NB No new registrations will be accepted for this diploma. Students already registered have until 2009 to complete the qualication. Alternatively, students may choose to change from the National Diploma to the BCom degree under certain conditions.

Admission requirements
National Senior Certicate or equivalent qualication. Please refer to the General Rules and Information, Part 1, for more information on admission, registration and examination requirements. FET level 4 (matric) Literate in English (FET level 4) Numeracy (FET level 4) Life skills general technology: Calculation and Communication.

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Tourism Management (Code: BTTOU) 1

Admission requirements
NDip: Tourism Management Students who have completed the NDip: Travel and Tourism will be expected to do bridging subjects. Please enquire with the Department before registration.

Experiential learning

Programme outcomes

Experiential learning forms part of Transport Economics IV. The onus of securing a placement for experiential learning is on the student, although the University will assist you wherever possible.

The programme will equip students to do the following: Formulate and appraise appropriate tourism development strategies Independently perform functions associated with planning and development of sustainable tourism Strategically manage the professional services component of the tourism industry Gather and analyse information relevant to the tourism system Manage a tourism research project

Programme outcomes

Career opportunities

This course is aimed at candidates who already have a national diploma or equivalent qualication in tourism and who aspire to middle and top management posts in their particular eld of specialisation.

1. 2. Marketing for Tourism III Tourism Development IV


Prerequisite: Marketing for Tourism II Prerequisite: Tourism Development III/bridging course

The programme will enable the student to apply competencies embracing economic, nancial and transportational principles and practices within the dierent modes of transport. The student will be able to do the following: Determine the impact of micro and macro environments on the transport industry Apply for permission, contracts or concessions for public transport services Compile schedules Determine cost structures and pricing strategies for the transport modes Manage a logistics chain in an eective way Apply practical aspects of international trade Compile and evaluate capital budgets and strategic plans Determine and reconcile the acquisition of funds and resources


Transport planners Transport consultants

Career opportunities


Transport departments of the public sector Fleet managers/employees Financial managers/employees Maintenance managers/employees Warehousing managers/employees Logistics managers/employees Operations managers/employees

9. Industrial Relations I



First year


Both modules must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Recommended prerequisite subject: Mathematics A tertiary preparation course in Mathematics can be completed at UNISA. We recommend that students enrol for QMG101P. You need only Std 7/Grade 9 Mathematics to enrol for this course.

10. Economics II: Module A: Intermediate macroeconomics Module B: Intermediate microeconomics

Three modules must be passed ECN2M1W before a credit can be obtained for the subject.

Economics I: Module A: Micro- ECN1M1Z economics Module B: Macro- ECN1M2Z economics

Any ONE of the following: ECN2M3W Module C: Development Economics Module D: Labour ECN2M4W Economics

Third year
11. Transport Economics III:

Prerequisite: Transport Economics II Three modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can be obtained.

Compulsory modules: Module D: Road Freight Transport Module E: Road Passenger Transport Module A: Rail Transport Module B: Air Transport 12. Passenger Transport Planning III TEC351E TEC361F

2. 3.

Transport Economics I Financial Accounting I: Module 1 Module 2 Business Management I: Module 1 Module 2

TEC101T Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can FAC1M1X be obtained. FAC1M2X Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can BSM1M1P be obtained. BSM1M2P

Choose any ONE of the following modules as a choice oering: TEC321B TEC331C PAS301T Prerequisite: Transport Economics II Prerequisite: Transport Economics II



Communication I CNL101A (Language) End-user Computing I: Both modules (theoretical and practical) must be passed before a credit can be obtained for the subject. Students who register for this subject must have access to a computer, printer and the necessary hardware and soware ( 2 hours per week). Student support centres are available in some regions. Please contact your nearest regional oce to determine if such EUC131T a centre is available in your region. EUCPRAC The course uses Computer Based Training material; access to a Personal Computer is compulsory.

Second year

13. Transport Approach to Logistics III 14. Financial Management III: Module 1 Module 2


Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can FMA3M1X be obtained. FMA3M2X

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Transport Economics (Code: BTTRA)

NB No new registrations will be accepted for this qualications. Students already registered have until 2007 to complete the qualication. Alternatively, students may choose to change from the Baccalaureus Technologiae to the Honours BCom degree under certain conditions.

Module A: Theoretical Module B: Practical

7. 8.

Transport Economics II Financial Management II: Module 1 Module 2


Prerequisite: Transport Economics I

Admission Requirement
National Diploma: Transport Economics or equivalent qualication with Transport Economics III. Candidates in possession of a Diploma in Road Transport, obtained from the Rand Afrikaans University, will be allowed to register for this degree aer meeting the following criteria: Delivery of proof: A certied copy of the academic record or Diploma must be submied. Completion of the following bridging subjects (curriculum of NDip: Transport Economics):

Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can be obtained. FMA2M1W Prerequisite: Financial Accounting I FMA2M2W Prerequisite: Financial Accounting I


Economics I Accounting Skills I Transport Economics III (choose any two modules not previously passed)

Programme outcomes

The student will be able to do the following: Apply strategic management principles to a changing environment Compile marketing strategies and control their implementation Evaluate dierent distribution channels to ensure that the most cost-eective system(s) is/are implemented Demonstrate how market segmentation and target market selection are accomplished in your company Evaluate the interrelationship between transport and development Analyse the use of technology in transport planning and decision making


Transport planners Transport consultants Transport advisers

Career opportunities

1. 2. 3. Transport Economics IV Research Methodology Transport Planning and Development IV Southern African Transport Perspectives Advanced Strategic Management IV: Module A: Strategic Management Module B: Strategic Approach to Transport


Prerequisite: Transport Economics III

Prerequisite: Transport Economics III Prerequisite: Transport Economics III Both modules must be passed before a credit for the subject can be obtained.







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