GMW 15563 - 03-2012

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ENGINEERING Material Specification GMW15563


Joining and Dispense Process Control Procedure

1 Scope
1.1 Material Description. This standard defines equipment process control and product inspection
requirements for producers of GM welded or mechanical clinched product.
1.2 Symbols. Not applicable.
1.3 Typical Applications. The requirements of this standard are applicable to joining and dispense processes
utilized by a General Motors fabricating and/or assembly plant to manufacture automotive parts and
assemblies (prior to paint operations).
1.4 Remarks. For clarification of this standard or editorial comments, e-mail the GM Weld Council at
Proposed changes to this standard must be presented to the Global Weld Council. To suggest a change to this
standard, reference the “Procedure for Weld Standard Changes” on the Global Weld Council’s web page.

2 References
Note: Only the latest approved standards are applicable unless otherwise specified.
2.1 External Standards/Specifications.
2.2 GM Standards/Specifications.
2.3 Additional References.
 Global Launch Manual
 GM Global Safety 21 Process
 GWS-4
 TMC003 Material Safety Data Sheet guidance documents ( available at

3 Requirements
3.1 Requirements on Test Specimens. Not applicable.
3.2 Designation of Responsibility.
3.2.1 Product Engineering. The product engineering function is responsible for defining the structural
requirements of the vehicle. These requirements include the joining method, quantity, location, and product
tolerances. Product acceptance criteria are to be consistent with published GM Engineering Standards.
3.2.2 Manufacturing Engineering. The manufacturing engineering function is responsible for evaluating the
product design for manufacturability. Manufacturing Engineering defines the process, type of tooling, and
operational sequences to manufacture the product in conformity to the released design.
3.2.3 Plant Responsibility. The plants must adhere to the product specifications approved by Product
Engineering and the process requirements defined by Manufacturing Engineering. Product Engineering must
approve any variance or deviation from product specifications. Variance from process requirements must be in
agreement with written procedures.
3.3 Process Evaluation.
3.3.1 Tool Verification and System Qualification. The procuring Manufacturing Engineering function must
verify that new as built tooling agrees with the tool design and/or Tool and Equipment Statement of
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Requirements. The applicable sections of the Global Launch Manual and GWS-4 are to be utilized to perform
the verification and qualification activities. Any tooling revisions necessitated by this procedure must be
completed and tool design documents updated. Records of the verification and system qualification activity are
to be maintained. Once qualified, the applicable Weld Tool Data or Dispense Tool Data Sheet and the
associated robot program are to be placed under change control.
3.3.2 Tool Re-Qualification. Each tool must be re-qualified whenever a change occurs in the product or
process that was part of the original verification and qualification activity. Records of the re-qualification activity
are to be maintained.
3.3.3 Equipment Process Monitoring. Equipment process monitoring, (i.e., predictive maintenance) consists
of measuring process parameters established during tool qualification, as well as visual evaluation of the
equipment functional operation. Parameters identified outside prescribed limits require appropriate corrective
action to restore the process to the qualified state. Equipment process monitoring requirements for the various
joining and dispense processes are contained in Appendices A thru J of this standard. Tasks identified as
Operator Maintenance (OM) should be considered for assignment to the production organization if practical.
Equipment process monitoring activities are to be described in written procedures or standardized work.
3.3.4 Equipment Scheduled Maintenance. Each location shall have documented plans for the preventative
maintenance of equipment. The equipment maintenance schedule should be consistent with the tool or
equipment manufacturer’s recommendations.
3.4 In-Process Inspection and Test. In-process inspection consists of evaluating the manufactured/welded
product with the released design and the applicable GM Engineering Standards to identify, contain, and repair
nonconforming product. In-process inspection and tests are to occur as close as practical to the point of
operation. The in-process inspection and test activity for all welded parts and dispense applications must be
described in written procedures or standardized work. Unless stated elsewhere, inspection and testing is to
occur at evenly spaced intervals throughout the shift, (i.e., a frequency of four times per shift would equate to
one check approximately every 2 h of an 8 h shift, a frequency of two times per shift would equate to one
check in the first half of the shift and one check in the second half of the shift).
The purpose of the in-process inspection is to periodically verify specific quality attributes and detect
deficiencies prior to product leaving the weld shop. In-process inspection is not a substitute for the required
equipment maintenance or equipment process monitoring.
3.4.1 In-Process Inspection and Test (Resistance Spot Welds and Sheet Metal Projection Welds). A
deformation check of all spot welds (for all styles and all cells) is recommended to occur four times per shift at
evenly spaced intervals. The minimum required frequency is one check per weld gun, metal stack-up, and
weld schedule combination, sampled two times per shift.
When a weld gun installs more than one weld on the same metal stack-up or on different body styles, rotate
the in-process inspection (where practical) to include the other welds and body styles.
Concurrent with the deformation checks, visually inspect the adjoining welds for conformance to the applicable
product drawing and GM Engineering Standard.
This visual inspection is to identify welds containing holes or cracks, welds not installed, edge welds, welds
with excessive indentation, distortion, or surface eruptions, and extra welds.

In instances where a deformation check of spot welds is not possible or the spot welds are inaccessible due to
being closed out, the alternative methods of verifying or assuring weld fusion may be utilized:
 Ultrasonic weld inspection (refer to 3.6)
 Increased equipment process monitoring
 Increased weld destruct test frequency
 Witness coupons
The frequency and use of an alternative method must be documented as described in 3.4.
3.4.2 In-Process Inspection and Tests (Welded Fasteners). Welded fasteners shall be verified for
conformance to the visual acceptance criteria of the applicable standard a minimum of two times per shift.
Threaded welded fasteners are to be tested with a chisel notch test, click wrench procedure or portable nut
retention tester. Retention of non-threaded welded fasteners is to be tested with a chisel notch test. The
minimum required frequency is one fastener per weld gun and metal stack-up, sampled two times per shift.

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When a weld gun welds more than one fastener on the same metal stack-up or on multiple body styles, rotate
the in-process inspection (where practical) to include the other fasteners.
3.4.3 In-Process Inspection and Tests (Welded Studs). Welded studs shall be verified for conformance to
the visual acceptance criteria of the applicable standard a minimum of two times per shift.
Drawn arc weld studs are to be proof tested utilizing a nondestructive bend test or click wrench style stud
testing tool. The minimum required frequency is one stud per weld gun and metal stack-up, sampled two times
per shift.
When a weld gun installs more than one stud on the same metal stack-up or on multiple body styles, rotate the
in-process inspection (where practical) to include the other studs.
3.4.4 In-Process Inspection and Tests (Mechanical Clinches). Mechanical clinches shall be verified for
conformance to the visual acceptance criteria of the applicable standard a minimum of two times per shift.
Mechanical clinches are to be tested according to the manufacturers’ recommendation using a Go/No Go
gauge, calipers or a scissors gauge (7.1, Glossary). The minimum required frequency is one clinch for each
operation and metal stack-up, sampled two times per shift.
When one tool installs more than one clinch on the same metal stack-up or on multiple body styles, rotate the
in-process inspection (where practical) to include the other clinch locations.
3.4.5 In-Process Inspection and Tests (Arc and Laser Welds). Manually installed arc welds shall be verified
for conformance to the visual criteria of the applicable GM Engineering Standard and product design release
information on all jobs. Automated or robotically installed arc welds, arc braze, plasma braze, laser and laser
braze joints shall be verified for conformance to the visual acceptance criteria of the applicable standard a
minimum of four times per shift on each body style produced.
In-process physical testing of arc welds, arc braze and laser braze joints is not required.
3.4.6 In-Process Inspection and Tests (Sealer and Adhesives). Manually applied sealer and adhesive shall
be verified for conformance to the visual acceptance criteria of the product release document or the approved
Product Quality Standards (PQS) on all jobs. Note: Bead diameters when shown are reference values only to
aid in the initial set-up and qualification of the process to achieve wet out.
Automated dispense operations for structural adhesives equipped with vision monitoring require confirmation
of the beads correct start and stop location.
Automated dispense operations not equipped with vision monitoring are to be visually verified for conformance
to requirements once per shift on each body style produced.
3.4.7 In-Process Inspection and Tests (Self Pierce Rivets). Self Pierce Rivets (SPR) shall be verified for
conformance to the visual acceptance criteria of the applicable standard a minimum of two times per shift.
3.5 Weld Destruct Test - General. The purpose of the weld destruct is to verify the effectiveness of the joining
and dispense related process controls, (i.e., equipment process monitoring, equipment maintenance, and
in-process inspection) implemented.
Nonconforming product identified during a destruct test requires suspect product to be contained and repaired
or an engineering authorization allowing the product to deviate from specification. Documented corrective
actions are required for nonconforming product.
3.5.1 Weld Destruct Test Frequency - Assembly Plants. At the Start of System Fill the frequency of full
body destruct is one of each new body style per month.
Once the system is running at a steady state the weld system process capability can be assessed. Once
acceptable process capability has been demonstrated and documented, the weld destruct frequency can then
be reduced to a quarterly destruct test of each body style.
An acceptable process capability demonstration consists of completing three consecutive monthly destruct
tests that meet requirements (all patterns conforming).
3.5.2 Weld Destruct Test Frequency - Fabricating Plants. At Start of Production the frequency of destruct
tests is to be one of each assembly per month until process capability is demonstrated and documented.
Process capability consists of completing three consecutive destruct tests that meet requirements (all patterns
conforming). The frequency can then be reduced to a quarterly destruct test of each assembly.
3.5.3 Weld Destruct (Resistance Spot Welds). Prior to conducting each weld destruct and as part of a
re-qualification activity, weld quantity and location are to be verified. Visual acceptance criteria including
applicable appearance standards are also to be verified.
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The weld destruct test is an evaluation of welded product that uses any of the various methodologies, (i.e.,
destructive hammer and chisel, peel test, mechanical spreader, cross sectioning) to measure and evaluate
various product quality characteristics for conformance to requirements. Destructively tested product results in
irreversible metal separation and this product cannot be reworked or repaired.
Note: Peel testing is the preferred method of inspection for aluminum spot welds. Hammer and chisel testing is
not an acceptable method of inspection for aluminum spot welds.
3.5.4 Weld Destruct (Welded Fasteners). Prior to conducting each weld destruct and as part of a
re-qualification activity, correct part, quantity and location are to be verified.
Welded fasteners are to be destructively tested to verify either fusion requirements or push out load strength
criteria in accord with the applicable GM Engineering Standard.
3.5.5 Weld Destruct (Welded Studs). Prior to conducting each weld destruct and as part of a re-qualification
activity, correct part, quantity and location are to be verified.
Welded studs are to be destructively tested to verify either fusion requirements or push out load strength
criteria in accord with the applicable GM Engineering Standard.
3.5.6 Weld Destruct (Mechanical Clinches). Prior to conducting each weld destruct and as part of a
re-qualification activity, clinch quantity, location and visual acceptance criteria are to be verified.
At the start of production, clinch joints are to be tensile tested on lap shear coupons once per month until
process stability is demonstrated. Process stability consists of completing three consecutive tensile tests of lap
shear coupons that meet strength requirements. The test frequency can then be reduced to a quarterly lap
shear coupon tensile test.
3.5.7 Weld Destruct (Arc and Laser Welds). Prior to conducting each weld destruct and as part of a
re-qualification activity, correct bead location (start and stop), visual acceptance criteria and effective bead
length are to be verified.
Arc and Laser welds are to be cross sectioned to assess any internal discontinuities in the weld and to verify
that the leg length, throat, and penetration requirements exceed the minimum requirements of the applicable
GM Engineering Standard.
Inspection, measuring and test equipment to perform the image analysis of weld cross sections must be
capable of evaluating the specified measurable criteria to an accuracy of 0.1 mm. Weld cross sections are to
be viewed at 15x or less magnification.
The number of required weld cross section samples is to be determined by the specified length of the weld
bead in accord with Table 1. Cross sections are not to be taken within the first 5 mm or last 5 mm of the weld.

Table 1: Weld Cross Sections

Specified Weld Bead Length
Number of Cross Sections Location of Cross Sections
30 or less 1 Midpoint of weld
Equally spaced from each other and from
31 to 100 2
the ends of the welds
Equally spaced from each other and from
100+ 3
the ends of the welds

3.5.8 Weld Destruct (Sealer and Adhesives). In conjunction with each weld destruct and as part of a
re-qualification activity, dispense material wet-out and applicable appearance standards are to be evaluated to
the product release information or an approved Product Quality Standards (PQS).
3.5.9 Weld Destruct (Self Pierce Rivets). Prior to conducting each weld destruct and as part of a
re-qualification activity, SPR quantity, location and visual acceptance criteria are to be verified.
At the start of production, SPR joints are to be tensile tested on lap shear coupons once per month until
process stability is demonstrated. Process stability consists of completing three consecutive tensile tests of lap
shear coupons that meet strength requirements. The test frequency can then be reduced to a quarterly lap
shear coupon tensile test.

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3.6 Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE). Ultrasonic evaluation of resistance spot welds can be utilized in place
of the required deformation or destruct tests provided the personnel and process have been qualified in accord
with the applicable regional standard.

4 Manufacturing Process
Not applicable.

5 Rules and Regulations

5.1 Legal Regulations. All materials must satisfy applicable laws, rules, regulations and recommendations
valid in the country of usage.
5.2 Language. In the event of conflict between the English and domestic language, the English language shall
take precedence.
5.3 Inspection and Rejection. Samples of components or materials released to a GM material specification
shall be tested for conformity with the requirements of this material specification and approved by the
responsible Engineering department prior to commencement of delivery of bulk supplies.
A new approval must be received for any changes, e.g., properties, manufacturing process, location of
manufacture, etc. If not otherwise agreed, all testing and documentation normally required for initial release
must be completed.
It is the responsibility of the supplier to inform the customer in a timely manner, without solicitation, and to
include documentation of all modifications of materials and/or processes and to apply for a new release.
If not otherwise agreed, all release tests shall be repeated and documented by the supplier prior to
commencement of delivery of non-conforming bulk supplies. In individual cases, a shorter test can be agreed
to between the responsible Engineering department and the supplier.
5.4 Initial Source Approval. No shipments shall be made by any supplier until representative initial production
samples have been approved by the appropriate Materials Engineering department(s) as meeting the
requirements of this specification.
5.5 Material Safety Data Sheets/Safety Data Sheets (MSDS/SDS). For new product submissions, or when a
change in chemical composition of an existing product has occurred, a complete copy of the Material Safety
Data Sheet/Safety Data Sheet must be submitted in compliance with the Globally Harmonized System of
Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) requirements or other country-specific MSDS/SDS
requirements. In addition, product MSDS/SDS submissions must be in compliance with specific country
General Motors TMC003 Material Safety Data Sheet/Safety Data Sheet guidance documents where available.
5.6 All materials supplied to this standard must comply with the requirements of GMW3059, Restricted and
Reportable Substances for Parts.
5.7 Safety. Welding, cutting and allied processes can be performed safely with minimal health risk, provided
Safe Operating Procedures are followed and the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment is utilized (refer to
the GM Global Safety 21 Process).

6 Approved Sources
Engineering qualifications of an approved source are required for this standard. Only sources listed in the GM
Materials File, (i.e., GM Supply Power) under this standard number have been qualified by Engineering as
meeting the requirements of this standard.
For other GM locations, the responsible Engineering group should be contacted to obtain the approved source
in that individual country.
Note: Section 6 does not apply to GMW15563 as the applicability of the standard is GM manufacturing

7 Notes
7.1 Glossary.
Applicable GM Engineering Standard: Product Engineering specifies the applicable product acceptance
criteria as part of the design release information, (i.e., Inspection Data Sheets).

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Change Control: The practices that are established to prevent arbitrary or unintended modifications to a
qualified process.
Check: The practice of inspecting, or examining by looking, listening or touching to determine an existing
status condition. For example an air leak in a hose may be checked by sight, hearing or touch.
Chisel Notch Test: A nondestructive test applied to a welded fastener where a chisel is used to apply a load
to the side of fastener being tested until either a notch is created (acceptable) or the fastener separates from
the panel indicating unacceptable fusion.
Click Wrench Procedure (Threaded Fasteners): A test applied to threaded fasteners utilizing a torque
wrench preset to a “click stop”.
Deformation Check: Term used to describe a nondestructive test performed with a chisel (paint scrapers and
putty knives are not to be used for deformation testing). For this type of test the chisel is inserted on both sides
of the spot weld being evaluated until the metal begins to plastically deform indicating weld fusion. A
deformation check does not provide an evaluation of weld size. Product evaluated by a deformation check can
be reworked and returned to service.
Destruct Test: An evaluation of welded product that uses any of the various methodologies, (i.e., destructive
hammer and chisel, peel test, mechanical spreader, cross sectioning) to measure various weld quality
characteristics for conformance to requirements. Destructively tested product results in irreversible metal
separation and this product cannot be reworked or repaired.
Destructive Hammer and Chisel Test: A destruct test method that utilizes a hammer and chisel to separate

two or more pieces of metal in order to pull spot weld buttons for weld size evaluation.
Equipment Maintenance: Planned tasks that are established using supplier, engineering and historical
information to maximize equipment, tooling and machine productivity and function. Equipment maintenance
tasks are to keep equipment and machinery in its original operational condition to the extent possible. These
tasks may also be referred to as “planned maintenance” or “preventive maintenance” or “scheduled
Equipment Process Monitoring: Proactive tasks that are used to verify and monitor that the weld and
dispense operations are operating within the defined process parameters established during tool qualification.
Equipment process monitoring may also be referred to as “predictive maintenance”.
In-Process Inspection and Test: Product monitoring activities that occur during the normal process flow or
prior to completing the finished product.
Nonconforming Product: Product that does not conform (outside of tolerance) to the engineering
Peel Test: A destructive test that mechanically separates a spot welded lap joint with a peeling or rolling
Portable Nut Retention Tester: A portable means of evaluating the push-out strength of pierce nuts and other
threaded fasteners.
Predictive Maintenance: Refer to “equipment process monitoring”.
Process Capability: The demonstrated ability of a process or system to produce a product or products that
meets requirements, (i.e., no nonconforming patterns) over a period of time.
Product Monitoring: The various practices used to verify that parts, assemblies, and/or completed
body-in-white structures were built in agreement with the weld quality acceptance criteria specified by Product
Engineering. Product monitoring can occur prior to or after all welds have been completed on the product.
Product monitoring that occurs prior to all welds being installed is referred to as in-process inspection and test.
Product monitoring that occurs after all welds have been installed is referred to as final inspection and test.
Product Quality Standard (PQS): Standards that are developed to communicate product attributes that must
be achieved to satisfy the customer. (Refer to the Product Quality Standard - GMS Operating Guideline and
the Global Launch Manual – Section B4.)
Pry Check: A nonstandard term used to describe a deformation check.
Qualified: Status given to a tool or cell when it has been demonstrated that the tool or cell is able to fulfill
specified requirements. Refer to Tool Qualification.
Scissors Gauge: A caliper type measurement device used to verify mechanical clinch quality.

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Tool Qualification: The practice of demonstrating whether a weld tool or cell is able of fulfilling specified
Tool Verification: The practice of confirming by examination that specified tool standards and requirements
have been fulfilled.
Operator Maintenance (OM): Predictive maintenance tasks that can be assigned to production/operations
personnel with support from Engineering and Maintenance.
Verify: The practice of comparing a current state with a prescribed condition or specified criteria.
Vision Monitoring: A Go/No Go system utilizing configurable vision.
Weld System Qualification: A series of events that demonstrates that an entire weld system has the ability to
produce product with 98% acceptable welds and no nonconforming patterns. (Reference GWS-4A, Annex J).
Wrench Style Stud Testing Tool: A hand held tool that applies a pre-determined bending moment to
nondestructively test welded studs.
7.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols.
CCRW Controls, Conveyors, Robotics and Welding
CTS Component Technical Specification
GHS Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals
GMS Global Manufacturing System
GWS Global Welding Standard
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
NDE Nondestructive Evaluation
OM Operator Maintenance
PQS Product Quality Standards
SDS Safety Data Sheet
SKM General Motors Europe Specification Design Mechanics
SKR General Motors Europe Specification Design Mechanics
SPR Self Pierce Rivets
TPM Total Productive Maintenance
VTS Vehicle Technical Specification

8 Coding System
This standard shall be referenced in other documents, drawings, etc., as follows:
Material per GMW15563

9 Release and Revisions

This standard was originated in February 2007. It was first approved by the Global Weld Council in October
2009. It was first published in November 2009.
Issue Publication Date Description (Organization)
1 NOV 2009 Initial publication.
2 SEP 2010 Reconcile term usage with the Global Manufacturing System (GMS).
(Global Weld Council)
3 MAR 2012 Added in or edited Equipment Process Monitoring Tasks for GMAW,
SPR, Sheet Metal Projection Welding, Laser Welding and Plasma Braze.
Edited in-process inspection requirements for dispense materials. (Global
Weld Council)

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Appendix A: Resistance Welding Equipment Monitoring Activity

Note 1
Table A1: Resistance Welding


Equipment Monitoring Activity OM Cap Shift

Verify caps are the ones specified. Y X

Check cap alignment. Y X
Check caps for unusual wear and/or
discoloration due to cooling problems.
Check for any water and air leaks. Y X
Check for excess slag buildup. Y X
Automatic cap dress operations only. Prior to
cap change, dress caps and then check the
dressed caps and compare to boundary
sample or visual aid and check cutter is clear.
Check cables/shunts for wear, cuts and loose
Check self-equalizing gun function where
Projection welding fasteners only. Check
fastener feeder mechanism is free of debris Y X
and operating properly.
If applicable, verify error-proofing device is
Operations with a Welder Control Network.
Verify that the weld schedules, fault settings
and stepper settings agree with the Weld Tool
Data Sheet documented values.
Operations without a Welder Control Network.
Verify that the weld schedules, fault settings
and stepper settings agree with the Weld Tool
Data Sheets documented values.
Verify secondary weld current capability for
non-transgun operation.
Verify gun action including lubrication and
flash shields.
Verify gun force and cap dress force is within
specified limits.
Note 1: XX indicates increased process monitoring activity when in-process chisel checking is not performed.

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Appendix B: Gas Metal Arc Welding/Brazing Equipment Monitoring Activity

Table B1: Arc Welding and Arc Brazing


Equipment Monitoring Activity OM Daily Weekly Monthly
Check shielding gas is flowing at nozzle. Y X
Check wire feed system operation. Y X
Check torch and mounting brackets are tight and in
position if applicable.
Check torch, nozzle and contact tip for damage. Y X
Verify actual contact tip to work distance is within the
validated range. Measure with gauge, fiber optic or Y X
touch sense.
Note 1
Verify consistent wire feed speed.
Feed and measure a timed wire segment, or read Y X
calibrated independent wire driven tachometer
(preferred method).
Check torch cleaning system operation if applicable. Y X
Verify flow rate of shielding gas is within validated
limits stated at Weld Verification. Check hoses for Y X
Check and fill anti-spatter system. Check hoses for Note 2
Check weld wire delivery system components for
Verify feed drive roll tensioner settings. Y X
Check weld wire conduits and control cables for
Check for damage and wear in the cables of the power
source return circuit. Y X

Check “Copper Contact Block(s)” are clean and have

direct contact to the part being welded. Check
pressure mechanism used to make Copper Contact
Block(s) fit-up with part to be welded.
Verify water cooling (to torch) flow rate (if applicable). Y X
Note 1: For this activity, wire feed speeds are not to be taken from meters provided by the weld equipment manufacturer.
Note 2: Dependent on size of dispensing unit.

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Appendix C: Drawn Arc Welding Equipment Monitoring Activity

Table C1: Drawn Arc Welding

Equipment Monitoring Activity OM Each Shift Daily Collet Monthly
Check collet for broken or burned away tines, and
check that collet nut is tight.
Check the position or stick out of the probe/flash
Check piston for stick out. N X
Verify drop time (at the welder control) does not
exceed setup value by more than 5 ms.
Check part mating surface is free of excessive oil or
Check feeders and feed tubes that they are free of

debris, excessive wear, and for correct operation.
Check work lead circuit (welder control/feeder to work
piece). Ensure cables are intact, connections are tight, N X
and contact blocks function properly.
Check mount and slide unit for excessive play. Make
sure tubes and cables do not inhibit movement.
Verify stick-out from collet. Check lift distance and
Verify that arc voltage, current and time are within the
process tolerances specified on the Weld Tool Data N X
Check feed tubes for wear and proper alignment. Y X
Check for abrasion between the inner and outer collet. Y X
Check the power feed cable for wear and exposed
Check weld head/gun front end for tight rings, flanges,
and nuts.

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Appendix D: Mechanical Clinch Equipment Monitoring Activity

Table D1: Mechanical Clinch Process

Equipment Monitoring Activity OM Weekly Monthly
Check punch for damage and punch tip for excessive wear. N X
Check condition of stripper assembly. Y X
Check condition of die; look for damage, excessive wear of die blades. Y X
Check for excessive wear on the anvil. N X
Check general condition of clinch unit seals, hoses, and fittings. Y X
Verify operating air or hydraulic pressure is within limits documented on
the Tool Information Sheet.
Check proper punch and die alignment. N X
Check correct punch is installed. N X
Check for wear of punch holder. Is punch loose in holder? N X
Check stripper springs for wear, compressed, or broken. N X
Check that correct die is installed. N X
Check condition of slides for excessive wear or loose. N X

Check condition of stop blocks, loose or worn. N X

Verify travel of clinch unit for proper shut height. N X
Verify operation of proximity switches on dumps and slides. N X

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Appendix E: Laser Welding Equipment Monitoring Activity

Table E1: Laser Welding, General

Equipment Monitoring Per Six

OM Daily Weekly Monthly Annually Other
Activity Shift Months

Measure and verify actual

laser power at the work Y X
Verify Scattering Light
Check cables and hoses
inside the laser generator
(used in the Fiber Optics N X
Delivery System) for
Check the flow meters,
check/clean the external
water filters.

Verify laser output

monitor low and high limit N X

Table E2: Chiller/Heat Exchanger

Chiller/Heat Exchanger

Equipment Monitoring Per Six

OM Daily Weekly Monthly Annually Other
Activity Shift Months

Verify water level of


Check condition of chiller

air filter (if present) for Y X
Check water filter
condition for the chiller.
Verify chiller water
(external/tap water) N X

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 05/11/2012 06:01:32 MDT

Table E3: Program Parameters

Laser Program Parameters

Equipment Monitoring Per Six

OM Daily Weekly Monthly Other
Activity Shift Months

Verify laser “on time” per job

is within specified limit.
Verify laser schedule, (e.g.,
laser power, feed rate, etc.)
Verify beam angle to work
surface is within specified Y X
Verify bend radius of fiber
cable is within specified Y X

Table E4: Laser Head

Laser Head
Equipment Monitoring Activity OM Daily Weekly Monthly Annually

Clean the shielding gas tube and test the flow of gas
while the valve is switched on, when used.
Check the position of the gas tube when used. Y X
Clean the pressure roller and check it for damages,
wear (diameter) and smooth running.
Check the condition of the cover lens. Y X
Test the proportional valves (when present) by slightly
lifting the balancing part of the head manually.
Check the part locating sensor, (e.g., Baumer, Fanuc,
etc.) for dirt, smoke and weld spatter. Clean calibration Y X
Check the cables and hoses for proper connections. Y X
Check the slide of the Z-travel (for dirt, smooth
running, limit switch position).

Table E5: Seam Tracking System

Vision Based Weld Joint Seam Tracking System (Precitec)
Equipment Monitoring Activity OM Daily Weekly Monthly Other
Check cover lens. Y X

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 05/11/2012 06:01:32 MDT

Appendix F: Automated Dispense System Equipment Monitoring Activity

Table F1: Dispense Systems

Equipment Monitoring Activity OM Daily Drum/Pail Monthly
Verify vision system is functioning, not in bypass. Y X
Review dispense controller SPC data for process
Verify that programmed fault control settings agree
with the Dispense Tool Data Sheet and that Body
Style volume settings and limits agree with the
Dispense Tool Data Sheet.
Verify that the dispense temperature limits agree
with the Dispense Tool Data Sheet.
Verify that Robot parameters agree with the
Dispense Tool Data Sheet values.
Verify correct material part number and material
expiration (use by) date is not expired.

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 05/11/2012 06:01:32 MDT

Appendix G: Sheet Metal Resistance Projection Welding Equipment Monitoring Activity

Table G1: Sheet Metal Resistance Projection Welding

Each Every
Equipment Monitoring Activity OM Shift Cap

Check caps for unusual wear and/or

discoloration due to cooling problems.
Check punch and die alignment. Y X
Verify caps are the ones specified and the
length of the stick out of the weld force Y X
indicator is within defined limits.
Check for any air leaks. Y X
Check for excess slag buildup. Y X
Automatic cap dress operations only. Prior to
cap change, dress caps and then check the
dressed caps and compare to boundary Y X
sample or visual aid and check cutter is
Check cables/shunts for wear, cuts and loose
Operations with a Welder Control Network.
Verify that the weld schedules, fault settings
and stepper settings agree with the Weld
Tool Data Sheet documented values.
Operations without a Welder Control
Network. Verify that the weld schedules, fault
settings and stepper settings agree with the
Weld Tool Data Sheets documented values.
Verify secondary weld current. N X
Verify gun force is within specified limits. N X

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 05/11/2012 06:01:32 MDT

Appendix H: Self Pierce Riveting Equipment Monitoring Activity

Table H1: Self Pierce Riveting

Equipment Monitoring Activity OM Each Shift Weekly Monthly
or Spool
Verify System Set-Up Parameters (Servo Speed, Full Y
Stroke, Power Spool Air Pressure, Compliant Lift Air
Pressure, Feed Air, Pressure, and System Air
Pressure) agree with values on the Tool Data Sheet.
Check die for damage. Y X
Check the punch for damage. Y X
Check cables and hoses for wear or damage. Y X
Check nose switch assembly for loose debris and Y
Check die post screws for tightness. Y X
Check the nose assembly condition of the steel balls Y
and O-ring for excessive wear and non-centralization X
of the steel balls.
Check the operation of the compliant mount. Y X
Check the security of the retaining screw that retains Y
the guide bush to the plunger.
Check the nose assembly, nose adapter, guide bush, Y
and punch for excessive wear.

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 05/11/2012 06:01:32 MDT

Appendix J: Plasma Brazing Equipment Monitoring Activity

Table J1: Plasma Brazing

Equipment Monitoring Activity OM Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly

Check welding torch for signs of damage. Y X

Check welding torch consumables for signs of wear or X
Verify input pressure from Argon supply into the X
power source setting.
Check gas flows on plasma and shield gas for meters X
are correctly set.
Check coolant level. Y X
Check to ensure that air vent slots are not blocked X
with debris.
Check pins on quick disconnect for any signs of X
Check brass female sockets in the bulkhead quick X
disconnect for any signs of burning and that the Y
copper o-rings are properly located.
Check lubricant on O-rings on male torch lead pins. Y X

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 05/11/2012 06:01:32 MDT

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