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(On surrender)
Md. Ashikul Rahman Tolon &

For the Accused-Petitioner

(Mirza Sultan-Alraza)







An Application for Anticipatory bail

under section 498 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure.



1. Md. Ashikul Rahman Tolon, son of

Hazi Md. Rashid Mia, of village-

Bakshiganj Namapara, Police Station-

Bakshiganj, District-Jamalpur.

2. Mizanur Rahman Talukdar, son of late

Haydar Ali, of village- Panatiyapara,

Police Station-Bakshiganj, District-


3. Md. Saud Sawdagar, son of Momtaz

Sawdagar, of village- Bakshiganj

Sawdagarpara, Police Station-

Bakshiganj, District-Jamalpur.

4. Md. Ashraf Ali, son of Joynal Abedin, of

village- Tinanipara, Police Station-

Bakshiganj, District-Jamalpur.

5. Md. Mynul Haque alias Md. Mynul

Sarkar, son of late Solayman Haque

Dhola alias Md. Solayman Haque

Sarker, of village- Modhopolash Tola,

Police Station-Bakshiganj, District-


6. Kamruzzaman Liton alias A. H. M.

Kamruzzaman Siddiky, son of Abdus

Salam, of village- Battajor Fuldohpara,

Police Station-Bakshiganj, District-


7. Md. Bishal Sarkar, son of Abdur

Rahim, of village- Battajor Jinnabazar,

Police Station-Bakshiganj, District-


8. Md. Firoz alias Md. Firuz Mia, son of

late Nur Mohammad Feka alias late Ali

Ahammad, of village- Kamalpur

Mridhapara, Police Station-Bakshiganj,


9. Liton Mia alias Jafor Ahmed, son of late

Jahangir Sarkar, of village- Dhanuya,

Police Station-Bakshiganj, District-


10. Ripon Mistri alias Md. Sulyman Hoque,

son of Abdul Latif, of village- Uttar

Kamalpur, Police Station-Bakshiganj,


11. Md. Sobuj Mia alias Musaddequr

Rahman, son of Chengu Kerani alias

late A.T.M. Safi Uddin Ahammed, of

village- Kamalpur Mridhapara, Police

Station-Bakshiganj, District-Jamalpur.

12. Md. Nahid alias Nahid Hasan, son of

Fotik Master, of village- Dhanuya,

Police Station-Bakshiganj, District-


(On surrender)

The State

------Opposite Party.


Prayer for Anticipatory bail in

Bakshiganj Police Station Case No. 25

dated 30.08.2023 corresponding to

G.R. Case No. 177 of 2023 under

section 15(3)/25-D of the Special

Powers, Act, 1974 read with section

4/6 of the Explosive Substance Act,

1908 now pending before the learned

Chief Judicial Magistrate Court,



Mr. Justice Hasan Foez Siddique, the Hon’ble Chief Justice of

Bangladesh and his companion Justices of the Supreme Court of


The humble petition on behalf of the

accused petitioner above-named most


S H E W E T H:

1. That the petitioner is a law abiding, peace loving permanent

citizen of Bangladesh. He is never involved in any anti-social

or anti-state activities. He is never involved in the alleged

occurrence. He is active worker of political party in opposition

hence entangled in this false case out of political rivalry.

2. That the police raided the house of the accused petitioners on

several time and lastly on 03.09.2023. That it is stated that one

Mozibur Rahman, Sub-Inspector of Police, Bakshiganj Police

Station, Jamalpur lodged an FIR against the accused

petitioners on 30.08.2023 at about 23.35 hours Bakshiganj

Police Station Case No. 25 dated 30.08.2023, thereafter the

petitioner somehow managed to obtain the photocopy of the

FIR. The said FIR is quoted as follows-


wewc dig bs 27
evsjv‡`k dig bs 5356
cÖv_wgK Z_¨ weeiYx
(wbqš¿Y bs 243)

_vbvq †ckK…Z †dŠR`vix weavb †Kv‡li 154 bs avivq aZ©e¨

Aciva msµvšÍ cÖv_wgK Z_¨|

Dc‡Rjv- eKkxMÄ ‡Rjv- Rvgvjcyi

bs 25/177 NUbvi I mgq 30 AvM÷, 2023,

21.35 NwUKv|
†ck Kivi ZvwiL I mgq t 30 AvMó 2023, 23.35 NwUKvq|

NUbvi ¯’vb, _vbv nB‡Z `~iZ¡ I w`K Ges `vwqZ¡vaxb

GjvKv bs

eKkxMÄ _vbvaxb 1 bs avbyqv Kvgvjcyi BDwc h`yiPi

mvwKb¯’ h`yiPi `vwLj gv`ªvmvi gvV| h`yi Pi, avbyqv

Kvgvjcyi eKkxMÄ, Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k, 13 wKwg DËi w`K,

†gŠRv bs- 03 (h`yiPi) BDwc bs- 01 (avbyqv) Kvgvjcyi|

_vbv nB‡Z †cÖi‡Yi ZvwiL t 31 AvMó 2023|


wet`ªt- cÖv_wgK Z_¨ Aek¨B msev``vZvi m¦v¶i A_ev

wUcmwn m¤¦wjZ Ges wjwce×Kvix Awdmvi KZ„©K

mZ¨vwqZ nB‡Z nB‡e|

msev``vZv Ges Awf‡hvMKvixi bvg I evm¯’vb/wVKvbvt

Gm AvB (wbt) Avey mvC`, †gvevBj 01621578154 Kg©‡ÿ‡Îi

wVKvbv: MÖvg eKkxMÄ, Dc‡Rjv/ _vbv eKkxMÄ, †Rjv-

Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k|

Avmvgxi bvg I evm¯’vb/wVKvbv t

1. †gvt AvwkKzj ingvb †Zvjb (36), wcZv- nvRx †gvt

iwk` wgqv, ¯’vqx: MÖvg: eKkxMÄ bvgv cvov,

Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 2.

wgRvbyi ingvb ZvjyK`vi (52), wcZv- g„Z nvq`vi Avjx,

¯’vqx: MÖvg: cvbvwZqv cvov, Dc‡Rjv/_vbv-

eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 3. †gvt mvD`

mI`vMi (55), wcZv- AÁvZ, ¯’vqx: MÖvg: eKkxMÄ

mI`vMi cvov, Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi,

evsjv‡`k 4. ‡gvt Avkivd Avjx (40), wcZv- AÁvZ,

¯’vqx: MÖvg: eKkxMÄ (wZbvbxcvov), Dc‡Rjv/_vbv-


eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 5. †gvt gvBbyj nK

(35), wcZv- g„Z †mvjvqgvb nK ajv, ¯’vqx: MÖvg: ga¨

cjvkZjv, Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi,

evsjv‡`k 6. Kvgiæ¾vgvb wjUb (52), wcZv- Avãym

mvjvg, ¯’vqx: MÖvg: evÆv‡Rvo (dzj`ncvov),

Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 7.

†gvt wekvj miKvi (24), wcZv- Avt iwng miKvi, ¯’vqx:

MÖvg: evÆv‡Rvo (wRbœvn evRvi), Dc‡Rjv/_vbv-

eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 8. †gvt wd‡ivR (42),

wcZv- g„Z byi †gvnv¤§` †dKv, ¯’vqx: MÖvg: Kvgvjcyi

(g~a©vcvov), Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi,

evsjv‡`k 9. wjUb wgqv (50), wcZv- g„Z Rvnv½xi

miKvi, ¯’vqx: MÖvg: avbyqv, Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ,

†Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 10. wicb wg¯¿x (40), wcZv-

Avt jwZd miKvi, ¯’vqx: MÖvg: Kvgvjcyi (DËi),

Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 11.

†gvt meyR wgqv (50), wcZv- †P½y †Kivbx, ¯’vqx:

MÖvg: Kvgvjcyi (g~a©vcvov), Dc‡Rjv/_vbv-


eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 12. †gvt bvwn` (32),

wcZv- dwUK gvóvi, ¯’vqx: MÖvg: avbyqv,

Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 13.

†Mvjvg †gv¯Ídv Ii‡d eyjeyj weGmwm (55), wcZv- g„Z

Avãyj nvwg`, ¯’vqx: MÖvg: Kvgvjcyi (DËi),

Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 14.

†mvnvM wgqv (38), wcZv- kvgQzj û`v, ¯’vqx: MÖvg:

`wÿY Kvgvjcyi, Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv

Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 15. †mvnivi Avjx (45), wcZv-g„Z

Kwig gÛj, ¯’vqx: MÖvg: Lvgvi‡M`iv, Dc‡Rjv/_vbv-

eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 16. Rqbvj Av‡e`xb

(50), wcZv- g„Z BDbyQ Avjx, ¯’vqx: MÖvg: h`yi Pi,

Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 17. ïf

wgqv (35), wcZv- Kzj gvóvi ¯’vqx: MÖvg: h`yi Pi,

Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 18.

nvwg` †g¤^vi (50), wcZv- g„Z Avjxg DwÏb, ¯’vqx:

MÖvg: †Usivgvix, Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv

Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 19. †mvbv wgqv (38), wcZv- Zviv


wgqv, ¯’vqx: MÖvg: Lvgvi‡M`iv, Dc‡Rjv/_vbv-

eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 20. dwi` †g¤^vi (40),

wcZv- g„Z kvgQzj nK, ¯’vqx: MÖvg: evjyRywo,

Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 21.

gvngy`yj nvmvb g½v (40), wcZv- g„Z Avãyi iv¾vK,

¯’vqx: MÖvg: †Usivgvix, Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv

Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 22. AvIjv` †nv‡mb (32), wcZv- g„Z

kvgQzj nK, ¯’vqx: MÖvg: †MvqvjMuvI, Dc‡Rjv/_vbv-

eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 23. †di‡`Šm (32),

wcZv- kivdZ Avjx, ¯’vqx: MÖvg: †MvqvjMuvI,

Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 24.

dwi`y¾vgvb Lvb (40), wcZv- g„Z Rni Avjx, ¯’vqx:

MÖvg: †giæi Pi (†eZgvix), Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ,

†Rjv Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 25. †gvt Avt nvwKg (40),

wcZv- g„Z Avãyj nvB, ¯’vqx: MÖvg: †giæi Pi

(†eZgvix), Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyi,

evsjv‡`k 26. ‡gvkvid †nv‡mb (42), wcZv- g„Z †LvKv,

¯’vqx: MÖvg: Kvgvjcyi, Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv


Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k 27. AÁvZ bvgv 25/30 Rb, ¯’vqx:

MÖvg: mvs- AÁvZ, Dc‡Rjv/_vbv- eKkxMÄ, †Rjv

Rvgvjcyi, evsjv‡`k|

avivmn Aciva Ges jywÚZ `ªe¨vw`i mswÿß weeiY t

15(3)/25(D) The Special Power Act,1974 Zrmn 4/6 The

Explosive Substances Act, 1908; ‰bivR¨ bvkKZv m„wói

j‡ÿ¨ hvbevnb, BDwbqb Awdm, Kvgvjcyi e›`i, WvK evs‡jv,

evRvi †`vKvb cvV, fvsPzi I AwMœ ms‡hvM BZ¨vw`

AšÍ©NvZx Kv‡h©i D‡Ï‡k¨ we‡ùviK `ªe¨ mn Rgv‡qZ n‡q

cÖ¯ÍywZ MÖnb Kivi Aciva| D×vi jvj is‡qi ¯‹P‡Uc Øviv

†gvov‡bv 03 (wZb) wU KK‡Uj|

Z`šÍ Pvjbvi Kg©ZrciZv Ges wej‡¤¦ Z_¨ †iKW© Kivi

ˆKwdqZ/gvgjvi djvdj t ev`xi Kw¤úDUvi K‡¤úvRK…Z

GRvnvi, Rã ZvwjKv g~‡j RãK…Z AvjvgZ _vbvq cÖvß

nBqv GdAvBAvi Kjvg c~ib c~e©K gvgjv iæRy Kwijvg|

LwZqv‡b †bvU Kwijvg| wej‡¤^i KviY GRvnv‡ii D‡jøL


(cªv_wgK Z_¨ wb‡¤§ wjwceÜ Kwi‡Z nB‡e)


ev`xi wjwLZ/Kw¤úDUvi UvBcK…Z GRvnvi _vbvq cÖvß

nBqv g~j GRvnvi wnmv‡e MY¨ Kwiqv AÎ mwnZ mshy³ Kiv


mve- B݇c±i (wbi¯¿) Avãym mvjvg- 9017204367 (†gvevBj

bs- 01719048027) gvgjvwU Z`šÍ Kwi‡eb|

¯^vÿi A¯úó

30/8/23 Bs

‡bvUt Z‡_¨i cv`‡`‡k msev`vZvi ¯^vÿi A_ev wUcmwn

_vwK‡Z nB‡e|


Awdmvi BbPvR©

eKkxMÄ _vbv, †Rjv- Rvgvjcyi|

welq:- GRvnvi|


m¤§vb c~e©K wb‡e`b GB †h Avwg GmAvB

(wbt)/Avey mvC` msMxq Awdmvi/Avey kixd,

GmAvB/Avãym mvjvg, GmAvB/‡gvt dqRyi ingvb,


GmAvB/‡gvt Dgi dviæK, GmAvB/‡gvt wd‡ivR wgqv,

GGmAvB/Avt gvbœvb, GGmAvB/‡gvt gvndzRyi

ingvb, GGmAvB/‡gvt wRbœvZ nvmvb gvwbK,

GGmAvB/wPËiÄb msMxq Ks/842 †gvt Rvnv½xi

†nv‡mb mn eKkxMÄ _vbvaxb h`yiPi `vwLj gv`ªvmvi

gvV nB‡Z Rã ZvwjKv g~‡j Rã AvjvgZ (1) jvj is‡qi

¯‹P‡Uc Øviv †gvov‡bv 03 (wZb) wU KK‡Uj mn _vbvq

nvwRi nBqv GB g‡g© GRvnvi `v‡qi Kwi‡ZwQ †h,

eKkxMÄ _vbvi wRwW bs- 1284 Zvs- 30/08/2023 wLª.

g~‡j eKkxMÄ wZbvbxcvov †gv‡o we‡kl Awfhvb

wWDwU KivKvjxb 30/08/2023 wLª. ZvwiL ivZ 20.35

NwUKvi mgq †Mvcb msev‡`i wfwˇZ Rvwb‡Z cvwi

†h, Abygvb 50/60 Rb `y®‹…wZKvix eKkxMÄ

_vbvaxb h`yiPi `vwLj gv`ªvmvi gv‡V †`kxq

A¯¿m¯¿ mw¾Z nBqv hvbevnb fvsPzi, Kvgvjcyi e›`i,

avbyqv Kvgvjcyi BDwbqb cwil`, Kvgvjcyi WvK evs‡jv,

evRv‡ii †`vKvb cvV fvsPzi mn AwMœ ms‡hvM

BZ¨vw` AšÍ©NvZx Kv‡h©i gva¨‡g Rbg‡b AvZ¼


m„wó Kwiqv †`‡ki AvBb k„•Ljv AebwZ, miKvi‡K

weeªZKi cwiw¯’wZ‡Z †djv, Aw¯’wZkxj cwi‡ek ˆZix

Ges miKvi‡K DrLv‡Zi j‡ÿ¨ nvgjvi cÖ¯ÍyZ MÖnb

Kwi‡Z‡Q| D³ msev` cÖvß nBqv Avwg msMxq Awdmvi

mn wZbvbxcvov †gvo nB‡Z _vbv GjvKvq ivÎxKvjxb

Riæix AvBb k„•Ljv wWDwU‡Z wb‡qvwRZ GmAvB

(wbt)/‡gvt ZvwiKz¾vb, Ks/697 †gvt Avwgbyj Bmjvg,

Ks/1497 †g‡n`x, Ks/317 †gvt bRiæj Bmjvg Ges

eKkxMÄ †cŠi I evRvi GjvKvq ivwÎKvjxb wWDwU‡Z

wb‡qvwRZ GGmAvB (wbt)/‡gvt byiæ¾vgvb, Ks/530

†gvt Rvwgbyj Bmjvg, Ks/340 †gvt gwbi †nv‡mb mn

NUbv¯’‡ji D‡Ï‡k¨ iIbv Kwi| Avwg mn Ab¨vb¨ Awdmvi

I †dvm©Mb 30/08/2023 wLª. 21:05 NwUKvi mgq

D‡jøwLZ ¯’v‡b Dcw¯’Z nBqv †MÖdZv‡ii †PóvKv‡j

`y®‹…wZKvixiv †`ŠovBqv cvjvBqv hvq| Zrmgq

NUbv¯’‡ji Avkcvk ¯’v‡b Zjøvkx Kwiqv Avmvgx‡`i

†dwjqv hvIqv (K) jvj is‡qi ¯‹P‡Uc Øviv †gvov‡bv 03

(wZb) wU KK‡Uj mv`„k¨ e¯‘ cvBqv Bs 30/08/2023


ZvwiL 21:35 NwUKvq Dcw¯’Z mvÿx (K) †gvt Dgi

dviæK (24), wcZv- †gvt `yjvj wgqv, mvs- Kvgvjcyi

bqvcvov, (L) †gvt AvwbQzi ingvb (55), wcZv- g„Z

QBg DwÏb, mvs- Kvgvjcyi evjMuvI, Dfq_vbv-

eKkxMÄ, †Rjv- Rvgvjcyi, (M) GGmAvB (wbt)/‡gvt

byiæ¾vgvb, Kg©¯’j- eKkxMÄ _vbv, †Rjv- Rvgvjcyimn

¯’vbxq †jvKR‡bi mvg‡b wewa †gvZv‡eK Rã Kwi Ges

mvÿx‡`i mvÿi MÖnb Kwi| Dc‡iv³ mvÿxMY mn

Av‡kcv‡ki †jvKRb‡`i wRÁvmvev` Kwi‡j Rvbvq †h,

Avmvgx 1| †gvt AvwkKzj ingvb †Zvjb (36), wcZv-

nvRx †gvt iwk` wgqv, mvs- eKkxMÄ bvgv cvov 2.|

wgRvbyi ingvb ZvjyK`vi (52), wcZv- g„Z nvq`vi Avjx,

mvs- cvbvwZqv cvov 3| †gvt mvD` mI`vMi (55), wcZv-

AÁvZ, mvs- eKkxMÄ mI`vMi cvov 4| ‡gvt Avkivd

Avjx (40), wcZv- AÁvZ, mvs- eKkxMÄ (wZbvbxcvov),

5| †gvt gvBbyj nK (35), wcZv- g„Z †mvjvqgvb nK ajv,

mvs- ga¨ cjvkZjv, 6| Kvgiæ¾vgvb wjUb (52), wcZv-

Avãym mvjvg, mvs- evÆv‡Rvo (dzj`ncvov), 7| †gvt


wekvj miKvi (24), wcZv- Avt iwng miKvi, mvs-

evÆv‡Rvo (wRbœvn evRvi), 8| †gvt wd‡ivR (42),

wcZv- g„Z byi †gvnv¤§` †dKv, mvs- Kvgvjcyi

(g~a©vcvov), 9| wjUb wgqv (50), wcZv- g„Z Rvnv½xi

miKvi, mvs- avbyqv, 10| wicb wg¯¿x (40), wcZv- Avt

jwZd miKvi, mvs- Kvgvjcyi (DËi), 11| †gvt meyR wgqv

(50), wcZv- †P½y †Kivbx, mvs- Kvgvjcyi

(g~a©vcvov), 12| †gvt bvwn` (32), wcZv- dwUK gvóvi,

mvs- avbyqv, 13| †Mvjvg †gv¯Ídv Ii‡d eyjeyj weGmwm

(55), wcZv- g„Z Avãyj nvwg`, mvs- Kvgvjcyi (DËi), Dc

14| †mvnvM wgqv (38), wcZv- kvgQzj û`v, mvs- `wÿY

Kvgvjcyi, 15| †mvnivi Avjx (45), wcZv-g„Z Kwig gÛj,

mvs- Lvgvi‡M`iv, 16| Rqbvj Av‡e`xb (50), wcZv- g„Z

BDbyQ Avjx, mvs- h`yi Pi, 17| ïf wgqv (35), wcZv- Kzj

gvóvi mvs- h`yi Pi, 18| nvwg` †g¤^vi (50), wcZv- g„Z

Avjxg DwÏb, mvs- †Usivgvix, 19| †mvbv wgqv (38),

wcZv- Zviv wgqv, mvs- Lvgvi‡M`iv, 20| dwi` †g¤^vi

(40), wcZv- g„Z kvgQzj nK, mvs- evjyRywo, 21|


gvngy`yj nvmvb g½v (40), wcZv- g„Z Avãyi iv¾vK,

mvs- †Usivgvix, 22| AvIjv` †nv‡mb (32), wcZv- g„Z

kvgQzj nK, mvs- †MvqvjMuvI, 23| †di‡`Šm (32),

wcZv- kivdZ Avjx, mvs- †MvqvjMuvI, 24| dwi`y¾vgvb

Lvb (40), wcZv- g„Z Rni Avjx, mvs- †giæi Pi

(†eZgvix), 25| †gvt Avt nvwKg (40), wcZv- g„Z Avãyj

nvB, mvs- †giæi Pi (†eZgvix), 26| ‡gvkvid †nv‡mb

(42), wcZv- g„Z †LvKv, mvs- Kvgvjcyi, me©_vbv-

eKkxMÄ, †Rjv Rvgvjcyimn AÁvZ bvgv 25/30 Rb

`y®‹…wZKvix mš¿vmxiv ewY©Z ¯’v‡b †eAvBbx

hvbevnb fvsPzi, Kvgvjcyi e›`i fvsPzi, avbyqv Kvgvjcyi

BDwbqb cwil`, Kvgvjcyi WvK evs‡jv, evRv‡ii †`vKvb

cvV fvsPzi mn AwMœ ms‡hvM BZ¨vw` AšÍ©NvZx

Kv‡h©i cÖ¯ÍywZ Ges we‡ùviK `ªe¨vw` mn mw¾Z

nBqv 1974 m‡bi we‡kl ÿgZv AvB‡bi 15 (3)/25-wW mn

1908 we‡ùviK `ªe¨ AvBb (ms‡kvab/2002) Gi 4/6 avivi

Aciva Kwiqv‡Q| NUbv¯’‡ji Avkcv‡ki †jvKRb‡`i

wRÁvmvev` Kwiqv cjvZK Avmvgx‡`i bvg-wVKvbv


msMÖn, Zvnv‡`i †MÖdZv‡ii †Póv Ges DשZb KZ…

©c‡ÿi mwnZ Av‡jvPbv Kwiqv AÎ GRvnvi `v‡qi Kwi‡Z

wej¤^ nBj|,

AZGe, DwjøwLZ cjvZK Avmvgx‡`i, weiæ‡× ewY©Z

avivq wbqwgZ gvgjv iæRy Kwi‡Z Avcbvi gwR© nq|


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3. That it is stated that the accused-petitioner No. 1-12 has been

entangled as accused No. 1-12 in the FIR despite of having

them of no involvement with the alleged offence.

4. That it is humbly submitted that the accused petitioners have

been entangled in this false case at the instigation of the local

enemy out of political rivalry and the FIR focuses clear prima

facie case for granting anticipatory bail since the allegation is

unspecific and vague and as such the petitioners are entitled

to be enlarged on anticipatory bail.

5. That it is humbly submitted that the informant lodged the case

by implicating the petitioners with an ill motive and to destroy

the political career of the accused petitioners and they are

quite innocent and they have committed no such offence as

has been alleged by the informant against them and that the

alleged allegations are false, baseless, conspiring, malicious

and arranged and as such they are entitled to get anticipatory


6. That it is submitted that the petitioner have got reasonable

apprehension that if he be arrested by the police they will be

subjected to torture and humiliation inhumanly inasmuch as

they will be taken to remand by the police and in such a view

of the facts and circumstances of the case they may kindly be

enlarged on anticipatory bail to secure the ends of justice.


7. That it is humbly submitted that the petitioner has got

reasonable apprehensions that if they surrender before the

learned court below, the prayer for bail may not be considered

judiciously. Moreover, on their way to surrender the accused

petitioners may be arrested by the police at the instance of the

informant and as such the accused petitioner may kindly be

enlarged on anticipatory bail.

8. That it is submitted that their Lordships in the Appellate

Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh made some

observations giving a guideline as to the effect that on some

ground an application for anticipatory bail cannot be granted

and the instant case does not fall within the ambit of the said

categories of offence.

9. That the above circumstance the accused petitioners finding

no other alternative prefers this application to move before

your lordships on the following amongst other:



I. For that the accused petitioners have been entangled in

this false case at the instigation of the local enemy out of

political rivalry and the FIR focuses clear prima facie case

for granting anticipatory bail since the allegation is

unspecific and vague and as such the petitioner is entitled

to be enlarged on anticipatory bail.

II. For that the informant lodged the case by implicating the

petitioner with an ill motive and to destroy the political

career of the accused petitioner and they are quite

innocent and they have committed no such offence as has

been alleged by the informant against them and that the

alleged allegations are false, baseless, conspiring,

malicious and arranged and as such they are entitled to get

anticipatory bail.

III. For that the petitioners have got reasonable apprehension

that if he be arrested by the police they will be subjected to

torture and humiliation inhumanly inasmuch as they will be

taken to remand by the police and in such a view of the


facts and circumstances of the case they may kindly be

enlarged on anticipatory bail to secure the ends of justice.

IV. For that the petitioner have got reasonable apprehensions

that if they surrender before the learned court below, the

prayer for bail may not be considered judiciously.

Moreover, on their way to surrender the accused

petitioners may be arrested by the police at the instance of

the informant and as such the accused petitioner may

kindly be enlarged on anticipatory bail.

V. For that their Lordships in the Appellate Division of the

Supreme Court of Bangladesh made some observations

giving a guideline as to the effect that on some ground an

application for anticipatory bail cannot be granted and the

instant case does not fall within the ambit of the said

categories of offence.

Wherefore it is most humbly prayed that

your Lordships may graciously be

pleased to issue a Rule calling upon the


Opposite party to show cause as to why

the accused-petitioner shall not be

enlarged on anticipatory bail in

Bakshiganj Police Station Case No. 25

dated 30.08.2023 corresponding to

G.R. Case No. 177 of 2023 under

section 15(3)/25-D of the Special

Powers, Act, 1974 read with section

4/6 of the Explosive Substance Act,

1908 now pending before the learned

Chief Judicial Magistrate Court,

Jamalpur and after hearing the parties,

perusing the records and cause shown,

if any, make the rule absolute and or

pass such other or further order or

orders as to your Lordships may seem

fit and proper.


Pending hearing of the Rule, your

Lordships may further be pleased to


enlarge the accused-petitioners on ad-

interim anticipatory bail.

And for this, the petitioners above named as in duty bound, shall

ever pray.


I, Md. Rakibul Hasan Sanny, Son of Md. Farhad Hossain and Mst.

Shaheena Akter, of Village- Moddho Chuniapara, Post Office-

Dewanganj-2030, Police Station- Dewanganj, District- Jamalpur,

aged about- 27 years, by faith-Muslim, by Profession- Business, by

Nationality–Bangladeshi by birth, National ID No. 5959022418, do

hereby solemnly affirm and state as follows:

1. That I am cousin of the petitioner and the Tadbirkder on behalf

of the accused petitioner of this case as such I am acquainted

with the facts and circumstances of this application and am

competent to swear this affidavit.

2. That the statements made hereinabove in this application is

true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


3. That the petitioner did not earlier made any application with the

same object or purpose.

Prepared in my office.

(Mirza Sultan-Alraza) Deponent


Solemnly affirmed before me The deponent is known to

on this the ...... day of me and identified by me.

(Mirza Sultan-Alraza)
Hall Room No. 1(SCBAB)
Membership No. 7142
Mobile: 01706-314191




Md. Ashikul Rahman Tolon alias
Ashikur Rahman Tulon

--Accused- Petitioner
(On surrender)
The State
------Opposite Party
The Attorney General
Supreme Court of Bangladesh

Dear Sir,

Please take a notice that an application for anticipatory Bail under

Section 498 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Copy enclosed
herewith) will be filed and moved before the Hon’ble Court No.13
With Regards:

(Mirza Sultan-Alraza)
For the accused petitioner

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