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Section C

Corruption refers to the abuse of power or position for personal gain, often involving bribery,
embezzlement, or other forms of unethical behavior. It can occur in various sectors, including
government, business, and public institutions.

The effects of corruption on society are far-reaching and damaging, including:

1. Erosion of trust: Corruption undermines faith in institutions, leaders, and the political system
as a whole.
2. Inequality and unfairness: Corruption perpetuates social and economic disparities, favoring
those with power and wealth.
3. Economic instability: Corruption distorts markets, discourages investment, and hinders
economic growth.
4. Social injustice: Corruption undermines the rule of law, allowing criminals to go unpunished
and innocent people to suffer.
5. Political instability: Corruption can lead to political unrest, protests, and even regime changes.
6. Brain drain: Corruption drives talented individuals to seek opportunities elsewhere, depriving
the country of skilled professionals.
7. Environmental degradation: Corruption can lead to exploitation and neglect of natural
8. Healthcare and education suffering: Corruption diverts funds from essential public services,
compromising healthcare and education.
9. Loss of moral values: Corruption can erode societal values, promoting a culture of greed and
10. Global implications: Corruption can contribute to global problems like organized crime,
terrorism, and human rights violations.

Overall, corruption has a corrosive effect on society, undermining the foundations of a just,
equitable, and prosperous community.

BY HASHIR RAJPUT 03103746526

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