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Research Proposal

Title: Exploring the Relationship between Leader Personality and Employee Job Satisfaction in

Academic Settings: An Industrial Psychology Perspective


In the academic setting, productive leadership is essential for developing employee happiness,

organizational culture, and productivity. Nonetheless, there is still a dearth of research on how

leader personality affects academic institution workers' job happiness. In the setting of

academics, this study attempts to look into the relationship between employee job satisfaction

and leader personality traits. This study aims to offer insightful information that can guide

leadership practices and foster a healthy work environment in academic settings by utilizing the

concepts of industrial psychology.

Research Objectives and Hypotheses:

Research Goal 1: Investigate how leadership personality factors affect academic staff members'

job happiness.

First hypothesis: Work happiness among employees in academic contexts is significantly

correlated with the personality attributes of leaders.

Research Goal 2: To determine which leadership personality attributes most significantly affect

workers' job happiness.

Hypothesis 2: There will be a favorable correlation between certain personality qualities and job

satisfaction among academic employees, including extraversion, agreeableness, and emotional


Research Objective 3: Investigate potential moderating factors, such as organizational culture

and leadership style, that may affect the link between employee job satisfaction and leader


Hypothesis 3: In academic institutions, the connection between employee job satisfaction and

leader personality traits will be moderated by organizational culture and leadership style.


1. Research Design:

A cross-sectional research design will be used in this study to collect data from academic

institution staff members. By examining characteristics at one particular point in time, cross-

sectional research sheds light on the current relationship between employee work satisfaction and

leader personality.

2. Participants:

Faculty, administrative, and support personnel from various departments of academic institutions

will be among the participants. To guarantee the generalizability of findings across various jobs

and fields within academia, a diversified sample will be gathered.

3. Data Collection:

Participants will receive electronic self-report questionnaires to complete in order to gather data.

Validated measures of employee job satisfaction (such as the Job Descriptive Index) and leader
personality qualities (such the Big Five Inventory) will be included in the questionnaire. To

account for potential confounding variables, demographic data and organizational variables will

also be gathered.

4. Data Analysis:

The links between leader personality qualities and employee job satisfaction will be investigated

by statistical studies, including correlation and multiple regression analysis. We'll do moderation

analyses to investigate how organizational characteristics affect this relationship. The statistical

tools R or SPSS will be used to analyze the data.

5. Ethical Considerations:

The ethical criteria provided by the relevant institutional review boards will be followed in this

study. All participants' informed consent will be acquired, and participation will be voluntary.

All replies will remain anonymous and confidential for the course of the study.


This research proposal describes a study intended to look into the connection between job

satisfaction among employees and leader personality factors in academic contexts. Through the

application of industrial psychology concepts, this research aims to add to the body of

knowledge already available in academic circles about leadership and organizational behavior.

Academic leaders and administrators can benefit greatly from the research's findings in terms of

improving employee job satisfaction and fostering a healthy work environment.

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