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The graph describes some of the most concerning problems among residents in seven major UK

cities in 2008.

Overall, it is clear that while air pollution received the least attention, health services were the
most popular issue in most cities, followed by education and training, except for Glasgow and
London, where there was an opposite trend.

As can be seen from the chart, in six out of seven cities, over 50% of the residents reported
having trouble with health services. The problem seemed to be the most serious in Belfast and
Cardiff, whose figures nearly approached 60 percent. Although problems related to education
and training were not as important as health services, they still accounted for more than a half of
the population concern in most cities. The rate of this issue in Glasgow and London was
exceptionally higher than that of the other matters, which were 53% and 52%, respectively.

Air pollution, however, was not considered a serious problem among UK residents. There were
only three cities where the rate of air pollution concern surpassed the peak of 10%, including
16% in Manchester, 14% in London and 12% in Cardiff. The issue seemed to be overlooked by
those who lived in Newcastle, where only 5% of the residents showed interest in air pollution.

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