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This agreement of compromise is executed on this 01st day of May, 2024 at

Pailla Madhusudhan Reddy S/o Yadagiri Reddy, Age: 58 years, Occ: Agriculture,
R/o Ammanabolu Village, Narketpally Mandal, Nalgonda Dist-508214

(Hereinafter called as “First party” of this agreement)

1. Gudipati Krishnaveni, W/o Late Eko Narayana, Age: 63 years, Occ: House hold,
2. Gudipati Santhosh Kumar, S/o Eko Narayana Age: 40 years, Occ: Business,
3. Gudipati Ram Kumar, S/o Eko Narayana Age: 38 years, Occ: Business,
4. Konduru@Gudipati Soujanya, W/o Praneeth Gowel (D/o Eko Narayana),
Age: 35 years, Occ: House hold, all are R/o H.No.6-2-817, Srinagar Colony,
Hyderabad Road, Nalgonda Town and Dist-508001
(Hereinafter called as “Second party” of this agreement)
Whereas the Second party is the absolute owners and possessors of the
schedule property annexed to this agreement and they have inherited the said
property from their common ancestor namely Late Gudipati Eko Narayana, S/o
Ramalingaiah, R/o Nalgonda who purchased the said property through
registration document No.1080/1986, Dt.27-03-1986 from Mohd. Abdul Shaffi,
S/o Mohd. Abdul Azeez, R/o Narketpally Village to an extent of Ac.1-22 Gts in
Sy. No.227 situated Narketpally Village with Khasra No.581 and perfected the
possession by constructing a compound wall around the said land which also
includes the land mentioned hereunder.

The said Gudipati Eko Narayana during his life time purchased another
land adjacent to the above land belongs to Chervugattu Village border
(Shivaru) to an extent of Ac.0-10 Gts in Sy. No.26/A1, Ac.0-10 Gts in Sy.
No.26/A2, Ac.0-10 Gts in Sy. No.26/E2, Ac.0-10 Gts in Sy. No.26/E3 in totally
Ac.1-00 Gts situated at Chervugattu Village of Narketpally Mandal, Nalgonda
District through two registration documents No.s’ 5943/1999, 5944/1999, on
the rolls of SRO, Nalgonda which is included in the above compound wall.

Subsequently one Etela Mallikarjun S/o Bixapathi and three others under
registered sale deed No.5437/2020, Dt.10-03-2020 sold the agriculture land in
Sy. No.227/A1/1 admeasuring Ac.0-1750 Gts, in Sy. No.227/A1/2 admeasuring
Ac.0-1750 Gts, in Sy. No.227/A1/3 admeasuring Ac.0-1750 Gts and in Sy.
No.227A1/4 admeasuring Ac.0-1750 Gts in total Ac.1-30 Gts to Sri Pailla
Madhusdhan Reddy S/o Yadagiri Reddy (First party herein). After purchasing
the above land the First party filed a civil suit vide O.S.No.93/2020 on the file
of Senior Civil Judge, Nalgonda against “Gudipati Eko Narayana” who was the
family elder and common ancestor of the second party and obtained ad-
interim injunction order against the said Gudipati Eko Narayana S/o
Ramalingaiah R/o Nalgonda Town who died while pending the above suit.
Subsequently after filing of the suit a counter affidavit was filed in the ad-
interim injunction, as such the ad-interim injunction order made in favour of
the first party was dismissed. Then the First party filed a CMA No.27 of 2021,
on the file of Hon’ble PDJ, Nalgonda.

As a matter of fact the vendor of the vendors of the First party namely
Nadimpalli Pichaiah alienated his share of land to various persons in the form
of house plots. As such there is no vacant land is remaining in the possession of
the said Nadimpalli Pichaiah, but the name of Nadimpalli Pichaiah has
continued in Revenue records of the Narketpally Village in respect of Sy.
No.227/A, because of house plots purchasers have not got mutated the
purchased land in the revenue records.

By knowing this fact the First party intended to compromise the case
with the second party, as the defendant Eko Narayana died recently and
second party were brought into the records as legal heirs and intended to
compromise the case before the Lok Adalath. The first party further
compromised the above said suit by agreeing that the suit land belongs to the
second party by relinquishing all his rights in favour of the second party. As
such in return the second party agreed to pay an amount of Rs.1,00,00,000/-
(Rupees One Crore only) to the first party and first party also agreed to receive
the same and relinquished all his rights over the suit land in favour of the
second party. The first party further agreed to be declared his registered sale
deed No.5437/2020, Dt.10-03-2020 as null and void by the Hon’ble court
which was executed in his favour.

At present the second party paying an amount of Rs.50,00,000/- (Rupees

Fifty Lakhs only) to the first party and the remaining balance amount will be
paid within 60 to 90 days to the first party at the time of the settlement of the
suit before the Lok Adalath. Further the first party agreeing and giving
assurance to the second party not to create any hurdles to the second party in
their possession and enjoyment over the suit property in O.S.No.93 of 2020, on
the file of Hon’ble Senior Civil Judge, Nalgonda.

This agreement of compromise is irrevocable and the same is binding on

both the parties exclusively for the use of second party and their subsequent
purchasers in respect of the suit schedule property involved in
O.S.No.93/2020, on the file of Hon’ble Senior Civil Judge, Nalgonda.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties herein have signed on this

“agreement of this compromise” with their own free will and consent after
understood the contents of the agreement of this compromise on this 1 st day
of May, 2024.
First Party:
WITNESSESS: (P.Madhusudhan Reddy)
Second Party:
2. 1. Gudipati Krishnaveni

3. 2. Gudipati Santhosh Kumar

4. 3. Gudipati Ram Kumar

4. Konduru@Gudipati Soujanya

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