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Grade 10

Test Paper № 1
________________________ ______________________
(name) (date)

Task 1
Read the text, fill in A, B or C
Only Children
There are (1) ___ families. Some families have many children but some of (2) ___
have an only one. Is it good or bad when you (3) ___ brothers or sisters? Of course,
everything depends (4) ___ education. If the parents bring (5) ___ their child
strictly and accustom him to be (6) ___ , it is good. If you (7) ___ only child in the
family, you will get more attention not only from parents but also from
grandparents. It is easier for parents to have one child because if they had two or
more they would argue and would make (8) ___ noise. We should not forget that
one child needs (9) ___ money. But it is very (10) ___ when you do not have a
brother or sister. There is no one to play (11) ___ when you are (12) ___ home by
yourself. Only children are sometimes selfish and bossy.
1. A difficult B different C numerous
2. A they B their C them
3. A do not have B does not have C have not
4. A on B in C of
5. A up B down C at
6. A independence B independent C independently
7. A am B is C are
8. A many B much C a lot
9. A little B less C the least
10. A funny B easy C boring
11. A with B at C of
12. A in B of C at
Task 2
Fill in the gaps with the following adjectives
Hard-working, sociable, bossy, imaginative, energetic, spoilt, aggressive, selfish,
responsible, charming

1. Someone who likes fighting with people ___________________________

2. Someone who likes to control everything and everybody _______________
3. Someone who is liked by everybody ________________________________
4. Someone who has a lot of energy _________________________________
5. Someone who is very creative ____________________________________
6. Someone who does his part of the job ______________________________
7. Someone who thinks of himself __________________________________
8. Someone who talks a lot and has a lot of friends______________________
9. Someone who works a lot ______________________________________
10.Someone who used to getting what he wants ________________________

Task 3

Fill in the right form of “used to” + Infinitive

play, work, drink, chat, skip, drive

1. He ______________ ________________ coffee in the morning, but now he

drinks tea.
2. I _____________ _____________ the piano.
3. They _________ not ____________ ____________ classes, but now they do
it very often.
4. ________ he __________ ______________ to you on Instagram?
5. She _____________ ____________ to work by her mother’s car.
6. _________ he __________ ___________ hard to buy his own flat?

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