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Do the following activities on a 1 whole sheet of paper. To be passed on May 2 (Thursday)

Read and study these before answering the activity.
S+ IV = The sun shines.
S+ LV + SC= The sun shines so bright. (The word “so bright” is the subject complement for it describes the
subject “the sun”.
S+ TV+ DO = The boy washes the dishes. (The direct object in the sentence is “the dishes” for it answers the
question what receives the action)
S+ TV+ DO+ OC=He drives the car fast. (The object complement in the sentence is “fast” for it describes the
object “car”)
S+TV+IO+DO = He delivers to me the parcel. (The direct object is the “parcel” which answers the question
“What did the subject deliver” while for the indirect
object, “for
whom is the parcel”)
Activity I. Identify the type of pattern used in the following sentences. Copy the sentences then answer.
1. Anthony bought her girlfriend an engagement 8. The batter hit the ball.
ring. 9. Mother gave him the money.
2. She was surprised. 10. She called the boy attractive.
3. Her parents called. 11. They painted the house.
4. She made a basket. 12. She feels bad.
5. He considered Amirah wise and 13. Camila loves him.
compassionate. 14. Trisha sang a song well.
6. The food tastes bad. 15. Sam collapsed.
7. She swims.
Activity II. Identify the type of verb used in the following sentences.
Brief Explanation and Examples:
Linking Verb- It links the subject to a modifier or describing word that provides more information to it.
Example: She dances well. (The word “dances” connects “She” to the describing word “well”)
Transitive Verb- a type of action verb that transfers its action to another noun.
Example: She dances Tango. (The word Tango receives the action dances as the direct object)
Intransitive Verb – A type of verb that can stand alone even without direct object.
Example: She dances.

Linking Verb Transitive Verb Intransitive Verb

16. Samantha is so beautiful. 27. He won a gold.

17. She explained the topic. 28. They scrubbed the floor.
18. She loves playing basketball. 29. Amy looks afraid.
19. He talks fast. 30. They won.
20. Ana recites a poem.
21. She became famous.
22. The baby laughs.
23. They are well-disciplined.
24. Ana joined the competition.
25. She joined.
26. She feels excited.

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