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The story
Book 1-15
For all who don’t wanna read all the main books
The war of Sandwing succession started when Queen Oasis
of the Sandwings was killed by a group of scavengers
(Humans). The three daughters of Queen Oasis (Blister,
Blaze and Burn,) fought for the throne. Blister allied with the
Seawings. Burn with the Mudwings and Skywings. Blaze with
the Icewings. Each sister also had some Sandwings on their

There was a prophecy created by a Nightwing called

Morrowseer. The prophecy was called the Dragonet
prophecy, and the five dragonets of destiny would end the
war of Sandwing succession.
The Skywing egg from the prophecy had been
destroyed by Burn. So that meant that there was four
eggs. But Webs brought back a Rainwing egg.

There was five dragons from the talons of peace

assigned to raise the Dragonets. Asha, Hvitur,
Kestrel, Dune and Webs. Sandly Asha and Hvitur
didn’t make it.
The guardians (especially Kestrel,) didn’t really like
Glory, as she was a Rainwing. Most dragons thought
of Rainwings as lazy.
Clay is a Mudwing. When he was born he ‘attacked’ the
other eggs. He will do anything to protect his friends and
he loves food.

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