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BS PSY – 103P

How would you convince your fellow representative from

other countries to vote in favor of world government?
First and foremost, a world government would provide a unified and coordinated
approach to addressing global issues. Currently, we see multiple international organizations
such as the United Nations, World Health Organization, and World Trade Organization,
among others, trying to tackle global problems. However, these organizations operate
independently, leading to duplication of efforts and conflicting policies. A world government
would bring all these efforts under one umbrella, eliminating duplication and ensuring a more
efficient and effective response to global challenges. Moreover, a world government would
promote peace and stability among nations. In a world where power dynamics and
geopolitical interests often lead to conflicts and wars, a central authority with neutral
oversight would be crucial in preventing and resolving disputes. With a world government,
there would be a common set of laws and regulations that all nations would abide by,
reducing the potential for conflicts and promoting a more peaceful world.

A world government would also facilitate economic development and global

prosperity. Currently, there are disparities in economic policies and trade agreements
between nations, leading to unfair advantages for some and disadvantages for others. With
a world government, there would be a more level playing field, promoting fair trade and
economic growth for all nations. Additionally, a central authority would be better equipped
to address issues such as poverty, inequality, and climate change, which have a global
impact and require coordinated efforts. Of course, there may be concerns about the loss of
sovereignty and the potential for a world government to become too powerful. However, it
is essential to note that a world government would not undermine the sovereignty of
individual nations, but rather complement it. Each nation would still maintain its unique
culture, traditions, and internal affairs. The world government would only have authority on
matters that have a global impact, leaving individual nations to govern themselves on local

In conclusion, a world government is vital for the stability, prosperity, and progress of
our world. It would provide a unified approach to addressing global issues, promote peace
and stability, facilitate economic development, protect human rights, and promote
democracy. While there may be concerns about sovereignty and power, these can be
addressed through proper checks and balances. As representatives from different countries,
it is our responsibility to put aside our individual interests and work towards a better future for
the world as a whole. I urge my fellow representatives to vote in favor of a world government
and join hands in creating a better and more united world.

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