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Hazrat Umar son of Khattab was born in Makkah 12 or 13 years after the birth

of the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet and Umar had a common ancestor in Ka’ab.
Umar was taught reading and writing by his father who was an educated and well
to do merchant of Makkah. Umar was very intelligent and studious. He was a poet
and a very good orator. He was strong and powerful and was fond of archery,
horse riding and wrestling. He was also a successful trader and had visited many
countries in connection with his business. He was an idol worshipper. When Hazrat
Muhammad declared that he was the Prophet of Allah Umar and his father bacame
enemies of the Holy Prophet. On the 6th year of Prophethood the Holy Prophet
prayed to Allah to strengthen Islam by giving him Umar. After his conversion
Hazrat Umar was given the title of Farooq by the Holy Prophet, His conversion was
of immense value to Islam as the small number of people who had embraced Islam
now became brave enough to pray openly. Hazrat Umar took part in the Battle of
Badr, Uhad, Ditch, Khybar and Hunain. He was also present at The Treaty of
Hudaibiya. He placed half of his wealth at the disposal of the Prophet. He is one
of the Ashrah Mubashrah. He was the Second Khalifa of Islam. On assuming the
Khilafat he came to be known as Ameer-Ul-Momineen. He continued to expand the
Muslim empire towards the Persian and Romnan empires and established a
wonderful administrative setup. Under his caliphate the whole of Iraq and most of
Persia were conquered by the Muslim armies led by competent commanders.
Persians were defeated from 634-642AD. Muslim commanders Al-Muthanna
Shaybani and Abu Ubayd Bin Ziyad defeated the Persians who were led by Jaban
in the Battle of Kaksar. Muslims then suffered a defeat in the Battle of Jasr due
to the mistake of their commander Abu Ubayd Bin Ziyad. He crossed the
Euphrates and most of the 10000 Muslim troops were killed by the Persian army
under Bahman. In November 634 AD Al-Muthanna defeated Persians who were led
by Mehran Hamdani in the battle of Buwayb.Muslims defeated in the battle of
Odisha 636. Hazrat S’ad Bin Abi Waqqas led a Muslim army of only 30,000 against
the Army of 60,000 under Rustom. After fierce fighting Muslims got victory and
conquered the Persian capital Madan. Persians were then defeated in the battle of
Jalula by Muslims led by Hashim Bin and Al-Qaqa. After winning the Battles of

secret and Bula in 63518 several parts of Persia were conquered between 637 and
642 AD. Finally Muslims defeated a huge Persian army in the battle of Nihawand
in 642 AD in South Persia. Persians were led by Firuzan while Muslim Army was led
by An-Numan and to Tulayha. The next year many percent provinces were
conquered including Isfahan forest for the sun and right and even neighbouring
territories of sindh. In the Roman empire Hazrat Khalid Bin waleed,other
commanders conquered Jordan, Palestine and Syria in the Battles of pahal and
yarmook in 636 AD. Jeruseum was conquered peacefully. Finally Hazrat Amr Bin
Al-As conquered many parts of Egypt by 641 to 642 AD that the military
campaigns came to an end. Hazrat Umar also developed a successful Administrative
system. He divided the whole Empire into several provinces. important provinces
were Makkah, Madinah, Iraq, Syria including Palestine, Egypt, Khurasan, Persia
and Azerbaijan. Each province was placed under the Governor. Provinces subdivided
into districts that were also controlled by the district governors. The Caliph was
very strict towards all these administrators. He would not hesitate in punishing
those found guilty of negligence of Duty. he would hear Complaints against them
after the Hajj when all assembled at Makkah. He also introduced the concept of
military districts by founding Kufa, Musil and Basra in Iraq and Fustat in Egypt.
the appointed efficient and honest administrators. Hazrat Umar reorganised the
Bait-Al-Mal quite efficiently. It was filled with public funds as a result of honest
collection and distribution of public funds. Being an innovative administrator
introduced new institutes such as the Diwan. It included the incomes of the state
from Zakat, Jizya and Kharaj from the Dhimmis and the revenue from the Al-Fay
or the crown land of the state. After meeting all experiences of the state the
surplus money was dispersed among the Muslims. The recipients were classified on
the basis of the services to Islam. In charge of the Bait-Al-Mal was called the
Amil. Hazrat Umar established important consultative bodies too. The Majlis-E-
Shura comprising selected representatives of the muhajireen and the ansar was
responsible for the discussion of general matters. It was summoned in the
prophet's Mosque where the caliph would put forward the matter before them.
Finally the decision of the majority was accepted. The mujra se comprising

important personalities of all communities was summoned to discuss very important
matters. The Advisory Council included only the muhajireen. Due to a growing
number of pilgrims the compounds of the Kaaba and the prophet mosque made
arrangements for the teaching of the Quran. The Taraweeh prayer was introduced
as the institute to promote Unity among Muslims. The Hijra calendar was
introduced for the purpose of recording important events of history. In order to
ensure transparent suspension of justice he separated the Judiciary from the
influence of the executive. The Qadi was the chief of the judiciary.A team of
several judges. all were paid handsome salaries so that they could not be bribed.
The departments of police and public censor were established for the sake of
providing security, upholding moral values and maintaining discipline in the state. He
was very particular about the rights of the non-muslims. there were also given
stipends from the Bait-Al-Mal and guarantee of justice and security by the Muslim
state in case a non Muslim offered his services to the Muslim Army his Jizya was
waived off. He not only consolidated the conquered territories but also gave the
empire an efficient system of Administration. enforcement of the Sharia law,
organisation of cunsus and the Muslim era of hijra, construction of forts on the
Frontier, establishment of the department of Finance, improvements introduced in
the field of agriculture and farmers patronage for female education at 17 testify
to the services rendered to the cause of Islam. Developed all his time and energy
to the interest of Islam. All the services rightly occupied an outstanding place in
the history of Islam.

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